Degree of Conversion of Three Composite PDF
Degree of Conversion of Three Composite PDF
Degree of Conversion of Three Composite PDF
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Article history: Objectives: Adhesive luting of indirect restorations can be carried out employing dual- or
Received 3 November 2008 light-curing materials. This in vitro study evaluated the degree of conversion (DC) of the
Received in revised form materials employed in this procedure, seeking how the combination of time and power of
24 March 2009 curing applied during polymerisation, as well as the temperature of the light-curing
Accepted 3 April 2009 composite, influenced the DC.
Materials and methods: One hundred and eighty onlays of different thicknesses (2 mm, 3 mm,
4 mm) were luted with three different composites: two dual-curing cements (Variolink1 II
Keywords: and Calibra1) and a light-curing composite (Venus1). The same halogen lamp was used with
Adhesive cementation three different modalities selected to provide a constant quantity of energy. The time/power
Degree of monomer conversion combinations tested were 400 mW/cm2 for 120 s, 800 mW/cm2 for 60 s and 1200 mW/cm2 for
Indirect restorations 40 s. The light-curing composite was employed at room temperature and after preheating at
Micro-Raman analysis 54 8C. Each sample was examined in three positions using the Micro-Raman Dilor HR
Polymerisation LabRam spectrometer to evaluate the polymer conversion degree. The data were analysed
using analysis of variance and the Student–Newman–Keuls test ( p = 0.05).
Results: The dual-curing materials showed average conversion percentages close to 64%,
although onlays thickness clearly influence the degree of conversion, the light-curing
composite showed satisfactory results only when onlays thickness was thin, however
preheating significantly improved the performance of the light-curing composite under
onlays of great thickness.
Conclusions: Optimal luting of indirect restorations is clearly dependent from light source
power, irradiation time and dual-cure luting cement or light-curing composite chosen. It
should be calibrated for each material to acquire high DCs. Preheating of light-curing only
composites allows for the materials to reach optimal conversion degrees.
# 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
* Corresponding author at: Department of Restorative Dentistry, School of Dentistry, University of Brescia, P.le Spedali Civili 1, 25123
Brescia, Italy. Tel.: +39 030 3995780, +39 335 284370 (mobile); fax: +39 0381 71006.
E-mail address: (A. Cerutti).
0300-5712/$ – see front matter # 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
journal of dentistry 37 (2009) 610–615 611
1. Introduction can be different from the surface to the inner part because of
the diffusion of oxygen in the superficial layer of material
Morphological and functional restoration of compromised (5–100 mm), which partially or totally inhibits polymerisation.
teeth can be achieved by means of a direct or indirect Preheating the light-curing composites has been widely
restoration. shown to increase the composite DC, which improves the
The need for amalgam alternatives and the demand for properties of the luting agent and results in a more easily
aesthetic restorations have led to increased popularity of resin handleable and homogenous material.30–44 A precise method
composite restorations for posterior teeth, but the main for assessing the DC of cement is Raman spectroscopy,45–47
shortcoming of the composites – the polymerisation shrinkage which allows for detailed measurement of the non-reacted
of the resin – still presents a problem.1–3 In posterior cavities, methacrylate groups.
especially with the cervical margin situated in dentin, the This experimental study analysed the DC of composite
mass to be polymerised is so large that the shrinkage forces materials employed in the adhesive luting of indirect
prevail, thereby producing marginal gaps and defects.4,5 This restorations, and evaluated the incidence on the polymerisa-
promotes micro-leakage, which can lead to secondary caries, tion rate of the following variables: restoration thickness,
pulp irritation, postoperative sensitivity and marginal dis- polymerising method applied and temperature of the compo-
colouration.6–8 site material. The null hypothesis was that there would be a
A promising method to reduce the shrinkage problem is the difference in the DC among the various materials and curing
resin composite inlay/onlay technique9–11 in which the shrink- methods used.
age amount is limited to the thin luting resin composite layer.
Improved marginal adaptation and seal of the inlays have been
reported,12–14 and Peutzfeldt and Asmussen15 showed that 2. Materials and methods
contraction gap formation around resin composite inlays could
be prevented. Excellent marginal quality has been reported 2.1. Preparation of onlays
initially and after in vivo aging,13,16,17 and the clinical potential of
the inlay/onlay technique has been described in several short- One hundred and eighty onlays of different thickness were
term studies.16,18–22 Moreover, van Dijken reported on an 11- realised employing a metal custom template. In the template,
year follow up of direct composite inlays and onlays23 in which three holes (6 mm diameter and 2, 3 and 4 mm depth) were
good durability, excellent marginal adaptation and low fre- prepared. Inside of each hole a standard quantity of Signum1
quency of secondary caries were observed. composite shade A2 (Heraeus, Hanau, Germany) was cured for
Criteria that must be considered while cementing a 180 s in the dedicated oven.
restoration follow:
2.2. Tested composites
Mechanical: for a micro-mechanical and chemical adhesion.
Structural: for an increase in the restoration resistance. The luting materials considered were Calibra1 (Dentsply,
Biological: to hermetically seal the space between tooth and Woodbridge, Ontario, Canada), Variolink1 II (Ivoclar-Viva-
restoration. dent, Schaan, Liechtenstein) and Venus1 (Heraeus). The latter,
Aesthetic: to guarantee chromatic integration between a micro-hybrid composite material, was employed at two
tooth and restoration. different temperatures: first at room temperature and then at
54 8C after preheating in a Calset1 oven (AdDent, Danbury, CT,
Indirect restorations adhesive luting is performed employ- USA). The heated composite temperature was verified by
ing both dual-curing and light-curing cements.24–27 A litera- means of a thermometer.
ture analysis describes how each material presents
advantages and disadvantages in this clinical procedure. 2.3. Luting procedure
Dual-curing materials are advantaged by their self-curing
component, which favours the conversion even in presence of Three different curing modalities were chosen to provide the
scarce radiant energy, but have the disadvantage of being same quantity of energy (48 J) to the material: 1200 mW/cm2
considerably fluid and requiring the mixture of two elements for 40 s, 800 mW/cm2 for 60 s and 400 mW/cm2 for 120 s.
(responsible for the formation of porosities or voids and for the Before luting, the composite material was put onto a glass
incorporation of bubbles). Light-curing composites are easily slide, then quickly measured by a precision balance in order to
handled and are characterised by controllable hardening standardise the quantity of material employed for luting.
times that create high quality margins, but their light only The onlays were then put onto the slide carrying the
activation constitutes a disadvantage. cement, and light-curing was subsequently carried out by the
The cement properties are determined by the degree of halogen lamp Swiss Master Light1 (EMS, Neun, Switzerland),
monomer conversion. The non-reacted double-bonds provide which was screened to make the light reach the cement
the parameter used to assess the materials degree of conversion obligatorily passing through the onlay.
(DC). For the composites currently used in commerce, the DC
ranges from 35 to 67%, and with light-activated systems, the DC 2.4. Micro-Raman analysis
decreases as the distance from the surface increases due to the
attenuation of the radiant energy as it passes through Twenty-four hours after the polymerisation procedure, the
the thickness of the material.28,29 The DC of composite resins onlays were detached from the slide and the superficial
612 journal of dentistry 37 (2009) 610–615
Table 1 – Mean degree of conversion (in percentage) and standard deviation of the tested materials polymerised according
to three different time/power combinations.
Material Curing mode Onlay thickness
2 mm 3 mm 4 mm
Variolink II 40 s 1200 mW/cm 72 (1,2) (8.6) 51 (2) (9.8) 45 (1) (10.5)
60 s 800 mW/cm 2 73 (6.1) 66 (11.6) 64 (7.5)
120 s 400 mW/cm 2 77 (3,4) (2.8) 52 (3) (9.9) 51 (4) (12.3)
Venus (normal) 40 s 1200 mW/cm 2 65 (9,10) (6.1) 40 (9) (4.4) 34 (10) (5)
60 s 800 mW/cm 2 68 (11,12) (2.6) 39 (11) (7) 36 (12) (7.6)
120 s 400 mW/cm 2 68 (13,14) (2) 40 (13) (8.2) 31 (14) (6.1)
Venus (54 8C) 40 s 1200 mW/cm 2 72(15,16) (7) 64 (15) (6.1) 60 (16) (7)
60 s 800 mW/cm 2 70 (17,18) (2.6) 67 (17) (4.1) 59 (18) (6.4)
120 s 400 mW/cm 2 68 (19,20) (3.3) 65 (19) (5.3) 59 (20) (6.9)
Equal numbers show statistically significant differences among group of the same material ( p = 0.05).
journal of dentistry 37 (2009) 610–615 613
Fig. 1 – The percentage degree of conversion reached by the Fig. 3 – The percentage degree of conversion reached by the
tested materials when cured at 1200 mW/cm2 for 40 s. tested materials when cured at 400 mW/cm2 for 120 s. The
Relevant differences in DC can be evidenced as long as the significant ( p = 0.05) drawback in the performances of
thickness of the interposed onlay increases, both intra- Variolink II and Venus is clearly displayed.
and inter-material, setting the significance level at 5%.
thickness to 3 and 4 mm, Calibra1 and the pre-heated micro- composites. (b) Under 3 and 4 mm thick onlays Calibra and
hybrid composites had significantly higher results ( p = 0.05) the pre-heated micro-hybrid composite worked significantly
than the other two composites. In particular, the room better than the other materials ( p = 0.05).
temperature micro-hybrid composite reached the worst
degree of conversion ( p = 0.05). Surprisingly, the DC of the 4. Discussion
dual-curing composite Variolink II shows a relevant
decrease underneath 2 and 4 mm thick onlays: this can be This study measured the DC of different cements polymerised
due to the relatively short irradiation time, unable to fully beneath 2, 3 and 4 mm thick onlays. Our results may be
activate the light-curing component (that probably is explained according to previous literature1 reports regarding
strongly represented in this material). the decrease in light intensity with increasing distance from
- Curing at 800 mW/cm2 for 60 s (Fig. 2): (a) under 2 mm thick the composite surface.
onlays, the micro-hybrid composite (normal and pre-heated) The difference in the DC of the materials underneath
had significantly lower DCs ( p = 0.05) than the two dual- onlays of different thickness can be explained considering
curing materials, while (b) under 3 and 4 mm thick onlays, their composition, as reported by Ogunyinka et al.50 According
the room temperature micro-hybrid material had signifi- to their research, the disparities in bulk conversion of the
cantly lower performances than the other composites light-activated resin composite materials containing different
( p = 0.05). photoinitiator chemistries were correlated with changes in
- Applying 400 mW/cm2 for 120 s (Fig. 3): (a) under 2 mm thick light transmission measured in real time throughout poly-
onlays, the two dual-curing materials reached significantly merisation. The polymerisation efficiency was reliant upon
higher degrees of conversion ( p = 0.05) if compared to the spectral distribution of the light-curing unit, absorption
the room-temperature and the pre-heated micro-hybrid spectra of the photoinitiator and co-initiator type.
The influence of the restoration thickness on the material
DC was also investigated by Musanje and Darvell.51 Their data
showed that the dramatic attenuation in irradiance with
increasing specimen thickness is in accord with previous
reports,52,21 even though little consideration seems to have
been given to the essential physics. Although this attenuation
is expected to be in part dependent on filler volume fraction,
particle size distribution, particle shape (roughness) and
refractive index difference (compared with the matrix),
making direct comparisons is difficult due to the lack of
adequate data on the fillers.
Note that using a dual-curing material or a pre-heated
micro-hybrid composite reduced the influence of the restora-
Fig. 2 – The percentage degree of conversion reached by the tion thickness on the DC. While this outcome was predictable
tested materials when cured at 800 mW/cm2 for 60 s. for the dual-curing composites, data referring to the heat
Relevant differences in DC can be evidenced as long as the application to micro-hybrid composite were extremely inter-
thickness of the interposed onlay increases setting the esting.
significance level at 5%. It is therefore evident the increase In 1996, Park53 compared the DC of light-cured and
in the degree of conversion of Variolink II. additionally heat-cured composites using the Fourier trans-
614 journal of dentistry 37 (2009) 610–615
form infrared (FT-IR) technique. In all tested composites, of a self-curing component negatively affects the results, and
significant differences in the DC were observed for both that the light-curing component is not able to guarantee an
distance from the light source and the different curing acceptable degree of conversion underneath onlays of greater
methods by two-way ANOVA. When the samples were thickness (note, however, that this composite is mainly utilised
light-cured only, the DC decreased as the distance from the in direct restorations). It is then clear that the application of heat
light source increased in all types of composites ( p < 0.05). The to the above mentioned material guarantees good results even
degree of increase in DC after heat-curing differed among in the cementation of thick onlays.
the composites. Moreover, the physical properties of compo- Basing on the obtained data and on the statistical analysis
sites can be increased significantly through the heat-curing performed, the null hypothesis, which stated that a difference
process, and they are related to the overall increase in DC. was expected among the tested materials cured according to
From this study, the following conclusions were drawn. First, different modalities, is then accepted.
when the composites were light-cured, the degree of conver-
sion diminished as the distance from the light source
increased, especially when it exceeded 2 mm from the light 5. Conclusions
source. Second, significant increases were observed in the
degree of conversion after heat-curing, and the amount of Onlays thickness affect the degree of conversion of both dual-
increase differed among materials. Third, in heat-cured curing cements and light-curing composite; no ideal curing
composites, the degree of conversion for the outer parts of time and power combination could be suggested, although the
the samples was greater than for the inner portion. Our study differences were pointed out only under 3 or 4 mm thick
fully confirms Park’s53 findings, even if the evaluation method onlays. All these parameters must be optimised for each
was different (micro-Raman spectroscopy vs. FT-IR) and the material. An optimal conversion degrees was reached with
heat-curing times applied by Park53 were much longer. preheating light-curing only composites.
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tions of cementation, and thus our results are clinically
applicable. To perform this study we used Micro-Raman
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