Rules For Interpreting Scripture
Rules For Interpreting Scripture
Rules For Interpreting Scripture
Any truly valid interpretation of Scripture must be based upon sound rules. These rules must then be
applied consistently. The following are the most basic rules we attempt to always follow in our
interpretation of Scripture. We do not feel at liberty to discard these rules when they lead us to a
conclusion in contradiction to what 'orthodoxy' has taught us. We instead endeavor to allow the
scriptures to speak for themselves and believe by faith whatever conclusions they may lead us to.
I It will be assumed that the 39 books of the Old Testament, and the 27 Books of the New Testament
are the wholly inspired Word of God. "That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all
good works." 2 Tim 3:17.
II The Bible itself will always be used to define its own terminology, symbols, etc. No appeal will be
made to any man-made dogma, theory, or writing, such as the apocrypha or psudopygrypha, to explain
Biblical terms which are already clearly defined within the Bible itself.
III The proper interpretation of any given passage will be determined, not only by that with which it
stands immediately connected, but by considering all scriptures which have bearing upon the subject
throughout the entire Bible . The truth of any given subject can only be determined by bringing together
all scripture which sheds light on that subject.
IV Every passage will be given as literal an interpretation as possible, unless such a literal interpretation
would render the meaning absurd, or bring it into disagreement with other passages which speak in
positive language.
V No interpretation will be given to any scripture beyond what the fair meaning of the text itself allows.
For Example: Carcass cannot in any case be interpreted to mean immortal soul burning in hell.
VI All passages belonging to any particular subject must contain one or more of the peculiar features of
that subject, by which it may be identified as belonging to that subject.
VII The truth of any doctrine must be determined firstly by those passages which speak in clear and
positive language, and not those which are symbolic or parabolic in nature. No inference should be
drawn from any symbolic or parabolic passage which would bring the passage into contradiction with
those which speak unequivocally on the same subject.
VIII No doctrine will be derived based on a single passage of scripture, a mere inference, or an argument
from silence. Any true doctrine will found throughout the entire Bible.