GHD Aecom Basis of Design
GHD Aecom Basis of Design
GHD Aecom Basis of Design
Basis of Design
In May 2016 the Special Minister of State asked Infrastructure Victoria to provide advice on
the future capacity of Victoria’s commercial ports. Specifically, the Minister has asked for
advice on when the need for a second container port is likely to arise and which variables
may alter this timeline. The Minister has also asked for advice on where a second container
port would ideally be located and under what conditions, including the suitability of, and
barriers to investing in, sites at the Port of Hastings and the Bay West location.
In undertaking this task, Infrastructure Victoria reviewed work that was completed as part of
the Port of Hastings development project before it was cancelled in 2014. This document
forms part of the initial work undertaken for the proposed port development at Hastings.
Infrastructure Victoria considers that much of the previous Hastings work, although
preliminary in nature, is relevant and suitable for informing a strategic assessment.
Therefore, Infrastructure Victoria has made the reports previously commissioned for the
development project part of the evidence base on which Infrastructure Victoria will use in
providing the Minister with advice.
The opinions, conclusions and any recommendations in this document are based on
conditions encountered and information reviewed at the date of preparation of the document
and for the purposes of the Port of Hastings Development Project.
Infrastructure Victoria and its consultants have used the information contained in these
reports as an input but have not wholly relied on all the information presented in these
Basis of Design
The AECOM + GHD Joint Venture in Australia and New Zealand are certified to the latest version of ISO9001, ISO14001, AS/NZS4801 and
© AECOM + GHD Joint Venture. All rights reserved.
This Report has been prepared by the AECOM + GHD Joint Venture for the Port of Hastings Development Authority and may only be used
and relied on by the Port of Hastings Development Authority for the purpose agreed between the AECOM + GHD Joint Venture and the
Port of Hastings Development Authority as set out in this Report.
The AECOM + GHD Joint Venture otherwise disclaims responsibility to any person other than the Port of Hastings Development Authority
arising in connection with this Report. The AECOM + GHD Joint Venture also excludes implied warranties and conditions, to the extent
legally permissible.
The services undertaken by the AECOM + GHD Joint Venture in connection with preparing this Report were limited to those specifically
detailed in the Report and are subject to the scope limitations set out in the Report.
The opinions, conclusions and any recommendations in this Report are based on conditions encountered and information reviewed at the
date of preparation of the Report. The AECOM + GHD Joint Venture has no responsibility or obligation to update this Report to account for
events or changes occurring subsequent to the date that the Report was prepared.
The opinions, conclusions and any recommendations in this Report are based on assumptions made by the AECOM + GHD Joint Venture
described in this Report. The AECOM + GHD Joint Venture disclaims liability arising from any of the assumptions being incorrect.
Quality Information
Project Port of Hastings Development Project – Design and Engineering
Ref AGH-CEP0-DE-REP-0005
Date 15-May-15
Prepared by Ben Gray, Andrew McArthur, Stephen Martin & Ian Cookson
Revision History
Revision Details
Name/Position Signature
The full set of 9 tidal constants is still to be defined by the Hydrodynamic workstream.
2.4.3 Extreme Water Levels
In the absence of detailed extreme water level calculations by the Hydrodynamic team (yet to be completed at
the time of writing), the parameters in Table 2-2, Table 2-3 and Table 2-4 will be adopted for the preliminary
planning purposes. The parameters in Table 2-2 and Table 2-3 reflect sea level rise, storm surge and tide levels
for the IPCC 2007 A1FI scenario in combination with a ‘high’ wind speed scenario. The storm tide figures in
Table 2-3 include a joint probability assessment of climate change and surge effects.
Table 2-2: Climate change scenarios and sea level rise – Victoria (CSIRO, 2009)
Based on storm tide information in Table 2-3 the storm tide levels relative to Chart Datum for use in design are
given in Table 2-4. In the absence of detailed wave / tide joint probability analysis by the Hydrodynamics team
the 1:100 year ARI event in 2100 will be used to define platform levels, and the 1:50 year ARI event in 2100 will
be used to derive wave overtopping volumes and determine seawall crest levels.
Table 2-4 Storm sea levels in metres CD based on Table 2-3
2.4.4 Winds Normal Winds
The wind climate around Western Port has been assessed using Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) wind data from
the anemometers at Rhyll and Cerberus, with some additional wind data taken from Long Island Point and the
tide gauge at Stony Point (refer to Table 2-4). The data for Cerberus contained many zero values indicating
calm periods and these have been removed from the wind rose to more accurately reflect the directional
distribution. This data is still to be updated by the Hydrodynamic work stream.
The seasonal wind roses are presented in the Port of Hastings 2013 Description Report – Hydrodynamics
Report (Reference 1).
(c) (d)
Figure 2-3. (a) Cerberus (b) Rhyll (c) Stony Point data (d) Long Island Point - wind speed (m/s) against direction 2000-2013
2.4.5 Waves
The wave climate within the port varies with the northern reaches of the existing navigation channel and
turning basin exposed to primarily local wind waves and the southern section of the navigation channel
exposed to both local wind waves and swell.
Initial wind wave parameters are presented in Table 2-7 where the significant wave height (Hs) is defined as the
average of the highest third of waves in the wave spectrum. These have been estimated using in-house
spreadsheet calculations based on the methods presented in the Shore Protection Manual and using ultimate
design wind speeds in accordance with AS1170.2 - 2002 and applicable between Long Island Point and
Return Period
1 Year 100 Years 500 Years
Direction Southerly Southerly Southerly
Significant Wave Height Hs (m) 1.0 1.8 2.0
Period T (s) 3.5 4.3 4.4
Additional wave information is still to be defined by the Hydrodynamic workstream however initial estimates of
1 year return period waves agree with those tabulated above.
2.4.6 Currents
Tidal currents within Western Port were modelled as part of the Western Port Receiving Water Quality
Modelling (Harrison et al., 2007). The study found that the residual currents are strongly influenced by the
braided channel and bank formations within the inner eastern estuary. The trends for a 15 day spring-neap
tidal cycle are presented in Figure 2-4.
Figure 2-4. Residual velocity vectors and depth showing dominant tidal driven currents in the absence of wind (Harrison et al. 2007)
A data acquisition campaign in December 2012 (Reference 1) gathered information that has furthered the
understanding of the flows in the vicinity of the proposed development. The data showed that the dominant
flow direction of the northern deployed ADCP was along a NE/SW axis. The mean flow speed for the month
deployment was 0.42 m/s, with a maximum of 0.85 m/s. The southern ADCP flow direction was along a N/S
axis, with mean flow speeds of 0.44 m/s and a maximum of 1.0 m/s.
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Figure 5. Location of the Southern and Northern ADCPs
The navigation chart for the Port of Hastings (Aus 150 “Western Port”) indicates that tidal currents in excess of
2 knots are experienced in the shipping channels immediately to the south of the Bluescope jetty area, and
tidal currents in excess of 3.5 knots are experienced in the Western Channel (off Phillip Island).
Further current monitoring is being carried out in the study area to support planning, design and calibration of
numerical modelling by the Hydrodynamic work stream and the above will be updated when this information is
2.4.7 Coastal Processes
The characteristics of sediment movement in Western Port are discussed in the Port of Hastings 2013
Description Report – Hydrodynamics Report (Reference 1).
Sand waves in the channel off Stony Point have been recorded. These are discussed in the Port of Hastings
2013 Description Report – Hydrodynamics Report (Reference 1) and further investigations are currently being
undertaken by the Hydrodynamic work stream. The sand waves have previously been monitored and were
found to be stable, with the tops of the sand waves being close to -14.3 m CD (Stony Point).
2.4.8 Rainfall
Criteria relevant to rainfall intensities are yet to be completed by the Hydrodynamic workstream.
2.4.9 Visibility
Criteria relevant to visibility are yet to be completed by the Hydrodynamic workstream.
2.4.10 Temperature
Extremes of shade air temperature for Coastal Region II (ie locations within 20km of the coast and South of
22.5 S) and altitudes of less than 1,000m above sealevel taken from AS 5100.2 are as follows:
Maximum = 45°C
Minimum = -1°C
Western Channel – Centre 6.0 400 2 14.8 Nos.7 & 8 to 13 & 14 Buoys
Western Channel – North 3.80 400 2 14.8 Nos.13 & 14 to 17 & 18 Buoys
North Arm – South 3.2 180 1 14.2 Nos.19 & 20 Buoys to Crib Point
Maintained depth source = Chart AUS 150 – Western Port (Edition No. 2 dated 4 Jun 2010)
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Figure 2-7. Port of Hastings Approach Channel
Deadweight Tonnage -
Vessel LOA (m) Beam (m) Draught (m)
DWT (tonnes)
Crude oil tankers
Current Maximum 115,000 250 44 15.5
Possible Future Maximum 115,000 250 44 15.5
LPG tankers
Current Maximum 58,000 230 37 12.6
Possible Future Maximum 58,000 230 37 12.6
Petroleum products tankers
Current Maximum 45,000 187 32 12.2
Possible Future Maximum 72,000 227 32 13.9
Pilot Western
Western North Arm North Arm
Vessel Boarding Swing Basin Channel
Channel In In Out
Ground Out
Container Vessels 12 16 12 6 12 16
Crude oil tankers
12 12-14 10 6 8-10 10-12
and LPG tankers
Petroleum products
12 14-16 12 6 12 14-16
Figure 3-2. Speed Envelopes for Crude Oil Tankers and LPG Tankers
Out of Gauge
20’ 40’ 45’
Limited only by
Length 6.096 m 12.192 m 13.716 m
shipping lines
Limited only by
Width 2.438 m 2.438 m 2.438 m
shipping lines
Limited only by
Height 2.591 m 2.591 m /2.896 m 2.896 m
shipping lines
Limited only by
Weight empty 2,330 kg/2,400 kg 4,000 kg/ 4,300 kg 4,800 kg
shipping lines
Limited only by
Weight full 24,000 kg/30,480 kg 30,480 kg 30,480 kg
shipping lines
26,480 kg / 26,180 Limited only by
Payload 21,670 kg/28,080 kg 25,680 kg
kg shipping lines
Timing TEU/m
2020 - 2028 1,200 – 1,300
2029 - 2034 1,300 – 1,500
2035 - 2040 1,500 – 1,800
Beyond 2040 >2,100
Semi-Trailer 2 19 m 26 m
B-Double 3 26 m 26 m
Super B-Double 4 36 m 31 m
Super B-Triples 6 53 m 31 m
1. Source Austroads
2. Turning circles are diameters and are based on a speed of 10km/hr, source Auto Turn V8.2
The subsequent summary preliminary parameters considered for planning are presented in Table 3-9.
3.4.2 Rail
The Concept of rail operations will be determined by studies being undertaken by the Commercial & Economic
work stream. These studies are not currently complete. Rail Corridor Capacity
For the purposes of early stage project planning it is assumed that any future rail corridor will have sufficient
capacity for the mode share being considered. Grade Separation
Current government policy specifies no new ‘at grade’ level crossing in Victoria, and it is considered unlikely
that this policy will change in the future. As such, it is appropriate to assume that all intersections of public
road and rail will be grade separated for this project. Within the terminals the requirement for grade
separation will be evaluated for each case. Rail Design Consist
The Department of Transport is developing concepts for a Metropolitan Intermodal System (MIS) to transfer
containers around metropolitan Melbourne. In this context it is appropriate for the rail design consist for the
Port of Hastings to be consistent with the concept of operations for the MIS, with capacity for locomotive “run
arounds” should these be required.
Trains would typically be of 590 m in length with an indicative 42 vehicles and a two locomotive push/pull
configuration. The longer term growth of the MIS system envisages that trains within this system may grow to
900 m in length with two locomotives in push /pull configuration and this configuration also needs to be
catered for within the port terminal. In addition to the MIS system, trains from regional areas and interstate
will deliver export containers to the port. These trains are currently 1200 to 1500m in length and design
capacity should allow for up to 1800m for the future. Trains in excess of 900 m will arrive at the marshalling
terminal (north of the port) and be broken down to a maximum length of 900 m for travel to and unloading at
the port terminal. “Run around” capability will be required for these trains.
Key criteria for the rail design consist are summarised in Table 3-10.
Parameter Criteria
Minimum train length 600m
Maximum train length (network and marshalling terminal) 1800m
Maximum train length (port terminal) 900m
Minimum horizontal curve radius 250m
Considerations Description
Amenity Proximity to residential areas, open space and other sensitive land
uses. consider the number of residential lots, open space sites and
sensitive land uses within 100 m, 200 m and 500 m of the site
Flora and Fauna Impact(s) Proximity to and potential impact on listed flora and fauna
Surface Water Impact(s) Proximity to and potential impact on surface and groundwater,
land subject to inundation and flood zones
AS/NZS 1163 Cold-formed structural steel hollow sections
AS/NZS 1170.0 Structural design actions—General principles
AS/NZS 1170.1 Structural design actions—Permanent, imposed and other actions
AS/NZS 1170.2 Structural design actions—Wind actions
AS/NZS 1170.4 Structural design actions—Earthquake action
AS/NZS 1554 Structural steel welding
AS 1657 Fixed platforms, walkways, stairways and ladders - Design, construction and
AS 1720 Timber structures
AS 2159 Piling - Design and installation
AS/NZS 2312 Guide to the protection of structural steel against atmospheric corrosion by the
use of protective coatings
AS 2419.1 Fire hydrant installation—System design
AS 2832 parts 3 & 5 Cathodic protection of metals
AS 3600 Concrete structures
AS 3678 Structural steel - Hot rolled plates, floorplates and slabs
AS 3679 Structural steel - Hot rolled bars and sections
AS/NZS 3725 Design for installation of buried concrete pipes
AS 3990 Mechanical equipment - Steelwork
AS 3996 Access covers and grates
AS 4100 Steel structures
AS/NZS 4671 Steel reinforcing materials
AS 4678 Earth-retaining structures
AS 4997 Guidelines for the design of maritime structures
AS 5100 Bridge design
BS 6349 BS6349 Marine Structure Part 1 – 2000: Code of Practice for General Criteria
Decision is related to financial modelling outcomes / recommendations.
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4.1.3 Stability Criteria Slope Stability
The following minimum factors of safety (FOS) against potential deep slip failure modes are to be achieved for
permanent dredged and reclamation slopes, temporary dredged slopes affecting new and existing structures,
berth structures and edge structures using unfactored loads and material strengths:
Factor of safety against global instability (deep slip)
> 1.5 Normal loading
> 1.2 Extreme loading
> 1.1 Seismic loading
Ground water profiles and tidal lag effects used in the design shall be in accordance with AS4997.Consideration
shall be given to the adverse effects of extreme sea levels in stability analysis.
For seismic loading consideration shall be given to dynamic loading and soil liquefaction.
Dredged slopes in navigation channels shall be targeted to be stable under the action of waves, currents or
other hydrodynamic effects. Retaining Structures
For marine structures, reference is made to the recommendations of AS4997. The following minimum factors
of safety (FOS) against potential sliding, overturning and bearing capacity failure are to be achieved for
permanent and temporary berth structures and edge structures using unfactored loads and material strengths:
Factor of safety against sliding
> 1.75 Normal loading
> 1.5 Extreme loading
> 1.1 Seismic loading
Factor of safety against overturning
> 2.0 Normal loading
> 1.5 Extreme loading
> 1.1 Seismic loading
For retaining walls on land, reference is made to the recommendations of AS4678.
For seismic loading consideration shall be given to dynamic loading and soil liquefaction.
Factor of safety against bearing failure
> 3.0 Normal loading
> 2.0 Extreme loading
> 1.5 Seismic loading
Conventional 2D equilibrium analysis is to be used in determining the factors of safety against potential failure
Stability analyses shall take into consideration pore water pressures, imbalances in hydrostatic effects due to
tidal lag and the effects of waves consistent with design event exposure, refer AS4997. Consideration shall be
given to the relevant effects of global warming including adverse effects of extreme sea levels in stability
analysis. Settlement
Settlement shall be limited in keeping with the operational tolerances associated with the intended land-use.
Tolerances for terminal operations will depend on the mode of operation and area and shall be confirmed
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based on the terminal systems studies. Ground treatment including potentially surcharging and / or deep
compaction within the terminal may be required to reduce residual settlements to acceptable limits over the
operational design life.
Where necessary allowances should be made for structures and formation levels to be pre-set above targeted
long term design finished levels to minimise the effects of residual settlement consistent with targeted
tolerances outlined in Section 4.7.3. Liquefaction
The potential for reclamation material to liquefy due to the design seismic events shall be considered and
allowances made where appropriate to minimise the risks of liquefaction consistent with agreed risk levels.
4.2 Dredging
4.2.1 General
Dredged areas are to be designed to include allowance for maintenance dredging and where necessary
provision is to be made for dredging extensions or deepening without destabilising adjacent slopes, scour
protection or structures.
4.2.2 Criteria for Dredged Slopes
Permanent dredge slopes shall be designed with stability factors as specified in Section 4.1.3.
4.2.3 Tolerances and Limits
Specified dredging profiles shall be the minimum required for capital and maintenance dredging works.
Dredging tolerances in the berth pocket alongside berths and in navigation channels shall reflect the likely
dredging equipment to be used and material to be dredged. Until further assessments are undertaken the
following allowances shall be used:
Note: - the quoted tolerances reflect maximum values for noted dredging plant.
Vertical – 0.5m (1.0m in stiff to very stiff clays)
Horizontal – 3.0m through the toelines where appropriate (5.0m in stiff to very stiff clays)
For an Importance Level 2 as per AS1170.0 Table F2 i.e. Normal structures and structures not falling into other
levels, the design event in terms of annual probability of exceedance for earthquake loading for a 25, 50 and
100year design life is 1/250, 1/500 and 1/1000 respectively.
For an Importance Level 4 as per AS1170.0 Table F2 i.e. Structures with Post-disaster functions, the design
event in terms of annual probability of exceedance for earthquake loading for a 25 and 50year design life is
1/1,000 and 1/2,500 respectively and for 100 year design life the return period is to be determined by risk
assessment and is to be less than or equal to 1/2,500.
The earthquake hazard factor (Z) for the site (Port of Hastings) in accordance with Figure 3.2(a) of AS 1170.4 -
2007 Part 4: Earthquake Actions is Z = 0.10.
The sub-soil classification for the site is considered to correlate to Class De (Deep soil site) in accordance with
AS 1170.4 - 2007 Part 4: Earthquake Actions.
The probability factor (Kp) shall be taken as detailed in AS1170.4 Table 3.1 based on the relevant annual
probability of exceedance. For Importance Level 2 structures with a design life of 50 and 100 years, the annual
probability of exceedance of the design event is 1/500 and 1/1,000 respectively and the probability factor Kp is
equal to 1.0 and 1.3 respectively.
For structures with 50 year design life and Importance Level 2, Kp.Z = 1.0 x 0.10 = 0.10 and the Earthquake
Design Category (EDC) in accordance with AS1170.4 Table 2.1 is:
Category II - for structure height < 25m; and
Seismic design shall consider a 70% reduction in live load associated with the combined probability of
coincidence of live load with a seismic event, refer AS1170 Section 6.2.2. Seismic Design Criteria
Berth structures must be designed for seismic load effects in accordance with AS 1170.4 Minimum design loads
on structures – Part 4: Earthquake Loads. Lateral deflections shall not exceed 1.5% of the height of the
structure for the relevant design event as specified in Section 4.3.3.
4.6.2 Serviceability Criteria
Serviceability design criteria for marine structures including quays and access bridges shall include limitations
on overall structural lateral deflections and limitations on working load reinforcement stresses and/or crack
widths in reinforced concrete, refer Section of AS4997.
4.6.3 Deck Level
The top of the cope level is to be designed to take into account the requirements for access and maintenance
of the wharf structure together with the combined effects of extreme water levels, waves including standing
waves and future sea level rise. An open piled shall structure shall not be at risk of uplift.
4.6.4 Earth Retaining Structures
.Earth retaining structures adjacent to roadways are to be designed for the effects of vehicle surcharge loads in
accordance with AS 5100.2 in addition to other loads.
4.6.5 Scour Protection
The structures are to be designed to consider scour potential around the structures from vessel propellers and
thrusters, wave and current action. The design will either incorporate scour protection measures to prevent its
occurrence over the design life of the structure, or allow for potential scour in the design. The design of scour
protection measures is to consider future stages of the port development including deepening.
4.6.6 Stability Criteria
The hydraulic stability of any seawall revetment underlying quay structures or adjacent to berths shall be
designed to cater for vessel manoeuvring alongside including operation of bow thrusters and the effects of
main propellers and tugs. Equipment
Equipment load information shall be adopted from that presented in Section
4.7.3 Grading and Settlement
The limitations on surface grade for alternative terminal equipment shall be adopted as per Table 4-9.
Table 4-9. Preliminary Grading Limitations
Parameter Value
Primary drainage network 20 year ARI
Overland flow 100 year ARI
Drainage design shall take into account the coincident effects of relevant storm surges and adverse potential
effects of differential settlement. Provisions for self-cleansing of drainage systems shall be in accordance with
relevant guidelines.
Stormwater interception and retention facilities shall be incorporated in the drainage network where required.
4.9.2 Potable Water
The design of new water mains is to be undertaken in accordance with Water Supply Code of Australia WSA 03-
2002-2.3 (Melbourne Retail Water Agencies Edition – Version 1).
4.9.3 Sewerage
The design of new sewage infrastructure is to be undertaken in accordance with the Water Services Association
of Australia (WSAA) publication ‘WSA 02 Gravity Sewerage Code of Australia Version 3.1 (1 July 2014)’ and any
relevant supplementary publications from South East Water.
Unit rates for sewage demand shall be in accordance with the Sewerage Code of Australia, Melbourne Retail
Water Agencies Edition, Version 1.0 (WSA 02-2011) to reflect commercial / industrial classes of use.
4.9.4 Electrical
The design of new power infrastructure is to be undertaken in accordance with the relevant Ausgrid Network
Standards, AS 3000 and any relevant supplementary publications from United Energy or AusNet.
Unit rates for power demand shall be in accordance with those presented in Table 4-11, unless specified
Table 4-11. Unit power demand estimates for equipment and usage type
4.9.5 Lighting
Lighting lux level performance requirements in various operational areas are outlined in Table 4-12.
Lighting shall be designed to prevent light spill in accordance with AS 4282.
Table 4-12. Lux Level Requirements
Terminal internal roads will comply with the following criteria in Table 4-14.
Table 4-14. Terminal Internal Road Geometric Design Criteria
4.13.3 Pavements Design Criteria
Traffic load distribution must be determined in accordance with AUSTROADS Pavement Design Guide.
The pavement is to be designed for the expected annual average daily traffic volumes determined by the
transport modelling studies.. Performance Criteria
Performance Criteria for pavements will be developed based on the proposed pavement types and
maintenance strategy taking into account whole of life costing considerations.
4.13.4 SubSurface Drainage
Allowance shall be made for sub-surface drainage to be made in areas of potential water ingress such as from
groundwater beneath the pavements or at pavement joint locations.
Track Formation and Ballast 60kg/m rail on full depth concrete sleepers
300mm minimum ballast depth below sleeper
400mm minimum ballast shoulder widths with a minimum 1m
clearance to edge of capping and 1:1.5 shoulder slope