Application For Leave of Absence Form - V5
Application For Leave of Absence Form - V5
Application For Leave of Absence Form - V5
B. Absences
Please tick as appropriate:
C. Medical Details/Other
First date of absence:
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D. Describe your reasons for absence(s) (continue on a separate sheet if necessary):
E. Declaration
I understand that if my request for an absence authorisation is at the discretion of the College and
that if my request is not granted then I will continue to attend classes and meet all my course
obligations as normal. I have attached documentary evidence to support my request. By submitting
this form I agree for LSST to check authenticity of all provided evidences.
Yes No N/A
**Please submit a photocopy of your current passport photo page and visa with your application form.
If you extended your visa in the UK you will have a pink Biometric Resident Permit – please submit a
copy of both sides of this card. Your Leave of Absence will not be processed unless these supporting
documents are received**