Thermodynamics II Lab Manual
Thermodynamics II Lab Manual
Thermodynamics II Lab Manual
(Thermodynamics II)
Table of contents
1. Introduction……………………………………………………………………………………… 1
2. Theory…………………………………………………………………………………................ 1
2.1. Closed cycle vapor compression heat pump……………………………………………….. 2
2.2. Vapour compresssion cycle………………………………………………………................... 3
3. Coefficient of performance…………………………………………………………………….
Experiment : Determination of power input heat output and coefficient of 6
5.1.1. Objective........................................................................................................................... 6
5.1.2. Theory…………………………………….…………………………………………….
5.1.3. Procedure……………………………………………………………………………….
5.1.4. Observations…………………………………………………………………………… 7
Experiment: To produce the performance of heat pump over a range of 8
source and delivery temperatures..........................................................................
5.2.1. Objective…………………………………………………………………………...........
5.2.2. Theory……………………………………………………………………………...........
5.2.3. Procedure………………………………………………………………………………
5.2.4. Observations…………………………………………………………………………… 10
5.3.2. Theory……………………………………………………………………………………. 11
5.3.3. Procedure…………………………………………………………………………………. 14
5.3.4. Observations....................................................................................................................... 15
Experiment 4 :Production of heat pump performance curves over a range
of evaporating and condensation
5.4.1 Objective…………………………………………………………………………………...
5.4.2 Theory……………………………………………………………………………………... 16
5.4.3 Procedures …………………………………………………………………………………
5.4.5 Assignments………………………………………………………………………………..
5.5.2 Theory……………………………………………………………………………………… 18
5.5.3 Procedure............................................................................................................................... 19
5.5.4 Assignments........................................................................................................................... 19
5.5.5 Observations......................................................................................................................... 19
I Appendix A…………………………………………………………………………………………. 20
II Appendix B......................................................................................................................................... 24
1. Introduction
The EES-Mechanical Heat Pump has been designed to provide students with a practical and
quantitative demonstration of a vapor compression cycle. Refrigerators and heat pumps both apply
the vapor compression cycle, although the applications of these machines differ, the components are
essentially the same.
The Mechanical Heat Pump is capable of demonstrating the heat pump application where a large
freely available energy source, such as the atmosphere is to be upgraded for water heating. The unit
will be of particular interest to those studying Mechanical Engineering, Energy Conservation,
Thermodynamics, Building Services, Chemical Engineering, Plant and Process Engineering,
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning.
2. Theory
A heat pump is a mechanism that absorbs heat from waste source or surrounding to produce valuable
heat on a higher temperature level than that of the heat source. The fundamental idea of all heat
pumps are that heat is absorbed by a medium, which releases the heat at a required temperature
which is higher after a physical or chemical transformation.
Heat pump technology has attracted increasing attention as one of the most promising technologies
to save energy. Areas of interest are, heating of buildings, recovery of industrial waste heat for steam
production and heating of process water for e.g. cleaning and sanitation.
Generally, there are three types of heat pump systems:
1) Closed cycle vapor compression heat pumps (electric and engine driven)
2) Heat transformers (a type of absorption heat pump)
3) Mechanical vapor recompression heat pumps operating at about at 200°C
Four basic processes or changes in the condition of the refrigerant occur in a Vapor Compression
Heat Pump Cycle. These four processes shall be illustrated in the most simplistic way with the aid of
above schematic sketch.
3. Coefficient of Performance
The Coefficient of Performance, (COPH) of a heat pump cycle is an expression of the cycle
efficiency and is stated as the ratio of the heat removed in the heated space to the heat energy
equivalent of the energy supplied to the Compressor
Thus, for the Theoretical Simple Cycle, this may be written as:
Heating Effect
COP H = (2)
Heat of Compression
5.1 Experiment 1: Determination of power input heat output and coefficient of performance.
5.1.1 Objective
To determine the power input, heat output and coefficient of performance of a vapour compression
heat pump system
5.1.2 Theory
The coefficient of performance or COP (sometimes CP) of a heat pump is a ratio of heating or
cooling provided to electrical energy consumed. Higher COPs equate to lower operating costs. The
COP may exceed 1, because it is a ratio of output/loss, unlike the thermal efficiency ratio of
output/input energy. For complete systems, COP should include energy consumption of all
auxiliaries. COP is highly dependent on operating conditions, especially absolute temperature and
relative temperature between sink and system, and is often graphed or averaged against expected
conditions he equation is:
COP H = (3)
a) Q is the heat supplied to or removed from the reservoir.
b) W is the work consumed by the heat pump.
The COP for heating and cooling are thus different, because the heat reservoir of interest is
different. When one is interested in how well a machine cools, the COP is the ratio of the heat
removed from the cold reservoir to input work. However, for heating, the COP is the ratio of the
heat removed from the cold reservoir plus the heat added to the hot reservoir to the input work:
COPheating = (4)
Q H Q c +W
COPheatinng= = (5)
COPcooking = (6)
5.1.3 Procedure
1) Perform the general start-up procedures.
2) Adjust the cooling water flow rate to 2.0 LPM.
3) Allow the system to run for 15 minutes.
4) Record all necessary readings into the experimental data sheet.
5.1.4 Observations
Calculate the followings:
1) Power input
2) Heat output
3) Coefficient of performance
Using the values in table 1.1 compute the power input, Heat output and coefficient of
performance of the heat pump.
Table 1.1 observations for power input, Heat output and COP
To measure the Active Power consumption of Compressor on Energy meter see the Scroll Display
and get the value from the 5th Unit.
5.2 Experiment 2: Production of heat pump performance curves over a range of source and
delivery temperatures
5.2.1 Objective
To produce the performance of heat pump over a range of source and delivery temperatures
5.2.2 Theory
The heat delivered by a heat pump is theoretically the sum of the heat extracted from the heat source
and the energy needed to drive the cycle. The steady-state performance of an electric compression
heat pump at a given set of temperature conditions is referred to as the coefficient of performance
(COP). It is defined as the ratio of heat delivered by the heat pump and the electricity supplied to the
compressor. For engine and thermally driven heat pumps the performance is indicated by the primary
energy ratio (PER). The energy supplied is then the higher heating value (HHV) of the fuel supplied.
For electrically driven heat pumps a PER can also be defined, by multiplying the COP with the
power generation efficiency. The COP or PER of a heat pump is closely related to the temperature
lift, i.e. the difference between the temperature of the heat source and the output temperature of the
heat pump. The COP of an ideal heat pump is determined solely by the condensation temperature
and the temperature lift.
5.2.3 Procedure
1) Perform the general start-up procedures.
2) Adjust the cooling water flow rate to 4.0 LPM.
3) Allow the system to run for 15 minutes.
4) Record all necessary readings into the experimental data sheet.
5) Repeat the experiment with reducing water flow rate so that the cooling water outlet
temperature increases by about 3°C.
6) Repeat similar steps until the compressor delivery pressure reaches around 14.0 bar.
7) The experiment may be repeated at different ambient temperature.
5.2.4 Observation
Plot the performance curves for Heat Pump (Coefficient of performance, Heat Delivered,
Compressor Power Input) versus Temperature of Water Delivered
Test 1 2 3 4
Cooling water flow rate, FI2 LPM
Cooling water inlet temperature, TT5 °C
5.3 Experiment 3
5.3.1 Production of vapor compression cycle on p-h diagram and energy balance study
5.3.2 Objective
1. To plot the vapor compression cycle on the p-h diagram and compare with the ideal cycle.
2. To perform energy balances for the condenser and compressor
5.3.3 Theory
Using the chart of R-134a refrigerant (figure 1.5), we shall attempt to explain the use of it .The chart
is divided into three areas. These three areas are separated from each other by the following:
A. saturated liquid
B. saturated vapor line
a) The area on the chart to the left of the saturated liquid line is called the sub cooled region. At
any point in the sub-cooled region, the refrigerant is in the liquid phase and its temperature is
below saturation temperature corresponding to its pressure.
b) The area to the right of the saturated vapor line is the superheated region, and the refrigerant
is in the form of a superheated vapor.
c) The area between the saturated liquid and the saturated vapor lines is the mixture region and
represents the change in phase of the refrigerant between the liquid and vapor phases. Thus,
at any point between the two saturation lines the refrigerant is in the form of liquid-vapor
d) The distance between the two lines along any constant pressure line is known as the “latent
heat of vaporization” at that pressure.
e) The saturated liquid line and saturated vapor line are not exactly parallel to each other
because the “latent heat of vaporization” varies with the pressure at which the change in
phase occurs.
f) This change of phase from liquid to vapor phase takes place progressively from left to right
and the change in phase from vapor to liquid phase occurs from right to left.
g) At any point on the saturated liquid line, the refrigerant is at saturated liquid and at any point
along the saturated vapor line; the refrigerant is a saturated vapor.
h) The horizontal lines, extending across the chart are constant pressure lines.
i) The vertical lines are lines of constant enthalpy.
j) The lines of constant temperature vary, depending on the phase stage. It is almost vertical in
the sub cooled region and is parallel to lines of constant enthalpy.
k) It however changes at the centre section, since the refrigerant changes state at a constant
temperature and pressure, the lines of constant temperature are now, parallel to constant
pressure line.
l) At the saturated vapor line, the lines of constant temperature changes direction again and
upon entering the superheated vapor region, it falls off sharply towards the bottom of the
m) The enthalpy values are found on the horizontal scale at the bottom of the chart.
n) The magnitude’ of the pressure in bar/MPa is read on the vertical scale at the left side of the
o) Temperature values in degrees Celsius are found adjacent to constant temperature lines in sub
cooled and superheated regions of the chart on both saturated liquid and saturated vapor lines.
p) It is worthwhile to note that the p-h diagram is based on a mass of the refrigerant, the volume
given is the specific volume, the enthalpy is in kJ per kg, and the entropy is in kJ per kg per
degree of absolute temperature.
Figure 1.7a: Skeleton P-H chart illustrating the three regions of the chart and the
direction of phase changing
Figure 1.7b: Skeleton P-H chart showing oaths of constant pressure, constant
temperature constant
Figure 1.7c:volume, constant enthalpy,
Pressure-enthalpy diagramand
a simpleentropy. (Refrigerant
saturated cycle operating at a
5.3.4 vaporization temperature of 20 F and a condensing temperature of 1000F.
(Refrigerant – 134a)
1) Perform the general start-up procedures.
2) Adjust the cooling water flow rate to 2.0 LPM and allow the system to run for 15 minutes.
3) Record all necessary readings into the experimental data sheet.
5.3.5 Assignments
1) Plot the experimental vapor compression cycle on the p-h diagram of R-134a and compare with
Table1.3: Observations for vapor compression cycle the ideal
2) Perform energy balance on the condenser
3) Perform energy balance on the compressor
5.3.6 Observations
5.4 Experiment 4
5.4.1 Production of heat pump performance curves over a range of evaporating and
condensation temperatures
5.4.2 Objective
To plot the performance curves of heat pump over a range of evaporating and condensation
temperatures. To find which the saturation is temperature at condensing pressure.
5.4.3 Theory The Heat Pump Process
Mechanical heat pumps exploit the physical properties of a volatile evaporating and condensing fluid
known as a refrigerant. The heat pump compresses the refrigerant to make it hotter on the side to be
warmed, and releases the pressure at the side where heat is absorbed.
The working fluid, in its gaseous state, is pressurized and circulated through the system by
a compressor. On the discharge side of the compressor, now hot and highly pressurized vapor is
cooled in a heat exchanger, called a condenser, until it condenses into a high pressure, moderate
temperature liquid. The condensed refrigerant then passes through a pressure-lowering device also
called a metering device. This may be an expansion valve, capillary tube, or possibly a work-
extracting device such as a turbine. The low pressure liquid refrigerant then enters another heat
exchanger, the evaporator, in which the fluid absorbs heat and boils. The refrigerant then returns to
the compressor and the cycle is repeated
5.4.4 Procedures
1) Perform the general start-up procedures.
2) Adjust the cooling water flow rate to 4.0 LPM.
3) Test 1 2 3 Allow the
Refrigerant flow rate, FI1 cm3/min 0.65 0.6 0.65 system to
Refrigerant Pressure (Low), P1 Bar(g) 2.1 2.4 2.9 run for 15
Refrigerant Pressure (High), P2 Bar(g) 8.8 9.5 9.8
4) Record all
Refrigerant Temperature, TT1 °C 6 7 9
Refrigerant Temperature, TT2 °C 55 58 60 readings
Refrigerant Temperature, TT3 °C 36 38 34 into the
Refrigerant Temperature, TT4 °C 5.8 6.2 6.3
Active Power of Energy Meter W 340 406 325
Cooling Water flow rate LPM 2 3 4
experimental data sheet.
5) Repeat the experiment with reducing water flow rate so that the compressor delivery pressure
increases by about 0.6 bar. Maintain the evaporating temperature (TT4) by covering part of
the evaporator for the purpose of lowering the evaporating load
6) Repeat similar steps with water flow rate not less than 1.0 LPM. Make sure that the
compressor delivery pressure does not exceed 14.0 bar.
7) The experiment may be repeated another constant evaporating temperature (TT4).
5.4.5 Assignments
Plot the performance curves for Heat Pump (Coefficient of performance, Heat Delivered,
Compressor Power Input) versus Condensing Temperature
5.4.6 Observations
Graph 1
Graph 2
5.5 Experiment 5
5.5.1 Estimation of the effect of compressor pressure ratio on volumetric efficiency
5.5.2 Objective
To determine the compression ratio and volumetric efficiency
5.5.3 Theory Compressor pressure ratio
One of the critical parameter in compressor design and selection is the compression ratio, often
denoted as r. the compression ratio is simply the ratio of absolute stay discharge, pressure to the
absolute stage suction pressure.
Because most gases increases in temperature when they are compressed, the final compressor outlet
temperature is always a concern. A high discharge temperature can lead to the failure of internal
components due to material degradation or excessive thermal expansion. Compression ratio is also
important in determining requires horsepower; the higher the ratio, the greater the required
horsepower for the stage.
η v = (7)
q+ q L
ηv = volumetric
efficiency `Refrigerant flow rate, FI1 cm /min
q = volume Refrigerant Pressure (Low), P1 Bar(g) flow out of
the pump or Refrigerant Pressure (High), P2 Bar(g) fan
ql = leakage Refrigerant Temperature, TT1 °C volume flow
Due to leakage of
fluid between the Table 1.5 Observations: Effect of compressor pressure ratio
back surface of the impeller hub plate and the casing, or through other pump components - there is
a volumetric loss reducing the pump efficiency.
5.5.4 Procedure
1) Perform the general start-up procedures.
2) Adjust the cooling water flow rate to 2.0 LPM.
3) Allow the system to run for 15 minutes.
4) Record all necessary readings into the experimental data sheet.
5) The experiment may be repeated at different compressor delivery pressure.
5.5.5 Assignments
Calculate the followings:
1) Compressor pressure ratio
2) volumetric efficiency
5.5.6 Observations
Appendix A
Experimental Data Sheet
Experiment 1:
Determination of power input, heat output and coefficient of performance
Cooling water flow rate, FI2 LPM
Cooling water inlet temperature, TT5 °C
Cooling water outlet temperature, TT6 °C
Active Power of Energy Meter W
Table 1.1 observations for power input, Heat output and COP
Experiment 2
Production of heat pump performance curves over a range of source and delivery temperature.
Test 1 2 3 4 5
Cooling water flow rate, FI2 LPM
Cooling water inlet temperature, TT5 °C
Experiment 3
Production of vapour compression cycle on p-h diagram and energy balance study
Experiment 4
Production of heat pump performance curves over a range of evaporating and condensation
Test 1 2 3 4 5
Refrigerant flow rate, FI1 cm3/min
Refrigerant Pressure (Low), P1 Bar(g)
Refrigerant Pressure (High), P2 Bar(g)
Refrigerant Temperature, TT1 °C
Experiment 5
Estimation of the effect of compressor pressure ratio on volumetric efficiency of heat pump.
Appendix C
Components Properties and Diagrams