1 s2.0 S2405844020300190 Main
1 s2.0 S2405844020300190 Main
1 s2.0 S2405844020300190 Main
journal homepage: www.cell.com/heliyon
Research article
Keywords: Objective: The purpose of this study was to design a suitable mobile application for high mobility medical staff to
Information science support the health referral system of Indonesian universal health coverage.
Mobile application design Methods: Design science research (DSR) approach were conducted with two iterations. The first iteration was
Design science approach
conducted by designing a high-fidelity mockup and evaluating the design using the System Usability Scale (SUS)
Health referral system
framework to evaluate the overall usability of the system (n ¼ 48). The second iteration was conducted by
PSSUQ designing a running prototype and evaluating the design using the Post-Study System Usability Questionnaire
(PSSUQ) framework to evaluate the system's usefulness, information quality, and interface quality (n ¼ 31). For
designing the user interface, the eight golden rules guided the process.
Results: The results found that the design for the first iteration was good and the second iteration's design was
satisfactory to the respondents. The information quality aspects underwent several changes such as the imple-
mentation of local language as the users deemed it to be important to help them easily understand and use the
system and eventually support their mobility at the health facility.
1. Introduction (m-health) applications have been created with specific objectives, such
as monitoring health conditions and remote consultation.
The development of Information Technology (IT) in Indonesia, which The Indonesian Government has implemented several rules, pro-
is growing rapidly, is being driven by the presence of the Internet. In grams, and health efforts, which were created by the Ministry of Health,
2017, the number of Internet users in Indonesia reached more than 143 to improve health services. One such effort is the health referral system,
million (~54.68% of the total population) [1]. This growth has been and which became regulated by the Minister of Health Regulation, Republic
continues to be influenced by the utilization of smartphones. Based on a of Indonesia Regulation 001 in 2012. This health referral system is car-
2017 survey by the Association of Internet Providers in Indonesia (APJII), ried out both vertically and horizontally. Vertical referrals start from
50% of Indonesians have smartphone devices, which they mainly use for primary health facilities (Fasilitas Kesehatan Tingkat Pertama: FKTP);
Internet access. Smartphones significantly impact the number of Internet therefore, every citizen first visits his/her assigned health facility when
users in Indonesia because they provide wireless access [2]. In addition, having a health problem. A designated health facility can refer a patient
smartphones have more capabilities such as more applications, high to a higher-level health facility (Fasilitas Kesehatan Rujukan Tingkat
resolution camera and friendly screen interaction than did previous Lanjut: FKRTL) if they lack the appropriate medical staff and/or treat-
phone technology than did previous phone technology. Widespread ment options. However, patients with emergencies do not have to use the
connectivity to the Internet also provides more opportunities for appli- referral system. Per Regulation 001, participants of the National Health
cation developers to create solutions to daily activity issues [3], which Insurance program (Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional: JKN) are required to
make smartphone utilization inherent in our daily lives [4]. These ap- follow the referral system. Participants with commercial health insurance
plications can solve transportation, logistics, financial management, must follow tiered services within the referral system and rules that are
business, and health-related activity problems. Various mobile health adjusted according to the provisions of their insurance policies.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (A.A. Pinem).
Received 23 July 2019; Received in revised form 29 November 2019; Accepted 2 January 2020
2405-8440/© 2020 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-
A.A. Pinem et al. Heliyon 6 (2020) e03174
To support the health referral process, the government has developed a M-health is a subclass of electronic health (e-health), with the dif-
web application, which is used by all health facilities in Indonesia to refer ference being that m-health requires the use of a mobile device [14].
patients to other health facilities. Medical staff members are the main However, the two share the goal of increasing both the effectiveness and
users of the system. Currently, the mobile version of this application the efficiency of medical personnel in providing health services [15].
(Mobile JKN) is only designed to help patients register themselves at M-health applications should provide immediate information to support
designated primary health facilities; the feature that will allow medical medical staff members' decisions regarding patient care both anytime
staff to send referrals has yet to be implemented. The implementation of an and anywhere, making its purpose broader than that of e-health.
m-health application for referrals is important for medical staff, given their M-health applications also seek to help patients improve their health and
high level of mobility. In addition, as mentioned earlier, most Indonesians engage in preventative care by providing information regarding their
are more accustomed to accessing the Internet using smartphones. Thus, current healthcondition.
the implementation of an m-health application for the referral system,
especially the medical staff module, is expected to increase the produc-
tivity of medical staff, impact the provision of health care, and eventually 2.2. M-Health implementation
improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the referral process. The Mo-
bile JKN patient module still has some problems, as perceived by its users, The development of mobile technology for the promotion of health
which are resulting in unsatisfactory utilization of the system. These services can be partially linked to technological accessibility, the level of
problems include usability, ease of use, and user interface [5]. This study personalization, useful location-based services, and timely access to in-
was conducted to support medical staff practice in using an m-health formation [16]. Several studies have evaluated the use of m-health for
referral system and to correct issues until the system met their expected chronic conditions, such as diabetes [17], chronic obstructive pulmonary
usability. This system was chosen for study because of the large number of disease [18], Alzheimer's disease [19], and osteoarthritis [20]. These
possible users (there are more than 200 million JKN participants) [6]. studies found that the use of m-health applications can support success in
Previous studies on designing m-health applications have been car- the management of chronic diseases and healthy behavioral changes.
ried out using a unified model language (UML) as the communication However, reaching the objectives of m-health requires significant effort,
medium because it can be explained and understood easily by the end and the process remains a challenge. Obstacles can include resistance to
user [7, 8, 9]. This allows both the developer and end user to have the change, unreliable technology, integration issues, and lack of user edu-
same perception of the application. However, we only found one study cation [21], and documentation of these obstacles regarding the design,
that explained what methodology would be suitable for designing an implementation, and evaluation of m-health is still quite limited. Based
m-health application [9]: used the Design Science Research (DSR) on a survey conducted by the WHO, only 12% of member countries have
method in one iteration to describe the design process, and the authors reported the results of evaluations of m-health services, and only a few
also evaluated the design's results via the Post-Study System Usability knew how to effectively evaluate solutions [22]. Hence, the imple-
Questionnaire (PSSUQ) to measure the usefulness of the design. mentation of successful m-health applications is difficult because many
In the current study, we used the DSR methodology with a UML to obstacles are encountered late in the process, and there is little reference
systematically design an m-health application for a referral system in material for guidance.
Indonesia that specifically focused on the medical staff module. To do so,
we conducted two iterations. In the first iteration, we used a high-fidelity 2.3. Health referrals in Indonesia
mockup to test the first design draft. The evaluation of the first iteration
was conducted using the System Usability Scale (SUS) model to measure The referral system in Indonesia has been regulated by the Minister of
the level of usability and learnability. The SUS is one of the most widely Health's Regulation Number 001 since 2012. Generally, there are three
used and well-studied measurement models [10]. After an evaluation of types of health referrals: patient, specimen, and medical personnel [23].
the initial design, we improved the prototype and reevaluated it in the When a patient is registered for the JKN, they will be assigned to the
second iteration via the PSSUQ model to measure the levels of system nearest FKTP. A patient's health referral begins with his/her admission to
usefulness, information quality, and interface quality. The PSSUQ was an FKTP. When that facility lacks the staff expertise, medical equipment,
also chosen because it provides additional data regarding the design, and/or services needed to treat the patient, he/she is referred to the next
such as ease of repair, assistance, and feedback on quality. Through this closest facility that is deemed capable of providing proper treatment
method, the results were expected to capture users' needs and expecta- (FKTRL). Such referrals aim to decrease the number of patients coming to
tions, produce the finest application design, and provide a good under- hospitals when their conditions can be handled by either clinics or public
standing of how to design an accurate health referral system. health centers. However, in cases of emergency, patients should go to the
nearest health facility. This referral system must be followed by all
2. Literature review people who participate in the JKN and other insurance participants who
make adjustments per the regulations of their insurance providers. In
2.1. M-Health addition to regulating how the referral system in Indonesia runs and who
is required to follow it, Regulation 001 also regulates the data and in-
M-health is defined as the use of mobile communication technology formation that are needed and the procedures that must be carried out in
and networks for health-related activities [11]. Per the Global Observa- the referral process.
tory for eHealth, an organization that is owned by the World Health
Organization (WHO), m-health is a form of public health and medical
practice that is supported by mobile devices, such as mobile phones, 2.4. The eight golden rules
surveillance devices, personal digital assistants, and other wireless de-
vices [12]. M-health applications are innovative in that they can provide The design stage of an application requires preparation of the user
health services at any time and in any location; thus, they overcome interface. To design a user-friendly interface, a designer might need to
existing restrictions, such as geographical boundaries [13]. The devel- follow existing design rules, which can be used as directives to ensure
opment of mobile-based communication is done through smart cellular ease of use of the application [24]. Of the available rules and directives
devices that currently support 3G and 4G networks for exchanging in- for creating a good interface, many need to be simplified. Therefore,
formation and data. M-health is a breakthrough in the health industry collections of rules that provide useful summaries of the design process
because it can help health workers provide optimal services via smart were created. A popular guideline is Shneiderman's eight golden rules
cellular device technology in any location. [25]:
A.A. Pinem et al. Heliyon 6 (2020) e03174
1. Strive for consistency: All things that are displayed on the interface
Not mentioned
Not mentioned
Rao & Krishna
8. Reduce short-term memory load: The interface must make the
application easy to use and not require the memorization of extensive
Study 3
2.5. Previous studies
The noted previous studies did not define their complete methodol-
we used the DSR approach in two iterations for the design and evaluation
stages. We also used two different types of usability testing frameworks
to measure different objectives. The first iteration would have resulted in
high-fidelity mockups while, in the second iteration, the result would
8, 9].
Mobile-health application software design
3. Methodology
health tips, and health documents,
science, and the social sciences. Results from the use of information
systems are still under debate, and they cannot always be applied to
Study 1
issues: the role of IT artefacts [27] and information systems research that
is considered less relevant to professionals [28]. In general, information
Framework Evaluation
faced and the solutions offered. Professional Design solves problems that
unique, effective, and efficient way [29]. In the initial stages, every new
A.A. Pinem et al. Heliyon 6 (2020) e03174
smartphones that had the Android operating system. The design success
rate was measured using the SUS usability testing framework in the first
iteration to discern the values of the dimensions of usability and learn-
ability regarding the application's design. In the second iteration, the
PSSUQ was used to see evaluate three dimensions: system usefulness,
information quality, and interface quality.
A.A. Pinem et al. Heliyon 6 (2020) e03174
Figure 4. Example of a user interface for referring the patient (Step 1, Step 2 and Step 6).
which, when combined, exceeded 200 million people in 2018. Due to the ICD-9 CM code. Then, user can submit the referral and receive a success
great number of people involved, the system must be run effectively and message. The interface's design was conducted by following the eight
efficiently. One way to ensure this is to use IT to assist in the referral golden rules. All but two rules were implemented. The offer error pre-
process. Some health applications, such as SISRUTE and P-Care, have vention and simple error handling rule was left out because users were
been made for several platforms. These web-based applications are used not allowed to fill in the data. An example of the interface that was
by medical personnel to conduct referrals, and Mobile JKN allows par- designed to refer patients can be seen in Figure 4.
ticipants to register as members and view their history. However, there is
currently no mobile-based application that was designed for use by 4.2.1. Demonstration
medical staff to offer referrals. A mobile application for health referrals is For the first population, the evaluation of the first iteration was done
important for medical staff due to their high mobility while completing offline by attending a meeting of medical personnel on February 26, 2019
tasks. Therefore, the objective of this study was to design an m-health at a district hospital. The number of respondents in the first iteration was
application for the medical referral system in Indonesia that met users' 48 (n ¼ 48) (Table 2). For the first demonstration, the respondents were
expectations. asked to complete one use case which was to refer the patient following
the flowchart in Figure 3. The mockup of the mobile application was built
4.2. First Iteration with marvelapp.com and available on bit.ly/rujukanPetugas. Re-
spondents, with their own smartphones, were asked to access the mockup
Design and development. The process at this stage started with through the link.
creating a UML diagram. This study used two UMLs: the use case diagram
(UCD) and the activity diagram. Both diagrams resulted from previous 4.2.2. Evaluation and communication
research [23] with a few additions. Activity diagrams a used to describe The results of the questionnaires after the demonstration were used to
the activity or process of the current reference. The activity diagrams evaluate the design's draft. The data obtained by the questionnaire were
guided the design of this application and were used as a reference to then processed for interpretation. The calculation was made following
ensure that all the referral processes could be implemented through the the SUS evaluation method (Table 3).
application. The results of the activity diagram supported the creation of Prior to evaluating the SUS value, reliability of the instrument was
the UCD (Figure 2). The use case that will be evaluated in this study is conducted to evaluate the Cronbach's Alpha (CA) and the Composite
‘Refer the Patient’. The flow of the use case is shown in Figure 3. The first Reliability (CR). The values of the CA and the CR were 0.736 and 0.68,
step, user has to determine the referral type which are emergency or respectively. The SUS values were measured via a method developed by
policlinic. The next steps (step 2 until step 5) steps are fill out the data [33]. The measurement was done with words called “Adjective Ratings”
including patient profile, referral schedule, referral data, ICD-10 and instead of numbers. We chose this measurement so that the value that
was produced by the SUS would be easier to understand. Based on the
measurement, the application module designs were in the “OK” range,
Table 2. Respondents' profile for the medical staff module in the first iteration. meaning that the results of the design were good, but many changes
could be made to make it more fun to use and easier to learn. To deter-
Variables Total
mine what improvements should be made, we utilized an open-question
Gender Female 41 (85%)
questionnaire, which was designed to elicit criticism and suggestions.
Male 7 (15%)
The suggestions were grouped to distinguish between improvements to
Age 24–30 years old 19 (40%)
31–40 years old 23 (48%)
>40 years old 6 (12%)
Table 3. SUS value.
Occupation Nurse 24 (50%)
Doctor 23 (48%) Design for module SUS value (average) Note
Other Medical Staff 1 (2%) Medical staff 62.7 OK
A.A. Pinem et al. Heliyon 6 (2020) e03174
Table 4. Suggestions for the medical staff module in the first iteration.
usability and functionality, which are shown in Table 4. In addition, the The communication process that was carried out in the second iter-
grouping determined the priority of the design improvements, which ation was not significantly different from that of the first. Communica-
were the usability groups items. tions phase was also carried out during demonstrations and the
implementation of the design evaluations. In addition, the final design of
4.3. Second iteration this study was published in the Playstore so that it can be tried by users.
A.A. Pinem et al. Heliyon 6 (2020) e03174
Figure 5. Design improvements to the referral form in the second iteration. (Step 3, Step 4, Step 5).
A.A. Pinem et al. Heliyon 6 (2020) e03174
Based on the results of our calculations, the application's designs F. Azzahro: Performed the experiments; Analyzed and interpreted the
obtained SUS values at the level of “OK” [33], meaning that the design data.
results were acceptable, but improvements could be made. The PSSUQ A. N. Hidayanto, D. Ayuningtyas: Conceived and designed the ex-
value in the second iteration evaluation mimicked the first iteration, periments; Analyzed and interpreted the data.
where users found the application's design satisfactory, with the lowest
value found in the information quality dimension. Funding statement
6. Implications This work was supported by the Directorate General of Higher Edu-
cation for the Program Dasar Penelitian Unggulan Perguruan Tinggi
The theoretical implications of this research are the contributions to (PDUPT) 2019, grant No. NKB-1495/UN2.R3.1/HKP05.00/2019, as well
the designing of an m-health application, especially when considering as by the Directorate of Research and Community Engagement at the
that there is little research in this area. This study also provides more Universitas Indonesia.
insight into the use of the DSR methodology. In the previous research of
[9], the procedure was only carried out in one iteration; therefore, their Competing interest statement
evaluation results focused only on the value of the usability testing
framework (PSSUQ). In this research, we used the SUS to evaluate the The authors declare no conflict of interest.
first iteration design and the PSSUQ to evaluate the second iteration
design. Additional information
From a practical standpoint, this research is expected to give practical
implications to relevant policy-making institutions, such as the Ministry No additional information is available for this paper.
of Health and the Health Insurance Institution, regarding information
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