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Over a period of time, almost all aircraft have a Datum ( leading edge of wing)

tendency to gain weight. Examples of how this can

Positive arm
happen include an airplane being repainted without Negative arm
the old paint being removed, and the accumulation of
dirt, grease, and oil in parts of the aircraft that are not
easily accessible for cleaning. When new equipment
is installed, and its weight and location are mathemati-
cally accounted for, some miscellaneous weight might
be overlooked, such as wire and hardware. For this Center of lift
practice to periodically place an aircraft on scales and Figure 4-1. Datum location and its effect on
confirm its actual empty weight and empty weight positive and negative arms.
center of gravity.
at the center of the main rotor shaft of a helicopter,
Some aircraft are required to be weighed and have or any place that can be imagined. The manufacturer
their center of gravity calculated on a periodic basis, has the choice of locating the datum where it is most
typically every 3 years. Examples of aircraft that fall convenient for measurement, equipment location, and
under this requirement are: weight and balance computation. Figure 4-1 shows
1. Air taxi and charter twin-engine airplanes operating an aircraft with the leading edge of the wing being
the datum.
underTitleof 14 theCodeofFederalRegulations
(14CFR)part135,section(§)135.8a). Thelocationofthedatumisidentified Aircraft inthe
2. Airplanes with a seating capacity of 20 or more Specifications Type or
passengers or a maximum payload of 6,000 certifiedpriortofell 1958 undertheCivilAeronauti
pounds or more, as identified in 14 CFR part Administration, and had their weight and balance
125, §.9(b). This paragraph applies to most information contained in a document known as Aircraft
airplanes operated by the airlines, both main line Specifications.Aircraftcertifiedsincefall 1958 under
and regional, and to many of the privately operated theFAAandhavetheirweightandbalanceinformati
business jets. containedinadocumentknownasaTypeCertificat
Data Sheet. The Aircraft Specifications typical
Weight and Balance Terminology included the aircraft equipment list. For aircra
aType Certificate Data Sheet, the equipment list i
Datum separate document.
The datum is an imaginary vertical plane from which
all horizontal measurements are taken for balance Arm
purposes, with the aircraft in level flight Theattitude.
arm is the horizontal
If distance that a part of the
the datum was viewed on a drawing or photograph of aircraft or a piece of equipment is located from the
an aircraft, it would appear as a vertical line which is datum.Thearm’sdistanceisalwaysgivenormeasure
perpendiculardegrees) (90 totheaircraft’s in horizontal
inches, and, except for a location which might be
axis. For each aircraft make and model, theexactly location on the datum, it is preceded by the algebraic
ofallitemsisidentifiedinreferencetosign thedatum. forpositive
For or
(+) negativeThe (−). positivesign
example, the fuel in a tank might be 60 inches indicates
(60") an item is located aft of the datum and the
behindthedatum,andaradioontheflightdeck negative sign indicates an item is located forward of
be90"forwardofthedatum. the datum. If the manufacturer chooses a datum that
There is no fixed rule for the location of the distance datum,forward of the aircraft), all the arms wil
except that it must be a location that will not change positive numbers. Location of the datum at any other
during the life of the aircraft. For example, point itonwould
the aircraft will result in some arms being posi-
not be a good idea to have the datum be the tip of the tive numbers, or aft of the datum, and some arms being
propeller spinner or the front edge of a seat, because negativenumbers,orforwardofthedatum.Figure1-4
changing to a new design of spinner or moving the seat shows an aircraft where the datum is the leading edge
would cause the datum to change. It might be located ofthewing.Forthisaircraft,anyitemfuel, ( seat,radio
at or near the nose of the aircraft, a specific andso number
of inches forward of the nose, at the engine willfirewall,
have a negative arm, and any item located aft of

the wing leading edge will have a positive arm. If an
Datum 40" forward
item was located exactly at the wing leading edge, its of the firewall Radio (5 lb)
arm would be zero, and mathematically it would not Arm = 80"
matter whether its arm was considered to be positive
or negative.

The arm of each item is usually included in parentheses

immediately after the item’s name or weight in the
Aircraft Specifications, Type Certificate Data Sheet,
orequipmentlistfortheaircraft.InaTypeCertificateCenter of lift
Data Sheet, for example, the fuel quantity mightMoment be = Weight (Arm)
identified as 150 gallons (gal) (+138) and the nose = 5 lb (80")
= 400 inch-pounds
baggagelimitaspounds 02 lb)
( These
.)5 −( numbers
indicatethatthefuelislocated138"aftofthe Figuredatum
4-2. Moment of a radio located aft of the datum.
and the nose baggage is located 5" forward of the
datum. If the arm for a particular piece of equipment is
not known, its exact location must be accurately mea- When dealing with positive and negative numbers,
sured. When the arm for a piece of equipment is being remember that the product of like signs produces a
determined, the measurement is taken from the datum positive answer and the product of unlike signs pro-
tothepieceofequipment’sowncenterofgravity. duces a negative answer.

Moment Center of Gravity

A moment is the product of a weight multiplied by its The center of gravity (CG) of an aircraft is a poin
arm. The moment for a piece of equipment is in fact a about which the nose heavy and tail heavy moments
torquevalue,measuredinunitsofinch-pounds are exactly
( lb) equal
. in magnitude. It is the balance point
To obtain the moment of an item with respect to the for the aircraft. An aircraft suspended from this point
datum, multiply the weight of the item by its horizontal would have no tendency to rotate in either a nose-up
distance from the datum. Likewise, the moment of an or nose-down attitude. It is the point about which the
item with respect to the center of gravity weight(CG)of
ofananairplane or any object is concentrated.
aircraft can be computed by multiplying its weight by Figureshows3-4 afirstclassleverwiththepivotp
thehorizontaldistancefromtheCG. ( fulcrum)locatedatthecenterofgravityfort
5 radiolocatedfrom 80" thedatumwouldhave Evenathough the weights on either side of the fulcrum
momentofinch-04 poundsin-( lb)lb
5( Whether
.)"8 × are not equal, and the distances from each weight to the
thevalueofin- 40 lbisprecededbyapositive fulcrum
(+) are not equal, the product of the weights and
negative (−) sign depends on whether the moment is arms moments)
( areequal,andthatiswhatprod
the result of a weight being removed or added and a balanced condition.
its location in relation to the datum. This situation Maximum Weight
is shown in Figure 4-2, where the moment ends up
being a positive number because the weight and arm The maximum weight is the maximum authorized
are both positive. weight of the aircraft and its contents, and is indicated
The algebraic sign of the moment, based on the datum Sheet. For many aircraft, there are variation
location and whether weight is being installed or maximum allowable weight, depending on the pur-
removed, would be as follows:

• Weight being added aft of the datum produces a Force Force

positivemoment(+ weight,+ arm). Distance = 90" Distance = 70"

• Weight being added forward of the datum

producesanegativemoment(+ weight,− arm).
• Weight being removed aft of the datum produces Moment = 700 lb (90") Moment = 900 lb (70")
= 63,000 in-lb Fulcrum and = 63,000 in-lb
anegativemoment(− weight,+ arm).
center of gravity
• Weight being removed forward of the datum
produces a positive moment (− weight, − arm)Figure 4-3. Center of gravity and a first class lever.

pose and conditions under which the aircraft is to be included in the value, so it generally involves only
flown.Forexample,acertainaircraftmaybeallowed aircraftcertifiedpriortoStandard .8791 emptyweight
a maximum gross weight of 2,750 lb when flown in would be a value supplied by the aircraft manufac-
thenormalcategory,butwhenflowninthe turer, andcat
- utility it would not include any optional equip-
egory, which allows for limited aerobatics, the same ment that might be installed in a particular aircraft.
aircraft’smaximumallowablegrossweight For most
might peopleworkingintheaviationmaintenan
be 2,175 lb. There are other variations when dealing basicemptyweightoftheaircraftisthemo
field, the
with the concept of maximum weight, as follows: important one.

• Maximum Ramp Weight — the heaviest weight Empty Weight Center of Gravity
to which an aircraft can be loaded while it is sitting The empty weight center of gravity for an aircraft is the
on the ground. This is sometimes referred to as point at which it balances when it is in an empty weight
the maximum taxi weight. condition. The concepts of empty weight and center of
• Maximum Takeoff Weight — the heaviest gravity were discussed earlier in this chapter, and now
weight an aircraft can have when it starts the they are being combined into a single concept.
takeoff roll. The difference between this weight
and the maximum ramp weight would equal the One of the most important reasons for weighing an air-
weight of the fuel that would be consumed prior craft is to determine its empty weight center of gravity.
to takeoff. All other weight and balance calculations, including
loadingtheaircraftforight, fl performinganequipmen
• Maximum Landing Weight — the heaviest change calculation, and performing an adverse condi-
weight an aircraft can have when it lands. tion check, For
begin with knowing the empty weight and
large wide body commercial airplanes, it can be empty weight center of gravity. This crucial informa-
100,000 lb less than maximum takeoff weight, or tion is part of what is contained in the aircraft weight
even more. and balance report.
• Maximum Zero Fuel Weight — the heaviest
weight an aircraft can be loaded to without having Useful Load
any usable fuel in the fuel tanks. Any weight loaded To determine the useful load of an aircraft, subtract
above this value must be in the form of fuel. the empty weight from the maximum allowable gross
weight. For aircraft certificated in both normal
Empty Weight utility categories, there may be two useful loads listed
The empty weight of an aircraft includes all operat- in the aircraft weight and balance records. An aircraft
ingequipmentthathasafixedlocationand isactually
with anemptyweightoflb 90 willhaveausefulload
installed in the aircraft. It includes the weight of the of850lb,ifthenormalcategorymaximumweightis
airframe, powerplant, required equipment, optional listedaslb. 1,750 Whentheaircraftisoperatedinthe
or special equipment, fixed ballast, hydraulic fl uid,
utility category, the maximum gross weight may be
and residualfuelandoil.Residualfueland oilareto
reduced the lb,
1,50 withacorrespondingdecreasein
fluidsthatwillnotnormallydrainoutbecause the usefultheyload are to 600 lb. Some aircraft have the same
trapped in the fuel lines, oil lines, and tanks. They must useful load regardless of the category in which they
beincludedintheaircraft’semptyweight. - Formost
are air
craftcertifiedafterthe ,8791 fullcapacityoftheengine
oil system is also included in the empty weight. Infor- Theuseful loadconsists of fuel,any other fluids th
mationregardingresidualuids fl inaircraftare systems
not part ofthat empty weight, passengers, baggage,
must be included in the empty weight, and whether or pilot, copilot, and crewmembers. Whether or not the
not full oil is included, will be indicated in the Aircraft weight of engine oil is considered to be a part of useful
SpecificationsorTypeCertificateDataSheet. load depends on when the aircraft was certified, a
canbedeterminedbylookingattheAircraft - Specific
Other terms that are sometimes used when describing tions or Type Certificate Data Sheet. The payload of
empty weight include basic empty weight, licensed an aircraft is similar to the useful load, except it does
empty weight, and standard empty weight. The term not include fuel.
“basic empty weight” typically applies when the
full capacity of the engine oil system is included in A reduction in the weight of an item, where possible,
the value. The term “licensed empty weight” typi- may be necessary to remain within the maximum
cally applies when only the weight of residual oil is weight allowed for the category in which an aircraft

is operating. Determining the distribution the tail. Unfortunately,
of these the scale is now absorbing the
weights is called a weight check. weight of the jack in addition to the weight of the
airplane. This extra weight is known as tare weight,
Minimum Fuel and must be subtracted from the scale reading. Other
There are times when an aircraft will have a weight and examples of tare weight are wheel chocks placed on
balance calculation done, known as an extreme condi- the scales and ground locks left in place on retractable
tion check. This is a pencil and paper check in which landing gear.
the aircraft is loaded in as nose heavy or tail heavy a
condition as possible to see if the center of gravity will Procedures for Weighing an Aircraft
be out of limits in that situation. In a forward adverse
check, for example, all useful load in front of the for- General Concepts
wardCGlimitisloaded,andallusefulload The most important
behind this reason for weighing an aircraft
limit is left empty. An exception to leaving it empty is to find out its empty weight (basic empty weigh
is the fuel tank. If the fuel tank is located behind the andtofindoutwhereitbalancesintheemptyw
forwardCGlimit,itcannotbeleftemptybecause condition. theWhenanaircraftistobeflown,thepilo
aircraftcannotyfl withoutfuel.Inthiscase, command
anamount must know what the loaded weight of the
of fuel is accounted for, which is known as minimum aircraft is, and where its loaded center of gravity is. In
fuel. Minimum fuel is typically that amount needed order for the loaded weight and center of gravity to be
for30minutesofflightatcruisepower. calculated, the pilot or dispatcher handlin
must first know the empty weight and empty weig
For a piston engine powered aircraft, minimum center fuel
of gravity.
is calculated based on the METO (maximum except
take-off) horsepower of the engine.METO For eachEarlierinthischapteritwasidentifiedtha
horsepower of the engine, one-half pound of fuel is of gravity for an object is the point about which the
used. This amount of fuel is based on the assumption nose heavy and tail heavy moments are equal. One
that the piston engine in cruise flight will method burn that
1 lb could be used to find this point
of fuel per hour for each horsepower, or 1⁄2 lb for 30 involve lifting an object off the ground twi
minutes. The piston engines currently used in small suspending it from a point near the front, and on the
generalaviationaircraftareactuallymore secondefficient
lift suspending
than it from a point near the back.
that, but the standard for minimum fuel has remained Witheachlift,aperpendicularlinedegrees) 09( wou
the same. be drawn from the suspension point to the ground. The
two perpendicular lines would intersect somewhere in
Minimum fuel is calculated as follows: the object, and the point of intersection would be the
MinimumFuelpounds)( = centerofgravity.ThisconceptisshowninFigure
Engine METO Horsepower ÷ 2 where an irregular shaped object is suspended from
two different points. The perpendicular line from the
Forexample,ifaforwardadverseconditioncheck first suspension
was point is shown in red, and th
being done on a piston engine powered twin, with each
enginehavingaMETOhorsepowerofthe 50, -
Forturbineenginepoweredaircraft,minimum fuelis
Suspended from this
not based on engine horsepower. If an adverse condi- point first, with red line
dropping perpendicular
tion check is being performed on a turbine engine to the ground Center of gravity
powered aircraft, the aircraft manufacturer would need
to supply information on minimum fuel.

Tare Weight
When aircraft are placed on scales and weighed, it Second suspension, with
is sometimes necessary to use support equipment to blue line dropping
perpendicular to the ground
tail dragger airplane, it is necessary to raise the tail in
order to get the airplane level. To level the airplane, Figure 4-4. Center of gravity determined by two
a jack might be placed on the scale and used to raise suspension points.

suspension point line is shown in blue. Where the red product of the weight and arm. The weight and moment
and blue lines intersect is the center of gravity. columns are summed, with the center of gravity being
equal to the total moment divided by the total weight.
If an airplane were suspended from two points, one The arm column is not summed. The number appearing
at the nose and one at the tail, the perpendicular drop at the bottom of that column is the center of gravity.
lines would intersect at the center of gravity the same ThecalculationwouldbeasshowninFigure4-6.
an airplane from the ceiling by two hooks, however, For the calculation shown in Figure 4-6, the total
is clearly not realistic. Even if it could be done, deter- momentisin- 52,90 lb,andthetotalweightislb. 495
mining where in the airplane the lines intersect would The center of gravity is calculated as follows:
not be possible.
CenterofGravity = TotalMoment÷TotalWeight
Amorerealisticwaytofindthecenterofgravity foran = in- 0 9,25 lb÷lb 594
object, especially an airplane, is to place it on a minimum = rounded
7 8 . 6 0 1 ( " 9 . 6 0 1 offtotenths)
of two scales and to calculate the moment value for each
scalereading.InFigurethere ,5-4 isaplankthat Anis interesting
"0 2 characteristic exists for the problem pre-
long,withtheleftendbeingthedatumzero ( sented arm)and , inFigureand 4-5, thetableshowingthecenter
6 weights placed at various locations along the length of ofgravitycalculation.Ifthedatum(zeroarm)forthe
theplank.ThepurposeofFigureis 5-4 toshowhow object the wasinthemiddleofthe20"longplank,with
center of gravity can be calculated when the arms and " 0 1 of negative arm to the left and 10" of positive
weights for an object are known. arm to the right, the solution would show the center
of gravity to be in the same location. The arm for the
To calculate the center of gravity for the object in center of gravity would not be the same number, but
Figure 4-5, the moments for all the weights need itsphysical to locationwouldbethesame.Figureand 7-4
be calculated and then summed, and the weights need Figure4-8showthenewcalculation.
the item, weight, and arm are listed in the Center
first three ofGravity = TotalMoment÷TotalWeight
columns, with the information coming from Figure = in- 0 4,3 lb÷lb 594
4-5. The moment value in the fourth column is the = rounded 78.6( "9.6 offtotenths)

50 lb 125 lb 80 lb 50 lb 90 lb 100 lb 50 lb 125 lb 80 lb 50 lb 90 lb 100 lb


0" 30" 60" 95" C.G. 125" 145" 170" 200" –100" –70" –40" –5" 0" 25" 45" 70" 100"

Figure 4-5. Center of gravity for weights on a Figure 4-7. Center of gravity for weights on a
plank, datum at one end. plank, datum in the middle.

Weight Arm Moment Weight Arm Moment

Item Item
(lb) (inches) (in-lb) (lb) (inches) (in-lb)

50 pound weight 50 +30 1,500 50 pound weight 50 –70 –3,500

125 pound weight 125 +60 7,500 125 pound weight 125 –40 –5,000

80 pound weight 80 +95 7,600 80 pound weight 80 –5 –400

50 pound weight 50 +125 6,250 50 pound weight 50 +25 1,250

90 pound weight 90 +145 13,050 90 pound weight 90 +45 4,050

100 pound weight 100 +170 17,000 100 pound weight 100 +70 7,000

Total 495 +106.9 52,900 Total 495 +6.9 3,400

Figure 4-6. Center of gravity calculation for weights on a Figure 4-8. Center of gravity calculation for weights on a
plank with datum at one end. plank with datum in the middle.

InFigurethe 4-7, centerofgravityisto 6.9" theright about the aircraft. Possible sources of weight and bal-
of the plank’s center. Even though the arm ance
notare as follows:
samenumber,inFigurethe 5-4 centerofgravityisalso
"9.6 therightofcenterCG ( locationofwith 9.601 the • Aircraft Specifications — applies primarily to air-
centerbeingBecause .)0 1 bothproblemsarethesame craftcertifiedundertheCivilAeronautic -
inthesetwofigures,exceptforthedatumlocation,the istration, when the specifications alsoin
center of gravity must be the same. list of equipment with weights and arms.
• Aircraft Operating Limitations — supplied by
Thedefinitionforcenterofgravitystatesthat itis
the aircraft the
point about which all the moments are equal. We can
• Aircraft Flight Manual — supplied by the
aircraft manufacturer.
4-7 is correct by showing that the total moments on
either side of this point are equal. Using 6.87 as • Aircraft
the Weight and Balance Report — supplied
CG location for slightly greater accuracy, instead by the aircraft
of manufacturer when the aircraft is
theroundedoffnumber, 6.9 themomentstotheleft new,ofand by the technician when an aircraft is
theCGwouldbeasshowninFigure4-9. reweighedinthefield.
• Aircraft Type Certificate Data Sheet — applies
ThemomentstotherightoftheCG,asshown ure inFig primarilytoaircraftcertifiedunderthe
4-7,wouldbeasshowninFigure4-10. the Federal Aviation Regulations, wher
equipment list with weights and arms is a separate
Disregarding the slightly different decimal value,
the moment in both of the previous calculations is
10,65 in-lb. Showing that the moments are equal The
is document in Figure 14- is a Type Certificate
a good way of proving that the center of gravity has Data Sheet (TCDS) for a Piper twin-engine airplan
been properly calculated. knownastheSeneca(PA-The 34-20). mainheadings
for the information typically contained in a
Weight and Balance Data are included, but much of the information contained
In order to weigh an aircraft and calculate its empty under these headings has been removed if it did not
weight and empty weight center of gravity, a technician directly pertain to weight and balance. Information on
must have access to weight and balance information only one model of Seneca is shown, because to show
all the different models would make the document
excessively long. The portion of the TCDS that h
Weight Arm Moment the most direct application to weight and balance is
(lb) (inches) (in-lb)
highlighted in yellow.
50 pound weight 50 76.87 3,843.50
Some of the important weight and balance information
125 pound weight 125 46.87 5,858.75 foundinaTypeCertificateDataSheetisasfollow
80 pound weight 80 11.87 949.60
1. Center of gravity range
Total 255 135.61 10,651.85
2. Maximum weight
Figure 4-9. Moments to the left of the center of gravity. 3. Leveling means
4. Number of seats and location
Weight Arm Moment
5. Baggagecapacity
(lb) (inches) (in-lb) 6. Fuelcapacity
50 pound weight 50 18.13 906.50 7. Datumlocation
90 pound weight 90 38.13 3,431.70 8. Enginehorsepower
100 pound weight 100 63.13 6,313.00 9. Oilcapacity
10. Amount of fuel in empty weight
Total 240 119.39 10,651.25
11. Amount of oil in empty weight
Figure 4-10. Moments to the right of the center of gravity.

Department of Transportation
Federal Aviation Administration

Type Certificate Data Sheet No. A7so – Revision 14


June 1, 2001

the product for which the type certificate was issued meets the airworthiness requiremen

The New Piper Aircraft, Inc.

I.   ModelPA-34-20(Seneca),7PCLM(NormalCategory)Approved
, 7May197.

Engines S/N34-E4,34-72501through34-72501:
1 Lycoming LIO-360-C1E6 with fuel injector,
1 Lycoming IO-360-C1E6 with fuel injector,
1 Lycoming LIO-360-C1E6 with fuel injector,
1 Lycoming IO-360-C1E6 with fuel injector,

Fuel 100/130 minimum grade aviation gasoline

Engine Limits Foralloperations,2,70RPM(20hp)

Propeller and
Propeller Limits Left Engine
Advisory 61.


Figure 4-11. Type Certificate Data Sheet.

Advisory 61.



Model Afm/poh Report # Approved Serial Effectivity

PA-34-20(Seneca) AFM VB-35 7/21 34-E4,34-72501through

AFM VB-423 5/207 34-72501through
1is 760- installed;and
AFM VB-563 5/1473 34-7501through
AFMSupp. VB-58 7/203 34-72501through
with dampers are installed
AFMSupp. VB-601 1/973 34-72501through
system is installed


NOTE 1 CurrentWeightandBalanceReport,includinglistofequipmentincludedincert
empty weight, and loading instructions when necessary, must be provided for each aircraft
unusable fuel as noted below:

Fuel: 30.lbat(+103.)forPA-34series,exceptModelPA-34-20T(SenecaV),
Fuel: 36.0lbat(+103.)forModelPA-34-20T(SenecaV),S/N34901andup
Oil: 6.2lbat(+39.6)forModelPA-34-20
Oil: 12.0lbat(+43.7)forModelsPA-34-20TandPA-34-20T

NOTE 2 AllplacardsrequiredintheapprovedAirplaneFlightManualorPilot’sOperati
installed in the appropriate location.

NOTE 3 TheModelPA-34-20;S/N34-E4,34-72501through34-7250189,maybeoperatedata
Kit 760-611 is installed.

NOTE 4 TheModelPA-34-20;S/N34-E4,34-72501through34-7250189,maybeoperated
without spinner domes or without spinner domes and rear bulkheads when Piper Kit 760-607
has been installed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

NOTE 5 The Model PA-34-200 may be operated in known icing conditions when equipped with
spinner assembly and the following kits: ------------------------- --------------------------------------

NOTE 6 ModelPA-34-20T;S/N34-7501through34-817092,maybeoperatedinknownicing
spinner assembly.

Figure 4-11. Type Certificate Data Sheet. (continued)

NOTE 7 ThefollowingserialnumbersarenoteligibleforimportcertificationtotheUnited
States: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

NOTE 8 ModelPA-S/34-20; N34-E4S/, Nthrough

34-72501 and
34-7502, ModelPA-34-20T;
and cargo door removed.

NOTE 9 In the following serial numbered aircraft, rear seat location is farther aft as shown and the

NOTE 10 These propellers are eligible on Teledyne Continental L/TSIO-360-E only.

NOTE 11 WithPiperKit764-08Vinstalledweightsareasfollows:4,07lb–Takeoff4,32lb-
amaximumof4,07.lbwhenapprovedwingoptionsareinstalled(See VB-140). POH

NOTE 12 WithPiperKit764-09Vinstalled,weightsareasfollows:4,30lb-Ramp4,07lb-

NOTE 13 WithPiperKit76-203installed,weightsareasfollows:4,30lb-Ramp4,07lbTakeoff,

NOTE 14 WithPiperKit76-283installed,weightsareasfollows:4,30lb-Ramp4,07lbTakeoff,

NOTE 15 WithPiperKit76-08installed,weightsareasfollows:4,30lb-Ramp4,07lbTakeoff,

NOTE 16 WithPiperKit76-32installed,weightsareasfollows:4,30lb-Ramp4,07lbTakeoff,

NOTE 17 The bolt and stack-up that connect the upper drag link to the nose gear trunnion are required

Figure 4-11. Type Certificate Data Sheet. (continued)

Weight and Balance Equipment
Two types of scales are typically used to weigh aircraft:
those that operate mechanically with balance weights
or springs, and those that operate electronically with
what are called load cells. The balance weight type of
mechanical scale, known as a beam scale, is similar
up when weight is put on the scale. A sliding weight
is then moved along the bar until the bar is centered
between a top and bottom stop.
Figure 4-12. Weighing a Piper Archer using
The sliding weight provides the capability to measure
electronic platform scales.
uptolb,50 andthecupholdsfixedweightsthatcome
in use, let’s say the nosewheel of a smallIn Figure 4-13, ais
airplane Mooney M20 airplane is being
placedonthescalewithanappliedweightof580lb. weighed with portable electronic platform scales.
To find out what the applied weight is, a technician Notice in the picture of the Mooney that its nose tire
would place 50 lb of equivalent weight in the isdefl atedclose-
cup, ( upshowninthelowerrightcorn
and then slide the weight on the beam out to the 30 lb the photo) This
. was donetogettheairplaneina
point.Thelb 085 appliedbythenosewheelwouldnow ight
fl attitude. This type of scale is easy to tr
be balanced by the 580 lb of equivalent weight, andand
can be powered by household current or by a bat-
the end of the beam would be centered between the tery contained in the display unit. The display unit for
top and bottom stop. these scalesisshowninFigure4-1.

A mechanical scale based on springs is like the typical The display unit for the portable scales is very simple
bathroom scale. When weight is applied to the scale, tooperate.[Figure4-1]Inthelowerleftcorneris
a spring compresses, which causes a wheel that dis- power switch, and in the lower right is the switch for
playstheweighttorotate.Itwouldbedifficult selecting topoundsuseor kilograms. The red, green, and
this type of scale to weigh anything other than a very yellow knobs are potentiometers for zeroing the three
small aircraft, because these scales typically measure scales, and next to them are the on/off switches for
only up to 300 lb. The accuracy of this type of scale thescales.Beforetheweightoftheairplanei
is also an issue. on the scales, each scale switch is turned on and the
potentiometer knob turned until the digital display
Electronic scales that utilize load cells come in two readszero.InFigurethe 4-1, nosescaleisturnedon
varieties: the platform type and the type that mounts and the readout of 546 lb is for the Mooney airplan
to the top of a jack. The platform type of electronic in Figure 4-13. If all three scale switches are turn
scale sits on the ground, with the tire of the airplane on at the same time, the total weight of the airplane
sittingontopoftheplatform.Builtinto the
will be platform
displayed. is
an electronic load cell, which senses the weight being
applied to it and generates a corresponding electrical The second type of electronic scale utilizes a load cell
signal. Inside the load cell there is an electronic grid that attaches to the top of a jack. The top of the load
that experiences a proportional change in electrical cell has a concave shape that matches up with the jack
resistance as the weight being applied to it increases. pad on the aircraft, with the load cell absorbing all the
An electrical cable runs from the platform scale to a weight of the aircraft at each jacking point. Each load
display unit, which interprets the resistance change cell has an electrical cable attached to it, which con-
of the load cell and equates it to a specific nects tonumber
the display unit that shows the weight being
of pounds. A digital readout on the display typically absorbed by each load cell. An important advantage
shows the weight. In Figure 4-12, a Piper Archer is of weighing an aircraft this way is that it allows the
being weighed using platform scales that incorporate technician to level the aircraft. An aircraft needs to
electronic load cells. In this case, the platform scales be in a flight level attitude when it is weighe
are secured to the hangar floor and stay permanently aircraftissittingonfloorscales,theonlywayt
in place. the aircraft might be to deflate tires and lan

Figure 4-13. Mooney M20 being weighed with portable electronic platform scales.

struts. When an aircraft is weighed using load cells on InFigurea ,61-4 spiritlevelisbeingusedonaMooney
jacks, leveling the aircraft is easy by simply adjusting M2to
0 checkforaflightlevelattitude.Bylookingin
theheightwiththejacks.Figureshows 51-4 aregional
theType Certificate Data Sheet, it is determined
jet on jacks with the load cells in place. the leveling means is two screws on the left side of
the airplane fuselage, in line with the trailing edge of
Spirit Level the wing.
Before an aircraft can be weighed and-reliable read
ingsobtained,itmustbeinalevelflightattitude. Plumb Bob One
method that can be used to check for a level condi- A plumb bob is a heavy metal object, cylinder or
tion is to use a spirit level, sometimes thought of as a cone shape, with a sharp point at one end and a string
carpenter’slevel,byplacingitonoragainst attached to the other end. If the string is attached to a
place on the aircraft. Spirit levels consist of a vial full given point on an aircraft, and the plumb bob is allowed
of liquid, except for a small air bubble. When the air to hang down so the tip just touches the ground, the
bubble is centered between the two black lines, a level point where the tip touches will be perpendicular to
condition is indicated. where the string is attached. An example of the use of

Figure 4-14. Display unit showing nosewheel

weight for Mooney M20. Figure 4-15. Airplane on jacks with load cells in use.

Figure 4-16. Spirit level being used on a Mooney M20. Figure 4-17. Plumb bob dropped from a wing leading edge.

a plumb bob would be measuring the distance from an of pounds per gallon. When placed in a flask with
aircraft’sdatumtothecenterofthemain fuellanding
init,the gear glasstubefloatsataleveldepen
axle. If the leading edge of the wing was the datum, a the density of the fuel. Where the fuel intersects the
plumb bob could be dropped from the leading edge and markings on the side of the tube indicates the pounds
achalkmarkmadeonthehangaroor. fl perbob
Theplumb gallon.
could also be dropped from the center of the axle on
the main landing gear, and a chalk mark made on the Preparing an Aircraft for Weighing
floor. With a tape measure, the distance between Weighingthe an aircraft is a very important and exacting
two chalk marks could be determined, and the arm for phase of aircraft maintenance, and must be carried out
the main landing gear would be known. Plumb bobs can with accuracy and good workmanship. Thoughtful
also be used to level an aircraft, described on page 4-27 preparation saves time and prevents mistakes.
of the HelicopterWeight and Balance section of this
chapter.Figureshows 71-4 aplumbbobbeingdropped To begin, assemble all the necessary equipment, such as:
from the leading edge of an aircraft wing. 1. Scales, hoisting equipment, jacks, and leveling
When an aircraft is weighed with full fuel in the 2. Blocks, chocks, or sandbags for holding th
tanks, the weight of the fuel must be accounted for airplane on the scales.
by mathematically subtracting it from the scale read- 3. Straightedge, spirit level, plumb bobs, chalk line,
ings. To subtract it, its weight, arm, and moment must and a measuring tape.
be known. Although the standard weight for aviation 4. ApplicableAircraftSpecificationsandweigh
gasoline is 6.0 lb/gal and jet fuel is 6.7 lb/gal, these balance computation forms.
values are not exact for all conditions. On a hot day
versus a cold day, these values can vary dramatically. If possible, aircraft should be weighed in a closed build-
OnahotsummerdayinthestateofFlorida,ing where there are no air currents to cause incorrect
gasoline checked with a hydrometer typically weighs scale readings. An outside weighing is permissible if
between 5.8 and 5.9 lb/gal. If 10 gallons of fuel wind and moisture are negligible.
were involved in a calculation, using the actual weight
versus the standard weight would make a difference Fuel System
of10to15lb. When weighing an aircraft to determine its empty
weight, only the weight of residual (unusable
When an aircraft is weighed with fuel in the tanks, the should be included. To ensure that only residual fuel
weight of fuel per gallon should be checked with a is accounted for, the aircraft should be weighed in one
hydrometer. A hydrometer consists of a weighted glass of the following three conditions.
tube which is sealed, with a graduated set of markings
on the side of the tube. The graduated markings and 1. Weigh the aircraft with absolutely no fuel in the
their corresponding number values represent units aircraft tanks or fuel lines. If an aircraft is weighed

in this condition, the technician can mathematically reservoirs and lavatory tanks should be drained, and
add the proper amount of residual fuel to the constantspeeddriveoiltanksshouldbefilled.
aircraft, and account for its arm and moment.
The proper amount of fuel can be determined Flight Controls
by looking at theAircraft Specifications Theor Type
position of such items as spoilers, slats, flaps
CertificateDataSheet. and helicopter rotor systems is an important fac-
2. Weigh the aircraft with only residual fuel in the tor when weighing an aircraft. Always refer to the
tanks and lines. manufacturer’sinstructionsfortheproperposi
these items.
3. Weigh the aircraft with the fuel tanks completely
full. If an aircraft is weighed in this condition, Other Considerations
the technician can mathematically subtract the
weight of usable fuel, and account for its arm and Inspect the aircraft to see that all items included in the
moment. A hydrometer can be used to determine certificated empty weight are installed in the p
the weight of each gallon of fuel, and the Aircraft location.Removeitemsthatarenotregularlycar
SpecificationsorTypeCertificateDatain flight.can
Sheet Also look in the baggage compartments to
be used to identify the fuel capacity. If an aircraft make sure they are empty. Replace all inspection
is to be weighed with load cells attached to jacks, plates, oil and fuel tank caps, junction box covers,
the technician should check to make sure it is cowling, doors, emergency exits, and other parts that
permissible to jack the aircraft with the fuel tanks have been removed. All doors, windows, and sliding
full. It is possible that this may not be allowed canopies should be in their normal flight positi
because of stresses that would be placed on the Removeexcessivedirt,oil,grease,andmoisturefrom
aircraft. the aircraft.

Never weigh an aircraft with the fuel tanks partially Some aircraft are not weighed with the wheels on the
full, because it will be impossible to determine exactly scales, but are weighed with the scales placed either
how much fuel to account for. at the jacking points or at special weighing points.
Oil System aircraft on the scales or jacks, be careful to prevent it
from falling or rolling off, thereby damaging the air-
Foraircraftcertifiedsincefull 1978, - oilistypi
craft and equipment. When weighing an aircraft with
the wheels placed on the scales, release the brakes to
be confirmed by looking at theType Certificate Data
reduce the possibility of incorrect readings caused by
Sheet. If full oil is to be included, the oil level needs to
side loads on the scales.
be checked and the oil system serviced if it is less than
full. If theAircraft Specifications orType Certificate All aircraft have leveling points or lugs, and care must
Data Sheet specifies that only residualbeoil istopart
taken ofaircraft, especially along the longi-
level the
empty weight, this can be accommodated by one of tudinalaxis.Withlight,fixed-wingairplanes,thelate
the following two methods. level is not as critical as it is with heavier airplanes.
However, a reasonable effort should be made to level
1. Draintheengineoilsystemtothepointthatonly
the light airplanes along the lateral axis. Helicopters
residual oil remains.
must be level longitudinally and laterally when they
2. Check the engine oil quantity, and mathematically are weighed. Accuracy in leveling all aircraft longitu-
subtract the weight of the oil that would leave dinally cannot be overemphasized.
only the residual amount. The standard weight for
lubricatingoilislb/ 5.7 galpounds
578.1( perquartWeighing Points
(lb/qt)), so if 7 qt of oil needed to be removed, When an aircraft is being weighed, the arms must be
the technician would subtract 13.25 lb at knownthefor the points where the weight of the aircraft is
appropriate arm. being transferred to the scales. If a tricycle gear small
airplane has its three wheels sitting on floor sc
Miscellaneous Fluids
the weight transfer to each scale happens through the
UnlessotherwisenotedintheAircraftSpecifications center of the axle or for each wheel. If an airplane is
manufacturer’s instructions, hydraulic reservoirs
weighed and
while it is on jacks, the weight transfer hap-
systemsshouldbefilled,drinkingandwashing water

with skids for landing gear, determining the arm for the
directly on floor scales. The problem is that the skid
is in contact with the entire top portion of the scale,
and it is impossible to know exactly where the center
of weight transfer is occurring. In such a case, place
a piece of pipe between the skid and the scale, and
the center of the pipe will now be the known point of
weight transfer.

The arm for each of the weighing points is the distance

from the center of the weight transfer point to the
previous weighing of the aircraft or some other source
of data, they must be measured when the aircraft is
Figure 4-18. Measuring the nosewheel arm
weighed. This involves dropping a plumb bob from on a Cessna 310.
the center of each weighing point and from the aircraft
datum, and putting a chalk mark on the hangar floor
representing each point. The perpendicular distance change when the gear is retracted, the moment of 32
between the datum and each of the weighing points can in-lb would need to be divided by the loaded weight
thenbemeasured.InFigurethe ,81-4 distancefrom of the theairplane. For example, if the airplane wei
nosewheel centerline to the datum is being measured 0 5 , 3 lb, the center of gravity would move forward
on a Cessna 310 airplane. Notice the chalk lines on ÷
2 3 ( " 9 . 0 . ) 0 5 3
the hangar floor, which came as a result of dropping Basedonthenumbersgiven,uptoaloadedweigh
a plumb bob from the nosewheel axle centerline and lb,
087,2 theforwardCGlimitisand "7.08+ theaftCG
from the datum. The nosewheel sitting on an electronic limit is +94.6"As the loaded weight of the airplane
scale can be seen in the background. increases to 3,400 lb and eventually to the maximum
Center of Gravity Range
words, as the loaded weight of the airplane increases,
The center of gravity range for an aircraft is the limits theCGrangegetssmaller.Therangegetssmalle
withinwhichtheaircraftmustbalance.It isidentified
result of the forward limit moving back, while the aft
as a forward most limit (arm) and an aft most limit
limit stays in the same place.
(arm)In . theTypeCertificateDataSheetforthePiper
Seneca airplane, shown earlier in this chapter, the range The data sheet identifies that there is a s
is given as follows: variation between the points given. The points being
referred to are the forward and aft center of gravity lim-
CG Range: (Gear Extended) its.Fromaweightoflb 2,780 toaweightof3,40 lb,
S/N34-E4,34-72501through theforwardlimitmovesfromto +80.7" and
+82.0", if
34- 725014(SeeNOTE3): plotted on a graph, that change would form a straight
(+86.4")to(+94.6")at4,0lb line.Fromlb 04,3 tolb, 0,4 theforwardlimitmoves
fromto 28+ again
," 4 . 6 8 + formingastraightline.Plot -
(+80.7")to(+94.6")at2,780lb shown in Figure 4-19.When graphically plotted, the
Straight line variation between points CGlimitsformwhatisknownastheCGenvelope
InFigurethe ,91-4 redlinerepresentstheforwardli
Moment change due to gear retracting up to a weight of 2,780 lb. The blue and green lines
landinggear(–32in-lb) represent the straight line variation that occurs for the
BecausethePiperSenecaisaretractable forward
gearlimitairplane, as the weight increases up to a maximum
thespecificationsidentifythattherangeapplieswhen of 4,000 lb. The yellow line represents the maximum
the landing gear is extended, and that the airplane’s and the purple line represents
weight for the airplane,
total moment will be decreased by 32 when the gear the aft limit.
retracts. To know how much the center of gravity will

86.4 at 4,000 lb
Weight (lb)

3,400 82 at 3,400 lb
3,200 Forward Aft
3,000 CG limit CG limit
80.7 at 2,780 lb

78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98
Center of Gravity (in)

Figure 4-19. Center of gravity envelope for the Piper Seneca.

Empty Weight Center of Gravity Range • Aviation gasoline 6 lb/gal

For some aircraft, a center of gravity range• is Turbine
given fuel 6.7 lb/gal
for the aircraft in the empty weight condition. This • Lubricatingoil 7.5lb/gal
practice is not very common with airplanes, but is often • Water 8.35lb/gal
done for helicopters. This range would only be listed
for an airplane if it was very small and had limited • Crew and passengers 170 lb per person
Example Weighing of an Airplane
it is known that the loaded CG of the aircraft In Figure 4 - 2 0 , a tricycle
will be gear airplane is being
within limits if standard loading is used. This informa- weighed by using three oor
fl scales.Thespecifications
tionwillbelistedintheAircraftSpecificationsorType on the airplane and the weighing specific data are
CertificateDataSheet,andifitdoesnotapply,itwill follows:
beidentifiedas“none.” • AircraftDatum: Leadingedgeofthewing
Operating Center of Gravity Range • Leveling Means: Two screws, left side of
fuselage below window
for the operational condition, with the aircraft loaded • Wheelbase: 10"
andreadyforflight.Ifanaircraftcanoperate• in more
Fuel Capacity: 30galaviationgasoline
than one category, such as normal and utility, more than at+95"
one set of limits might be listed. As shown earlier for • UnusableFuel: 6lbat+98"
the Piper Seneca airplane, the limits can change as the
weightoftheaircraftincreases.Inorderto • Oil Capacity:
legally fly, 8qtat–38"
the center of gravity for the aircraft must fall within • Note 1: Empty weight includes
theCGlimits. unusable fuel and full oil
• Left Main Scale
Standard Weights Used for Aircraft Weight
and Balance Reading: 650lb
Unless the specific weight for an item is known, • Right
standard weights used in aircraft weight and balance Reading: 640lb
are as follows: • NoseScaleReading: 25lb


Right scale reading Main wheel

640 lb
70" Left scale reading
100" 650 lb

Wheel base
Nose scale reading Chocks
225 lb Nose wheel centerline

Figure 4-20. Example airplane being weighed.

• Weight: lb
5 chocksonleftmain • Because wheel chocks are used to keep t
5 chocksonrightmain airplane from rolling off the scales, their weight
2.5lbchockonnose must be subtracted from the scale readings as tare
•DuringWeighing: weight.
Hydrometer check on • Becausethemainwheelcenterlineisbehi
fuelshows5.9lb/gal thedatum,itsarmisa+70".
Byanalyzingthedataidentifiedfortheairplane • The arm for the nosewheel is the difference
weighedinFigurethe ,02-4 followingneededinforma - between the wheelbase (10") and the distance
tion is determined. from thedatum tothemainwheelcenterlin
• Because the airplane was weighed with the fuel
tanks full, the full weight of the fuel must be To calculate the airplane’s empty weight and
subtracted and the unusable fuel added back in. weight center of gravity, a six column chart is used.
The weight of the fuel being subtracted is based Figure 4-21 shows the calculation for the airplan
on the pounds per gallon determined by the Figure4-20.

Weight Tare Net Wt. Arm Moment

(lb) (lb) (lb) (inches) (in-lb)

Nose 225 –2.5 222.5 –30 –6,675

Left Main 650 –5 645 +70 45,150

Right Main 640 –5 635 +70 44,450

Subtotal 1,515 –12.5 1,502.5 82,925

Fuel Total –177 +95 –16,815

Fuel Unuse +6 +98 588

Oil Full

Total 1,331.5 +50.1 66,698

Figure 4-21. Center of gravity calculation for airplane being weighed.

Basedonthecalculationshowninthechart, Maximum
the center
ofgravityisat+50.1",whichmeansitis50.1"aftof Baggage 20lb(10lbat+2.5,
the datum. This places the center of gravity forward 10lbat+178.)
of the main landing gear, which must be the case for Fuel Capacity 98gal(2wingtanks)at(+93.6")
a tricycle gear airplane. This number is the result of (93galusable).SeeNOTE1for
dividingthetotalmomentofin- 6,98 lbbythetotal
data on system fuel.
Loading an Aircraft for Flight information applies:

The ultimate test of whether or not there is a problem • AirplaneSerialNumber: 34-7250816

with an airplane’s weight and balance is• when Airplaneit is EmptyWeight: 2,650lb
loaded and ready to fly. The only real importance of
• AirplaneEmptyWeightCG:+86."
an airplane’s empty weight and empty weight center
of gravity is how it affects the loaded weight and bal- Fortoday’sflight,thefollowingusefulloaditemswil
anceoftheairplane,sinceanairplanedoesn’t be included: yfl when
it is empty. The pilot in command is responsible for
the weight and balance of the loaded airplane, and he • 1pilotat180lbatanarmof+85."
orshemakesthefinaldecisiononwhether• or 1passenger
notthe at160lbatanarmof18." +
airplaneissafetofly. • 1passengerat210lbatanarmof18." +
Example Loading of an Airplane • 1passengerat190lbatanarmof18." +
Asanexampleofanairplanebeingloadedfor• flight, 1passengerat205lbatanarmof+15.7"
thePiperSenecatwinwillbeused.The-TypeCertifi • 50lbofbaggageat+2.5"
cateDataSheetforthisairplanewasshown • 10lb earlier inat+178."
this chapter, and its center of gravity range and CG
• 80galoffuelat+93.6"
envelope were also shown.
that pertains to this example loading is as follows:
CG Range
(Gear Extended) S/N34-72501through BasedontheinformationintheTypeCertificateDa
34-7502: Sheet, the maximum takeoff weight of this airplane
is 4,20 lb, and the aft-most CG limit is +94.6"The
(+87.9")to(+94.6")at4,20lb loadedairplaneinthechartaboveis25lbtooheav
(+82.0")to(+94.6")at3,40lb andtheCGis1.82"toofaraft.Tomaketheairplane
Straight line variation between Weight Arm Moment
points given. (lb) (inches) (in-lb)
−32in‑lbmomentchangedueto Empty Weight 2,650 +86.80 230,020.0
gear retracting landing gear Pilot 180 +85.50 15,390.0
Empty Weight Passenger 160 +118.10 18,896.0
CG Range None Passenger 210 +118.10 24,801.0
Maximum Passenger 190 +118.10 22,439.0
Weight S/N34-72501through Passenger 205 155.70 31,918.5
Baggage 50 +178.70 1,125.0
4,200 lb — Takeoff Baggage 100 +93.60 17,870.0
4,000 lb — Landing Fuel 480 11.87 44,928.0
No. of Seats 7 (2at +85.",3at18.", +
Total 4,255 +96.42 407,387.5
Figure 4-22. Center of gravity calculation for Piper Seneca.

Weight Arm Moment
(lb) (inches) (in-lb) the tank. Minimum fuel is calculated by dividing the
Empty Weight 2,650 +86.8 230,020.0
Pilot 180 +85.5 15,390.0 On an aft extreme condition check, all useful load
Passenger 210 +85.5 17,955.0 itemsbehindtheaftCGlimitareloaded,andal
Passenger 160 +118.1 24,801.0 loaditemsinfrontoftheaftCGlimitareleft
Passenger 190 +118.1 22,439.0 Eventhoughthepilot’sseatwillbelocatedi
Passenger 205 +118.1 24,210.5
Baggage 100 +22.5 2,250.0
minimum fuel will be shown.
Baggage 25 +178.7 4,467.5
Fuel 480 93.6 44,928.0 Example Forward and Aft Extreme
Total 4,200 +92.0 386,461.0 Condition Checks
UsingthestickairplaneinFigureas 4-2 anexample
Figure 4-23. Center of gravity calculation for adverse forward and aft checks will be calculated.
Piper Seneca with weights shifted. Someofthedatafortheairplaneisshowninthe
such as seat, baggage, and fuel information. The center
safetofly,theloadneedstobereducedby25lb ofand gravity limits are shown, with arrows pointing in
some of the load needs to be shifted forward. the direction
For where maximum and minimum weights
example, the baggage can be reduced by 25 lb, and will be loaded. On the forward check, any useful
a full 100 lb of it can be placed in the more forward load item located in front of 89" will be loaded, a
compartment. One passenger can be moved to the anything behind that location will be left empty. On
forward seat next to the pilot, and the aft-most pas- the aft check, maximum weight will be added behind
senger can then be moved forward. If these changes and
9" minimumweightinfrontofthatlocation.For
are made, the four column calculation will be as shown either of the checks, if fuel is not located in a maximum
inFigure4-23. weight location, minimum fuel must be accounted for.
With the changes made, the loaded weight is now at the meaning they are adjustable fore and aft. In a forward
maximumallowableoflb, 02,4 andtheCGhasmoved check,thepilot’sseatwillbeshownatand 82", int
forwardThe 4.1" airplaneisnowsafetofly. aftcheckitwillbeatAdditional ."8 specificatio
Weight and Balance Extreme
Conditions • AirplaneEmptyWeight:

• EmptyWeightCG: +92.45"
A weight and balance extreme condition check, some-
times called an adverse condition check, involves • CGLimits: +89"to+9"
loading the aircraft in as nose heavy or tail heavy a • Maximum Weight: 3,200 lb
condition as possible, and seeing if the center of gravity • FuelCapacity: 4 5gal at+95"
falls outside the allowable limits. This check is done (4usable)
with pencil and paper. In other words, the aircraft is
not actually loaded in an adverse way and an attempt
(39 usable)
In evaluating the two extreme condition checks, the
On what is called a forward extreme condition check,
following key points should be recognized.
are loaded, and all useful load items behind the forward • The total arm is the airplane center of gravity, and
CGlimitareleftempty.Soiftherearetwoseats andby
is found a dividing the total moment by the total
baggage compartment located in front of the forward weight.
CG limit, two people weighing 170 lb each will be
• For the forward check, the only thing load
put in the seats, and the maximum allowable baggage
behind the forward limit was minimum fuel.
will be put in the baggage compartment. Any seat or
baggagecompartmentlocatedbehindtheforward • For theCG forward check, the pilot and passe
limit will be left empty. If the fuel is located behind seats wereshownattheforwardposition

2 at 82"– 88" 2 at 105" 2 at 125"

375 HP 100 lb at 140"


75 lb 95" 102"
at 60"
Maximum weight Minimum weight

Forward limit 89" Aft limit 99"

Minimum weight Maximum weight

Figure 4-24. Example airplane for extreme condition checks.

• Fortheforwardcheck,theCGwaswithinlimits, • Fortheaftcheck,thefueltankatwas 102" filled,

sotheairplanecouldbeflownthisway. which more than accounted for the required
• For the aft check, the only thing loaded inminimum
front fuel.
• 8".Fortheaftcheck,theCGwasoutoflimitsby,"6.0

Extreme Condition Forward Check

Equipment Change and Aircraft
Weight Arm Moment Alteration
(lb) (inches) (in-lb)
When the equipment in an aircraft is changed, such as
Empty Weight 1,850.0 +92.45 171,032.5
the installation of a new radar system or ground prox-
Pilot 170.0 +82.00 13,940.0
imity warning system, or the removal of a radio or seat,
Passenger 170.0 +82.00 13,940.0
the weight and balance of an aircraft will change. An
Baggage 75.0 +60.00 4,500.0 alteration performed on an aircraft, such as a cargo door
Fuel 187.5 +95.00 17,812.5 being installed or a reinforcing plate being attached to
Total 2,452.5 +90.20 221,225.0 the spar of a wing, will also change the weight and bal-
ance of an aircraft. Any time the equipment is changed
or an alteration is performed, the new empty weight and
Extreme Condition Aft Check
empty weight center of gravity must be determined.
Weight Arm Moment This can be accomplished by placing the aircraft on
(lb) (inches) (in-lb) scales and weighing it, or by mathematically calculat-
Empty Weight 1,850 +92.45 171,032.5 ing the new weight and balance. The mathematical
Pilot 170 +88.00 14,960.0
calculation is acceptable if the exact weight and arm of
all the changes are known.
2 Passengers 340 +105.00 35,700.0
2 Passengers 340 +125.00 42,500.0 Example Calculation After an Equipment Change
Baggage 100 +140.00 14,000.0 A small twin-engine airplane has some new equipment
Fuel 234 +102.00 23,868.0 installed, and some of its existing equipment removed.
Total 3,034 +99.60 302,060.5 The details of the equipment changes are as follows:

Figure 4-25. Center of gravity extreme condition checks.

• Airplane Empty • The total arm is the airplane’s center of
Weight: 2,350lb and is found by dividing the total moment by the
• Airplane Empty total weight.
WeightCG: +24.7" • The result of the equipment change is that the
• AirplaneDatum: Leading edge of the wing airplane’sweightwasreducedbylb 2.5 andthe
• RadioInstalled:5.8lb
• GlobalPositioning The Use of Ballast
7.3lb atanarmof –26"
• Emergency Locater Ballast is used in an aircraft to attain th
of+105" balance, when the center of gravity is not within limits
or is not at the location desired by the operator. It is
• Strobe Light usually located as far aft or as far forward as possible
Removed: 1.4lbatanarmof +75" tobringtheCGwithinlimits,whileusingamini
• AutomaticDirection amountofweight.Ballastthatisinstalled - t
Finder(ADF) sate for the removal or installation of equipment items
removed: 3lbatanarmof –28" and that is to remain in the aircraft for long periods is
• SeatRemoved: 34lbatanarmof +60" called permanent ballast. It is generally lead bars or
plates bolted to the aircraft structure. It may be painted
To calculate the new empty weight and empty weight redandplacarded:PERMANENTBALLAST — DO
center of gravity, a four column chart is used. The NOTREMOVE.Theinstallationofpermanentballas
calculationwouldbeasshowninFigure4-26. results in an increase in the aircraft empty weight, and
it reduces the useful load.
In evaluating the weight and balance calculation shown
in Figure 4-26, the following key points should be
Temporary ballast, or removable ballast, is used to
recognized. meet certain loading conditions that may vary from
time to time. It generally takes the form of lead shot
• Theweightoftheequipmentneedstobebags, identified
sand bags, or other weight items that are not per-
with a plus or minus to signify whether it is being manently installed. Temporary ballast should be plac-
installed or removed. arded: BALLAST, XX LB. REMOVALREQUIRES
• The sign of the moment ( plus or minus) is AND BALANCE CHECK. The baggage
determined by the signs of the weight and arm. compartment is usually the most convenient location
• ThestrobeandtheADFarebothbeingremoved for temporary ballast.
(negative weight), but only the strobe has a
Whenever permanent or temporary ballast is installed,
negative moment. This is because the arm for
it must be placed in an approved location and secured
the ADF is also negative, and two negatives
in an appropriate manner. If permanent ballast is being
multiplied together produce a positive result.
bolted to the structure of the aircraft, the location must
be one that was previously approved and designed for
Weight Arm Moment the installation, or it must be approved by t
(lb) (inches) (in-lb) as a major alteration before the aircraft is returned to
Empty Weight 2,350.0 +24.70 58,045.0
service. When temporary ballast is placed in a baggage
compartment, it must be secured in a way that prevents
Radio Install +5.8 −28.00 −162.4
it from becoming a projectile if the aircraft encounters
GPS Install +7.3 −26.00 −189.8
ELT Install +2.8 +105.00 294.0
Strobe Remove −1.4 +75.00 −105.0 To calculate how much ballast is needed to bring the
ADF Remove −3.0 −28.00 84.0 center of gravity within limits, the following formula
Seat Remove −34.0 +60.00 −2,040.0 is used.

Total 2,327.5 24.03 55,925.8 BallastNeeded=

Figure 4-26. Center of gravity calculation
after equipment change. Arm from ballast location to affected limit

Theaftlimitfortheairplanewasand 9", thenewCG
Weight Arm Moment
Item isatwhich
,"69.8 putsitwithinacceptablelimits.The
(lb) (inches) (in-lb)
newCGdidnotfallexactlyatbecause 9" theamount
Empty Weight 1,850 +92.45 171,032.5
of needed ballast was rounded up to the next higher
Pilot 170 +88.00 14,960.0 whole pound. If the ballast could have been placed
2 Passengers 340 +105.00 35,700.0 farther forward, such as being bolted to the engine
2 Passengers 340 +125.00 42,500.0 firewall, less ballast would have been needed. Th
Baggage 100 +140.00 14,000.0 is why ballast is always placed as far away from the
Fuel 234 +102.00 23,868.0 affected limit as possible.
Total 3,034 +99.60 302,060.5 In evaluating the ballast calculation shown above, the
following key points should be recognized.
Figure 4-27. Extreme condition check.
• loadedweightoftheaircraft,asidentifiedi
the formula, is what the airplane weighed when
Figureon 4-2 pageand
4-2 Figureshow4-27 anaft
extreme condition check being performed on an air-
plane.Inthispreviouslyshownexample,theairplane’s The
• distancetheCGisoutoflimitsisthedifferen
center of gravity was out of limits by 0.6" If there between theCGlocationandtheCGlimit,inthi
wereaneedoradesiretoflytheairplaneloadedthis 9". case minus
" 6 . 9
way, one way to make it possible would be the instal- • The affected limit identified in the formula is
lation of temporary ballast in the front of the airplane. the CG limit which has been exceeded. If the
The logical choice for placement of this ballast is the CG is too far aft, it is the aft limit that has be
forward baggage compartment. exceeded.
The center of gravity for this airplane is 0.6" too • Thefar
aft limit for this example airplane is 9",
aft. If the forward baggage compartment is used as a and the ballast is being placed in the baggage
temporary ballast location, the ballast calculation will compartment at an arm of 60". The difference
be as follows: between the two is 39", the quantity divided by
in the formula.
Viewed as a first class lever problem, Figure 4-29
shows what this ballast calculation would look like. A
Arm from ballast location to affected limit ballastweightof46.8lbontheleftsideofthelever
3,04lb(0.6") multiplied by the arm of 39" (9 minus 60) would
= equal the aircraft weight of 3,034 lb multiplied by the
distance the CG is out of limits, which is 0.6" (9
=46.8lb minus9).
When ballast is calculated, the answer should always
be rounded up to the next higher whole pound, or in Aircraft weight of
Ballast weight of
this case, 47 lb of ballast would be used. To ensure the 46.68 lb at an 3,034 lb at a
ballast calculation is correct, the weight of the ballast arm of 60" CG of of 99.6"

should be plugged back into the four column calcula-

tion and a new center of gravity calculated.
Distance from Aft limit to Ballast = 39" 0.6"

Weight Arm Moment Distance out

Item of limits
(lb) (inches) (in-lb)
In order to balance at the aft limit of 99", the moment to the left of
Loaded Weight 3,034 +99.60 302,060.5 the fulcrum must equal the moment to the right of the fulcrum. The
moment to the right is the weight of the airplane multiplied by 0.6".
Ballast 47 +60.00 2,820.0
The moment to the left is the ballast weight multiplied by 39".
Total 3,081 +98.96 304,880.5
Figure 4-29. Ballast calculation as a first class lever.
Figure 4-28. Ballast calculation.

Loading Graphs and CG Envelopes andmodelaircraftatthetimeoforiginalcert
The graphs become a permanent part of the aircraft
The weight and balance computation system, com- records,andaretypicallyfoundintheAirplane
monly called the loading graph and CGenvelope-sys ManualorPilot’sOperatingHandbook(AFM/POH).
tem, is an excellent and rapid method for determining These graphs, used in conjunction with the empty
the CG location for various loading arrangements. weightandemptyweightCGdatafoundinthewei
This method can be applied to any make and model andbalancereport,allowthepilottoplott
of aircraft, but is more often seen with small general the loaded aircraft.
aviation aircraft.
TheloadinggraphillustratedinFigureis 4-30 use
Aircraft manufacturers using this method of weight determine the index number (moment value) of a
and balance computation prepare graphs similar to item or weight that may be involved in loading the
thoseshowninFigures4-30and4-31foreachmake aircraft.Tousethisgraph,findthepoint - onthe



Load Weight (lb)


240 ng



200 Re


160 Fu



40 Oil

−2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28

Moment Index (Moment /1,000)

Figure 4-30. Aircraft loading graph.


Normal Category
Load Aircraft Weight (lb)








50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115
Loaded Aircraft Moment/1,000 (in-lb)

Figure 4-31. CG envelope.

cal scale that represents the known weight. Project a for the aircraft in the Normal Category and one for the
horizontal line to the point where it intersects the proper aircraft in the Utility Category.
diagonal weight line (i.e., pilot, copilot, baggage).
Where the horizontal line intersects the diagonal, proj- TheloadinggraphandCGenvelopeshowninFigures
ect a vertical line downward to determine the loaded 4-30 and 4-31 are for an airplane with the following
moment(indexnumber)fortheweightbeingadded. specificationsandweightandbalancedata.

After the moment for each item of weight has been • Number of Seats: 4
determined, all weights are added and all moments are •FuelCapacity(Usable)38gal : ofAvGas
added. The total weight and moment is then plotted •OilCapacity: 8qt(includedin
on the CG envelope. [Figure 4-31] The total weight emptyweight)
is plotted on the vertical scale of the graph, with a
•Baggage: 120lb
horizontal line projected out from that point. The total
moment is plotted on the horizontal scale of the graph, • Empty Weight: 1,400 lb
with a vertical line projected up from that point. Where •EmptyWeightCG: 38.5"
the horizontal and vertical plot lines intersect on the •EmptyWeightMoment: 53,90in-lb
graph is the center of gravity for the loaded aircraft.
If the point where the plot lines intersect falls inside Anexampleofloadingtheairplaneforflight - andcal
the CG envelope, the aircraft CG is within culating the total loaded weight and the total loaded
limits. In
Figurethere 4-31, areactuallytwoCGenvelopes, moment one isshowninFiguresand 4-32 The
4-3. useof
the loading graph to determine the moment for each of
theusefulloaditemsisshowninFigureThe .3 -4 color
Item Weight (lb) Moment (in-lb)
usedforeachusefulloaditeminFigurematches 4-32
Aircraft Empty Wt. 1,400 53,900 the color used for the plot on the loading graph.
Pilot 180 6,000
Front Passengers 140 4,500
Thetotalloadedweightoftheairplaneispounds 852,
andthetotalloadedmomentisin- 04,9 lb.Thesetwo
Rear Passengers 210 15,000
Baggage 100 9,200
iftheairplaneiswithinCGlimits.Figureshows 4-3
Fuel 228 10,800 theCGenvelope,withtheloadedweightandmoment
Total 2,258 99,400 of the airplane plotted. The CG location shown fal
Figure 4-32. Aircraft load chart.




280 en

Load Weight (lb)


240 Re
160 Fu e


40 Oil

−2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28

Moment Index (Moment/1,000)

Figure 4-33. Example plots on a loading graph.

Normal Category

Load Aircraft Weight (lb)

CG Location
Forward Limit



Aft Limit

50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115
Loaded Aircraft Moment/1,000 (in-lb)

Figure 4-34. CG envelope example plot.

within the normal category envelope, so the airplane is If the helicopter is too nose heavy or tail heavy while
withinCGlimitsforthiscategory. it is hovering, the cyclic pitch control will be used to
Itisinterestingtonotethatthelines that
extreme, it form the
may not beCG
possible to keep the fuselage
envelope are actually graphic plots of the forward horizontal or maintain control of the helicopter.
and aft CG limits. In Figure 4-3, the red line is a
graphic plot of the forward limit, and the blue and green Helicopter Weighing
lines are graphic plots of the aft limit for the two different When a helicopter is being weighed, the location of
categories. both longitudinal and lateral weighing points must be
known to determine its empty weight and empty weight
Helicopter Weight and Balance CG.Thisisbecausehelicoptershavelongitudi
lateralCGlimits.Aswiththeairplane, - thel
General Concepts
nal arms are measured from the datum, with locations
All of the terminology and concepts that apply to behind the datum being positive arms and locations in
airplane weight and balance also apply generally to front of the datum being negative arms. Laterally, the
helicopterweightandbalance.Therearesome arms arespecific
measured from the butt line, which is a line
differences,however,whichneedtobeidentified. from the nose to the tail running through the middle
Mosthelicoptershaveamuchmorerestricted of the helicopter.
CGrange When facing forward, arms to the
than do airplanes. In some cases, this range is less than right of the butt line are positive; to the le
3".The exact location and length of the CG range is negative.
specified for each helicopter, and usually extends
Before a
ahelicopter isweighed,itmust - belevel
short distance fore and aft of the main rotor mast or gitudinally and laterally. This can be done with a spirit
centered between the main rotors of a dual rotor system. level, but more often than not it is done with a plumb
Whereas airplanes have a center of gravity range only bob. For example, the Bell JetRanger has a locat
along the longitudinal axis, helicopters have both lon- inside the aft cabin where a plumb can be attached, and
gitudinalandlateralcenterofgravityallowed ranges.Because
the wings extend outward from the center of gravity, floorisaplatebearingcrosshairs,withthecro
airplanes tend to have a great deal of lateral stability. corresponding to the horizontal and lateral axis of the
A helicopter, on the other hand, acts like a pendulum, helicopter. When the point of the plumb bob falls in the
with the weight of the helicopter hanging from the middle of the cross hairs, the helicopter is level along
main rotor shaft. both axes. If the tip of the plumb bob falls forward of
Ideally, the helicopter should have such perfect balance thispoint,thenoseofthehelicopteristoolo
that the fuselage remains horizontal while in a hover. to the left of this point, the left side of the helicopter is

Longitudinal CG Calculation

Item Scale (lb) Tare Wt. (lb) Nt. Wt. (lb) Arm (inches) Moment (in-lb)
Left Front 650 0 650 +55.16 35,854.0
Right Front 625 0 625 +55.16 34,475.0
Aft 710 0 710 +204.92 145,493.2
Total 1,985 1,985 +108.73 215,822.2

Lateral CG Calculation

Item Scale (lb) Tare Wt. (lb) Nt. Wt. (lb) Arm (inches) Moment (in-lb)
Left Front 650 0 650 −25 −16,250
Right Front 625 0 625 +25 +15,625
Aft 710 0 710 0 0
Total 1,985 1,985 +.31 −625

Figure 4-36. Center of gravity calculation for Bell JetRanger.

Using six column charts for the calculations, the empty TheFAAhasrecentlyaccepted )50 2( -
weight and the longitudinal and lateral center of gravity tionofaircraft,knownasLightSportAircraft(LS
forthehelicopterwouldbeasshowninFigure A new 4-36. set of standards is being developed which will
have an impact on the weight-shift control and powered
Based on the calculations in Figure 4-36, it has beenaircraft and how their weight and balance
determined that the empty weight of the helicopter is is handled.
1,985lb,thelongitudinalCG is at+108.73", andthe
lateralCGisat–0.31" Weight-Shift Control Aircraft
Weight-shift control aircraft, commonly known by
Weight and Balance — the name “trikes,” have very few options for loading
Weight-Shift Control Aircraft and because they have very few places to put useful load
Powered Parachutes items. Some trikes have only one seat and a fuel tank,
sotheonlyvariablesforaight fl areamountoffue
The terminology, theory, and concepts of weight and
weight of the pilot. Some trikes have two seats and a
balance that applies to airplanes also applies to weight-
small storage bin, in addition to the fuel tank.
shift aircraft and powered parachutes. Weight is still
weight, and the balance point is still the balance point. The most significant factor affecting the weigh
There are, however, a few differences that need to be balanceofatrikeistheweightofthe- pilot;ift
discussed.Beforereadingaboutthespecifics ofweight
craft has two seats, the weight of the passenger must
and balance on weight-shift control and powered para- be considered. The trike acts somewhat like a single
chute aircraft, be sure to read about their aerodynamic main rotor helicopter because the weight of the aircraft
characteristics in Chapter 3, Physics. is hanging like a pendulum under the wing. Figu
4-37 shows a two-place trike, in which the mast and
Weight-shift control aircraft and powered parachutes
the nose strut come together slightly below the wing
that govern certified airplanes and helicopters and,
the aircraft is hanging from the wing attach point. The
weight of the engine and fuel is behind this point, the
the same type of FAAmandated weight and balance
passenger is almost directly below this point, and the
reports. Weight and balance information and guidelines
pilot is forward of this point. The balance of the aircraft
are left to the individual owners and the companies
is determined by how all these weights compare.
with which they work in acquiring this type of aircraft.
Overall, the industry that is supplying these aircraft is The wing attach point, with respect to the wing keel, is
regulating itself well, and the safety record is good for an adjustable location. The attach point can be loosened
those aircraft being operated by experienced pilots.

Figure 4-38. Wing attach point for a weight-shift aircraft.

Figure 4-37. Weight and balance for a weight-shift aircraft.

and moved slightly forward or slightly aft, depending

on the weight of the occupants. For example, if the
aircraftisown fl byaheavyperson,theattachpointcan
be moved a little farther aft, bringing the wing forward,
to compensate for the change in center of gravity.

4-38 aclose-upofthewingattachpoint,
and the small amount of forward and aft movement
that is available.
Figure 4-39. Powered parachute structure
Powered Parachutes with wing attach points.
Powered parachutes have many of the same character-
istics as weight-shift control aircraft when it comes to a large airplane. The jacks and scales will be larger, and
weight and balance. They have the same limited load- it may take more personnel to handle the equipment,
ing, with only one or two seats and a fuel tank. They but the concepts and processes are the same.
also act like a pendulum, with the weight of the aircraft
hangingbeneaththeinflatedwing(parachute) Built-In. Electronic Weighing
One difference that may be found with large airplanes
The point at which the inflated wing attaches to the of electronic load cells in the
is the incorporation
structure of the aircraft is adjustable to compensate for aircraft’s landing gear. With this type of system, th
pilots and passengers of varying weights. With a very airplane is capable of weighing itself as it sits on the
heavy pilot, the wing attach point would be moved tarmac. The load cells are built into the axles of the
forward to prevent the aircraft from being too nose landing gear, or the landing gear strut, and they work
93-4 thestructureinofthe apowered
same manner as load cells used with jacks. This
parachute with the adjustable wing attach points. systemiscurrentlyinuseontheBoeing - Boe
,0 4-7
,7 McDonnell
,78 DouglasMD-and,1
Weight and Balance for Large the wide body Airbus airplanes like the A-330, A-340,
Airplanes andA-380.
Weight and balance for large airplanes is almost identi- TheBoeingutilizes
,7 twoindependentsystemsthat
cal to what it is for small airplanes, on a much larger provide information to the airplane’s - flight mana
scale. If a technician can weigh a small airplane and ment computer. If the two systems agree on the weight
calculate its empty weight and empty weight center of and center of gravity of the airplane, the data being
gravity, that same technician should be able to do it for provided are considered accurate and the airplane can

be dispatched based on that information. decreases toward the tip. In relation to the aerodynam-
The flight
crewhasaccesstotheinformationonthe ics flight
of thedeck
wing, the average length of the chord on
these and
by accessing the flight management computer tapered swept-back wings is known as the mean
bringing up the weight and balance page. aerodynamicchord(MAC).

Mean Aerodynamic Chord Ontheselargerairplanes,theCGisidentified

On small airplanes and on all helicopters, the center of atalocationthatisaspecificpercent - oftheme
gravitylocationisidentifiedasbeingaspecific dynamicnumber chord(%MAC).Forexample,imaginethat
of inches from the datum. The center of gravity range the MAC on aparticularairplaneisand 10", theCG
is identified the same way. On larger airplanes, from falls " 0 2 behind the leading edge of the MAC. That
private business jets to large jumbo jets, the center of means it falls one- fifth of the way back, or at 20%of
gravityanditsrangearetypicallyidentified the MAC.
the width of the wing. Figure 4-0 shows a large twin-engine commercial
The width of the wing on an airplane is known as the transport airplane. The datum is forward of the nose of
chord. If the leading edge and trailing edge of a wing theairplane,and allthearms shown in the figu
are parallel to each other, the chord of the wing is the being measured from that point. The center of gravity
samealongthewing’slength.Business for theand
- jets airplane
com is shown as an arm measured in inches.
mercial transport airplanes have wings that are tapered In the lower left corner of the figure, a cross se
and that are swept back, so the width of their wings is of the wing is shown, with the same center of gravity
different along their entire length. The width is greatest information being presented.
where the wing meets the fuselage and progressively

Center of gravity

MAC 180"
Trailing edge of MAC
Leading edge 1,080"
of MAC 900"

LEMAC 900"
CG at 945"

45" Chord line

MAC = 180"

Figure 4-40. Center of gravity location on a large commercial transport.

To convert the center of gravity location from inches FortheairplaneinFigureif ,04- theCGwasat%5.23
toapercentofMAC,fortheairplaneshownin of the MAC, the solution would be:
4-40, the steps are as follows:
1. Identify the center of gravity location, in inches =32.5÷10×8+9
from the datum.
2. IdentifytheleadingedgeoftheMAC(LEMAC),
in inches from the datum.
Weight and Balance Records
3. SubtractLEMACfromtheCGlocation.
When a technician gets involved with the weight and
4. Dividethedifferencebythelengthofthe MAC.
balance of an aircraft, it almost always involves a calcu-
5. Converttheresultindecimalstoalation percentage ofthe byaircraft’semptyweightandemptyweig
multiplying by 100. center of gravity. Only on rare occasions will the tech-
nician be involved in calculating extreme conditions,
As a formula, the solution to solve for the percent of
how much ballast is needed, or the loaded weight and
MAC would be:
balance of the aircraft. Calculating the empty weight
CG − LEMAC andemptyweightCGmightinvolveputtingtheaircr
Percent of MAC = × 100 on scales and weighing it, or a pencil and paper exercise
after installing a new piece of equipment.
The result using the numbers shown in Figure 4-0
The FAArequires that a current and accurate emp
would be:
weight and empty weight center of gravity be known
CG−LEMAC for an aircraft. This information must be included in
PercentofMAC= ×10
MAC the weight and balance report, which is a part of the
aircraft permanent records. The weight and balance
= ×10 reportmustbeintheaircraftwhenitisbeingflown
4-41 is a good example of recording the data obtained
If the center of gravity is known in percent of MAC, from weighing an aircraft. As it is currently laid out,
andthereisaneedtoknowtheCGlocation the form would accommodate either a tricycle gear or
from the datum, the conversion would be done as tail dragger airplane.Dependingonthegeartype,eit
follows: the nose or the tail row would be used. If an airplane
is being weighed using jacks and load cells, or if a
1. Convert the percent of MAC to a decimal by helicopter is being weighed, the item names must be
dividing by 100. changedtoreflecttheweightlocations.
2. Multiply the decimal by the length of the MAC.
If an equipment change is being done on an aircraft, and
3. Add this number to LEMAC. the new weight and balance is calculated mathemati-
cally instead of weighing the aircraft, the same type
As a formula, the solution to convert a percent of MAC
of form shown in Figure 4-1 can be used.The only
to an inch value would be:
change would be the use of a four column solution,
CG in inches = MAC % ÷ 100 × MAC + LEMAC instead of six columns, and there would be no tare
weight or involvement with fuel and oil.

Aircraft Weight and Balance Report
Results of Aircraft Weighing

Make Model
Serial # N#
Datum Location
Leveling Means
Scale Arms: Nose Tail Left Main Right Main
Scale Weights: Nose Tail Left Main Right Main
Tare Weights: Nose Tail Left Main Right Main

Weight and Balance Calculation

Item Scale (lb) Tare Wt. (lb) Net Wt. (lb) Arm (inches) Moment (in-lb)
Left Main
Right Main

Aircraft Current Empty Weight:

Aircraft Current Empty Weight CG:

Aircraft Maximum Weight:

Aircraft Useful Load:

Computed By: (print name)


Certificate #: (A&P, Repair Station, etc.)


Figure 4-41. Aircraft weight and balance report.


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