2007 IMO Training Camp: Contributors: Potla, E.lopes, Pohoatza, Mattilgale

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2007 IMO Training Camp

International Mathematical Olympiad Training Camp 2007

Day 1

1 Show that in a non-equilateral triangle, the following statements are equivalent:

(a) The angles of the triangle are in arithmetic progression. (b) The common
tangent to the Nine-point circle and the Incircle is parallel to the Euler Line.

2 Find all integer solutions of the equation

x7 − 1
= y 5 − 1.

3 Let X be the set of all bijective functions from the set S = {1, 2, · · · , n} to
itself. For each f ∈ X, define
1, if f (12) (j) = j,
Tf (j) =
0, otherwise

Determine f ∈X nj=1 Tf (j).


(Here f (k) (x) = f (f (k−1) (x)) for all k ≥ 2.)

Day 2

1 Let ABC be a trapezoid with parallel sides AB > CD. Points K and L lie
on the line segments AB and CD, respectively, so that AK/KB = DL/LC.
Suppose that there are points P and Q on the line segment KL satisfying

∠AP B = ∠BCD and ∠CQD = ∠ABC.

Prove that the points P , Q, B and C are concyclic.

Proposed by Vyacheslev Yasinskiy, Ukraine

2 Let a, b, c be non-negative real numbers such that a + b ≤ c + 1, b + c ≤ a + 1

and c + a ≤ b + 1. Show that

a2 + b2 + c2 ≤ 2abc + 1.

Contributors: Potla, e.lopes, pohoatza, mattilgale
2007 IMO Training Camp

3 Given a finite string S of symbols X and O, we denote ∆(s) as the number

ofX ′ s in S minus the number of O′ s (For example, ∆(XOOXOOX) = −1).
We call a string S balanced if every sub-string T of (consecutive symbols) S
has the property −1 ≤ ∆(T ) ≤ 2. (Thus XOOXOOX is not balanced, since
it contains the sub-string OOXOO whose ∆ value is −3. Find, with proof, the
number of balanced strings of length n.

Day 3

1 A sequence of real numbers a0 , a1 , a2 , . . . is defined by the formula

ai+1 = ⌊ai ⌋ · hai i for i ≥ 0;
here a0 is an arbitrary real number, ⌊ai ⌋ denotes the greatest integer not ex-
ceeding ai , and hai i = ai − ⌊ai ⌋. Prove that ai = ai+2 for i sufficiently large.
Proposed by Harmel Nestra, Estionia

2 Let S be a finite set of points in the plane such that no three of them are on
a line. For each convex polygon P whose vertices are in S, let a(P ) be the
number of vertices of P , and let b(P ) be the number of points of S which are
outside P . A line segment, a point, and the empty set are considered as convex
polygons of 2, 1, and 0 vertices respectively. Prove that for every real number
x X
xa(P ) (1 − x)b(P ) = 1,
where the sum is taken over all convex polygons with vertices in S.
Alternative formulation:
Let M be a finite point set in the plane and no three points are collinear. A
subset A of M will be called round if its elements is the set of vertices of a
convex A − gon V (A). For each round subset let r(A) be the number of points
from M which are exterior from the convex A − gon V (A). Subsets with 0, 1
and 2 elements are always round, its corresponding polygons are the empty
set, a point or a segment, respectively (for which all other points that are not
vertices of the polygon are exterior). For each round subset A of M construct
the polynomial
PA (x) = x|A| (1 − x)r(A) .

Show that the sum of polynomials for all round subsets is exactly the polynomial
P (x) = 1.
Proposed by Federico Ardila, Colombia

Contributors: Potla, e.lopes, pohoatza, mattilgale
2007 IMO Training Camp

Day 4

1 Circles w1 and w2 with centres O1 and O2 are externally tangent at point D

and internally tangent to a circle w at points E and F respectively. Line t
is the common tangent of w1 and w2 at D. Let AB be the diameter of w
perpendicular to t, so that A, E, O1 are on the same side of t. Prove that lines
AO1 , BO2 , EF and t are concurrent.

2 Find all integer solutions (x, y) of the equation y 2 = x3 − p2 x, where p is a

prime such that p ≡ 3 mod 4.

3 Find all function(s) f : R → R satisfying the equation

f (x + y) + f (x)f (y) = (1 + y)f (x) + (1 + x)f (y) + f (xy);

For all x, y ∈ R.

Contributors: Potla, e.lopes, pohoatza, mattilgale

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