QFT KleinGordon
QFT KleinGordon
QFT KleinGordon
Lecture 1: Motivations for (Relativistic) Quantum
Field Theory
We assume that there is a ”Theory of Everything”, called ToE herein, which is
suspected to include a contained description of small and large scale forces in the
universe (e.g., strong nuclear, weak nuclear, electromagnetic, and gravitational
forces). Our classical observations fall into a low energy, large scale, decoherent
approximation of this ToE. The purpose of this collection of notes is to study
(effective) relativistic quantum field theory which is the low energy, large scale
approximation of the ToE, and we are not sure how many ”steps” there are
in between the two, but the relativistic quantum field theory is the closest we
currently come to a ToE. If we lower the energy and lengthen the scale of
our study, we land in a nonrelativistic quantum field theory. A quantum field
theory is then subject to decoherence, as we exist on the classical scale, and
we begin the development of a relativistic quantum field theory with a classical
field theory. In this sense, our purpose is to undo all of the approximations
that nature forces us to take when we run experiments, take measurements,
and devleop theoretical frameworks to describe observed phenomena.
Mathematical Machinery of Relativistic QFT
For a quantum field theory to be relativistic it must be symmetric under the
Poincaré group transformations.
Let the four-vector (x0 , x1 , x2 , x3 ) be the spacetime coordinates in an inertial
reference frame. Then in any other reference frame that an observer chooses,
the following condition is satisfied.
(Note: We adopt the Einstein summation notation, and repeated indices are
summed over, such that µ, ν, ρ, and σ below are summed from 0 to 3.)
Any transformation satisfying the first equation, the relationship between the
coordinates of two reference frames, must be a linear transformation of the form,
denoted by the pair (Λ, a),
Where Λµν is the 4x4 Lorentz transformation matrix that represents rotations,
and aµ is a constant four-vector that represents spatial translations.
Also note that the Lorentz transformation must satisfy the following condition,
shown in index and matrix notation.
These transformations (Λ, a) are the elements of the Poincaré group P4 . Let’s
check the group conditions, using equation (??) for calculating the product of
two Poincaré transformations,
In index notation, the total effect of the product of two Poincaré transfomations
is written as
Quantum mechanical symmetries are representated by unitary or anti-unitary
linear operators as elements of a separable Hilbert space H such that for each
Poincaré transformation (Λ, a) ∈ P4 , there exists a unitary transformation
U (Λ, a) : H → H (9)
The identity unitary transformation, and the product of any two unitary transformations
of elements of the Poincaré group are physically indistinguishable from each
other up to a phase factor eiφ , where φ ∈ R
dV (t)
= iĤV (t). (13)
So, having a unitary representation is equivalent to solving the time-dependent
Schrödinger equation, and we require that U (Λ, a) is positive energy, such
that the spectrum of eigenvalues of Ĥ is positive spec(Ĥ) ⊂ R+ , and stable.
Otherwise, the system may be unstable and plunge to more and more negative
Why is Obtaining a Relativistic Quantum Field Theory
The reason that constructing a relativistic QFT is considered so difficult is
because there are no nontrivial, only trivial, finite-dimensional unitary representations
of the Poincaré group P4 . The only nontrivial representations of P4 are infinite-
dimensional, and are not easy to work with when constructing a unitary representation.
Consider this in contrast to the, more easily constructed, special orthogonal
group of three-dimensional rotations SO(3) with unitary representations
ˆ ˆ ˆ
U = ei(σx Jx +σy Jy +σz Jz ) . (14)
Where Jˆα are the angular momentum operators. The reason SO(3) is easier to
work with and construct a unitary representation is because SO(3) a compact
group, while P4 is a non-compact group.
Lecture 2: Introduction to Classical Field Theory
To build a relativistic QFT, we start with an effective model from a classical
field theory, and make an ”educated guess” to quantize the classical field theory.
The desired relativistic QFT has nothing to do a priori with the classical field
theory. After quantization, the ”educated guess”, we take the limits of low
energy, large scale, and decoherence, and check that we get back the classical
field theory we started with, demonstrating whether the chosen quantization is
correct or incorrect... enough, to some level of approximation.
A field is a quantity (e.g., density, spin, charge) tht is defined at every point on a
manifold M. Note that a rigorous definition of a field requires the introduction
of vector bundles, of which we will not go so far.
We work on the Minkowski spacetime manifold M = M1,3 = R1 × R3 , with
the field often taken to be two-times differentiable such that φ ∈ C 2 (M, ρ) and
defined as a function from the manifold to some target space ρ
φ:M→ρ (15)
Some target spaces ρ, their associated field type, and example applications and
models include
Figure 2: Sketch of the vector field ρ = Rn over the Minkowski space M1,1 .
Note that when our target space is the N -dimensional real vector field RN , the
vector field is described as a list N scalar fields {φa (x)}N
a=1 , where x is the
coordinate four-vector.
Dynamics of Classical Fields
We restrict this to discussion to classical dynamics generated by Lagrangians,
obtained via the variational principle applied to th action functional, where
the system of scalar fields {φa (x)}N a=1 , and a labels the particle type (e.g.,
charge). The action functional S contains a function of the Langrangian density
L = L (φa , ∂µ φa ). The Lagrangian density is actually a function of higher order
derivatives of the fields φa , but we make the assumption and approximation of
first order derivatives, based on observation
S(Ω) = d4 x L (φa , ∂µ φa ). (16)
Where d x = dx0 dx1 dx2 dx3 and Ω ⊂ M1,3 , as a measurable set, is a region in
(3 + 1)-dimensional spacetime. Typically, we consider the spacetime region as
the entire Minkowski space Ω = M1,3 .
The last term is a surface term which vanishes on the boundary, since we first
demanded that δφa = 0 vanishes on the boundary, such that ∂µ Mµ = 0 on ∂Ω.
Since S(Ω) is stationary with respect to all variations of the fields δφa and
admissable spacetime regions Ω, the integrand of the remaining term must
also vanish ∀ a = 1, 2, ... , N , and we obtain the N Euler-Lagrange equations
of motion
∂L ∂ ∂L
− + = 0. (20)
∂φa ∂xµ ∂(∂µ φa )
So, with equations of motion in hand, gotten by whatever means, they can be
encoded in the Langrangian density, and then recovered via the Euler-Lagrange
equations of motion. This allows us to discover equations of motion with
certain properties, such as being symmetric under the Poincaré transformations,
by designing Lagrangian densities, which are scalars under these symmetry
transformations, apply Euler-Lagrange ”recipe”, and get the equations of motion,
which are guaranteed to be symmetric under the chosen transformations. This
benefit of the action principle makes it easy to design equations of motion with
certain symmetries.
Hamiltonian formalism
A better way to guess/build a quantum theory, with the correct calssical limit
determined by the Langrangian density, is the Hamiltonian formalism, where
we calculate conjugate variables and impose canonical (algebraic) commutation
Suppose that φa (x) is a component field’s canonical position. Then define the
conjugate momentum density for each field to be
πa (x) = . (27)
∂ φ˙a
In order to computationally study a field, we discretize the space into a regular
lattice with spacing between each lattice site, since representing a continuous
object on a computer would require an infinite amount of data. Discretization
yields generalized coordinates, defined by the field itself, of the form qja (t) =
φa (t, xj ), j ∈ Z. For example, consider the 1 + 1-dimensional Minkowski space
Figure 3: Schematic of field discretization.
To discretize the action functional and apply the variational principle, replace
the partial derivatives ∂µ φa (t, x), since it is a continuous operation, by applying
Taylor’s theorem to approximate the spatial component of the field as a finite
difference, where should be made as small as possible such that the error
approximation is minimized
φa (t, xj + ) − φa (t, xj ) qj+1 − qja
∂x φa (t, xj ) ∼
= = . (28)
Leave the temporal component to be continuous
∂t φa (t, xj ) ∼
= q̇ja . (29)
To obtain the Lagrangian, integrate the density over space, such that only the
time dependence is left
d3 x L (φa , ∂µ φa ) = L(qja (t), q̇ja (t)) = L(t). (30)
L(t) ∼
= δxj L (φa (t, xj ), ∂µ φa (t, xj )). (31)
Simple Example
As a simple example, consider the Lagrangian density
L = (∂µ φ∂ µ φ) (33)
1 1
= (∂t φ)2 − (∂x φ)2 . (34)
2 2
(RECHECK) Integrate over space d3 x to obtain the Lagrangian, and discretize
using the rules defined above
∞ 2 !
1 X dqj (qj+1 − qj )
L(t) = − . (35)
2 j=−∞ dt
Where δxj = and pj (t) = dtj = π(t, xj )δxj .
As → 0, qj (t) → φ(t, x) and pj (t) → φ(t,˙ x)
Hamiltonian Density
For the discrete approximation, the Hamiltonian H, obtained by integrating the
Hamiltonian density H of space d3 x, is written as
H= paj q̇ja − L = δxj (πa (t, xj )φ̇a (t, xj ) − Lj ) (36)
j j
H (t, x) = πa (t, x)φ̇a (t, x) − L (φa (t, x), ∂µ φa (t, x)) (37)
The Hamiltonian density for the Klein-Gordon field is, dropping the field index
and spacetime dependencies from the expression,
1 2 1 1
H = π + (∇φ)2 + m2 φ2 (38)
2 2 2
Lecture 3: Symmetries in Classical Field Theory
Suppose that L (φa , ∂µ φa ) is the Lagrangian density for some set of fields
{φa (x)}N
a=1 . Recall that the Lagrangian density is a compact, encrypted of
writing the equations of motion of a system, and the Euler-Lagrange equations
and the principle of least action are used to unpack/decrypt the equations of
Noether’s Theorem
Every continuous symmetry of a Lagrangian implies the existence of a conserved
current j µ (x).
Where in line (14), we have kept only first order terms O(δφa ), and have used
the Taylor expansion and added zero to get to line (15). To obtain line (16),
note that the first term in line (15) is equal to zero, since φa (x) obey the Euler-
Lagrange equations.
As defined above, for an infinitesimal transformation, call δφa = Xa [φa ] and for
an infinitesimal symmetry, call δL = ∂µ F µ .
∂µ F µ = ∂µ Xa [φa ] (46)
∂(∂µ φa )
0 = ∂µ Xa [φa ] − F µ (47)
∂(∂µ φa )
Now, a conserved current implies the existence of a conserved charge. For any
measurable region in our Minkowski space V ⊂ M, define the integral of the
time-like component of the current as
QV = d3 x j 0 (x) (49)
Take V = R3 , and assume that the current vanishes at infinity, such that j → 0
on the boundary ∂V , and take the time derivative
= d3 x ∂0 j 0 (x) (50)
dt R3
=− d3 x ∂ k j k (51)
=− jds (52)
=0 (53)
Consider an active transformation of spacetime coordinates xµ → xµ − µ .
Then each field transforms as
Consider the infinitesimal element with basis vector entries [ν̂]µν = δ µν
µ = ν̂ µ = {(1, 0, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0, 0), (0, 0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 0, 1)}. (58)
Apply Noether’s theorem to each of the 4 symmetry terms ν̂ µ , yielding 16
total terms that we assign as the elements T µν of the energy-momentum or
stress-energy tensor
T µν = j µν = ∂ν φa − δ µν L . (59)
∂(∂µ φa )
Note that each of the ν th columns of the energy-momentum tensor correspond
to one of the four conserved currents and translation in each of the ν th directions
∂µ T µν = 0, ∀ ν. (60)
In a closed system, the corresponding conserved charges, from the columns
(conserved currents) of the energy-momentum tensor, are the total energy and
the momentum in each of the three spatial directions
E = d3 x T 00 (61)
pj = d3 x T 0j . (62)
Infinitesimal Lorentz Transformations
Consider the transformation xµ → Λµν xν , where Λµν = δ µν + ω µν , and ω µν
is infinitesimal. Next, recall the following property of the group of Lorentz
transformations, restricting the possible values for ω
η = ΛT ηΛ (67)
η = (δ µσ + ω µσ )(δ ντ + ω ντ )η στ (68)
µν νµ
0 =O(ω) ω +ω (69)
This is a linear equation in ω, since we have kept only up to first order terms
in ω, and tells us that ω is an antisymmetric, infinitesimal generator of Lorentz
transformations with six independent variables which define six continuous symmetries
and six conserved currents and charges.
0 −α −β −γ
α 0 −δ −
ω= (70)
β δ 0 −κ
γ κ 0
The action of this infinitesimal Lorentz transformation on the fields is
δφa = −ω µν xν ∂µ φa (75)
& δL = −ω µν xν ∂µ L = −∂µ (ω µν xν L ) (76)
& j µω = ω ρ xν ∂ρ φa + ω µν xν L . (77)
∂(∂µ φa ) ν
(CHECK how j to J ) Applying Noether’s theorem tells us that the six independent
conserved currents ∂µ (J µ )ρσ = 0, and conserved charges, are of the form
(J µ )ρσ = xρ T µσ − xσ T µρ (78)
Qjk = d3 x (xj T 0k − xk T 0j ) (79)
Q = d3 x (x0 T 0j − xj T 00 )
Call Qjk the generators of rotations, and Q0j the generators of boosts of the
Lorentz transformations.
Let f and g be maps from phase space to the real numbers
f, g : RN × RN → R. (81)
Define the Poisson bracket with the pairs of canonical coordinates (qj , pj )
X ∂f ∂g ∂f ∂g
{f, g} = − (82)
∂qj ∂pj ∂pj ∂qj
{f, H} = (83)
The field theory version of the Posson bracket is defined with the canonical
coordinate pairs (φ(x), π(x))
3 δF δG δF δG
{F, G} = d x − (84)
δφ(x) δπ(x) δπ(x) δφ(x)
{f, Qρσ } = ρσ (85)
Where the Poisson bracket of f and the conserved charges Q generate the
corresponding symmetry transformations. Conserved cahrges also obey the Lie
algebra obeyed by the Poincaré group.
Lecture 4: Field Quantization
More than one quantum field theory can have the same classical field theory
as an effective model, making field quantization not a well-posed problem.
Developing a quantum field theory is therefore built on educated guesses.
For example, consider the quantum harmonic oscillator, and take the naive
approach by basically putting hats on everything. This ends up working for
field quantization, and yields a unitary representation of the Poincaré group.
Now, transform the canonical coordinates, using the orthogonal matrix, such
that the correct commutation relation is still obeyed
q̂j = [O]jk q̂k0 (88)
p̂j = [O]jk p̂0k (89)
iδjk = [q̂j0 , p̂0k ] (90)
Using the facts that OT = O−1 and OQOT = D, the Hamiltonian becomes
n 2 n
X p̂0 j m X
Ĥ = + qˆ0 l [OT ]jl [Q]jk [OT ]km qˆ0 m (91)
2m 2
n 2 n
X p̂0 j 1 X 2 ˆ0 2
Ĥ = + ωk q k (92)
2m 2
1X 1
Ĥ = ωk (â†k âk + ) (93)
2 2
Where the annihilation and creation ladder operators that diagonalize the quantum
harmonic oscillator Hamiltonian are defined as
mωk 0 i 0
âk = (q̂k + p̂ ) (94)
2 mωk k
† mωk 0 i 0
âk = (q̂k − p̂ ) (95)
2 mωk k
Note that this is the equal time Poisson bracket, such that (x − y) is
the spatial three-vector.
Also note that this commutator is strange, as it is comprised of ”two
self-adjoint operators and something’s that not even a function”
+ 12 m2 φ2 (x)
d3 x π 2 (x) + (∇φ(x))2
• Hamiltonian: HKG = 2
→ Hamiltonian operator : ĤKG = 21 d3 x π̂ 2 (x) + (∇φ̂(x))2 + 21 m2 φ̂2 (x)
These matrices are diagonalized via the discrete Fourier transform, which is an
n × n unitary matrix, though not orthogonal and may have complex entries
1 1 1 ...
1 µ µ2 . . .
1 2 4 ..
U= √ 1 µ µ (98)
. .
.. ..
... µ
Where µ = e n is the nth roots of unity. The elements of the discrete Fourier
transform, therefore, have the form √1n e n . Compare this to the continuous
1 ixy
Fourier transform kernel function K(x, y) = 2π e .
For transformations between position and momentum space, make the guess
that the Fourier transform that will diagonalize our quantized Klein-Gordon
Hamiltonian has the form
d3 p ip·x
φ̂(x) = e φ̂p (p). (99)
Where φ̂p (p) is the momentum space wavefunction, and is not Hermitian, such
that φ̂p (p)† = φ̂p (−p). To check if the guess is correct, apply ĤKG to the
transform defined above, and observe whether it is diagonalized or not.
d3 p
âp eip·x + â†p e−ip·x
φ̂(x) = 3
p (100)
(2π) 2ωp
Z r
d p ωp
âp eip·x − â†p e−ip·x
π̂(x) = −i (101)
(2π)3 2
ωp = |p|2 + m2 (102)
d3 pd3 p0 i(p+p0 )·x −1 √
ĤKG = 3
d x e ( ωp ωp0 (âp − â†−p )(âp0 − â†−p0 ) (106)
(2π)6 4
−pp0 + m2
+ √ (âp + â†−p )(âp0 + â†−p0 )) (107)
4 ωp ωp0
d3 p
= 3
ωp (â†p âp + [âp , â†p ]) (108)
(2π) 2
d3 p
= 3
ωp (â†p âp + δpp · I) (109)
(2π) 2
Z 3
∼ d p
= ωp â†p âp (110)
Where the infinite absolute energy shift is tossed to get the last line, since we
only measure energy differences, and ĤKG is diagonalized!
Lecture 5: Scalar Quantum Field Theory
By analogy to the classical Klein-Gordon equation and Hamiltonian, a model
for the (equal time, t = 0) quantum Klein-Gordon Hamiltonian was constructed
and diagonalized, via (continuous) Fourier transform and ladder operators,
ĤKG = d3 x π̂ 2 (x) + (∇φ̂(x))2 + m2 φ̂2 (x) (111)
d3 p
ĤKG = ωp â†p âp (112)
p the zeroth, time, component of the momentum 4-vector p0 = ωp =
|p|2 + m2 depends on the spatial 3-vector p and the constant m2 .
d3 p
ĤKG = d3 x T̂ 00 = ωp â†p âp (114)
d3 p j †
p̂j = d3 x T̂ 0j = d3 x φ̇∂j φ̂ = d3 x π̂∂j φ̂p̂j = p âp âp (115)
Note that there are several choices for the ordering of π̂ and φ̂ in the expression
of p̂j matters, and here is written the one that works.
Now check that the four-vector obeys the commuation relations, using the
R d3 p j †
diagonalized momenta p̂j = (2π) 3 p âp âp
This confirms a projective unitary representation of the translation subgroup
of the Poincaré group, and now construct the explicit Hilbert space as a Fock
space, since the operators are quantized and diagonalized via ladder operators.
To construct a Fock space, begin by defining the vacuum state, highest weight
vector in the language of representation theory, |Ωi such that the annihilation
operator will completely obliterate it: âp |Ωi = 0, ∀ p, where p = (ωp , p).
The Hilbert space would then be generated via all finite linear combinations of
vectors of the form |p1 p2 . . . pn i = â†p1 â†p2 . . . â†pn |Ωi, but there is a technical
issue of the n-dimensional momentum state vectors actually being improper
vectors that are not normalizable, such that the scalar product needed to
finish the defintion of the Hilbert space will always blow up to infinity, since
hp|qi = (2π)3 δ (3) (p − q). These states are also not preparable by experiment,
since the state vector |p1 p2 . . . pn i represents n delta functions in position-
momentum space.
To create a normalizable state that can be used to define the Hilbert space,
”smear out” the momentum states by defining a smooth (L2 ) function ψ, which
must be Lorentz invariant, though the invariance it is not obvious
d3 p d3 p
|ψi = 3
ψ(p) |pi = ψ(p)â†p |Ωi . (118)
(2π) (2π)3
Now, introduce a method to normalize these improper vectors to a new set of
improper vectors that are manifestly, more obviously, Lorentz invariant, and
offer a nice parameterization to make many calculations easier.
Consider the projection operator onto a single particle state, and note that the
integrand and the integral (volume element) are both separately not invariant
d3 p
Isingle = |pi hp| . (119)
Enter a reference frame where this state is invariant by multiplying by one
d3 p
Isingle = X(p) |pi hp| . (120)
(2π)3 X(p)
Where X(p) is a mystery factor to make the integral and integrand invariant.
Claim: X(p) = (2π)3 ,
where p here must be the momentum 4-vector, since we
are using the zeroth, or time, component p0 = ωp = |p|2 + m2 .
R 3
invariant, but d4 p is, such that
R 4 observe
R 4 0that d p0µis notµ Poincaré
d p = d p , where p = Λ ν pν + aµ is a Poincaré transformation, and
Λµν is the Jacobian of the transformation, and det(Λ) = ±1, ∀ Λ unitary
Restrict to the positive upper branch, and consider the Poincaré invariant
Z Z 3
d p
d4 p δ(p20 − |p|2 − m2 )|p0 >0 = |p =ω . (121)
2p0 0 p
Therefore, to make the single particle state projection operator from above
Poncaré invariant, compare terms in the line above to the ”mystery factor”
expression, proving that X(p) = (2π)p3 .
This requires some commutation relations with the ladder operator âp in the
following lemma.
Next follows the corollary, demonstrating that the operator p̂µ is diagonalized
in this Hilbert space basis, such that the 4-momentum operator annihilates the
vacuum state: p̂µ |Ωi = 0.
Corollary: p̂µ |p1 p2 . . . pn i = ( j=1 pjµ ) |p1 p2 . . . pn i.
Lorentz Invariance in the Heisenberg Picture
So, this operator allows unitary quantum spacetime translations, in the Schrödinger
picture, via the exponentiated Hermitian operator quantity U (a) = e−iaµ p̂ .
Now, to manifest any symmetries that may have not been shown in the Schrödinger
picture, explore Lorentz invariance in the Heisenberg picture, which is also later
helpful in perturbation theory. Real space calculations, at a specific spacetime
location (e.g., (t, x)) are also much easier in the Heisenberg picture than in the
”spread-out” Fourier transformed Schrödinger picture.
[φ̂H (t, x), φ̂H (t, y)] = [π̂H (t, x), π̂H (t, y)] = 0 (127)
[φ̂H (t, x), π̂H (t, y)] = iδ (x − y). (128)
Evolve the canonical position and momentum operators in time via the (spatially
localized) Heisenberg equation of motion
dφ̂(t, x)
= i[ĤKG , φ̂(t, x)] = π̂(t, x) (129)
dπ̂(t, x)
= i[ĤKG , π̂(t, x)] = ∇2 φ̂(t, x) + m2 φ̂(t, x). (130)
Where the second equality is gotten by using integration-by-parts. Substitute
the first equality for π̂(t, x) into the second equality, and combine the second
derivatives of space and time, to show that the canonical field position operator
obeys the Klein-Gordon equation
(∂ µ ∂µ + m2 )φ̂(t, x) = 0. (131)
Lecture 6: Causality in Scalar QFT
Thus far, we have diagonalized the Klein-Gordon Hamiltonian
Z Z d3 p
ĤKG = 3 2 2 2 2
d x π̂ (x) + (∇φ̂(x)) + m φ̂ (x) = ↠âp (132)
2 (2π)3 p
And used this to construct the unitary operator that allows us to study the
dynamics of Klein-Gordon’s solution to Schrödinger’s equation in the Heisenberg
Û = e−iĤKG t . (133)
We found the spatial solutions φ̂(x), in the Schrödinger picture, for the Klein-
Gordon equation, to be the position field operators
d3 p
âp eip·x + â†p e−ip·x
φ̂(x) = 3
p (134)
(2π) 2ωp
The next step here is to check that φ̂(t, x) respects causality, such that if
two spacetime events are space-like separated, then they have no influence on
each other. Note that if the two spacetime events are time-like, there may be
[Ĥ, âp ] = −ωp âp =⇒ eiĤt âp e−iĤt = e−iωp t âp . (138)
Substituting φ̂(x) into the Heisenberg picture, and using the above commutation
relation, we have the field oeprator in the Heisenberg picture
d3 p
âp eip·x + â†p e−ip·x
φ̂(t, x) = (139)
(2π)3 2ωp
Consider the delocalized (”smeared out”) field operator φ̂(t, x) as an observable
that samples the field at a localized spacetime location x = (t, x). The question
is whether this interpretation respects causality.
Consider a (projective) measurement event at (t, x) of the quantum field φ̂(t, x).
This disturbance of the field should fly out at the speed of light along its
spacetime light cone. The fact is that measuring the field causes an instantaneous
disturbance everywhere, but relativity is safe since we can not signal, send
information, faster than the speed of light (outside of the forward light cone
of the measurement event).
The result is that no information may be transmitted via the field across a
space-like interval ((xA − xB )2 < 0).
Now, we have to agree on which quantities are observable, and a natural guess
is to study the correlation function
To study correlation functions which can be measured in the lab via experiment,
consider the following interference experiment set up with a Klein-Gordon field
with auxiliary modes of light used to perform measurements and generate results.
1. Prepare the field and auxiliary system (left and right) in the vacuum state
2. Apply the Hadamard gate (beam splitter) to the left and right auxiliary
|0if ield √ |0ilef t |1iright + |1ilef t |0iright . (142)
3. Create a particle at x or y via the unitary operator
Applied to the state in Step 2, which evolves to the state (dropping ”left”
and ”right” labels)
√ Û (y) |0if ield |0 1i + Û (x) |0if ield |1 0i (144)
4. Apply a second beam splitter to the auxiliary states to check for interference
in the final state
1 1
Û (x) + Û (y) |0if ield |0 1i + Û (x) − Û (y) |0if ield |1 0i (145)
2 2
5. Detect auxiliary states |0 1i and |1 0i.
Where the last line is gotten via the Baker-Campbell-Hausdorff relation, since
the two fields operators do not necessarily commute, and the interference between
the two measurement events is determined by whether the commutator is zero
or nonzero, which is calculated
d3 p
d3 q
[âp , â†q ]e−ip·x+iq·y + [â†p , âq ]eip·x−iq·y
[φ̂(x), φ̂(y)] =
(2π)3 3
(2π) 4ωp ωq
Z 3
d p 1
= e−ip·(x−y) − eip·(x−y) · I (152)
(2π)3 2ωp
Where the commutation relation [âp , â†q ] = (2π)3 δ (3) (p − q) · I is used, and the
quantity ∆(x − y), the correlation function, which is Lorentz invariant, must
be zero when x and y are space-like separated, such that (x − y)2 < 0.
Consider the space-like separation, (x − y)2 < 0, and enter a reference frame
where x − y = (0, x − y), and the correlation function ∆(x − y) becomes zero!
d3 p
1 1
ip·(x−y) −ip·(x−y)
∆(x − y) = e − e (154)
(2π)3 |p|2 + m2
d3 p
1 1
= 3
p eip·(x−y) − eip·(x−y) (155)
2 (2π) |p|2 + m2
∆(x − y) = 0 (156)
Figure 6: Sketch of spatial inversion of spacetime location y.
Therefore, information does not travel faster than the speed of light, and the
field operators respect causality when they are space-like separated! Note that
this does not yet prove that the entire theory is causal.
As a side note, consider the case where the two field measurements are time-
like separated, such that (x − y)2 > 0, and enter a reference frame where
x−y = (t, 0, 0, 0). In this reference frame of time-like separation, the correlation
function can not be zero
d3 p
e−iωp t − eiωp t
∆(x − y) = 3
p (157)
(2π) 2ωp
Z ∞
1 p
= 2
dE E 2 + m2 e−iEt (158)
4π m
∆(x − y) ∼ e−imt − eimt 6= 0. (159)
Return to consider the (non-physical) two-point correlation function in a space-
like interval
D(x − y) = h0| φ̂(x)φ̂(y) |0i (160)
d3 p 1 −ip·(x−y)
= e (161)
(2π)3 2ωp
d3 p
1 1
= 3
p eip·(x−y) (162)
2 (2π) |p| + m2
m 1
= K1 (m|x − y|) (163)
4π 2 |x − y|
D(x − y) ∼ e−m|x−y| 6= 0 (164)
Where K1 (x) denotes the Hankel function.
So, when x and y are space-like separated, this correlation function can not be
zero, and can therefore not carry any information, as it would have to travel
faster than the speed of light.
d4 p ie−ip·(x−y)
∆F (x − y) = (168)
(2π)4 |p|2 − m2 + i
d3 p dp0 ie−ip·(x−y)
= (169)
(2π)3 C 2π |p|2 − m2 + i
Where the integrand of the contour integral over the complex variable p0 has
two poles at ±i, and the contour is taken along the real p0 axis, and closed in
the upper or lower half-plane, depending on the value of p0 .
Figure 7: Poles of the Feynman propagator, where the contour may be taken
in the upper half-plane for t < 0, and in the lower half-plane for t > 0, where
t = x0 − y0 .
Lastly, an observation that the Feynman propagator, which is related thus far
to the two-point correlation function, is also a Green’s function (inverse of a
differential operator) for the Klein-Gordon partial differential equation
Where the left-hand side is the product of a linear differential operator, the
Klein-Gordon operator, and its inverse, the Feynman propagator, and the right-
hand side of the equation is, in essence, the identity.
Lecture 7: Representing Symmetries in QFT
Here we finish study of the quantum Klein-Gordon field by working out how
the Lorentz group is unitarily represented on the space of states on the Klein-
Gordon field. Recall that for a relativistic quantum field theory, we must have
a (projective) unitary representation of the Poincaré group U (Λ, a) on a Hilbert
space H. Thus far, we have constructed the Hilbert space, with respect to some
norm || · ||, as the space of states gotten by applying creation operators to the
vacuum state
Closure: M × M → M (173)
g×h→g·h (174)
Inverse: M→M (175)
g→g (176)
The Poincaré group is an example of a continuous Lie group, and to understand
its structure, consider elements g ∈ M infinitesimally close to the identity I,
such that g − I ∼ O(). These infinitesimal elements are elements of the tangent
space TI M, which is a linear space and is called a Lie algebra. The basis vectors
of TI M are written as xj , j = 1, 2, . . . , dim(M).
Examples of Tangent Spaces
1. 1 × 1 unitary matrices U (1) = {φ ∈ C : |φ|2 = 1}
→ T1 U (1) = {z : (1 + z)∗ (1 + z) = 1 to order , s.t. Re[z] = 0)}
2. 3 × 3 Euclidean rotation matrices O(3) = {O ∈ M3 (R) : OT O = I}
→ TI O(3) = {X : (I + X)T (I + X) = I to order , s.t. X + X T = 0}
- Note that including inversions promotes O(3) to SO(3).
- Basis of O(3) =
0 10 0 01
P3 0 0 0
j 1 −1 0 0 , J 2 =
{X = j=1 Xj J : J =
0 00 , J3 = 0 0 1 }
0 00 −1 0 0 0 −1 0
To demonstrate how a Lie algebra on the (linear) tangent space produces a Lie
group, and vice versa, consider the element of the tangent space of a manifold
X ∈ TI M, such that I + sX ∼ eX ∈ M, to order .
of the Lie group (manifold). To go the other way, and determine the Lie algebra
from the Lie group, apply the logarithm map.
Examples of Lie algebra commutators
1. U (1): trivial
2. O(3): [J j , J k ] = −jkl J l
3. Lorentz group: [J ρσ , J τ ν ] = η στ J ρν − η ρτ J σν + η ρν J στ − η σν J ρτ
0 1 0 0
1 0
0 0 −1 0
[J 01 ]µν , [J 12 ]µν =
0 0 0 1
0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0
0 0 −1
[J 01 , J 12 ] = −J 13 =
0 0
0 1
Special names for this particular Lie group elements in the Lorentz
1 j
Generators of boosts (pure boost by exponentiating, s.t. e 2 j K ):
J 0j = K j
Generators of rotations (elements of O(3) ⊂ Lorentz group):
J 12 = J 1 , J 13 = J 2 , J 23 = J 3
π : TI M → B(H) (183)
Noether’s theorem, is employed. Noether’s theorem allows conserved currents
to be derived from symmetry transformations. Information in thrown out when
integrating the currents over space d3 x to get the conserved charge, but the
time-like component is left alone, and information about the structure of the
symmetry transformation is conserved, which can be gotten back by the inverse
Noether’s theorem.
J (ρσ) = xρ T µσ − xσ T µρ (185)
The arguably more profound statement regarding conserved charges and symmetries
is the inverse Noether’s theorem.
Propose that we ”just put hats on” the conserved charges, and check that they
obey the Lie algebra of the Lorentz group. It turns out that this works for
free theories, and we have, at least, one representation of the Lie algebra of the
Lorentz group in the context of one, the Klein-Gordon, quantum field.
Q̂µν = d3 x(xµ T̂ 0ν − xν T̂ 0µ ) (188)
Consider the 0j th conserved charge, using the specialized notation, and check
that Q̂0j = K̂ j does indeed generate boosts and is time independent.
Q̂ = K̂ = d3 x (xj T̂ 00 − x0 T̂ 0j )
0j j
K̂ j = −t P̂ j + d3 x xj Hˆ (t, x) (190)
dK̂ j
= −P̂ j + i[Ĥ, d3 x xj Hˆ (t, x)] (191)
0 = P̂ j + i[Ĥ, K̂ j ] (192)
j j
[Ĥ, K̂ ] = −iP̂ . (193)
Where P̂ j is the total field momentum, and Hˆ is the Hamiltonian density, which
does not commute with the Hamiltonian Ĥ. The third line cancels the time
dependence of the two right-hand side terms. This shows that an infinitesimal
shift in time and an infinitesimal boost is equal to an infinitesimal shift in space.
Similarly for the generators of rotation, which are manifestly time independent,
it must be checked that they obey the correct Lie algebra.
Jˆjk = d3 x π̂(x)(xj ∂k − xk ∂j )φ̂(x) (194)
This now demonstrates how the Klein-Gordon field gives a full (Lie algebra)
representation of the Poincaré group, and proves that to perform a Poincaré
transformation on a state of Klein-Gordon particles, one simply applies a unitary
transformation via exponentiation of the above operators, which are the generators
of transformations.
Lecture 8: Interactions in QFT
Thus far, we have studied the Klein-Gordon quantum field, which evolves with
time in the Heisenberg picture via the Klein Hamiltonian HKG , the generator
of time translations
We have obtained a full unitary representation of the Poincaré group for the
Klein-Gordon field by constucting a space of states in terms of the field position
operator φ̂ and the field momentum operator π̂ via the generator of time translation
Ĥ, the generators of spatial translation P̂ j , and the conserved charges Q̂µν . This
is a free theory, where the dynamics of two or more spacetime events evolve
completely independently of each other with no interactions between particles
and field, and is relatively easy to solve.
Where ĤKG is quadratic in the creation operators â†p , meaning that the quantity
e−iĤKG t â†p eiĤKG t is linear in the creation operators â†p . Therefore, the particles
eveolve independently of each other in this attempted formalism, and there are
no interactions, which is unphysical for an interacting theory.
3. Local interactions
To fulfill these characteristics, we consider studying models with (classical)
Lagrangian densities of the form
1 1 X λn
L= (∂µ φ(x))(∂ µ φ(x)) − m2 φ2 (x) − φn (x) (207)
2 2 n!
It will later be shown that Lagrangian densities with n > 4 are irrelevant
to observable physics, and n = 3 leads to instabilities, and neither case is
renormalizable. Therefore, the only relevant interacting scalar quantum field
theory is the n = 4 case
1 1 λ
L= (∂µ φ(x))(∂ µ φ(x)) − m2 φ2 (x) − φ4 (x) (208)
2 2 4!
In a quantum field theory, interactions are handled in several ways
1. Perturbation theory
Expand Hamiltonian in Taylor series in terms of a small parameter
Leads to a solvable model when this parameter is set to zero
Feynman diagrams systematically handle all interactions in infinite series
2. Variational methods
Approximates the system and minimizes error parameters
Perturbation theory
Consider the ”small” addition Ĥint to the free theory Hamiltonian Ĥ0 to make
the full Hamiltonian Ĥ
Ĥ = Ĥ0 + Ĥint (209)
Technically, we demand that ||Ĥint ||∞ << 1, but it often happens that ||Ĥint ||∞ →
∞, where ||Ĥint ||∞ is the largest eigenvalue that dominates the error estimates.
Therefore, we pretend that ||Ĥint ||∞ << 1, and solve the time-dependent
Schrödinger equation
i |ψi = Ĥ |ψi (210)
Interaction picture
Enter a new reference frame, the interaction picture, or the Heisenberg
picture, where all states and operators from the Schrödinger picture, denoted
by subscript ”S”, are transformed via
The time evolution on the interaction space of states is then
d d
i |ψI (t)i = i eiĤ0 t |ψS (t)i (213)
dt dt
= −Ĥ0 eiĤ0 t |ψS (t)i + ieiĤ0 t |ψS (t)i (214)
= −Ĥ0 eiĤ0 t |ψS (t)i + ieiĤ0 t (−iĤ |ψS (t)i) (215)
iĤ0 t iĤ0 t
= (−Ĥ0 e +e (Ĥ0 + Ĥint )) |ψS (t)i (216)
eiĤ0 t + eiĤ0 t (Ĥ0 + Ĥint )) · e−iĤ0 t eiĤ0 t · |ψS (t)i
= (0 (217)
i |ψI (t)i = (Ĥint )I (t) |ψI (t)i (218)
Note: From here we drop the subscript ”I” on the interaction Hamiltonian
(Ĥint )I (t) → Ĥint (t). (219)
The interacting time-dependent solution is
|ψI (t)i = Û (t, t0 ) |ψI (t0 )i . (220)
Where the operator Û (t, t0 ) is the propagator, and satisfies the equation
i Û (t, t0 ) = Ĥint (t) Û (t, t0 ) (221)
Integrating this equation with respect to t yields a constraint on the propagator
Z t
Û (t, t0 ) = I − i dt0 Ĥint (t0 )Û (t0 , t0 ) (222)
One way to solve for Û (t, t0 ) is to guess a solution and check if both sides of the
constraint equation are equal.
By the triangle inequality and the product inequality, the norm of the nth term
has an upper bound
(t − t0 )n
|| . . . ||∞ ≤ (||Ĥint ||∗∞ )n . (224)
And, since Ĥint (t) is just unitarily rotated from Ĥint
||Ĥint ||∗∞ = sup ||Ĥint (t0 )||∞ = (||Ĥint ||∞ )S . (225)
t0 ∈[t,t0 ]
Observables in QFT
An important observable in QFT is scattering cross sections in scattering experiments.
Namely, the S-matrix is determined by Green’s functions (n-point correlation
G(n) (x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ) = hΩ| T [φ̂1H φ̂2H . . . φ̂nH ] |Ωi (226)
Where |Ωi is the vacuum state of the Hamiltonian, and the subscript ”H”
denotes the Heisenberg picture, such that φ̂jH = φ̂(xj ) = φ̂(tj , xj ).
h0| T [φ̂1I φ̂2I . . . φ̂nI Ŝ] |0i
G(n) (x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ) = (227)
h0| Ŝ |0i
Where hφ| Ŝ |ψi = limt± →±∞ hφ| Û (t+ , t− ) |ψi, and Ĥ0 |0i = 0.
Assume that t1 > t2 > · · · > tn .
Then the right-hand side of the numerator reads
h0| Û (∞, t1 )φ̂1I Û (t1 , t2 )φ̂2I . . . φ̂nI Û (tn , −∞) |0i (228)
= h0| Û (∞, t1 )φ̂1H φ̂2H . . . φ̂nH Û (t0 , −∞) |0i (229)
Where the nonvanishing terms are written in the eigenbasis
P of RĤ.
Quantum fields have a continuous spectra, such that n>0 ∼ dE.
Invoke the Riemann-Lebesgue Lemma (limk→∞ ψ̂(k) = limk→∞ ψ(x)eikx dx =
Lecture 9: Interactions and Feynman Diagrams
The story so far
• Built a free (non-interacting) relativistic quantum field theory, namely,
the Klein-Gordon field, with Hamiltonian ĤKG .
• Added (Lorentz invaraint) interactions via the Hamiltonian
Ĥint = d3 x φ̂4 (x), λ >> 1 (234)
• Used perturbation theory to solve the Hamiltonian Ĥ = ĤKG + Ĥint .
• Studied observable quantities via the n-point correlation function
• Claimed and ”proved” that the n-point correlation function can be calculated
in terms of the ground state expectation values of the field operators, and
the scattering S-matrix .
d3 p
φ̂I (x) = φ̂(x) = p (âp e−ip·x + â†p eip·x ) = φ̂+ (x) + φ̂− (x) (237)
Where p = (ωp , p), with ωp = p2 + m2 , such that p · x = p0 x0 − p · x, and the
newly defined operators annihilate the ground state, such that
For example, consider the time-ordering of the two particle case (note the
notation change for the four-vector in this section x → x)
Then the ground state expectation value of two interacting field operators is
simply the Feynman propagator
φ̂(x)φ̂(y) = ∆F (x − y) · I (242)
A more involved example of the time-ordering of four field operators, where
the only nonzero terms at the end of acting on states will be the ”double
contractions”, since
T [φ̂(x1 )φ̂(x2 )φ̂(x3 )φ̂(x4 )] = N [φ̂1 φ̂2 φ̂3 φ̂4 + ”all possible contractions”]
= N [φ̂1 φ̂2 φ̂3 φ̂4 + φ̂1 φ̂2 φ̂3 φ̂4 + φ̂1 φ̂2 φ̂3 φ̂4
+ φ̂1 φ̂2 φ̂3 φ̂4 + +φ̂1 φ̂2 φ̂3 φ̂4 + φ̂1 φ̂2 φ̂3 φ̂4 + φ̂1 φ̂2 φ̂3 φ̂4
+ φ̂1 φ̂2 φ̂3 φ̂4 + φ̂1 φ̂2 φ̂3 φ̂4 + φ̂1 φ̂2 φ̂3 φ̂4 ]
The ground state matrix elements of T [φ̂1 φ̂2 φ̂3 φ̂4 ] is then
( ( (
h0| T [φ̂1 φ̂2 φ̂3 φ̂4 ] |0i = (
N( 1 φ̂2 φ̂3 φ̂4 ] |0i +
[φ̂( ( ( h0|
N[φ̂1 φ̂2 φ̂3 φ̂4 ] |0i +
+ ∆F (x1 − x2 )∆F (x3 − x4 ) + ∆F (x1 − x3 )∆F (x2 − x4 )
+ ∆F (x1 − x4 )∆F (x2 − x3 )
Where these are the values of the associated Feynman diagrams, which we write
down in a ”reverse” way, extracting the diagram from the calculated value.
Later, we will extract the values from the diagrams.
Figure 10: Feynamn diagrams representing the nonzero values in the four
particle example above.
Induct on n, with the base case n = 2 confirmed to be true, and check that the
n − 1 case implies the full n case.
Assume, without loss of generality, that everything is time-ordered, such that
x01 > x02 > · · · > x0n .
Then the left-hand side of Wick’s theorem becomes
Use the inductive hypothesis for n − 1 case on this equation
− all possible contractions
φ̂1 φ̂2 . . . φ̂n = (φ̂+
1 + φ̂ 1 )N [φ̂ 2 . . . φ̂ n + ]
excluding φ̂1 .
all possible contractions
= φ̂+
1 N [φ̂2 . . . φ̂n + ]
excluding φ̂1 .
− − all possible contractions
+ N [φ̂1 φ̂2 . . . φ̂n + φ̂1 ].
excluding φ̂1 .
Since φ̂−
1 is already normal-ordered.
Focus on the first part of the first term of φ̂1 φ̂2 . . . φ̂n above
φ̂+ + +
1 N [φ̂2 . . . φ̂n ] = N [φ̂2 . . . φ̂n ]φ̂1 + [φ̂1 , N [φ̂2 . . . φ̂n ]]
= N [φ̂+
1 φ̂2 . . . φ̂n ]
+ N [[φ̂+ + +
1 , φ̂2 ]φ̂3 . . . φ̂n + φ̂2 [φ̂1 , φ̂3 ]φ̂4 . . . φ̂n + · · · + φ̂2 φ̂3 . . . φ̂n−1 [φ̂1 , φ̂n ]]
φ̂+ + + + +
1 N [φ̂2 . . . φ̂n ] = N [φ̂1 φ̂2 . . . φ̂n + φ̂1 φ̂2 φ̂3 . . . φ̂n + φ̂1 φ̂2 φ̂3 . . . φ̂n + · · · + φ̂1 φ̂2 φ̂3 . . . φ̂n ].
Lecture 10: Feynman Rules for ϕ4 Theory
In perturbative, interacting field theories, we must calculate the n-point correlation
h0| T [φ̂1 . . . φ̂n S] |0i
G(n) (x1 , . . . , xn ) = (248)
h0| S |0i
Where the scattering matrix elements and the interacting Hamiltonian are
0 0
hφ| S |ψi = lim hφ| T [e−i −t ĤI (t )dt ] |ψi (249)
ĤI (t) = d3 x φ̂4 (x) (250)
The numerator and denominator of the correlation function must be expanded
perturbatively in the small parameter λ.
a0 + λa1 + λ2 a2 + . . .
G(n) = , where aj , bj ∈ C (251)
b0 + λb1 + λ2 b2 + . . .
1 b1 b2
= (a0 + λa1 + . . . )(1 − λ + λ2 + . . . ) (252)
b0 b0 b0
1 b1
=O(λ) (a0 + λa1 )(1 − λ ) (253)
b0 b0
a0 a1 b1 a0
G(n) = + λ( − 2 ) to order λ (254)
b0 b0 b0
This gives the intermediate task of calculating the coefficients of the perturbative
expansion: a0 , a1 , b0 , and b1 .
Expand the exponentials, keeping to order λ, and insert into numerator. The
numerator is then
0 0
h0| T [φ̂(x)φ̂(y)S] |0i = h0| T [φ̂(x)φ̂(y)e−i −t ĤI (t )dt ] |0i (256)
= h0| T [φ̂(x)φ̂(y) I − d4 z φ̂4 (z) ] |0i (257)
= h0| T [φ̂(x)φ̂(y)] |0i − d4 z h0| T [φ̂(x)φ̂(y)φ̂4 (z)] |0i
h0| T [φ̂(x)φ̂(y)S] |0i = ∆F (x − y) − d4 z h0| N [φ̂(x)φ̂(y)φ̂4 (z) + all contractions] |0i
The last line is gotten by applying Wick’s theorem, and recall that any terms
with uncontracted operators will evaluate to zero in the vacuum expectation
value (e.g., h0| N [. . . ] |0i), and only the fully contracted terms will contribute,
Now, ”all good physics and math ends in linear algebra, combinatorics, or both”,
and we use combinatorics to calculate how many fully contracted terms we
expect to see in the expansion.
• There are (2n−1)!! full contractions per expansion, where n is the number
of unique particles. In this case, n = 3 for x, y, and z spacetime coordinates.
• There are 2 unique contraction types out of the (2 · 3 − 1)!! = 15 full
∆F (x − y)∆2F (z − z)
∆F (x − z)∆F (y − z)∆F (z − z)
• There are 3 contractions of the first type
Connect x → y in 1 way and z → z twice, each in only 1 way.
• There are 12 contractions of the second type
Connect x → z in 4 ways, followed by y → z in 3 ways, and 4 · 3 = 12.
Return to the numerator of the correlation function, and pretending that ∆F (z−
z) is finite, for now,
= ∆F (x − y) + 3 · − d4 z ∆F (x − y)∆2F (z − z)
+ 12 · − d4 z ∆F (x − z)∆F (y − z)∆F (z − z)
Figure 11: Feynman diagram representation of the above integral values for the
ϕ4 interacting theory.
Similarly calculate the denominator of the two-point correlation function to
obtain the following
Figure 12: Feynman diagram calculation for the two-point correlation function
for the ϕ4 theory. Note that this ”miraculous” cancellation of divergent terms
(the ”self-interacting figure-eight”) actually follows from a more general result.
The arguments of the correlation function are the external vertices, and the
spacetime coordinates of the interacting Hamiltonian are the internal vertices.
To calculate the value of a diagram, associate a factor, the Feynman propagator,
∆F (x−y) to each
R edge connecting external vertices (e.g., x and y), and associate
the factor −iλ d4 z (dividing by the symmetry factor 4!) to each internal vertex
(e.g., z).
For example,
Figure 13: Example Feynman diagram and associated values with 4 external
vertices and 4 internal vertices.
In summary, to calculate G(2) (x, y) to arbitrary order, sum over all possible
diagrams with 2 external vertices, subject to the (canonical) Feynman rules for
ϕ4 theory.
Note the abscence of the inverse 4! factor in rule number 2, as it is added based
on observation, and not considered a component on the canonical rules.
Higher order terms in the expansion of the two-point correlation function become
successively more complicated and often redundant. For example, The self-
interacting ”figure-eight” diagram of an internal vertex can occur in 4! · 8 = 192
ways. The redundancy is encoded in the symmetry factor (see rule 4 above)
of the diagram. Typically, in practice and computation, distinct diagrams are
written down and overcounting is determined via the symmetry factor.
Lecture 11: Feynman Rules and Vacuum Bubbles
The Feynman rules demonstrated in the last lecture are specifically for the ϕ4
theory of interacting quantum fields in position space, and allow the calculation
of n-point correlation (Green’s) functions, which are not directly observable,
but related to scattering amplitudes which are directly observable. We did not
rigorously prove, but demonstrated (with n = 2) the feasibility of and accepted
as ”definition”, that the n-point correlation function is equal to the sum of all
possible diagrams with n external vertices, subject to the Feynman rules in
position space. Keep note that we did not consider n > 2 or λ > 1 in the
following equality.
A ubiquitous issue and deep concern in quantum field theory is the appearance
infinities in calculations. Nature seems to suggest that there are no infinities,
unless one asks the wrong question. (Are there actually any physical quantities
that can be proven to be infinite by experiment, such as the energy levels of the
hydrogen atom or the results of continuous scattering theory?) Many infinities
that appear due to the application of the Feynman rules will be trivially dispelled
(cf., in quantum mechanics when an infinite ground state energy is calculated,
simply apply a shift to make it finite). Vacuum bubbles are diagrams with no
external vertices (e.g., self interactions) that evaluate to infinity, but will cancel
in calculating the n-point correlation function G(n) (x1 , . . . , xn ), as we saw in
the n = 2 case in the last lecture.
d4 p ie−ip·(x−y)
∆F (x, y) = (263)
(2π)4 p2 − m2 + i
4. Impose momentum conservation at each vertex.
5. Integrate over undetermined momenta.
6. Divide by symmetry factor.
Figure 16: Typical diagram for n = 2 case.
For the n = 2 diagram example above, we have the product of the connected
piece with disconnected types D1 , D3 , and D2 , respectively, with nj = 1 for
each diagram type j. Therefore the value of the diagram is
Figure 18: Typical diagram for n = 2 case with disconnected pieces labelled by
This allows us to write down a more closed form for the series expansion for
G(2) (x, y), and ditch the ”all possible diagrams” bit. The numerator of G(2) (x, y)
is then
X X Y 1 nj
Numerator(G(2) (x, y)) = vconnected · v (266)
n ! j
j=1 j
connected {nj }
X XY 1 nj
= vconn. v (267)
n ! j
j=1 j
{nj }
∞ X
X Y 1 nj
= vconn. v (268)
conn. j=1
nj ! j
{nj }
X P∞
Numerator(G(2) (x, y)) = vconn. · e j=1 vj (269)
This cancels exactly with the same term in the numerator, pulled out of the
sum over connected parts. Therefore, the 2-point correlation function, which
generalizes to n > 2, is equal to the sum of all connected components subject
to the Feynman rules.
(2) sum over all connected diagrams
G (x, y) = (271)
subject to Feynman rules
Figure 19: The sum over all connected diagrams subject to the Feynman rules.
Cutoffs in QFT
Consider the Klein-Gordon Hamiltonian
ĤKG = d3 x π̂ 2 (x) + (∇φ̂(x))2 + m2 φ̂2 (x) (272)
This assumes an infinitie number of degrees of freedom, one per each point
in spacetime x ∈ M4 . Now, for example, our theory and understanding of
spacetime breaks down below the Planck scale. We can either continue to
work in ignorance, or remember that we are dealing in effective theories that,
hopefully, represent something more fundamental. For example, the Navier-
Stokes equation is an effective theory for quantum chromodynamics (QCD). An
effective theory is a description which explains all observations up to a given
scale s, often expressed in inverse length, and may break down beyond the given
the field operators and their derivatives
ĤΛ = P(φ̂, ∇φ̂, ∇2 φ̂, . . . , π̂, ∇π̂, ∇2 π̂, . . . ) (274)
Only a finite number of the coefficients are nonzero and have an effect on
observations beyond the scale Λ. By effect, the value of the term in the sum over
field operator polynomials is not suppressed by inverse powers of Λ. Such terms
that are not suppressed and have an effect on observations are called relevant
terms. Any cutoff that is imposed must differ only by relevant terms.
The simplest cutoff to impose on the momentum states of the free Klein-Gordon
Hamiltonian is
d3 p d3 p
ĤKG = ωp âp âp → Ĥ KG + ĤΛ = ω ↠â
3 p p p
(2π)3 |p|<Λ (2π)
The new Hamiltonian for the quantum Klein-Gordon field with ϕ4 interactions,
and an imposed cutoff at scale Λ is then written as
Lecture 12: The S-matrix in ϕ4 Theory
Recall that some diagrams evaluate to infinity in the calculation of the time-
ordered n-point correlation function
G(n) (x1 , . . . , x n ) = hΩ| T [φ̂(x1 ) . . . φ̂(xn )] |Ωi = sumwith
over all connected diagrams
n external points/legs
Example: n = 4 Diagrams
For example, the n = 4 case sums over diagrams like the following
Diagrams with one loop (first order ) evaluate to infinity, but are easily eschewed.
Two vertex diagrams (last one in figure above) is a much more difficult infinity
to tame, and causes divergences, typically of the form, in momentum space,
d4 p
I= (282)
(2π)4 p2 − m2 + i
d4 p
I → I(Λ) = 4 2 2
. (283)
|p|<Λ (2π) p − m + i
Scattering Theory
Scattering theory is an effective theory for large time limits |t| >> constant.
The probability of a scattering event occuring, the scattering amplitude, in the
case of well-collimated beams with incoming momenta kA and kB , and outgoing
momenta pj , j = 1, . . . , n, is related to the quantity
For the free, non-interacting, theory, we have the equation for incoming momenta
related to the free vacuum state, denoted by | i0 ,
And compare this to the result related to the Riemann-Lebesgue lemma
|Ωiint = lim e−iĤt |0i0 . (290)
An argument for the plausibility for the second equality of |Ωiint , where Ĥ =
ĤKG + Ĥint , ĤKG |0i0 = 0, and Ĥ |Ωiint = 0, is as follows. Suppose that the
Hamiltonian is parameterized by s ∈ [0, 1], such that Ĥ(s) = ĤKG + sĤint ,
and that the free Hamiltonian ĤKG has a spectral gap of ∆(s) = m. When
s = 0, we have the free, Klein-Gordon Hamiltonian, and when s = 1, we have
the interacting, ϕ4 Hamiltonian. Then it’s plausible that the spectral gap in
the spectrum of eigenvalues of Ĥ(s) will always be nonzero for at least just one
eigenvalue, and the spectrum is adiabatically connected (can’t instantaneously
go from massful to massless, but interactions can be turned on/off gradually).
Figure 22: Schematic of the spectral gap for the parameterized Hamiltonian.
For the proportionality factor of |kA kB iint to be true for small interactions,
which is far more radical, it is required that there are nonzero spectral gaps,
for some s > 0, at each momentum eigenstate of momenta kA and kB , and
there are no other nearby eigenvalues that may be mistaken for the incoming
momenta. In practice, these incoming particles can create bound states, for
example, and make this distinction difficult. If all of this is justifiable, and
we accept the proportionality |kA kB iint ∝ limt→∞ e−iĤt |kA kB i0 , then we can
create equalities and proportionalities, although difficult, to quantities that we
can actually calculate
Ĥint (t0 )dt0
lim 0 hp1 . . . pn | e−ihatH·2t |kA kB i0 ∝ lim 0 hp1 . . . pn | T [e−i −t ] |kA kB i0
t→∞ t→∞
This is exactly the same as the argument for the Dyson series expansion for G(n)
with the vacuum states, and, just as in that case, the proportionality difficulty
can be eliminated, and we have the following (not yet justified) equality
Rt 0 0
hp1 . . . pn | iT̂ |kA kB i = lim 0 hp1 . . . pn | T [e−i −t Ĥint (t )dt ] |kA kB i0 connected,
The condition of ”connected, amputated” is analogous to ”connected” as in the
G(n) case.
We can begin to justify this equality through some calculations. Consider the
O(1) term, corresponding to the identity operator in S = I + iT̂, for the 2 → 2
scattering process.
out hp1 p2 |kA kB iin =O(1) 0 hp1 p2 |kA kB i0 (293)
= 2ωp1 ωp2 · 2ωkA ωkB h0| âp1 âp2 â†kA â†kB |0i
= 2ωA · 2ωB (2π) (δ(p1 − kA )δ(p2 − kB ) + δ(p1 − kB )δ(p2 − kA ))
The next term to O(λ), applying Wick’s theorem, and retaining all contractions,
since we are not just working with the vacuum state anymore,
hp1 p2 | iT̂ |kA kB i =O(λ) 0 hp1 p2 | T [ d4 x φ̂4I (x)] |kA kB i0 (296)
= 0 hp1 p2 | N [ d4 x φ̂4I (x) + contractions
] |kA kB i0 (297)
To see what kinds of terms that survive to order λ, consider the interacting
creation field operator interacting with the free four-momentum eigenstate
d3 k
φ̂†I (x) |pi0 = √ e−ik·x âk |pi (298)
(2π)3 2ωk
d3 k
e−ik·x âk · 2ωp â†p |0i
= 3
√ (299)
(2π) 2ωk
d3 k
1 −ik·x 3 (3)
= √ e · (2π) δ (k − p) 2ωp |0i (300)
(2π)3 2ωk
φ̂†I (x) |pi0 = e−ip·x |0i . (301)
To deal with momentum eigenstates, such as |kA kB i, include them in extended
contractions by defining
Now, we can prove (Exercise) an extended version of Wick’s theorem, where the
time-ordered product of field operators in the presence of incoming and outgoing
momentum eigenstates is equal to the sum over all possible contractions, including
contractions of the field operators with the states as well.
0 hp1 . . . pn | T [field operators] |k1 . . . kn i0 =
all possible full contractions
including momentum eigenstates
Lecture 13: Feynman Diagram Expansions in ϕ4
In overview, thus far we have take a progression of reasonable, small steps to
building a relativistic quantum field theory. We established Lorentz invariance
as a symmetry of the theory, which may not quite be a fundamental symmetry
of nature, but has not been violated by any experiments to date. Next, we
established a unitary representation of the Poincaré group (difficult since the
Poincaré group is not compact, unlike rotation groups), where space and time
can transform into other via Lorentz boosts, meaning that energy and momentum
can also exchange roles under Poincaré symmetries. This also causes difficulties
in writing down quantum mechanical Hamiltonians that behave appropriately,
but, fortunately, we can invoke locality in the theory, which is also seemingly
fundamental to nature. Motivated by classical examples, such as the Klein-
Gordon equation, a free theory, we write the relativistic quantum field theory,
namely the quantum Klein-Gordon field, by ”just putting hats” on the operators,
and it worked.
• The Dyson series, a Taylor expansion of the interacting theory time evolution
operator can not be expected to converge
Rt 0 0
e−iĤϕ4 t = e−iĤKG t − i 0 dt0 e−iĤKG t ĤI eiĤKG t + . . . .
We are often punished by infinities, where we would prefer finite numbers. Some
infinities are trivially removable with no operational consequence, such as the
ground state energy shift in the Klein-Gordon theory, such that E0 → E0 + ∞
. Other infinities can be factored away by rescaling observables, such as in the
case of vacuum bubbles (e.g., ∞ = 1). Yet other infinities just don’t go away,
such as in the diagram of two internal vertices.
Perhaps the choice of interaction terms is the cause of all of these infinities, and
we can impose a cutoff to the theory that will eliminate some infinities. For
example, in the ϕ4 theory
Ĥϕ4 → Ĥϕ4 (Λ) (306)
Where Λ is a cutoff up to some family of models/theories, and the norm of the
cutoff Hamiltonian is proportional to the cutoff, which may be large, but not
infinity, such that ||Ĥϕ4 (Λ)|| ∝ Λ.
For example, consider the quantum harmonic oscillator cutoff, where ||Ĥ(N )|| =
∞ N
X 1 X 1 X 1
Ĥ = (n+ ) |ni hn| → Ĥ(N ) = (n+ ) |ni hn|+ (N + ) |ni hn| (307)
2 n=0
2 2
The major concern with imposing cutoffs is whether observables depend on the
cutoff or not. To eschew this issue, we allow unobservable parameters, coupling
constants, to shift and absorb all the cutoff dependence.
This practice is called renormalization, and it works. We make the hypothesis
that the Hamiltonian depends on some number of parameters, called coupling
constants, such that Ĥ = Ĥ(z1 , . . . , zn ). The mapping from the coupling
constants to observables is not expected to be, and is usually not, bijective.
For example, Z
Ĥϕ4 (λ, m) = d3 x ∇2 φ̂ + m2 φ̂2 + φ̂4 (308)
This Hamiltonian corresponds to a list of observables Oj (z1 , . . . , zn ), j = 1, 2, . . . ,
with complicated (nonlinear) dependencies with the coupling constants, which
usuaslly exist on a smooth manifold before mapping to observables.
Add the cutoff dependence to the observables, such that
If ”lucky”, each of the coupling constants can absorb all of the Λ-dependence,
and none of the observables will depend directly on the cutoff
If the above is true, then the theory is renormalizable, and is now defined by
a highly overdetermined set of equations, such that there are a finite number
of parameters zi and an infinite list of equations (observables) Oj to solve.
Renormalizable theories effectively have no cutoff, since the remaining infinities
are eliminated by changing the order of limits.
1. Take the limit as the cutoff tends to infinity, Λ → ∞, then compute
observable quantities.
2. Vice versa.
Apply (generalized) Wick’s theorem to calculate the contractions, and sum over
three types of terms (to order λ) encountered. Note that φ̂I (x) = φ̂ in the
following. Wick’s theorem applied to T [φ̂4 (x)] yields a sum over the normal
ordering of all of the following contractions, such that
d4 x 0 hp1 p2 | φ̂φ̂φ̂φ̂ |qA qB i0 = (313)
Figure 24: Diagrammatic contributions of fully contracted terms: a product of
fully connected diagrams, from four copies of the field operator (figure eight),
and delta functions imposing a sort of momentum conservation.
The full contraction is just a C number, making the integral over the inner
product of momentum eigenstates.
−iλ −iλ
d4 x 0 hp1 p2 | φ̂φ̂ N [φ̂φ̂] |qA qB i0 = d4 x ( (1) + (2) + (3) ) (314)
4! 4!
The partial contractions have three more types of normal orderings, as labelled
above: (1) + (2) + (3)
1. Right: φ̂φ̂ 0 hp1 p2 | φ̂φ̂ |qA qB i0 + all other contractions to the right.
2. Left: φ̂φ̂ 0 hp1 p2 | φ̂φ̂ |qA qB i0 + all other contractions to the left.
3. Both: φ̂φ̂ 0 hp1 p2 | φ̂φ̂ |qA qB i0 + all other contractions one left and one
Figure 25: Diagrammatic contributions of partially contracted terms.
Note that the contraction of the interacting field operators and the momentum
eigenstates, as in the three cases above, contribute incoming/outgoing momenta,
a vertex, and three external legs.
Type 3, uncontracted:
−iλ −iλ
d4 x 0 hp1 p2 | N [φ̂φ̂φ̂φ̂] |qA qB i0 = · 4! · d4 xe−i(qA +qB −p1 −p2 )·x
4! 4!
= −iλ(2π)4 δ (4) (qA + qB − p1 − p2 )
= Diagram below.
Figure 27: Uncontracted term contributes diagram that enforces momentum
Adding all of the terms together in the full expansion of the interacting component
of the S-matrix, namely 0 hp1 p2 | iT̂ |qA qB i0 , we get a series lke the following
These are the three types of diagrams, with respect to connectedness, that are
always encountered: fully connected, partially connected, and vacuum bubble
times cully connected.
Figure 29: Three types of connectedness encountered in diagrammatic
expansions of the interacting component of the S-matrix.
Figure 30: An example of a fully connected diagram that results in infinity.
Figure 31: Single cuts made from the body of the diagram are called external
leg corrections, and ”amputate” off infinities.
Amputation can not remove all infinities, since it is defined via the external leg
corrections. Self-interactions on internal legs are not removable via amputation.
Figure 32: An example of an amputation process where not all infinities can be
removed, since it is not on an external leg.
And the final statement of the Feynman rule for the ϕ4 interaction theory reads
sum of all connected and
X amputated Feynamn diagrams
iM(2π)4 δ (4) (qA + qB − pf ) = (316)
with incoming momenta qA , qB
and outgoing momenta pf