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Version 1

CCL-GD-MeP-2 30/04/2019

Recommendations of CCL/WG-N on:

Realization of SI metre using silicon lattice and Transmission Electron Microscopy
for Dimensional Nanometrology

The purpose of this document is to develop CCL/WG-N recommendations for the use of Transmission
Electron Microscopy (TEM) and the reference value of the bulk silicon lattice constant as a pathway for
traceability to the SI metre for applications in dimensional nanometrology. Displacement interferometry
is the most traditional and widely used method of realizing traceability to the SI metre for dimensional
metrology at all length scales. For those circumstances for which the uncertainty of a measurement is
primarily sensitive to the accuracy of this displacement metrology, an additional link to the SI metre is
not necessary. However, most probing techniques, from coordinate measuring machines (CMMs) at
large scales to atomic force microscopes (AFMs) at the nanoscale, also have uncertainties related to the
probe-specimen interaction. These uncertainties tend to be dramatically larger for those measurements
for which this interaction is translationally asymmetric (i.e., opposite faces of a part or rising versus
falling edges). Such measurements are usually classified as bidirectional in CMM metrology or as width
measurements in AFM or scanning electron microscope (SEM) dimensional nanometrology. Therefore,
the specific emphasis of this document is on the use of TEM as a reference metrology for linewidth
measurement of localized nanostructures.

The lattice constant of silicon has been determined on bulk silicon crystals with very small relative
uncertainty down to 10-8 by using optical interferometry combined with x-ray interferometry. Up to the
present all of measurements performed are in good agreement [1].

Dimensional Metrology Experience

Since the early 2000s, at least two NMIs have experimented with using the known value of the bulk
silicon lattice constant to establish traceability to the SI metre for dimensional nanometrology
applications. Techniques such as x-ray scattering, can provide a link to the silicon lattice for certain
measurands (notably, film thickness) that are defined over large sampling areas. However, for highly
localized measurements of specific nanostructures, various forms of transmission electron microscopy
(TEM) seem the most appropriate method of linking. During the last 15 years, both NIST and PTB have
carried out significant efforts in dimensional nanometrology that relied on this approach.

The NIST single crystal critical dimension reference material (SCCDRM) project has been a multi-
generation effort to develop standards for linewidth metrology at and below the 100 nm size scale [2-4].
The goal of this project was to establish traceable width metrology of specific crystalline Si
nanostructures. The measurand was localized – with unique mutual navigation indicators and equivalent
sampling strategy, and only the native silicon oxide was present on Si structures.

The general approach was to use critical dimension atomic force microscopy (CD-AFM) as a comparator
between those structures that were cross-sectioned for TEM and the structures remaining intact. The

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limiting expanded uncertainty on transfer experiment was 0.6 nm (k = 2). However, the standards
distributed to users had expanded uncertainties (k = 2) of between 1.5 nm and 2 nm.

This overall approach and the use of TEM to achieve traceability were generally accepted within the
dimensional nanometrology community – specifically within the semiconductor metrology field. Indeed,
one commercial vendor of secondary standards for that industry implemented a similar approach to
calibrate one of their products [5].

More recently, PTB independently implemented a conceptually related methodology [6]. Two important
distinctions between the NIST and PTB efforts were that PTB used an in-house form of CD-AFM, rather
than the commercially available version used at NIST [7, 8]. The PTB implementation of CD-AFM is based
on a method known as vector approach probing (VAP) [9]. The PTB project also used a form of scanning
TEM (STEM) to provide the TEM reference metrology. NIST relied primarily on high resolution TEM
(HRTEM) – a full-field interference-based technique – with subsequent validation using STEM.
Ultimately, the final uncertainties of the NIST and PTB implementations were nearly identical. However,
consideration of possible outliers suggests that the PTB method can be potentially extended to even
lower uncertainties.

Even more recently, PTB has collaborated with a commercial standards vendor to develop a form of
crystalline silicon linewidth standard that is commercially available [10]. Ultimately, this development
affords the opportunity for other organizations, both NMIs and industrial customers to implement their
own versions of a TEM transfer technique to bring lattice traceability to dimensional nanometrology.
This may increase the importance of practical guidelines for this application from CCL and WG-N.

Surface Analysis Experience

In contrast to the dimensional metrology community, however, those NMI staff involved with the
surface analysis and thin film characterization areas have a different experience and perspective on the
suitability of using TEM for traceability to the SI metre. This is due partly to the CCQM experience during
the same time period with two with comparisons of SiO2 thickness measurements: a pilot study P38 [11]
and a subsequent key comparison K32 [12].

In the P38 study, multiple specimens were included with SiO2 thicknesses ranging from 1.5 nm to 8 nm.
Regression analysis yielded slopes and intercepts for comparison between the measured and reference
values. TEM calibrated to the Si lattice – through the commercial MAG*I*CAL sample [13] – was one of
the methods included in the study. However, the average TEM results were furthest from the reference
(slope: 0.92 nm, intercept: 0.8 nm). In contrast, x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) was the closest
(slope: 1.045, intercept: 0.172). Due to the perceived performance limitations of TEM for this
application, it was not included in the eventual K32 key comparison [12].

Although TEM was used to measure length-dimensional quantities in both the P38 comparison (layer
thickness) and the PTB and NIST linewidth standard projects (line width), there are some fundamental
differences between the two applications. In the NIST and PTB efforts, the measurand was highly
localized – the width of a specific structure at a specific location. Position markers were used for mutual
navigation between AFM and TEM, and multiple measurements were used to help achieve equivalent

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In contrast, the film thickness measurand in the P38 study was the amount of SiO2 on a Si wafer
expressed as layer thickness which is not a highly localized property, and the samples used in the P38
study did not have location-specific markers to ensure consistent navigation among the methods.
Consequently, the reported results did not necessarily correspond to overlapping regions or sampling of
the same size.

One commonality between the applications is that both underscored the importance of considering of
SiO2 /Si interface ambiguity, sample preparation/capping layer/thinning of layers, and carbonaceous
contamination for any application of TEM in dimensional nanometrology.

Practical Implementation
Requirements and Challenges
It remains a challenging issue to accurately assign the feature edges in high resolution (S)TEM images,
and this is of central importance in using TEM metrology to provide a traceable reference for
dimensional nanometrology. The uncertainties in the feature edge locations directly impact the
uncertainty of a width measurement. Generally, these uncertainties must be 1 nm or less in order to
preserve a useful uncertainty in the final width calibration.

The edge uncertainties are dependent upon multiple factors, including: (1) the nature of the original
sample (i.e., crystallinity), (2) the performance of the sample preparation – including potential damage,
annealing, and (3) the image-formation physics in the TEM.

In order to directly obtain traceability through resolving the silicon lattice, a necessary requirement is
that at least some portion of the sample material, ideally the primary target feature, must be mono-
crystalline. For both the NIST and PTB projects this was the case. However, this requirement places
considerable limitations on sample design and fabrication. The only comparable commercial
implementation used an approach in which the primary target was poly-crystalline, but a nearby
feature, which could be included in the same field-of-view (FOV) was mono-crystalline. Although it has
been successfully implemented, this approach is partly dependent on a thorough understanding of the
imaging performance and non-linearity of the TEM throughout its FOV. When the target feature is
crystalline, only nonlinearity over the thickness of the oxide or other capping layer could contribute to
the final uncertainty. In the case of an adjacent feature, the separation may be two orders of magnitude
larger. In high-end TEM instrumentation, this is unlikely to be significant, but it would be practical
consideration for those attempting to implement the approach with lower-end or less-characterized

Another variant on the general approach was also implemented by PTB, referred to as the “pitch
method” [6]. The sample involved had a pair of target structures that could be observed within the TEM
FOV. Prior to performing the TEM cross-section, the pitch of these features was measured using AFM.
While AFM width measurements are highly dependent upon the tip width, pitch (unidirectional)
measurements using AFM are sensitive primarily to scanner displacement. PTB used their metrological
AFM, which has displacement interferometry incorporated into the scanner, to perform pitch
measurements traceable to the SI metre. Since both of the features could then be observed within the
same TEM FOV, it was thus possible to transfer the AFM traceability to the TEM scale and ultimately to
the feature widths. The PTB experimental study demonstrated consistency between the pitch method
and the silicon lattice approach to better than 0.3 nm [7]. This approach eliminates the dependence on

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the silicon lattice to connect the TEM image scale to the SI metre. Therefore, it does not necessarily
require monocrystalline target features. However, the issues of sample preparation, oxides,
encapsulating layers, and edge definition still contribute to the uncertainties.

To achieve low uncertainties, the definition of the “edge-operator” must be carefully considered and
correspond well with the physical edge of the structure. Modeling of (S)TEM imaging processes in
various measurement modalities such as TEM, EFTEM, BF STEM, DF STEM, HAADF STEM etc. as well as
different measurement parameters is an important task, so as to relate the images to the “real
structure”. However, when complex modeling physics, such is used in SEM, is required, this can impact
the uncertainties and the traceability.

The initial appeal of TEM in the original NIST project was that it would substantially realize a lattice plane
count across a target feature to measure the width. A monocrystalline target feature combined with
lattice resolution meant that only a very basic edge operator was required for the underlying crystalline
features and there was very little uncertainty about the width. The oxide layer and its interface with the
encapsulating layer contributed more uncertainty. The image quality, however, made it possible to
estimate these contributions without reliance on modeling physics to interpret the images.

Pushing the general approach to a significantly lower uncertainty may well require complex edge
operators and TEM image/signal interpretation, but this would also add an extra step in the traceability
chain and introduce new sources of uncertainty.

Position Statement of CCL/WG-N

(1) CCL/WG-N believes that TEM, in both full field and scanning instruments, is an important
measurement technology for applications in dimensional nanometrology.
(2) If appropriate practices are followed, dimensional measurements with TEM may be made
traceable to the SI metre through reference to the silicon lattice.
(3) The P38 study of CCQM does illustrate important limitations of TEM. However, these issues are
more limiting for film thickness applications than for structural metrology as described here.
(4) WG-N regards the localized metrology of micro and nano-structures as residing within the CCL
and WG-N space. However, distributed properties such as film thickness fall within the spaces of
both CCL and CCQM. Perhaps this might be an area of future cooperation between the two CCs.

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Recommendations of CCL/WG-N for use of TEM in Traceable Dimensional Nanometrology:

(1) The highly localized nature of TEM sample preparation and metrology render it more suitable
for dimensional nanometrology of specific nanostructures as opposed to non-localized
measurements such as film thickness.
(2) Traceability to the SI metre may be realized through the use of specimens and techniques that
permit the referencing of the TEM scale to the silicon lattice. Traceability of the TEM image scale
may also be achieved through the PTB pitch method.
(3) There are two major TEM contrast mechanisms and instrument types that are appropriate for
the dimensional nanometrology regime: (A) High resolution TEM (HRTEM), and (B) high angle
annular dark field scanning TEM (HAADF-STEM) [14, 15]. In a given application, each technique
will have different strengths, but since both are capable of detecting the lattice periodicity
either type of measurement could be made traceable.
A. HRTEM is a coherent imaging technique in which the contrast is generated by
interference between the transmitted and diffracted beams. The correspondence
between the intensity of the fringes and the atomic sites is also dependent on the
specimen thickness.
B. HAADF-STEM is an incoherent scanning technique in which the detected signal is
proportional to the intensity of the electrons scattered from each lattice site.

(4) There are two broad cases for how SI traceability might be realized through the silicon lattice for
a TEM measurement: (A) direct image calibration for cases in which all or a portion of the
structure is crystalline Si, or (B) transfer calibration using a crystalline Si structure to calibrate
the magnification for the target measurement.
A. Direct image calibration for metrology of crystalline Si structures is probably more
straightforward but is only applicable to crystalline Si structures. This was the
method used by NIST, a commercial standards vendor, and PTB for TEM calibration
of silicon linewidth standards [2, 5, 6].
B. Transfer calibration is more widely applicable but may result in larger measurement
uncertainty. At least one commercial standard is available which could be used to
implement this method. This standard itself also includes lower magnification (i.e.,
larger periodicity) structures that were calibrated using crystalline Si portion of the
standard [13]. Participants in the P38 comparison were able to use either or both
methods. One participant observed a 0.2 % difference in scale calibration between
the two approaches.

An additional approach for realizing SI traceability for non-crystal structures is to use the pitch
method where the metrological AFM and TEM techniques are applied in a combined manner.
The metrological AFM offers traceable pitch results, which is transferred via the TEM to the CD

(5) Sample preparation is integral to TEM metrology. With either contrast mechanism or
magnification calibration method, it is necessary to pay close attention to sample preparation to
protect the integrity of the measured structure – including oxide – during specimen preparation.

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Major factors to be considered are the protective/encapsulating layers and the thinning process
to achieve electron transparency.
A. Encapsulating layers are often metallic, though epoxies are sometimes used. Metals
commonly used, including for the P38 comparison, are Pt, Ti, Al, and Au. However,
possible interactions between metallic layer and the oxide surface, which could
modify the SiO2, should be considered. Contamination in the coating is also a
possible concern. In the SCCDRM project, NIST used an initial Au-Pd coating with a
Pt layer. The PTB project has included the investigation of different protection layers
for the TEM sample preparation, and these results indicated that the best
combination is an initial carbon coating followed by a Pt layer.
B. The major methods of thinning are: (1) mechanical polishing, and (2) focused-ion
beam (FIB) milling – typically using Ga and Ar ions. [16] During thinning there is the
risk that thin layer of the specimen used for TEM, commonly referred to as a
lamella, could be damaged by the ion beam – including the possibility of
implantation. While it is expected that dramatic damage to the lamella would be
readily observed in the TEM image, the possibility of induced stress or substitution
defects, which could change the lattice spacing, should be considered carefully. In
their own work, NIST and PTB believe the magnitude of such effects to be lower
than the other uncertainties in their TEM measurements. But the potential for
subtle effects should be further investigated and may be important in pushing the
limits of this traceability transfer paradigm.
C. For all methods, it is essential to realizing traceability that the measured feature –
including oxide – remains intact with boundaries that can be clearly drawn in the
final image. All of these preparation methods have been used successfully, but all
have pitfalls that may generate unusable results. In most cases, however, the
invalidity of the results will be apparent due to structural damage or the absence of
a visible interfaces between the substrate and oxide or oxide and capping layer.

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Document control

Authors Ronald Dixson (NIST) and Harald Bosse (PTB)

Draft 1.0 11 June 2018 WG-N co-chairs: Ronald Dixson (NIST) and Harald Bosse (PTB)
Version 1.0 30 April 2019 WG-N chair: Andrew Yacoot (NPL)

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