Similes With Linking Words: Objectives
Similes With Linking Words: Objectives
Similes With Linking Words: Objectives
Use this lesson to help your ELs understand the structure and meaning of similes. It can be a stand-alone lesson
or used as support for the lesson Soulful Similes and Musical Metaphors.
Students will be able to identify and determine the meaning of metaphors and similes.
Students will be able to recognize and use linking words in similes using word banks and sentence frames for
Tell students that today they will be learning to identify similes. Write the content objective on the board
in student-friendly language (i.e., "I can recognize and understand similes.").
Write the word "simile" in large letters in the center of a piece of chart paper and use it as a "brain
Give students a moment of thinking time to silently consider what they know (or want to know)
about similes.
Tell students to turn and talk to an elbow partner about what they know (or want to know).
Call on volunteers to share the background knowledge, examples, and questions that they shared
with (or heard from) their partner.
Record student responses on the chart paper surrounding the word "simile." Add key facts to the
brain dump to supplement student responses if needed (i.e., similes can be found in poems, songs,
and stories).
Keep the "brain dump" displayed throughout the lesson and add to it as other questions arise. (Note:
leave some blank space on the chart paper to be used at the end of the lesson.)
Word (7 minutes)
Display the vocabulary card with the key term simile and review the definition with your students (a
figure of speech that compares two unrelated things using the words "like" or "as").
Discuss the image on the card (i.e., "This picture of a building and a tree can help me understand the
definition because, even though they are different, they have some similarities—they are both tall.").
Hand out four blank vocabulary cards (or blank index cards) to each student and explain that there are
other vocabulary words we need to understand as we learn about similes.
Write the term linking word and its definition on the board (a word that connects the subject and
another noun or adjective). Invite your students to do a choral reading of the word and definition. Then,
instruct them to copy the word and definition onto one of their blank vocabulary cards. Remind them to
leave space for an image.
Have students draw a picture that will help them remember the definition (i.e., chain links or people
holding hands).
Repeat the process with the key terms alike (two or more things that are similar), similarities
(characteristics or traits that are like another), and compare (to point out the likeness between two or
more things). Then, invite several students to share their drawings for each key term.
Explain that most similes use a linking word to make a comparison between two things.
Write the linking words "like" and "as" on the board and tell students that these are the two most
common linking words they will find in similes.
Write an example of a simile on the board, like "Dad is as loud as a lion when he is mad."
Circle the linking word "as" and point out that it connects the subject, "dad," with the noun, "lion," and
the adjective, "loud." Underline the two nouns being compared ("dad" and "lion") and explain that the
dad is being compared to a lion because they are both loud.
Point out that the similarity (they are loud) is explicitly stated in the simile. In this example, it is clearly
stated how the two things that are being compared are alike.
Write a second example of a simile on the board, like "The sequoia trees towered overhead like
skyscrapers." Verbally define new vocabulary in the simile to support students' comprehension (e.g., a
skyscraper is a tall building).
Circle the linking word "like" and point out that it connects the subject, "trees," with the noun,
"skyscrapers." Underline the two nouns being compared and explain that the trees are being compared
to skyscrapers because they are both tall.
Point out that the similarity (they are tall) is not explicitly stated in the simile. In this example, it is up to
the reader to determine how the two things that are being compared are alike. However, there are clues
that can help us figure out the similarity, like the phrase "towered overhead."
Tell your students that they will now be analyzing similes and remind them that, in order to understand
the meaning of a simile, they must look for similarities between the two things that are being compared.
Hand out the worksheet Reading & Understanding Similes. Read the directions aloud and review the
example with the class.
Complete one additional example and model your thinking (i.e., "This simile is comparing life to a road. It
says that they both have twists and turns, which means that they both can change as we move forward.
They are similar because they both change over time."). Circle the linking word "like" and remind
students that the linking word is a clue about what two things are being compared.
Have students work with a partner to complete the rest of section one on the worksheet. Instruct them to
circle the linking word in each metaphor before filling in the sentence frame. Then, call on volunteers to
read their completed sentence frames aloud.
Review the directions for section two, then read the short story aloud as students follow along.
Instruct students to reread the story with a partner, looking for a simile as they read. Allow students to
discuss the simile and complete the sentence frame task with their partner.
Invite three students to share their answers. Select student volunteers intentionally so that all three
similes are revealed (i.e., bell/thunder, tears/raindrops, smile/sunshine). Ask students to identify the
linking words in the similes they share from the story.
Additional EL adaptations
Provide additional sentence frames to support students during speaking tasks (i.e., "I want to know ____
about similes.").
Pre-teach additional grade-level vocabulary that students will encounter on the worksheets (i.e.,
"graceful," "delicate").
Support students in completing a Frayer Model for one of the key terms, like "simile."
Allow beginning ELs to use bilingual resources to define new words throughout the lesson.
Strategically pair beginning ELs with more advanced ELs or students who speak the same home
Encourage advanced ELs to compose sentences and responses without sentence frames, or with
shortened sentence stems.
Allow advanced ELs to utilize a glossary, thesaurus, and dictionary for help with unfamiliar words.
Choose advanced ELs to share their ideas first in group and class discussions. Ask advanced ELs to add
on, rephrase, or clarify what their peers say in class discussion.
Have advanced ELs repeat instructions and key vocabulary, summarizing important information for the
Write five different examples of similes on printer paper (one on each paper). Number each simile with a
unique number (1–5) and hang them around the room. (Note: these similes can be prepared prior to the
Hand out a sheet of lined paper to each student and instruct them to number their paper from one to
Write a sentence frame on the board that reads, "____ and ____are alike because they both____." Tell
Direct students' attention back to the brain dump and explain that they will be reflecting on what they
learned about similes. Give students a minute of thinking time to quietly review the brain dump.
Write several sentence stems on the board:
"Before the lesson, I wondered ____, but now I know..."
"A question I still have is..."
"Something I learned is..."
"An example of a simile is..."
"Some linking words are..."
Hand out a sticky note to each student and tell them to choose a sentence stem (or write their own
sentence) to reflect on the lesson.
Invite students to add their sticky note reflections to the brain dump.
Read some of the student responses aloud and make connections to some of the initial understandings
that were shared earlier in the lesson (i.e., draw arrows from the original responses to the new sticky
note reflections).
Student-Facing Language
Example: I can learn new vocabulary
using pictures and sentence frames.
Potential activities:
Creating captions for images
Carousel brainstorming
Conversations with sentence starters
Time estimate for Introduction
(3 - 5 minutes)
Explicit Instruction of
Background Knowledge
Model a learning activity that embeds
the teaching of academic language and
background knowledge.
Potential activities:
Lunch brunch discussion
Teacher-created, adjusted text and
Brief videos or visuals
Text-based instruction
Home-language connections
Pre-teach a small number of
vocabulary words
Show real-world objects
Complete word family or bilingual
Word walls or word bank creation
Guided Practice
Provide an opportunity for students (in
pairs or small groups) to practice the skill
or information taught during Explicit
Instruction, offering appropriate
scaffolds as needed.
Potential assessments:
Act out concepts
Hands on tasks
Drawings, models, or graphs
Graphic organizer completion
Captions of images
Reading response or content
area logs
Role plays
Audio or video recordings
Oral interviews
Students will be able to describe a character with adjectives using graphic organizers.
Language Grammar Support/
Function Structure Scaffold
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Directions: Use the word bank to complete the similes below. Then, circle the linking words
in each sentence.
Word Bank
2. The kids are as wild as ______________________________ when they play at the park.
4. The road is like a long ___________________________, stretching far into the distance.
Directions: Try writing your own similes using the linking words like and as.
3. The ballerina was like a graceful swan when she danced on stage.
Directions: Read the short story and underline a simile. Then, complete the sentences that follow.
Mariana nervously walked into her new school. There were unfamiliar faces all around. Suddenly, a loud
bell rang. It sounded like thunder. Mariana jumped in surprise. All of the other kids hurried into nearby
classroom doors. But Mariana wasn’t sure where to go. Tears rolled down her cheeks like raindrops. Moments
later, she felt a gentle tap on her shoulder. She turned and saw a girl smiling at her. “Hi, I’m Nicole!” the girl
said. Nicole’s smile was as bright as sunshine and Mariana suddenly felt better.
alike similarities
characteristics or traits
similarities that are like another