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International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 2018, 13, 687-693
© 2018 Human Kinetics, Inc. ORIGINAL INVESTIGATION

Effects of Varying the Step Duration on the Determination

of Lactate Thresholds in Elite Rowers
Pitre C. Bourdon, Sarah M. Woolford, and Jonathan D. Buckley

This study aimed to identify the minimum increment duration required to accurately assess 2 distinct lactate thresholds. A total
of 21 elite rowers (12 women and 9 men) participated in this study, and each performed 8 or 9 rowing tests comprising 5
progressive incremental tests (3-, 4-, 5-, 7-, or 10-min steps) and at least three 30-min constant-intensity maximal lactate steady-
state assessments. Power output (PO) at lactate threshold 1 was higher in the 3- and 4-min incremental tests. No other measures
were different for lactate threshold 1. The PO at the second lactate threshold was different between most tests and was higher than
the PO at maximal lactate steady state, except for the 10-min incremental test. Lactate threshold 2 oxygen consumption was
higher in the 3-, 4-, and 5-min tests, but heart rate (HR) and rating of perceived exertion were not different between tests. Peak
PO in the incremental tests was inversely related to the step durations (r2 = .86, P ≤ .02). Peak oxygen consumption was higher in
the shorter (≤5 min) than the longer (≥7 min) incremental tests, whereas peak HR was not different between tests. These data
suggest that for the methods used in this study, incremental exercise tests with step durations ≤7 min overestimate maximal lactate
steady-state exercise intensity, peak physiological values are best determined using incremental tests with step durations ≤4 min,
and HR measures are not affected by step duration, and therefore, prescription of training HRs can be made using any of these

Keywords: MLSS, athlete monitoring, incremental exercise, heart rate, power output

Prescribing training loads for endurance athletes often incor- is not easily assessed, requiring several constant-load tests to be
porates the measurement of the blood lactate response to incre- performed with different intensities on different days; therefore, it
mental exercise in conjunction with heart rate (HR), oxygen does not lend itself well to routine assessment.7,10
consumption (V̇O2 ), and exercise intensity, and the subsequent While the determination of MLSS requires multiple test ses-
calculation of blood lactate thresholds. Numerous studies have sions, threshold indices are most commonly assessed using a single
suggested that there are at least 2 apparent discontinuities or incremental exercise test with step durations <5 minutes.5,9,11–14
thresholds in the blood lactate response to incremental These durations are considered adequate for internal load measures
exercise.1–3 The first of these is associated with the initial intensity such as HR and V̇O2 because these variables usually achieve steady
at which there is a sustained increase in blood lactate concentration state in endurance-trained individuals within these time frames.4,15
([BLa−]) above resting levels (lactate threshold—LT1) and the However, these durations may be inadequate when the aim of the
second marked by a very rapid rise in [BLa−] (anaerobic threshold test is to determine the exercise intensity corresponding to the
—LT2), which refers to the intensity indicating the upper limit of lactate thresholds and/or MLSS, as it is possible that the use of step
equilibrium between lactate production and lactate clearance.1 durations shorter than 5 minutes may overpredict the exercise
These thresholds are important insofar as they have been proven intensity at these thresholds.4,14,16 A number of studies have
to be valid and reliable indicators of endurance performance1–5 indicated that step durations longer than 5 minutes may be required
and can be used to prescribe submaximal aerobic training to attain steady state [BLa−] and therefore allow valid determina-
intensities1–3,6 and assess training adaptations.1,3 However, com- tions of the lactate thresholds and better predictions of endurance
parisons between studies reporting lactate thresholds and related performance.4,6,9,13,16,17 However, although step durations longer
variables are often difficult because of differences in the protocols, than 5 minutes may be preferable for the assessment of lactate
definitions, assessment techniques, and variables used. thresholds, it has been argued that incremental exercise protocols
The maximal lactate steady state (MLSS), defined as the with relatively long step durations are not very practical as they are
highest exercise intensity that can be maintained over time without less time efficient,12,15 and peak values of V̇O2 and HR may not be
a continual accumulation of [BLa−], has been widely accepted as reached because of premature local muscular fatigue.12,15,17 A few
the criterion by which LT2 should be identified.7–10 Constant-load studies have been conducted using cycling9,10 and running17
exercise above MLSS is associated with a constant increase in exercise to assess the most suitable protocols for validly assessing
[BLa−] and V̇O2 is poorly tolerated by athletes for extended periods the blood lactate response to exercise and peak physiological
of time, therefore supporting MLSS as a strong indicator of the variables during a single incremental exercise test, but no similar
endurance capacity of athletes.2,9 However, measurement of MLSS studies have been conducted using rowing. Therefore, the aims of
this study were to (1) investigate the [BLa−], V̇O2 , and HR
Bourdon and Buckley are with the School of Health Sciences, University of South
responses, as well as their peak values, in incremental rowing
Australia, Adelaide, SA, Australia. Bourdon is also with Sport Science Dept, Aspire tests with different step durations and (2) compare the derived
Academy, Doha, Qatar. Woolford is with Sport Science Unit, South Australian lactate thresholds and related variables obtained in the different
Sports Inst, Adelaide, SA, Australia. Bourdon ([email protected]) is tests with MLSS to ascertain whether valid estimates of MLSS can
corresponding author. be determined from a single incremental exercise test.
688 Bourdon, Woolford, and Buckley

Methods athlete’s last incremental test performed on the rowing ergometer,

either as part of this study or during the 2 months preceding
Subjects commencement of the study. The athletes were instructed to build
up to the set pace over 5 to 10 strokes so as to minimize the
Twenty-one elite rowers (12 women and 9 men; mean [SD]: age = likelihood of a sudden rise in [BLa−]. Depending on the result of the
20.0 [2.2] y, height = 180.4 [8.9] cm, and body mass = 75.4 first constant-intensity test, the pace was increased or decreased by
[12.7] kg), comprising 2 World Champions, 9 World Champion- 1 second per 500-m increments in subsequent tests until a MLSS
ship medalists, 4 World Championship representatives, and had been attained.
6 Australian National Championship competitors who were
all scholarship holders at the South Australian Sports Institute,
volunteered to participate in the study after providing written Gas-Exchange Parameters
informed consent. All testing was conducted in the accredited Throughout each rowing test, the athletes breathed through a face
South Australian Sports Institute’s sports physiology laboratory mask (series 7500; Hans Rudolph, Shawnee, KS) attached to a
and was approved by the Human Research Ethics Committee of the 2-way nonrebreathing valve (series 2700; Hans Rudolph) with a
University of South Australia. precalibrated large flow turbine transducer (Morgan Mark 2 venti-
lation meter, Rainham, Kent, UK) connected to the inspiratory port
Experimental Design to measure ventilatory volumes. Expired air was collected into a
2.6-L mixing chamber (Sportech, Canberra,Australia) from which
All athletes performed a series of 8 to 9 rowing tests in randomized dried gas was sampled continuously (∼500 mL·min−1) and passed to
order. These tests were classified as (1) progressive incremental separate oxygen (S-3A/I; Ametek, Berwyn, PA) and carbon dioxide
tests or (2) MLSS assessments. Each test was performed at (CD-3A; Ametek) analyzers, both of which had been calibrated prior
approximately the same time of day and was separated by no to each test with 3 α-grade calibration gases (0.02% tolerance) of
less than 48 hours and no more than 96 hours. All athletes known oxygen and carbon dioxide composition (BOC Gases,
completed the full test battery within 3 weeks. Body mass and Adelaide, Australia). The electrical outputs from the gas analyzers
height were measured at the start of each laboratory visit, and and ventilation meter were integrated using a personal computer
mechanical work done, gas exchange parameters, HR, [BLa−], system, which calculated the necessary ventilatory variables as
and ratings of perceived exertion (RPE) were monitored during 30-second averages using custom written software (South Austra-
each test. lian Sports Institute, Adelaide, Australia).18 The values for submax-
imal V̇O2 were measured by averaging the final 2 minutes of each
Rowing Tests submaximal step of the incremental and MLSS tests. Peak V̇O2
values were obtained by averaging the 2 successive highest data
All of the rowing tests were performed on the same rowing points during the final maximal-effort step in the incremental tests.
ergometer (Concept 2C) with the drag factor set at 110 for
lightweight women, 120 for heavyweight women and lightweight
men, and 130 for heavyweight men so as to standardize the Heart Rate
ergometer resistance.18 HR was recorded throughout each rowing test as 5-second averages
Each athlete performed 5 progressive incremental tests con- using an integrated HR monitor (Polar Electro OY, Oulu, Finland).
sisting of up to 6 submaximal steps of 3-, 4-, 5-, 7-, or 10-minute The HR values averaged over the final 30 seconds of each
duration, with each step separated by a 1-minute rest period. submaximal step of the incremental and MLSS tests, as well as
Following the rest period after the sixth step, the athletes undertook the peak value attained in the final maximal-effort step in the
a final maximal effort of identical duration, during which they incremental tests, were recorded as the measured values.
performed as much work as possible. The resistances for each of
the 6 submaximal workloads were based on each athlete’s best time
for a 2000-m race simulation performed on the rowing ergometer Blood Samples
during the 2 months preceding commencement of the study. The Finger-prick blood samples (100 μL) for the determination of
average 500-m pace of the 2000-m race simulation, plus 4 seconds, [BLa−] were collected immediately prior to the commencement
was calculated, and then an additional 36, 30, 24, 18, 12, and of all rowing tests. Samples were also collected within 30 seconds
6 seconds were added to give target times per 500 m for the first of the end of each step during the incremental tests. Constant-
through sixth workloads, respectively.18,19 The intensity for each of intensity MLSS tests were interrupted for 30 seconds every
the submaximal steps was the same for all 5 incremental tests. The 10 minutes for blood sampling. Aliquots were analyzed using
researchers monitored each test individually, and as a result of the an automated lactate analyzer (1500 Sport; Yellow Springs Inter-
greater accumulated fatigue experienced in the 10-minute incre- national, Yellow Springs, OH).
mental test, they adjusted the protocol slightly for 15 of the athletes,
so that only 5 submaximal steps were performed before commenc-
ing the final step, to ensure that they could give a maximal effort.
Ratings of Perceived Exertion
This was the then-current Australian national rowing screening An RPE22 was collected immediately after the end of each step of
protocol and was performed routinely by all of the athletes in the incremental and MLSS tests.
this study.
MLSS was assessed using a series of at least three 30-minute
Blood Lactate Thresholds
constant-intensity tests and was defined as the highest intensity
during which [BLa−] increased by no more than 1.0 mmol·L−1 over LT1 and LT2 were calculated using ADAPT software as per the
the final 20 minutes of the test.2,7,20,21 The intensity of the first guidelines in the national testing protocol.19,23 LT1 was represented
constant-intensity test was set at the LT2 pace calculated from the by the real data point preceding the point on the blood lactate–exercise
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What Is the Ideal Lactate Threshold Test Duration? 689

response curve where the [BLa−] reached a level 0.4 mmol·L−1 above showed a significant main effect, differences between means were
the minimum recorded lactate reading. A 0.4-mmol·L−1 rise in [BLa−] determined by post hoc analysis using a test of least significant
was used as it is twice the typical error reported at low [BLa−] and is differences. Linear regression was used to determine relationships
therefore likely to represent a real increase in [BLa−].19 LT2 was between variables, where applicable. The level of statistical sig-
identified using a modified Dmax method,3,11,19,23 which is repre- nificance was set at an alpha level of P ≤ .05. All data values cited in
sented by the point on the third-order polynomial regression curve of the text and shown in the tables represent mean (SD).
[BLa−] that yielded the maximal perpendicular distance to the straight
line formed between LT1 and the end data point. Previous studies
have shown these methods to be objective and reliable.1,3,18,19
Physiological and performance measures at LT1 for all 5 incre-
Training and Nutrition mental tests are presented in Table 1. The PO calculated at LT1 was
higher in the 3- and 4-minute incremental tests than in the
To standardize test conditions, athletes did not train in the 12 hours 10-minute test. No other physiological measures were different
preceding each test. On the day before testing, training was limited for LT1.
to no more than 12 km of low-intensity aerobic rowing. Athletes Table 2 shows the physiological and performance scores at
were requested to eat a standardized high-carbohydrate meal on the LT2 and MLSS. The PO calculated at LT2 in the incremental tests
evening preceding the test and, if scheduling allowed, also on the was different for all step durations and was also higher than the
day of the test. Instruction was also given to maintain good measured PO at MLSS except for the 10-minute protocol. LT2 V̇O2
hydration in the lead up to the test.19 All assessments were was higher in the 3-, 4-, and 5-minute incremental tests compared
conducted during the general preparation phase of each athlete’s with the longer duration 7-minute, 10-minute, and MLSS assess-
training program, with the athletes undertaking ∼17 hours of ments. The mean [BLa−] tended to fall with increasing step
training per week in the month preceding testing. duration (r2 = .68, P ≤ .09). Heart rate and RPE were not relevantly
different between incremental tests.
Statistical Analysis Peak physiological and performance values from the incre-
mental tests are reported in Table 3. Peak PO during the incremen-
Power output (PO), V̇O2 , HR, [BLa−], and RPE at LT1 and LT2 tal tests was inversely related to the step durations (r2 = .86,
were determined for all 5 incremental tests and at MLSS, and the P ≤ .02). Peak V̇O2 was higher in the shorter duration incremental
values achieved during each test were compared using 2-way tests (≤5 min) compared with the longer tests (≥7 min). Peak HR
analysis of variance with repeated measures with gender used as was not relevantly different between tests, whereas peak RPE
the between-subject factor. Peak values achieved in each incre- tended to rise with increasing step duration (r2 = .52, P ≤ .17)
mental test were similarly analyzed. Where analysis of variance and peak [BLa−] tended to decrease (r2 = .49, P ≤ .19).

Table 1 Physiological and Performance Values at LT1

Progressive incremental test—step duration
Parameter 3 min 4 min 5 min 7 min 10 min
a a
PO, W 177.0 (39.0) 177.0 (37.0) 169.0 (34.0) 170.0 (35.0) 165.0 (34.0)b
[BLa−], mmol·L−1 0.9 (0.2) 0.9 (0.2) 0.8 (0.2) 0.9 (0.3) 0.8 (0.2)
HR, beats per minute 151.0 (11.0) 153.0 (10.0) 152.0 (10.0) 155.0 (12.0) 156.0 (11.0)
V̇O2 , L·min−1 2.84 (0.57) 2.85 (0.53) 2.79 (0.51) 2.77 (0.56) 2.76 (0.54)
RPE, arbitrary units 10.2 (1.3) 10.4 (1.7) 10.6 (1.7) 10.7 (1.9) 11.1 (1.1)
Abbreviations: [BLa−], blood lactate concentration; HR, heart rate; LT1, lactate threshold 1; PO, power output; RPE, rating of perceived exertion; V̇O2 , oxygen
consumption. Note: Values are presented as mean (SD).
Significantly different from 10-minute incremental test. b Significantly different from 3- to 4-minute incremental tests.

Table 2 Physiological and Performance Values at LT2 and MLSS

Progressive incremental test—step duration
Parameter 3 min 4 min 5 min 7 min 10 min MLSS
PO, W 249.0 (49.0)a,b,c,d 245.0 (49.0)a,b,c,d 231.0 (41.0)b,c,d,e,f 221.0 (42.0)a,c,d,e,f 211.0 (45.0)a,b,e,f, 212.0 (39.0)a,b,e,f
[BLa−], mmol·L−1 3.0 (0.4)c 3.3 (0.5)c,d 3.0 (0.5) 3.0 (0.6) 2.6 (0.4)e,f 2.8 (0.7)f
HR, beats per minute 178.0 (11)d 178.0 (10)d 176.0 (9) 176.0 (10) 175.0 (9) 174.0 (9)e,f
V̇O2 , L·min−1 3.60 (0.68)b,c,d 3.64 (0.64)b,c,d 3.57 (0.62)b,c,d 3.41 (0.64)a,e,f 3.38 (0.67)a,e,f 3.44 (0.59)a,e,f
RPE, arbitrary units 14.1 (1.3) 14.7 (1.5) 14.8 (1.0)d 14.2 (2.1) 14.3 (1.4) 13.7 (0.7)a
Abbreviations: [BLa−], blood lactate concentration; HR, heart rate; LT2, anaerobic threshold/lactate threshold 2; MLSS, maximal lactate steady state; PO, power output;
RPE, rating of perceived exertion; V̇O2 , oxygen consumption. Note: Values are presented as mean (SD).
Significantly different from 5-minute incremental test. b Significantly different from 7-minute incremental test. c Significantly different from 10-minute incremental test.
Significantly different from MLSS. e Significantly different from 3-minute incremental test. f Significantly different from 4-minute incremental test.

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690 Bourdon, Woolford, and Buckley

Because the [BLa−] responses and resultant peak and LT2 PO showed that valid estimates of MLSS can be determined from
values were different between all 5 incremental tests, the curve incremental tests.
obtained from each incremental test may be interpreted as having Previous research has shown that LT2 denotes the intensity
shifted either further right the shorter the step duration or upwards corresponding to MLSS.2,4,6,9,13,16,17 The results of this study
the longer the step duration (Figure 1). showed the [BLa−] responses and resultant PO values at LT2 to
Table 4 presents linear regressions for the prediction of MLSS be different between all 5 incremental tests (Table 2), with mean-
PO using LT2 PO data from each incremental test. Equations ingful overestimations of PO at LT2 relative to MLSS ranging
derived from all 5 incremental step tests offered good prediction between 4.3% (7 min) and 17.6% (3 min) for all protocols up to
and precision. 7 minutes. Caution must therefore be taken when prescribing
training or comparing data based on PO derived from incremental
tests with differing step durations. This is in line with the findings
Discussion of Foxdal et al,4 who compared the [BLa−] response to incremental
treadmill running and suggested that steps of at least 8 minutes are
Training at intensities where [BLa−] remains stable may optimize required to achieve [BLa−] steady state. Therefore, to be safe, when
aerobic training while also reducing the risk of overreaching; using an incremental test to accurately assess PO at MLSS directly,
hence, MLSS has been used to detect the upper limit or intensity it is proposed that it should incorporate increments of at least
for sustained endurance training.4,21 Considering the additional 10 minutes. Furthermore, in comparison with V̇O2 and HR, the
time and associated financial costs required in the direct determi- changes in [BLa−] following a change in exercise intensity are
nation of MLSS, researchers have attempted to construct methods slower.5,9,15 These findings were supported by this study, which
to directly measure it using simpler protocols9,24 or have attempted showed that it is necessary to lengthen the step duration in the
to draw conclusions from data derived from progressive incremen- incremental tests to 10 minutes to accurately and directly determine
tal tests.4–7,9,10,17 This study compared data derived from high-level the intensity at which MLSS occurs.
rowers performing a series of progressive incremental tests with Our findings showed that V̇O2 at LT2 was higher in the 3-,
MLSS assessed using 30-minute constant-intensity trials and 4-, and 5-minute incremental tests compared with the longer

Table 3 Peak Physiological and Performance Values Derived From Incremental Tests of Varying Step Duration
Progressive incremental test—step duration
Parameter 3 min 4 min 5 min 7 min 10 min
a b,c,d,e c,d,e,f b,d,e,f b,c,e,f
Peak PO, W 328.0 (73.0) 309.0 (63.0) 284.0 (57.0) 270.0 (54.0) 259.0 (55.0)b,c,d,f
Peak [BLa−], mmol·L−1 8.3 (1.2)b 9.5 (1.8)c,d,e,f 9.3 (1.3)e 8.2 (1.2)b 7.5 (1.5)b,c
Peak HR, beats per minute 194.0 (10.0) 195.0 (8.0) 195.0 (9.0) 194.0 (10.0) 192.0 (8.0)
Peak V̇O2 , L·min−1 4.14 (0.80)d,e 4.16 (0.77)d,e 4.09 (0.81)e 3.98 (0.76)b,f 3.98 (0.84)b,c,f
Peak RPE, arbitrary units 17.7 (1.3)c,d,e 18.1 (1.4)c 19.0 (0.9)b,f 18.7 (1.0)f 18.9 (1.0)f
Abbreviations: [BLa−], blood lactate concentration; HR, heart rate; PO, power output; RPE, rating of perceived exertion; V̇O2 , oxygen consumption. Note: Values are
presented as mean (SD).
Significant difference between genders. b Significantly different from 4-minute incremental test. c Significantly different from 5-minute incremental test. d Significantly
different from 7-minute incremental test. e Significantly different from 10-minute incremental test. f Significantly different from 3-minute incremental test.

Figure 1 — Effect of step duration on the blood lactate response curve (subject is a female heavyweight rower).

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What Is the Ideal Lactate Threshold Test Duration? 691

Table 4 Linear Regression Equations and Related Statistics for the Prediction of PO at MLSS
Test increment duration Regression equation SEE, W r2 P
3 min MLSS = 0.76303(LT2-PO) + 21.7 11.5 .92 ≤.001
4 min MLSS = 0.77633(LT2-PO) + 21.5 11.3 .92 ≤.001
5 min MLSS = 0.92136(LT2-PO) + 1.3 9.8 .94 ≤.001
7 min MLSS = 0.90590(LT2-PO) + 11.6 9.9 .94 ≤.001
10 min MLSS = 0.83948(LT2-PO) + 34.6 12.3 .91 ≤.001
Abbreviations: LT2-PO, power output in watts at lactate threshold 2 for that particular step duration; MLSS, maximal lactate steady state in watts; PO, power output; SEE,
standard error of estimate.

duration 7-minute, 10-minute, and MLSS assessments (Table 2). A recommended for the accurate prediction of MLSS PO. Previous
subsequent review of the raw gas exchange data at intensities research by Hofman et al14 showed that MLSS can likely be
corresponding to LT2 found all V̇O2 measures to be in steady state. predicted
Therefore, it is proposed that the higher V̇O2 values at LT2 during for ergometer and on-water rowing from spirometric data from a
the shorter incremental tests (≤5 min) were a result of the higher PO 1-minute incremental stage test. However, as the authors acknowl-
scores associated with these tests. The correspondingly higher HR edged, a true measure of MLSS was not attained in this study
and [BLa−] values reported in the 3- and 4-minute incremental tests as only one constant-intensity test was performed in each environ-
lend further support to this argument, in that higher exercise ment. Smekal et al5 developed complex neuro-fuzzy and back-
intensities demand correspondingly higher values in associated ward-step linear regression models to predict PO at MLSS from
physiological variables. 1- to 3-minute step duration incremental tests and reported
With respect to LT1 values, the internal load measures V̇O2 , even higher correlations than in this study (r = .99). The rigor of
HR, [BLa−], and RPE were not influenced by differences in step their equations, however, can be questioned since the ratio of
durations (Table 1). The PO at LT1 was, however, higher (∼6.7%) subjects (n = 26) to independent variables (n = 25) used for their
for the 3- and 4-minute tests compared with the 10-minute tests. predictions far exceeds the recommended ratio of 20:1, thereby
Because ∼80% to 90% of rowing training is performed at or around seriously limiting the ability to generalize the equation.29
the LT1 intensity,25,26 assessment protocols need to accurately This study also demonstrated that like LT2, peak values of PO
identify this threshold. Despite not being utilized as regularly as a decreased with increasing step duration (Table 3 and Figure 1). The
marker of training intensity in rowing, LT2 should not be ne- higher peak PO values achieved in the shorter duration protocols
glected, as it is indicative of the transition from oxidative to partly may be explained by a greater anaerobic contribution in the latter
anaerobic energy metabolism and serves as an indicator of the steps and lower accumulated local muscular fatigue. Similar to
transition to high-intensity training.1,26 It is, therefore, of consid- cyclists, where maximal PO can be used as a parameter for
erable interest in terms of training prescription that the HR at LT1 endurance capacity, PO while rowing can also be used as a
—and, for that matter, also at LT2—was similar for the 5 different parameter of endurance capacity in rowers. Peak PO, however,
incremental test durations assessed. Of the LT2 HR data, only the is a duration-dependent variable that is negatively related to the
3- and 4-minute incremental tests were different from MLSS HR workload duration during incremental exercise. Therefore, when
and, although statistically different, the magnitude of these differ- reporting peak PO in an incremental protocol, the step duration
ences was only ∼4 beats per minute. Given that training HR values must be taken into account.
are typically prescribed not as a fixed HR value but rather as Although peak V̇O2 values were similar for step durations
zones,1,19,25,27 the ∼4 beats per minute difference in HR determi- up to 5 minutes, there was a decrease in peak V̇O2 thereafter in the
nation at LT2 using the shorter 3- and 4-minute steps would likely 7- and 10-minute protocols (Table 3). This implies that when
be of little practical importance. Consequently, the ability to measuring peak V̇O2 in an incremental test, the step duration is of
accurately prescribe HR for LT1 and LT2 from incremental exer- less importance up to 5 minutes. This finding was similar to that of
cise tests with shorter step durations supports their use for the Pierce et al,12 who reported V̇O2 max values in rowers were not
determination of training HRs. compromised by test durations up to 4 minutes. By contrast,
Mean MLSS [BLa−] values in this study were 2.8 (0.7) mmol·L−1, Kuipers et al17 reported little difference in peak V̇O2 in runners
which are similar to those previously reported for elite male rowers in incremental protocols with step durations from 1 to 6 minutes.
(3.0 [0.6] mmol·L−1),7 but were lower than those reported for cyclists Peak HR values were not meaningfully different between any
(5.4 [1.0] mmol·L−1).20 These sport-specific differences were investi- of the incremental tests. This indicates that each test was exhaustive
gated by Beneke et al,28 who showed that [BLa−] at MLSS depends on and of sufficient duration for HR values to reach a true peak. Peak
the motor pattern of exercise and decreases with the mass of the RPE tended to rise with increasing step duration, which may reflect
primarily engaged muscle. Rowing is a combination of leg, trunk, and additional motivational demands required to maintain exercise
arm work, which represents ∼85% of the total muscle mass that is during extended periods of local muscular fatigue, together with
considerably more than the muscle mass used in cycling,8 thus likely the additional thermoregulatory stress elicited by longer test
accounting for the differences seen between MLSS [BLa−] in rowers durations.
and cyclists. A limitation of this and other lactate threshold studies is that
The results derived from the regression analysis (Table 4) the results are dependent on the methods used to determine the
suggest that it is possible to accurately predict PO at MLSS, for thresholds and, therefore, may not be transferrable to other thresh-
rowers of the ability used in this study, from incremental tests with old constructs.1,15,27,30 Although the modified Dmax method
varying step durations. Therefore, for practical issues of time applied in this study has been shown to be reliable and valid,1,3,18,19
efficiency and cost saving, shorter duration tests can be the resultant LT2 values can be influenced by the last data points
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