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African Journal of Food Science Chemical, functional, rheological and sensory

properties of amaranth flour and amaranth flour based paste

Article · December 2016

DOI: 10.5897/AJFS2016.1422


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Bolanle Otegbayo
Bowen University


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Vol. 10(11) pp. 313-319, November 2016
DOI: 10.5897/AJFS2016.1422
Article Number: 8498B9660707
ISSN 1996-0794 African Journal of Food Science
Copyright © 2016
Author(s) retain the copyright of this article

Full Length Research Paper

Chemical, functional, rheological and sensory

properties of amaranth flour and amaranth flour
based paste
Tanimola A. R.1*, Otegbayo B.1and Akinoso R.
Department of Food Science and Technology, Bowen University, Iwo, Osun State, Nigeria.
Department of Food Technology, University of Ibadan, Nigeria.
Received 30 January, 2016; Accepted 15 July, 2016

Amaranth flour was prepared from amaranth grains, and the chemical, functional and rheological
properties were investigated by standard methods, as well as the sensory attributes of the resulting
amaranth flour based paste. The results of the proximate composition showed that amaranth flour has a
protein content of 14.60%, crude fat content of 8.28%, ash content of 1.87%, total carbohydrate of
71.09% and a food calorific value of 417.28 kcal. Mineral analysis showed that the amaranth flour has
6.27 mg/100 g of Zn, 5.96 mg/100 g of Mn, 18.23 mg/100 g of Mg, 11.00 mg/100 g of Fe and 33.29 mg/100
g of Ca. The amylose and amylopectin content was 18.62% and 81.38% respectively. Pasting
characteristics showed the Peak viscosity of amaranth flour to be 120.5 RVU. The color parameters of
the flour and it resulting paste has the L* value to be 71.26 and 41.98 respectively and the brown index
to be 28.74 and 58.02 respectively. Functional properties of the amaranth flour in terms of it water
absorption capacity, swelling index, solubility, dispersibility and reconstitution index, showed it
suitability for paste, as well as its acceptance in terms of appearance, smoothness, taste, aroma and
overall acceptability. The properties of amaranth flour indicate its suitability for use as a substitute for
other flour based paste commonly consumed by Nigerians as a staple food, in addition with its high
nutritional value, which can help contribute to nutrition and food security in Nigeria.

Key words: Amaranth flour, paste, chemical properties, functional properties, sensory attributes.


Grains have generally been classified as either cereal or seeds are classified as pseudocereals. Pseudocereals
legume grains. However, seeds of some vegetable for are seeds or fruits of plants consumed as cereal grains,
example, amaranth are gaining popularity in some but are not derived from grasses. The pseudocereals are
countries because of their high nutritional value and also included in the list of grains recognized by the
properties which can be used in place of cereals. These International American Association of Cereal Chemists as

*Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected]. Tel: +2348057203218.

Author(s) agree that this article remains permanently open access under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
License 4.0 International License
314 Afr. J. Food Sci.

cereals (Gordon, 2006). Nigeria.

Amaranth originated in the Americas, and has been
cultivated for more than 8,000 years (Yarger, 2008).
Amaranthus L. Species contains about 60 varieties on MATERIALS AND METHODS
the American continent, and the most important varieties A. cruentus L. grains used for this research work was obtained from
are: Amaranthus caudatus, Amaranthus hypochondriacus National Horticultural Research Institute (NIHORT), Idi-ishin, Ibadan,
and Amaranthus cruentus (Kram and Szot, 1999). The Oyo State, Nigeria.
seeds are small and mostly spherical, and are majorly
classified as grain-type or vegetable-type seeds. The
Preparation of grain amaranth flour
seed of the grain type has a pale colour, varying from off-
white to pale pink, while the seed of the vegetable type is The amaranth grain seeds were properly cleaned, winnowed and
black and shiny; both types are edible and may be used sorted manually for removal of stones, sand and all forms of dirt.
as flour sources (Yarger, 2008). The seeds have been The grains were then finely ground using a disc attrition mill (Agrico
reported to be drought tolerant and highly adaptable to Model, 0912293, Ibadan, Nigeria) followed by sieving. The flour
the tropics as a potential crop for improving food was packaged in a well-sealed low density polyethylene bag.
availability and food security in sub-Saharan Africa (Piha,
1995). Chemical composition determination
Amaranth grains can be popped like pop corn, or milled
into flour (Ronoh et al., 2009; Yarger, 2008). Its high The proximate composition of the amaranth grain flour was
protein content, reported to be about 16 to 18% has determined using AOAC (2005) method for moisture content, crude
attracted increasing interest by the international fat content, ash content and crude protein content. The total
carbohydrate was determined by difference (Low, 2002). The
community (Ronoh et al., 2009), and its relatively well energy value of the amaranth grain flour was determined using the
established essential amino acid patterns predict its high bomb calorimeter model method of Passmore and Eastwood
protein quality (Mugalavai, 2013). Amaranth protein is (1986). All analyses were carried out in triplicates.
rich in lysine (exogenous amino acids), contains The mineral contents were analysed using AOAC (2005). Using
significant amounts of iron, calcium, B vitamins, vitamin dry ashing, the sample was ashed at 550°C for 3 h. 5 ml of 6N HCl
A, E and C (Kram and Szot, 1999). Mburu et al. (2012) was mixed with the ash and made up to 50 ml with distilled water.
Selected minerals including iron (Fe), calcium (Ca), magnesium
developed a complementary food based on Kenyan (Mg), manganese (Mn) and zinc (Zn) were determined by atomic
Amaranth grain, which had good amount of tocopherol absorption spectrophotometer.
which is important for infant growth and development; Amylose and amylopectin content were determined using the
thiamine, riboflavin and pyridoxine. The environmental method of Hoover and Ratnayake (2002). The method of Mbaeyi-
adaptability and nutritional composition of amaranth grain Nwaoha and Onweluzo (2013) was used to determine the pH of the
flour sample.
are quality attributes that can be used to attract and
promote the utilization of the grain in Nigeria, especially
by the vulnerable groups (women and children), to help Functional properties determination
sustain nutrition security.
In Nigeria, flour based paste is consumed as an The amaranth flour sample was analyzed for water and oil
absorption capacity (Sosulski et al., 1976), Loose and packed bulk
important part of the diet. This is prepared by continuous density (Asoegwu et al. (2006), swelling index and solubility (Leach
mixing flour in boiling water to make a stretchable paste, et al., 1959 and Kaur et al., 2011), dispersibility (Armstrong et al.,
which can be eaten with various soups. This is commonly 1979), Emulsifying Capacity and Emulsion Stability (Yatsumatsu et
prepared from yam flour, wheat flour, garri or cassava al., 1972) and reconstitution index (Makinde and Ladipo, 2012).
paste. Many researches have been carried out, and are The pasting properties of the amaranth flour were determined
with the use of a Rapid Visco Analyzer (RVA). The parameters
still on-going, with efforts to make available more
assessed include: pasting temperature, peak time, set back, final
varieties of flour, as whole or composite flour, for use as viscosity, trough (holding strength) and peak viscosity, which were
a paste, and most importantly improve the nutritional read using thermocline for windows software connected to a
qualities of the resulting paste (Adegunwa et al., 2014; computer, from the pasting profile (Newport Scientific, 1995).
Jimoh and Olatidoye, 2009; Karim et al., 2013; Abioye et
al., 2011)
Colour parameters determination
There have been studies on potential use of amaranth
grains for composite bread, complementary food (Mburu The colour parameters of the samples were measured using
et al., 2012), popped corn (Yarger, 2008) and some chroma meter (Color Tec PCMTM Color Tec Associates, Konica
others. However, the potential of amaranth flour as a Minolta sensing, Inc., Japan). The colorimeter was standardized
paste has not been investigated. The study investigates with a white paper and a black object (Lui-ping et al., 2005). The
parameters recorded were *L, *a and *b coordinates of the CIE
the rheological, functional and chemical properties of
scale. *L (lightness) axis – 0 is black, while 100 is white; *a (red-
grain amaranth flour; and also evaluates the sensory green) axis – positive values are red while negative values are
attributes of the amaranth flour based paste, as green and 0 is neutral; *b (yellow-blue) axis – positive values are
alternatives to common paste commonly consumed in yellow, while negative values are blue and 0 is neutral. From the
Tanimola et al. 315

Table 1. Chemical composition of Amaranth grain flour. amaranth grain flour is comparable to earlier studies on
amaranth grain, 13.57% (Kunyanga et al., 2013) and
Chemical component Amaranth grain flour (%) 14.44% (Njoki et al., 2014). The high protein content of
Crude protein content (%) 14.60±0.13 amaranth flour shows that it could be a cheap source of
Moisture content (%) 4.17±0.28 nutrients in a developing country like Nigeria. Moreover,
Crude fat content (%) 8.28±1.05 the reconstitution of the amaranth flour to paste may be
Ash content (%) 1.87±0.04 said to increase its protein quality, according to previous
Total carbohydrates (%) 71.09±1.32 research on effect of thermal processing on amaranth
Energy (kcal) 417.28 nutritive value. The protein quality of amaranth grain
processed by extrusion cooking increased from 17 to
Amylose (%) 18.62
18.1% This increase in its nutritive value was probably
Amylopectin (%) 81.38
because it contains heat-labile growth inhibitors, increase
pH 5.90 ± 0.10
in dry matter or that heat processing increases nutrient
*Results show means of triplicates ± standard deviation. availability (Mendoza and Bressani, 1987).
The moisture content of the amaranth flour was
determined to be 4.17% (Table 1), which is in the range
data obtained, deltaChroma (ΔC), colour intensity (ΔE) and hue of acceptable limit for shelf life stability of dry products
angle were calculated using Eqs. i, ii and iii, respectively (Hunt, (Kayisu et al., 1981), hindering the growth of
1991), and the brown index (BI) using Eq iv (Babajide et al., 2006). microorganisms. The amaranth flour had a crude fat
content of 8.28%, which is similar to that of soy-plantain
sΔC = √( ) ( ) (1) flour blend (7.05%) for paste (Abioye et al., 2011). This
could be said to have a significant effect in contributing to
ΔE = √( ) ( ) ( ) (2)
the flavor and palatability of the resulting dough, since
dietary fats have a role of increasing food palatability by
Hue angle Tan-1 (3)
absorbing and retaining flavors (Lindsay, 1996). The flour
had an ash content of 1.87% (Table 1), comparable to
BI = 100 – L* (4)
amaranth grain grown in Uganda, 2.85% (Muyonga et al.,
2008) and similar to that of yam flour, 1.74% (Karim et
Sensory evaluation al., 2013). The total carbohydrate content (71.09%) of
amaranth grain flour is similar to that of yam flour
The amaranth flour was reconstituted into paste using about 50 g of observed by Ojokoh and Gabriel (2010) (78.20%) and
flour and 150 ml of boiling water. This was thoroughly stirred with a
wooden spoon for smooth consistency, covered and cooked for
Oyeyiola et al. (2014). The food calorific value of the
about 5 minutes, stirred and wrapped in polyethylene and then kept amaranth flour was calculated to be 417.28 kcal (Table
in a Styrofoam box prior to sensory evaluation. A control was 1), which could be said to be balance enough to meet the
prepared from wheat flour, using the same preparation method energy requirement of an adult. Similar results were
described above. The evaluation was carried out by twenty panelists obtained for plantain flour, 384.33 to 394.09 Kcal
selected from people conversant with the consumption of pastes. (Oluwalana and Oluwamukomi, 2011).
The panelists evaluated the samples using questionnaires for
scoring the sensory attributes of appearance, smoothness, taste,
The results showed the amylose content and
aroma and overall acceptability on a 9-point hedonic scale, amylopectin content of amaranth grain flour to be 18.62
presented to them in an environment with no interference for bias and 81.38% respectively (Table 1). The amylose fraction
expression, and under bright lighting. in amaranth grain was high when compared with the
fraction obtained for white trifoliate yam and yellow
trifoliate yam flour (15.38 and 15.51%) (Abiodun and
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Akinoso, 2014). Amylose content has been observed to
have a high effect on the swelling power, viscosity,
Chemical properties of amaranth grain flour solubility, pasting and other textural qualities of starchy
foods (Otegbayo et al., 2013; Satin, 1998 According to
The protein content of amaranth grain flour was 14.60% Otegbayo et al. (2011), swelling power increases as
(Table 1) which showed a high level of protein as amylose content is lowered, implying that the amylose
compared with most other flour used for making paste. content observed in amaranth flour indicates lower
Such include: 4.28 – 6.11% protein content reported for swelling power than white and yellow trifoliate yam flour
yam flour (used for amala) by Ojokoh and Gabriel (2010) (Abiodun and Akinoso, 2014) and most other yam flour
and 1.8% by Oyeyiola et al. (2014). Karim et al. (2015) and starches (Oke et al., 2013; Wireko-Manu et al.,
also reported 3.52% for plantain flour, a range of 4.54 - 2011). The pH of the amaranth grain flour was 5.90
8.40% for soy-plantain flour blends (Abioye et al., 2011) showing that the amaranth flour is slightly acidic.
and also a range of 5.73 – 8.46% for moringa fortified Amaranth grain flour has mineral contents of 6.27
yam flour (Karim et al., 2013). The protein content of the mg/100 g for Zinc, 5.96 mg/100 g for manganese, 18.23
316 Afr. J. Food Sci.

Table 2. Mineral composition of Amaranth Table 4. Pasting properties of Amaranth flour.

grain flour.
RVA parameters Amaranth flour
Minerals Amounts (mg/100 g) Peak viscosity (RVU) 120.5 ± 1.00
Zn 6.27 Trough viscosity (RVU) 112.1 ± 1.15
Mn 5.96 Breakdown viscosity (RVU) 8.5 ± 1.00
Mg 18.23 Final viscosity (RVU) 132.2 ± 3.05
Fe 11.00 Setback viscosity (RVU) 201.4 ± 1.15
Ca 33.29 Peak time (min) 5.90 ± 0.03
Pasting temperature (°C) 81.47 ± 0.03
*Results show means ± standard deviation.
Table 3. Functional properties of Amaranth grain

Functional parameter Proportion (Table 3). An understanding of this is useful in

Water absorption capacity (g/g) 1.60 ± .04 determining the packaging requirement, application in
Loose bulk density (g/cm ) 0.45 ± 0.00
wet processing and material handlings of flours
3 (Adebowale et al., 2008). In comparism with other flour
Packed bulk density (g/cm ) 0.57 ± 0.00
for paste preparation, these values are similar to the one
Swelling index 7.76 ± 0.03
observed by Abioye et al. (2011) for soy-plantain flour
Solubility (%) 6.53 ± 0.81 3
(0.42 – 0.46 g/cm ), and higher than those observed by
Dispersibility (%) 14.92 ± 0.25 (Oluwalana and Oluwamukomi, 2011) for plantain flour
Reconstitution index (ml/g) 0.40 ± 0.02 blanched at different temperature (0.159 – 0.420 g/cm ).
Emulsion capacity 0.09 ± 0.01 When compared with yam flour (0.71 – 0.88 g/cm ), the
Emulsion stability 0.07 ± 0.01 bulk density of the amaranth flour could be said to be
*Results show means of triplicates ± standard lower, indicating a lesser packaging requirement than
deviation. yam flour (Adebowale et al., 2008).
The swelling index and solubility of amaranth flour were
determined to be 7.76 and 6.53% respectively (Table 3).
These values are closely related to those of some other
mg/100 g for magnesium, 11.00 mg/100 g for iron and flour for paste: 7.48 – 7.96 swelling index and 6.31 – 6.83
3.39 mg/100 g for calcium (Table 2). The iron content is solubility for soy-plantain flour (Abioye et al, 2011).
five times higher than the one in soy plantain flour, but However, the swelling index of trifoliate yam flour was
with similar calcium content (Abioye et al., 2011). observed to be 1.46 – 2.28 (Abiodun and Akinoso,
Minerals are necessary for normal cellular activity and 2014).The high swelling index of amaranth flour and soy-
growth. The results showed that amaranth grain flour can plantain flour could be as a result of their high protein
be utilized as a good source of micronutrient to meet the content, as against that of yam flour. The solubility
need of the vulnerable groups in Nigeria. showed the rate and extent to which the components of
the powder particles dissolve in water, which depends on
the chemical composition and physical state of the
Functional properties of amaranth grain flour product.
The reconstitution index and dispersibility of amaranth
The water absorption capacity of amaranth grain flour flour were observed to be 0.40 ml/g and 14.92%
was determined to be 1.60 g/g (Table 3). Water respectively (Table 3). Reconstitution index and
absorption capacity is the ability of the flour to associate dispersibility are temperature and particle size dependant
with water under a condition where water is limiting, (Igyor et al., 2011). Dispersibility is the ability of flour to
which is mainly dependent on proteins at room be wet without the formation of lumps, with simultaneous
temperature (Otegbayo et al., 2013), and to a lesser disintegration of agglomerates. The importance of
extent on starch and cellulose. This relationship is shown dispersibility is that it indicates the reconstitution ability of
in the water absorption capacity (80.05 to 86.50 %) of the sample (Otegbayo et al., 2013).
soy-plantain flour (Abioye et al., 2011) which has lower
protein content than amaranth grain flour. The degree of
association of starch granules in different flour samples Pasting properties of amaranth flour
could also cause variation in water absorption capacity
(Falade and Kolawole, 2011; Abiodun and Akinoso, The pasting properties of amaranth flour are shown in
3 3
observed to be 0.45 g/cm and 0.57 g/cm respectively Table 4. The term „pasting‟ is referred to as changes
Tanimola et al. 317

Table 4. Pasting properties of Amaranth flour. Table 5. Colour parameters of Amaranth grain flour and
it reconstituted paste.
RVA parameters Amaranth flour
Peak viscosity (RVU) 120.5 ± 1.00 Sample Amaranth flour Amaranth paste
Trough viscosity (RVU) 112.1 ± 1.15 L* 71.26 ± 0.03 41.98 ± 0.38
Breakdown viscosity (RVU) 8.5 ± 1.00 a* 3.75 ± 0.01 4.44 ± 0.08
Final viscosity (RVU) 132.2 ± 3.05 b* 17.24 ± 0.01 11.36 ± 0.15
Setback viscosity (RVU) 201.4 ± 1.15 Brown index 28.74 58.02
Peak time (min) 5.90 ± 0.03 Tan - b/a 77.73 68.65
Pasting temperature (°C) 81.47 ± 0.03 ΔE 23.05 8.56
ΔC 5.62 0.76
*Results show means ± standard deviation.
*Results show means of triplicates ± standard deviation..

in viscosity during gelation (Zeng et al., 1996), mainly

dependent on the starch content of gelatinized food was slightly brown. The „a*‟ and „b*‟ values were 3.75,
(Adeyemi and Beckley, 1986). The peak viscosity of the 17.24 for flour and 4.44 and 11.36 for paste respectively.
flour was 120.5 RVU, trough viscosity was 112.1 RVU, The brown index of the flour and paste were 28.74 and
breakdown viscosity was 8.5 RVU, final viscosity was 58.02 respectively. Brown index shows the extent of
132.2 RVU, setback viscosity was 201.4 RVU, peak time discoloration and can be linked to the total phenols of the
was 5.9 min and pasting temperature was 81.47°C. flour and paste (Babajide et al., 2006). The brown index
Amaranth flour had higher peak viscosity than of the flour increased in the paste during reconstitution as
blanched/soaked white and yellow trifoliate yam flour, a result of the thermal degradation of the originally
89.50 RVU and 84.08 RVU resp. but lower than those of colourless complex phenols in the flour to coloured
the unblanched white and yellow trifoliate yam flour, phenols in the paste (Akissoe et al., 2006). The colour of
213.33 RVU and 173.50 RVU resp. (Abiodun and flour as well as that of the resulting dough has high
Akinoso, 2014). The peak viscosity points to the water influence on it acceptability.
binding capacity and viscosity of the flour sample
(Abiodun and Akinoso, 2014), which also reflects the
ability of starch granules to swell freely before been Sensory evaluation of amaranth flour based paste
broken down physically (Wireko-Manu et al., 2011). The
high pasting temperature of amaranth flour, 81.47°C The sensory properties of the paste from amaranth flour
(Table 4) implies longer cooking time, since the onset of and wheat flour (control) are presented in Table 6. The
rise in viscosity and gelatinization temperature is as a smoothness attribute of amaranth paste (7.05) and
result of the pasting temperature (Otegbayo et al., 2013). control paste (6.45) were closely related. However, the
The pasting temperature was similar to those of soy scores of appearance taste, aroma and overall
plantain mixes, 89.20-92.40°C (Abioye et al., 2011). In acceptability were also similar. The control sample had
the food industry, pasting and gelatinization of flour or the highest score in terms of appearance, smoothness,
starch are important because they influence the texture, taste, aroma and overall acceptability, which could be as
stability and digestibility of starchy foods. Hence need for a result of familiarity of the panelists with the control
their determination, because they influence the sample which made a good number of them prefer it than
applications and output of flours and starches in various the amaranth paste. However, amaranth paste also
foods (Oke et al., 2013). received acceptable scores in terms of all the sensory
attributes, suggesting its acceptability and suitability for
Colour parameters of amaranth grain flour and paste

Table 5 provided an average evaluation of the colour Conclusion

characteristics of amaranth flour and paste in terms of the
CIE tristimulus colour parameters, brown index, and The chemical, functional and pasting properties of
calculated deltachroma (ΔE), colour difference (ΔC) and amaranth grain flour were comparable to those of other
hue angle. These colour parameters are objective means flour useful for making paste in Nigeria, as stated in
of evaluating the colour characteristics of the flour and literatures, with better protein content and some other
paste. The L* value of the flour (71.26) was higher than functional properties. The sensory evaluation conducted
that of the paste (41.98) which was is as expected for showed moderate acceptability, which can be made
flour colour the had a light colour and that of the paste, better by increasing the awareness about the nutritional
318 Afr. J. Food Sci.

Table 6. Result of sensory evaluation.

Sample Control reconstituted paste Amaranth reconstituted paste

Appearance 7.15±0.81 6.25±1.48
Smoothness 7.05±1.20 6.45±1.80
Taste 7.20±1.36 5.50±1.28
Aroma 7.00±1.41 5.65±1.39
Overall acceptability 7.40±0.82 6.15±0.99
*Results show means of 20 panelists ± standard deviation.

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