Sociological and Cultural Influences On Consumer Decision Making

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Sociological and Cultural

Influences on Consumer Decision

Reference Groups
Groups that serve as sources of comparison, influence, and norms for people’s
opinions, values, and behaviors
Source Types and Influence
• Formal sources
• Informal sources
• Normative influence
• Comparative influence
Reference Group Influence
• Membership group
• Symbolic group
Consumption-Related Reference
• Friends
• Fellow shoppers
• Virtual communities
• Advocacy groups
Social Class And Mobility, Lifestyle
Social Class

Division of members of a society into a hierarchy of distinct status classes,

so that members of each class have relatively the same status and
members of all other classes have either more or less status
• Social class is measured in terms of status; a person belonging to a

particular class is said to hold status similar to members of that class

• Broadly speaking, the stratification into varied social classes, is done on

the bases on factors, viz., wealth (economic assets) power (ability to

exert influence over others) and prestige (recognition received)

Ads by Social Class
Figure 10.1A Targeting the Figure 10.1B Targeting the
Upper Class Working Class

Source: ©2018 The Clorox Pet Products Source: ©2018 The Clorox Pet Products
Company. Reprinted with Company. Reprinted with
permission/Photo courtesy of The Wade permission/Photo courtesy of The Wade
Brothers. Brothers.
Social Class
• Hierarchical structure: Social class is hierarchical in nature
• The social-class categories are ranked in a hierarchy that ranges from
low to high
• Similarity of people within a social class: People within a social class
are similar to each other
India’s SEC

Further reading
Social Class Mobility
• People in community can move from one strata to another

• They can move either up or down the social class; this mobility gets

exhibited in two forms

• One, individuals can move either up or down in social-class standing across

generations, i.e. while their parents may have belonged to one strata, they

begin to belong to another, either upper or lower



The collective values, customs, norms, arts, social institutions, and intellectual
achievements of a particular society which express its principles, standards, and
• It is broad and all pervasive in nature, inclusive of language, customs and
traditions, norms and laws, religion, art and music, etc.
• It also includes the interests of people, the work practices and orientations, as
also their attitudes towards general and specific issues
• Culture delineates precisely, the do’s and dont’s of a society, and specifies all
that is acceptable and all that is not
Characteristics of Culture

1. Culture is natural and permeates naturally into the social system

• It influences the manner in which a person behaves, as consciously or sub-consciously,
we are all governed by culture

2. Culture is not inborn; it is learnt as a result of the socialization process

• There occurs a socialization process right from one’s childhood, a process that continues
throughout life

3. Culture is shared
• It ties together the people that form a social system
4. Culture is dynamic in nature, and evolves constantly with time
• Values, beliefs, customs and traditions continue to exist as long as they
satisfy the needs and wants of the people. Once they cease to satisfy
people’s needs, they change. Thus, culture changes and adapts to the
• A single culture can be broken up into various consumer subcultures
• A subculture can be defined as a culture that is not dominant in its
Types of Sub-Culture
• Nationality
• Asians
• Indians, Nepalese, Chinese, etc.
• Geographic location
• North and South Indians
• Religions
• Hindus, Christians, Muslims, Sikhs
• Race and caste

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