Prediction of Magnetizing Current Wave-Forms in A Three-Phase Power Transformer Under DC Bias
Prediction of Magnetizing Current Wave-Forms in A Three-Phase Power Transformer Under DC Bias
Prediction of Magnetizing Current Wave-Forms in A Three-Phase Power Transformer Under DC Bias
6, JUNE 2008
A procedure based on the finite element method (FEM) is presented to determine the strongly distorted wave-forms of the magne-
tizing currents having given direct current (dc) components in each phase of a three-phase power transformer. The three phase voltages
forming a symmetric sinusoidal system are assumed to be known. The relationships between the flux linkages of the three windings
and the three values of the magnetizing current are determined using FEM and assuming static conditions. Suitable techniques are
employed to establish the dependence of the dc components of the three magnetizing currents upon the three bias fluxes. The flux bias
values yielding the given dc components are hence obtained by an iterative method yielding the wave-forms of the magnetizing currents
having the prescribed dc values. The method is illustrated by a numerical example.
Index Terms—Finite element methods, geomagnetism, power transformer losses.
C. Computing the dc-Components ages, i.e., the discrete inverses of the functions
Our aim is to determine the wave-forms and , and . Since these functions are
of the magnetizing currents so that their dc components assume monotonous with and , the inverses are unique. In
given values. These time-functions depend on the time evolu- order to obtain them, it is necessary to interpolate both the
tions (4)–(6) of the flux linkages, i.e., eventually on the bias flux current and the flux linkage between the discrete values.
values , and Let us assume that the discrete current values are
, and
(7) the corresponding flux values obtained by the
(8) FEM analyses are
. The situation
is illustrated in Fig. 2 by representing the three flux linkage
Using these waveforms, the dc-components values with the aid of an arrow drawn in a coordinate system
of the magnetizing currents can be defined by the three currents.
written as functions of , and Introducing the coordinates
and , and the eight bilinear shape functions for
(10) hexahedral finite elements
with , any three flux
linkage values and can be interpolated from eight
(11) discrete values as
(12) (13)
This work was supported in part by the Austrian Research
Promotion Agency Ltd under project 809934 and in part by the
Styrian Business Promotion Agency under project 1000010708.
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The computation of the magnetizing current wave-forms in
three-phase transformers under dc bias requires the determi-
nation of the currents from the fluxes, a task not easily facili- Manuscript received June 24, 2007. Corresponding author: O. Bíró (e-mail:
tated by a FEM analysis. The interpolation technique introduced [email protected]).