KB Warm Mobility

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* Cat/Cow - 10-

* Bird Dog - atlean tak sajdovi , naizmjenično 5 svaka strana

* Downward Dog/Hip flexor pump 5 svaka strana

plan 30 sec

* Glute bridge with alternative leg raise 5 svaka strana / most

* Goblet squat- Preacher curl 3x3

* Halo 5

* 10 light kettlebell swings


1. Walking on heels to toe raises

2. Walking flat foot to toe raises

3. Walking on heels

4. Walking on toes

5. Backward wresting walk

6. Side wrestling walks with resistance band on thigh

7. Knee raise to chest to lunge to sideway and arm turn towards sky

8. Knee to butt + stretch arms oppsite side up

9. High knees slow jog forward


10. Muay Thai side knees back walk

Suicides, in out knee

11. Judo knee hip twist

12. Side to side jump lunges (ski jumps)

13. Side to side jump lunge (ski jumps)+ upward jump on one leg
14. Supermans lying. Arms touch each other on back

15. Lying hip twists (scorpion kicks)

16. Bhujang asana

17. Opposite sides arm and leg likes superman. With stable core.


Part B: Kettlebell Muscle Complex

Set timer to bleep every 2 minutes, 10 times. Go on the bleep:

3 offset kettlebell cleans

3 offset kettlebell military press

3 offset kettlebell squats

3 pull-ups

Shake it off

When you can achieve all reps to the given cadence, next time add load

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