7867VIPA-DUO Series 1v7 - 1
7867VIPA-DUO Series 1v7 - 1
7867VIPA-DUO Series 1v7 - 1
1. VIPA QUICK START GUIDE ............................................................................................................. 1
2. OVERVIEW ....................................................................................................................................... 2
3. INSTALLATION ................................................................................................................................. 8
3.1. VIDEO INPUTS AND OUTPUTS ............................................................................................ 11
3.2. GENLOCK REFERENCE ....................................................................................................... 12
3.3. DVI VIDEO CONNECTIONS................................................................................................... 12
3.4. GENERAL PURPOSE INPUTS AND OUTPUTS .................................................................... 13
3.5. ETHERNET NETWORK CONNECTIONS .............................................................................. 15
3.6. LTC AND SERIAL DATA INPUTS (AUXILIARY INTERFACE) ............................................... 17
3.6.1. Rear Panel HD-15 Connector ...................................................................................... 18
6. USER JUMPERS............................................................................................................................. 23
FRAME STATUS .................................................................................................................... 23
9. UPGRADING FIRMWARE............................................................................................................... 46
9.1. UPGRADING THE FIRMWARE USING FTP .......................................................................... 46
9.1.1. Step 1 – Determine the IP Addresses .......................................................................... 46
9.1.2. Step 2 – Establishing a Valid Network Connection ...................................................... 46
9.1.3. Step 3 – Upgrading the Application Code .................................................................... 47
9.1.4. Step 4 – Completing the Upgrade................................................................................ 49
9.2. UPGRADING THE FIRMWARE USING RS-232 SERIAL CABLE .......................................... 50
9.2.1. Step 1 – Setup ............................................................................................................. 50
9.2.2. Step 2 – Invoke Upload Mode from the Terminal Program .......................................... 50
9.2.3. Step 3 – Uploading the New Firmware ........................................................................ 51
9.2.4. Step 4 – Completing the Upgrade................................................................................ 51
Figure 2-1: 7867VIPA8-DUO-HS Block Diagram .................................................................................................. 3
Figure 2-2: 7867VIPA16-DUO-HS Block Diagram ................................................................................................ 4
Figure 2-3: 7867VIPA18-DUO-HS Block Diagram ................................................................................................ 5
Figure 2-4: 7867VIPA24-DUO-HS Block Diagram ................................................................................................ 6
Figure 2-5: 7867VIPA32-DUO-HS Block Diagram ................................................................................................ 7
Figure 3-1: 7867VIPA8-DUO-HS and 7867VIPA8-DUO-3G Rear Plates ............................................................. 8
Figure 3-2: 7867VIP16-DUO-HS and 7867VIP16-DUO-3G Rear Plates .............................................................. 9
Figure 3-3:, 7867VIPA16-DUO-HS-DIN* and 7867VIPA16-DUO-3G-DIN*
Rear Plates ......................................................................................................................................... 9
Figure 3-4: 7867VIPA18-DUO-HS-DIN and 7867VIPA18-DUO-3G-DIN
Rear Plates ....................................................................................................................................... 10
Figure 3-5: 7867VIPA24-DUO-HS-DIN* and 7867VIPA24-DUO-3G-DIN*
Rear Plates ....................................................................................................................................... 10
Figure 3-6: 7867VIPA32-DUO-HS-DIN* and 7867VIPA32-DUO-3G-DIN*
Rear Plates ....................................................................................................................................... 11
Figure 3-7: GPI Input Circuitry ............................................................................................................................. 13
Figure 3-8: GPO Output Circuitry ........................................................................................................................ 13
Figure 3-9: Interfacing GPIs to a High Voltage GPI System ............................................................................... 14
Figure 3-10: Rear Plate – Ethernet Ports ............................................................................................................ 15
Figure 3-11: Rear Plate – Port for Attaching the HD-15 ...................................................................................... 17
Figure 3-12: 7867VIPA8/16/32 HD-15 General Purpose Pin-Out ....................................................................... 19
Figure 6-1: Location of Jumpers (7800G4X) ....................................................................................................... 23
Figure 7-1: Display Setup .................................................................................................................................... 32
Figure 7-2: Network Setup .................................................................................................................................. 33
Figure 7-3: SNMP Setup ..................................................................................................................................... 33
Figure 7-4: UMD Setup........................................................................................................................................ 34
Figure 7-5: Server Setup ..................................................................................................................................... 35
Figure 8-1: Card Setup Layout for Cherry Pick Mode ......................................................................................... 37
Figure 8-2: I/O Setting Tab for Cherry Pick Mode ............................................................................................... 38
Figure 8-3: Card Setup Layout for 3G Output Mode ........................................................................................... 39
Figure 8-4: I/O Settings Tab for 3G Output Mode ............................................................................................... 40
Figure 8-5: Setting Dual Resolution Mode using the Web Interface ................................................................... 41
Figure 8-6: System Configuration Window .......................................................................................................... 42
Figure 8-7: Maestro Screen Displaying Resolution ............................................................................................. 43
8-8: Setting the Resolution for Monitor 2 ............................................................................................................. 44
Figure 8-9: Mastro Advanced Setup .................................................................................................................... 45
Figure 9-1: Run Window...................................................................................................................................... 47
Figure 9-2: Pinging the IP Address...................................................................................................................... 47
Figure 9-3: Upgrade Window .............................................................................................................................. 49
Figure 10-1: Adding DCP to Hardware List ......................................................................................................... 53
Figure 10-2: Transfer Scripts Window................................................................................................................. 54
Figure 10-3: Onboard Server Configuration Menu .............................................................................................. 54
Figure 10-4: Adding the DCP to the Hardware List ............................................................................................. 55
Figure 10-5: Transfer Scripts Window................................................................................................................. 56
Figure 11-1: Transfer Scripts............................................................................................................................... 63
Figure 11-2: Transfer Scripts – Local File ........................................................................................................... 64
Figure 11-3: Transfer Scripts – Server File ......................................................................................................... 64
Figure 11-4: Main Menu ...................................................................................................................................... 65
Figure 11-5: Onboard Server Configuration Menu .............................................................................................. 66
Figure 11-6: Transfer Scripts............................................................................................................................... 72
Figure 11-7: Transfer Scripts – Local File ........................................................................................................... 72
Figure 11-8: Transfer Scripts – Server File ......................................................................................................... 73
Figure 12-1: Auxiliary Port Setup Menu ............................................................................................................... 76
Figure 12-2: Under Monitor Display Setup .......................................................................................................... 77
Figure 12-3: Auxiliary Serial Port Settings ........................................................................................................... 78
Figure 12-4: Under Monitor Display Setup Settings ............................................................................................ 78
Figure 12-5: Sample Text Files ........................................................................................................................... 79
Table 3-1: Supported Resolutions at 50Hz and 60Hz ......................................................................................... 12
Table 3-2: Standard RJ45 Wiring Colour Codes ................................................................................................. 16
Table 3-3: HD 15 Pin-Out .................................................................................................................................... 18
Table 7-1: Top Menu Structure............................................................................................................................ 25
1.3 Updated frame & model numbers, modified rear plate drawings, added info Sept 2008
on the 7867VIPA32
1.4 Added 7867VIPA32 block diagram to section 2, updated the 7867VIPA32 rear Oct 2008
1.7.1 Updated HD-15 Pin-Out table. Added LTC Input specification. Sept 2011
Information contained in this manual is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, Evertz assumes no responsibility for the use thereof or for
the rights of third parties, which may be affected in any way by the use thereof. Any representations in this document concerning performance of
Evertz products are for informational use only and are not warranties of future performance, either expressed or implied. The only warranty
offered by Evertz in relation to this product is the Evertz standard limited warranty, stated in the sales contract or order confirmation form.
Although every attempt has been made to accurately describe the features, installation and operation of this product in this manual, no warranty
is granted nor liability assumed in relation to any errors or omissions unless specifically undertaken in the Evertz sales contract or order
confirmation. Information contained in this manual is periodically updated and changes will be incorporated into subsequent editions. If you
encounter an error, please notify Evertz Customer Service department. Evertz reserves the right, without notice or liability, to make changes in
equipment design or specifications.
The VIP Advanced DUO is the most advanced compact multi-image display processor technology
available. It supports up to 3Gbps SDI inputs and up to two unique display outputs. The VIP-A DUO takes
compact multi-image display to the next level.
The VIP Advanced DUO is available in three sizes: 8 inputs with up to 2 outputs, 16 inputs with up to 2
outputs, and 32 inputs with up to 2 outputs. The VIP-A DUO inputs are auto-sensing SD, HD, and 3Gbps
(SMPTE 424M). Each VIP-A DUO input can be displayed in any size, position or aspect ratio on any
display. Both display outputs from the VIP-A DUO are provided over DVI and HD-SDI, which are both
available simultaneously. The VIP-A DUO provides the best quality input reproduction, borrowing the
latest in video processing technology from Evertz industry acclaimed conversion products.
The VIP Advanced DUO is a hot-swappable device, which can be populated in Evertz widely installed
3RU 7800 multi-frame chassis with an option for redundant power supplies.
The VIP Advanced DUO device is VistaLINK® - enabled, offering remote monitoring, control and
configuration capabilities via Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP). The VIP-A DUO is easily
configurable via the web server interface or card edge. Similar to the MVP, layout creation can be
performed in a live control environment using Evertz' Maestro™ software. Other key features include
automatic aspect ratio adjustment on a source-by-source basis, graticule generation, VITC/HD time code
decode, and much more.
Video A/D
INPUTS Image Re-sizer
5 Ethernet 1
Ethernet 2
Video Analysis GPI/O, serial, LTC,
VBI recovery AES outputs
Edge Ch 1-8 Video Presence
16 SD-SDI/HD-SDI/3Gbps 8
Video A/D
INPUTS Image Re-sizer
9 Ethernet 1
10 CPU
Ethernet 2
Video Analysis GPI/O, serial, LTC,
14 VBI recovery AES outputs
16 De-embedder
Ch 1-16 Video Module Genlock
Presence Status Present
18 SD-SDI/HD-SDI/3Gbps 8
Video A/D
INPUTS Image Re-sizer
9 Ethernet 1
10 CPU
Ethernet 2
Video Analysis GPI/O, serial, LTC,
14 VBI recovery AES outputs
16 De-embedder
Ch 1-16 Video Module Genlock
Edge Presence Status Present
Genlock from
7700FR-G frame Genlock
Video A/D
Image Re-sizer
10 Ethernet 1
INPUTS Ethernet 2
Video Analysis GPI/O, serial, LTC,
VBI recovery AES outputs
18 De-embedder
Ch 1-16 Video Module Genlock
Presence Status Present
Genlock from
7700FR-G frame Genlock
3 DVI-D 1 (digital only)
Background Mode
5 GLINK DVI-D 2 (digital only)
7 Replicated
8 Video Output
9 Formatter
14 GLINK Coax Out
32 SD-SDI/HD-SDI/3Gbps
Video A/D
17 Image Re-sizer
18 Ethernet 1
20 CPU
Ethernet 2
22 GPI/O
23 AUX I/O
Video Analysis GPI/O, serial, LTC,
27 AES outputs
VBI recovery
31 De-embedder
Ch 1-16 Video Module Genlock
32 Edge Presence Status Present
The 7867VIPA8-DUO-HS/3G, 7867VIPA16-DUO-HS/3G, 7867VIPA18-DUO-HS/3G, 7867VIPA24-DUO-
HS/3G and 7867VIPA32-DUO-HS/3G modules come with a companion rear plate. The 7867VIPA8-DUO-
HS/3G module occupies 3 slots in a 7800FR frame, the 7867VIPA16-DUO-HS/3G occupies 4 slots in a
7800FR frame, the 7867VIPA16-DUO-HS/3G-DIN* occupies 3 slots in a 7800FR frame, and the
7867VIPA18-DUO-HS/3G-DIN, 7867VIPA24-DUO-HS-/3G-DIN and the 7867VIPA32-DUO-HS/3G-DIN
modules occupy 5 slots each in a 7800FR frame. For information on mounting the rear plate and
inserting the module into the frame see section 3 of the 7800FR chapter.
INPUTS: The 7867VIPA8-DUO-HS has 8 BNC connector inputs that auto sense 3Gb/s, HD-
SDI and SD-SDI, or 10-bit serial digital video signals compatible with the
SMPTE 424M, SMPTE 292M and SMPTE 259M-C standards. The 7867VIPA16-
DUO-HS has 16 BNC connector inputs that auto sense 3Gb/s, HD-SDI and SD-
SDI, or 10-bit serial digital video signals compatible with the SMPTE 424M, SMPTE
292M and SMPTE 259M-C standards. The 7867VIPA18-DUO-HS has 18 connector
inputs that auto sense 3Gb/s, HD-SDI and SD-SDI, or 10-bit serial digital video
signals compatible with the SMPTE 424M, SMPTE 292M and SMPTE 259M-C
standards. The 7867VIPA24-DUO-HS has 24 connector inputs that auto sense
3Gb/s, HD-SDI and SD-SDI, or 10-bit serial digital video signals compatible with the
SMPTE 424M, SMPTE 292M and SMPTE 259M-C standards.The 7867VIPA32-
DUO-HS has 32 connector inputs that auto sense 3Gb/s, HD-SDI and SD-SDI, or
10-bit serial digital video signals compatible with the SMPTE 424M, SMPTE 292M
and SMPTE 259M-C standards.
HD/SDI OUTPUT: When the output resolution of the card is set to 720p, 1080i, 1080p, 625i, and 525i
this BNC connector has 10-bit serial digital video signals compatible with the
SMPTE 424M, SMPTE 292M and SMPTE 259M-C standards. When the output
resolution of the card is set to other resolutions, this output will not be active.
GENLOCK INPUT: The genlock input is applied to the 7800FR frame, which provides genlock to all
7867VIPA modules installed in the frame. The genlock signal may be NTSC or PAL
colour black. The reference input type is auto detected. The genlock reference
input is terminated to 75 ohms.
DVI OUTPUT: This VESA DVI-I connectors provide DVI-D outputs suitable for driving a computer
video monitor. The 7867VIPA8-DUO-HS, 7867VIPA16-DUO-HS, 7867VIPA18-
DUO-HS, 7867VIPA24-DUO-HS, and the 7867VIPA32-DUO-HS have two DVI-D
outputs. The monitor must be capable of scanning at the line and pixel rate of the
video input standard you are using. The following resolutions are supported by the
VIP module at both 50Hz and 60Hz:
+ 5 Volts
4.7 kΩ
To Internal
The GPOs are active low with internal pull-up (10kΩ) resistors to +5 V. When the output goes low, it is
able to sink up to 10 mA; when the output goes high, the signal will go high (+5 V). Do not draw more
than 100µA from the output. Figure 3-5 shows the circuit for the general-purpose output.
+ 5 Volts
10k Ω
10 Ω
From Internal
24V = working
1M06 Relay
(24V = working voltage)
ETHERNET1 / 2: These RJ-45 connectors are Ethernet ports which facilitate control via VistaLINK®
PRO or Maestro software. It is also used for FTP firmware upgrades. The VIP
module comes delivered from the factory with Ethernet 2 as the default active port;
Ethernet 1 is disabled and is not used at this time.
The straight-through RJ-45 cable can be purchased or can be constructed using the pinout information in
Table 3-2. A colour code wiring table is provided in Table 3-2 for the current RJ-45 standards (AT&T
258A or EIA/TIA 258B colour coding shown). Also refer to the notes following the table for additional
wiring guide information.
Pin # Signal EIA/TIA 568A AT&T 258A or 10BaseT
Pin EIA/TIA 568B or 100BaseT
1 Transmit + White/Green White/Orange X
2 Transmit – Green/White or White Orange/White or Orange X
3 Receive + White/Orange White/Green X
4 N/A Blue/White or Blue Blue/White or Blue Not used (required)
5 N/A White/Blue White/Blue Not used (required)
6 Receive – Orange/White or Orange Green/White or Green X
7 N/A White/Brown White/Brown Not used (required)
8 N/A Brown/White or Brown Brown/White or Brown Not used (required)
Table 3-2: Standard RJ45 Wiring Colour Codes
Devices on the Ethernet network continually monitor the receive data path for activity as a means of
checking that the link is working correctly. When the network is idle, the devices also send a link test
signal to one another to verify link integrity. The rear panel is fitted with two LEDs to monitor the Ethernet
10/100: This Amber LED is ON when a 100Base-TX link is last detected. The LED is OFF
when a 10Base-T link is last detected (the LINK LED is ON). Upon power-up the
LED is OFF as the last detected rate is not known and therefore defaults to the
10Base-T state until rate detection is complete.
LN/ACT: This dual purpose Green LED indicates that the 7867VIPA card has established a
valid linkage to its hub, and whether the 7867VIPA card is sending or receiving
data. This LED will be ON when the 7867VIPA card has established a good link to
its supporting hub. This gives you a good indication that the segment is wired
correctly. The LED will BLINK when the 7867VIPA card is sending or receiving data.
The LED will be OFF if there is no valid connection.
In order to use the Ethernet connection you will have to configure the IP addresses for your network. See
section 7.2.1.
Table 3-3 identifies the pin assignments for the general purpose HD-15 connector mounted on the rear
plate for the VIP Advanced Duo modules.
RS-23: RX
Used for RS-232 communication – VIP RX, to be connected to
6 RS-422: RX- upstream devices TX. Also used for RS-422 communication – VIP
RX-, to be connected to upstream devices TX-
RS-232: TX
Used for RS-232 communication – VIP TX, to be connected to
7 RS-422: TX- upstream devices RX. Also used for RS-422 communication – VIP
TX-, to be connected to upstream devices RX-
4.1.10. Ethernet
Network Type: Fast Ethernet 100 Base-TX 1EEE, 802.3U standard for 100Mbps base band
CSMA/CD local area network
Connector: RJ-45 x 2
4.1.11. Electrical
Voltage: +12V DC
4.1.12. Physical
Number of Slots: 3 (VIPA8-DUO)
4 (VIPA16-DUO)
5 (VIPA18-DUO, VIPA24-DUO, and VIPA32-DUO)
MODULE STATUS: This Green LED will be on when the module is operating properly.
LOCAL FAULT: This Red LED makes it easy to identify one module in a frame that is missing
an essential input or has another fault.
The Red LED will blink on and off if the microprocessor is not running.
The Red LED will be on when there is a fault in the module power supply or a
user configurable error condition exists (as configured through the Frame
Status Trigger menu option).
• Toggle Switch: This component will become active once the card has completed booting.
Its primary function is to navigate through the menu system.
• Local Fault Status LED: This component will be set upon initial power up to red. Once the
card is in a normal operating mode, it will be set to green. If the card has booted,
and the LED remains red or becomes red, this indicates an internal error.
• 4 Character Dot Matrix Display: This component will become active once power is applied to
the card. This component is used to relay text-based information to the user. It
will be used to scroll build and card information, or display the menu options to
the user.
• Push Button: This component will become active once the card has completed booting. It
is primarily used for navigating through the menu system.
Several jumpers are used to preset various operating modes. Figure 6-1 shows the location of the
jumpers on the bottom and top boards respectively.
Dot Matrix
1 2 3 4
The FRAME STATUS jumper J4, on the bottom board, determines whether local faults (as shown by the
Local Fault indicator) on the bottom board will be connected to the 7800FR frame's global status bus.
FRAME STATUS: To monitor faults on this module with the frame status indicators (on the Power
Supply FRAME STATUS LED's and on the Frame's Fault Tally output) install this
jumper in the On position. (Default)
When this jumper is installed in the Off position local faults on this module will not
be monitored.
RUN/UPGRADE: The RUN/UPGRADE jumper on the bottom board is used when firmware upgrades
are being done to the module. For normal operation it should be installed in the
RUN position. See the Upgrading Firmware chapter in the front of the binder for
more information.
To upgrade the firmware in the module unit via the serial port pull it out of the
frame. Move the RUN/UPGRADE jumper into the UPGRADE position. Install the
Upgrade cable provided (located in the vinyl pouch in the front of the binder) onto
SERIAL header J7 at the card edge. Re-install the module into the frame. Run the
upgrade as described in section 8.2. Once the upgrade is complete, remove the
module from the frame, move the jumper into the RUN position, remove the
upgrade cable and re-install the module. The module is now ready for normal
The serial port method of upgrading the firmware will take over 15 minutes and is
not recommended unless the FTP method fails.
The parameters of the VIP™ module are configured through the following tools:
• Module Card-edge: Enables the user to set the module’s network settings.
• Module Serial Port: Enables the user to set the module IP address and TRAP destination IP
addressing, network identification.
• Web Server Interface: A web browser can be used to connect to a VIP. This interface does not
require any additional software to be installed other than your standard web browser software (i.e.
Internet Explorer, Fire Fox, etc).
• Maestro: This is a software configuration tool included with every VIP module used to design
preset layouts for one or multiple VIP systems, along with all on screen display elements including
audio bar graphs, UMD, tallys and fault messages. Specifically colour, transparency, borders, etc.
that are all included in the final display output.
• VistaLINK® PRO: An SNMP software tool that is used to set the fault monitoring thresholds and
durations for each VIP module detected on the network and/or for fault message (TRAP) receipt
and data logging.
• Module Card-edge DIP Switches: Only to be enabled during boot-up sequence, DIP switches
enable the following cases/features:
1. Used to clear high level NV– DIP switch 2, 3 and 4 open (to the right)
2. Used to clear low level NV– DIP switch 2, and 4 open (to the right)
3. If none of the above cases/features are required, leave all DIP switches closed (to the left)
To enter the menu on the card-edge, press the card-edge pushbutton once and follow the menu headings
on the 4-character display. To adjust any parameter, use the toggle switch to move up or down to the
desired parameter and press the pushbutton. Using the toggle switch, adjust the parameter to its desired
value. If the parameter is a numerical value, the number will increase if you push up on the toggle switch
and decrease if you push down on the toggle switch. If the parameter contains a list of choices, you can
cycle through the list by pressing the toggle switch in either direction. The parameter values are changed
as you cycle through the list.
When you have stopped at the desired value, depress the pushbutton. This will return to the parameter
select menu item you are setting (the display shows the parameter name you were setting). To change
another parameter, use the toggle switch to select other parameters. If neither the toggle switch nor
pushbutton is operated for several seconds the card edge control will exit the menu system and return to
an idle state.
On all menus, there is an extra selectable item: BACK. Selecting BACK will take you to the previous menu
(the one that was used to get into the current menu). On the main menu, BACK will take the user to the
normal operating mode (indicated by the moving line on the card edge display).
Table 7-1 gives a brief description of the top level of the menu tree that appears when you enter the card
edge menu system. Selecting this item will take you down into the next menu level to set the value of that
parameter. The details of those parameters are described in section 7.1.1.
NMSK (NETWORK MASK): Option for setting the net mask for the VIP module.
NOTE: After changing the Netmask, navigate to the SAVE option in order to store
the setting for the device, then power cycle the device for the address to take effect.
GTWY (GATEWAY ADDRESS): Option for setting the gateway address for the VIP
NOTE: After changing the Gateway address, navigate to the SAVE option in order to
store the setting for the device, then power cycle the device for the address to take
BCST (BROADCAT ADDRESS): Option for setting the broadcast address for the VIP
NOTE: After changing the Broadcast address, navigate to the SAVE option in order
to store the setting for the device, then power cycle the device for the address to take
DHCP (DHCP ENABLE/DISABLE): Option for enabling or disabling DHCP for the
VIP module, normally set to disabled.
NOTE: After changing the DHCP, navigate to the SAVE option in order to store the
setting for the device, then power cycle the device for the address to take effect.
SAVE (SAVE NETWORK SETTINGS): Option for saving changes made to the
above options. The user is required to save only a single time for multiple changes
to be applied.
Baud 115200
Data bits 8
Parity None
Stop bits 2
Flow Control None
Once the card is powered-up, the HyperTerminal connection displays boot-up status information and once
complete, ends with the “Status Message” as shown below:
Press the <ENTER> key to view the main Menu. In the Main Menu, the following options are present for
module configuration. Once changes have been completed and saved, the VIP module should be power-
cycled for the changes to take effect.
| Main Menu |
| (7867VIPA8-DUO-HS 1.0.0) |
(1) Network Configuration
(2) Onboard Server Configuration
(3) SNMP Configuration
(4) Under Monitor Display Setup
(5) Auxiliary Serial Port Setup
(6) SNTP Source
(7) Network Audio Configuration
(8) Nielsen Configuration
(9) Engineering/Debug
(X) Exit
IP address:
Netmask address:
Broadcast address:
DHCP/Hotswap mode: Off
(1) Set IP Address
(2) Set Netmask
(3) Set Gateway
(4) Set Broadcast Address
(5) Set DHCP/Hotswap mode
Server: The Server should be enabled for normal VIP operation. In a system where the VIPA external PC
based server is used the server should be disabled.
GPId: The GPId should be enabled when using GPIs to load layouts on the VIP module.
VGPId: The VGPId should be enabled when using virtual GPIs to load layouts on the VIP module.
DCPd: The DCPd should be enabled when using the 3000DCP desktop control panel with the VIP.
SYMPHd: The SYMPHd should be enabled when using the Symphony Third Party protocol. The third
party protocol allows for external control devices to change layouts on the VIP. The communication of this
control is done using TCP/IP default port = 9750. Please see Evertz’ Symphony Protocol version 1 for
more details regarding the protocol itself.
Onboard Server: Enabled
Onboard GPId: Disabled
Onboard VGPId: Disabled
Onboard DCPd: Disabled
Onboard SymphD: Disabled
(1) Display connection status
(2) Enable server
(3) Enable gpid
(4) Enable vgpid
(5) Enable dcpd
(6) Enable symphd
No Trap Destinations Assigned
Auxiliary Serial Port Setup: (Use the following settings to configure the auxiliary serial port)
Active sntp source:
New sntp source:
Last time sntp updated at
sntp time: 0:0:0
(1) Set SNTP Source Address
Network audio to video input mapping
ID IP address Video Inputs
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
0 *
Audio source to video input mapping
Channel Video inputs
pairs 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 (1 2) 1 . . . . . . . . . . .
2 (3 4) . . . . . . . . . . . .
3 (5 6) . . . . . . . . . . . .
4 (7 8) . . . . . . . . . . . .
(1) Set video input
(2) Clear video input
(3) Set audio source for video input
(4) Clear audio source for video input
Network audio to video input mapping
ID IP address Video Inputs
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
0 *
Audio source to video input mapping
Channel Video inputs
pairs 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 (1 2) 1 . . . . . . . . . . .
2 (3 4) . . . . . . . . . . . .
3 (5 6) . . . . . . . . . . . .
4 (7 8) . . . . . . . . . . . .
(1) Set video input
(2) Clear video input
(3) Set audio source for video input
(4) Clear audio source for video input
The web browser is easy to navigate. Simply select a major category, either Card Setup or Layout, and
then use the sub categories in the main body of the page to navigate and setup specific options for the
module. To ensure that the settings being viewed are correct, first press the “Update” button on the page
to refresh the view. Secondly, make a change using the simple drop down dialog boxes. After a change
has been made, press the Save button to apply the change to the card. Some changes may require the
card to be restarted or reset. The following sections detail the various card options available through the
web client interface.
• Output Resolution: This parameter enables the user to select the resolution format for the DVI
• Refresh Rate: This parameter enables the user to select the refresh rate for the output.
• Horizontal Offset: This parameter enables the user to adjust the position of the active picture in
respect to the amount of horizontal offset for the analog output signal.
• Vertical Offset: This parameter enables the user to adjust the position of the active picture in
respect to the amount of vertical offset for the analog output signal.
• IP Address: This parameter enables the user to set the IP address for the device.
• Netmask: This parameter enables the user to set the Netmask for the device.
• Gateway: This parameter enables the user to set the Gateway address for the device.
• Broadcast: This parameter enables the user to set the Broadcast address for the device.
• DHCP: This parameter allows the user to enable or disable DHCP for the device.
• Trap Destination 1 to 5: This parameter enables the user to enter an IP Address for the
SNMP server.
• Protocol: This parameter enables the user to select the appropriate UMD protocol. The
options include:
• Input Type: This parameter enables the user to select the format for the input. The format will be
either serial or Ethernet (requires an IP address port to be defined in the next
• Network Port: This parameter enables the user to set the network port that the protocol device
would use to connect to the VIP module, for example 9800.
• Enable Server: This parameter allows the user to enable or disable the VIP’s on board server. The
default setting is enabled. This setting must be disabled when the VIP is to be used in
a larger system where the System Manager is being used to control the VIP.
• Enable GPId/VGPId: This parameter allows the user to enable or disable the ability to use GPIs
and VGPIs to load layouts and change sources on the VIP.
• Enable DCPd: This parameter allows the user to enable or disable the ability to use the
3000DCP desktop control panel with the VIP.
• Enable SYMPHd: This parameter allows the user to enable or disable the ability to use
Symphony third party protocol to control the VIP.
Installation Instructions:
1. Copy the MVP/VIP Maestro Installation software to your PC.
3. Follow the installation instructions detailed on the pop-up windows of the installer.
4. Upon completion, the desktop will show the “MVP/VIP Maestro” icon.
Using the System manager, navigate to the properties page of the card. From the I/O Settings Tab
change the SDI Output Mode: to Router. Once changes are made, select the OK button and reboot the
Using the System manager, navigate to the properties page of the card. From the I/O Settings Tab
change the SDI Output Format: to HD/3G-SDI. Once changes are made, select the OK button and
reboot the module.
1. From the web-interface navigate to the Advanced Setup category and ensure that Dual Resolution
Mode is set to enable. If it is not enabled, set the Dual Resolution Mode to enable and then reboot
the module.
Figure 8-5: Setting Dual Resolution Mode using the Web Interface
3. From the Tools tab within the Display Manager select the Resolution tab and then change the
resolution to Multi1 – Multi-Resolution Device 1.
4. Once complete, select the Apply button and then click the OK button.
6. Select the desired display and right click on the monitor icon.
7. From the drop down menu select the Properties menu option and change the resolution to your
desired output display.
8. Once the resolution has been set, select the Apply button and then click OK.
9. Follow the same prodecure to set the resolution for the other display.
10. Once the resolutions have been set, navigate to the Tool tab and select the Save System Settings
menu option.
1. To enable Wall Mode using the Display Manager navigate to the Tools tab and then select System
Configuration option. From within the system configuration, select your desired output resolution.
2. Next, select the Advanced Setup option. Using the Configuration drop down menu, select the
desired wall mode design and enter the display region coordinates, if appropriate.
3. Once complete, select the Apply button and then the OK button.
4. Maestro will reflect the change and the canvas will be set to the desired wall mode.
The 7867VIPA8-DUO-HS, 7867VIPA16-DUO-HS, 7867VIPA18-DUO-HS, 7867VIPA24-DUO-HS, and
7867VIPA32-DUO-HS possess firmware that is contained in a FLASH EPROM device. From time to time
firmware updates will be provided to add additional features to the unit.
There are two methods of updating the firmware in the 7867VIPA8-DUO-HS, 7867VIPA16-DUO-HS,
7867VIPA18-DUO-HS, 7867VIPA24-DUO-HS, and 7867VIPA32-DUO-HS units: File Transfer Protocol
(FTP) and Serial Upload. Due to the large size of the firmware binary file, the FTP method is the preferred
method of updating the firmware.
2. Open a DOS window. This can be accomplished by using the run command under the start button,
type “cmd”. See Figure 8-1 for more information.
3. “Ping” the IP address of the module being upgraded to confirm that you have a valid network
connection. In the command prompt window type: ping xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx (IP address of the module)
and press <Enter>.
If a proper network connection has been established, a “reply” is displayed on the DOS window. If
there is a faulty network connection, a “Destination Host Unreachable” message is provided. If this
occurs, either the IP addresses of the nodes should be verified or the network (Ethernet) cable is
faulty. For more information, please see sections 3.5 and 7.2.1 of this manual.
5. In the command prompt window type: ftp xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx (IP address of the module).
7. Press the <Enter> key when prompted for a “Password”. A message indicating that you have logged
in is displayed.
8. At the “FTP>” prompt type hash to turn on the progress indicator during the ftp upload.
9. At the “FTP>” prompt type quote site upgrade to put the unit in upgrade mode. A message
indicating that you are in upgrade mode is displayed.
10. At the “FTP>” prompt type: put “the name of the file.bin” to send the firmware to the unit.
(For example: put 7867VIP_1v0b310.bin)
11. If the application file is not local to where you are performing the ftp, then include the path with the
name (For example: put c:\firmware\ 7867VIP_1v0b310.bin).
During this time it is mandatory that all power cycles of the unit be avoided. Figure
8-3 displays a successful FTP session.
13. File transfer occurs in several seconds, and the DOS window displays the “FTP>” prompt again.
14. At the “FTP>” prompt type quit to exit the FTP procedure.
16. You can now close the DOS window and disconnect the network cable.
This method of upgrading the firmware will take over 15 minutes and is not
recommended unless the FTP method fails.
You will need the following equipment in order to update the Firmware:
• PC with available communications port. The communication speed is 115200 baud, therefore a 486
PC or better with a 16550 UART based communications port is recommended.
• “Straight-thru” serial extension cable (DB9 female to DB9 male) or (DB25 female to DB9 male).
• Special upgrade cable supplied with the 7800FR frame. This multi-coloured ribbon cable with a six pin
header socket on one end and a female 9 pin D connector on the other end, (Evertz part number WA-
S76) is normally in the vinyl pouch at the front of the manual binder.
• Terminal program that is capable of Xmodem file transfer protocol. (such as HyperTerminal)
• New firmware supplied by Evertz.
18. Connect the 9 pin connector on the end of the Serial Update cable to the PCs’ RS-232
communications port.
Baud 115200
Parity no
Data bits 8
Stop bits 2
Flow Control None
For example:
24. Type the word “upload”, without quotes, and hit the <ENTER> key once.
25. You should now see a prompt asking you to upload the file.
27. When the transfer is complete (can take up to 15+ minutes) the terminal will return to the PPCBOOT
For Example:
• If you get the message "transfer cancelled by remote" you must restart the terminal program and
load the bin file, then remove and install the module again.
• The supplied “*.bin” file is corrupt.
• Wrong file specified to be uploaded.
• Wrong file transfer protocol used – make sure you specify Xmodem, not Xmodem 1K.
• The PCs’ RS-232 communications port cannot handle a port speed of 57600.
• Noise induced into the Serial Upgrade cable.
30. You can now close the terminal program and disconnect the RS-232 serial cable from the PC and the
3. Select “Onboard Server” as the System Type, and enter the output card’s IP address in the text
field marked “Enter the server address…”
4. Press the Get from Server button at the top of the SCT to retrieve the system configuration for
this system.
6. Add a DCP to the hardware list by filling in the name (e.g.: DCP1), type (DCP), and IP address
fields. See Figure 9-1.
7. Press the Send to Server button at the top of the SCT window to send the new configuration to
the server.
8. Select the Transfer Scripts button located at the top of the SCT.
For Server File select DCP Config from the dropdown menu.
10. Press the Send to Server button to send the DCP configuration file to the server, and then close
the Transfer Scripts window.
| Onboard Server Configuration |
| (7867VIPA8-DUO-HS 1.0.0) |
Onboard Server: Enabled
Onboard GPId: Disabled
Onboard VGPId: Disabled
Onboard DCPd: Disabled
(1) Display connection status
(2) Enable server
(3) Enable gpid
(4) Enable vgpid
(5) Enable dcpd
1. Launch the MVP System Manager and navigate to the System menu and then select Modify
3. Add a DCP to the Hardware list by filling out the name, type, and IP address fields. See Figure
9-4 below.
4. When you have entered the information, click Add, and then OK.
C:\Program Files\Evertz\mvp\conductor\sys01\samples\dcpbasic.vssl
For Server File, select DCP Config from the dropdown menu (see Figure 9-5 below).
7. Press the Send to Server button to send the DCP configuration file to the server.
2. Ensure that the DCP has the correct IP address as entered in the Hardware Setup Table.
3. Verify all network settings. Use the arrow buttons and rotary knob to enter network information. Also
ensure that the DCP is connected to the same network as the VIPA, and can be pinged from the PC
running the Maestro application.
When it does, the dot-matrix display will go from displaying “No Clients Connected” to “Evertz 3000DCP
DCPd@ xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx”.
DCP presets are saved using the format “dnn-pnn”, where nn is the display number and preset button
Use the Maestro software to save presets as a script (File > Save as script) using the described format.
Maestro will automatically place the preset for the DCP in the correct location.
To use the serial method (baud rate = 115200, 8 data bits, N parity, 2 stop):
1. Connect a serial port to the DB-9 serial connector on the back of the DCP.
2. Hold down the Undo button and the Setup button while powering on the DCP.
3. Using the serial terminal, hit CTRL-X at the prompt to put the unit in upgrade mode.
5. Use the terminal software to send the new firmware file using X-modem.
6. After the firmware has been transferred, power cycle the unit.
2. At the prompt, type “ftp xxx.xxx.xxx.xxxx” where the x’s represent the IP address of the DCP.
4. Type “put filename.bin” at the ftp prompt, where “filename.bin” represents the released
firmware for the device.
These instructions also assume the default install location of VIP software. If you have installed the VIP
software elsewhere, please substitute your install location wherever the default location is referenced in
the following sections:
Initial configurations of GPI preset loads require the use of Windows Explorer and Notepad. GPI preset
loads are configured through two files: actions.vssl and gpicfg.vssl
The syntax for the gpicfg.vssl file can be broken down into three parts:
This defines where the GPIs are connected. When running the Onboard Server, the name of
the output card must be set to (“Local”), and only the GPIs connected to that card may be
used for preset loads. For all other output cards in the system, the GPIs will operate normally.
This defines the GPI that will trigger the action (i.e.: the preset load).
The action allows the system to link a GPI to an operation (i.e.: a preset load). The name of the
action defined in the gpicfg.vssl will then be called in the actions.vssl file, the second
configuration file. The actions.vssl file will define that operation.
This configuration maps GPI 1 for DC1 to an action called “preset load”.
The syntax for the actions.vssl file may be broken down into three parts:
This defines the name of the action. The name is referenced by gpicfg.vssl
This defines the name of the script file (preset) that will be triggered by the action. The
script file is created in Maestro during design mode.
Part 3: display = 1
This defines the output that the preset will be loaded on. This is a logical output number.
Example DC1, 1,2,3,4, DC2, 5,6,7,8
obj ActRunScript("presetload") {
script = "preset1.vssl"
display = 1
This configuration maps the action “presetload” to the preset “preset1.vssl” which will be loaded on the
first output of the first display card in the system.
1. From a Windows 2000/XP operating system, using Windows Explorer, browse to the default install
location of VIP software:
2. Double-click the file called gpicfg.vssl, and then select Open With or Select Program from List,
depending on your operating system.
3. Select Notepad, and click the checkbox beside Always use the selected program to open this kind
of file and then click the OK button.
Note: When using Notepad, make sure that Word Wrap is disabled. A checkmark
appears next to Word Wrap if it is enabled. To disable Word Wrap, click on Word Wrap
in the Format menu. This will disable Word Wrap, removing the checkmark.
4. When you are finished editing, save the file, making sure that Save as Type is set to All Files from
the drop-down list.
1. From a Windows 2000/XP operating system, using Windows Explorer, browse to the default install
location of VIP software:
C:\Program Files\ Evertz\ MVP\ Conductor \Samples
3. Double-click the file called actions.vssl, and select Open With or Select Program from List,
depending on your operating system.
4. Select Notepad, and click the checkbox beside Always use the selected program to open this kind
of file and then click the OK button.
Note: When using Notepad, make sure that word wrap is disabled. A checkmark
appears next to Word Wrap if it is enabled. To disable Word Wrap, click on Word
Wrap in the Format menu. This will disable Word Wrap, removing the checkmark.
5. When you are finished editing, save the file, making sure that Save as type is set to All Files from the
drop-down list.
Now that gpicfg.vssl and actions.vssl have been configured and saved, they need to be sent to the server.
1. Launch the System Configuration Tool and select the System Configuration tab.
2. Select System Type: Onboard Server and enter the IP address of the Onboard Server card in
the text field as depicted below.
3. Click on Get from Server at the top of the System Configuration Tool to retrieve configuration
and verify communication with the Onboard Server.
Part 4: Transferring the Gpicfg.vssl and Actions.vssl Files Using an Onboard Server
1. Click on Transfer Scripts, which will cause the window below to be displayed.
2. Click on the button to open a browse window. Browse to where the gpicfg.vssl and actions.vssl
files were saved.
3. Select actions.vssl and click open. The Transfer Scripts menu will appear again.
5. Click on Send to Server. The file actions.vssl will be sent to the server.
6. Click on the box to open a browse window. Browse to where gpicfg.vssl and actions.vssl files were
7. Select gpicfg.vssl and click open. The Transfer Scripts menu will appear again.
9. Click on “Send to Server”. The file gpicfg.vssl will be sent to the server.
The ability to load presets on a display is controlled by a daemon running on the server output card called
This daemon is only used to load presets on a display, it is not required with normal GPI operation.
The next few steps require a PC with HyperTerminal, a serial port, a serial cable, and a
serial upgrade cable.
1. Attach the serial upgrade cable to the server output card and launch HyperTerminal.
2. Once connected with HyperTerminal, hit <ENTER> to display the serial menu of the server output
| Main Menu |
| (7867VIPA8-DUO-HS 1.0.0) |
(1) Network Configuration
(2) Onboard Server Configuration
(3) Utilities
(4) Under Monitor Display Setup
(5) Auxiliary Serial Port Setup
(6) Display Wall Test
(7) Hardware Test Menu
(8) Engineering/Debug
(X) Exit
Figure 11-4: Main Menu
| Onboard Server Configuration |
| (7867VIPA8-DUO-HS 1.0.0) |
Onboard Server: Enabled
Onboard GPId: Disabled
Onboard VGPId: Disabled
Onboard DCPd: Disabled
(1) Display connection status
(2) Enable server
(3) Enable gpid
(4) Enable vgpid
(5) Enable dcpd
4. Select (3) Enable gpid to enable the daemon required to load presets through GPIs.
| Onboard Server Configuration |
| (7867VIPA8-DUO-HS 1.0.0) |
Onboard Server: Enabled
Onboard GPId: Enabled
Onboard VGPId: Disabled
Onboard DCPd: Disabled
(1) Display connection status
(2) Enable server
(3) Enable gpid
(4) Enable vgpid
(5) Enable dcpd
5. Select (S) Save and Exit to save the changes. Reboot the server output card for the changes to take
When the card has been re-booted, GPIs may be used to load the defined presets in the gpicfg.vssl and
actions.vssl files. Please refer to the Maestro manual for more information on how to create the presets.
VGPIs are virtual GPIs sent by a 7800MVP-PTX or a third party device adhering to the VGPI
protocol format.
Initial configurations of VGPI preset loads require the use of Windows Explorer and Notepad. VGPI
preset loads are configured through two files: actions.vssl and gpicfg.vssl
Please note that this procedure assumes the System Configuration Tool has already been
installed and configured.
These instructions also assume the default install location of VIP software. If you have chosen an
alternate install location, please substitute your install location wherever the default location is referenced
The syntax for the gpicfg.vssl file can be broken down into three parts:
This configuration maps VGPI 1 for an onboard server to an action called “preset load”.
The syntax for the actions.vssl file can be broken down into three parts:
Part 3: display = 1
This defines the output that the preset will be loaded on. This is a logical output number.
obj ActRunScript("presetload") {
script = "preset1.vssl"
display = 1
This configuration maps the action “presetload” to the preset “preset1.vssl”, which will be loaded
on the first output of the first display card in the system.
1. From a Windows 2000/XP operating system, using Windows Explorer, browse to the default install
location of VIP software:
C:\Program Files\ Evertz\ MVP\ Conductor \Samples
2. Double-click the file called gpicfg.vssl, and then select Open With or Select Program from List,
depending on your operating system.
3. Select Notepad, and click the checkbox beside Always use the selected program to open this
kind of file and then click OK button.
Note: When using Notepad, make sure that Word Wrap is disabled. A checkmark
appears next to Word Wrap if it is enabled. To disable Word Wrap, click on Word
Wrap in the Format menu and remove the checkmark.
4. When you are finished editing, save the file, making sure that Save as type is set to All Files from
the drop-down list.
1. From a Windows 2000/XP operating system, using Windows Explorer, browse to the default install
location of VIP software:
C:\Program Files\ Evertz\ MVP\Conductor\Samples
2. Double-click the actions.vssl file, and select Open With or Select Program from List, depending
on your operating system.
3. Select Notepad and click the checkbox beside Always use the selected program to open this
kind of file and then click OK button.
Note: When using Notepad, make sure that Word Wrap is disabled. A checkmark
appears next to Word Wrap if it is enabled. To disable Word Wrap, click on Word
Wrap in the Format menu and remove the checkmark.
4. When you are finished editing, save the file, making sure that Save as type is set to All Files from
the drop-down list.
Now that gpicfg.vssl and actions.vssl have been configured and saved, they need to be sent to the
1. Launch the System Configuration Tool and select the System Configuration tab.
2. Select System Type: Onboard Server. Enter the IP address of the onboard server card in the text
field as depicted below.
3. Click on Get from Server at the top of the System Configuration Tool to retrieve configuration
and verify communication with the Onboard Server.
Part 4: Transferring the Gpicfg.vssl and Actions.vssl Files Using an Onboard Server
1. Click on Transfer Scripts, which will cause the window below to be displayed.
2. Click on the button to open a browse window. Browse to where the gpicfg.vssl and actions.vssl
files were saved.
3. Select actions.vssl and click open. The Transfer Scripts menu will appear again.
5. Click on Send to Server. The file actions.vssl will be sent to the server.
6. Click on the button to open a browse window. Browse to where the gpicfg.vssl and actions.vssl
files were saved.
7. Select gpicfg.vssl and click open. The Transfer Scripts menu will appear again.
9. Click on Send to Server. The file gpicfg.vssl will be sent to the server.
The ability to load presets on a display is controlled by a daemon called “VGPId”, running on the server
output card.
This daemon is only used to load presets on a display. It is not required with normal VGPI operation.
The next few steps require a PC with HyperTerminal, a serial port, a serial cable,
and a serial upgrade cable.
1. Attach the serial upgrade cable to the server output card and launch HyperTerminal.
2. Once connected with HyperTerminal, hit <ENTER> to display the serial menu of the server output
| Main Menu |
| (7867VIPA8-DUO-HS 1.0.0) |
(1) Network Configuration
(2) Onboard Server Configuration
(3) Utilities
(4) Under Monitor Display Setup
(5) Auxiliary Serial Port Setup
(6) Display Wall Test
(7) Hardware Test Menu
(8) Engineering/Debug
(X) Exit
| Onboard Server Configuration |
| (7867VIPA8-DUO-HS 1.0.0) |
Onboard Server: Enabled
Onboard GPId: Disabled
Onboard VGPId: Disabled
Onboard DCPd: Disabled
(1) Display connection status
(2) Enable server
(3) Enable gpid
(4) Enable vgpid
(5) Enable dcpd
4. Select (3) Enable vgpid to enable the daemon required to load presets through VGPIs.
| Onboard Server Configuration |
| (7867VIPA8-DUO-HS 1.0.0) |
Onboard Server: Enabled
Onboard GPId: Disabled
Onboard VGPId: Enabled
Onboard DCPd: Disabled
(1) Display connection status
(2) Enable server
(3) Enable gpid
(4) Enable vgpid
(5) Enable dcpd
5. Select (S) Save and Exit to save the changes. Reboot the server output card for the changes to
take effect.
When the card has been re-booted, VGPIs may be used to load the defined presets in the gpicfg.vssl
and actions.vssl files. Please refer to the Maestro manual for instructions on how to create the presets.
3. Set up the auxiliary (rear) serial port baud rate to match the router/switcher device.
This is performed via the upgrade serial port on the front of the card.
4. Select (5) Auxiliary Serial Port Setup from the main menu of the terminal program.
5. Select (4) Under Monitor Display Setup from the main menu to set up the display card for Image
Video protocol operation.
| Under Monitor Display Setup |
| (7867VIPA8-DUO-HS 1.0.0) |
Protocol: Image Video
Input Type: serial
(1) Set protocol
6. Wire the serial connection from the router/switcher to the auxiliary serial port of the VIPA.
8. Using Maestro, add a UMD to a video object by dragging and dropping it onto the video object.
9. In Mode Settings > Mode > Function, select Protocol ID from the drop-down box.
10. Set the Active Protocol ID to match the video mapping defined by the router/switcher.
When the VIPA receives a command from the router/switcher it will now be displayed on the output
3. Set up the auxiliary (rear) serial port baud rate to match the router/switcher device.
This is performed via the upgrade serial port on the front of the card.
4. Select (5) Auxiliary Serial Port Setup from the main menu of the terminal program.
| Auxiliary Serial Port Setup |
| (7867VIPA8-DUO-HS 1.0.0) |
Baud Rate: 38400
Data Bits: 8
Parity: even
Stop Bits: 1
(1) Set baud rate
(2) Set number of data bits
(3) Set parity
(4) Set number of stop bits
5. Select (4) Under Monitor Display Setup from the main menu to set up the display card for TSL
protocol operation.
6. Wire the serial connection from the router/switcher via the HD-15 connector.
8. Using Maestro, add a UMD to a video object by dragging and dropping it onto the video object.
9. Navigate to Mode Settings > Mode > Function, and select Protocol ID from the drop-down box.
10. Set the Active Protocol ID to match the video mapping defined by the router/switcher.
When the VIPA receives a command from the router/switcher it will now be displayed on the output
# src id string
0 “name 1”
1 “name 2”
2 “name 3”
3 “name 4”
Sample router_src.cfg file:
0 name1
1 name2
2 name3
3 name4
2. FTP both files to the compact flash cards of all display cards in the system:
C:\ftp “ip address of display card”
ftp>put router_src.cfg
ftp>put router_dst.cfg
3. Set up the auxiliary (rear) serial port baud rate to match the router/switcher device.
4. This is performed via the upgrade serial port on the front of the card.
5. Select (5) Auxiliary Serial Port Setup from the main menu of the terminal program.
| Under Monitor Display Setup |
| (7867VIPA8-DUO-HS 1.0.0) |
Protocol: XY Integrator
Input Type: serial
(1) Set protocol
7. Wire the serial connection from the router/switcher to the auxiliary serial port of the VIPA.
9. Using Maestro, add a UMD to a video object by dragging and dropping it onto the video object.
10. Navigate to Mode Settings > Mode > Function, and select Protocol ID from the drop-down box.
11. Set the Active Protocol ID to match the video mapping defined by the router/switcher.
When the VIPA receives a command from the router/switcher it will now be displayed on the output
Therefore, using the above files as an example – we would display at UMD protocol id 1, the text string
“name 2”.
# Input id String
0 Source 0
1 Source 1
2 Source 2
3 Evertz MVP
0 Source0
1 Source1
2 Source2
3 EvertzMVP
2. FTP the file to the compact flash cards of all display cards in the system:
3. Set up the auxiliary (rear) serial port baud rate to match the router/switcher device.
This is performed via the upgrade serial port on the front of the card.
4. Select (5) Auxiliary Serial Port Setup from the main menu of the terminal program.
| Auxiliary Serial Port Setup |
| (7867VIPA8-DUO-HS 1.0.0) |
Baud Rate: 115200
Data Bits: 8
Parity: None
Stop Bits: 2
(1) Set baud rate
(2) Set number of data bits
(3) Set parity
(4) Set number of stop bits
5. Select (4) Under Monitor Display Setup from the main menu to set up the display card for ASCII
protocol operation.
| Under Monitor Display Setup |
| (7867VIPA8-DUO-HS 1.0.0) |
Protocol: Philips ASCII
Input Type: serial
(1) Set protocol
6. Wire the serial connection from the router/switcher to the auxiliary serial port of the VIPA.
8. Using Maestro, add a UMD to a video object by dragging and dropping it onto the video object.
9. Navigate to Mode Settings > Mode > Function, and select Protocol ID from the drop-down box.
10. Set the Active Protocol ID to match the video mapping defined by the router/switcher.
When the VIPA receives a command from the router/switcher it will now be displayed on the output
C:\\Program Files\Evertz\MVP\Resources\Fonts
2. In the window that appears, click on the browse button, and then navigate to the save location for
3. When finished, you will send the fonts to the appropriate card.
To send the fonts to a specific card, select the card in the Font Configuration window, and then
click the Send Fonts to Selected Cards button.
To send the fonts to all cards, do not select any card, and then click the Send Fonts to All Cards
5. Open Maestro, and right click on the system. From the menu that appears, choose Download
System Configuration.
1. An SNMP manager, also known as a Network Management System (NMS), is a computer running
special software that communicates with the devices in the network. Evertz VistaLINK®-C
Configuration Utility graphical user interface (GUI), third party or custom manager software may be
used to monitor and control Evertz VistaLINK® enabled products.
2. Managed devices, each with a unique address (OID), communicate with the NMS through an SNMP
Agent. The 7867VIPA8/16/32-DUO-HS communicates directly with the manager using its internal
3. A virtual database known as the Management information Base (MIB) lists all the variables being
monitored, which both the Manager and Agent understand. Please contact Evertz for further
information about obtaining a copy of the MIB for interfacing to a third party Manager/NMS.
As I/O density increases and size decreases today’s broadcast manufactures are constantly looking for
ways to find a happy medium between these two diametrically opposed concepts. One simple way is to
move away from standard 75Ω BNC connectors and to begin using some smaller form factor 75 Ω
connector. Recent developments from connector manufactures has resulted in the availability of a new
type of connector quickly becoming popular to meet exactly this need. The connector is referred to as a
DIN type connector. Sometimes mistakenly referred to as MiniDIN, Mini BNC or SMA connectors DIN type
75 Ω connectors are becoming very popular both due to their high performance capability, easily
supporting 3G applications, their obvious high density, and the fact that the connector offers a positive
locking style connector instead of BNC’s compression style fit. Evertz’s next generation of smaller high
density applications must not only work well in terms of performance and signal quality. They must also
support 3Gb/s signals, work well in difficult physical environments such as Trucks and OB vans. That is
why for applications requiring a connector with a higher density than that of BNC while offering 3Gb/s
performance and a positive lock onto their mating jack Evertz has chosen to use the DIN connector.
The particular connector chosen is the DIN1.0/2.3 connector. This connector, originally established as a
50 Ω connector for the telecommunications industry, has been redesigned as a 75 Ω connector for the
broadcast industry. The connectors are typically rated to 3.7-4Gb/s data rates (a 4Gb/s capable
connector might be referred to as a 2GHz connector) and support typical mini hi-res cable or standard
HD/3G cable depending on the connector.
For small diameter cable, Belden 1855A is the cable Evertz uses as a reference, but of course any cable
with appropriately matching specifications to that of Belden 1855A cable will work. When choosing a
different cable take care to compare the AWG/diameter of the center conductor, the OD (outside
diameter) of the outer shield, and the OD of the jacket (total cable OD), as the measurements that should
be carefully matched to ensure the cable will properly perform with the DIN1.0/2.3 connectors that support
this size cable. Information on 1855A style connector is included below.
For large diameter cable, Belden 1694A is the cable Evertz uses as a reference but of course any cable
with appropriately matching specifications to that of Belden 1694A cable will work. Information on 1694A
style connectors is included below. There are several other types of connectors available from different
manufacturers, which meet the DIN1.0/2.3 specification, and these connectors will work too. We offer this
information on 3rd party connectors as a result of empirical anecdotal testing and not as an endorsement
of one vendor over another. Please contact Evertz for further support and information regarding DIN
Connectors and Tooling are available from ITT Cannon or your local ITT Cannon distributor. Additional
information can be found at ITT Cannon’s website: www.ittcannon.com under: products, RF75, 1.0/2.3
Impedance 75 Ω nominal
Frequency Range With 75 Ω connector on 75 Ω cable = 0 -2 GHz
Voltage Rating At Sea Level = 250 Vrms
Insulation Resistance 1000 M Ω minimum
Inner contact = 6 m Ω typical maximum Outer contact
Contact Resistance = 2.5 m Ω maximum
With 75 connector on 75 Ω cable and
F=1GHz 0.1 maximum
Withdrawal Force, inner female contact 0.2 N (0.04 lbs.) minimum
Withdrawal force, outer male contact 0.7 N (0.15 lbs.) minimum
jacks and
Insertion force between 10 N (2.24 lbs.) maximum
Withdrawal force jacks and
0.9 N (0.20 lbs.) minimum
between plugs
Materials Bodies and nuts: Brass
Inner male contact: Brass of Berylium Copper.
Inner and outer female contacts:Berylium Copper.
Insulators: PTFE or Thermoplastics
Crimp ferrules: Copper alloy
Finish / Plating: Contact surfaces: Gold over Nickel.
Bodies and crimp ferrules: Nickel or Gold over Nickel
Temperature Rating -40 degrees C to 85 degrees C
Connector Durability 500 matings minimum
Standards CECC 22230, DIN 47297, RC9333 (T54 only)
15.1.4. Evertz OEM DIN1.0/2.3 Connector Details (CRIMP/CRIMP) for 1694A Assembly Details
15.1.5. White Sands DIN1.0/2.3 Connector Details (1 piece CRIMP) for 1855A
Impedance 75 Ohm
Frequency Range DC – 3.0 GHz (dependent upon cable limitations)
Insertion Loss <0.1 dB @ 1 GHz
Cable Retention Force > 40 lbs.
Center Pin Retention > 150 grams
Mating Style Positive Locking
Current Rating 2 Amps
Working Voltage < 300 vrms
Center Conductor Contact & Plating Phosphor Bronze with Gold Plate
Body Material Brass
Body Plating Nickel
RFI > 85 dB
White Sands Engineering’s 1.0/2.3FP plug features a fixed pin, one-piece design which can be installed
quickly and reliably in the field. It is compatible with our YR46940 mini RG59 precision video cables as
well as Belden 1855A, Gepco VDM230, Commscope 7538B, Coleman 99401. White Sands can provide
connectors and tools, or cable assembles terminated with 1.0/2.3FP or other connectors as needed.
For more information on the 1.0/2.3FP and our entire line of fixed pin, one-piece connectors for mini
RG59, visit our website at www.whitesandsengineering.com.
15.1.6. White Sands DIN1.0/2.3 Connector Details (1 piece CRIMP) for 1855A Assembly Details
STEP 1: Use CPT7538125 tool to strip cable to
proper dimensions as shown. Make sure there is no
braid wrapped around the center conductor creating
a short.
The positive locking mechanism in this connector ensure secure mating that will not be affected by
vibration or accidental tugs on the cable. Connectors can only be unmated from high density panels using
the 1.0REMTOOL.
ACT483: Crimp tool, .270” and .213” hex dies for mini RG59 connectors.