Comparison of Several Cotton Yarn Properties Before and After Conditioning
Comparison of Several Cotton Yarn Properties Before and After Conditioning
Comparison of Several Cotton Yarn Properties Before and After Conditioning
DOI: 10.5923/j.textile.20170603.02
Dept. of Textile Engineering, BGMEA University of Fashion & Technology, Dhaka Bangladesh
Abstract This article summarizes the effect of yarn conditioning on several yarn properties like moisture content, tenacity,
elongation at break and yarn hairiness. At the early stages of fibre to yarn manufacturing, the range of moisture content in the
cotton fibre lies around the standard level but after yarn manufacturing which becomes lowered, which creates several
negative impacts on different yarn properties. To avoid this incident, presence of exact amount of moisture in the fibres is
ensured through yarn conditioning process. During this research, yarn made from different fibre lots were tested before and
after conditioning to analyze how conditioning puts significant impact on moisture content, tenacity, elongation at break
and hairiness of yarn. The result showed around 5% increase in moisture content, around 4 to 6 % decrease in hairiness, 12 to
13 % increase in elongation at break, and a significant change in yarn tenacity. Besides these, this article also provides some
explanations behind each impact.
Keywords Yarn conditioning, Moisture content, Tenacity, Elongation at break, Hairiness
Uster evenness tester is equipment which is used to Table 1. Effect percentage of conditioning on yarn properties
evaluate the quality parameters of sliver, roving and Test
specially the yarn. This instrument determines the Parameter
unevenness (U%), co-efficient of variation of the fibrous Moisture Content % 5%
strand throughout the whole length, yarn hairiness, Hairiness value -4.8%
Yarn Lot No. 4056C
imperfection index (IPI) etc.
Tenacity (cN/tex) 1.35%
Uster evenness tester evaluates the fibre strands by
Elongation (%) 12.17%
measuring capacitance where the fibrous strands are passed
through two parallel plates of a capacitor and the changes of Test
the capacitance due to the change of masses of the materials Parameter
through the parallel plates are recorded [12]. Moisture Content % 4.63%
Yarn Lot No. 4058C
Hairiness value -5.9%
Tenacity (cN/tex) -0.38%
Elongation (%) 12.32%
Moisture Content % 4.51%
Yarn Lot No. 8020C
Hairiness value 0.8%
Tenacity (cN/tex) 1.20%
Elongation (%) 13.29%
12.44 12.51 12.4
Moisture content (%)
7.88 7.89
8 7.44
3.2. Effect of Yarn Conditioning on Yarn Hairiness Yarn tenacity also increases after conditioning. Among
Positive influences has seen regarding yarn hairiness value. three yarns, two of them show an increase in the tenacity
It is seen among three yarn samples that, two of them shows value, though one sample shows a very slight reduction in
a decrease in the hairiness value where other yarn show tenacity, but it is almost same to the tenacity value before
almost same result. conditioning.
Reduction of hairiness may occur due to the fact that, after This fluctuation of tenacity value from the regular
conditioning, possibility of static electricity formation tendency may occur due to the improper instrument
reduces which can render the repulsion of neighboring fibres handling.
[15]. Again after conditioning, cotton fibre obtains a The addition of tenacity occurs due to the swelling of
favorable degree of softness which may also influence the screw shaped fibrils of cotton fibres. After conditioning,
reduction of hairiness after conditioning [16]. fibrils tend to untwist and unbend and simultaneously
become pressed more efficiently against each other by
4.57 4.57
swelling action which increases the resistance of fibres
4.5 4.35 4.3 against any external force [17].
Chart 2. Effect of yarn conditioning on yarn hairiness 4.4
3.3. Effect of Yarn Conditioning on Yarn Tenacity
4.2 4.11 4.14
25.5 4.1 4.06
24.81 4
25 24.74
24.5 3.8
Tenacity (CN/tex)
24 3.7
4056C 4058C 8020C
23.5 23.32
23.23 yarn from different lots
before conditioning after conditioning
Chart 4. Effect of yarn conditioning on elongation at break of yarn
4056C 4058C 8020C
4. Conclusions
Yarn from different lots
before conditioning after conditioning Yarn conditioning has an enormous impact on the physical
properties of yarn. From this research work it is seen that,
Chart 3. Effect of yarn conditioning on yarn tenacity conditioning provides remarkable increase in, moisture
content, elongation at break, and a significant decrease in
International Journal of Textile Science 2017, 6(3): 88-91 91
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