1 Thesis
1 Thesis
1 Thesis
Submitted By
Research Supervisor
JUNE 2011
Dr. D. Saravanan
Assistant Professor
Department of Chemistry
National College (Autonomous)
Tiruchirappalli - 620 001.
This is to certify that the thesis entitled, “Analytical Method Development, Impurity
profiling and Method Validation for selected cardiovascular Drugs” is a bonafide record of
the work done by Mr. A. Mohan in the Post Graduate and Research Department of Chemistry,
National College (Autonomous), Tiruchirappalli-620 001, and the thesis has not previously
formed in part or fully the basis for the award to the candidate of any degree, associateship,
diploma, fellowship or any other similar title. It is also certified that this thesis represents the
Date: Supervisor-Guide
( D. Saravanan)
I hereby declare that the thesis entitled, “Analytical Method Development, Impurity
profiling and Method Validation for selected cardiovascular Drugs” is a record of the work
done by me under the guidance and supervision of Dr. D. Saravanan, Assistant Professor,
Tiruchirappalli-620 001.
I also declare that this work has not formed in part or fully the basis for the award of any
(A. Mohan)
“The act of thanks giving does not exhibit ones sense of gratitude, but the true tendency of lending a
helping hand during emergency and the fact that every work has thousands of hands behind”.
Fact is that every mission needs a spirit of hard work and dedication but it needs to be put on
the right path to meet its destination and in my case this credits goes to my esteemed guide,
Dr. D. Saravanan, Assistant Professor, P.G. & Research Department of Chemistry, National College
It’s my privilege and honor to extend profound gratitude and indebtedness to the
(Autonomous), Tiruchirappalli, for providing the necessary help and support to carry out my work.
College (Autonomous), Tiruchirappalli, for providing the necessary support during my research work.
his invigorate guidance, felicitous advice, valuable hints with energizing criticism throughout the
I would like to express my sincere thanks to Dr. A. Jafar Ahamed, Associate Professor, Post
I would like to thank Dr. Shameela Rajam, (Doctoral Committee Member) Reader, P.G.&
Research Department of Chemistry, Bishop Heber College (Autonomous), Tiruchirappalli, for her
I would like to express my deep and very much special indebtedness to my philosopher and
Guru Dr. B. Sivakumar, Associate Director, Research Center, Orchid Chemicals and Pharmaceutical
I wish to extend my gratitude to the management of Torrent Research Centre, Ahmedabad, for
providing the necessary help and support to carry out my research work.
My precious thanks to my colleague and friends Mr. Sukhdev Singh, Mr. Vikraman,
Mr. Mandhar Kulkarni, Mr. Hariharan Mr. Shanmuga Velu, Dr. Hitesh Patel, Mr. Ananadan and
Last but not the least, present research work is beyond belief without the support of family
members and friends who have contributed in numerous ways to my marathon journey for t his research
work. It is fact that without their constant positive attitude and never ending patience, I could not
Finally, I thank the Almighty who has given me the strength and knowledge to complete my
research work.
Arivozhi Mohan
1.1 Drugs 1
1.2 Cardiovascular drugs 1
1.3 Impurity profiling 6
1.4 Analytical methods 21
References 41
4.8 Validation of analytical method 133
4.9 Conclusion 135
References 136
Table 6.1 The outcomes of each trial on various mobile phase compositions
Table 6.7 Precision data for Etodolac and Propranolol hydrochloride
Fig. 1.3 Van Deemter plot, illustrating the evolution of particle sizes over the years
Fig. 3.4 Typical chromatogram of Clopidogrel spiked with Impurities as per USP
Fig. 3.8 HPLC chromatogram of Clopidogrel drug product spiked with related
compound D
Fig. 3.19 Irradiation data (Proton decoupling experiment)
Fig. 4.3 Typical HPLC chromatograms of Candesartan cilexetil Tablets - 60°C for 2
Fig. 4.5 The UV spectra of the Candesartan cilexetil and its impurities
Fig. 4.23 Single crystal structure of Impurity-III
Fig. 5.13 Typical UPLC chromatogram of sample spiked with six impurities
Fig. 6.2 Structural formula of Propranolol hydrochloride
Fig. 6.5 Typical HPLC chromatograms of Blank (Dissolution medium) and Placebo
µg Microgram
µm Micrometer
µs Micro Second
C-NMR Carbon-13 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
H-NMR Proton Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
bs Broad Singlet
db Decibel
DMSO-D6 Dimethylsulphoxide-D6
ET Etodolac
FDC Fixed Dose Combination
HCTZ Hydrochlorothiazide
IS Internal Standard
LC Liquid Chromatography
LCDP Lacidipine
MHz Megahertz
mt Multiplet
ng Nanogram
nm Nanometer
PH Propranolol Hydrochloride
QA Quality Assurance
RH Relative Humidity
RIA Radioimmunoassay
Chapter 1
1.1 Drugs
A drug may be defined as a substance meant for diagnosis, cure, mitigation and
science that makes use of general laws of chemistry to study drugs i.e. their preparation,
control and the conditions of their storage etc. The family of drugs may be broadly
agents refer to a group of drugs, which stimulate or depress various functions of body so
as to provide some relief to the body in case of body abnormalities, without curing the
disease. They are mainly used in case of noninfectious diseases so as to correct the
anticoagulating agents are some examples of this group. These agents have no action on
Chemotherapeutic agents are agents, which are selectively more toxic to the
invading organisms without harmful effect to the host. Some of the examples of this
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Heart diseases or cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are the class of diseases that
involve the heart or blood vessels.[7] While the term technically refers to any disease that
to atherosclerosis (arterial disease). Heart attacks and strokes are usually acute events and
are mainly caused by a blockage that prevents blood from flowing to the heart or brain.
The most common reason for this is a build-up of fatty deposits on the inner walls of the
blood vessels that supply the heart or brain. Strokes can also be caused by bleeding from
Every year, 17.1 million lives are claimed by the global burden of heart disease
and stroke 82% of which are in the developing world. The number of deaths especially in
low and middle-income countries (LMICs) is alarming and saddening. These deaths could
be prevented through steps such as eating a healthy diet, regular physical activity and
avoiding tobacco. By the year of 2030, almost 23.6 million people will die from CVD,
mainly due to heart diseases and stroke. These are projected to remain the single leading
causes of death. The largest percentage increase will occur in the Eastern Mediterranean
Region. The largest increase in number of deaths will occur in the South-East Asia
Each year, heart disease kills more Americans than cancer. In recent years,
cardiovascular risk in women has been increasing and has killed more women than breast
cancer.[8] By the time, the heart problems are detected, the underlying cause
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of heart disease. Many people with advanced heart disease may take several of
these drugs, and drug treatment may change if the disease advances or improves. The
reason people may require several types of drugs are because they may have numerous
symptoms or conditions that need control at the same time. Understanding the various
Types of cardiovascular drugs may be broken into groups depending upon their
action or what they treat. Treatment categories are more difficult to describe since many
of these medications may address several symptoms of heart disease and have more
than one use. Categories that might describe drug actions include the following:
Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are a group of disorders of the heart and blood
Coronary heart disease – disease of the blood vessels supplying the heart muscle.
Peripheral arterial disease – disease of blood vessels supplying the arms and legs.
Rheumatic heart disease – damage to the heart muscle and heart valves from
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Deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism – blood clots in the leg veins,
the organ system that is being treated. There is considerable overlap in the specialties, and
Yet it would be hard to keep track of every single drug intended to assist in heart
disease because of the plethora that exist, and the intense research existing in this area,
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associated with drugs or drug products) is increasingly viewed as a valuable and essential
part of quality requirements. Various regulatory authorities like United States Food and
health agencies[13-16] are emphasizing on the purity requirements and the identification of
impurities in drug substance and products. A key component of the overall quality of a
are developed with the joint efforts of regulators and industry representative from the
European Union, Japan and the United States. The guidelines helped to ensure that the
different regions have consistent requirements for the data that should be submitted to the
various regulatory agencies. As per ICH Q3A(R)[18] and ICH Q3B(R)[19] guidelines,
unknown impurities associated with bulk drug and dosage form, greater than the
Impurity profiles for pharmaceutical products require a basis for well reasoned
and rational argument that seeks to limit both the number and amount of impurities on
safety grounds. The efficacy, safety and the dosage of drug product will determine the
administered will vary considerably between products and it is obvious, but frequently
ignored, that this will influence the amount of impurity administered when impurities are
on safety, simply by the limitation of an impurity to a low percentage level. Some drugs
the analyst may not need to struggle to achieve a low (e.g. 0.1%) limit for detection,
quantification, validation or reporting, if the daily dose to humans will only be in the
microgram or low milligram range. As a rough guide, the limitation to 1 mg daily oral
It is therefore necessary from the safety point of view, to know enough about the
impurity profile (both qualitative and quantitative) to allow a judgment that the impurity
will not pose any concern over safety or will be an acceptable risk factor for treating
serious diseases where there is no other therapy suitable for a particular patient.
development. Hence, it was felt necessary to develop the modern chromatographic and
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Degradation of the drug substance is one of the main sources of impurities in both
bulk drug and formulated product. Degradation of the drug substance is caused by
chemical instability of the drug substance under the conditions (e.g., heat, oxidation,
storage, transportation, and interactions with other chemical entities in the formulation
drug substance and is a reflection of the chemical properties of all functional groups in
elucidate the chemical structures and the possible mechanisms of formation of unknown
impurities. Because of the complexity and diversity of the impurities in both their origins
and properties, the identification strategies are determined by the specific situations.
A general strategy can be set for the identification and characterization of the
impurity of bulk drug substances by the rational use of analytical techniques. The
schematic use of the methods[27] for impurity profiling of drug substances is shown in
figure 1.2. The impurity profile of a drug substance also includes the identification of the
key impurities in the intermediates and key starting materials of their synthesis. In case
of synthesis related impurities, their mechanism and source of their formation can also be
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unknown impurities are observed during analysis of intermediates or drug substances for
process control or at release. Once the decision for identification is made, the nature and
origin of the impurity can be assessed, based on when, where, and how the unknown is
initially observed. Depending on the structure of the drug substance, the synthetic
scheme, impurities in the starting material, known process related impurities, formulation
ingredients, and the analytical method that is used for the initial detection of the unknown
and isolation methods. The characterization of impurities can be carried out using
standard of the impurity. If the initial analysis indicates that the observed impurity falls
into this category, the impurity identification turns into practice. This can be achieved by
three experiments. First, analysis of sample is followed by analysis of standard and then
The following techniques are being regularly used for the quantitation of
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separation liquid chromatographic technique. Since, we have used only HPLC and UPLC
analytical technology in the last two decades entirely new possibilities have been created
for the determination of the purity of drug materials. Nearly all organic impurities are
determined by chromatographic or related methods of which HPLC has been the most
analysis as it provides a number of highly selective variants to resolve almost every type
required. HPLC can be operated in both modes i.e. reverse phase and normal phase mode.
Reverse phase analysis involves use of polar mobile phase (e.g. water, methanol,
acetonitrile, etc.) along with stationary phase like C8, C18, phenyl etc. Normal phase
analysis involves use of non polar solvents (e.g., hexane, dichloromethane, ethyl acetate
etc.) along with silica as a stationary phase. Reverse phase analysis is useful for polar
compounds (e.g., amines alcohols, acids etc.) while normal phase provides separation of
the hydrophobicity of solutes and results in a greater retention volume. This indicates that
the van der Waals volume is an important property in optimization. Increasing the number
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of substituent with n-electrons and hydrogen bonding increases the solubility in water,
i.e., they increase the polarity of the solutes. This indicates that dipole-dipole and
However, the n-electrons of stationary phase materials such as polystyrene gel and the
hydrogen bonding of non-end capped bonded silica gels also contribute to the retention.
Many compounds can be analysed by both the methods. For a preparative scale
separation, normal phase chromatography is suitable due to the easy removal of solvent.
Gradient elution (change in mobile phase composition with respect to time), temperature
wavelengths during a single run. Following the run, a chromatogram at any desired
wavelength can be displayed. The UV spectrum of each separated peak is also obtained as
an important tool for selecting an optimum wavelength for HPLC analysis. By examining
UV spectrum for a peak from beginning to end, peak purity can be evaluated.
Fluorescence (FL) detectors are exquisitely sensitive and selective, making it ideal
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physical property of all compounds, any compound can be detected at moderate levels.
(ii) Conductivity.
derivatization and related problems are usually avoided. EC detection can be performed
performance, system optimization, detector design, and data processing and control.
Using submicron (about 2 micron) particles and mobile phases at high linear velocities,
dramatic increase in resolution, sensitivity, and speed of analysis can be obtained. This
new category of analytical separation science retains the practicality and principles of
As illustrated in figure 1.3, as the particle size decreases to less than 2.5 µm there
is not only a significant gain in efficiency, but also the efficiency does not diminish at
increased flow rates or linear velocities. By using smaller particles, speed and peak
capacity (number of peaks resolved per unit time) can be extended to new limits, termed
The promises of the Van Deemter equation cannot be fulfilled without smaller
particles than those traditionally used in HPLC. The design and development of
submicron particles is a significant challenge, and researchers have been active in this
area for some time to capitalize on their advantages.[30-32] Although high efficiency,
non porous 1.5 µm particles are commercially available, they suffer from poor loading
capacity and retention due to low surface area. To maintain retention and capacity similar
to HPLC, UPLC must use novel porous particles that can withstand high pressures. Silica
based particles have good mechanical strength, but can suffer from a number of
disadvantages, which include a limited pH range and tailing of basic analytes. Polymeric
columns can overcome pH limitations, but they have their own issues, including low
In 2000, a first generation hybrid chemistry that took advantage of the best of both
the silica and polymeric column worlds was introduced, [33, 34] a classical sol-gel synthesis
that incorporates carbon in the form of methyl groups, these columns are mechanically
strong, with high efficiency, and operate over an extended pH range. But, in order to
provide the kind of enhanced mechanical stability required for UPLC, a second
generation bridged ethane hybrid (BEH) technology was developed . These 1.7 µm
particles derive their enhanced mechanical stability by bridging the methyl groups in the
silica matrix.
Packing 1.7 µm particles into reproducible and rugged columns was also a
of the column hardware, and redesigning the end frits to retain the small particles and
resist clogging. Packed bed uniformity is also critical, especially if shorter columns are to
Fig. 1.3 Van Deemter plot, illustrating the evolution of particle sizes over the years
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quite significant and must be considered[36] with column diameters typically used in
HPLC (3.0 to 4.6 mm). A consequence of frictional heating is the loss of performance due
to temperature induced non uniform flow. To minimize the effects of frictional heating,
smaller diameter columns (1–2.1 mm) are typically used for UPLC. [37, 38]
Faster separations can lead to higher throughput and time savings when running
multiple samples. But, a significant amount of time can also be consumed in developing
the method in the first place. Faster, higher resolution UPLC separations can cut method
for the qualitative and quantitative analysis of many types of compounds. MS detection is
chromatographic dispersion at lower flow rates (no flow splitting) promotes increased
source ionization efficiencies. Jorgenson et al. have shown that higher chromatographic
efficiency, resulting from the use of UPLC, translates into better resolution and higher
peak capacity, which is particularly important for the analysis of peptides and proteins.[39]
The increased resolving power made the resulting data easier to interpret, since
in the quality of the spectral information due to Nano electrospray was obtained.
Lee et al.,[40] used MS detection for the analysis of low molecular weight compounds
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It was demonstrated that, in order to address the very narrow peaks produced by
UPLC, it is necessary to use a very high data capture rate MS such as a TOF or
quadrupole with fast scan rates. Lee et al., also pointed out that, in some instances, related
compounds of the same molecular weight and similar structures could not be
Plumb et al. have investigated the use of UPLC/MS for the analysis of metabolites[41, 42]
studies.[43] Their data illustrate the benefit obtained from the extra resolution of UPLC,
both in terms of specificity and spectral quality, revealing new information and reducing
(i) Solid phase extraction (ii) Liquid-liquid extraction (iii) Accelerated Solvent
extraction (iv) Supercritical fluid extraction (v) Column chromatography (vi) Preparative
Since preparative HPLC was used in the present investigation, this technique
Chapter 1
Preparative HPLC is the most powerful and commonly used technique for
technique comes into picture when the identification of impurity cannot be carried with
analytical LC method needs to be developed for its detection. The HPLC and TLC
material contains only small amounts of impurities, it is advisable to select crude samples
or mother liquors which are obtained from recrystallization process, as an input sample
desalting procedures are to be adopted to remove any buffers from the collected fraction.
Spectrometry (MS) and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (NMR) are used for
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FT-IR spectroscopy gives information about the functional groups present in the
molecule and used as a valuable tool in the structure elucidation in combination with
absorption spectrum with the spectra of known compounds and generally used for
about the presence or absence of unsaturation and the presence of hetero atoms.[46]
technique that couples high resolution chromatographic separation with sensitive and
particularly in the mass spectrometry area, with vastly improved sensitivity and
pharmaceutical analysis.
Since impurities and degradants are usually present in relatively small quantities
highly varied concentrations of analytes with sensitive and specific detection is required.
LC-MS is therefore widely used for this purpose. LC-MS has proved to be an extremely
sensitive and specific technique for the analysis of pharmaceuticals. It plays important
roles in the studies of drug metabolism,[48] discovery of new drug candidates and the
sensitivity and resolution. The trend is towards the further development of hybrid
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instruments such as Q-TOF, FT-ICR will become more prominent as developments are
made and instruments become less complex and more available. The likely importance of
proteomics in pharmaceutical development will have implications for MS, leading to the
preparation techniques with multiplexed LC-MS-MS will lead to even faster analysis and
the potential of interfacing LC-NMR with MS to give an LC-NMR-MS system will allow
the unequivocal identification of drugs and metabolites. .[49,50] LC-MS-MS in turn gives
very useful information about the structure of the molecules by means of selective
fragmentation. Advance instrumentation techniques like Ion Trap will help in structural
micro and capillary separation techniques with nanospray MS are being solved and
advances in this front can be expected. The use of microfluidic systems offers prospects
for miniaturized chip separations and even the possibility of miniaturized mass
NMR is the most widely used technique for structural elucidation of synthesized
and isolated organic molecules. For identification and characterization of drug impurities
modern NMR offers various ranges of experiments[51] like 1H, 13C, DEPT, NOE, COSY,
Homo and Hetero Nuclear Irradiation and LRC (Long Range Correlation experiments).
Structural elucidation of impurities in drug materials mostly involve 1H, D2O Exchange
H and 13C experiments, the information obtained from these experiments is sufficient to
ascertain the structure of the unknown impurity in the drug material along with the other
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HPLC greatly reduces the need for preparative isolation of impurities. Stop-flow and
on-flow techniques are used to detect the analytes of interest.[53] HPLC analysis is carried
out in the reverse phase mode using D2O/buffer, acetonitrile based eluents with a higher
Pharmaceutical analysis[54] deals not only with medicaments (drugs and their
formulations) but also with their precursors i.e. with the raw material on which degree of
purity and the quality of medicament depend. The quality of a drug is determined after
establishing its authenticity by testing its purity and the quality of pure substance in the
drug and its formulations. Quality[55] is important in every product or service but it is
vital in medicine as it involves life. Unlike ordinary consumer goods there can be no
“second quality” in drugs. Quality control is a concept, which strives to produce a perfect
product by series of measures designed to prevent and eliminate errors at different stages
of production.
The ability to provide timely, accurate, and reliable data is central to the role of
analytical chemists and is especially true in the discovery, development, and manufacture
of pharmaceuticals. Analytical data are used to screen potential drug candidates, aid in the
development of drug synthesis, support formulation studies, monitors the stability of bulk
pharmaceuticals and formulated products, and test final products for release. The quality
The process of method development and validation has a direct impact on the quality of
these data.
Chapter 1
analysis that interacts with all areas of chemistry and with many other areas of pure and
applied science. Analytical instrumentation plays an important role in the production and
evaluation of new products and in the protection provides the lower detection limits
required to assure safe foods, drugs, water and air. Instrument or physicochemical
methods are based on the theory of relation between the content and the corresponding
Physicochemical methods [56, 57] are used to study the physical phenomena that occur as a
result of chemical reactions. Changes in the system properties are either detected or
optical density, refractive index etc., with suitable and sensitive instruments. In
chemical composition. The instrument is only one compound of the total analysis. Often
solve the analytical problem. Instrumental methods may be used by analytical chemists to
save time, to avoid chemical separations or to obtain increased accuracy. The time saving
determinations are to be made. Most important techniques fit into one of the three
The analytical method plays a vital role in the dossier submission and it becomes
methods such as assay and related substances remains challenging to the scientists.
Regulatory authority states that the analytical method which is employed for the assay of
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drug substance and drug product should be stability indicating. The stability indicating
assay method may have the advantage of evaluation of degraded components in the
the level of 0.03% and any potential impurities less than 0.03%. The analytical method
for the related substances paves the way for the impurity profiling, elucidation of
degradation pathway, mass balance etc. The dosage forms including the presence of
various excipients pose challenge during the development of assay procedure. Standard
analytical procedures for the estimation of new drug substance for assay, related
degraded and synthetic impurities in the presence of the analytes can be analyzed by
HPLC method is used because of several advantages like rapidity, specificity, accuracy,
precision and ease of automation has the advantage over the other methods.
phases), reusable columns (expensive columns but can be used for many samples), ideal
for the substances of low volatility, easy sample recovery, handling and maintenance,
instrumentation lends itself to automation and quantitation (less time and less labor),
precise and reproducible, calculations are done by software itself and suitable for
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Specific stability indicating assay method can be defined as a method that is, able
to measure unequivocally the drug in the presence of all degradation products, excipients
and additives, expected to be present in the formulation. The in vitro evaluation of any
drug substance(s) and drug product(s) requires sensitive analytical methods. Dissolution
testing is an important parameter to assess the drug product for its quality control and in
vivo behaviour. The goal of dissolution testing is to ensure the pharmaceutical quality of
product(s). It would therefore, be desirable to develop dissolution test that can assess the
ability of dosage form to release the drug completely and to simultaneously indicate how
a product will perform in vivo. Dissolution testing is a vital parameter in the stability
studies. Stability conditions (accelerated, intermediate and long term stability studies) can
vary the drug content and its release pattern. Stability studies are carried out to predict
the shelf life, container closure system and expiry of the drug product(s).
The development of any new or improved method for the analysis of an analyte
Method development [60, 61] usually involves selecting the method requirements and on the
type of instrumentation. Today the development of a method for analysis is usually based
on prior art or existing literature, using the same or quite similar instrumentation. It is rare
today that an HPLC based method is developed that does not in some way relate or
improved method usually tailors existing approaches and instrumentation to the current
analyte, as well as to the final needs or requirements of the method. Method development
usually requires selecting the method requirements and deciding on what type of
instrumentation to utilize and why. In the development stage, decisions regarding choice
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this way, development considers all the parameters pertaining to any method. There are
a) There may not be a suitable method for a particular analyte in the specific sample
samples of interest.
Once the instrumentation has been selected, based on the criteria suggested above,
necessary to consider the properties of the analytes of interest that may be advantageous
development is to be performed using only analytical standards that have been identified
and characterized well, and whose purity is already known. Such precautions will prevent
problems in the future and will remove variables when one is trying to optimize or
Before starting the any method development one has to have knowledge about the
present, chemical structures, molecular weights, pKa values, solubility and UV spectrum
of the compounds. Perhaps maximum method development involves the trial and error
procedures. The most difficult problem usually is where to start, what type of column is
worth trying with what kind of mobile phase. While there are a number of HPLC methods
available to the development chemist, perhaps the most commonly applied method is
to be an active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) of less than 1000 Daltons, either soluble
The water soluble drug is further differentiated as ionic or nonionic which can be
separated by reverse phase. Similarly, the organic soluble drugs can be classed as polar
and non polar and equally separated by reverse phase. In some cases the non polar API
may have to be separated using adsorption or normal phase HPLC, in which mobile phase
would be non polar organic solvent. The other chromatographic modes may need to be
necessary for separation. These include ion exchange, chiral and size exclusion
chromatography. In case of samples like proteins, peptides nuclic acids and synthetic
polymers analysed by using the some special columns or ion pair reagents.
Either isocratic or gradient mode may be used to determine the initial conditions
of the separation. In general, one begins with reverse phase chromatography, when the
compounds are hydrophilic in nature with many polar groups and are water soluble. The
organic phase concentration required for the mobile phase can be estimated by gradient
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elution method. For aqueous sample mixtures, the best way to start is with gradient
reverse phase chromatography. Gradient can be started with 5-10% organic phase in the
mobile phase and the organic phase concentration can be increased up to 100%
within 20-30 minutes. separation can then be optimized by changing the initial mobile
phase composition and the slope of gradient according to the chromatogram obtained
from preliminary run. The initial mobile phase composition can be estimated on the basis
of where the compounds of interest were eluted, namely at what mobile phase
composition. Changing the polarity of a mobile phase can alter elution of drug molecules.
The elution strength of a mobile phase depends upon its polarity, the stronger the polarity,
higher is the elution. Ionic samples (acidic and basic) can be separated, if they are present
selection of pH. The buffer selected for a particular separation should be used to control
pH over the range of ≈ pKa ± 2.0. The buffer should transmit light at or below 200 nm so
as to allow low UV detection and pH of the buffer should be adjusted before adding
organic. Optimization can be started only after a reasonable has been obtained. A
chromatogram with detection of all the compounds. The optimized chromatogram is the
one in which all the peaks are symmetrical and are well separated in less run time.
The peak resolution can be increased by using a more efficient column (column
with higher theoretical plate number), which can be achieved by using a column of
smaller particle size, or a longer column in length. These factors, however, will increase
the analysis time. Flow rate does not influence resolution, but it has a strong effect on the
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conditions are Capacity factor (K’), Selectivity (α), Column efficiency (N) and Peak
The selection of the mobile phase mainly based on the solubility and polarity of
the compound. Usually, in RP-HPLC method water and organic solvents are used as the
mobile phase. In NP-HPLC method non polar solvents like Hexane and THF were used.
If the sample contains ionic or ionizable compounds, then use of a buffered mobile phase
as 0.1 pH units can have a significant effect on the separation. On the other hand properly
used buffer allows controlling the pH easily. Buffer works best at the pKa values of its
acid. At this pH, the concentration of the acidic form and the basic form of the buffering
species are equal, and the buffering capacity is maximum. Phosphate has three pKa
pH 12.32. The pKa of acidic buffer is 4.75. Citrate has three pKa values 3.08, 4.77
and 6.40. Between citrate and phosphate buffers, the entire pH range useful for silica
In many cases, a silanophilic interaction causes tailing, mainly for the basic
by the use of mobile phases modifiers (0.1% v/v triethylamine for basic analyte or 1% v/v
glacial acetic acid for the acidic analyte), or a combination thereof. Whenever buffers or
other mobile phase activities are used, check the solubility in mobile phase. This is
especially true for gradient applications. acetonitrile is the preferred organic modifier in
reverse phase chromatograpy. acetonitrile based mobile phases can give up to two fold
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lower pressure drop that can methanol based mobile phases at equal flow rate. This means
that column efficiency is higher. The elution strength increases in the order methanol,
acetonitrile and tetrahydrofuran. The retention changes by roughly 10% for every 1% Role of pH
pH is another factor in the resolution that will affect the selectivity of the
(K’) increases when the analyte is more hydrophobic (nonpolar). Sample retention (K’)
decreases when the analyte is more hydrophilic (polar). Thus when an acid or base is
undergoes ionization it becomes more hydrophilic and less interacting with column
binding sites. When the pH value of the mobile phase equal to the pKa value of the
analyte, it is said to be half ionized, i.e. the concentration of the ionized and unionized
species are equal. As mostly all of the pH caused changes in the retention occur
within ± 2.0 pH unit of the pKa value, it is best to adjust the mobile phase to pH value
atleast ± 2.0 pH unit above or below the pKa to ensure practically 100% unionization of
analyte for retention purpose. Generally at low pH peak tailing is minimized and method
In reverse phase mobile phase pH values are usually between 2.0 and 7.5. Buffers
are needed when an analyte is ionizable under reverse phase conditions or the sample
solution is outside this pH range. Analyte ionisable under reverse phase conditions often
have amine or acid functional group with pKa between 1.0 and 11.0. A correctly chosen
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buffer pH will ensure that the ionisable functional group is in a single form, whether ionic
or neutral. If the sample solution is at pH damaging to the column, the buffer will quickly
If the analyte contain only amine fuctional group buffer selection is easier. Most
amine will be in cationic form at pH value less than 9.0, so any buffer effective at pH 7.0
or lower will work. Buffer at pH 7.0 are used, even though pH of water is 7.0, because
amine retention and peak shapes are pH dependent. As pH is lowered amine retention
time shortens and peak shaps sharpens as the buffer protonates the acidic silanols on silica
surface. Any buffer with pKa less than 7.0 is suitable, but we have found potassium
phosphate at pH 3.0 in the best for amines. In both condition (acidic and alkaline)
potassium phosphate buffer pH 3.0 works well in general is an excellent buffer for
analyte that contain acidic and amine functional groups. The potassium salt works better
The HPLC column is the heart of the method, critical performing the separation.
The column must posses the selectivity, efficiency and reproducibility to provide good
separation. Commonly used reverse phases are C18 (octadecyl silane, USP L1), C8
(octylsilane, USP L7), phenyl (USP L11) and cyno (USP L18). They are chemically
different bounded phases and demonstrate significant changes in the selectivity using the
with shorter column (150, 100 or even 50 mm long). By selecting a shorter column with
an appropriate phase run time can be minimized so that an elution order and an optimum
Chapter 1
mobile phase can be quickly determined. It can also advantageous to consider the column
internal diameter, many laboratories use 4.6 mm i.d. as standard. But it is worth
considering use of 4.0 mm i.d. column as an alternative. This requires only 75% of the
solvent flow that a 4.6 mm column used. Selecting an appropriate stationary phase can
also help to improve the efficiency of the method development. For example, a C8 phase
(reverse phase) can provide a further time saving over a C18 as it doesn’t retain analyte as
Temperature variation over the course of a day has quite significant effect on
HPLC separations. This can even occur in air conditioned rooms. While temperature is a
variable that can affect the selectivity, its effect is relatively small.
Flow rate, more for isocratic than gradient separation, can sometimes be useful and
readily utilized to increase the resolution, although its effect is very modest. The slower
developed analytical methods are validated in order to demonstrate that it is suitable for
its intended purpose. The analytical methods were validated for the following parameters
Chapter 1 Accuracy
between the value which is accepted either as a conventional true value or an accepted
reference value and the value found. This is sometimes termed as trueness of the
it may be acceptable either to add known quantities of the analyte to the drug product or
to compare the results obtained from a second, well characterized procedure, the accuracy
of which is stated and/or defined. Accuracy may be inferred once precision, linearity and
each of the total analytical procedure). Accuracy should be reported as percent recovery
by the assay of known added amount of analyte in the sample or as the difference
between the mean and the accepted true value together with the confidence intervals. Precision
the same homogeneous sample under the prescribed conditions. Precision may be
Chapter 1
measurements. Repeatability
Repeatability expresses the precision under the same operating conditions over a
should be assessed using a minimum of 9 determinations covering the specified range for
circumstances under which the procedure is intended to be used. The applicant should
establish the effects of random events on the precision of the analytical procedure. Reproducibility
Chapter 1 Specificity
impurities, degradants, matrix, etc. The procedures used to demonstrate specificity will
depend on the intended objective of the analytical procedure. It is not always possible to
demonstrate that an analytical procedure is specific for a particular analyte. In this case a
analyte in a sample which can be detected but not necessarily quantitated as an exact
value. Several approaches for determining the detection limit are possible, depending on
Visual evaluation may be used for non-instrumental methods but may also be
used with instrumental methods. The detection limit is determined by the analysis of
samples with known concentrations of analyte and by establishing the minimum level at
Chapter 1
This approach can only be applied to analytical procedures which exhibit baseline
signals from samples with known low concentrations of analyte with those of blank
samples and establishing the minimum concentration at which the analyte can be reliably Based on the Standard Deviation of the Response and the Slope
3.3 σ
DL =
The slope(S) may be estimated from the calibration curve of the analyte. The
analyzing an appropriate number of blank samples and calculating the standard deviation
of these responses.
Chapter 1
in the range of DL. The residual standard deviation of a regression line or the standard
analyte in a sample which can be quantitatively determined with suitable precision and
accuracy. The quantitation limit is a parameter of quantitative assays for low levels of
Several approaches for determining the quantitation limit are possible, depending
Visual evaluation may be used for non-instrumental methods but may also be used
with instrumental methods. The quantitation limit is generally determined by the analysis
of samples with known concentrations of analyte and by establishing the minimum level
at which the analyte can be quantified with acceptable accuracy and precision.
This approach can only be applied to analytical procedures that exhibit baseline
signals from samples with known low concentrations of analyte with those of blank
Chapter 1
samples and by establishing the minimum concentration at which the analyte can be Based on the Standard Deviation of the Response and the Slope
10 σ
QL =
The slope(S) may be estimated from the calibration curve of the analyte. The estimation
analyzing an appropriate number of blank samples and calculating the standard deviation
of these responses.
analyte in the range of QL. The residual standard deviation of a regression line or the
Chapter 1 Linearity
obtain test results which are directly proportional to the concentration (amount) of analyte
in the sample. Range
The range of an analytical procedure is the interval between the upper and lower
concentration of analyte in the sample (including these concentrations) for which it has
been demonstrated that the analytical procedure has a suitable level of precision, accuracy
and linearity. Robustness
indication of its reliability during normal usage. The evaluation of robustness should be
considered during the development phase and depends on the type of procedure under
study. It should show the reliability of an analysis with respect to deliberate variations in
Chapter 1
The purpose of stability testing is to provide evidence on how the quality of a drug
substance or drug product varies with time under the influence of a variety of
establishing degradation pathways in order to identify the likely degradation products and
to validate the stability indicating power of the analytical procedures used. In principle,
the influence of each factor is first individually explored, then cross-influences are
evaluated. The duration of the study will depend on the studied factor and the sensitivity
The behaviour of the drug substance under extreme temperatures such as 50° C or
even 70° C should be investigated. The ICH guidelines on stability, recommend a 10°C
atmosphere (from 10 to 90 percent RH) was investigated. Temperature and humidity will
for method development purposes and/or degradation pathway elucidation. The intensity
Chapter 1
These results will serve as basis to define conditions such as protect drug substance from Influence of pH
The study of the influence of pH will show the susceptibility of hydrolysis of the
drug substance in acidic or alkaline media. As a first approach, the extreme conditions
could be 1 N hydrochloric acid and 1 N sodium hydroxide. Then, when it is evident that
the product is sensitive to pH variations, a step-by-step approach will start to allow the
degradation in relation to pH. The results of these studies will serve to explain or to better
select some conditions for drug substance and drug product manufacture, as well as for
preformulation studies.
Oxygen can be a very critical parameter, since it is not always easy to protect the
drug substance or product against oxidation. The stability of the drug substance as a bulk
or in solution under oxygen, air or nitrogen atmospheres, with high contact between the
drug and the atmosphere, can be studied. The results could be aimed at recommending
Chapter 1
3. J.H. Block and J.M. Beale, “Wilson and Gisvold’s Textbook of Organic
5. L.L. Brunton, J.S. Lazo and K.L. Parker, “Goodman and Gilman’s The
6. T.L. Lemke and D.A. Williams, “Foye’s Principles of Medicinal Chemistry”, 6th
7. A. Maton, “Human Biology and Health” Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice
Hall, 1993.
8. D.L. Rainwater, C.A. McMahan and G.T. Malcom, “Arterioscler Thromb Vasc
9. U.S. Food and Drug Administration, “Center for Drug Evaluation and
Research”, www.fda.gov/CDER/GUIDANCE
Chapter 1
administration”, www.tga.gov.au
19. “Impurities in New Drug substance and Products” ICH Q3A (R2) and Q3B
(R2), 2006.
20. “Impurities: Guideline for Residual Solvents”, ICH, Q3C (R3), 2006.
21. “Specifications: Test Procedures and Acceptance Criteria for New Drug
Substances and New Drug Products: Chemical Substances”, ICH, Q6A, 2006.
22. “Stability Testing of New Drug Substances and Products”, ICH, Q1A (R2),
24. S. Gorog, A. Lauko and B. Herenyi, “J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal.”, 6, 697, 1988.
Chapter 1
25. European Medicines Agency Evaluation of Medicines for Human Use, Committee
CPMP/ICH/174/95”, 1998.
27. N. Rahman, H. Azmi and N. Wu “Accred. Qual. Assur.” 11, 69, 2006.
28. R.N. Rao and V. Nagaraju, “J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal.” 33, 335, 2003.
29. L.R. snyder, J.J. Kirkland and J. L. Glajch, “Practical HPLC Method
30. A.D. Jerkovitch, J.S. Mellors and J.W. Jorgenson, “LC-GC North Amer.”, 21, 7,
31. N. Wu, J.A. Lippert and M.L. Lee, “J. Chromotogr.”, 911, 1, 2001.
32. K.K. Unger, D. Kumar, M. Grun, G. Buchel, S. Ludtke, Th. Adam, K. Scumacher
33. U.D. Neue, T.H. Walter, B.A. Alden, Z. Jiang, R.P. Fisk, J.T. Cook, K.H. Glose,
J.L. Carmody, J.M. Grassi, Y.-F. Cheng, Z. Lu and R.J. Crowley, “Amer. Lab”,
34. Y. F. Cheng, T.H. Walter, Z. Lu, P. Iraneta, C. Gendreau, U.D.Neue, J.M. Grassi,
J.L. Carmody, J.E. OGara and R.P. Fisk, “LC-GC”, 18, 1162, 2000.
36. I. Halasz, R. Endele and J. Asshauer, “J. Chromatogr.” 112, 37, 1975.
37. J.E. MacNair, K.C. Lewis and J.W. Jorgenson, “Anal. Chem.” 69, 983, 1997.
38. L.A. Colon, J.M. Citron, J.A. Anspach, A.M. Fermier and K.A. Swinney,
Chapter 1
39. L. Tolley, J.W. Jorgenson and M.A. Mosely, “Anal. Chem.” 73, 2985, 2001.
40. J.A. Lippert, B. Xin, N. Wu and M.L. Lee, “J. Microcol. Sepn.” 11, 631, 1997.
41. R.S. Plumb, J. Castro-Perez, J.H. Granger, I. Beattie, K. Joncour and A. Wright,
42. J.C. Perez, R. Plumb and J.H. Granger, “Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom.” 19,
843, 2005.
43. I.D. Wilson, J.K. Nicholson, J. Castro-Perez, J.H. Granger, B.W. Smith, J. Mazzeo
44. J.C. Holmes and F.A. Morell, “Appl. Spec.” 11, 86 1957.
47. C.K. Lim and G. Lord, “Biol. Pharm. Bull.” 25(5) 547 2002
48. E.J. Oliveira and D.G. Watson , “Biomed. Chromatogr.,” 14, 351, 2000.
and II, CBS Publishers & Distributors, New Delhi, India, 2000.
Chapter 1
3rd edition, CBS Publishers & Distributors, New Delhi, India, 1997.
Analysis”, 7th edition, CBS Publishers & Distributors, New Delhi, India, 1986.
(346), 53 1986.
30(353), 35 1987.
60. Ll. Yord, R. Snyder, J.J. Kirkland and J.L. Glajch, “Practical HPLC Method
development”, John Wiley & Sons, INC, U.S.A. 2 nd edition, New York, 1997.
Chapter 2
The scope of the present study is to develop and validate analytical methods and
candesartan cilexetil, lacidipine and novel fixed dose combination of etodolac and
well as in the marketed product. There is no literature available on the same and hence
successful attempt has been made to isolate and characterize the unknown impurity.
impurities were observed, in which three impurities were reported in the literature but
impurities were not available for method validation and reference purpose and the routes
of synthesis of impurities are also not available. Hence a successful attempt has been
which three are known impurities and two are unknown impurities. The two unknown
impurities were identified and characterized well by a single crystal XRD as well as
normal phase HPLC method has been used which is more tedious to perform the analysis
and as the expectations are high in the field of analytical research to develop an analytical
method with short runtime. We have taken the challenge to develop a simple isocratic,
Chapter 2
reversed phase method using the latest chromatographic technology of Ultra Performance
Liquid Chromatography (UPLC) and the developed method was successfully validated.
research. Literature search proves that there is no analytical method available for
dissolution which helps the early stages of product development. Hence we developed
and validated the analytical method for this fixed dose combination.
Chapter 3
antiplatelet agent used to inhibit blood clots in coronary artery disease, peripheral
Sanofi-Aventis under the trade name Plavix, marketed worldwide in nearly 110 countries,
with sales of US$6.6 billion in 2009[1]. It had been the second top selling drug in the
world for few years as of 2007[2] and was still growing by over 20% in 2007. U.S. sales
manufacturers as shown in the table 3.1. Clopidogrel is a prodrug and the mechanism is
IIb/IIIa pathway. Platelet inhibition can be demonstrated 2 hours after a single dose of
oral clopidogrel, but the onset of action is slow, so that a loading-dose of 300–600 mg is
usually administered.[4]
of 75 mg clopidogrel (base), with peak plasma levels (appx. 3 mg/l) of the main
Clopidogrel and the main circulating metabolite bind reversibly in vitro to human plasma
Chapter 3
sparingly in methylene chloride. It has a specific optical rotation of about +56°. The
Chapter 3
Chapter 3
pharmaceutical dosage form. The method employed TLC aluminium plates precoated
with silica gel 60F-254 as the stationary phase. The solvent system consisted of carbon
acid and alkali hydrolysis, oxidation, photo degradation and dry heat treatment.
Densitometric analysis of clopidogrel bisulphate was carried out in the absorbance mode
at 230 nm. The linear regression data for the calibration plots showed good linear
relationship with r2 = 0.9999/0.001 in the concentration range of 200 - 1000 ng. The mean
and 8.839/0.99, respectively. The method was validated for precision, accuracy,
ruggedness and recovery. The limits of detection and quantitation were 40 and 120 ng per
spot, respectively. The drug undergoes acidic hydrolysis, basic hydrolysis, oxidative and
thermal degradation. However no data were available on the Unknown impurity of our
method for clopidogrel tablets in their monograph, which utilizes liquid chromatography
with Ultron ES-OVM L 57, chiral specific column (4.6 mm × 150 mm) packed
with 5.0 µ particle size. Acetonitrile and potassium phosphate buffer (10 mM) (75:25,
v/v) was used as mobile phase. The flow rate was about 1.0 ml/min and 220 nm used as
Chapter 3
wavelength of detection. When analysis was performed by this method the unknown
impurity under investigation elutes in the void volume of the system. The known related
Chapter 3
Pereillo et al.,[7] have identified and reported that clopidogrel is inactive in vitro
essential key intermediate metabolite from which the active metabolite is formed. In their
paper, they have given the evidence of the occurrence of an in vitro active metabolite
after incubation of 2-oxo clopidogrel with human liver microsomes. This metabolite was
Gomez et al.,[8] have made a comparative study with 18 brands of PLAVIX tablets
mass, impurity profile, content, dissolution properties and stability. In order to be able to
method was used to determine the impurities and to perform the assay. The paddle
method was used for dissolution testing. As per the comparative study, most of the brands
were not similar compared to the original drug product: their amount of impurities was
higher, the content of clopidogrel lower, the dissolution profiles different and after three
months under stress conditions in the original packaging, the results for the samples and
(250×2.1 mm i.d., 5 µm particle size); the mobile phase consisted of a mixture of 0.010 M
Chapter 3
sodium dihydrogen phosphate (pH 3.0) and acetonitrile (35:65, v/v), pumped at a flow
rate 0.30 ml/min. The UV detector was operated at 235 nm and naproxen was used as
internal standard. The retention times for clopidogrel and naproxen, which was used as
internal standard, were 3.08 and 6.28 minutes respectively. Calibration graphs are linear
(r better than 0.9991, n = 6), in concentration range 1.00–3.00 µg/ml for clopidogrel. The
intra- and inter-day RSD values were less than 1.96%. Detection and quantitation limits
Literature survey revealed that four impurities of clopidogrel have been already
clopidogrel named as clopidogrel related compound C. It has also been established that
these positional stereo isomers (B1 & B2) are process impurities and other impurities are
formed during the process and also self degradation. Marketed samples of plavix and few
batches of drug substances were analyzed using reported method[6] and found to contain
an unknown impurity. Even though the unknown impurity is formed during oxidation
study was undertaken to identify and characterize the oxidative impurity. The new
Chapter 3
laboratories Ltd, Hyderabad, India and clopidogrel tablets of brand name plavix
manufactured by Sanofi Pharma Bristol Myers Squibb Inc were used. Potassium
phosphate and ammonium acetate, GR grade were obtained from E. Merck, India.
Methanol and acetonitrile of HPLC grade were obtained from E. Merck, India. Purified
water was collected through Milli-Q water purification system (Millipore, USA).
Dimethylsulphoxide-d6 (DMSO-d6) was purchased from Aldrich Chemical Co., USA, and
and PDA detector. Data were processed through Waters Empower software
Version 1.63. Hypersil BDS C8 column (Thermo Electron Corporation) with dimensions
of 250 mm × 4.6 mm internal diameter packed with 5.0 µ particle size was employed
along with gradient conditions for the separations. The gradient involves two mobile
phases consisting of acetonitrile-potassium phosphate buffer (pH 2.3; 10mM) (20:80. v/v)
as solvent A and acetonitrile-potassium phosphate buffer (pH 2.3; 10mM) (80:20. v/v) as
solvent B. The gradient condition was employed with a timed gradient program
of T (min)/%B (v/v): 0.01/0, 5/0, 15/15, 40/30, 45/0, 60/0 for the separations. Flow rate
was kept at 1.0 ml/min and the column eluent was monitored at 220 nm for 60 minutes.
Chapter 3
Preparative HPLC system used was a Waters system equipped with W 600
quaternary solvent delivery module Delta prep 2487 dual wavelength UV detector. Data
were processed through Waters empower software. An Xterra MS C18 ODB HPLC
column (Waters, Ireland) with dimensions 100 mm × 30 mm packed with 5.0 µ particle
size was used for preparative work. The gradient conditions were employed for the
separations with a timed gradient program of T (min)/%B (v/v): 01/10, 06/10, 16/95,
17/95, 18/100, 23/100, 28/10, 32/10. Flow rate was kept at 20 ml/min and the column
The IR spectra were recorded in the solid state as KBr as dispersion using
The isolated compound was dissolved (about 0.05 mg/ml) in methanol containing
0.1% formic acid (v/v) and infused into the ion source by the syringe pump at the rate of
10µl/min. The mass spectrum of the isolated degradation product was acquired on a
Finnegan LCQ instrument from Thermoquest (San Jose CA) in positive spray ionization
(ESI+) mode. The spray potential was set at 5.6kV and the capillary temperature
at 220°C. Mass range was scanned between 100 and 500amu. The mass spectrum was
Chapter 3
also recorded in negative spray ionization (ESI-) mode. The spray potential was set
1 13
H (400.13 MHz) and C (100.62 MHz) NMR spectra of isolated related
(Germany). The probe was a 1H/13C 5 mm, 3 axis gradients (x, y, z), optimized for
inverse detection. Spectra were recorded in DMSO-d6 (5-mm tubes) at 300K. Sample
concentration was 0.6 mg in 0.6 ml. The residual protonated resonance of the solvent
(DMSO-d6) was used as an internal chemical shift standard, which was related to
tetramethylsilane with chemical shifts of 2.5 and 39.2 ppm, respectively for 1H and 13C.
Processing of the raw data was performed using Bruker XWinNmr software. The pulse
conditions were 90° pulse, 9.4 µs (attenuation 0db) for 1H and 30° pulse, 11.75µs
(attenuation 0db) for C. Gradient pulses used in this study were all shaped to a sine
envelope with 1 ms duration (DQF-COSY, and 1H/13C HSQC). Spectral width was
was kept at 80°C for 60 minutes. Another sample was prepared in a similar manner by
Chapter 3
peroxide (5% in water, 5ml) was kept at 60°C for 3 hours. Similarly 10 tablets of
Clopidogrel bisulphate (1.0g) was moistened with water and was kept in an oven
An Ultron ES- OVM L 57, chiral specific column (Shinwa chemical industries,
Japan) with dimensions of 150 mm × 4.6 mm i.d packed with 5.0 µ particle size was
employed for separation. Acetonitrile-potassium phosphate buffer (10 mM) (75:25. v/v)
was used as mobile phase and flow rate was kept at 0.8 ml/min with the detection
at 220 nm for 30 minutes. Relative retention time (RRT) of the related compound A, B1,
clopidogrel, B2 and C was found respectively at 0.46, 0.93, 1.0, 1.1 and 2.10. An
unknown impurity was found at about 2.0 minutes (RRT of 0.30) (Fig.3.4).
Chapter 3
As the unknown impurity elutes in the void volume of the system, various buffer
composition, pH, gradients were attempted and found unsuccessful. The main problem
that occurred was peak shape, peak purity and blank interference due to peroxide. Hence,
conventional, cost effective, new method was developed wherein good peak shape and
peak purity were achieved. The new method involves Hypersil BDS C8 column (Thermo
During the analysis, it has been observed that the new impurity content in
clopidogrel tablets, were in the range of 0.05 % to 0.07 % (by area percentage) and in
drug substance it ranges from 0.08 % to 0.12 % (by area percentage). Typical
chromatograms of clopidogrel drug substance, drug product and drug product spiked with
the related compound D were shown in figures 3.6 - 3.8. It is a mandatory requirement
from regulatory authorities, to identify and characterize any unknown impurity present in
[7, 8]
it at a level as low as 0.05% . The presence of this impurity in tablets can have a
significant impact on quality and safety of the important drug. The isolation of any
impurity is required to find the response in an analytical method and also to validate the
analytical procedure for its quantitative estimation. Even though the same impurity is
formed during oxidation condition, there is no report on the isolation and characterization.
Hence comprehensive study was undertaken to identify and characterize the oxidative
impurity. The new oxidation impurity in this paper is referred to as related compound D.
The chemical structures of related compound D was shown in the figure 3.3.
Chapter 3
Fig. 3.4 Typical HPLC chromatogram of Clopidogrel spiked with Impurities as per USP
Chapter 3
0 .9 0
0 .8 0
0 .7 0
0 .6 0
0 .5 0
0 .4 0
0 .3 0
0 .2 0
0 .1 0
R e la t e d C o m p o u n d -B - 3 8 . 5 3 7
R e la t e d C o m p o u n d -D - 1 7 . 6 7 5
C lo p id o g re l - 3 3 . 2 9 3
R e la t e d C o m p o u n d -A - 1 1 . 3 3 8
0 .0 0
0 .0 0 5 .0 0 1 0 .0 0 1 5 .0 0 2 0 .0 0 2 5 .0 0 3 0 .0 0 3 5 .0 0 4 0 .0 0 4 5 .0 0 5 0 .0 0 5 5 .0 0 6 0 .0 0
M in u t e s
Chapter 3
Fig. 3.5 Typical HPLC chromatogram of Clopidogrel spiked with Impurities as per developed
0 .0 5 0
0 .0 4 5
0 .0 4 0
0 .0 3 5
C lo p id o g re l - 3 0 . 1 1 8
0 .0 3 0
- 1 5 .0 7 4
0 .0 2 5
- 9 .1 8 3
- 3 5 .3 1 0
0 .0 2 0
c o m p d
0 .0 1 5
c o m p d
c o m p d
0 .0 1 0
R e la t e d
R e la t e d
R e la t e d
0 .0 0 5
0 .0 0 0
- 0 .0 0 5
0 .0 0 5 .0 0 1 0 .0 0 1 5 .0 0 2 0 .0 0 2 5 .0 0 3 0 .0 0 3 5 .0 0 4 0 .0 0 4 5 .0 0 5 0 .0 0 5 5 .0 0 6 0 .0 0
M in u t e s
Chapter 3
0 .0 4 5
0 .0 4 0
C lo p id o g re l - 3 0 . 1 1 2
0 .0 3 5
0 .0 3 0
0 .0 2 5
0 .0 2 0
0 .0 1 5
0 .0 1 0
R e la t e d c o m p d A - 9 . 0 7 3
R e la t e d c o m p d D - 1 5 . 0 6 1
R e la t e d c o m p d B - 3 5 . 2 7 7
0 .0 0 5
0 .0 0 0
- 0 .0 0 5
0 .0 0 5 .0 0 1 0 .0 0 1 5 .0 0 2 0 .0 0 2 5 .0 0 3 0 .0 0 3 5 .0 0 4 0 .0 0 4 5 .0 0 5 0 .0 0 5 5 .0 0 6 0 .0 0
M in u te s
Chapter 3
0 .0 4 5
0 .0 4 0
C lo p id o g re l - 3 0 . 0 5 4
0 .0 3 5
0 .0 3 0
0 .0 2 5
0 .0 2 0
R e la t e d c o m p d D - 1 5 . 1 1 4
0 .0 1 5
0 .0 1 0
R e la t e d c o m p d A - 9 . 1 3 6
0 .0 0 5
0 .0 0 0
- 0 .0 0 5
0 .0 0 5 .0 0 1 0 .0 0 1 5 .0 0 2 0 .0 0 2 5 .0 0 3 0 .0 0 3 5 .0 0 4 0 .0 0 4 5 .0 0 5 0 .0 0 5 5 .0 0 6 0 .0 0
Min u te s
Chapter 3
Fig. 3.8 HPLC chromatogram of Clopidogrel drug product spiked with related compound D
Chapter 3
The degradation samples were diluted to the required concentration and analyzed
with analytical LC. In the oxidative conditions, 2% and 7% of related compound D was
found in the drug substance and drug product (plavix) respectively. In other conditions,
formation of related compound D was not noticed. The purity angle of all the impurities
was found less than that of purity threshold and thus the peak purity of the impurities was
confirmed. The spectrum of the related compound D and clopidogrel were extracted from
PDA detector in the range of 210 to 400 nm. The UV spectra are presented in the
figure 3.9. Hence the experiment was used to enrich the impurity. It was also confirmed
that related compound A and C are the degradation products and related compound B 1
and B2 are process impurities based on their trend. The higher level of related compound
D in the drug product reveals that the drug product is more susceptible than that of drug
Clopidogrel bisulphate (5g) was treated with hydrogen peroxide (5%, 15ml) and
kept at 80 °C for 3 hours. The aqueous layer was washed with dichloromethane to
the section 3.5.3 and as many as 10 fractions were collected separately. Purity of all these
fractions was analyzed by analytical LC and found to be in the range of 99%. The
fractions were pooled together, 100mg of sulfuric acid was added and the solvent was
evaporated. The resulted solid was reanalyzed on analytical LC and the purity of the
Chapter 3
same was found to be 99% which was good enough for carrying out the spectroscopic
The isolated related compound D was injected in both the analytical HPLC
methods. The retention time and UV spectrum obtained in the PDA detector matches
performed using analytical data obtained from CHNS, IR, UV, and Mass, MSn
experiments, 1H /13C NMR spectrum, DEPT and 2D NMR experiments. The Mass,
Chapter 3
Fig. 3.10 MS-MS spectrum of Related compound D (Cl isotope)
Chapter 3
Fig. 3.11 MS-MS spectrum of Related compound D (Cl isotope)
Chapter 3
0 m/z
100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 360 380 400 420 440 460 480 500
Chapter 3
The isolated related compound D was found as off white powder and it shows UV
absorbance maxima at 299.9 nm which is higher than that of clopidogrel (220 nm).
The +ve ES-MS spectrum of the related compound D showed peaks at m/z 320 and 322
35 37
corresponding to the Cl and Cl isotope respectively. The compound doesn’t form
lithium adduct ion and –ve ES-MS spectrum showed no peaks states that the molecular
ion obtained is positively charged i.e. m/z 320/322 is due to M+. In comparison with
clopidogrel, the related compound D corresponds to 1 atomic mass unit (amu) less which
can be presumed to have similar structure as that of clopidogrel but with short of one
hydrogen atom.
Two daughter ions were obtained at m/z 183 and 155 when the molecular ion
(M+) 320 fragmented in MS/MS experiments. Both the daughter ions were found to
contain chlorine atom as it was confirmed by MS/MS experiments of the chorine isotope
molecular ion (M+) 322 and the m/z values of the daughter ions were 185 and 157. As the
peak intensity ratios are nearly identical, it was confirmed that the eliminated neutral
fragments contains no chlorine atom. Further MS2 experiments of daughter ion (m/z 183)
showed the formation of a fragmentation ion at m/z 155 and MS3 shows the formation of
an ion at m/z 125. Similar experiments were performed with the 37Cl Isotope of daughter
ion of m/z 185 and fragmentation ions of m/z 157 and 127 were found. Based on the
fragmentation data, the structure for related compound D was assigned as shown in the
figure 3.3 and its probable fragmentation pathway is given in the figure 3.14.
Chapter 3
Chapter 3
clopidogrel fragmentation pathway given in the figure 3.15.[12] It was found that m/z
value of the clopidogrel daughter ion is 212/214 but the same was not observed in the
case of related compound D. The fragmentation ion obtained from MS2 experiments of
clopidogrel was 183/185 and 155/157 which is similar to that of the daughter ion of
due to the double bond associated with nitrogen atom. However the fragmentation ion
obtained from MS2 experiments of clopidogrel was similar to that of the daughter ion
obtained from related compound D. This was confirmed by MS3 and MS4 experiments.
H NMR spectrum of related compound D is slightly different from that of
clopidogrel 1H NMR spectrum and exhibits one hydrogen less than that of clopidogrel.
Comparison of 1H, 13
C and DEPT 135 NMR data with that of clopidogrel (Table 3.2
and 3.3, Fig. 3.16-3.18) shows that the related compound D has one methylene proton less
and one methine proton more than that of clopidogrel. The methine protons at 2nd and 3rd
The methylene protons at 6th and 7th positions are deshielded to the extent of 0.5,
0.4 ppm respectively. The presence of methylene protons at 6th and 7th positions were
protons at chemical shift ppm (m) affects the multiplicity of protons at 3.94 and
3.80 ppm which further reveals the double bond position. The appearance of one singlet
at 9.19 ppm at 4th position and the deshielding of methine proton at 10th position from
Chapter 3
5.60 to 6.66 ppm were also noticed. All the above deshielding confirmed that there
was a structural change in the piperidine ring. It was also confirmed by 1H-1H COSY
spectrum. There is no appropriate change in the chemical shift of aromatic ring which
confirms the presence of the aromatic rings in the related compound D. C and DEPT
135 NMR spectra results indicate the presence of one methyl carbon, two methylene
carbons, eight methine carbons and five quaternary carbons. Related compound D shows
five quaternary carbons like that of clopidogrel but one methylene carbon less and one
Table 3.2 1H and 13C NMR assignments for clopidogrel bisulphate and related compound
Chapter 3
Chapter 3
The methylene signal at δ 49.62 ppm disappeared and a new methine signal
at 162.51 ppm was observed. The high deshielding chemical shift value of the methine
aromatic ring or under the anisotropic influence of an aromatic ring. This led to the
structure. The position of the double bond was assigned to 4th carbon due the possibility
higher wavelength. This was also confirmed by the deshielding of aliphatic methine
carbon at 10th position to about 5 ppm and the deshielding of one of the quaternary carbon
at 8th position to about 20 ppm. The presence of C=N bond was further confirmed by the
All the above observations can be explained well on the basis of the proposed
structure (Fig.3.3) with quaternary nitrogen and a double bond. All proton signals were
assigned on the basis of 1H NMR and 1H-1H COSY spectral results. Carbon signals were
assigned on the basis of DEPT135 and 1H-13C HSQC spectral results. Based on the above
oxoethyl]-6, 7-dihydrothieno [3, 2-c] pyridin-5-ium with a molecular weight of 320 amu.
Chapter 3
Fig. 3.17 C NMR Spectrum of Clopidogrel Related compound D
Chapter 3
substance as well as drug product was isolated by preparative LC and was characterized
Chapter 3
3. http://drugpatentwatch.com/ultimate/preview/tradename/index.php?query =
4. http://www.rxlist.com/plavix-drug.htm
5. H. Agrawal, N. Kaul, A.R. Paradkar and K.R. Mahadik , “Talanta”, 61, 581-589,
Pascal, J.M. Herbert, J.P. Maffrand and Claudine Picard, “The American
Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics”, Vol. 30, No. 11,
8. Y. Gomez, E. Adams and J. Hoogmartens, “J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal.”, 34, 341-
348, 2004.
9. A.Mitakos and I. Panderi, “J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal.”, 28, 431-438, 2002.
12. Witold Danikiewicz and Malgorzata swist, “J. Mass Spectrom.”, 42, 405-406,
Chapter 4
nonpeptide antihypertensive drug and used either single or in combination with other
converted to candesartan, an angiotensin II receptor antagonist (ARA II) which blocks the
veins and ultimately leads to a reduction in blood pressure. In also reduced the work of
heart by reducing the pressure against which the heart must pump blood, and is useful in
patients with heart failure.[1-3] It is marketed under the brand name of Atacand and in
by Astra Zeneca.
Following oral administration, candesartan cilexetil undergoes hydrolysis at the ester link
to form the active drug, candesartan, which is achiral. Its molecular weight is 610.67 and
structural formula is
Chapter 4
and urine. The assay method comprises liquid–liquid extraction and separation on a
phenyl column with fluorometric detection. The methods gave absolute recoveries
of 70, 83 and 78% for candesartan cilexetil, candesartan and CV-15959, respectively, and
the limit of quantification is 5, 1 and 3 nanomolar of plasma (RSD < 20%), respectively.
This method was applied to plasma and urine samples from biopharmaceutical and
Ferreiros et al.,[5] have developed a solid phase extraction procedure for the
and reproducibility was observed only for candesartan cilexetil. Due to this fact, they
have performed stability study for this prodrug. It showed that the lack of linearity and
Chapter 4
during the drying step after elution with methanol into glass tubes. These phenomena
could be reproduced artificially under basic conditions, which demonstrated the presence
of basic residues in glass tubes. The study of this potential hydrolysis and
transesterification reactions is very important to assure that labile drugs containing ester
in the bulk drug and in pharmaceutical dosage forms. The method was also applicable
a 250 mm x 4.6 mm, 5 µm particle, CN column with a 50:50 (v/v) mixture of phosphate
buffer, pH 3.0, and acetonitrile as mobile phase. The flow rate was 1.0 ml/min and the
detection wavelength was 210 nm. Resolution of candesartan cilexetil and six potential
impurities was greater than 2.0 for all pairs of compounds. The drug was subjected to
hydrolytic, oxidative, photolytic, and thermal stress and substantial degradation occurred
in alkaline and acidic media and under oxidative and hydrolytic stress conditions. The
major product obtained as a result of basic hydrolysis was different from that produced by
acid hydrolysis and aqueous hydrolysis. The stress samples were assayed against a
reference standard and the mass balance was found to be close to 99.6%. The method was
candesartan (desethyl-CNS) within the stable candesartan cilexetil does not increase to
Chapter 4
more than about 0.1% w/w by HPLC relative to the initial amount of candesartan
about 55°C for at least 2 weeks, methods of making the same and pharmaceutical
compositions thereof. They have also performed an accelerated stability study in Atacand
tablets and found that after two weeks at 55°C, the impurity level of the tablets,
in drug substances, drug products and plasma samples has been described. Stenhoff et al
about the base hydrolytic impurities of candesartan cilexetil, i.e.; candesartan and its
known to be an active drug and candesartan methyl and ethyl ester are process impurities
During an accelerated stability studies (40°C and 75% Relative humidity) for
three months and forced degradation study (thermal, 60°C) for two weeks, three
degradates were found to be the same as those reported by Subba Rao et al.,[6]
Chapter 4
Surprisingly, two more unknown degradates were also observed which are found to be
around the reporting threshold (0.05%) as per ICH guidelines.[7, 8] In terms of efficacy
and patient safety, it is important to isolate and identify impurities and/or degradates to
ensure that their presence will not evoke any form of adverse response either
materials of all individual impurities were required to validate the method. Hence a
characterize them.
4.5.1 Materials
Atacand tablets were purchased from market and candesartan cilexetil were
Darmstadt, Germany. High pure water was prepared by using Millipore Milli-Q plus
delivery module, auto sampler and a 2996 photo diode array detector. Data were
Chapter 4
Purosphere Star RP18e column of 150 x 4.6 mm i.d packed with 5 µm particle size was
employed for separation. The gradient involves two mobile phases consisting of
acetonitrile- ammonium acetate (pH 5.0; 20 mM) (90:10 v/v) as solvent B. The gradient
program employed with a timed gradient program of T (min)/%B (v/v): 0.01/0, 5/5, 15/35,
35/65, 40/75, 45/100, 55/100, 60/0, 65/0, for the separations. Flow rate was kept
at 1.2 ml/min and the column eluent was monitored at 254 nm for 65 min. The analytical
method was validated as per ICH guidelines for various parameters such as specificity,
precision, linearity, accuracy, and limit of detection, limit of quantitation, ruggedness and
quaternary solvent delivery module Delta prep 2487 dual wavelength UV detector using an
YMC pack ODS A column of 250 mm × 20 mm i.d packed with 5 µm particle size. Data
were processed through Waters Empower software. Acetonitrile and trifluoroacetic acid
buffer (0.1%) (60:40. v/v) was used as mobile phase and flow rate was kept at 30 ml/min
The IR spectra were recorded in the solid state as KBr dispersion(DRS technique)
using Bruker FT-IR Tensor 27 (Ettlingen, Germany) in the range of 400 to 4000 cm-1 with a
Chapter 4
Beverly MA, USA). Operating in the positive ion mode, the spray needle was held at a
potential of 5.6 kV. The skimmer cone potential, which affects the degree of collisional
activation in the source was set to 45 V. The source temperature was maintained
at 150°C. It was also operated in the negative ion mode with -4.5 kV spray needle
potential. Spectra were collected at a rate of 12 points per peak while scanning from
H (400.13 MHz) and 13C (100.62 MHz) NMR spectra of isolated impurities were
The probe was a 1H/13C 5 mm, 3 axis gradients (x, y, z), optimized for inverse detection.
concentration was 0.6 mg in 0.6 ml. The residual protonated resonance of the solvent was
used as an internal chemical shift standard, which was related to tetramethylsilane with
data was performed using Bruker XWinNmr software. The pulse conditions
were 90° pulse, 9.4 µs (attenuation 0db) for 1H and 30° pulse, 11.75µs (attenuation 0db)
for 13C. Gradient pulses used in this study were all shaped to a sine envelope with 1 ms
duration (DQF-COSY, and 1H/13C HSQC). Spectral width was 5431.88 Hz for proton
Chapter 4
The single crystal of Impurity-III was grown by slow evaporation technique using
ethanol solvent system. X-ray diffraction analysis was carried out on a Bruker
Smart Apex CCD diffractometer at room temperature. The crystal was monoclinic,
(space group C2/c) with a unit cell a = 16.3770 (7) Ǻ, b = 8.5928 (4) Ǻ, c =43.7733 (19)
coefficient (µ) = 0.093 mm-1. CuKα radiation (λ =0.71073 Ǻ). A total of 5399 reflections
with F>2σ (F) gave R = 0.0452 with 412 parameters refined. The structure was
elucidated by direct methods using Siemens SHELXTL PLUS software and final
refinement of the non hydrogen atoms was done by full-matrix least-square refinement.
All the isolated impurities were injected in the analytical HPLC. The retention
time and UV spectrum obtained in the PDA detector matched with targeted impurity.
Characterization of all the impurities were performed using analytical data obtained from
IR, UV, Mass experiments, 1H /13C NMR spectrum and DEPT NMR experiments. The
diffraction analysis.
Chapter 4
The drug product samples kept at an accelerated stability condition for three
months, and exposed directly at 60°C for two weeks were diluted to the required
concentration and analyzed with analytical HPLC method. There were five impurities
found in the range of 0.05% to 0.5%. The purity angle of all the impurities were found
less than that of purity threshold and thus the peak purity of the impurities were
confirmed. The spectra of all the impurities and candesartan cilexetil were extracted from
PDA detector in the range of 210 to 400 nm. The typical chromatographs were given in
the figures 4.2-4.4 and the UV spectra were presented in the figure 4.5. As the analytical
method is compatible with MS, m/z data of all the impurities were generated.
Candesartan Cilexetil (5g) was autoclaved for 3 hours and the material was diluted
to the required concentration and analyzed with analytical HPLC. All the five impurities
were enriched and found in the range of 6 to 40%. The autoclaved material was dissolved
in the mobile phase to get the concentration of 50 mg/ml and a solution (2 ml) was
The typical chromatogram of preparative HPLC was given in the figure 4.6. Purity of all
these fractions was analyzed by analytical HPLC and found to be in the range of 99%.
The eluent was evaporated and the resultant solution of Impurity-II and III were filtered
individually to separate the solid and washed with chilled water to remove traces of
trifluoro acetic acid. The solid was dried at 60°C under vacuum for 3 hours.
Chapter 4
The impurities from other resultant solutions were isolated using Freeze drier maintained
at 48°C for 8 hours. Thus the isolated impurities were reanalyzed on analytical LC and
the purity of the same was found to be 99% which was good enough for carrying out the
spectroscopic experiments.
Chapter 4
Fig. 4.2 Typical HPLC chromatograms of Candesartan cilexetil Tablet - Initial sample
Chapter 4
Fig. 4.3: Typical HPLC chromatograms of Candesartan cilexetil Tablet - 60°C for 2 weeks
Chapter 4
Fig. 4.4 Typical HPLC chromatograms of Candesartan cilexetil Tablet-40°C /75%RH for 3 months
Chapter 4
Fig. 4.5 The UV spectra of the Candesartan cilexetil and its impurities
Chapter 4
at 25-30°C and hydrochloric acid (25%) was added. The mixture was stirred for 24 hours
and the solvent was evaporated. The solid was filtered and washed with chilled water.
Impurity I thus obtained was dried at 60°C under vacuum for 3 hours to give 45 g with
potassium carbonate (19 g) and ethyl iodide (16.0 g) were added. The mixture was
heated and stirred for 2.5 hours at 70-75°C. The mixture was then cooled and quenched
with water. The solid was filtered and washed with cold water. The material was
analysed and found to have impurity II (30%) and impurity III (40%) in HPLC analysis.
chromatography using 2:1 v/v Hexane/ethyl acetate as eluent. The appropriate fractions
were collected separately for impurity-II and III. The combined fractions were
evaporated and the impurities were solidified from the ethyl acetate solution at ~0°C.
White powder was collected by filtration and dried at 60°C under vacuum for 3hours to
give 3.0 g of Impurity II with chromatographic purity of 99% (by area normalization)
and 4.0 g of Impurity III with chromatographic purity of 99% (by area normalization).
Impurity IV and V were synthesized in the similar manner as impurity II and III,
Chapter 4
Chapter 4
The initial study of the tablet shows five impurities at the level of 0.01 to 0.3%.
The stability study of the same tablet shows that all the five impurities were increased to
the level of 0.05 to 0.4%. The same trend was observed during the thermal degradation
studies also. This shows that the molecule is prone to degradation. Those five targeted
impurities were marked as impurity I (RRT: 0.83, MW: 582), impurity II (RRT: 1.14,
MW: 610), impurity III (RRT: 1.26, MW: 610), impurity IV (RRT: 1.36, MW: 638), and
band appeared at 1726 cm−1 for -C= O stretching and at 1460 cm−1 for –NH stretching
vibration. The negative ES-MS spectrum of the impurity-I showed peaks at m/z 581
atomic mass unit (amu) and the positive ES-MS spectrum showed peaks at m/z 605 amu
corresponding to the sodium adduct of the impurity. Hence molecular weight of the
less which can be presumed to have similar structure skeleton as that of parent but with
appeared in the up field region ( 1.17–5.34 ppm), 12 protons in the downfield region
( 6.69–7.67 ppm) and two acidic protons appeared at ( 11.56 and 16.23 ppm).
Chapter 4
protons in the impurity where as only one exchangeable proton was found for the parent.
Comparison of 1H, 13
C and DEPT 135 NMR data (Table 4.1) (Fig. 4.9 to 4.11) shows
that the methylene signal at δ 67.77 ppm and methyl signal at δ 14.40 ppm disappeared in
the impurity-I (Fig. 4.12 to 4.14) spectrum which corresponds to 32 and 33 position in the
parent. This has been supported by mass data of 28 amu less than that of the parent. This
led to the conclusion that ethyl group attached to oxygen atom in benzimidazole group is
keto form. This was confirmed by the IR spectrum which reveals the presence of -C= O
Based on the above spectral data the molecular formula of impurity-I was
CNS desethyl (desethyl candesartan cilexetil) in the reported literature (Fig. 4.8).[10]
18 16 N 32 N
28 OH NH 33
29 27 O 24 19 21 N
20 13
26 14 2 7
30 11 8
O 25 O 23 O 22 O 3
31 6
Chapter 4
Chapter 4
Fig. 4.10 C NMR Spectrum of Candesartan Cilexetil
Chapter 4
Fig. 4.13 C NMR Spectrum of Impurity - I
Chapter 4
The isolated impurity-II was found as a white powder and shows similar UV
band appeared at 1750 cm−1 for -C=O stretching and at 1193 cm−1 for -N–C stretching
at m/z 609 amu and the positive ES-MS spectrum showed peaks at m/z 633 amu
corresponding to the sodium adduct of the impurity. Hence molecular weight of the
impurity–II is confirmed as 610. In comparison with its parent, impurity-II has same
molecular weight, which can be presumed to have similar structure as that of parent with
region ( 0.84–5.54 ppm), 12 protons in the downfield region ( 6.82–7.64 ppm). One
exchangeable proton ( 10.75 ppm) was observed in the impurity in the D2O exchange
experiment as that of the parent but the chemical shift got shielded from 13.95
(Fig. 4.16-4.18) shows that the methylene signal at δ 67.77 ppm disappeared and a new
methylene signal at 45.68 ppm is observed. This led to the hypothesis of possible
rearrangement of ethyl group from benzimidazole to tetrazole. The long range correlation
(LRC) experiment predicts that the ethyl group attached to first “N” atom of tetrazole
Chapter 4
Based on the above spectral data the molecular formula of impurity-II was
17 33
18 16 N 34 CH3
28 OH N
15 32
29 27 O 24 19 21 N 12
20 13
26 14 2 7
30 11 8
O 25 O 23 O 22 O 3
31 6
Chapter 4
Chapter 4
Fig. 4.17 C NMR Spectrum of Impurity - II
Chapter 4
The isolated impurity-III was found as white powder and shows similar UV
absorbance spectra of parent as well as Impurity-II. All the spectral data of impurity–III
(Table 4.3) (Fig. 4.20 - 4.22) shows that the methine signal corresponds to the first
position at ppm and got deshielded to ppm. Similarly the methylene
signal corresponds to 32 position that also got deshielded from ppm to
ppm. This led to the hypothesis of possible regio isomerism of ethyl group attached to
another “N” atom of tetrazole group. The existence of tetrazole regioisomers are reported
in the literature.[11] Further this regio isomerism has been confirmed by single-crystal
diffraction analysis (Fig. 4.23) (Table 4.4). The single-crystal diffraction study confirms
that the impurity II and III are regio isomers. Based on the above data the molecular
33 CH3
18 16 N
34 N 32
28 OH N
29 27 O 24 19 21 N 12
20 13
26 14 2 7
30 11 8
O 25 O 23 O 22 O 3
31 6
Chapter 4
Chapter 4
Fig. 4.21 C NMR Spectrum of Impurity - III
Chapter 4
Chapter 4
The isolated Impurity-IV was found as white powder and shows similar UV
absorption band appeared at 1742 cm−1 for -C= O stretching. The negative ES-MS
spectrum of the impurity-IV showed a peak at m/z 637 amu and the positive ES-MS
spectrum showed peaks at m/z 661 amu corresponding to the sodium adduct of the
amu higher than the parent, which can be presumed to have similar structure skeleton as
that of the parent with an additional of four hydrogen atoms and two carbon atoms.
region ( 0.88–5.66 ppm), 12 protons in the downfield region ( 6.88–7.74 ppm). D2O
exchange showed absence of any exchangeable proton in the impurity. Comparison of 1H,
C and DEPT 135 NMR data (Table 4.5) (Fig. 4.25-4.27)shows that the impurity-IV has
three methyl protons, eight methylene protons, thirteen methine protons and eleven
quaternary carbons. All the spectral data have been compared with the parent and the
presence of an extra methyl group is confirmed. The absence of acidic proton and LRC
experiment confirms that the additional ethyl group attached to the first “N” atom of
tetrazole group. Based on the above spectral data, the molecular formula of impurity-IV
1N-ethyl CNS (1N-ethyl candesartan cilexetil) in the reported literature (Fig. 4.24).[10]
Chapter 4
17 CH3 33
18 16 N 34 CH3
28 O N
15 32
29 27 O 24 19 21 N 12
20 13
26 14 2 7
30 11 8
O 25 O 23 O 22 O 3
31 6
Chapter 4
Chapter 4
Fig. 4.26 C NMR Spectrum of Impurity - IV
Chapter 4
Comparison of 1H, 13
C and DEPT 135 NMR data (Table 4.6) (Fig. 4.29-4.31)
shows that impurity-V is similar to that of impurity-IV. The methine carbon at the first
position is deshielded to the extent of 5.2 ppm and the methylene carbon at 34th position
is deshielded to the extent of 4.5 ppm compared with impurity-IV. Similar deshielding
was found between regio isomers of impurity-II and III and it reveals that impurity IV
and V are also another set of regio isomers. Based on the above spectral data the
(2-ethyl-1H-tetrazol-5-yl)biphenyl-4-yl]methyl}-1H-benzimidazole-7-carboxylate. This
35 H3C 33 CH3
18 16 N
34 N 32
28 O N
29 27 O 24 19 21 N 12
20 13
26 14 2 7
30 11 8
O 25 O 23 O 22 O 3
31 6
Chapter 4
Chapter 4
Fig. 4.30 C NMR Spectrum of Impurity - V
Chapter 4
The parent drug molecule undergoes hydrolysis which results in the formation of
Impurity I and ethyl cation. The ethyl cation further reacts with impurity I to form
Impurity II and III which are regioisomers. The content of impurity III is observed to be
more in the stability samples than in that of impurity II. The rationale for this might
be due to the steric hindrances present in the Impurity II. The ethyl cation reacts with
the parent drug molecules leading to the formation of another set of regioisomers
(Impurity IV and V). In this case also impurity V content is more than that of
Impurity IV.
Analytical HPLC method has been extensively validated for the quantitation of all
the five degradates. Specificity is verified by means of blank, placebo interferences and
summarized in the table 4.7. The data are evident that the method met the requirement of
validation. Ruggedness and robustness of the method has also been confirmed. The
relative response factors were established and values given in the table 4.7.
Chapter 4
Intermediate Precision
RSD at 0.5% level 1.98% 1.35% 0.96% 0.5% 2.95%
Limit of Detection
(LOD) 0.01% 0.01% 0.01% 0.01% 0.01%
Limit of
Quantitation (LOQ) 0.05% 0.05% 0.05% 0.05% 0.05%
Relative Response
Factor* 1.1 1.09 1.03 1.02 0.88
Chapter 4
preparative LC and were characterized by using spectroscopic techniques namely IR, UV,
NMR, MS and single-crystal X ray diffraction data. The structures were supported by
synthetic ethylating reaction of candesartan cilexetil and impurity I which allowed the
Chapter 4
3. www. Rxlist.com
Chapter 5
Substances and
antioxidant effect. It is one of the most vascular selective of the dihydropyridines. It has
long duration action because of its high degree of lipophilicity. The active trans form is
used in therapy.[1, 2] Lacidipine undergoes extensive first-pass hepatic metabolism and has
inactive metabolites.[2] Lacidipine is available in tablet form and marketed under various
stability were higher at the neutral pH 6.8. The chemical stability had a tendency to be
decreased at the alkaline solution over pH 8.0-10.0. The drug is not freely soluble in
water, 0.1 M HCl and 0.1 M NaOH solution. Its molecular weight is 455.54 and
structural formula is
Chapter 5
LCDP and internal standard (IS), felodipine were extracted into n-hexane and
dichloromethane (70:30) solvent system and separated using an isocratic mobile phase, on
an Inertsil C18 column. The effluent was monitored by UV detector at 240 nm and at a
flow rate of 1.0 ml/min. The linearity range of proposed method was 1–500 ng/ml. The
intra-day and inter-day coefficient of variation and percent error values of the assay
method were less than 15% and mean recovery was more than 94 and 95% for LCDP and
IS, respectively and the method was found to be precise, accurate, and specific during the
study. The method was successfully applied for pharmacokinetic study of lacidipine after
Braggio et al.,[4] have reported the automation and validation of the HPLC-
extraction step was automated by the introduction of the ASPEC system. A two-column
system was adopted for the HPLC purification. The RIA was converted from
specificity, and linearity that resulted similar to the manual version. The quantification
Chapter 5
UPLC BEH C18 column (50 mm×2.1 mm, 1.7 µm) with a flow rate of 0.28 ml/min.
The mobile phase was 30 mM ammonium acetate buffer–acetonitrile (18:82, v/v, pH 5.5).
multiple reactions monitoring (MRM) mode via electrospray ionization (ESI). Linear
calibration curves were obtained in the concentration range of 0.025–10.000 ng/ml, with a
lower limit of quantification of 0.025 ng/ml. The intra-day and inter-day precision (RSD)
values were below 15% and accuracy was −12.7% to 11.9% at all QC levels.
Kharat et al.,[7] have developed and validated a high performance thin layer
chromatographic method that was meant for the estimation of lacidipine. The sample
on C18 cartridge. The analytes were isolated from 1 ml of urine and recovered by pure
ethyl acetate solution. The method employed TLC aluminium plate precoated with silica
gel 60F254 as the stationary phase. The solvent system employed consists of
toulene and ethyl acetate [6.5:3.5 v/v]. This system gave a dense and compact spot of the
drug at Rf value of 0.45. The linear regression data for the calibration plots showed good
Chapter 5
linear relationship (r = 0.999) over the concentration range 10–80 ng. Recovery studies
were performed at two different levels. The recovery data reveal that the R.S.D for intra-
day and inter-day analysis at 10 ng was found to be 0.84 and 0.22%, respectively.
Plus C18 column with a mobile phase consisting of acetonitrile and 10 mM acetate buffer
(72:28, v/v) at a flow rate of 1 ml/min. The temperature was set at 30 ± 0.2 ◦C. The
at +1100 mV versus Ag/AgCl in the direct current mode. Under these chromatographic
conditions, the drugs eluted in less than 12 minutes. The method is shown to be linear
over the range 4.5–15 µg/ml with a within-day and day-to-day repeatabilities in terms of
R.S.D lower than 15%, an accuracy greater than 98% and detection limits varying from
90 ng/ml (amlodipine) to 1.55 µg/ml (nitrendipine). The method was successfully applied
to commercially available pharmaceuticals with relative errors lower than 5%. The
validity of the method was examined comparing the results obtained with those of HPLC
Özkan[9] has developed differential pulse and square wave voltammetry method
Chapter 5
was 2%. On the basis of the voltammetric response, they have developed HPLC methods
spectrophotometric method.
and particle beam interfaces were used because of their complementary information. In
fact, the former provided molecular mass indication, while particle beam allowed the
drug, they have studied in solutions exposed to UV-A radiations. The effects of the
on the drug photostability were evaluated. Lacidipine and its photoproducts were
conditions (CN column), using n-hexane and ethanol 97:3 (v/v) as mobile phase, at a flow
rate of 2.0 ml/min. The main photo degradation products were isolated and characterized
that was meant for the determination of lacidipine in the presence of its degradation
products. The analysis was carried out using a 150 mm x 4.6 mm i.d., 5 µm particle size
and 0.02 M phosphate buffer (70:30) at pH = 5.0 was pumped at a flow rate of 1 ml/min
Chapter 5
with UV detection at 254 nm. The method showed good linearity in the range
of 0.06–15 µg/ml with a limit of detection (S/N = 3) of 0.016 µg/ml. The suggested
method was successfully applied for the analysis of lacidipine in bulk and in commercial
tablets with average recoveries of 100.19 ± 0.81% and 100.05 ± 0.69%, respectively. The
results were favourably compared to those obtained by a reference method. The suggested
method was utilized to investigate the kinetics of alkaline, acidic, peroxide and photo-
induced degradation of the drug. The apparent first-order rate constant, half-life times and
Nozal et al.,[14] have developed a HPLC method for the assay of lacidipine
residues in swabs collected from various surfaces involved in drug manufacture that is
described. The swabbing procedure using two cotton swabs was validated applying a
wipe test. An RP-HPLC method, developed to determine low quantities of the drug in the
presence of its main impurities, was also validated. To remove drug residues from
stainless steel and glass surfaces, the first cotton swab must be soaked preferably in
acetonitrile whereas, on vinyl surfaces better results are obtained using methanol. The
HPLC method selected involves a C12 column, at 40°C, a mixture of acetonitrile and
0.05M ammonium acetate (88:12, v/v) as a mobile phase and UV detection at 282 nm.
Recoveries obtained are strongly dependent on the type of surface tested, being higher on
stainless steel. The surface material has also different influence on the drug stability. The
method was validated over a range of 0.5–100 µg/400 cm2 and had a detection limit of
0.1µg/400 cm2.
Chapter 5
Many methods have been reported for the determinations of lacidipine in the
for the assay of lacidipine which involves the non chromatographic techniques has been
reported[8-10]. Reversed phase HPLC-MS method that can detect lacidipine and its related
degradation impurities were discussed. Filippis et al.,[12] have discussed exclusively, the
were discussed, but impurities were not specified. In addition, method validation
parameters with respect to impurities were not covered. Nozal et al.,[14] discussed a
reversed phase HPLC method for the analysis of lacidipine cleaning validation samples in
the presence of degradation impurities. As the impurities are not well separated, this
method is not suitable for quantitative analysis of impurities. An analytical method that is
reported in British pharmacopeia[15], mainly covers one process impurity and two
generally considered as a critical method. However, extra care needs to be taken during
organic solvents change the hydration state of the silica or alumina based
analysis method is available for the quantitation of lacidipine and its related impurities
Chapter 5
Hence a rapid reversed phase UPLC method was developed and validated for
analytical column (2.1 mm i.d) with sub micron particle size (1.7 µ) was used to perform
the experiments. One of the most important advantages of the use of semi micron column
is the reduction of solvent usage as they operate at low flow rates. The reduction in
column diameter from standard 4.6 mm i.d column to a 2.1 mm i.d column and particle
size from 5µ to 1.7µ increase the peak concentration volume, sensitivity and decrease the
run time without compromising the resolution. Three potential degradation product
(impurity B, C and F), and three process related impurities (impurity A, D, and E) were
considered for the current method development and validation. The proposed method is
applicable for routine analysis during release and stability analysis of the drug product
5.5.1 Materials
Puducherry, India, whereas its impurities (imp-A 94.8%, imp-B 98.9%, imp-C 98.4%,
imp-D 99.8%, imp-E 99.9%, imp-F 83.5%) were procured from LGC Standards,
Bangalore, India and Simson Pharma, Mumbai, India. Lacidipine tablets (brand name
Ammonium acetate GR grade, glacial acetic acid GR grade, methanol and acetonitrile
HPLC grade were obtained from Merck, Mumbai, India. Purified water used was of
Milli-Q grade and all other chemicals used were of analytical grade.
Chapter 5
performed using Waters Acquity UPLC System (Waters Corporation, Milford, MA,
manager and a photodiode array detector. Data were processed using the Waters
Empower software version 1.63. An isocratic analytical method with Waters Acquity
BEH C18, (100 mm×2.1 mm; 1.7 µ) column (Waters Corporation, Milford, MA, USA)
Chapter 5
was employed for the separations. The mobile phase was a mixture of 50 mM
ammonium acetate buffer at a pH of 4.5 with glacial acetic acid and methanol in the
ratio 70:30. The injection volume was 5 µL, the flow rate was kept at 0.25 ml/min and
the column eluent was monitored at 240 nm for 15 minutes and the column temperature was
maintained at 40 °C.
A working solution of 50 µg/ml and 0.75 µg/ml of lacidipine was prepared for the
Twenty tablets were crushed to fine powder using a mortar and a pestle. Sample
amber color volumetric flask. About 30 ml of methanol was added, sonicated for 15
minutes, cooled and methanol was added to make up the volume. The solution
contained 500 µg/ml of lacidipine. An aliquot of the solution was filtered through 0.22 µ
nylon membrane (Millipore) prior to injection for related substances test. For drug
(90%), povidone K30 (1.5%), magnesium stearate NF (1.5 %), titanium dioxide (E 171)
Chapter 5
lacidipine at about 500 µg/ml along with smaller quantities of impurities was prepared in
Methanol. Method development trials were performed by considering the limit of related
substances for the drug substance and drug product. Solutions of individual impurities
were also prepared and injected. Formulation placebo samples were also prepared to
confirm, the stability indicating properties and specificity of the method[16, 17]. The stress
conditions used for the degradation study included sun light, UV light (254 nm),
heat (60°C), humidity (50°C and 90% relative humidity), acid hydrolysis (0.1 M HCl),
base hydrolysis (0.1 M NaOH), aqueous hydrolysis, and oxidation (30% H 2O2).
For studies of the effects of heat, humidity and light the study period was 72 hours
whereas for acid, base, aqueous hydrolysis and oxidation, the samples were refluxed for
an hour. The purity of peaks obtained from stressed samples of lacidipine was checked
concentration and the assay was calculated against a qualified working standard to prove
Chapter 5
LOD and LOQ assessments were combined into a single set of experiments.
Known quantities of lacidipine and all six impurities were prepared from 0.05 µg/ml
to 0.5 µg/ml. Those samples were injected in the LC, using the developed method and
peak responses were plotted against the concentration. From the slope of linear curve and
relative standard deviation, LOD and LOQ values were established, as per the following
LOD = 3.3 x Standard deviation of the response / Slope of the calibration curve
Precision study was also carried out at the LOQ level by injecting six preparations
For the linearity experiments, solutions of lacidipine and its six impurities at six
concentrations, spanning a range of 0.15 µg/ml (LOQ level) to 6 µg/ml were prepared.
Those samples were injected in the developed method and peak responses were plotted
against the concentration. Regression coefficient, slope and ‘y’ intercept were calculated
for lacidipine and all impurities. From the slope of curve, RRF (Relative Response
factor) of each impurity was calculated using the equation given below.
Linearity samples for the assay method were prepared from lacidipine stock
curve was plotted and regression coefficient, slope and ‘y’ intercept were calculated.
Chapter 5
5.5.9 Accuracy
Standard addition and recovery experiments were carried out using a known
amount of the impurity stock solution at five different concentration of 0.15 (LOQ level),
0.75, 2.5, 5.0 and 6.0 µg/ml, that was spiked to a previously analysed sample. Each
concentration level was prepared in triplicates and the mean value of percentage
recoveries for all impurities were calculated and reported. Accuracy of the assay method
was evaluated through similar recovery experiments carried out by spiking the placebo to
analyte and analysing at three different concentration levels 25, 50 and 75µg/ml in
5.5.10 Precision
The system precision for the related substance method was verified by injecting
six replicate injections of standard solution containing lacidipine and its six impurities at
a concentration of 0.75 µg/ml of each. The percentage relative standard deviation (RSD)
for peak area of all the impurities was calculated. Method precision experiments were
of 500 µg/ml spiked with each of the impurities at a concentration of 0.75 µg/ml and the
RSD for area percentage of all impurities was calculated. The intermediate method
precision was evaluated by a different analyst on different days using different instrument
of the same brand. Precision of assay method was evaluated by carrying out six
qualified working standard. The intermediate precision of the assay method was
evaluated by a different analyst on different days using different instrument of the same
Chapter 5
5.5.11 Robustness
and all the impurities was evaluated. To study the effect of flow rate on the resolution,
0.02 units were used that changed the flow to 0.23 and 0.27 ml/min. The effect of pH on
the resolution of impurities was studied by varying ±0.2 pH units (at 4.3 and 4.7 buffer
pH). The effect of column temperature on the resolution was studied by studying at two
temperatures (35°C and 45°C). The effect of wavelength was also studied by two
different wavelengths of detection (238 and 242 nm). In all the changed conditions
mentioned above, the components of the mobile phase were held constant. Further the
robustness experiment related to specificity and the effect buffer evaluated by varying the
The solution stability was carried out by placing the method precision solution in
tightly capped amber colour volumetric flask at controlled room temperature for 48 hours.
The sample solutions were analysed at regular interval of 8 hours up to the study period
and the difference in the area percentage of all the impurities was calculated. The mobile
phase stability was also studied out by analyzing the freshly prepared system precision
solution in 8 hours intervals up to 48 hours and the resolutions between each impurity
Chapter 5
The goal of this work was achieved by separating and quantitating six related
compounds in lacidipine Tablets and its active substances by UPLC. The blend
containing 500 µg/ml of lacidipine and 5 µg/ml of each impurity was prepared in the
methanol. All the impurities of lacidipine were separated using isocratic system on a
Waters Acquity BEH C18, (100 mm × 2.1 mm, 1.7 µ) column with pH 4.5, 50 mM
ammonium acetate buffer and methanol in the ratio 70:30 as the mobile phase. The
impurities were separated well with appropriate resolution. The concomitant quantitation
time and solvent consumption compared to the general and conventional HPLC methods.
The main analytical challenge during development of a new method was obtaining
adequate retention and resolution of the polar drug substance and its related substances
using reversed phase system along with a short run time. To achieve this end, various
brands of C18, C8 and Phenyl columns were experimented. As the sample matrix consists
of polar compounds as well as non polar compounds, the C18 column was considered as
the best choice. Waters Acquity BEH C18 (100 mm × 2.1 mm, 1.7 µ) column afforded the
best peak resolution and shortest retention times for the active and all related compounds.
Ion-pairing reagents were also examined but these attempts were unsuccessful. An
ammonium acetate buffer was found more suitable over phosphate buffer due to its
LCMS compatibility and which is useful to identify the mass of the unknown peaks at
later date during time product life cycle management. Higher ratios of methanol and
buffer in the mobile phase were studied and were found unsuitable due to co-elution of
Chapter 5
impurities. When methanol was replaced by acetonitrile, the orders of elution for the
peaks were altered along with a bad peak shape. In addition, impurity C was co eluted
with the principal peak. The sample solution was prepared using methanol to ensure
complete recovery of all the components and the solution stability also assured. For
achieving a good LOD and LOQ values for all impurities, 240 nm wavelength was
chosen and 500 µg/ml was kept as sample concentration for related substance.
In conclusion, an isocratic method for all the components with run time of 15
minutes was successfully developed for the quantitation of lacidipine and all its
impurities. Using the optimized conditions, lacidipine and its impurities were separated
well with a resolution of greater than 2 for the critical pair and the details are provided in
the table 5.1. Typical chromatogram of a blank, placebo and system suitability solution
Chapter 5
The specificity analysis revealed that UPLC method did not have interference
from the diluent and formulation excipients, as no peaks were found after the void
volume. Lacidipine was found to be stable under stress conditions such as humidity,
water, acid and base hydrolysis. Slight degradation was observed in thermal conditions
and C were observed under oxidation, Sun and UV light stress conditions. Small amount
of impurity F was also found under oxidative stress and UV light exposure. Peak purity
results obtained from PDA confirm that the lacidipine and six impurities peak are
homogeneous and pure in all the stress samples. The mass balance results were
calculated for all the stressed samples and found to be more than 99.0% (Table 5.2). The
peak purity and assay of lacidipine were not altered by the presence of its degradation
Chapter 5
Period of %Assay
% Total Mass balance*
Stress condition Study of
( hours) Lacidipine
Acid hydrolysis
1 0.7 98.6 99.3
(0.1 M HCl)
Base hydrolysis
1 0.7 99.1 99.8
(0.1 M NaOH)
1 0.5 99.2 99.7
(30% H2O2 )
72 1.8 97.6 99.4
(60 °C)
UV light
72 13.5 85.6 99.1
254 nm
72 0.3 99.4 99.7
(50 °C/90% RH)
*: % assay + % impurities + % degradation products
Chapter 5
The determined LOD and LOQ values for lacidipine and six impurities are
reported in table 5.3. The obtained values were low and for the practical reasons,
0.05 µg/ml and 0.15 µg/ml were considered as LOD and LOQ respectively. Precision
was carried out at LOQ level for lacidipine along with six impurities and results were
reported in table 5.3. The typical chromatograms of LOD and LOQ experiments were
Fig. 5.6 Typical UPLC chromatogram of LOD (0.05µg/mL)
Chapter 5
Chapter 5
Linear calibration plot for the related substances method was obtained over the
calibration ranges tested, i.e. 0.15 µg/ml (LOQ) to 6.0 µg/ml for impurities. The
correlation coefficient obtained was greater than 0.999 (Table 5.4) (Fig. 5.8). The result
shows that an excellent correlation existed between the peak area and the concentration of
all the impurities. The linearity of the detector response for assay method was also
determined for lacidipine over the calibration range of 25 to 75 µg/ml and found the value
Area Response
S.No. % Level
Lacidipine Imp- A Imp- B Imp- C Imp- D Imp- E Imp- F
1 LOQ 6440 6317 4095 4720 5262 3866 1740
2 25 65088 59428 37355 46835 53148 38441 9928
3 50 127163 117128 73740 91116 104183 72859 19647
4 100 249848 230251 145108 180808 204875 147349 38060
5 120 310476 286273 180200 224501 254999 178829 47532
Slope (m) 61214.7 56760.4 32390.2 52885.5 51620.4 32062.5 14079.4
Intercept (C) -11.86 -73.50 -10.13 -283.20 -206.00 209.87 -82.49
Standard error of
4010.35 3715.67 2275.15 2886.86 3421.97 1308.90 724.41
slope and intercept
0.9992 0.9992 0.9993 0.9993 0.9992 0.9992 0.9990
Fig. 5.8 Typical UPLC chromatogram of Linearity at 100% level
Chapter 5
Chapter 5
5.7.3 Accuracy
The percentage recovery of lacidipine from a spiked placebo ranged from 99.3
from 99.8 to 106.4% and results are reported in table 5.5. The typical chromatograms
of unspiked sample and Accuracy sample at 100% and 120% were presented in
figures 5.9-5.11.
Recovery (%)
Lacidipine Imp- A Imp- B Imp- C Imp- D Imp- E Imp- F
0.15 99.3±1.8 106.2±1.0 102.7±2.7 106.4±3.2 103.5±1.9 100.2±3.9 99.8±2.9
Chapter 5
5.7.4 Precision
The RSD of assay of lacidipine during the assay method repeatability study
was 0.68% and intermediate precision study was 0.91%. The maximum RSD for the area
of six impurities in the related substance method repeatability study was 2.8% (Table 5.6)
and intermediate precision study was 2.4% (Table 5.7). The overall RSD values suggest
excellent precision of the related substances and assay method (Table 5.8). The typical
chromatograms of method precision analysis are presented in figures 5.12 and 5.13.
Chapter 5
Chapter 5
Chapter 5
Percentage w/w
1 0.84 0.86 1.36 1.37 0.72 0.77 0.81 0.85 0.99 1.00 0.55 0.56
2 0.89 0.89 1.39 1.39 0.76 0.76 0.84 0.86 1.00 1.02 0.54 0.56
3 0.88 0.88 1.42 1.39 0.74 0.76 0.84 0.86 0.99 0.99 0.54 0.56
4 0.88 0.89 1.37 1.37 0.73 0.76 0.81 0.82 1.00 1.00 0.54 0.56
5 0.84 0.90 1.36 1.36 0.72 0.76 0.81 0.82 1.00 1.00 0.54 0.56
6 0.84 0.87 1.35 1.37 0.72 0.76 0.80 0.82 0.99 1.01 0.54 0.56
Fig. 5.12 Typical UPLC chromatogram of sample Unspiked
Chapter 5
Fig. 5.13 Typical UPLC chromatogram of sample spiked with six impurities
Chapter 5
Chapter 5
5.7.5 Robustness
temperature, composition of organic solvent, etc.,), the resolution between all pairs of
compounds was greater than 2.0 and tailing factor for lacidipine and its impurities was
less than 1.2. The assay variability of lacidipine was within ±0.8%. The variability in the
estimation of lacidipine impurities in the method precision sample was within 5%.
Overlaid chromatogram of robustness studies was presented in figures 5.14 and 5.15.
The variability in the estimation of lacidipine impurities was within ±5% and
assay was within 1% during solution stability and mobile phase experiments. The results
from solution stability and mobile phase stability experiments confirmed that mobile
Fig. 5.14 Typical UPLC chromatograms of Robustness study-Column oven temperature
Chapter 5
Chapter 5
A simple isocratic, reversed phase UPLC method was developed for quantitative
analysis of lacidipine and related substances in a pharmaceutical dosage form that utilizes
a previously unreported set of conditions like gradient and mobile phases, and to effect
the separation without the use of an ion-pair reagent in the mobile phase. The method is
completely validated and was found to be precise, specific, sensitive, linear accurate and
robust. This method can be used to quantitate the amount of related substances for release
and stability of the drug substance and the drug product. The method can also be
successfully used for the assay of lacidipine in the drug substance and the drug products.
Chapter 5
3. G. Ramesh, Y.V. Vishnu, P.C. Reddy, Y.S. Kumar and Y.M. Rao “Analytica
383-389, 1995.
5. J. Tang, R. Zhu, R. Zhao, G. Cheng and W. Peng, “J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal.” 47,
923-928, 2008.
7. V.R. Kharat, K.K. Verma and J.D. Dhake, “J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal.”, 28, 789-
793, 2002.
8. A.B. Baranda, R.M. Jimenez and R.M. Alonso, “J. Chromatogr.”, 1031, 275-
280, 2004.
10. J.A. Squella, A.E. Iribarren, J.C. Sturm and L.J. Núñez Vergara, “J.AOAC Int.”,
11. P. Rossato, M. Scandola and P. Grossi, “J. Chromatogr. A”, 647, 155-166,
12. P.D. Filippis, E. Bovina, L.D. Ros, J. Fiori and V. Cavrini, “J. Pharm. Biomed.
13. F. Belal, A. Elbrashy, M. Eid and J.J. Nasar, “Chromatographia”, 69, 1201-
1209, 2009.
Chapter 5
14. M.J. Nozal, J.L. Bernal, J.J. Jimenez, M.T. Martin and F.J. Diez, “J.
16. ICH, “Stability Testing of New Drug Substances and Products” IFPMA,
Chapter 6
Chapter 6
acetic acid (Fig. 6.1), belongs to pyranocarboxylic acid group of nonsteroidal anti-
inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), primarily used in the therapy of rheumatic diseases and
improving immune competence and reducing the risk of tumor metastasis[2]. The
the synthesis of prostaglandins, the endocrine agents which mediate pain and
now, the combination product of ET and PH is not available globally; several lines of
evidence suggest that the development of this combination would be beneficial for the
above said diseases. The fixed dose combination of ET and PH tablet formulation was
under development at Mother Theresa Post Graduate & Research Institute of Health
Sciences. To understand the drug release characteristic of both drugs in the novel FDC, a
Chapter 6
considered as a very important part of the product development. Dissolution studies data
are effectively utilized and reviewed by the regulatory agency as a part of the Quality by
Design (QbD) approach. Drug absorption depends on the release of the active ingredient
from the formulation, its dissolution under physiological conditions, and the permeability
across the gastrointestinal tract. Because of the critical nature of the first two of these
is therefore widely accepted that dissolution testing is a very important tool in the
that design new product and quality control scientists to ensure a lot to lot quality and
6.2.1 Etodolac
Etodolac is a White crystalline solid and insoluble in water but soluble in alcohols,
chloroform, dimethyl sulfoxide, and aqueous polyethylene glycol. It has a pKa of 4.65
and an n-octanol water partition coefficient of 11.4 at pH 7.4. It has an empirical formula
Chapter 6
CH 2CH 3
N CH 2CH 3
water and ethanol. It has a pKa value of 9.45. It has an empirical formula of
H3C CH 3
Chapter 6
Gil et al.,[10] have developed and optimized a novel oral controlled delivery
release matrix tablets of racemic form were determined and compared with the United
Release Capsules. They have used the typical Dissolution method enumerated in United
formulations for local and systemic delivery of therapeutic peptides and other drugs that
are subjected to first-pass metabolism and are unstable within the rest of the
gastrointestinal tract. The effect of lactose and dicalcium phosphate on dissolution rate,
kinetic of release and adhesion force of buccal adhesive tablets of propranolol HCl were
evaluated. For these studies they have used the method stated in United States
Dey et al.,[12] have reported the dissolution and bioavailability of etodolac from
capsules exposed to high relative humidity and temperature that were compared to those
from capsules and evaluated using a USP basket apparatus at 100 rpm with 900 ml pH 7.5
Özkan et al.,[13] have examined and reported the release of etodolac from various
molecular weight fractions of polyethylene glycol (PEG) solid dispersions. The release
Chapter 6
rate of etodolac from the resulting complexes was determined from dissolution studies by
use of USP dissolution apparatus 2 (paddle method). The dissolution rate of etodolac is
increased in all of the solid dispersion systems compared to that of the pure drug and
physical mixtures. The solid dispersion compound prepared in the molar ratio of 1:5 by
the solvent method was found to have the fastest dissolution profile.
evaluate the relationship between in vitro dissolution and absorption. The computer
program NONLIN was used to model both in vitro drug release and in viva plasma
concentration-time profiles. Based on the results of the pilot study and the kinetic
modeling, optimum target in vitro release rates were identified. Dosage forms exhibiting
these in vitro release profiles were evaluated in a bioavailability and dose proportionality
study over the range of 200-600 mg daily doses. The SR formulations were bioequivalent
to their respective immediate release doses and were dose-proportional. The in vivo
tablet dosage form. The chromatographic separation was achieved on a BDS Hypersil
and acetonitrile in the ratio of 50:50 (v/v) at a flow rate of 1.0 ml/min. The retention times
for etodolac and acetaminophen were found to be 1.32 and 4.24 minutes respectively.
Chapter 6
(HPLC) coupled with positive ion electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry
isocratically using a Capcellpak MGII C18 column with 65% acetonitrile and 35% water
transitions: m/z 287.99 > 172.23 for etodolac and m/z 357.92 > 139.01 for IS.
The method was validated to determine its selectivity, linearity, sensitivity, precision,
accuracy, recovery and stability. The devised method provides an accurate, precise and
liquid chromatography using a Nucleosil C18 column and UV detection at 238 nm and
at 295 nm. The mobile phase consisted of acetonitrile- methanol- ammonium chloride
were mixed, phosphoric acid (85%, w/w) was used to adjust the pH 6.9. The flow rate
Partani et al.,[18] developed and validated a highly selective assay for the
were simultaneously extracted from 0.3 ml of human plasma using solid phase
Chapter 6
extraction and detected in positive ion mode by tandem mass spectrometry with a turbo
The extraction recoveries were >96 and >64% on an average for propranolol and 4-
The combination tablets were being developed in three dosage strengths, 800/20,
about the dissolution method for the individual dosage form of PH and ET. Several LC
and LC-MS methods were published for the determination of both ET and PH
Till date as per the best of our knowledge, no analytical method is published for
the drug release (dissolution) study of the novel FDC of ET and PH. Hence it was found
technique, which could be applied for the product development laboratories and also to
ensure the quality of the product in the quality control laboratories. Development,
validation and application of the proposed method for the drug release study of the novel
Chapter 6
6.5.1 Materials
API of ET (100.23 % purity) and PH (99.66 % purity), were gifted from Takeida
Pharmaceuticals, Puducherry, India and tablets and placebo of the novel FDC of ET and
PH were prepared in-house. HPLC grade acetonitrile and methanol were procured from
Merck, Mumbai, India. Buffer components potassium phosphate and sodium hydroxide
were of analytical grade purchased from Merck Mumbai, India. High purity deionised
water was obtained from Millipore; Milli-Q (Bedford, MA, USA) water purification
system was used to prepare the mobile phase and diluent. All dissolution media used in
this study were degassed under vacuum prior to use and stored at 37oC to minimize re-
6.5.2 Instrumentation
The HPLC equipment used was Alliance 2695 System (Waters, Milford, MA,
theoretical plates, etc. were calculated using the Empower software, version 2.6.
India), equipped with a programmable auto sampler was used. For preparation of
standards and mobile phase Sartorius ME 235S analytical balance (Germany) and
Chapter 6
4.6 mm, 5 µ analytical column, maintained at 25°C, eluted with mobile phase at the flow
rate of 1.0 ml/min. The mobile phase consisted of 40:60 (v/v) acetonitrile / phosphate
buffer pH 5.5 (0.05 M potassium phosphate). The mobile phase was filtered under
vacuum through 0.45 µm nylon membrane filter (Millipore) and degassed ultrasonically
for 30 minutes prior to use. Measurements were made with injection volume 10.0 µl and
ultraviolet (UV) detection at 292 nm. The specificity samples were analyzed using a
photo-diode array (PDA) detector covering the range of 205–350 nm. The total
A calibrated dissolution tester with USP apparatus (I) was used at 100 rpm and
phosphate buffer pH 6.8 (0.05 M) solution was used as dissolution medium. Sample
aliquots of 10 ml were taken, filtered through a 0.45 µm nylon syringe filter. The first
two ml of sample was discarded prior to collecting the sample for analysis. For
dissolution profile testing, samples were taken at 5, 10, 15, 30, 45 and 60 minutes time
Chapter 6
added and sonicated for 5 minutes. Then the volume was made up with methanol.
sonicated for 2 minutes. Then the volume was made up with dissolution medium.
The ET and PH standard stock solutions were combined and diluted with
800/20, 800/40 and 800/80 µg/ml for 800/20, 800/40 and 800/80 mg strength
guidelines[19, 20]. Specificity, linearity, accuracy, precision and robustness were evaluated.
6.6.1 Specificity
all the excipients without the active substances. The concentration of excipients in test
sample was based on in-house preparation. The placebo sample was transferred to
Chapter 6
37±0.5°C and stirred for 1 hour at 100 rpm using basket (USP Apparatus 1). Aliquots
6.6.2. Linearity
Linearity of the method was studied through the injection of both ET and PH at
the concentration range of 80–960 µg/ml and 2–120 µg/ml, respectively, with six different
concentration levels in each curve. Dilutions were performed using dissolution medium
from standard stock solution containing 8000 µg/ml of ET and 200 µg/ml of PH. The
peak area versus concentration data were treated by least-squares linear regression
analysis. The correlation coefficient, slope and Y-intercept of the calibration curve were
6.6.3. Accuracy
The accuracy of the method was evaluated through the recovery test of known
amounts of ET and PH working standards added to the placebo. Weighed and transferred
accurately 80, 800 and 960 mg of ET along with 10, 80 and 120 mg of PH respectively in
the dissolution medium containing composite placebo mixture. Samples were stirred
at 100 rpm for 1 hour. After that aliquots of each vessel were collected and analyzed.
Chapter 6
6.6.4 Precision
The precision of the method was demonstrated by intraday and inter day variation
studies. The intra-day study was carried out by injecting six replicate injections of
standard solution and six sample preparations. In the inter day study, six samples were
analyzed by different analyst on different day using different instrument and RSD was
Stability of both drugs in the dissolution medium was evaluated using standard
and samples. The standard and sample solution obtained from precision study were
both ambient and refrigeration conditions. The cumulative RSD of the response was
6.6.6. Robustness
The robustness of the method was evaluated by making deliberate minor variation
in the following method parameters like flow rate (±10%), organic solvent in the mobile
phase (±2%), pH of the mobile phase buffer (± 0.2 units) and wavelength (±2 nm).
Chapter 6
Spectrophotometry was unsuitable for the combination product owing to the lack
of specificity; moreover, the absorbance of both the drugs interferes with each other
(Fig. 6.3). Therefore, an RPLC method was developed for the simultaneous determination
of ET and PH in the dissolution sample. Interferences from both the analytes were
separated using LC and analysis can still be achieved with UV detection. For HPLC
polar with pKa 4.65. PH is a polar molecule with pKa 9.45. Thus, it is poorly retained on
compounds efficiently using a simple isocratic system. Our major goal was to develop a
simple, rapid and efficient chromatographic method for two molecules with very different
chemical selectivity.
Trials were performed using C18 stationary phase (4.6 mm, 5 µm) with varying
column lengths from 250 to 150 mm and various brands (Thermo Hypersil C18, YMC-
separation using XTerra RP 18, 250 x 4.6 mm, 5 µm column gave higher retention
time 3.6 minutes for PH and 10.6 minutes for ET. The shorter column length (150 mm x
4.6 mm, 5 µm) of same brand has reduced the retention time to 2.3 minutes for PH
and 4.8 minutes for ET with better resolution. In order to further optimize the method,
different trials were carried out with varying acetonitrile composition, buffer pH and the
results were summarized in table 6.1. The experimental data show that pH 3.5 and pH 4.5
Chapter 6
were unsuitable for this combination as the PH elutes in void volume and ET elutes more
than 5 minutes. The trial using phosphate buffer pH 5.5 with acetonitrile in the ratio
of 60:40 (v/v) gave desirable chromatographic separation with better peak shape, tailing
factor, plate count and resolution. As the UV spectrum showed good response at 292 nm
for both components, this wavelength was found suitable for simultaneous determination
of both components.
Chapter 6
Table 6.1 The outcome of each trial on various mobile phase compositions
Chapter 6
The dissolution test was optimized in terms of dissolution medium, apparatus type
The dissolution media listed in the USP dissolution methods for single entity ET
and PH were phosphate buffer (pH 6.8; 0.05 M), and dilute HCl (pH 1.2) respectively.
Hence solubility studies for both active ingredients in several media in the pH range 1.2
to 6.8 were investigated (Table 6.2) to establish a common dissolution medium. The
dissolution media at pH 1.2 and pH 4.5 were not suitable for the combination tablets as
the ET solubility is low. Phosphate buffer medium pH 6.8 was found to be suitable as
both drugs show good solubility and sink conditions were met. As the absorption happens
from GI tract, therefore nature of the medium should be aqueous-based and pH in the
range of 5-7. The reason is that it represents pH of intestinal environment where most of
the absorption of the drug occurs. Moreover the Tmax of ET and PH were 1 to 4 hours
hence pH 6.8 buffer medium was finalized keeping in mind that this may indicate the bio
and PH in the selected medium. Accurately weighed amounts of both the API were
and 20, 40 and 80 mg/l of PH. The resulting solutions were incubated in a water bath
at 37°C under continuous stirring at 100 rpm. Sampling and HPLC analysis was carried
out at time intervals t = 0, 15, 30, 60 and 120 min. No instability of the analytes were
observed, since the RSD of the obtained peak areas were <1.2% in all cases.
Chapter 6
Using phosphate buffer as the dissolution medium, experiments were carried out
and 100 rpm respectively. The experimental results yielded similar profile in both the
conditions. However basket type was preferred because of the possibility of capsule
formulation development in future. The effect of the rotation speed on the dissolution
profile of ET and PH containing tablets was examined at 50, 75 and 100 rpm. Decrease in
the rotation speed resulted in incomplete release of ET in 60 minutes. The percent release
of three strengths was analysed using basket at 100 rpm and the results were presented in
figure 5.4.
Fig. 6.4 Dissolution profile data
Chapter 6
Chapter 6
6.8.1 Specificity
No interfering peaks were observed at the retention time of the principal peak of
both the analytes, due to placebo mixture and dissolution medium and the typical
Fig. 6.5 Typical HPLC chromatogram of Blank (Dissolution medium) and Placebo
Fig. 6.6 Typical HPLC chromatogram of Analytes
Chapter 6
Chapter 6
6.8.2. Linearity
range of 80 to 960 µg/ml and 2 to 120 µg/ml respectively. Excellent correlation between
analyte peak area and concentration of the drug was observed with r ≥0.999 for all
standard curves with the slope of 4416 and 5482 and Y-intercept at +20318 and -400.6 for
Chapter 6
1 80 80.02 369714
2 160 160.04 729947
3 400 400.11 1789587
4 640 640.18 2838076
5 800 800.22 3574942
6 960 960.26 4250005
Correlation coefficient 0.99997
Chapter 6
1 2 1.97 9120
2 10 9.85 55801
3 20 19.7 107419
4 40 39.4 214340
5 80 78.8 432328
6 120 118.2 647432
Correlation coefficient 0.999986
Chapter 6
6.8.3 Accuracy
to the dissolution vessels. Recoveries from 95.0 to 105.0% of the added amounts are
to 101.7% and 96.4 to 101.1% respectively [Tables 6.5 and 6.6], corroborating the
accuracy of the method. The typical chromatogram of Accuracy at 10% and 100 % level
Fig. 6.13: Typical HPLC chromatogram of Accuracy at 100 % level
Chapter 6
Chapter 6
Chapter 6
6.8.4 Precision
performing six replicate injections of the combined standard solution. The peak area RSD
was ≤ 0.9% for ET and ≤ 0.8% for PH. This reproducibility was considered acceptable.
Method and intermediate precision: The intra day precision were calculated by
injecting six samples of all strengths. The RSD of the area for both the analytes was
≤ 3.3%. The same parameter was performed in a different day by a different person to
evaluate inter day precision. The RSD of the area for both the analyte was ≤ 3.0%.
Results for the intra day and inter day precision were summarized in table 6.7,
Strength Etodolac Propranolol HCl
800/20 2.2 1.8 3.3 3.0
800/40 2.8 3.0 2.9 2.8
800/80 1.9 1.0 1.9 2.0
*MP – Method Precision and #IP – Intermediate Precision
Chapter 6
The standard and sample solution were monitored for stability up to 48 hours and
cumulative RSD of the ET standard and sample solution was found to be ≤ 0.9%
and ≤ 1.2% respectively, at both the storage conditions. The cumulative RSD of the PH
standard and sample solution were found to be ≤ 0.9% and ≤ 2.2% respectively, at both
6.8.6. Robustness
the alterations caused significant change in resolution between ET and PH, peak area
RSD, USP tailing factor, peak width or theoretical plates and percentage recovery
(Table 6.8).
Chapter 6
Variation of wavelength
Chapter 6
A analytical method had been developed and validated for etodolac and
and USP Apparatus 1 (basket) at 100 rpm. This circumvents the problem previously
described with the USP single entity dissolution media, and provides the optimum
dissolution conditions for this product. Also, an HPLC method was developed to measure
eliminating the need for separate HPLC methods for the etodolac and propranolol
hydrochloride components.
Chapter 6
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