Credit Policy PDF
Credit Policy PDF
Credit Policy PDF
The word ‘Policy’ can appear offputting to many people but it should merely be a way
of explaining your preferred way of doing things. The major challenge of a Credit
Policy is the practical adoption and implementation of the procedures within it.
So why even bother having a Credit Policy unless you have a Credit Management
1.1.2. This policy and its implementation will ensure that the revenue we
record translates itself into cash according to the terms of credit, which
we extend to our customers.
1.1.4. A Credit Policy is not something that is only operated by the Credit
Control Department. All staff involved with customers, in any way, need
to be aware of the Credit Policy and ensure that it is operated
consistently. Customers do not have a divine right to take credit.
Payment to our terms is an integral part of the contract the customer has
entered into.
The various roles of the credit control function within both Branches and
Accounts Receivable include:
1.2.1. Good Cash Flow – to reduce and maintain our Debtor Days
Outstanding to below the company’s stated target, which will be
constantly reviewed and updated to reflect the company’s needs and the
trading conditions we are facing.
1.2.2. Minimal Bad Debts – to reduce and maintain bad debts to within
agreed annual targets
1.2.4. A Team Approach – to ensure that all staff work together and operate
the Credit Policy at all times to achieve these objectives.
We provide a range of tools to support Credit Policies and improve the levels of
performance within your business.
The NEXUM Dashboard simply connects to your existing accounting/ ERP system
and provides accurate and timely information relating to: