TLL 10 SDNPA Dark Skies Technical Advice Note 2018
TLL 10 SDNPA Dark Skies Technical Advice Note 2018
TLL 10 SDNPA Dark Skies Technical Advice Note 2018
Prepared by Dan Oakley: Dark Skies Lead
South Downs National Park Authority
South Downs Centre
North Street
West Sussex
GU29 9DH
All astronomical pictures in this guidance have been taken from within or
around the South Downs. They show what a tremendous and
inspirational resources the dark skies of the South Downs National Park
are. All non-credited images are credit SDNPA Dan Oakley
Table of Contents 7.1 When Planning permission may be required........................................................................... 21
1 INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................................... 3
7.1.1 Sources of non-domestic light requiring permission ....................................................... 21
2 GENERAL LIGHTING PRINCIPLES ........................................................................................................ 4
7.1.2 Differences between Domestic and Non-Domestic Lighting ........................................ 22
3 DARK SKIES IN THE SOUTH DOWNS ............................................................................................... 5
7.2 Lighting Assessment ..................................................................................................................... 23
3.1 Why they are important ................................................................................................................ 5
7.2.1 Inclusions and Key Aspects................................................................................................... 24
3.2 Two Landscapes .............................................................................................................................. 7
8 TECHNICAL DESIGN ADVICE ............................................................................................................ 27
8.1 Obtrusive Light ............................................................................................................................. 27
5 POLICY ZONING ...................................................................................................................................... 9
8.1.1 Institution of Lighting Professionals Guidance: CIE EN 2001 ....................................... 28
5.1 Dark Zones .................................................................................................................................... 10
8.1.2 Illuminated advertisement regulations and ILP guidance ................................................. 30
5.1.1 The Reserve Core and areas – above 20.5 SQM. (EO) ................................................. 11
8.2 Design Impact ................................................................................................................................ 31
5.1.2 Intrinsic Rural Darkness –between 20 and 20.5 SQM. (E1a)......................................... 11
8.2.1 Landscape considerations ..................................................................................................... 31
5.1.3 Transition Zones – areas between 15 and 20 SQM. (E1b) ............................................. 11
8.2.2 Light Character ....................................................................................................................... 35
5.1.4 Urban Areas – 15 SQM and lower (E3 and E4) ................................................................ 11
8.2.3 Physical Character .................................................................................................................. 37
5.2 Approximate Zone Determination ............................................................................................ 12
8.2.4 Mitigation.................................................................................................................................. 39
6 LIGHT POLLUTION ................................................................................................................................ 13
8.2.5 Street Lighting ......................................................................................................................... 40
6.1 Three Types ................................................................................................................................... 13
8.3 Maximum Lux – Maintained Average Illuminance .................................................................. 41
6.2 Lumens, Candela and Lux ............................................................................................................ 14
8.4 Preferred Lights-Off Curfews..................................................................................................... 43
6.3 Good and Bad Lighting ................................................................................................................. 15
8.4.1 Night Usage – E3 zones and E1(b) – Urban and urban transition................................. 43
6.3.1 Domestic................................................................................................................................... 15
8.4.2 Evening – E1 Zones Intrinsic rural dark skies ................................................................... 43
6.3.2 Commercial .............................................................................................................................. 16
8.4.3 Astronomical – EO Core Dark Skies ................................................................................. 43
6.3.3 Sports ........................................................................................................................................ 17
9 Internal Lighting - Glazing ........................................................................................................................ 44
6.3.4 Industrial ................................................................................................................................... 18
10 Temporary Lighting ............................................................................................................................ 45
6.4 Impact of Light Pollution .............................................................................................................. 19
10.1 Limits of Planning Control .......................................................................................................... 45
6.4.1 Wildlife ...................................................................................................................................... 19
10.2 Outdoor Festivals ......................................................................................................................... 45
6.4.2 Health and Wellbeing ............................................................................................................. 19
10.3 Light Festivals and Art ................................................................................................................. 45
6.4.3 Energy ........................................................................................................................................ 19
10.4 Temporary Floodlighting ............................................................................................................. 46
6.4.4 Crime......................................................................................................................................... 19
11 Examples – IDA Dark Sky Friendly Lighting .................................................................................. 47
6.5 Assessing Light pollution and Sky Quality ................................................................................ 20
12 Finding Key Dark Sky Astronomical Objects ................................................................................ 48
6.6 Environmental Nuisance .............................................................................................................. 20
13 Further Reading................................................................................................................................... 49
7 LIGHTING DEVELOPMENT IN THE SOUTH DOWNS ................................................................. 21
This guidance sets out the South Downs National Park Authority’s In general, most forms of minor domestic lights on a single
(SDNPA) approach to lighting design and the protection and dwelling should not require planning consent. However, simple
enhancement of dark skies. Its aim is to provide developers and planners installation recommendations are provided to ensure that all lighting
with the necessary information to submit and assess lighting schemes follows best pratice.
which are appropriate to the landscape, including the South Downs
The SDNPA acknowledges that there is a duty of care to provide lighting
International Dark Sky Reserve, designated in May 2016. The guidance
to satisfy health and safety concerns and does not seek to eliminate or
will cover;
ban lighting regardless. However, the management of our dark skies
Overview of the importance of Dark Skies relies upon good lighting design that is appropriate for the rural or urban
Lighting Terminology and impacts setting, and does not unnecessarily pollute or pose a significant impact to
When planning permission should be sought – applying mostly to the special quality of a starry sky. The SDNPA advocates the simple and
non-domestic lighting and general development effective principles that should apply to any lighting, domestic or
The use of spatially weighted policies in dark zones designed to otherwise;
protect dark skies and reduce light pollution
What should be considered in a lighting assessment - if planning
permission is required
Best pratice for all lighting, domestic and non-domestic.
Think before you light: The right amount of light, where needed, when needed.
Good installation of lighting applies to any installation domestic or
otherwise. The following best practice principles should be followed to
ensure good lighting that reduces light pollution and its impact on dark
New lighting should not adversely degrade the sky quality beyond the immediate area to be lit
Lamps of 500 lumens and less are appropriate for most domestic purposes
Lamps above 500 lumens should be installed in dark sky friendly fixtures that prevent unnecessary upward light
Point where the light is needed not in a direction that causes a nuisance to neighbours or wildlife
Switch off when not needed. Use proximity sensors. Avoid dusk-till-dawn sensors
3.1 Why they are important which lays out how the Authority and its partners will meet the statutory
Dark skies are a special quality of the South Downs and benefit both purposes and duty for a National Park.
people and wildlife. They are generally defined as skies relatively free of One of the key questions for the SDNP was: despite the development
light pollution where you can see a clear starry sky and importantly, our pressure on the landscape – ‘do we have dark skies?’ To answer this the
own galaxy the Milky Way, stretching as a ribbon of faint stars across the SDNPA conducted a Sky Quality survey across the entire National Park
sky. and beyond to establish the extent of darkness shown in Figure 1. What
Evidence shows that in the last few decades the South East of England has we discovered is that around 70% of the National Park area has skies
suffered a decline in quality; dark skies have gradually brightened as urban dark enough to qualify for a designation under International Dark Sky
development and the population grows. Despite this growth and Association rules. This– and the subsequent zoning – may change with
brightening of the region, the skies of the South Downs are of sufficient future surveying.
quality that much of the rural landscape still lies under dark skies where The quality of dark skies were measured with a Unihedron Sky Quality
the Milky Way can clearly be seen. This means that we have to protect Meter (SQM). It measures the brightness (magnitude) of an area of sky
and strive to enhance them for the benefit of wildlife and people alike so (arc second). The units are magnitudes per arc second2 – denoted as
we can continue to engage with nature on a galactic scale. SQM which is a measurement of sky brightness (magnitudes) of an area of
The importance of dark skies to the South Downs landscape has been sky (arc second squared). Larger values of SQM indicate darker skies and
captured in the 2014-2019 SDNP Partnership Management Plan (PMP) it is a logarithmic (non-linear scale).
To seek to foster the social and economic well-being of the local communities within the National Park in pursuit of our purposes.
Dark skies are encapsulated within the PMP under;
Future surveys may show changes in this map, which may require re-drawing of dark zones
3.2 Two Landscapes due to the higher contrast between light and dark. While these sources
A dark sky is generally thought of as the ability to observe stars overhead, may contribute relatively less to the overhead quality except in the
but this tends to neglect the importance of the landscape below it. It is immediate vicinity, being able to manage a landscape as a continuous dark
far more useful to regard the protection of dark skies as two distinct habitat is of equal importance to protect this special quality and the
landscapes; the skies above and the land below. relative tranquilly is offers; an interrupted view of the landscape below is
just as important to us and to wildlife, as the interrupted view above.
The ‘above’ landscape is fairly obvious; it is the unobstructed sky full of
stars. This landscape is predominately affected by sky glow from the Every effort should be made to consider external lighting and internal
street lights of the larger urban environment, but can also be significantly light spill that does not affect both the upward and downward dark
affected by over-bright single sources at the local domestic level. The landscapes. This guidance will recommend development design that
International Dark Sky Reserve was created based upon measurements of minimises light intrusion in a dark landscape, including shielding, contrast
over-head sky quality throughout the park. This guidance will and excessive glazing.
recommend lighting designs that minimise light spill into the air including
installation angles, surface illuminance and lights-off curfews.
The ‘below’ landscape describes more the ‘continuity’ of darkness across
the Downs themselves which should be free of point sources of light.
The nature of a less populated landscape means that lamps can stand out
the minimum 20 magnitudes per arcsecond2 required for a ‘bronze level’
4 THE SOUTH DOWNS INTERNATIONAL dark sky designation. Surrounding the main core is a required buffer
zone, determined at 2km and derived from direct measurements from
DARK SKY RESERVE – ‘MOORE’S RESERVE’ the transition from bright to dark skies. The conditions in the core zone
The South Downs was awarded International Dark Sky status in May are generally the best within National Park, and the South East of England,
2016 to reflect the quality of skies and the commitment the SDNPA and and will receive every protection to retain them.
its partners have shown in addressing light pollution and having a due
regard for dark skies. The IDA define; In addition to the core and buffer, Figure 2 shows areas that measured
sky quality readings between the 20 mags arcs-2 minimum level for IDA
designation and 20.5 mags arcs-2. Although these areas are consistently
An IDA International Dark Sky Reserve (IDSR) is a
brighter than the core and buffer areas, as skies of sufficient IDSR quality
public or private land possessing an exceptional or
distinguished quality of starry nights and nocturnal they remain of value to protect and distinguish from other areas of the
environment that is specifically protected for its park that are brighter, e.g. urban areas.
scientific, natural, educational, cultural, heritage Some areas of the reserve measure in excess of 21 SQM, indicating skies
and/or public enjoyment. Reserves consist of a core
of sufficient quality to be regarded as a ‘silver level’ dark sky designation.
area meeting minimum criteria for sky quality and
natural darkness, and a peripheral area that supports As the bulk of the measurements recorded between 20.5 and 21 SQM,
dark sky preservation in the core. Reserves are Moore’s Reserve is categorised as bronze level. For comparison, gold
formed through a partnership of multiple land level – an unpolluted natural sky - begin at 21.75 SQM.
managers who have recognized the value of the
Categorising the landscape according to general darkness, allows the
natural nighttime environment through regulations
SDNPA to take a weighted zoning approach to policies to ensure that
and long-term planning.
lighting is appropriate to the immediate environment. The IDA reserve
core, buffer and minimum brightness areas form the basis for this zoning.
Designated as only the 11th in the world, the IDSR takes in the entire Future surveying of sky quality may require updates and a re-drawing of
SDNP boundary, but is largely defined by a critical core and buffer zone the dark sky zones. Refer to the latest map on the website.
base where the darkest skies can be found, Figure 2. The boundary was
drawn using geographical boundaries (roads, woodland boundaries, Rights
of Way) under skies measuring 20.5 mags arcs-2. This value was the
general measurement where the Milky Way can be easily seen by a non-
astronomical expert in the South Downs with the naked eye and is above
Using the sky quality measurements the South Downs National Park has lighting environment, and is not applicable to most of the SDNP. E2 –
been categorised into a number of dark zones, shown in Figure 2. The Rural areas, are superseded by the National Park (E1) and Core (E0)
zones reflect the quality of the sky overhead, the IDSR designation and designations, and is also not applicable.
the general level of street lighting. This zoning allows us to apply existing
The following table summarises the application of policies referenced to
guidance’s on obtrusive lighting in combination with specific SDNPA
the appropriate section. Any development should make sure the lighting
policies. They are designed to protect intrinsic and highly valued dark
design complies with the guidance in for Obtrusive light (Section 8.1), that
skies without prohibiting lighting in brighter urban areas. To correspond
it considers general design in the landscape (8.2), that the recommended
to the definitions in existing guidance’s, the Institution of Lighting
maximum lux on a surface is not exceeded and is appropriate (8.3) and
Professionals (ILP) Guidance use of Environmental Zones (EO to E4) will
that an preferred dark curfew (lights-off) time is set (8.4).
be used. Each ‘E’ zone describes recommended lighting designs for the
ambient sky quality. Under this guidance, E4 is an additional city centre
Dark Sky
20.5+ √ √ √ √
20 to
20.5 √ √ √ √
and buffer
E1(b) Transition
to 20 √ √ √* √
E3/E4 Urban < 15 √ √ √
* Subject to design. See section 8.,3
It is unlikely that minor domestic light fittings will be subjected to these policies. Best practice should still be followed nevertheless.
It will be highly likely that these policies will apply to most forms of development and any non-domestic lighting designs.
Figure 2 - South Downs International Dark Sky Reserve – Dark Zones
5.1 Dark Zones In areas where the buffer zone overlays these transitional skies, stronger
5.1.1 The Reserve Core and areas – above 20.5 SQM. (EO) buffer zone policies will apply. This is to afford the core the strongest
level of protection.
The International Dark-Sky Reserve was drawn using geographical
boundaries (roads, woodland boundaries, RoW) under skies measuring 5.1.4 Urban Areas – 15 SQM and lower (E3 and E4)
20.5 SQM. This value was the general measurement where the Milky These are areas that are have high ambient brightness and generally
Way can be easily seen by a non-astronomical expert in the South Downs measure below 15 SQM. Street lighting will typically be present in town
with the naked eye. The map shows the main core boundary and a centres, larger roads and residential streets. The ILP classify these areas
required buffer zone surrounding it, which was determined as the as E3 (small town centres or suburban locations) and will include most
distance (2km) from an urban to intrinsic ambient sky. The conditions in parts of the larger towns in the National Park such as Midhurst, Lewes
the core zone are generally the best within National Park, and the South and Petersfield.
East of England, and as such will receive every protection to retain them
as such. The ILP classify this zone as E0 – Dark Skies Reserves. E4 (larger city centres with high levels of night time activity) will refer to
larger market town centres. As they have not been mapped on Figure 2,
5.1.2 Intrinsic Rural Darkness and Buffer – between 20 and 20.5 a specific need for E4 lighting will need to be justified.
SQM. (E1a)
These are areas that measure 20 SQM and above, excluding the core
zone. They include other areas in the National Park that would be
classified as a ‘dark sky’ and includes isolated areas that may not be
connected to the main core. The Milky Way will be visible and in some
areas measurements may approach 21 SQM and are therefore of great
importance. The ILP would classify this as E1 – National Park.
5.2 Approximate Zone Determination
Use the map in Figure 2 and in the local plan online maps to provide an
approximate determination. Note that in all areas except the urban
environment the zone will be at least E1. The following guidelines
may be useful:
The weighed zoning policies will not differ substantially between these dark
sky areas.
6.1 Three Types
There are three generally accepted types of pollution associated with obtrusive light.
Sky glow
This is the brightening of the night sky which can be seen emanating in the horizon from cities or other
brightly illuminated areas and is the main source of pollution across the Downs. It is caused by the illumination
of air molecules and particles and is created both by reflected surfaces and badly directed light. Light that
travels near the horizontal is the most damaging as it travels furthest and lowest through the atmosphere.
This can be avoided by ensuring lights are pointing down.
This is the uncomfortable brightness of a light source when viewed against a contrasting darker background.
Due to the rural and less populated character of the landscape, lights in rural areas will be relatively higher in
glare than in urban areas. This is particularly noticeable when looking from raised viewpoints into the darker
landscape below.
Light Intrusion
This is the “Trespass” of light spilling beyond the
property or area being lit. Although this
pollution generally relates to windows and
intrusion into private property, light intrusion
also applies to habitats and areas of high species
6.2 Lumens, Candela and Lux
Lux and lumens are properties of light that are useful to assess the appropriateness of lighting installations The weighted polices in Table 1 are aimed to
ensure that the output (lumens), Intensity (candela) and illuminated brightness of surfaces (lux) is appropriate within the SDNP.
Sky quality Sky glow from upward
reduced light – direct and
reflected from
Low powered Security surfaces
light on proximity sensor
Low transmittance or
tinted glass to cut
Street lighting
down internal spill
spilling into windows
Warmer colour Over-bright garden
Rooflights spill light – disrupting sleep
temperature, CCTs ~ light shining towards
Lights angled
3000K directly upward
downward the Downs
Auto Black Out
blinds fitted
Sky glow from upward light
– direct and reflected from
surfaces, higher than
Building and signage illuminance domestic
appropriate and by downward Illuminated
pointing lights sign
Lights switched off Task area lit to the
illumination low Architectural Spill onto adjacent
at close of business correct illuminance – Advertisement Overuse of lighting
powered and pointing Building illumination roads and public
down – easier to read proximity sensor floodlighting in car park
directed upwards spaces
pointing up – hard to
High reflective
playing surface
High intensity
Development situated and
floodlights pointing
orientated away from dark
Large prominent
Enclosed car parks open flood lit car
Signs illuminated to and other park
standards transitional areas Open and high
glazed stair wells
High levels of
Floodlights pointing glazing causing
down and designed to noticeable impact
6.4 Impact of Light Pollution particularly blue-light rich lighting – suppresses the increase of the
The impact of light pollution isn’t confined to seeing stars and a nuisance hormone Melatonin, which regulates the bodies sleep-awake cycle1. Poor
to humans. lighting can also impact on more intangible health concerns. A recent
study ‘Wellbeing and community on the dark island of Sark’2 showed that
6.4.1 Wildlife wellbeing is intrinsically linked to the ability to see a full starry sky.
The impact of artificial light on wildlife is a Long Eared Owl – Tim Squire
growing area of research. The evidence is 6.4.3 Energy
showing that light can be very disruptive If lighting is installed or designed badly then light will spill into areas or
to many different species, not just from a into the sky where it is not needed. If the light is not illuminating anything
disruption to their circadian body clocks, then this is waste of energy and a loss of efficiency. New LED designs
but also as a barrier to migration, offer a cheaper method to light, but only effective design and installation
movement and ecosystem integrity. We will produce the most efficient and cost effective design.
have all seen the impacts of a bright light For larger street light programmes the costs can quickly accumulate. The
on moths, which for some species – CPRE notes that some local authorities’ plans to adopt part night lighting
particularly bats – can be opportunistic. However, that benefit comes at schemes are justified more on energy saving than dark sky protection.
a loss for the integrity of immediate and surrounding habitats. Evidence
shows that artificial light causes negative phenology adaptions in many Wasted light is wasted energy, wasted energy is wasted money.
species and disrupts the movement of species in an otherwise dark
6.4.4 Crime
habitat. For example, glare from artificial lights can impact wetland
It is not a given that installing a security light will deter crime.
habitats that are home to amphibians such as frogs and toads, whose
night-time croaking is part of the breeding ritual. Artificial lights disrupt The Commission for Dark Skies notes that, ‘there is still no proven link
this nocturnal activity, interfering with reproduction and reducing between lighting levels and crime rates, due to the complex nature of the
populations. subject, and simplistic conclusions cannot hide the fact that crime is a
societal problem, not a lighting problem. Recent switch-offs and dimming
6.4.2 Health and Wellbeing
after midnight by more than half of Britain's local councils show that
It has long been known that light pollution can disrupt the circadian
darkness does not encourage crime – it reduces it.”
rhythms (body clocks) of people. While the impacts of lights that shine
directly into windows can be immediately understood, the general On the domestic level, security lighting can have the opposite effect.
brightening of the sky can lead to further health issues. Disruption to Bright lights can create contrasting dark spots that people can hide within,
sleep will produce poor circadian regulations which can cause loss of unseen from the outside. Badly installed lights can also be triggered by
attention, increased stress and fatigue. Recent studies now show that wildlife which reduces the effectiveness of the lights purpose.
1 - British Astronomical Association’s Campaign for Dark Skies Blinded by the Light? A handbook on light pollution
Chapter 4 ‘Light pollution and human health’ Steven W Lockley Ph.D
2 – Sark in the Dark: Wellbeing and Community on the Dark Sky Island of Sark; Ada Blair
6.5 Assessing Light pollution and Sky Quality 6.6 Environmental Nuisance
Sky quality can vary throughout the year and in an individual night. Poorly installed lighting can be illegal as a statutory nuisance.
Weather, season, aircraft contrails, planetary inclination all play a role in
Under section 79(1)(fb) of the Environmental Protection Act 1990, local
how dark the sky can be. The SQM map in Figure 1 is a composite of
authorities have a duty to take reasonably practicable steps to investigate
many months work of measurements and indicates a snap-shot of the
complaints of 'artificial light emitted from premises so as to be prejudicial
SDNP that was sufficient to meet the requirements of the IDA
to health or a nuisance'. If satisfied that a statutory nuisance exists or is
application. Consequently the derivation of the zonal map in Figure 2
about to occur or recur, the local authority (district councils, not the
approximates general conditions and in most cases, should be used to
SDNPA) must serve an abatement notice under section 80 of the Act
determine the application of policies.
requiring that the nuisance is abated or restricted to prevent its
However, it may be necessary to assess the quality of the sky over the occurrence or recurrence.
proposed development. There are a number of options;
Local authorities take into account a number of things when assessing
Use the SDNP and IDA methodology using a complaints including the reasonableness of the activity being carried out,
Unihedron SQM-L meter. the time of day of the occurrence, its duration, its frequency of
Observe the Milky Way and other key occurrence and whether or not best practicable means was being
astronomical objects, (Andromeda Galaxy, Orion employed. There is also guidance published by Defra on the legislation
Nebula) with the naked eye. which is available to local authority environmental health officers
Count the number of stars in Orion. If you can (Statutory Nuisance from insects and Artificial Light).
count more than around 20 stars then this is
indicative of dark skies. In the South Downs you
Environmental nuisance can be reduced or avoided if the design steps are
can expect to observe ~30 on a clear night. followed in this document.
Authority offer a free ‘Do I need Planning Permission?’ service:
7.1 When Planning permission may be required Please note that even if planning permission is not required for your
Minor light fitments on buildings do not usually require planning lighting fitment, consideration should be given to National Park purposes
permission. However, planning permission is likely to be required when; and every effort taken to reduce light pollution. The advice and guidance
1) Installing a lighting scheme of such nature and scale that it would in this document should therefore be followed. Please note that any
represent an engineering operation, and typically be undertaken lighting will also need to consider other relevant legislation. For example,
by specialist lighting engineers, please ensure that the intensity and direction of light does not disturb
others. A neighbour might take you to court if you are negligent or cause
2) Installing large-scale lighting such as the floodlighting of football nuisance.
stadiums or public tennis courts; and
7.1.1 Sources of non-domestic light requiring permission
3) Installing lighting schemes where the character or fabric of a listed There are many different lighting types and installations across the
building would be affected, which would require Listed building Downs, but some of the most important and potentially damaging are
consent listed below. If your development includes these types of sources then
extra effort should be made to control the use. Due to the sheer
amount of illuminance, some will be inappropriate in the darkest areas
Most forms of non-domestic lighting will fall under 1) or 2) and will
regardless of the efficiency of the lighting design. The list is
probably require permission.
representative and not exhaustive.
If the lighting scheme requires planning permission then a lighting
Sports Floodlighting
assessment will be required. This will likely need the services of a
qualified lighting design engineer. Lighting plan requirements are covered Security Floodlighting
in Table 3 Street lights
Illuminated Advertisements
Planning permission will likely be required if the development Architectural ‘mood’ lighting
incorporates increases or large amounts of glazing as internal spill is Outdoor concerts or theatrical events
source of light pollution. Illuminated advertisements are controlled under Car Parks
the advert regulations with additional guidance from the ILP.
Extensive glazing or roof lights (including domestic)
If you are at all unsure as to whether planning permission or
advertisement consent is required, the South Downs National Park
7.1.2 Differences between Domestic and Non-Domestic Lighting
While the criteria in section 7.1 excludes most types of lower powered
domestic fixtures, there are types of domestic lighting which can greatly Generally, domestic task lighting is considered excessive when;
impact on dark skies, such as off-the-shelf security style flood lighting.
The output of a single light or cumulative number of lights
These have the capability to emit similar levels of intensity as street
illuminating one task area exceeds 1,500 lumens1 or
lighting despite being smaller and easier to install, and can provide
excessive amounts of illuminance for most domestic purposes. Such high The total light out of the property exceeds 4,500 lumens2 or
levels of lighting are not appropriate for domestic installations,
particularly in dark areas. Consequently, it is more appropriate when A surface illuminance over 5 lux in the immediate task area is
protecting dark skies to consider the lighting level required rather than required3
the physical appearance and installation of the light as referenced in the
UK Planning Portal. However, the daytime physical appearance is still an Any single LED floodlight exceeds 15W4
important consideration with any installation.
Given the difficulty in assessing when a light becomes non-domestic in
character, the following lumen levels should apply as a guide. Lumens are
often quoted on the side of bulbs or on manufactures data sheets as a
means of informing brightness.
Lighting above these levels are generally noticeable in the landscape and
will reduce sky quality beyond the immediate area. Many off-the-shelf
security flood lighting options used for domestic purposes, will exceed all
these limits.
1Under IDA 2014 guidelines, lights below 1,000 lumens are sufficient for domestic use and above. In 2 The external lighting survey within the SDNP showed that on average there were three external
a Dark Skies Reserve this value is 500 lumens and should have Fully-Cut-Off design (flat bowl such lights per household – rounded up). If three zones are illuminated up to a maximum of 1,500 lumens
that upward light is zero). Most DIY retailers sell domestic style lights up to around 1,500 lumens. (see previous condition), this creates a total of 4,500 lumens
The lowest lumen output of a streetlight in the SDNPA is approximately 1,400 lumens (Philips Mini
Luma). 5 lux is the typical illuminance of rural security light. (SLL Code for Lighting 2012)
7.2 Lighting Assessment The following table summarises the key questions that should be
If planning permission is required then in most cases a lighting engineer answered in a lighting plan. Descriptions indicated in BOLD are the key
will be required to calculate a thorough lighting plan based upon the questions that should be asked by both planner and developer. Any
inclusions defined in Table 1. The plan must show; proposals not sufficiently answering these questions should not be
The need for the lighting
What dark zone the development falls within
What standards are to be used
The position of all proposed lighting
The installation details of all proposed lighting (angle, tilt, height)
Technical specifications of the lighting including isolux, power,
lumen output, colour temperature, CCT
A modelled illuminance plot of the proposal, detailing spill and
average illuminance against lighting guidelines.
Baseline conditions, including details of any existing lighting, or
any nearby lighting that is providing useful levels of ambient
lighting should be provided.
If the proposed lighting exceeds the limits described in this
7.2.1 Inclusions and Key Aspects
The following table summarises what should be in a lighting assessment (see also ILP guidance; PLG04 – Undertaking Environmental Lighting Impact
Assessments). Links to the appropriate technical information is provided and should be referenced if applied to an application.
Whether submitting, designing or assessing applications, the key questions that must be addressed, are bolded.
5 Determination of Dark Zone What dark zone is the site in? 5.2
6 Lighting Design Objectives What are the general lighting objectives?
What standards or policies are to be referenced?
Is it an expected design for the task?
7 Task Illuminance What guidance standards have been used to 8.3
reference lux levels?
What levels of illuminance are to be used and why?
Does the illuminance exceed dark zone
8 Calculated Predictions A lighting design should show 8.3
A Horizontal plan showing illuminance and
uniformity levels across the site
A vertical plan showing illuminance and uniformity
levels across the site if buildings are to be
intentionally illuminated
Maintained averages (Eave) calculation for task
lighting areas – to be compared to guidance
11 Luminaire Schedule and Plan A lighting design should ideally contain details on the
luminaires including
- Luminaire light distribution type
- Lamp type and wattage
- Mounting Height
- Orientation
- Tilt
- Lumens
- Colour temperature, CCT
- Spectrum
8.1 Obtrusive Light
The CIE:150: 2003 and the ILP ‘Guidance on the reduction of obtrusive
Table 1 describes the application of weighted policies to the different
light’ provides lighting designers, planners and environmental health
lighting zones across the SDNP. This section provides details for lighting
officers with recognised technical limitations on stray light. Limits are
designers on what should be considered under each of the policy areas.
provided for each environmental zone for each of the main sources of
8.1 Obtrusive light nuisance light pollution; sky glow, glare, spill and also includes, building
8.2 Design impact in the landscape illuminance.
8.2.1 Landscape Considerations All development with external lighting should meet or exceed ILP
8.2.2 Light Character guidance for the environmental zone in which the development is set to
8.2.3 Physical Character take place – not what it will become. The guidance sets out
8.2.4 Mitigation recommended limits for the main sources of light pollution; sky glow,
7.2.5 Street Lighting glare and spill.
8.3 Maximum lux of Illumination
The limits set out are easily achievable in most lighting designs but some
8.4 Preferred ‘lights-off’ Curfews
projects, such as sports facilities or urban architectural lighting may not
be achievable.
The Institution of Lighting Professionals Guidance on Obtrusive Light can
be downloaded either by searching on those key words or from the ILP
Zone Sky Glow ULR Light Intrusion Luminaire Intensity I Building Dark Zone
[Max %] (into windows) [candelas] Luminance
EVerical [lux] Pre-Curfew
ULR = Upward Light Ratio of the Installation is the maximum permitted percentage of luminaire flux that goes directly into the sky.
Some lighting schemes will require the deliberate and careful use of upward light, e.g. ground recessed luminaires, ground mounted floodlights, festive lighting, to which these limits cannot apply. However, care
should always be taken to minimise any upward waste light by the proper application of suitably directional luminaires and light controlling attachments.
Ev = Vertical Illuminance in Lux - measured flat on the glazing at the centre of the window.
Curfew = the time after which stricter requirements (for the control of obtrusive light) will apply; often a condition of use of lighting applied by the local planning authority. If not otherwise stated -
23.00hrs is suggested.
* = Permitted only for public road lighting installations
Upward Light - Sky glow Luminaire Intensity – Glare
The upward spill of light Direct visibility of lights should not be significantly noticeable. Light
should be avoided – it is the should be directed to where it is needed, with little of the source visible
worst contributor to sky from surrounding areas. The effect of glare, as viewed by an external
glow. Upward and near observer, is controlled by limiting the viewed intensity as described in
horizontal paths of light can Table 5.1.1. Cut-off fixtures, Cowls, baffles and shielding should be used
travel a greater distance to block any unwanted views of the lights from the landscape and an
through dirty air which appropriate source output particularly with light travelling just beneath
increases the scattering of the horizontal (10o downward direction). Designs should not over light
light by atmospheric particles such aerosols, water vapour and air particularly in the direction of sensitive and dark areas. Glare is
pollution. It is this scattering of light that creates the sky glow blooming – measured as ‘Source Intensity’ in Candela’s – the strength of light.
or halo- effect, which tends to be more prominent over cities were the
Light Intrusion - Spill
density of scattering particles (air pollution) is higher.
Lights should be installed correctly to reduce the spill of light beyond that
This light is often called ‘wasted’ light as it generally unnecessarily lights of the immediate task area. Lights should not point into neighbours’
nothing but air, pollutes the sky and costs money and carbon to do so. windows. Any areas that do not require illumination, or areas that should
Light installations should aim to design an upward light ratio (ULR) not be lit. This will include hedgerows, ponds, rivers, other habitats and
appropriate to the Environment zone but should strive to achieve zero neighbours’ property. Spill is measured in Lux – illuminance of a surface
which eliminates upward and side spill. Many luminaires produce a 0% (vertical).
ULR, but only requires a 10o tilt to produce 2.5% ULR. Tilt lights down
Building illuminance
as the primary mitigation to protect the Downs.
Buildings are often lit to create a sense of place or to emphasise
architectural structures. While this style of lighting is more appropriate
Zero Upward Light Ratio (0%) and effective in urban environments, it is not appropriate in dark areas.
The light from the building surfaces will scatter light in all directions
Given the availability of lighting types, all proposals should strive to creating sky glow and prominent illumination in the landscape.
achieve a zero upward light ratio in all environmental zones within the
Park (E0 to E3) unless there is a clearly defined design requirement.
the appropriate level of illuminance for the environmental zones E1b and
E3 zones. There should be no Illuminated advertisements in E0 or E1a
zones. The guide should be referenced when installing adverts –
particularly digital images - including the following reference for the
maximum permitted recommended luminance. This is a measure of the
“objective brightness” of the sign. It is measured in candelas per square
metre, cd/m2. A higher value of luminance means the sign is brighter.
Luminance is sometimes used to describe other large surfaces such as the
Architectural lighting should be appropriate to the façade of a building.
environmental zone and show a clear lighting design. Illuminated area (m2) E0 E1 E3 E4
Buildings should only be illuminated appropriate to the environmental Up to 10 0 100 600 600
Over 10 0 n/a 300 300
zone and show an effective design. Lighting should not unnecessarily
point above the horizontal and all the light output should be focused and The IDA are soon to produce guidance on signage with a likely limit of
illuminate only the structure – no light should be lost to the surrounding 100 candelas m2 and a size limit of 18.6m2. Until this is adopted by the
environment. The lowest power lighting should be used with appropriate SDNPA this should be a design target for E3 zones unless there is a
optics to illuminate the structure. Due to their uncontrolled optics, specified need to use ILP standards.
general area floodlighting should not be used.
8.1.2 Illuminated advertisement regulations and ILP guidance There should be no Illuminated advertisements in E0 or
E1a zones.
Any advertisements – illuminated or
otherwise - must first comply with The Additional SDNP guidance.
Town and Country Planning Regulations All illuminated advertisements installed on properties
2007. These regulations set out when should be switched off on close of business.
consent is required from the local Any installations on properties should not exceed the
planning authority for the display of and height of the property.
advert. Any peripheral sites with installations should not face
towards areas of darkness or lower environmental
Illuminated signs should generally be avoided within the National Park. Up lighters should not be used
However, if permitted the ILP Professional Lighting Guide 05 ‘The
Brightness of Illuminated Advertisements’ should be used to determine Also reference Local Plan Advert Policy (SD53)
8.2 Design Impact modern designs, not lighting that is ugly at all times which should be
The guidance from the ILP and CIE provides a thorough basis for the avoided.
correct installation of lighting. However, it does not take into account Dark Sky Discovery Sites
other lighting impacts that are relevant to the South Downs National Park Dark Sky Discovery sites are local places that
landscape. The following general design guidance should be considered allow good access to dark skies and are usually
where appropriate to reduce landscape impact. centred on rural car parks. They are part of a
8.2.1 Landscape considerations growing UK wide network of sites and it is
probable that the number in the South Downs will increase. As key
The need for lighting
observation and meeting points they ideally must be free of any direct
From the outset it is important to justify the need for lighting in the first
sources of light pollution. Any lighting installations proposed close to a
place; only lighting that is vital for the task should be considered. While
DSD site should look to avoid any illumination towards or within it.
the SDNPA acknowledges the need for a duty of care to health and
safety, not all lighting is needed nor appropriate in the Downs. Examples
of this would be architectural or ‘mood’ lighting, illuminated signage or North American Nebula - Jason Howells
Any lighting plan should appraise the impact of the installation on wildlife.
While any light will have some impact on all species and habitats in the Moths attracted to lights are a familiar sight.
SDNP, there are a few notable varieties that should be especially Artificial light, particularly blue UV rich,
considered. significantly impacts invertebrates, disturbing
feeding, breeding and movement which may
Bats reduce and fragment populations. It is estimated
that a third of insects that are attracted to lights
As nocturnal specialists, all bat species in the South will die as a result of their encounter. Evidence
Downs are susceptible to artificial light. Due to the also shows that pollination rates in illuminated plans can be reduced by
decline in numbers, all are protected by the Wildlife & 62% - (Knop et al 2017. Nature 548)
Countryside Act (1981) and the Conservations
Regulations (1994). This makes it illegal to: kill, capture Avoid illuminating water or reflective surfaces
or disturb bats, obstruct access to roosts or Do not illuminate ecologically sensitive areas
damage/destroy roosts. Lighting in the vicinity of bat roosts causing Use colour temperature, CCTs of less than 3000K
disturbance could constitute an offense. For planning applications; Use narrow band minimal UV sources
Barbestelle Bat: Hugh Clark. Nightjar: RSPB. Glow Worm: Robin Scagell
Existing Lighting Levels Innovation
Any existing levels of lighting should be taken into account when Technological advances may present new alternatives to lighting that are
considering new installations that illuminate areas. If nearby street, safety not covered in this guidance. If the developer is aware of new methods
or security lighting already provides direct lighting onto a task area then a of lighting that generally lower the impact in comparison to existing
lighting design should take this into account. New lighting should not be practices then these should be investigated. In accordance with
added if existing conditions already provide sufficient lighting. Ambient requirements, any new technologies will still have to comply with the
levels of sky glow should not be taken into account. lighting specifications that minimise light pollution to be considered.
Although each technology will need to be assessed on its dark skies
Local Amenity Floodlighting
impact, some possible technologies that may be suitable are;
Amenity floodlighting, particularly sports
pitches are one of the biggest threats to Glow in the dark pathways
dark skies. These installations should be Eco-luminance
sited in urban areas where there is Smart pathways
already a high level of ambient sky glow. Reflective pavement striping
If an amenity lighting design is proposed
then every effort should be made to
assess the surrounding area for access
and provision for that activity, where it may be more appropriate to use.
Clubs and societies should consider joint use and memberships to
prevent the installation of high powered lighting in dark areas.
Overall Footprint
It may be possible to reduce the overall footprint of a site’s lighting design Nevanda Designs
by offsetting against existing lighting that has been poorly installed. Old
lighting has often been installed badly with little regard for standards or
dark skies and should be improved where possible. This may not mean a
complete replacement, but an adjustment to fitting or installation of
sensors. Reducing the light pollution of the existing stock may help in
lowering the cumulative impact of the proposed lighting which may
present a design more favourably.
Relocation and improvement of existing structures could help offset
additional lighting and its impact on dark skies.
There are many key daytime viewpoints across and outside the park
which serve both the daytime and night. Proposals should consider the
impact on these viewpoints, particularly in regard to the disruption of the
dark landscape continuity. As large scale developments are more likely
outside the park, consideration should be given to their impact on dark
skies within the park. They can be quite significant.
8.2.2 Light Character Colour temperature, CCT
IDA - 500 Lumen Level The colour
The lowest possible lumen output should be used to generate required temperature of a
lux levels. The International Dark-Sky Association require that any lights light sources is
above 500 lumens be installed with fully cut-off (where light is prevented often referred to
from travelling above the horizontal) or “shielded” luminaires particularly as the CCT of
in isolated dwellings. This lumen output is sufficient for most domestic the source. Cool
purposes and is comparable to a standard 40 to 60W incandescent bulb white and blue
or a 5W LED lamp, already used in many homes. rich lighting is the
most harmful to
Lux – Uniformity wildlife and to humans. There is a substantial growing body of evidence
Lux levels should be designed to meet that shows that the colour temperature, CCT of the lights can be
recommended levels for uniformity particularly disruptive to circadian rhythms, sleep patterns and the
which prevents the patchy illumination production of melatonin. The IDA recommended that no installations be
of a surface to be significantly brighter designed with a colour temperature, CCT in excess of 3,000K.
in some areas than others. This is
normally expressed as a ratio of the
minimum illuminance to the average Spectrum – Broadness and UV component
illuminance on the surface. This is Lights with a broad spectrum
particularly important in car parks and should be avoided to eliminate
sports designs where an even spread the spill of harmful
of light is preferred to a patchy wavelengths, particularly in the
coverage. Roads however, may Ultra-Violet which affects
require a lower contrast and higher wildlife. Atmospheric light
uniformity to allow for better moving. Uniformity is usually stated in scattering makes the sky blue
appropriate guidance standards. in daytime but causes sky glow
from artificial light at night.
Violet-blue light (390 nm) scatters 16 times more than Warmer red light
(780 nm). Many LEDs produce harsh, often over-bright blue-white light,
scattering high into the atmosphere. This can cause more sky-glow than
previous Warm Orange (low colour-temperature) lights: the benefits of
otherwise good downward direction of light may be negated by blue-
richness, over-brightness and glare. The result will be the veiling of the
night sky, as excessive light from road lamps reflects upwards; or Watts – Building Regulations
emissions from private lighting, much of which has no directional light In addition the recommendations in this guidance, it is important that any
control, go directly into the environment and the sky from poorly installation comply with building regulations;
designed lamps.
If you are installing an external light which is supplied from your
LED Floodlights vs other types electrical system and fixed to the exterior surface of your house
LED lighting offers benefits over other lamp types - such as halide lighting then you should ensure that reasonable provisions are made to
- in controlling pollution. Where possible, LED’s floodlighting or security enable effective control and/or use of energy efficient lamps.
lighting should be particularly used for larger scale lighting projects such Two options for achieving this are:
as sports facilities, because of the following benefits;
No warm up time – instantly on Installing a lamp with a capacity which does not exceed
150W per light fitting and the lighting automatically
Can turn on and off without needing additional warm up time
switches off both when there is enough daylight and also
which allows for smart lighting uses
when it is not required at night
Asymmetrical LED’s reduce the need for additional shielding (see
Ensuring that the lighting fittings you use have sockets
that can only be used with lamps having an energy efficacy
Reduced daytime impact due to smaller fixtures
greater than 40 lumens per circuit-watt.
Proximity sensors can be fitted
8.2.3 Physical Character areas such as car parks or sports pitches where you don’t want any
Symmetrical and Asymmetric Luminaires upward light.
Luminaires fall into two categories: Fully Cut-off, cut-off and Semi cut off
Symmetrical Luminaire: This is where light is directed in a Luminaires can have a variety of glass features that alter the path of light
symmetrical pattern around the and are classified according to the amount of light that shines about the
luminaire and are useful for lighting large horizontal. They are;
areas to a high level of uniformity, such Full Cut-off: No light above the horizontal – zero upward light.
as decorative installations. The design of Cut-off: 2.5% light above the horizontal
the enclosure and the choice of
Semi Cut off: 5% above the horizontal
materials are critical in ensuring that the
Non Cut off:: No limitation
luminaire does not cause undue levels of
obtrusive light. Full cut-off fixtures (0%), where the glass will be flat to the horizontal, are
recommended throughout the national park regardless, especially where
the light exceeds 500 lumens.
Asymmetrical Luminaire: Road lighting and area floodlights
Daytime Lamp Appearance
typically use asymmetrical fittings that direct light in a certain
Styles that complement the
path, either along the road,
aesthetic or historic character
sports courts or buildings. The
of the development should be
use of asymmetrical luminaires
selected over bulky and
allows the design to minimise
‘functional’ lighting. Where
light spill in unwanted areas or
possible domestic fittings
to provide high luminance levels
should be chosen that inhibit all upward light. This
in particular areas. Many off-the-
may be difficult in the ‘carriage’ style luminaire
shelf security lights are fitted
present on many dwelling in the SDNP, but there
with asymmetrical design and as
are LED versions available that house the lamp under the lid – (see image
such should be installed correctly to only light the intended task
above of IDA approved EZT169L). This will at least prevent direct
upward light spill. Many other modern styles are dark sky compliant and
have zero upward light and reduce glare.
Where possible, use a floodlight where the front glass is designed to be
used in the horizontal position. These are often referred to as “flat glass”
or Full Cut-off types. They are especially useful for illuminating large
Low Height Installation
Required lux levels can be
obtained with a range of
lighting levels at different
heights. Sources further
away from the surface will
require brighter lights with a
greater source intensity than
those closer to ground level
to achieve the same
illuminance. To reduce the
impact of tall and brighter
lights both for visibility in
the landscape and glare,
Hawthorne Pathlight – Landscape Forms installations should be as
close to ground level as
practicably possible. For example, footpaths should be lit with lower
powered, low level bollards or wall lights rather than overhead lighting.
However, not all schemes will be able to achieve this, e.g. sports pitches.
Choices in surface type reflectivity and daytime consideration, can impact
on upon the visibility of the installation and the amount of light being
reflected back into the atmosphere. Illumination of whiter or mirrored
surfaces – including water - should be avoided. Darker colours, such as
dark greens or asphalt greys and blacks are preferred due to the reduced
reflectivity at higher degrees of incidence.
Evidence shows that illumination of reflected surfaces can impact wildlife.
‘Polarisation of light by shiny surfaces attracts insects, particularly egg
laying females away from water. Reflected light has the potential to
attract pollinators and impact on their populations, predators and
pollination rates’. (Bat Conservation Trust)
8.2.4 Mitigation When selecting shielding, it is important to choose types that do not
Proximity and Timed Circuits stand out in the daytime. Some options can be intrusive, particularly on
Where possible proximity PIR (Passive Infra-Red) sensors should be fitted halide lights – LED lighting offers lighting options that will limit the need
to external lighting. This will minimise the amount of time the light is on for additional shielding.
for and greatly reduce the impact of pollution. Similarly, timed circuits Security Lighting – CCTV
should be used to prevent lights from being needlessly on after a certain There is no evidence to suggest that adding lights
time. Effective motion sensors can be effective in deterring crime. will act as a deterrent to reduce crime; in fact, it
may be the opposite. A badly installed or over
Timed circuits should be set to no more than 5 minutes.
bright ‘security’ light can produce unintended
shadow areas for crime to occur unnoticed. As an
alternative to bright and damaging floodlighting,
Shielding low night vision CCTV or wireless camera systems
Lighting impacts on both installations and reflections can be mitigated should be installed.
using physical barriers to an observer. These are particularly important
where installations are in locations which can be seen from surrounding
viewpoints. The daytime impact should be also considered. Dusk till Dawn Sensors - Photocells
There are two basic options Automatic Dusk till Dawn (low light) sensors fitted to lights should be
avoided unless fitted with a separate curfew switch. They cause lights to
Fix cowls, baffles to the installation at source. be illuminated all night as they will detect the onset of sunset and sunrise
Introduce a separate physical barrier such as a tree/hedge line or and trigger a light to switch on and off. Some types will have low light
fencing to soften the impact. Established woodland or wildlife sensors with a proximity sensor. These are a much better choice as they
areas should not be considered as a barrier. will only trigger when needed and won’t come on at night.
8.2.5 Street Lighting For smaller installations appropriate electronic gear that can control
General Design dimming or the switching times should be used.
There is no statutory requirement on local authorities in the UK to
provide public lighting and the law states that ‘the highways act empowers
local authorities to light roads but does not place a duty to do so’.
Street lighting should not be considered as required in all cases. It is not
mandatory and will not always be appropriate in the Downs. With larger
developments within urban settlements, street lighting may be required to
illuminate residential roads and minor classes of subsidiary roads. In
these cases the local highways authorities street lighting design
guides should be used to determine design parameters as their guides
satisfy IDA requirements.
For more solitary streetlights required at the local parish level, Local
Authority street designs should be used for design principles.
Information on glare classes is provided below. Where possible for
minor or private estate residential roads, low level bollards should be
used rather than tall, brighter columns. This will limit the total lumen
output, possible glare scattering and reduce the surrounding impact.
Adopted/Non Adopted Street lighting
If a development requires street lighting which is to be adopted by the
local Highways Authority, it is likely that the control of lights will include
some dimming or part night schemes, as is the case in West Sussex and
Hampshire under the Mayflower CMS system. Any large estate scale
street lighting that is not to be adopted into local authority control must
install similar control mechanisms to be consistent with the local
Without these controls it is possible that lighting could be at a higher
power for the night where the majority will be dimmed. This is
particularly important with lighting in dark areas or on the edge of the
urban settlements that point to dark zones.
8.3 Maximum Lux – Maintained Average Illuminance
Lux is defined as the amount of light on a surface: it is best to
think of it as the level of light needed on a surface to do a
particular task – it is what lighting is for. For example, tasks
with a need for high levels of lighting, e.g. tennis courts, will
require greater lux levels, while tasks with a need for low level
lighting, e.g. pedestrian pathways, will require less. For non-
domestic lighting, lux is generally calculated as an average, the
maintained illuminance (Eav) across a surface, as levels will be
vary significantly over a large task area.
It is important that any lighting scheme is designed with the
correct levels of light. Obtaining the right level of lux is a
complicated task and usually will require the assistance of a
lighting engineer to model the design and calculate the average
for the task area. The lux level is affected by a number of design
features, such as lamp height and direction, number of lamps,
lumen output and source intensity. Without proper design the
installation of task lighting, areas can be over or underlit which
will impact on dark skies and raise issues of health and safety.
Figure 3 shows some example lux levels, showing that non-
domestic needs require substantially more light which will have
a greater impact in darker areas. The levels have been sourced
from a number of guidance documents, e.g. Sports England and
the ILE Outdoor Lighting Guide.
In designing a lighting plan, the average level of lux (Eav) needed should be
referenced according to standard guidance that recommends levels of
lighting for different tasks – as shown in Figure 3.
Some useful guidance documents include but are not limited to:
8.4.1 Night Usage – E3/E4 zones and E1(b) – Urban and urban
This curfew should be used in urban areas or where the skies are of not
enough sufficient quality to be classed as intrinsically dark. Lights should
still be extinguished when no longer required or at the end of business As the twilight/dark image above shows from mid-May onwards until mid-
hours. Ideally, lights should be off as early as possible and for E3 zones, July, the Sun does not set sufficiently to create astronomical darkness; this
no later than midnight which is common in many street lighting or part- is the perpetual twilight of ‘nautical darkness’ and what is considered
night lighting schemes. ‘nightfall’. It is important that during these months that the curfew does
not follow astronomical darkness but rather an evening curfew of around
8.4.2 Evening – E1a Zones Intrinsic rural dark skies 9pm. Despite the brighter conditions, astronomical observations are still
Evening curfews should provide some lighting access for early evening and possible during the summer months and can offer the best views of the
commuter times, but not impinge on earlier astronomical opportunities. centre of the Milky Way.
Mitigation Options
9 Internal Lighting - Glazing
The spill of light through windows can To reduce the light pollution
create significant amounts of light through glass a number of
pollution. Internal illuminance demands technologies can be used.
can greatly exceed most types of
Inward facing glazing– where nearby buildings or courtyards offer
domestic rural lighting, so the impact on
shielding – allows for greater flexibility.
dark skies can be significant. In general
internal glazing will cause light to spill
Low Transmittance ‘tinted’ Glass.
horizontally and – in the case of sky lights – directly upward, which are
Light transmission through ‘tinted’ glass can be reduced with
the most damaging paths of light.
specially coated materials, similar to blackout glass or tinted
Internal spill can – and will – have a similar impact to external lighting, windows, which can reduce transmittance to ~66%
particularly in interrupting and disrupting the continuity of the dark
landscape. Smart Glass
Smart Glass is made by passing electrical current through the
The amount of glazing should be designed to a minimum and mitigation
material which changes it transparency. Often used as a security
measures will not necessarily be acceptable in all cases. In certain
feature in offices, the use of smart glass offers an effective and
circumstances the mitigation measures may be considered where the
controllable option to reduce light transmission.
SDNPA is satisfied and be adequately controlled. This is more pertinent
to non-domestic properties due to the difficulty in domestic enforcement.
Electronically timed blinds/shutters/blackout blinds
Glazing should: Blackout blinds can be very useful in cutting out light spill,
particularly where glazing design exceeds recommendations.
Not exceed 25% of the floor area5 Conditions may be placed on non-domestic facilities that have a
Avoid large single areas6 of glazing such as floor to eaves larger potential for internal spill, that require the installation of
glazing/cart shed openings or single elevations electronically controlled, blackout blinds that automatically
Not be on roofs without sufficient mitigation operate
5 6
Using Elemental Method Energy Efficiency as reference (building regulations) >50% glazing on a single elevation is becoming ‘large’.
10 Temporary Lighting
10.1 Limits of Planning Control
Temporary installations of a duration of less than 28 days may not require
planning control. Some installations such as festivals or music events can
nevertheless have a substantial impact on dark skies and could be
designed with a regard for dark skies. The following types are the most BoomTown Festival Facebook LewesLight Festival Website
10.4 Temporary Floodlighting
If temporary lighting is used then it is Greater Mouse Eared Bat - David King
extremely important that the
recommendations for lighting in this Triangulum Galaxy – Simon Downs
document are followed. Temporary
lighting such as portable floodlight
systems are extremely bright to cater
for most purposes, but they are
highly threatening to dark skies. Due
to its design and general use,
temporary lighting can be installed
badly creating significant light
pollution. Care must be taken to
ensure that the power and
installation of the equipment is appropriate for the task and is not
obtrusive to neighbours. It should not be considered an after-thought.
11 Examples – IDA Dark Sky Friendly Lighting
The IDA runs a Fixture Seal of Approval
programme that certifies outdoor lighting
fixtures as being Dark Sky Friendly, meaning
that they minimise glare while reducing light
trespass, sky glow and the amount of blue
light in in the night time environment.
Although the IDA is American based and
does not sell lighting, the types illustrated
should serve as good example for the UK.
Some pertinent examples
For ideas and examples
Kim Lighting
12 Finding Key Dark Sky Astronomical Objects
There are three good observable indicators of dark skies. Let your eyes
adjust for 20 mins to the dark for the best results.
You will be beneath a dark sky if you can see
The Milky Way – a ribbon of faint stars arching across the sky at
most times of the year.
The Orion Nebula – A familiar winter sky object rising in the
South West
The Andromeda Galaxy – Our nearest galactic neighbour, best
seen in the late Autumn. It is a faint elliptical cloud found by
following the second ‘V’ of Cassiopeia downwards
136 Guide to the lighting of urban areas (2000)
13 Further Reading 150 Guide on the limitations of the effect of obtrusive light from
outdoor lighting installations (2003)
BSI Standards Publication 154 The Maintenance of outdoor lighting systems (2003)
BS 5489-1: 2013 Code of practice for the design of road lighting –
Part 1: Lighting of roads and public amenity areas ILP Publications:
BS EN 13201-2:2015 Road lighting – Part 2: Performance Guidance notes for the Reduction of Obtrusive light. GN01:
requirements 2012
BS EN 13201-3:2015 Road lighting – Part 3: Calculation of The Outdoor Lighting Guide – 2005. Routledge. ILE Publication.
performance The Brightness of Illuminated Advertisements. Professional
BS EN 13201-4:2015 Road lighting – Part 4: Methods of Lighting Guide 05
measuring lighting performance. Guidance on Understanding Environmental Lighting Impact
BS EN 12193: 2007 Light and lighting – Sports lighting Assessments. Professional Lighting Guide 04
BS EN 12464-2: 2014 Lighting of work places – Outdoor work TR 5 Brightness of Illuminated Advertisements (2001)
places TR24 A Practical Guide to the Development of a Public Lighting
Policy for Local Authorities (1999)
CIBSE/SLL Publications: GN02 Domestic Security Lighting, Friend or Foe
CLL Code for Lighting (2012)
The Lighting Handbook (2009) ILP/CIBSE Joint Publications
LG0 – Introduction to Light and Lighting (2017) Lighting the Environment - A guide to good urban lighting (1995)
LG1 The Industrial Environment (1989)
LG4 Sports (1990+Addendum 2006) ILP/CSS Publications
LG6 The Exterior Environment (2016) Joint Code of Practice for the installation, maintenance and
removal of seasonal decorations. (2005)
CIE Publications:
01 Guidelines for minimizing Urban Sky Glow near Astronomical ILP/CfDS Joint Publication
Observatories (1980) Towards Understanding Sky glow. 2007. Chris Baddiley.
83 Guide for the lighting of sports events for colour television
and film systems (1989) Countryside Commission:
92 Guide for floodlighting (1992) Lighting in the Countryside: Towards good practice (1997) - (Out
115 Recommendations for the lighting of roads for motor and of Print but available on
pedestrian traffic – Second Edition (2010)
126 Guidelines for minimizing Sky glow (1997)
129 Guide for lighting exterior work areas (1998)
Sark in the Dark: Wellbeing and Community on the Dark Sky
UK Government / Defra: Island of Sark. Ada Blair 2016. Sophia Centre Master
Statutory Nuisance from Insects and Artificial Light – Guidance Monographs
on Sections 101 to 103 of the Clean Neighbourhoods and
Environment Act 2005 Blind by the light? A handbook on Light Pollution. British
Road Lighting and the Environment (1993) (Out of Print) Astronomical Association’s Commission for dark Skies
National Planning Policy Framework 2012 (
Sports England Light Pollution: Responses and Remedies 2nd Edition. Bob Mizon.
Artificial Sports Lighting (2012) Springer 2012
Finding a Million-Star Hotel. Bob Mizon. Patrick Moore’s
Practical Astronomy Series. Springer. 2016
Artificial Lighting and Wildlife (2014) and Bats and Lighting in the
UK (2009). Bat Conservation Trust.