L5 Theoretical Background & Conceptual Framework

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Lesson 5: Theoretical Background & Conceptual Framework Conceptual Framework

Theoretical Background • An end result of bringing together a number of related concepts to

explain a given event or give a broader understanding of a research
• Refers to the theory that a researcher chooses to guide him/her in
his/her research
Importance of Conceptual Framework: Strengthens the study by:
• The application of a theory, or a set of concepts drawn from one and
• Allowing new research data for other interpretation and coded for
the same theory:
future use.
✓ to offer an explanation of an event
• Outline responses to new problems that have no previously identified
✓ to shed some light on a particular phenomenon or research
solutions strategy
• Connects certain facts among the accumulated knowledge that are
Importance of Theoretical important and which facts are not in your study.
Background: Strengthens the study by: • Shows relationships of dependent, independent and moderator
• Explicit statement of theoretical assumptions permits the reader to variables in the study.
evaluate them critically. • Provide frame of reference for the boundaries set in the study.
• Connects the researcher to existing knowledge.
Example of Conceptual Framework
• Guided by a relevant theory that gives researchers basis for your
hypotheses and choice of research methods.
• Permits intellectual transition from simply describing a phenomenon
to generalization.
• Identify the limits to those generalizations by specifying which key
variables influence a phenomenon of interest and highlights the need
to examine how those key variables might differ and under what

Example of Theoretical Background

Example of Theoretical Background & Conceptual Framework Points to Remember in Writing

1. Examine the thesis title and research problem for it forms the basis
• Theoretical Background
from which the theoretical background will be constructed.
“Stimulus elicits response”
2. Brainstorm about the key variables that is considered in study.
• Conceptual framework
3. Review related literature to find how scholars have addressed your
“New teaching method improves student’s academic
research problem and identify the assumptions from which the
author(s) addressed the problem
4. List the constructs and variables that might be relevant to your study
Purpose of Theoretical Background & Conceptual Framework
and group them into independent and dependent categories.
• To help the researcher see clearly the main variables and concepts in 5. Review key social science theories that are introduced to you in your
a given study. course readings and choose the theory that can best explain the
• To provide the researcher with a general approach (methodology – relationships between the key variables in your study.
research design, target population and research sample, data 6. Discuss the assumptions or propositions of this theory and point out
collection and analysis) their relevance to your research.
• To guide the researcher in data collection, interpretation and 7. Position the theoretical background within a broader context of
explanation. related frameworks, concepts, models, or theories.
8. The present tense is used when writing about theory and past tense
Differences Between Conceptual and Theoretical Frameworks can be used to describe the history of a theory.
9. Theoretical background must be linked to the methodology of the
10. Do not undertheorize.
Operational Definition of Terms

• Is the definition of a variable in terms of the actual procedures used

by the researcher to measure and/or manipulate it?
• Similar to a ‘recipe,’ operational definitions specify exactly how to
measure and/or manipulate the variables in a study.
• Good operational definitions define procedures precisely so that
other researchers can replicate the study.
Operational vs. Dictionary Definition:

• Dictionary Definition – formal statement of the meaning or

significance of the word, phrase or idiom found in the dictionary.
• Operational Definition – statement of how the researcher decides to
measure the variables in the study.

Conceptual vs. Conceptual Definition:

• Conceptual Definition - tells what the concept means, what your

constructs are by explaining how they are related to other constructs.
• Operational Definition - only tells how researchers measure the


• Conceptual Definition: Grab that RMT!!!

Adolescence is a transitional stage of physical and psychological

development that generally occurs during the period from puberty to
legal adulthood (age of majority). Adolescence is usually associated
with the teenage years, but its physical, psychological or cultural Prepared by:
expressions may begin earlier.
.--- . --.. --.. .- .... / -- .- .
• Operational Definition:

Adolescence is ages 13 - 19 years that have part-time jobs to pursue

their secondary education and randomly selected for interview.


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