Century Gothic 12, Double-Spaced, With One Inch Margin On All Sides

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1. Answers should not exceed 300 words for each item.

2. Key words of your answer must be in red italics.
3. The text should be in Century Gothic 12, double-spaced, with one inch margin on all
4. Pages must be numbered.
5. File must be saved in PDF using the format:
6. Submit your essay together with the grammarly or plagscan result as attachment
before dropping in the submission bin.
7. References should be in APA format.
8. Essay must be submitted on or before October 8, 2020.


Read and carefully understand each question below. Answer each question substantially.
Refer to the attached rubric for the scoring.

1. Are there any laws formulated by the government that would ensure the protection of
human rights in the face of technological and ethical dilemmas? Cite one specific law and
explain briefly. (10 pts)

Click or tap here to enter text.

There is a law in the Philippines called R. A. No. 10175 or also called as “Cybercrime prevention
act of 2012”. This specific law protects us from cybercrime such as

2. Elaborate on the impacts of the internet to the following sectors of society during the
enhanced community quarantine. (20 points)

a. Business and Economy

b. Health

c. Government and Politics

d. Family

e. Education

Click or tap here to enter text.

3. How does climate change affect biodiversity? Discuss two specific impacts of changing
global climate on biodiversity. (20 points)

Click or tap here to enter text.

4. Can the benefits of genetic modification outweigh its risks? Why or why not? Provide at
least two justifications to support your answer. (20 points)

Click or tap here to enter text.

5. If a consumer product contains nanoparticles or is manufactured/packaged through

nanotechnology, are you going to buy it? Justify your answer. (10 points)

Click or tap here to enter text.

Scoring Rubric (20 points)

Distribution of points

1. Content 10 7 4

Addresses each Question was The question and
question and all its parts addressed but the its parts were not
thoroughly; answer does not addressed. No or
incorporates relevant totally suffice the very little relevant
course content into information course content is
responses; uses specific required for the added.
information/keywords question.
from course content.

2. Understanding/ 7 5 3
Originality Demonstrates deep Demonstrate Does not
understanding of course understanding of demonstrate
concepts, theories and some course understanding of
ideas concepts, theories the course
and or ideas concepts, theories
Answers written using and or ideas
own words.

3. Structure/ 3 2 1
mechanics Response to each Some parts of the Response is
question is well response are scattered.
organized and clearly unorganized.
Few grammatical
No grammatical and and spelling errors Grammatical
spelling errors. but does not errors weaken the
weaken the quality quality of
of communication. communication.

Essay rubric (10 points)

1. Content 4 3 2

Addresses each Question was The question and

question and all its parts addressed but the its parts were not
thoroughly; answer does not addressed. No or
incorporates relevant totally suffice the very little relevant
course content into information course content is
responses; uses specific required for the added.
information/keywords question.
from course content.

2. Understanding/ 3 2 1
Originality Demonstrates deep Demonstrate Does not
understanding of course understanding of demonstrate
concepts, theories and some course understanding of
ideas concepts, theories the course
and or ideas concepts, theories
Answers written using and or ideas
own words.

3. Structure/ 3 2 1
mechanics Response to each Some parts of the Response is
question is well response are scattered.
organized and clearly unorganized.
Few grammatical
No grammatical and and spelling errors Grammatical
spelling errors. but does not errors weaken the
weaken the quality quality of
of communication. communication.


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