Petroleum Recovery Technology
Petroleum Recovery Technology
Petroleum Recovery Technology
Chapter -1 ............................................................................................................................................... 3
1.5 Migration....................................................................................................................................... 9
1.8 Traps............................................................................................................................................11
Chapter -2 .............................................................................................................................................16
Chapter -3 .............................................................................................................................................20
Chapter- 4 .............................................................................................................................................29
Chapter-5 ..............................................................................................................................................38
5.1 Pretreatment...............................................................................................................................38
References ............................................................................................................................................39
Chapter -1
1.1 Lithology:-
Lithology refers to description of physical characteristics of rocks visible at outcrop, in hand
or core samples The earth is composed of three general rock types:
1.2.1 Porosity
Porosity is a measure of the void space within a rock, which is expressed as a fraction (or
percentage) of the bulk volume of that rock.
The general expression for porosity is fraction (or percentage) of the bulk volume of that
1.2.2 Permeability
Permeability is defined as a measure of a rock’s ability to transmit fluids. In addition to a
rock’s being porous, sedimentary rock can also be permeable. Permeability refers to the
property of a rock that allows fluids to flow through its pore network at practical rates under
reasonable pressure differentials. The quantitative definition of permeability was first given
in an empirical relationship developed by the French hydrologist Henry D’Arcy who studied
the flow of water through unconsolidated sands
This law in differential form is
Where v is the apparent flow velocity (cm/sec), is the viscosity of the flowing fluid
p is pressure (atmospheres),
l is the length (cm),
k is permeability of the porous media (darcies).
Consider the linear flow system of Figure 1.
Figure: 1
The following assumptions are necessary to establish the basic flow equations:
………………………… (1)
Where q is the volumetric rate of fluid flow (cm"/s);
A is the total cross-sectional area perpendicular to flow direction (cm').
This further assumption concerning velocity and the volumetric rate of flow restricts flow to
the pores and not the full area. Therefore, v is an apparent velocity. The actual velocity,
assuming a uniform medium, is
Separation of' variables and using limits from Figure 1,we get :-
On solving, we get,
1.3 Reservoir
A petroleum reservoir is a subsurface formation containing gas, oil, and water in varying
proportions. These fluids are contained in the pore spaces of rock formations, among the
grains of sandstones or in cavities of carbonates. The pore spaces are interconnected so the
fluids can move through the reservoir. These porous formations have to be sealed in such a
way so that the only method of escape for the fluids is through the wellbore.
Special attention must be given to #3. Oil in itself does not have a stored force or energy; that
is, it cannot move itself. The only stored energy in the reservoir is in the form of gas or water
under pressure which can move the oil into the wellbore. When this energy has been spent,
only the slow method of gravity drainage remains to move the oil into the wellbore.
However, gravity does not always work efficiently to move oil in the right direction to reach
a wellbore. The porosity of a formation is its capacity to contain fluids. Porosity can vary
from less than 5% in tightly cemented sandstones to more than 30% for unconsolidated
sands. In reality, accurate determination of formation porosity is an extremely difficult
matter. While it is true that laboratory technicians who specialize in this work can make
accurate determinations on cores taken from a reservoir section, the physical characteristics
of most reservoirs vary over such wide ranges that it is difficult to arrive at any figure that
can be correctly called “average porosity “for that formation. This is especially true when
dealing with carbonates, since the porosities and permeabilities are dependent on the nature
of the rock developed during deposition and solution processes. The relationship between
porosity and permeability for a given formation is not necessarily a close or direct one.
However, high porosity is often associated with high permeability
necessary for altering the buried organic material and for beginning the process that
ultimately leads to the accumulation of the hydrocarbon deposits found in the great
sedimentary basins of the world
1.5 Migration
The hydrocarbons in some altered form migrate from the source beds through other more
porous and permeable beds to eventually accumulate in a rock called the reservoir rock. The
initially altered (i.e. within the source beds) organic material may continue to alter as the
material migrates. The hydrocarbon movement is probably the result of hydrodynamic
pressure and gravity forces. As the source beds are compacted by increased burial pressures,
the water and altered organic material are expelled. Water movement carries the
hydrocarbons from the source beds into the reservoir, where the hydrocarbon establishes a
position of equilibrium for the hydrodynamic and structural conditions.
1.6 Accumulation
The accumulation of hydrocarbons occurs when, during migration through a porous and
permeable rock, the migration process is impeded by the existence of an impermeable rock
formation on the boundary (in the path of the migrating fluid) of the rock through which the
migrating fluid is attempting to transverse. Once the hydrocarbons are trapped, the rock in
which they have been trapped becomes the reservoir rock. Eventually the hydrocarbons
accumulate in the reservoir rock and become stratified in accordance to their fluid phases and
the amounts of formation water within the reservoir. The quantity of gas dissolved in the oil
depends on the pressure and temperature in the reservoir. The hydrocarbons will accumulate
in the highest portion of the reservoirs with the gaseous portion at the top, oil next, and water
at the bottom. These are reservoir fluids viz. Natural gas, Petroleum, Water.
1.7 Geology
It is the study of earth, its internal surface composition, structure and the earth processes that
causes changes in composition& structure
The earth is constantly changing. The processes within the earth and the history of these
processes are important factors in determining how minerals deposits were formed, where
they accumulated, and how they have been preserved. The geology of the present
composition and structure of the earth and, secondarily, the history of the processes that
resulted in the present geology have become very important in the prediction of where
accumulations of economically valuable hydrocarbons (oil and gas) may be found. Studies of
surface geological fractures and the past processes coupled with such surface geophysical
investigation techniques as seismic, gravity, magnetic, radioactive, electrical, and
geochemical are used to locate probable subsurface target regions that might contain
economically valuable accumulations of hydrocarbons. However, only by drilling a borehole
from the surface to these subsurface regions is it possible to definitely assess whether
hydrocarbons exist there. The borehole provides a direct fluid communication from these
subsurface regions to the surface, where the fluid (if present) can be assessed for its economic
value. Not only is geology important in exploring for hydrocarbons, but also engineers must
study the present composition and structure of the earth to successfully drill the borehole
itself. Further, once hydrocarbons have been found and have proven to be economically
recoverable, studies of the physical and chemical aspects of earth in such regions are
important to the follow-on production and reservoir engineering. These studies help ensure
that the accumulated hydrocarbons are recovered in an economic manner.
1.8 Traps
A trap provides an impermeable barrier to the migration of hydrocarbons moving through a
porous and permeable sedimentary bed. The trap allows the hydrocarbons to accumulate
within the trap. The trap is a prerequisite for the formation of an accumulation of
hydrocarbons and, therefore, for a reservoir.
Anticline trap- A simple fold that traps hydrocarbons in its crest (see Figure 2). Anticlines
are some of the most common productive structures. Over thrust anticlines are the most
complex of this type of trap. Such structural traps are associated with complex faulting and
are prevalent in the overthrust belt provinces in the United States and Canada.
where the formation across the fault plane provides a seal preventing further
Salt-related traps- formed when the plastic salt formations deform into domelike structures
under the overburden forces of the beds above the salt beds. Such plastic flowing (and
bulging) of the salt beds deforms the rock formations above producing anticline structures
and faults in the rock formation astride the domelike structures (see Figures 4).
barrier bar sands. These sand body traps are deposited over well-defined regions. As
deposition continues on a wider regional basis of shale-forming deposits, the sand body
becomes enclosed by shale and thus becomes a trap for fluids; particularly hydrocarbons (see
Figure 5).
Combination traps-sedimentary trap features that result from both stratigraphic and
structural mechanisms. There can be many combinations for stratigraphic and structural traps.
An example of such a trap would be a reef feature overlaying a porous and permeable
sandstone, but in which the sequence has been faulted (see Figure 8). Without the fault,
which has provided an impregnable barrier, the hydrocarbons would have migrated further up
dip within the sandstone.
1. In this trap, the principle confining 1. In this trap, the principle confining
element is the structural position of the element is stratigraphic or lithologic.
2. A structural trap can be anticline, fault 2. A stratigraphic trap can be a sand body
or dome type trap. trap, reef trap or unconformity trap.
3. This is formed due to faults and 3. This is formed due to sedimentary
foldings. deposit.
Chapter -2
Hydrocarbon exploration is the search by geologists and geophysicists for hydrocarbon
deposits beneath the earth’s is an expensive and high risk operation.
Geologic surveying,
Geophysical surveying, and
Exploratory drilling activities.
Gravity survey
Magnetic survey
Seismic survey
Remote sensing.
The gravity survey is the least expensive method of locating a possible petroleum reservoir.
It involves the use of an instrument, a gravimeter, which picks up a reflection of the density
of the subsurface rock. For example, because salt is less dense than rocks, the gravimeter can
detect the presence of salt domes, which would indicate the presence of an anticline structure.
Such a structure is a candidate for possible accumulation of oil and gas.
The magnetic survey involves measurement of the magnetic pull, which is affected by the
type and depth of the subsurface rocks. The magnetic survey can be used to determine the
existence and depth of subsurface volcanic formations, or basement rocks, which contain
high concentrations of magnetite. Such information is utilized to identify the presence of
sedimentary formations above the basement rocks.
The seismic survey involves sending strong pressure (sound) waves through the earth and
receiving the reflected waves off the various surfaces of the subsurface rock layers. The
sound waves are generated either by using huge land vibrators or using explosives. The very
large amount of data collected, which include the waves’ travel times and characteristics, are
analysed to provide definitions of the subsurface geological structures and to determine the
locations of traps that are suitable for petroleum accumulation. This type of survey is the
most important and most accurate of all of the geophysical surveys. Significant technological
developments in the field of seismic surveying have been achieved in recent years.
Improvements in the data collection, manipulation, analysis, and interpretation have
increased the significance and accuracy of seismic surveying. Further, the development of
three-dimensional (3D) seismic surveying technology has made it possible to provide 3D
descriptions of the subsurface geologic structures.
Two-dimensional technology
Two-dimensional seismic technology gathers only single directional data about the geological
information of the studied area. This is because survey lines with airguns and hydrophones
are placed about 1 km apart and laid out in a single direction. As a result, 2D survey data
require further investigation by looking at other exploration techniques, such as drilling and
3D survey. The 2D technology is suitable for gathering preliminary information of large areas
in a relatively inexpensive way.
Three-dimensional technology
Four-dimensional technology
Remote sensing
Remote sensing is a modern technique that involves using infrared, heat-sensitive, colour
photography to detect the presence of underground mineral deposits, water, faults, and other
structural features. The sensing device, normally on a satellite, feeds the signals into special
computers that produce maps of the subsurface structures.
Chapter -3
It is a cutting process that uses a drill bit to cut or enlarge a hole in solid materials. The drill
bit is a multipoint, end cutting tool. It cuts by applying pressure and rotation to the work
piece, which forms chips at the cutting edge.
In this method drilling is accomplished by lowering a wire line or cable into the hole
on the end of the line or cable is a heavy chisel shaped piece of steel called the drilling bit.
An up and down motion is applied to the line at the surface. This churning action chips small
pieces of rock from the formations.
The bit which weighs several hundred pounds is continuously dropped until a
few feet of hole have been drilled. At this time the line is raised by a drum at the surface and
the bit is removed .Then the bailer, a metal pipe with a one way flapper valve on the lower
end is lowered into the hole on another line called sand line. The chip cuts are picked by the
bailer and are removed from the hole so drilling can resume
In this type of drilling, no significant amount of fluid is circulated in the hole.
Ordinarily, the only fluid in the hole is what has come from the formation being penetrated. A
small amount of water is desirable, if no water comes from the formation.
It helps quickly identify producing oil & gas zones.
It is useful to drill formations which are sensitive to water base drilling fluids.
It is comparatively less costly.
It is a slow process (1/10th as fast as rotary drilling)
When high pressure & oil formation are encountered there is no fluid in the hole to
control them which results in blowouts.
Rotary Table
Drill Bit
3.2.1 SWIVEL
It performs three functions:
It provides a connection for the rotary hose and a passageway for the flow of drilling
fluid into the top of Kelly and drill string
The chief part of the swivel are a high capacity thrust bearing, which is
often of tapered roller bearing design and a rotating fluid seal consisting of rubber or fibre
and metal rings which forms a seal against the rotating member inside of the housing
The fluid seal is arranged so that the abrasion and corrosive drilling fluid will not
come in contact with the bearings.
The swivel is suspended by its bail from the hook of the travelling block.
The fluid entrance at the top of the swivel is a gently carving tube which is referred to
as the gooseneck; it provides a downward pointing connection for the rotary hose.
In this manner the rotary hose is suspended between the upper non rotating housing of
the swivel & the stand pipe which extends part way up the derricks and conveys mud
from mud pump.
The fluid passage way inside the swivel is commonly 3 to 4 in. in dia.So there is no
restriction to mud flow.
The lower end of the rotating member of the swivel is furnished with the left hand
thread of API tool joint.
Swivel is furnished by various manufacturers in various load capacities. Since the
load capacity requirements is determined largely by the weight of the drill string, rigs
capable of deep drilling operation require swivels of greater capacity than rigs used in
shallow drilling.
3.2.2 KELLY
The Kelly is a square-shaped or hexagonal-shaped pipe (drive section) that transmits power
from the rotary table to the drill bit & whose upper end is suspended from the swivel. Also,
drilling mud is pumped down hole through the Kelly. Kellys must conform to the dimensions
specified for the respective sizes in API Specification. The drive section of the hexagonal
Kelly is stronger than the drive section of the square Kelly when the appropriate Kelly has
been selected for a given casing size. For a given bending load, the stress level is less in the
hexagonal Kelly; thus the hexagonal Kelly will operate for more cycles before failure.
Square-Forged Kellys
In square-forged Kellys, the decarburized zone has been removed from the corners of the
fillet between the drive section and the upset to prevent fatigue cracks. Hexagonal kellys have
machined surfaces and are generally free of decarburized zone in the drive section. The life of
the drive section as related to the fit with kelly drive bushings is generally greater when the
square drive section is used. However, the use of adjustable drive bushings (adjustable
bushings with wear) can drastically increase the life of the square drive section. The
important parts of the kelly that should be examined for wear are:
The junctions between the upsets and the drive section (for cracks)
Kelly Cock
The kelly cock is located between the kelly joint and the swivel. The kelly cock will close the
drill string if the swivel, drilling hose, or standpipe develops a leak or rupture and threatens to
blowout. It also closes in the event that pressure within the hose exceeds the hose pressure
Kelly Bushings
The kelly bushing attaches the kelly to the rotary table. It locks into the master bushing and
transfers the torque produced by the table to the kelly. There are two types of kelly bushings:
1. Square drive kelly bushings (aligned with square drive master bushings)
For Harder Shales Sands & limestone- Toothed wheel type bits are used
Drag bit
Disk Bit
Zublin bit
Diamond bits
Drag bit
It has no independent moving part & is referred to the blade type bits. The simplest bit are the
fishtail bit with two blades @ 180 degrees from each other .bits having 3 or4 blades are also
used but such blades are usually fingered so that the total length of the cutting edge don’t
exceed the length of the hole dia by 20%.
Tungsten carbide is used to reduce the wear of the blade .short blades are preferred as they
permit the mud discharge nozzles to be positioned at short distance above the bottom of the
hole so that maximum jet energy can be utilised in the many soft formations, hole
can be made by jetting action of the drilling fluid .however in most cases the chief function of
mud is to remove cuttings and keep the bit and the bottom of the hole clean
Disk Bit
The disks are mounted off-centre wrt the axis of the drill string, so that as the drill string is
rotated ,the scrapping action on the bottom causes the bit to rotate this manner the
total cutting edge available for drilling are increased by comparing with the stationary blades
of drag bit.2 to 4 disks are mounted in the bits. The disk bit inherently doesn’t have the
weight bearing capacity of the drag bit and does not provide as much clearance at the bottom
of the hole for removal of the cuttings
It is related to the drag bit as both have cutting element which rotate and present successive
surfaces against the bottom of the hole.
These are most widely used bits. These are structurally classified as cone type bits and cross
roller bits. Rows of teeths are cut into rolling members, so also known as toothed wheel bit
.The teeth re hard surfaced with material such as tungsten carbide in order to obtain longer bit
life .The toothed wheels rotate independently at the drill string is rotated the rolling cutters
turn by virtue of their contact with the bottom of the hole .Button bit for hard rocks the teeth
ordinarily cut on the rollers is replaced by rounded tungsten carbide inserts These are also
known as jet bits due to size of the mud fluid discharge ports and their arrangement the size
of the rotating member is limited by geometry of the bit And the dia of the hole. The strength
of each parts depends upon their size .larger bits capable of operating under greater loads per
inch of hole dia than smaller bit sand give better rate of penetration .RCB are designed for
soft, medium, and hard formations.
For soft formations-widely spaced, long and slim teeth are desirable so that any tendency for
cuttings to pack between the teeths is minimised.
For hard formations – closely Spaced and shorter teeths are preferred .these ensure maximum
strength and increase the footage drilled per bit
For formations between very hard and soft formations-bits of intermediate characteristics are
Zublin bit
It is named after its designer. Only bit having articulating motion against the bottom of the
hole. As the drill string is rotated, the cutting element revolves at a slower rate while the
teeths slide up and down along the rounded bottom of the hole with each revolution of the
drill string.
Used for drilling shales where the weight carried on the bit has been limited. Also used for
straightening a well and maintaining a vertical hole. The cutting elements are small and
mounted in the rim of a large wheel. Rotation of the drill string causes the cutting element to
rotate on the bottom of the hole, which is round. As the large wheel is mounted off-centre ,it
also rotate slowly so that different cutting elements are brought to bear progressively against
the bottom of the hole .The mud stream is divided so that one portion washes the cutting
element while the second sweeps the rounded bottom of the hole free of any drill cuttings
Diamond bits
It doesn’t have any moving parts. Drills by direct abrasion or scraping against the bottom of
the hole .Diamonds are much harder than the common rock minerals And are the only
materials which has been used economically for such severe services.
There are two main design variables of diamond bits, the crown profile and face layout (fluid
course configuration). The crown profile dictates the type of formation for which the bit is
best suited. They include the round, parabolic, tapered and flat crown used in hard to
extremely hard formations, medium to hard formations, soft formations and for fracturing
formations or side tracks and for kick-offs, respectively. Cone angles and throat depth dictate
the bit best suited for stabilization. Cone angles are steep, medium, flat, best suited for highly
stable, stable and for fracturing formation, respectively.
1. Long gage bits, used on downhole motors for drilling ahead in vertical boreholes.
3. Deep cones having a 70" apex angle are normally used in drill bits to give built-in stability
and to obtain greater diamond concentration in the bit cone apex.
The basic well programme, casing size etc. are the same as those for a vertical well, but with
special equipment and techniques the angle of the hole from vertical is gradually increased in
a pre-determined direction. The first 1000ft or so is usually drilled vertically to permit the
running of the large surface casing, and the well is then kicked off in the required direction.
Until fairly recently a whipstock was used to deviate wells. This consisted of a tapered shell
wedge which was run to the bottom of the hole and orientated so that it pushed the bit off in
the desired direction. There were several drawbacks with this tool. The bit used to kick off
the hole was always smaller than the required hole and drilled a pilot hole which had to be
enlarged. This whipstock had to be pulled out of the hole & reset every 25 ft. or so, after the
pilot hole was opened out, in order to achieve sufficient angle build up.
The modern method of kicking off a directional well is to use a down-hole motor or a
turbodrill and a “bent sub”. The string consists of a full gauge bit, turbodrill, bent sub,
nonmagnetic drill collar, and drill pipe. The bent sub or angle sub is a short piece of drill
collar on which the axis of the pin is at an angle relative to the axis of the box. The angle is
small, ranging from ½ deg to 3 deg .the non-magnetic drill collar is used to provide a seat for
the magnetic survey instruments which are run to survey the holes. Before kick-off the turbo-
drill assembly is run to the bottom of the hole and a survey is taken, the instruments being run
into the drill string on a wire line or the sandline. The survey instruments consist of a plumb-
bob and a compass which show the inclination and direction of the drill string at the non-
magnetic collar. They are both contained within a pressure –tight case, and when seated in
the collar a time actuated camera photographs their readings. Upon retrieval from the hole the
film is rapidly developed and their readings are obtained. The kick-off string is then
orientated and the mud circulation started .the turbine drives the bit with the remainder of the
string restrained from rotating to maintain the direction, while building angle. The rate of
building up depends on the formation and the angle of the angle sub employed ,but 2.5 deg to
3 deg /100ft is reasonable.
It is also used to side-track a fish left in the hole, or to straighten a vertical hole that has been
deflected by steeply-dipping beds.
Chapter- 4
Well drilling has gone through major developments of drilling methods to reach the modern
method of rotary drilling. In this method, a drilling bit is attached to the bottom end of a
string of pipe joints known as the drilling string. The drilling string is rotated at the surface,
causing rotation of the drilling bit. The rotation of the bit and the weight applied on it through
the drilling string causes the crushing and cutting of the rock into small pieces (cuttings). To
remove the cuttings from the hole, a special fluid, called the drilling fluid or the drilling mud,
is pumped down through the drilling string, where it exists through nozzles in the bit as jets
of fluid. This fluid cleans the bit from the cuttings and carries the cuttings to the surface
through the annular space between the drilling string and the wall of the hole. At the surface,
the mud is screened to remove the cuttings and is circulated back into the drilling string. The
drilling operation is performed using huge and complex equipment known as the drilling rig.
– Large diesel engines – burn diesel-fuel oil to provide the main source of power
2. Hoisting System: The function of this system is to lower and raise the drilling string into
and out of the well. The main components of the system are the crown block, the drawworks,
the traveling block, the hook, the swivel, the elevator, the drilling line, and the dead-line
The drawworks is the key operating component of the hoisting system. On most
modern rotary drilling rigs, the prime movers either operate the hoisting drum within the
drawworks or operate the rotary table through the transmission within the drawworks. Thus
the drawworks is a complicated mechanical system with many functions.
The drawworks does not carry out only hoisting functions on the rotary drilling rig. In
general, the functions of the drawworks are as follows:
1. Transmit power from the prime movers (through the transmission) to its hoisting drum to
lift drill string, casing string, or tubing string, or to pull in excess of these string loads to free
stuck pipe.
2. Provide the braking systems on the hoist drum for lowering drill string, casing string, or
tubing string into the borehole.
3. Transmit power from the prime movers (through the transmission) to the rotary drive
sprocket to drive the rotary table.
4. Transmit power to the catheads for breaking out and making up drill string, casing string,
and tubing string.
3. Rotating System: The system consists mainly of a motor-driven rotating table that is used
to rotate a pipe with a square or hexagonal cross section, called the kelly, while allowing it to
slide through. The kelly is suspended by the hoisting system and is connected at its bottom to
the drill pipe and the bit.
4. Circulating System: The system consists mainly of drilling-mud storage tanks, high-
pressure pumps, circulating hoses and pipes, and a shale shaker. Its function is to circulate the
mud through the well to bring the cuttings to the surface.
– Pump - sucks mud from the mud pits and pumps it to the drilling apparatus
– Shale shaker - shaker/sieve that separates rock cuttings from the mud
– Mud-mixing hopper - where new mud is mixed and then sent to the mud pits
5. Drilling Bit: The drilling bit is the device that does the actual drilling by crushing and
cutting the rock as it rotates with some force applied by the drilling string. There are different
types and shapes used for different types of rock.
The functions of drilling fluid muds are:
a. To remove rock bit cuttings from the bottom of the hole and carry them
g. To allow the acquisition of information about the formation being drilled (e.g., electric
logs, cuttings analysis) to the surface.
4.2.1 Classification
The classification of drilling muds is based on their fluid phase, alkalinity, dispersion, and
type of chemicals used.
Freshwater Muds-Dispersed Systems. The pH value of low-pH muds may range from 7.0
to 9.5. Low-pH muds include spud muds, bentonite-treated muds, natural muds, phosphate-
treated muds, organic thinned muds (red muds, lignite muds, lignosulfate muds), and organic
colloid-treated muds. The pH value of high pH muds, such as alkaline tannate-treated mud, is
above 9.5.
Inhibited Muds-Dispersed Systems. These are water-base drilling muds that repress the
hydration and dispersion of clays. There are essentially four types of inhibited muds: lime
muds (high pH), gypsum muds (low pH), seawater muds (unsaturated saltwater muds, low
pH), and saturated saltwater muds (low pH). Low Solids Muds-Nondispersed Systems. These
muds contain less than 3-6% solids by volume, weigh less than 9.5 lb./gal, and may be fresh
or saltwater base. The typical low solids systems are flocculent, minimum solids muds,
beneficiated clay muds, and low solids polymer muds. Most low solids drilling fluids are
composed of water with varying quantities of bentonite and a polymer. The difference among
low solids systems lies in the varying actions of different polymers.
Emulsions. Emulsions are formed when one liquid is dispersed as small droplets in another
liquid with which the dispersed liquid is immiscible. Mutually immiscible fluids, such as
water and oil, can be emulsified by stirring. The suspending liquid is called the continuous
phase, and the droplets are called the dispersed (or discontinuous) phase. There are two types
of emulsions used in drilling fluids: oil-in-water emulsions that have water as the continuous
phase and oil as the dispersed phase, and water-in-oil emulsions that have oil as the
continuous phase and water as the dispersed phase (invert emulsions).
Oil-Base Muds. Oil-base muds contain oil as the continuous phase and water as the
dispersed phase. Oil-base muds contain less than 5% (by volume) water, while oil-base
emulsion muds (invert emulsions) have more than 5% water in mud. Oil-base muds are
usually a mixture of diesel fuel and asphalt; the filtrate is oil.
Water-Base Muds
Specific Weight of Mud. Often shortened to mud weight, this may be expressed as pounds
per gallon (lb./gal), pounds per cubic foot (lb./ft3), specific gravity (S,,,), or pressure gradient
(psi/ft.). Any instrument of sufficient accuracy within f O . l lb./gal or k0.5 lb./ft3 may be
used. The mud balance is the instrument most commonly used . The weight of a mud cup
attached to one end of the beam is balanced on the other end by a fixed counterweight and a
rider free to move along a graduated scale.
Viscosity. Mud viscosity is a measure of the mud’s resistance to flow. The primary function
of proper viscosity is to enable the mud to transport cuttings to the surface. Viscosity must be
so high enough that the weighting material will remain suspended, but low enough to permit
sand and cuttings to settle out and entrained gas to escape at the surface. Also, excessive
viscosity creates high pump pressure and magnifies the swabbing or surging effect during
tripping operations.
Gel Strength. This is a measure of the interparticle forces and indicates the gelling that will
occur when circulation is stopped. This property prevents the cuttings from settling in the
hole and sticking to the drill stem. High pump pressure is required to “break” circulation in a
high gel mud. The following instruments are used to measure the viscosity and/or gel strength
of drilling muds:
Marsh Funnel. The funnel is dimensioned so that, by following standard procedures, the
outflow time of 1 qt (946 ml) of freshwater at a temperature of 70f5”F is 26f0.5 seconds. A
graduated cup or 1-qt bottle is used as a receiver.
by noting the maximum dial deflection when the rotational viscometer is turned at a low rotor
speed (usually 3 rpm) after the mud has remained static for some period of time. If the mud is
allowed to remain static in the viscometer for a period of 10 s, the maximum dial deflection
obtained when the viscometer is turned on is reported as the initial gel on the API mud report
form. If the mud is allowed to remain static for 10 min, the maximum dial deflection is
reported as the IO-min gel.
Liquids and Solids Content. A mud retort is used to determine the liquids and solids content
of the drilling fluid. Mud is placed in a steel container and heated until the liquid components
have been vaporized. The vapours are passed through a condenser and collected in a
graduated cylinder, and the volume of liquids (water and oil) is measured. Solids, both
suspended and dissolved, are determined by volume as a difference between mud in container
and distillate in graduated cylinder.
As both suspended and dissolved solids are retained in the retort for muds containing
substantial quantities of salt, corrections are made for the salt.
PH. Two methods for measuring the pH of drilling mud have been used:
The paper strip test may not be reliable if the salt concentration of the sample is too high.
The electrometric method is subject to error in solutions containing high concentrations of
sodium ions, unless a special glass electrode is used, or unless suitable correction factors are
applied if an ordinary electrode is used. In addition, a temperature correction is required for
the electrometric method of measuring pH. The paper strips used in the colorimetric method
are impregnated with such dyes that the color of the test paper is dependent upon the pH of
the medium in which the paper is placed. A standard color chart is supplied for comparison
with the test strip. Test papers are available in a wide range type, which permits estimating
pH to 0.5 units, and in narrow range papers, with which the pH can be estimated to 0.2 units.
The glass electrode pH meter consists of a glass electrode system, an electronic amplifier, and
a meter calibrated in pH units. The electrode system is composed of (1) the glass electrode, a
thin walled bulb made of special glass within which is sealed a suitable electrolyte and an
electrode; and (2) the reference electrode, which is a saturated calomel cell. Electrical
connection with the mud is established through a saturated solution of potassium chloride
contained in a tube surrounding the calomel cell. The electrical potential generated in the
glass electrode system by the hydrogen ions in the drilling mud is amplified and operates the
calibrated pH meter.
Chemical Analysis. Standard chemical analyses have been developed for determining the
concentration of various ions present in the mud. Test for concentration of chloride,
hydroxide and calcium ions are required to fill out the API drilling mud report. The tests are
based on filtration, i.e., reaction of a known volume of mud filtrate sample with a standard
solution of known volume and concentration. The end of chemical reaction is usually
indicated by the change of color. The concentration of the ion being tested then can be
determined from a knowledge of the chemical reaction taking place .
Chloride. The chloride concentration is determined by titration with silver nitrate solution.
This causes the chloride to be removed from the solution as AgCl, a white precipitate. The
endpoint of the titration is detected using a potassium chromate indicator. The excess Ag'
present after all C1- has been removed from solution reacts with the chromate to form Ag,
CrO,, an orangered precipitate. The mud contamination with chlorides results from salt
intrusion. Salt can enter and contaminate the mud system when salt formations are drilled and
when saline formation water enters the wellbore.
Alkalinity and Lime Content. Alkalinity is the ability of a solution or mixture to react with
an acid. The phenolphthalein alkalinity refers to the amount of acid required to reduce the pH
to 8.3, the phenolphthalein endpoint. The phenolphthalein alkalinity of the mud and mud
filtrate is called the Pm and P, respectively. The P, test includes the effect of only dissolved
bases and salts while the Pm test includes the effect of both dissolved and suspended bases
and salts. The methyl orange alkalinity refers to the amount of acid required to reduce the pH
to 4.3, the methyl orange endpoint. The methyl orange alkalinity of the mud and mud filtrate
is called the Mm and M,, respectively. The API diagnostic tests include the determination of
Pm, P,, and M,. All values are reported in cubic centimeters of 0.02 N (normality = 0.02)
sulfuric acid per cubic centimeter of sample. The P, and M, tests are designed to establish the
concentration of hydroxyl, bicarbonate, and carbonate ions in the aqueous phase of the mud.
At a pH of 8.3, the conversion of hydroxides to water and carbonates to bicarbonates is
essentially complete. The bicarbonates originally present in solution do not enter the
reactions. As the pH is further reduced to 4.3, the acid then reacts with the bicarbonate ions to
form carbon dioxide and water. The P, and Pm test results indicate the reserve alkalinity of
the suspended solids. As the [OH-] in solution is reduced, the lime and limestone suspended
in the mud will go into solution and tend to stabilize the pH. This reserve alkalinity generally
is expressed as an equivalent lime concentration, in lb./bbl. of mud.
Total Hardness. A combined concentration of calcium and magnesium in the mud water
phase is defined as total hardness. These contaminants are often present in the water available
for use in the drilling fluid. In addition, calcium can enter the mud when anhydrite (CaSO2)
or gypsum (CaS02H20) formations are drilled. Cement also contains calcium and can
contaminate the mud. The total hardness is determined by titration with a standard (0.02 N)
Versenate (EDTA) solution. The standard Verse Nate solution contains Sodium Versenate, an
organic compound capable of forming a chelate with Ca2+ and Mg2+. The hardness test
sometimes is performed on the mud as well as the mud filtrate. The mud hardness indicates
the amount of calcium suspended in the mud as well as the calcium in solution. This test
usually is made on gypsum treated muds to indicate the amount of excess CaSO2, present in
suspension. To perform the hardness test on mud, a small sample of mud is first diluted to 50
times its original volume with distilled water so that any undissolved calcium or magnesium
compounds can go into solution. The mixture then is filtered through hardened filter paper to
obtain a clear filtrate. The total hardness of this filtrate then is obtained using the same
procedure used for the filtrate from the low temperature low-pressure API filter press
apparatus. Methylene Blue. Frequently, it is desirable to know the cation exchange capacity
of the drilling fluid. To some extent, this value can be correlated to the bentonite content of
the mud. The test is only qualitative because organic material and some other clays present in
the mud also will absorb methylene blue. The mud sample usually is treated with hydrogen
peroxide to oxidize most of the organic material. The cation exchange capacity is reported in
milliequivalent weights (meq) of methylene blue per 100 ml of mud. The methylene blue
solution used for titration is usually 0.01 N, so that the cation exchange capacity is
numerically equal to the cubic centimeters of methylene blue solution per cubic centimeter of
sample required to reach an endpoint. If other adsorptive materials are not present in
significant quantities, the montmorillonite content of the mud in pounds per barrel is five
times the cation exchange capacity. The methylene blue test can also be used to determine
cation exchange capacity of clays and shales. In the test a weighed amount of clay is
dispersed into water by a high-speed stirrer. Titration is carried out as for drilling muds,
except that hydrogen peroxide is not added. The cation exchange capacity of clays is
expressed as milliequivalents of methylene blue per 100 g of clay.
Oil-Base Muds
Specific Weight. Mud weight of oil muds is measured with a mud balance. The result
obtained has the same significance as in water-base mud.
Viscosity. The measurement procedure for API funnel viscosity is the same as for water-base
muds. Since temperature affects the viscosity, API procedure recommends that the mud
temperature should always be recorded along with the viscosity.
Plastic Viscosity and Yield Point. Plastic viscosity and yield point measurements are
obtained from a direct indicating viscometer. Due to the temperature effect on the flow
properties of oil-base mud, the testing procedure is modified. The mud sample in the
container is placed into a cup heater. The heated viscometer cup provides flow property data
under atmospheric pressure and bottomhole temperature.
Gel Strength. The gel strength of oil-base muds is measured with a direct indicating
viscometer exactly like that of water-base muds.
Sand Content. Sand content measurement is the same as for water-base muds except that
diesel oil instead of water should be used for dilution.
Liquids and Solids Content. Oil, water, and solids volume percent is determined by retort
analysis as in a water-base mud. More time is required to get a complete distillation of an oil
mud than of a water mud.
5.1 Pretreatment
Crude oil that is contaminated with salt water either from the well or in transportation to the refinery
must be treated to remove the emulsion. Both electrostatic and chemical methods are available .if salt
water is not removed the material of construction of the heater tubes and column intervals are exposed
to chloride ion attack and the corrosive action of hydrogen chloride which may be formed at the
temperature of the column feed. Corrosion in the principle distillation column can frequently be
reduced by preflashing the crude oil feed. The temperature of the feed is raised by heat exchange with
the products from the distillation stages and fed to a preflash tower at a pressure around 2-3 atm.
Dissolved hydrogen sulphide may thus be removed prior to the atmospheric column which would
otherwise be exposed to the corrosive attack of hydrogen sulphide at an elevated temperature and in
the presence of steam
The economies of crude distillation can frequently be improved by blending two three or even more
crudes .the optimization of feed composition with the pattern of market demand and plant capacity
has received considerable attention in recent years.
2. Hobson G.D, Modern Petroleum Technology.
3. WILLIAM C. LYONS, Standard Handbook of Petroleum and Natural Gas
4. M.I Khan & M.R Islam, The Petroleum Engineering Handbook Sustainable