Starting of Main Engine
Starting of Main Engine
Starting of Main Engine
For various types of main engines of ships, it is important to carry out proper checks, take
necessary precautions and maintain parameters for trouble-free operation. Good
watchkeeping and maintenance results in higher efficiency, fewer breakdowns, and smooth
operation. In this article, we will go through some generalised and most important points
for all types of main engines.
Before starting the main engine, the following checks and procedures are to be undertaken.
All components that have been overhauled are to be checked and wherever possible
“function tested”. All equipment, tools, and rags used during overhaul are to be removed
from the engine.
1. Air systems
a) Check the oil level in the main engine sump and replenish if necessary
b) Start main engine LO pump and a turbocharger LO pump
c) Ensure all of the oil pressures are correct
d) Ensure there is adequate oil flow for piston cooling and turbochargers
e) Check the oil level in the cylinder LO tank and that the supply to the lubricator is open.
Check cylinder oil flowmeter is properly functioning and note the counter of the flowmeter
a) Ensure Main Engine Jackets are under normal circumstances, the main engine jacket
water is continuously circulated through a preheater during the stay in port and are never
Slow turning of the engine must be carried out to prevent damage caused by fluid leaking
into any of the cylinders. Permission from the bridge must be sought before turning the
engine. Pre-lubrication should be carried out. Always carry out the slow turning operation at
the latest possible moment before starting.
a) Ensure the regulating handles are in the FINISHED WITH ENGINES position
b) Ensure all of the cylinder indicator cocks are open
c) Turn the engine one revolution with the turning gear. Check to see if fluid flows out of any
of the indicator valves
d) Disengage the turning gear and ensure it is locked in the OUT position
e) Check that the indicator lamp for TURNING GEAR ENGAGED extinguishes
Permission must be sought from the bridge before turning the engine. The bridge should be
asked for propeller clearance. Always carry out the slow turning at the latest possible
moment before starting and within the last 30 minutes. Bring Main Engine to standby mode.
a) Select SLOW TURNING on the main engine operating panel if present or give a kick from
engine control room by moving the regulating handle to dead slow momentarily. When
operating telegraph from engine control, communicate with the bridge, they should follow
your command on the telegraph. As the engine turns, check to see if any fluid flows out of
the indicator cocks
b) When the engine has turned one revolution, move the regulating handle back to the
STOP position
c) Close all of the indicator cocks. Also, close the turbocharger drains
a) Check fuel oil supply pump and fuel oil circulating pump. If the engine was running on
heavy fuel oil when stopped, the circulating pump and fuel heaters should still be running
b) Check the fuel oil pressures and temperatures. Check fuel oil flowmeters are properly
functioning and note the counter of the flowmeter
7. Miscellaneous
a) Check that all of the engine instrumentation is reading correctly. If not, check the
instruments and replace as necessary
b) Check that all scavenge air receiver and box drains are open and that the test cocks are
c) Check that the engine top bracing system is in service
d) Check the thrust bearing temperature and lube oil pressure is in range. Check axial
vibration damper and torsional vibration damper lube oil pressure is in range
e) Check the fuel leak off alarm is functional. Check the level of fuel leak off tank to notice
any rise in level later due to leakage
f) Check the level of scavenge drain tank, the tank should not be full or else will lead to
overflow of scavenge spaces of Main Engine
g) Check the governer is responding efficiently
During normal running, regular checks have to be made and precautions are to be taken
Regular checks of the system and engine pressures and temperatures
The values read off the instruments compared with those given in the commissioning
records, taking into account engine speed and/or engine power, provide an excellent
datum for estimating the engine performance. Compare temperatures by feeling the pipes.
The essential readings are the load indicator position, turbocharger speed, charge air
pressure and exhaust gas temperature before the turbine. A valuable criterion is also the
daily fuel consumption, considering the lower calorific value
Check and compare between cylinders the mean indicated pressure, compression pressure
and maximum combustion pressures
When abnormally high or low temperatures are detected at a water outlet, the temperature
must be brought to the prescribed normal value very gradually. Abrupt temperature
changes can cause damage
The maximum permissible exhaust gas temperature at the turbocharger inlet must not be
Check the combustion by observing the colour of the exhaust gases
Maintain the correct charge air temperature after the air cooler with the normal water flow.
In general, higher charge air temperatures will result in less oxygen in the cylinder, which in
turn will result in a higher fuel consumption and higher exhaust gas temperatures
Check the charge air pressure drop across the air filters and air coolers. Excessive resistance
will lead to a lack of air to the engines
The fuel oil has to be carefully filtered before being used. Open the drain cocks of all fuel
tanks and fuel oil filters regularly for a short period to drain off any water or sludge which
may have collected there. Maintain the correct fuel oil pressure at the inlet to the fuel
injection pumps. Adjust the pressure at the injection pump supply manifold with the
pressure-regulating valve in the fuel oil return pipe, so that the fuel oil circulates within the
system at the normal delivery capacity of the fuel oil circulating pump
The heavy fuel oil has to be sufficiently heated to ensure that its viscosity before the inlet to
the fuel injection pumps lies within the specified limits
Determine the cylinder lubricating oil consumption. Extended service experience will
determine the optimum cylinder lubricating oil consumption
The cooling fresh water pumps should be run at their normal operating point, ie, the actual
delivery head corresponds with the designed value. If the pressure difference between inlet
and outlet exceeds the desired value, the pump overhaul should be considered
The vents at the uppermost points of the cooling water spaces must be kept closed
Check the level in all water and oil tanks as well as all the drainage tanks of the
leakage piping. Investigate any abnormal changes
Observe the condition of the cooling fresh water. Check for oil contamination
Check the charge air receiver drain manifold’s sight glass to see if any water is
draining away and if so, how much
Check the scavenge space test cocks to see if any liquid is flowing out with the
charge air
Check the pressure drop across the oil filters. Clean them if necessary
The temperature of the running gear should be checked where possible by listening
and observing the crankcase externally and monitoring the oil mist detector
readings. Bearings which have been overhauled or replaced must be given special
attention for some time after being put into normal service
Listening to the noise of the engine will reveal any irregularities
The power being developed by the cylinders should be checked regularly and
adjustments made via the control system to preserve cylinder power balance
Centrifuge the lubricating oil. Lube oil samples should be taken at frequent intervals
and sent ashore for analysis
Check the exhaust valves are rotating and operating smoothly. If not, the valve not
rotating normally has to be overhauled at the next opportunity
After Bridge has given Finish with Engines, switch the engine control to engine
control room
Check that the auxiliary blowers switch off automatically at Finish with engines(FEW)
if they are in AUTO mode or else switch them off manually
Close the starting air valve of the main engine and vent control air system. A good
practice is to lock the main starting valve in its lowest position by means of the
locking plate
Close the valve for starting air distribution system
Engage the turning gear and check the indicator lamp
After stopping the engine, wait a minimum of 15 minutes before stopping the main
engine LO pump if work is to be undertaken in the crankcase. This prevents
overheating of cooled surfaces in the combustion chambers and counteracts the
formation of carbon deposits in the piston crowns.
Keep the engine preheated to a minimum of 50°C or according to main engine
manual requirement
If the engine was operating on HFO, do not stop the FO circulating and supply
pumps. If the engine was operating on MDO, both the FO circulating and supply
pumps may be stopped
Switch off any equipment which is not required during the engine standstill period