Education Diploma Program: Postgraduate Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences (Pgihs)
Education Diploma Program: Postgraduate Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences (Pgihs)
Education Diploma Program: Postgraduate Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences (Pgihs)
01.Define what is the family and name the factors with the affect diversity
of family.
By Dr. Susila Embekka
02.Define what is the family and name the factors with the affect diversity
of family.
Human has desire for newest things as well as companions with outside people. In
modern society there are love affairs. Love expresses a mutual and physical attachment that
two individuals feel for one another. These days, we might be sceptical of the idea that love is
'for ever', but falling in love, we tend to think, is an experience arising from universal human
emotions. It seems natural for a couple who fall in love also to want personal and sexual
fulfilment in their relationship, perhaps by marrying and/ or starting a family.
In Europe during the Middle Ages, virtually no one married for love; there was even a
medieval saying: “To love one's wife with one's emotions is adultery.” In those days and for
centuries afterwards, men and women married mainly in order to keep property in the hands
of the family or to raise children for working on the family farm. People sometimes had sexual
affairs outside marriage. The couple came to be at the centre of family life as the economic role
of the family dwindled and love, or love and sexual attraction, became the basis of forming
marriage ties.
Today, most people in the developed countries believe that a good relationship is based
on emotional communication or intimacy. this was important to a good marriage, it was not the
foundation of it but marriage was never in the past based on intimacy and emotional
communication. Marriage can be defined as a socially acknowledged and approved sexual
union between two adult individuals.
A family is a group of persons directly linked by kin connections. Kinship ties are
connections between individuals. established either through marriage or through the lines of
descent that connect blood relatives. Family define by some scholars as given below:
‘Family is a group defined by sexual relationship, sufficiently precise and enduring to provide
for the procreation and upbringing of children.’ (Maclver), ‘The family, almost without
question, is the most important of any groups that human experience offers… the family… is
with us always, or more precisely, we are with it.’(Robert), ‘Family is a more or less durable
association of husband and wife, with or without child, or of a man or woman alone, with
children.’ (M. F. Nimkoff), ‘Family is the biological social unit composed of husband, wife
and children.’ (Eliot and Merrill), ‘Family is a group of persons united by ties of marriage,
blood or adoption constituting a single household interacting and inter-communicating with
each other in their respective social roles of husband and wife, father and mother, son and
daughter, brother and sister, creating a common culture.’ (Burgess and Locke), ‘Family is a
group of persons, whose relations to one another are based upon consanguinity and who are
therefore kin to one another.’ (Kingsley Davis).
Throughout the world family has some factors that affect with diversity of family. All
that factors appear due to nature of family process. Family relationships are always recognized
within wider kinship groups. Sociologists and anthropologists call the nuclear family, two
adults living together with their own or adopted children in a household. When close relatives
other than a married couple and children live either in the same household or in a close and
continuous relationship with one another, we speak of an extended family. An extended family
may include grandparents, brothers and their wives, sisters and their husbands, aunts and
Many Types of Family can see in modern world it is based on few varieties due to
diversity of family;
1. Based on birth,
2. Based on marriage,
3. Based on residence,
4. Based on ancestry or decent,
5. Based on the nature of relation,
6. Based on authority and
7. Based on state or structure.
Based on birth family like family of orientation, family of procreation. Monogamous
family, polygynous family, polyandrous family are called based on marriage. Based on
residence family are like family of matrilocal residence, family of patrilocal residence and
family of changing residence. Matrilineal family and patrilineal family are called as based on
ancestry or descent family. Based on Authority is matriarchal Family: Matriarchal families are
generally found in matrilineal societies. In these families, a woman is the head of the family,
and authority is vested in her. Succession of property is through the female line, i.e., only
daughters inherit. Patriarchal family are also being opposition. All these varieties bases on
factors of gender, authority, race, ethnicity, cast and so on. These are made inequalities in social
classes. Anyhow there are some characteristics which should do from the family;
1. A family is based on marriage, which results in a mating relationship between two
adults of opposite sex.
2. Every family provides an individual with a name, and hence, it is a source of
3. Family is the group through which descent or ancestry can be traced.
Personality is the major thing regarding any person. personality cultivates with skills of
person. skills must be developed by own but social organization show the directions which it
needed way into the social values. Person should have won many challenges in the universe as
well as human should heal the universe as the most safety place for every being that is why,
that personality is an essential thing for the human. Father and mother’s role in family guide to
children cultivate their own personality. The believable person of the children are parents then
they should dedicate from their children. In Buddhism parents indicated as first teacher of the
children(pubbacariya). We know that the children are not mature by that but even informal way
children are learnt by parents. In family has kinship by blood in biologically and child identify
both father and mother with affection but mother is the nearest one for the children. They might
have well manner characters.
Education is the most essential thing in modern world because all things combine with
knowledge. Those technical world does not consume without proper knowledge about such
related field. It must have enough knowledge even to apply television properly. According to
the principles of education in particular country they motivated their children to success
throughout world. When we aware regarding modern passion of world, there are such kinds of
passion but implementation is same. All the nation seems like to be planned to govern or taken
opportunity around the world then they adjust their educational principles related to particular
necessities. Education can utility for guiding life in many ways then the children can choose
the way what the path should go. This duty of the parent but it would maintain with
compassionately. Education gives the pattern for life. It may not be able to gain needed things
but it gives everything in formally. It is not much enough only born because the person should
have lived comfortably.
Social values and norms are the spirit of life. These are inter related because both are
going on similar way. Human society is a related one since it is deference from situationally.
Society has a culture and it is created by norms. Values is the accepted thing from the norms.
It means that the adaptation with norms give ethically pure person. parents know what should
be taught for the children then they can socialize their children with social values and norms.
Other factors also can use for socialization. It is difficult to adjust without awareness
such situation. Family makes these things. In Sri Lankan context, there are so many
questionable things. According to world system theory in sociology minority is rich people in
any country and also majority is poor people. Poverty gain many bad affects for the Sri Lankan
society then it is still unsolvable situation because of without the open thinking mind. Family
makes everything to create good child as the socialization agent.
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