HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point)
HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point)
HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point)
Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) was developed in the 1960s in the United
States to ensure food safety for the first manned National Aeronautics and Space
Administration space missions (NASA). NASA required a ‘zero defect’ program to guarantee
safety in the food astronauts consumed in space.
Prerequisite Programs (PRP): PRP focus on employees, facilities, and equipment. Examples
of prerequisite programs includes illness policy, cleaning and sanitizing procedures, garbage
removal, pest control, equipment selection, employee hygiene.
7 Principles of HACCP:
2) Determine CCPs: A control point is any point, step, or procedure where biological,
physical, or chemical factors can be controlled.A critical control point(CCP) is a point,
step, or procedure where an identified hazard can be prevented, eliminated, or
reduced to acceptable levels.Critical control points are monitored much more
frequently than are control points.
3) Establish critical limits: This step involves establishing criteria that must be met to
prevent, eliminate, or reduce the identified hazard at the CCP so that the food is safe
to eat. Examples of critical limits are temperature, time, physical dimensions, water
activity, pH, and available chlorine. Critical limits can come from regulatory
standards and guidelines, scientific literature, experimental studies, and consultation
with experts.
4) Establish monitoring procedures: Monitoring is a planned observation or
measurement to determine if a CCP is under control. Examples of monitoring include
visual observations, temperature measurements, time assessment, pH
measurements, water activity measurements, etc.
5) Establish corrective actions: Corrective actions focus on what to do when a food
does not meet the critical limit. Example of a corrective action is temperature of a
cooker, throwing out food might be a corrective action. Maintains records of all
corrective actions taken.
6) Establish verification procedures: Four phases of verification needed for a HACCP
1. Determine that the critical limits at all CCPS are sound.
2. Make sure that the establishment’s HACCP plan is being properly
3. Have regulatory personnel review the plan to make sure that it is being
properly implemented.
4. Check the accuracy of all monitoring equipment.
7) Establish record keeping: The following make up the records of a HACCP Plan
– List of HACCP team and their assigned responsibilities
– Description of each menu item
– Flow diagram for each menu item indicating CCPs
– Hazards associated with each CCP and preventive measures
– Critical limits
– Monitoring procedures
– Corrective actions plan
– Record keeping procedures
– Procedures for verification of the HACCP plan
HACCP is not a “stand-alone” system. Good hygiene practices and other prerequisites for food
processing as well as strong management commitment are also necessary; HACCP is not a substitute
for these. Training is another essential requirement for a successful HACCP system. As an aid to
developing specific training to support a HACCP plan, prepare working instructions and procedures
that define the tasks of the operating personnel at each critical control point.
Advantages of HACCP:
Most important advantages related to implementation of HACCP in food sector comprises:
Scientific approach
permits more efficient and effective government oversight, primarily because the recordkeeping
allows investigators to see how well a firm is complying with food safety laws and following practices
that reduce the risk of unsafe food over a period rather than how well it is doing on any given day
rendering responsibility for ensuring food safety appropriately on the food business operators
reduces barriers to international trade which make food companies to compete more effectively in
the world market.
As detailed in any Codex HACCP document, the decision tree matrix helps identify critical control
points and guides the team to ensure that controls are in place, if control is needed and if the CCP is
not active, the product or the process will need to be modified (see decision tree matrix).
When using the decision tree, ASTA (American Spice Trade Association) recommends that question 3
is always asked, even if question 2 defines a control as a CCP, to ensure that the risk of re-
contamination is considered throughout the HACCP study.
Biscuit raw
Biscuit piece
14. What information is on your product Individual cookie box label contains
label? information such as product name, weight,
ingredients, allergens, nutritional table, claims,
storage and handling instructions, best before
date, manufacturing company name, address,
and contact information.
Corrugated box label contains information
such as product name, best before date,
quantity of cookie boxes, storage and handling
instructions, manufacturing company name,
address, and contact information.
Biological Hazards:
1. Identifying Hazards
Biological hazard: Pathogen survival due to improper temperature distribution and time /
temperature applications (e.g. Listeria monocytogenes, Escherichia coli, Shigella spp., Salmonella spp.)
2. Identifying Critical Control Points
CCP # 1 Baking
3. Establishing Critical Limits
The internal temperature of the product must be at least 85°C for a minimum of 1 minute.
4. Establishing Monitoring Procedures
1. Measure the product’s internal temperature from different areas of the oven rack (top,
middle, and bottom) during each baking session.
2. Insert the thermometer into the centre of the product and wait until the thermometer
reading is steady.
3. Record each result on the “Daily Baking Record” including the date, the time, and initials.
5. Establishing Corrective Actions
When critical limits are not being met for one or more product samples
1. The product must be baked for a longer period until the product’s internal temperature
reaches at least 85°C for a minimum of 1 minute, or the product must be destroyed.
2. Immediately investigate the cause of the non-conformance and take necessary corrective
actions to prevent reoccurrence.
3. Record all non-conformances and corrective actions taken on the “Daily Baking Record,”
including the date, the time, and initials.
6. Establishing Verification Procedures
1. At the end of each production day, review the “Daily Baking Record” to ensure that it has
been properly completed.
2. Once per week, ensure that the temperature check follows the written monitoring
3. 3. If non-conformance is found during the verification procedure, immediately investigate
the cause of the non-conformance and take necessary corrective actions to prevent
reoccurrence. 4. Record all observations on the “Daily Baking Record,” including the date, the
time, and initials.
7. Keeping Records
Daily Baking Record
Physical Hazards:
1. Identifying Hazards
Presence of hazardous extraneous metallic material in the finished product due to the
failure of the metal detector to detect metal and reject the product when metal is detected.
2. Identifying Critical Control Points
CCP # 2 Metal detecting
3. Establishing Critical Limits
Metal detector must detect stainless steel test samples when the test samples are passed
through the detector with the product. The metal detector must reject the product.
4. Establishing Monitoring Procedures
1. Test the metal detector at the start, every hour during packaging, and at the end of each
packaging run.
2. Test the metal detector by passing a sample piece of metal through the detector to
ensure that it is operating effectively and able to detect metal present in the product.
3. A properly operating metal detector must detect the metal sample in the product.
4. Each time a metal contaminant is detected, the metal detector belt must retract, and the
rejected product must drop into the rejection box.
5. Establishing Corrective Actions
A. When the metal detector fails to detect a metal test sample
1. Immediately stop the line and place all products processed since the last successful check
on hold.
2. All products processed while the metal detector was not functional must be held until
they can be passed through a functional metal detector.
B. When a product is rejected by the metal detector
1. Inspect the product for the metal piece.
6. Establishing Verification Procedures
1. At the end of each production day, review the “Daily Metal Detector Check Record” to
ensure that it has been properly completed.
2. Once per week, ensure that the monitoring of the metal detector follows the written
monitoring procedure.
7. Keeping Records
Daily Metal Detector Check Record
Chemical Hazards:
1. Identifying Hazards
Presence of undeclared allergens in the finished product can cause severe allergenic
reactions in sensitive consumers
2. Identifying Critical Control Points
CCP # 3 Retail box packaging and labelling
3. Establishing Critical Limits
The finished product must be packaged in a box that has the correct allergen information on
it. The product label is printed on the packaging material (i.e. cardboard box).
4. Establishing Monitoring Procedures
1. Daily, check the product packaging material (i.e. cardboard box) at the start, middle, and
end of the packaging process, and each time a new lot of packaging materials is opened.
Sample two cardboard boxes at each check.
2. At the start of the packaging process, ensure that there are no product packaging
materials from previous packaging processes present in the area.
3. Check the product packaging material (i.e. cardboard box) to confirm that the correct
packaging materials are being used for the product.
5. Establishing Corrective Actions
A. Previous product packaging materials are present in the packaging area
1. Immediately place the packaging area on hold.
2. Remove all previous product packaging materials.
3. Inspect the area and ensure that there are no previous product packaging
materials present before releasing the packaging area for packaging.
B. Incorrect packaging materials are being used for the product
1. Immediately stop the line and place all packaged products since the last
successful check on hold.
2. Products put on hold must be repackaged with the correct packaging
materials or if critical limit cannot be met, product must be destroyed.
6. Establishing Verification Procedures
1. Review the “Daily Packaging Record” to ensure that it has been properly completed.
2. Once per week, ensure that the packaging material check follows the written monitoring
3. If non-conformance is found during the verification procedure, investigate the cause of
the non-conformance and take necessary corrective actions to prevent reoccurrence.
4. Record all observations (e.g., packaging checks, nonconformances, and corrective actions
taken) on the “Daily Packaging Record,” including the date, the time, and initials.
7. Keeping Records
Daily Packaging Record