Application For Leave of Absence Form - V5

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Application for a Leave of Absence

When completed the form should be sent to/submitted to:
London School of Science & Technology, Registry Office:
First Floor, Alperton House, Bridgewater Road, Wembley, Middx, HA0 1EH,
Fax: 020 8795 3864, Email: [email protected]
Your form will be passed to the Attendance Officer who will process the leave of absence. You will
then receive email confirmation from the Attendance Officer confirming your absences is Approved
or Rejected.
It is your responsibility to notify the Attendance Officer when your leave of absence is due to
expire to confirm your return and to submit any required medical evidence if the Leave of
Absence was agreed on medical grounds.
If you wish to tell the College about a disability or long term health condition (including dyslexia or
mental health conditions) and you haven’t already done so, please contact Student Support
Department by email: [email protected].
Please note: If your absence is longer than 4 weeks please contact LSST Attendance Officer
[email protected] for further advice.

All evidence must be in English, or accompanied by an English translation from an

accredited translator.

Please complete the form in BLOCK LETTERS

A. Personal Details
* Last Name:
* First Name:
* Student ID Number: * Date of Birth:
* E-mail: * Telephone Number:
* Course Name:

B. Absences
Please tick as appropriate:

Medical Maternity Paternity

Other Non-Medical (state reason) e.g. bereavement

C. Medical Details/Other
First date of absence:

Last date of absence:

Total number of school days:

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D. Describe your reasons for absence(s) (continue on a separate sheet if necessary):

Applications without appropriate supporting evidence will not be considered and

will be rejected.

E. Declaration
I understand that if my request for an absence authorisation is at the discretion of the College and
that if my request is not granted then I will continue to attend classes and meet all my course
obligations as normal. I have attached documentary evidence to support my request. By submitting
this form I agree for LSST to check authenticity of all provided evidences.

Student Signature: Date:

F. For Tier4 Student Visa Only

If you are an International student and in the UK on a student visa. You are therefore advised to
discuss your Leave of Absence with the Student Support Department or Attendance Officer prior to
submitting your request, so that you can be informed of the actual implications to your visa.
Depending on your immigration permission the School may have to report changes in your
planned study to the UKVI. Immigration Visa information is available on the UKVI 's website: -visas-and-immigration
Do you currently hold a Student Visa?

Yes No N/A

**Please submit a photocopy of your current passport photo page and visa with your application form.
If you extended your visa in the UK you will have a pink Biometric Resident Permit – please submit a
copy of both sides of this card. Your Leave of Absence will not be processed unless these supporting
documents are received**

DECLARATION: I understand the implications of taking a leave of absence and that it is my

responsibility to notify the LSST of my wish to return prior to the proposed date of return
quoted on this form

Student Signature: Date:

Office Use Only Approved Rejected


Name: Signature: Date:


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