Approval Sheet: Djumarirmanto, S.PD Agung Gunawan ID: 1614142001
Approval Sheet: Djumarirmanto, S.PD Agung Gunawan ID: 1614142001
Approval Sheet: Djumarirmanto, S.PD Agung Gunawan ID: 1614142001
A. Background
Every person is born with a different gene. No human being is born
with the exact same genes as other human genes. Although every human has
different genes, but basically a human gene is inherited from genes owned by
his parents. Every child born usually has a gene that is similar to the gene
owned by his parents. Each child in one family has the characteristics or
characteristics of each. These characteristics are a combination of the
characteristics or characteristics of both parents. If the face of a child
resembles one of his parents, for example like a mother, the people around
him will assume that the nature of the mother is more downgraded to the
child and vice versa.
Not only humans, other living creatures are also different from living
creatures of the same type as occurs in plants and animals. Each living
creature has its own characteristics and characteristics, but that does not mean
that the overall nature and characteristics are different. There are also
characteristics that are the same as other individuals, for example there are
those who both have dimples, have protruding forehead hair. Genetic
diversity causes no organism to be the same. For example twins are not the
same only identical because twins have several differences that distinguish
them from their twin siblings. Likewise with their nature or personality, of
course there are some differences.
To more understand about how the traits or characteristics of parents
are passed on to their offspring, this practicum is carried out. Biology is a
branch of science that studies the behavior of living things and their way of
life. There are various types of living things in the world, some are big and
some are small. Each type of living creature has its own character which they
passed on to their generation. One of the characteristics of living things is to
reproduce to produce their species or not far from its parent The inheritance
of genes from parents to offspring born is studied in a branch of Biology,
namely genetics. In the science of genetics, we can study the origin of the
genes of living things.
Genetics has been widely discussed since ancient times. Gregor
Mendel was the originator of various basic principles of genetics. At the end
of the nineteenth century, he recognized the unit of information inherited for
the formation of observable traits in organisms. Based on the inheritance
pattern pioneered by Mendel, the scientists developed superior varieties in
various plants or animals, through crossing and hybridization.
To prove the comparative figures of the genotypes and phenotypes of
Mendel's law and the genotive basis of some immortal traits in humans, an
experiment with immortality will be conducted. Where will be compared the
nature of several individuals who can distinguish one from another from
individual data, groups and classes
B. Purpose
Proving the comparison of genotypes and phenotypes from Mendel's
Law and the genotype basis of some Heredity in humans.
C. Benefit
After doing this practicum, students can find out some of the natures
that exist in themselves and some of the natures from classmates.
Genetics comes from the Latin Genos which means ethnicity or origin.
Thus genetics means the study of how heredity is inherited from posterity, and the
variations that may arise in it. According to other sources, Genetics comes from
the Greek Genno which means to give birth. Thus, genetics is the study of various
aspects concerning inheritance and variations in traits in organisms and
suborganisms (Elvita et all, 2008)
Genetics is a field of science that studies heredity and hereditary
variations. Parents give coded information to their children in the form of a
hereditary unit called a gene. Genes inherited from mother and father are our
genetic links to parents, and genes cause family similarities such as eye color or
similar spots. Genes program specific traits that arise when a person develops
from a fertilized cell to become an adult. The genetic program is written in the
language of DNA, a polymer of four different nucleotides. Information
transmitted in the form of DNA nucleotide specific sequences from each gene,
much like printed information delivered in the form of meaningful letter
sequences. Programming these traits in DNA form is one of the unifying themes
of biology (Campbell et all, 2008)
In the 20th century, geneticists extended the genetic principles by Mendel
to various organisms, and to various patterns of inheritance that were more
complicated than those described by Mendel. Fortunately, Mendel chose a
character in Ercis that had a simple genetic basis. Each character studied is
determined by a gene that contains only two types of alleles, and one allele is
more dominant than the other alleles. This condition does not always apply to
other characters, and the relationship between genotype and phenotype is for the
most part quite complicated. However, this does not diminish the importance of
Mendelian genetics, because the basic principles of segregation and free sorting
also apply to more complex patterns of inheritance (Ferial, 2013).
Inheritance of hereditary traits in the proper replication of DNA that
produces copies of genes that can be passed on from parent to child. In animals
and plants, reproductive cells called gametes are vehicles that carry gametes from
one generation to the next. During fertilization, male and female gametes combine
to pass genes from both parents to their offspring. Only organisms that reproduce
asexually produce offspring with an exact copy of themselves. In asexual
reproduction, a single individual is the sole parent and passes on copies of all
gametes to their offspring. For example, single-celled eukaryotic organisms can
reproduce asexually. Sexual reproduction produces offspring that have a unique
combination of genes inherited from both parents. In contrast to clones,
genetically distinct reproductive offspring of siblings and their parents are
variations of the same theme of family resemblance, not an exact
replica (Campbell et all, 2008)
In the inheritance of traits or crosses there is a principle that must be kept
in mind that the genes that play a role in the regulation and determination of traits
are given the symbol letters and dominant genes are expressed in capital letters.
Genes are recessive expressed in lowercase letters for example genes that
determine the nature of the short trunk, written with the letter "t". So it can be
interpreted that the tall stem is dominant to the short stem, and vice versa the short
stem is recessive to the tall stem. In humans and vertebrate animals, the union of
sperm and ovum, each of which is haploid (n) will form zygotes, zygotes grow
and develop into individuals who are diploid (2n) so that individuals who have
these traits are expressed by two letters (Tim Penyusun, 2019)
From the standpoint of classical genetics, alleles (from English alleles) are
alternative forms of genes in relation to the expression of a trait (phenotype). As
an illustration, a locus can be occupied by genes that regulate the color of red
flower petals (alleles for red flowers) and also alleles for white flower petals
(alleles for white flowers). In individuals, allele pairs determine the genotype of
the individual concerned (Elvita et all, 2008)
Based on gene loci, specific sites on chromosomes For genes for certain
characters, there are two categories: genes that are focused on the autosomal
chromosome and genes that are focused on the sex chromosomes (X and Y). In
Mendel's experiment, F1 descent is always the same as one of its parents. A
situation where heterozygous and homozygous dominant phenotypes cannot be
distinguished as they are called perfect dominance. Conversely, if no alleles are
fully dominant, so that the offspring appear mid phenotypes (intermediates), then
what happens is imperfect dominance. An example is the appearance of pink in
offspring, rather than dark red or white. Another type of dominance is
codominantness in that both affect phenotypes in a separate and indistinguishable
way, for example the MN blood group system in humans. In the classification of
this system human blood is divided into groups M, N and MN (Ferial, 2013).
Genes are the smallest unit of material inheritance. The estimated size is 4-
50m. The term gene was first introduced by W. Johansen (1909), as a substitute
for the term hereditary factors or elements proposed by Gregor Mendel. Gregor
Mendel has assumed the existence of a material which is related to a trait or
character that can be inherited. He called it the 'factor'. In 1910, Thomas Hunt
Morgan, showed that genes are located on chromosomes. Next, there was an
exciting 'race' to find the substance which is a gene. Many Nobel awards went to
researchers involved in this subject. Genes grow and regulate various types of
characters in the body both physically and psychologically. Genes as compact
particles containing genetic information units and regulating certain inheritance
meet the locus of a chromosome. Each chromosome contains many genes.
Therefore, in every chromosome, especially in chromonema there is a row of loci.
The boundary between one locus with another is not as clear as a row of boxes. At
that time DNA was discovered and was known to only be on a chromosome
(1869), but people have not realized that DNA is related to genes. Through
Oswald Avery's research on bacteria. Pneumococcus (1943), and Alfred Hershey
and Martha Chase (publication 1953) with the bacteriophage T2 virus, only then
did people know that DNA was a genetic material. Genes consist of AND which
is enveloped and bound by proteins. So chemically it can be called genetic
material that is AND (Elvita et all, 2008)
The explanation for heredity most widely embraced during the 1800s is
the hypothesis of mixing the idea that genetic material developed by both parents
mixed with blue and yellow mixed to green in this city predicts that for several
generations the population of direct mating will bring up individual populations
but our daily observations and results of breeding experiments with transverse
animals and plants prediction is this hypothesis fails to explain various inheritance
phenomena such as traits and reappears over a generation (Campbell et all, 2008).
Genotype has a pair of genes. the nature of an individual whose genotype
consists of the same genes from each type of gene is called homozygous, for
example RR, rr, TT, AABB, aabb and so on. Homozygous dominant occurs when
individuals with RR, AA, TT genotype. Whereas recessive homozygotes occur
when individuals genotically rr, aa, tt and so on. Two individuals who have the
same phenotype may have different genotypes, for example two individual plants
that have the same phenotype as round seeds, have the possibility of genotype is
BB or Bb. Gen B is dominant so that the B gene defeats or obscures the round
seeded phenotype (Tim Penyusun, 2019).
To find out the level of genetic diversity possessed by S. leprosula
population, it is necessary to have a genetic marker that can be morphological and
molecular markers of both DNA and biochemistry. Morphological markers are
based on phenotypes so that they have several shortcomings including; phenotype
of a type is much influenced by environmental conditions that are very complex
and are usually controlled by multiple genes. Besides heterozygous recessive
genes are not expressed so to find the relationship between genotypes and
phenotypes will be difficult (Hasnah, 2014).
Hereditary gingival fibromatosis (HGF) is a rare condition with reported
prevalence of one in 7,50,000. Gingival fibromatosis may be seen as an isolated
finding or in a family with multiple affected persons. When several members are
affected, this suggests an autosomal dominant mode of inheritance [2].
Occasionally, HGF may present as an autosomal recessive
disorder (Vishnoi, 2011)
A. Result of Experiment
1. Personal data
Par Characteristic of heredity
Kemungkinan Genotif Anda
t (Phenotiype)
√ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Nurlina √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Fani √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Maqfira √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Royyatul √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Khatima √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
3. Class Data
Grou 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
p DD dd EE ee
Ff BB bb WW ww MM mm PP pp LL ll GG Gg
1 0 4 1 3 3 1 2 2 1 4 0 1 1 3 2 2 0 4
2 0 6 3 3 3 3 1 5 1 5 1 1 1 5 4 2 1 5
3 0 5 3 2 4 1 5 0 1 5 0 0 0 5 3 2 1 4
4 0 6 4 2 3 3 1 5 0 6 0 3 3 3 5 1 0 6
5 0 5 2 3 5 0 2 3 0 5 0 1 1 4 5 0 0 5
6 0 6 3 3 5 1 3 3 2 4 2 2 2 4 4 2 1 5
7 0 3 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 0 3 3 0 3 0 1 2
B. Data Analysis
1. Data analysis group IV
a. There are dimples (D), there is no (d)
A. Conclusion
Based on the practicum that has been done, it can be concluded that
heredity is a mechanism of inheritance from parental to individual children
that occurs from generation to generation, each living organism has
immortal properties that are different from one another. The difference is
that there are differences in genes that are marked by the presence of
dominant and positive traits.
From the practicum that has been done, it can also be concluded
that the practice of icp biology education class has more recessive genes
compared to dominant genes, namely the percentage of recessive genes is
56.2% and the dominant genes is 43.8%. Humans have different
comparisons of genotypes and phenotypes. Basic phenotypes of some
immortal traits in humans are each governed by a pair of chromosomes
which will separate at the time of the formation of gametes so that each
gamete contains only one certain immortal factor.
B. Suggestion
1. Laborrant should provide pictures of heredity in humans so that the
apprentice does not experience confusion.
2. For assistants to always accompany the apprentice in the practicum so
the mistakes can be minimized.
3. To apprentice should master the unit work procedures that will be
practiced before entering the laboratory.
How much are the frequency value of dominant genes and recessive genes
in your class?
number of dominant genes
% dominant gene = ×100 %
total number
(0+17 +25+16+7+ 32+ 11+26+ 4)
= ×100%
(9 x 35)
= ×100 %
= 43.8 %
number of ressesive genes
% recessive gene = ×100 %
total number
( 35+18+10+19+28+3+ 24+9+ 31 )
= ×100%
( 9 x 35 )
= ×100 %
= 56.2 %
Campbell, Neil A., Jane B. Reech. 2008. Biologi: Edisi Kedelapan. Jakarta:
Elvita, Azmi et all. 2008. Genetika Dasar. Riau : Universitas Riau
Ferial, Eddyman W. 2013. Biologi Reproduksi. Jakarta: Erlangga
Hasnah, Tri Maria. 2014. Keragaman Genetik Meranti (Shorea Leprosula Miq)
Asal Kalimantan Dengan Analisis Isozim. Jurnal Penelitian
Dipterokarpa. Volume 8 Nomor 1.
Tim Penyusun. 2019. Petunjuk Praktikum Biologi Dasar. Makassar: Universitas
Negeri Makassar
Vishnoi, Shivlal L. 2011. Hereditary gingival fibromatosis: Report of four
generation pedigree. International Journal of Case Reports and Images:
Vol. 2/ 0976-3198