To Philosophy of The Human Person: 1 Quarter: Module 5
To Philosophy of The Human Person: 1 Quarter: Module 5
To Philosophy of The Human Person: 1 Quarter: Module 5
1st Quarter: Module 5
Learning Competency:
Learning Objectives:
Multiple Choice: Read the questions carefully. Write the letter of your correct answer
on the space provided.
1. An argument whose conclusion is not adequately supported and/or does not
necessarily have to be the conclusion that can be drawn.
a. formal fallacy b. informal fallacy c. material d. argument
2. An error of logical form in invalid argument which violates rule of inference or the
principles of deductive logic.
a. formal fallacy b. informal fallacy c. material d. argument
3. It is a logical error that does not follow the rules of inference or that violates them.
a. argument b. inquiry c. fallacy d. reasoning
4. It is oftentimes take the form of statements that are either claims of facts and are
phrased in such a way that they seem reasonable.
a. argument b. inquiry c. fallacy d. statement
5. It is the basis of Aristotle‟s deductive argument.
a. syllabus b. syllogism c. syllable d. symbol
6. The original language where the word fallacy came from.
a. Greek b. Hebrew c. French d. Latin
7. The word fallacy is from Latin fallacia which means „decit,
a.trick b. truth c. argument d. reasoning
8. The following are parts of the basis of Aristotle‟s deductive argument except ___.
a. conclusion b. minor premise c. major premise d. introduction
9. The following belongs to the fallacy of appeal except _____.
a. idea b. tradition c. popular d. emotion
10. It is usually the principle which violates in an error of logical form in invalid
a. inductive b. deductive c. conductive d. superlative
What’s your opinion! Underline the phrase or sentence which simply expressed
opinion and encircle those which states truth.
All people are prone to emotional problems but married people are happier
than unmarried one. They have more chances of succeeding in every career they
choose and would tend to live longer than single person. Working men are more easily
tempted than women because they tend to be secretive and quiet. Some studies prove
that those families who have stronger religious faith are usually stayed together and
lessen the chances of family break up.
What Is It?
2. ______________________________________________
Guide Questions;
1. Among the issues discussed which do you are very significant? Why?
2. What are some of the difficulties you encountered in distinguishing fallacies?
Look for some news in television or radio or internet which manifested some
fallacies in reasoning.
Identify the kind of fallacies being described in the following statement and give
its main characteristics
1. As a student, how can you avoid the fallacies especially during this time of
2. How can you explain and relate it in the quotation by Francis Bacon that
“Knowledge is power?”