The Chinese Divining Pendulum by Robert Ing

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CDN. $4.00 ISBN 0-9692707-1-2 USA $3.00 THE CHINESE DIVINING PENDULUM Robert S.° Ing FIRST EDITION FIRST PRINTING - NOVEMBER 1986 Front Cover Symbol: THe Chinese Mystical Symbol representing the complete universe and the balance of Yin and Yang energy throughout all matter contained im it. Back Cove Symbol: Chinese Pendulum Divining: Diagram utilising mystical arzangement of symbols used during the T'ang Period, A.D. 628 — 905. For more information nefer to Experiment 8, page 20. COPYRIGHT © 1986 by Robert S.. Ing, Toronto, Canada PRINTED IN CANADA . REPRODUCTION OR PUBLICATION OF THE CONTENTS IN ANY MANNER, WITHOUT EXPRESS PERMISSION, IS PROHIBITED, NO LIABILITY 13 ASSUMED YITH RESPECT TO THE USE OF THE INFORMATION HEREIN. FOR INFORMATION CONTACT; ROBERT S. ING, P.O. BOX 378 ~ POSTAL STATION 0, TORONTO, ONTARIO, CANADA MAA 2N9. 133.3'3 ING, ROBERT S.. ING TRE CHINESE DIVINING PENDULUM I, DIVINING PENDULUM - CHINESE 2, CHINESE MYSTICISM I, CHINESE MYSTICISM II, TITLE ISBN 0-9692707-1-2 CHINESE DIVINING DIAGRAM CONTENTS 1. Special Note To Tle Reader 6 2. The Chinese Ditvining Pendulum 7 3. Seleeting A Pendulum 9 i. Pendulum & Suspension: Regulator Compatibility 10 §. Care of the Diivining Pendulum 13 6. How to Use the Pendalum 13 7. Experiments Wittth A Dinning Pendulum 25 &. Does Yang: & Wir Enexgy Really Exist? 16 g. Cam Yang & Tim Enemgy Be Present Togetiter? 16 10. Car Yang: & Yim Energy Be Recowded? 17 TT, Do Colours Have A Yang: & Wir Enengy Field? 18 2. Cam Yang: & Wim Energy Be Detected Eve If We Plysiieally Mask It? 19 13. CamWe Prove Tat Yang, & Yim Energy Exists In Bvewytiting? 19 Uj. Wier Using: Personal Objects, Does The Pendulum Respond To The Object; Itself Or The Object's Owner? 20 25.. Cam We Use Yang: & ‘iim Enexgy For Divination? 20 16. Cam The Pendu2um Be Used Im Developing Psyciokinesis? 23 I7.. Conelusiiom 24 ) 18. Bibliography 25 LIST OF CHARTS & FIGURES 1, Citinege Olive Seed Diwiniing Pendulum (E. Jotmstor) 6 2, Pendulum & Suspensiiom Regulator Compatitility Chart 10 3, Parts Of A Ditvining Pendulum 1 4. Experiment: Equipment: List: 15 §.. Chitinase Dituinding Diagram 21 Special Note To The Reader This book 48 a practical guide to the basic concepts and use >f the Chinese Divining Pendulum. All aspects of pendulum usage and teory sme demonstrated in experiments, that: you, the reader, may perform in the comfort of your home. Witle the Divining Pendulum can be used by most: individuals, it must be pointed out that some people are unable to use titis instrument om cause itt to react. It is the authox's opinion tat: tHis factor should be considered by the reader. The Chins ivining Pen ‘The Chinese have used divining pendulums fox centuries in searcit of water, magnetic and spiritual enengy as well as der an attempt to predict te future. History records the use of the divining pendulum as early as cinea 1122 B.C. and it dis believed that the pendulum was used as = diagnostic aid by medical practitioners. Chinese Divining Pendulums were traditionally hand-carved from jada o = very: Tange olive seed. They featured an: intricate scene om design externally, with # smell well covered witlt # stopper om sciew-om cap to Hold a sample of thie item sougiit, whetle water, precious metal ox a lock of haix of @ missing family member ow friend. Single solid divining penduluns were used by tliose whic could not afford tle more luxurious Htand-carved ones ‘and these were made from meteorite/tektite, jade on a dark wouden bead suspended on & Tengtt» of sil thread ow humar Haim. To fully understand the principle om which the pendulum operates, one mst: know of tite foundation of Chinese Mystical belief, that being the concept of the duality of the universe. They are Yang (the mala element) wiiicir represents heat, Tight & flame and Yir (the female element) wiielr represents cold, darkness and tie void of cnestiom awaiting the flame. Botir Yang and Yiir awe equal dir power and are constantly im ¢ state of flux and reflux. Humankind fares melt better wiem totit Yang and Yim are balanced. However, due to earthly existence, titis ts not: always possible. Physical titimgs, animate and inanimate ss welll as humans all have efttter Yang or Yiir enexgy flowing througi, their form. In essence, we could say thet te exaet same power that: exists tm the unfverse also exists in. everything im our physical world; stones, trees, sand, furniture, automobiles, wild aninals, and of course, ourselves. If you cam try to keep titis concept: tm mind, you will no doubt. enjoy tite experiments im titis book all the more. You don't necessarily*have to believe this concept but just try the experiments and tier you car be the judge! 7 CHINESE OLIVE SEED DIVINING PENDULUM (E. JOHNSTON) FIG. 1 e. A Pendulh For the’ purpose of experimentatiom almost. any smal? object: fmom 2 bead, pendant, key on ring suspended on a Iengtit of chain om stwing will suffice for the mildly curious. Just about evexpone will no doubt be able to make am impromptu pendulum: im this fashiow and should experience some results. However,. for tiose moze serious minded wo ave interested in accunacy and the ultimate im sensitivity, otter factors mst be considered. As can be appreciated, tite material available flor your pendulum, 4s welll as tite material you use to suspend tb. will eaeit have # different balance of Yang and Vir energy. Tierefowe, some materials ane excellent for pendulums, whenéas otlier- materials may not be as responsive. Likewise, you may fave @ pendulum made from excellent materials, yet you may totally short-cireuitt the pendulum by suspending iit from a material that iis not im Karnony with ox tiat will not conduct the pendulum energy. Tiere are many thouglts frow various schools of mysticism ‘titrougitout tie ages as to wet materials were found to te suitable fox péndulums and their suspensiom. In: this particular hook we will deal wiiti» only titose materials addressed in’ Chinese Mystical texts wilt the empliasis om Yang and Yin energy. The chart below, Iists suitable matertels for # pendulum and matehiing suspension regulstor im sceordance with the energy fields of Yang and Yin. ‘PENDULUM & SUSPENSION REGULATOR COMPATIBILITY CHART PENDULUM SUSPENSION REGULATOR SENSITIVITE MATERIAL ‘MATERIAL Amber Yellow Silic Thread * Silver Clair Dark Wood Red om Green Silk Thread * Jet Red Silk Thread * Silver ox Gold Chain. Gold Yellow Silk Thread *e Gold Chat Buby Red Silk Thread * Silver Dik.. Blue Silk Thread ” Silver Claim Jade Red Silk Thread tore Meteorite Greem Silk Thread cod Olive Seed Red or Yellow coed Silk Thread Quartz Crystal Dk. Blue Silk Thread oe Silver Chaim Tektite Green Silk Thread ied SENSITIVITE RATING GUIDE: * Above Average se Higih Sensitictty * eee © Very High Sensitivity Fig. 2 SUSPENSION REGULATOR J DIVINING PENDULUM PARTS OF A DIVINING PENDULUM FIG.. 3 In the clart it is very easy te find the best materials for @ pendulum and the best matteriia? to suspend iit from, so that you car obtain the best possible sensitivity and accuracy. Tie materials used in botl pendulum and suspension regulator mist be im Hawmony wiitlt eaet otlier #f they are to fumction as one sensitive instrument. Otherwise, sensitivity end accuracy will be lost. It fs hoped that the preceeding chart fas clarified and identified suitable materials and their proper combinations. Having dectded om tite pendulum and suspension regulator material you wits: te work with, it iis fmpowtant to mention that: your pendulum sltoulld be approximately 3/4" to 2 1/2" at: #ts longest potint te be effective and the suspension” regulator sitould te approximately 7" im lengtit. The diameter of a solid core pendulum should not exceed 3/h" for the pendulum and suspension regulator Iengtits previously stated. The diameter of @ liollow core pendulum or one with a sample well stiould not exceed 1 1/4" for the pendulum and suspension regulator lengtis previously stated. 12 Cave of Dit Diviteiing Pendulums’ stould be protected frow undesizable vibratory or stray Yang/Yir energy that: otherwise may cause titem to Iose sensitivity or decline im accuracy. To accomplist tittis, the pendulum should be wrapped im 2 pilsee of wittte or black sic. or cotter. The pendulum sould then: te kept im a private place where mo one but tie omer ies access to itt. The pendulum should not be handled ox used by anyone except the owner and Iiis or hex spouse. How to Use +! Having carefully selected your pendulum, you are now ready to try some of the expeximents cutZined im the next few pages. Agver faithfully trying eactr experiment. at least once, you will either be a devoted divining pendulum user ox at the very Ieast, someone witc will have witnessed some very thought provoking titings. Before embarking om the experiments you will require a piece of glass, pine or cardboard measuring approximately 1¢" x 12" to use ss # wonking surface wiem sitting at @ table. These nateriials act as insulatows to tlcek stwray energy emitted by the table or surface you are working om, titat: would otherwise cause false movement iin tie pendulum, Wiem working at 2 table #t fs very important te use am insulating substance for a woult area. Hold the pendulum between the thumb and index finger. You should allow approximately 3" to § 1/2" of the suspension negulator to dangle down from your fingertips to the top of the pendulum. Do not Hold the end of the suspensiom regulator too tigitly, but rather told ft tir a relaxed manner, permitting the entime assembly to dangle away from your body. Any excess length of the suspension regulstor should be rested, not wrapped, geross tie hand. 13 It fis advisable not to use tle pendulum im 2 drafty sre suet as a room with em open window, near 2 tot or cold vent, fan, heater, or where there is a Tot of physical movement. In doing this, you eam minimize the chance of the pendulum registering rapid aii movement as opposed to emerey fields, If working om any flat surface, always use am fnsulation heard and te place the object(s) om the top, center of the board. These guidelines Have beer presented to ensure that yow obtaim tie best possible results whem using # divining pendulum aud are based upom centuries old, Chinese Mystical instruction om tie use of these iinstiruments. ety Experiments With A Divining Pendulum The purpose of these experiments iis to provide you, the reader wittit Hands om experience inte the lost Clinese Mystical art of tie’ diiviniig- pendulum. Te experiments start with basic concepts.and tier take you om to more advanced applications. Muelt eam be gained iif you read over all tiie experiments prior to starting tire and periteps keeping per and notebook landy as 2 sort of diary to record your findings, comments and feelings about eack experiment as you perform it. It tis advisable that you do tie experiments ir sequence, perhaps over tite course off a few days. If you diligently try to perform am experiment and find that you are having @hffiiculty tim obtaining, success, carefully review and reread the preparatory notes from Selecting A Pendulum up te the experiment: sectiiom tm the event you may Have omitted a step. For tite experiments to follow you will need: I - Divintng Pendulum 12 - Colour Photographs of People (obtained fom your pote album or magazines) 1 + Book of Construction/Craft Paper (assorted colours) TZ - Colour Photograplis of Animals & Mise. Objects (obtained from magazines) IZ - Plaim, Unmarked Envelopes I= 18" x 22” Piece of Class, Pine or Cardboard (for insulated work mat/surfece) Pen, Peneiil, Scissors, Ruler and Notepaper or Notebook 15 Experiment: 1: Does Yang & Yi Enemgy Really Exist? You will necall that we had discussed Yang and Yin energy- We mentioned that Yang is tie male element and that Yin is the female eTement. But: how can we prove thet tis energy exists? How can tere be two different enengies for @ mar and @ woman? In thts experiment we are simply going to demonstrate these forces and low they affect. the pendulum, Fist, suspend tite pendulum about: I" over the oper palm of your free Hand, Hold itt thene for about # minute ox two- What ¢s Happening? Change hands amé do it agaim. Note the wesponses. Ig you followed my instauebions, tite pendulum probably has moved im @ cineular mottom (tie pati off Yim energy) if you ‘ame female or in @ backvand and forward mottiom (the path of Yang energy) iff you ae male. Try tiidis experiment: out om ott: male and female friends. You wilI no doubt notice vartatiions in the nesponsiveness off the pendulum with afferent: individuals. This is due to the fact thet ead individual Kas a different Yin/Yang emewgy field frequency Tevel; some higher, some Tower. Having. established the patterm of Tim and Yang energy fields, you ame now ready to go om tio tite next experiment. Experiment: 2: Cam Yang & Wir Enengy Be Puesent: Togetlier? We Had mentioned in our diiscussior about Yang and Yim energy that: the ideal situation of 2 physical state is wher botiy tiese forces ane balanced, md tienefore tm harmony with cacti other. A nommal,. healtity iumar body maintains this balance in @ rather interesting way; wiidt we sitall demonstrate tm this experiment. 16 You will recall the pattem the pendulum followed, whem you performed Experiment: I. If you Have forgotten, please review and ty Experiment: I again. Interestingly, the pattern you witnessed im Experiment: I, of course based om Wether you are male or female. However; as a balance of these energies is required, you will discover thet, you: possess tie opposite energy of your sex at verious, connective joints in your body sucit as tite elbow or knee, ‘Tay suspending: your pendulum over tiiese areas and see what Happens. You may Have to try to suspend tite pendulum over @iifferent areas of tle joint to find just tte nigit spot, but: be patient: ... itt may ttate @ Little practice. This 4s How your body balances tite energies of Yang and Yir to keep you healttiy. Likewise, iif you Happen to place tite pendulum over a veim om antery tir just the wight spot, it wHID follow tie direction of tie enegy flow ‘tinrougit the blood vessel. Try this for youself. Now stop and consider witat you have diiseovened and denonstrated thnougit these finest. two experiments. Experiment, 3: Cam Yang: & Yin Enengy Be Recorded? From tite fist two experiments, we Had discovered. that: the pendilum moves: dra cimeulan notiom wier it detects, Tim enersy, (fenaTe’element)} and moves. ims backward and, foward motiom whem dit detects Yang enexgy (male element) .. Thus far,.we have dononstrated titis whem using, the pendulum om ourselves and friends. In ‘bitis experiment we ere going, to go beyond this point and hopefully drerease your curiousity. For tiiiis experiment you witD requine various colour plotograplis of adults and clitidrem. Yow nay use family photos or obtaim your plotos from magazines, ete. Tie moze pliotos you Have the better, but please be sure you use only colour plotognaplis, not: black & witite. 17 ‘aking your pendulum, Hold itt over eactr individual im each vhete and note tite dinectiom tte pendulum moves. If yow have + pile of plotograplis, for best: results wenove tite pltoto you me working, witih from tie pile, making sure that you dom!t fave anotiier plote undemeatit it. After doing tiiis, repeat sits experiment at Ieastt twice and record your findings. Ihat: dtd you find? Wiyy do you titinir tie pendulum reacts tie tay i does wtiem using: photegraplis? . imperiment: Wz Do Colours Have A Hang & Tin Enexgy Pista? tron tite previous expeinent: you gained am insigitt into how the pendulum reacts to plictogwaphiiie images. Yang and Tim mengies are present: im all things witit one of tie eneey fonces being dominant: and the other recessive. inengy takes nany: foms butt tt car only be of either Tang oF fin, o botth, The frequency om intensity of energy withim the jumam sense of visiom is manifest im tie colours we see. Im tiidis experiment: you willl require @ piece of h"=5" coustmuctiiom paper im tie following colours: black, town, red,, orange, yellow, green; blue, violet, grey, and wiite. Use your pendulum ta find outt wiitidh aolours axe: predominantly Tim (Zenalle element) enexgy and wittict axe Yang (male element) enengy. Remember tit Yin energy will cause the pendulum to nove in # cimqular moti‘om and Yang ‘energy willl cause # backward and forward motiom. Record your observations. Does there seem to be any visible nelattonsitip between tie Yang om Yim colour groups? 1s Bxperiment: 5: Can Yang & Yim Energy Be Detected Even: If We Physically Mask It? Have a fittend select one colour card from tie Yang group of colours as revealed im the previous experiment. Have your fiend then mix it: i wit: the colour cards ir the Yim group and place each aclour card ir a separate envelope, one colour cord in eaclt envelope. Have your friend do this while your tact iis tumed, After mixing tle envelopes, place tiem across 2 table ir two or three rows, making sure that tle envelopes ame at Teast 1/2" apant: and ane not, touclting eacit other whatsoever. Now, using only your pendulum try to find tite one envelope, eontiaining tite Yang colour. This car be accomplisited, witir 2 Little practice by suspending te pendulum over eact envelope, one at a time, and noting the pattern in whielt the pendulum travels. In. our experiment, the pendulum will only go in a backward and forward motiom for one envelope im our sample group ... tHe envelope containing: the Yang colour. Do you: think: tite energy of Yim and Yang. can actually penetrate ‘thirougit other objects? Reaord, your, findings. You may witstr to create ottier variations of tits experiment or perlisps present this expemiment, as a magia tiriek. Experiient 6: Car We Prove That Yang & Min. Energy Exists Im Everytiting? Im Experinents 3 and 4, you have worked with photograplis and colours, Now gatler as many colour photographs. from books, magazines, ete. of animals, plants, landscapes, ete. and use your pendulum on these photograplis and record the responses for eacth subject. Can tite sex of am animal be determined by the pendulum? Do mountains, mivers, trees, grass possess mainly Yang or Yi ehengy ow does tis energy force vary as! it: does with tumans (male & female)? 19 ixperiment 7: When Usiing Personal Objects, Does The Pendulum Respond To The Object Itself or The Objeet's Owner? igeate om bommow various or similar personal objects from tale and female friends. Items may be combs, coins, rings, ste. Try using tie pendulum on these objects. Does the pendulum respond to the energy of the owner or of the snemgy that: the object: is made from? Perfown tits experiment x number of times witth different: personal objects and owners. Record your eonelusiions to tis questiom Experiment, ¢: Can We Use Yang & Site Enengy For Divisratiion? Tf you Have performed eaci of tite previous experiments, you should be familiar witin tite use of your pendulum and have mo doubt. nade some very interesting discoveries. Likewise, tr dnctent China, the pendulum was used by fortune-tellers and nystiics to make discoveries of = different nature. Im tits expemiment: you will have the opportunity to use the same nettiod tHe Ancient: Chinese.Fortune-tellers used to find things out. First, you will eve te trace ow photocopy the divining diagram, as #TDustnaved, and mount: your copy of it on 2 stiff piece of cardboard ow wood, so that: it will Ife completely flat. Using the divining diagram and your pendulum, you wil be able to ask questions that cam be answered witih 2 yos ox no type answer. and allow it to come to complete west: before asking # question. Ask the pendslum # yes or no type questiom tia you eluesdy lmow tite answer to; to ascertaim iif what we Have discussed is tae. You may Have to ask your questiiom as many times as possile untill you get « mesponse, However, you sttuld receive sone form of response. If tite pendulum moves in a circular notion, the answex iis No. If it: moves im a backward and fonverd notiom the answer fis Yes. Ask the pendulum at least: two dozer questions, tHat you already know the answers to, so that you nay be familter wittit this type of pendulum usage. Please do tits before asking about tings you may not: know tie answer to. 20 CHINESE DIVINING DIAGRAM FIG.. Itt may: be @ good idea to write your questions dowr before asking: them and them necord your answers until you feel confident: in, tlidis form off pendulum usage. Yow may notiice tat: te divining diagram Has eight trigrams (drawings using thmee straight/brokem lines) around it. Each turigram Has @ distinct: meaning. and may te used im pendulum divinatiom, To use tite tarignams, the pendulum user would observe tite fimst trignam the pendulum would exoss as it begins its eineular ow backward/forward motior. Them tle pendulum user would intexrpret tite turigram as the eiireumstances surrounding eiititer te positive om negative response as indicated. For # complete intexpnetatiom of tite tirigrams, tle reader fis necommended to obtaim my companiom publication to this one; "Citinese Early Heavem Forma Oracle Bead Divination" = ISBN 0-9692707-0-, retail price $4.00. THis book may be obtained from your Ioasl bookseller (be sure to give ISBN #), ow obtained directly from me, by writting to the address giver im the frontt of titiis book. Anotiter good source of interpretatiiom of tie trigrams will be any I-Citing bouk, ltowever please bear im mind that: tite I-Cting uses Hexagrams for divinatiom not: single trigrams. Experiment: 9: Cam The Pendulum Be Used In Developing Psyeitokinesiis Poyelickinesis is tite ability to influence or move objects witin tite mind, Hol@ing. tite pendulum ett complete rest, comcentrate om making, tte pendulum move im @ eireular motiom, Having aecomplisled this, try concentrating om making the pendulum nove im a backward and forward motiiom. Titis simple experiment tim psyettokinesiis ies teen used as @ daily exercise im developing psyciickinatiiie potential ... tie ability to mowe objects with only tHougiit. Reeord your observations and progress om tiis experiment. 23 Jonelusiion lr presenting tits book, it is Hoped thet the neader will create and attempt other experiments witl the divining pendulum, as well as find otlier uses for this mystical instmument. The use of tite divining pendulum iis only limited by the user's imaginatiom and vepresents 2 definite Tink to Ancient: China's mystical past. Bibliography Aero, Rita. Titings Cliinese. New York: Dolphiim Books, 1980. Ayscough, Florence. Chinese Mirror. Boston: Hougiitom ri, 1925. Bleibtreu, Jolin. The Parable of the Beast. New Yonk: Maenillam ‘Company, 1968. Boyd, Andrew. Gitinese Ancititectune and Town Plenning 1500 B.C. ~ Igtl A.D. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1962. BurkHiandt, V.R. Cltinese Creeds and Customs. 3 vols. Hong Kong,n.d. Capra, Fritjof. Tie Tac of Physics. New York: Bantam Books, L977. DeBany,. lim. Theodore, ed. Sources of Chinese Traditiom. 3 vols. New Youk: Columbits University Press, 1970. Delsol, Paula. Chinese Honoseopes. London: Pam Books, 1969. Edkins, Joseplt. CHinese Buddiiism. Londom, 1893. Reprint. New York: Paragon, 1968. Eitel, Emest. Feng Shui: or the Rudiments of Natunal Science dn Clima. Hong Kong, 1873. El¥ade, Miraea. The S#ered and the Profane. Translated by Willard R. Trask. New York: Hancourt, Brace, 1959. Eliot, Charles W. trans. Sacred Writings, Volume One: Confuctar. 3 yols, New York: P.F. Collier & Son Corp., Harvard University Glassi¢s, 1910. Feng, Yu-Ian. A Shot History of Chinese Philosophy. Translated & edited by Derek Bodde. New York: Macmillan Company, 1958. «The Spirit: of Ciinese Philosoply. Translated by E.R. Wiughes, Boston: Beacon Press, 1967. Feuaitwang, Stephan D.R. An An ological Analysis of Clidnese Geomaney. Vientiane, Laos, 1974. Gnaliam, David C. Folk Religtor in Soutiwest: China. Washingtom, D.C... Smithsoniim Institution Press, 196Z. Hal, Manly P. The Noble Eightfold Pati. Los Angeles: THe Philosophical Reseauch Society, Inc. 196i. Hawkes, David. A Little Primer of Ti Fu. New Yom University Press, 1967, Hitetiing, Francis. Bartit Magic. New Yorks William Morrow, 1977. Hughes, “B.R.. Chinese Phitosopliy_ ir Classical Times. London: J.M.. Dent & Sons Ltd. Huon dé Kermadec, Jean-Michel. The Way to Chinese Astrolo The Four Pillars of Destiny. London: Unwir Paperbacks, 1983. T ching; “on Book of changes, The. 2 yale. Traelsted by, Richard Withelm, rendered into Englisit by Cary F.. Baynes. Princeton, N.J.t Princetom University Press, 1950. Jwing-Ming, Yang. Introductiom to Ancient: Chinese Weapons. Burbank: Unique Publications, 1985. Keswick, Maggie. The Chinese Garden. New York: RizzoI#, 1978. Lau, D.C. trans. Confucius: The Analects (Lun Yi). Middlesex: Penguin Books Ltd., 1979. . trans. Meneius. Middlesex: Penguim Books: Ltd., 19702 Yaa, Theodora. The Handbovk of Chinese Horoscopes. New York: Hamper Colophor Books, 1979. 25 Oxford Lip, Evelyn. Chinese Geommey. Singapore, 1979. MacParquitar, Roderick. The Forbidden City: Chinats Ancient Capital. New York: Newsweek, 1978. MacKenaie, Donald. Myths of China and Japan. London: Gresham Publisting, 1939. Moyex, Jeffrey I. Peking as @ Sacred City. Soutir Pasadena: ‘k. Langstaff, 1976. Moris, Eleanor B. Functions and Models of Moder Bigctiemtstry 1h the T Chine. Republi of China: Cheng Chung Book Co., 1976. +f ntommatdion Puzzles and: Astronomical Predictions in the T Ching. Republi ef Ciiina: Cheng Chung Book Co., 1967. Needitam,. Joseplr. The Shorter Setence and Civilisation tn ankna. 2 vols. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1980. NSanped, Li, Old Tales of Citima. Hong Kong: The ‘Commercial Press Ltd., 1982. Reisctauer, Edwir 0. East: Asta: The Great Traditiom. Boston: Hougliton Mifflin, 960. . Reps, Paul. comp. Zen Flesit, Zen Bones. New York: Anction Books, 1930. Rossbach, Sanair. Feng Stutr The Chinese Art of Placement. New’ Youk: E.P. Dutton Ine., 1983. Sm, J-H. Anoient. China's Inventions. Hong. Kong: The Commenciial Press Ltd., 198k. Saso, Michael. Taoism and the Rite of Cosmic Renewal. pullman: Washinguor State University Press, 1972. Siickmam, Laurence. The Art and Architecture of Gina, New York: ‘The Viking Press, 1978. Soo, Chee. The Tac of’ Long Life: The Chinese Art of Ch' ang Ming: Melzinghonough AD Ghowr Welliigborough> Aquard - aoist: rang Slow. WelT: sbi = jam ——?rress, 1978. a SuIlivan, Mictael. The Arts of Citina. Los Angeles: UCLA Press, 1979. Ting, Leung, Sk#Lls of the Vagabomds. Hong Kong: Intn' ‘Wing Tum Assoc., 1983. Waley, Arthur. The Analects. New Yowk: Macmillan Co., 1938. The Book of Songs. New York: Grove Press,1978. ‘Translationa from te Chinese. New York: A.A.Knopf, T94T. + areas and Ita Power. New fork: Macnillan Co., 1958. Ward, Mare: rete. Gong Hee Fot Choy. Berkeley: Celestial Arts, 26 Watsom, Bartow. trans. Colé Mountain: 100 Poems by Han-Sttam. New York: Grove Press, 1962. Wiltelm, HelImt. Heaven, arti & Man. Seattle: University of Washingtor Press, 1978. WilTiams, ¢.A.S. Outlines of Chinese Symbolism & Art Motives. New York: Dover Publications Ine., 1976. Yang, C.K. Religion ir Chinese Society. Berkeley: UCLA Press, 1967- Zong, S.2. Ancient Citina's Saientists. Hong Kong: The ‘Commercial Press Ltd., 198. 26 CHINESE DIVINING DIAGRAM

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