ABPA Actualizacion
ABPA Actualizacion
ABPA Actualizacion
To cite this article: Ritesh Agarwal, Inderpaul S Sehgal, Sahajal Dhooria & Ashutosh N
Aggarwal (2016): Developments in the diagnosis and treatment of allergic bronchopulmonary
aspergillosis, Expert Review of Respiratory Medicine
Download by: [Cornell University Library] Date: 17 October 2016, At: 02:29
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
DOI: 10.1080/17476348.2016.1249853
Introduction: Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA) is a complex pulmonary disorder
characterized by recurrent episodes of wheezing, fleeting pulmonary opacities and bronchiectasis. It is the
most prevalent of the Aspergillus disorders with an estimated five million cases worldwide. Despite six
decades of research, the pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment of this condition remains controversial.
The International Society for Human and Animal Mycology has formed a working group to resolve the
controversies around this entity. In the year 2013, this group had proposed new criteria for diagnosis and
staging, and suggested a treatment protocol for the management of this disorder. Since then, several
pieces of new evidence have been published in the investigation and therapeutics of this condition.
Areas covered: A non-systematic review of the available literature was performed. We summarize the
current evidence in the evaluation and treatment of this enigmatic disorder. We suggest modifications to
the existing criteria and propose a new scoring system for the diagnosis of ABPA.
Expert commentary: All patients with asthma and cystic fibrosis should routinely be screened for ABPA
using A. fumigatus-specific IgE levels. Glucocorticoids should be used as the first-line of therapy in
ABPA, and itraconazole reserved in those with recurrent exacerbations and glucocorticoid-dependent
Aspergillus fumigatus can lead to a variety of pulmonary disorders depending on the host
immunity and the burden of the organism.[1] The pulmonary disorders caused by Aspergillus can be
broadly classified as saprophytic (aspergilloma), allergic (A. fumigatus associated asthma, allergic
bronchopulmonary aspergillosis) and invasive (chronic pulmonary aspergillosis, invasive pulmonary
aspergillosis).[2] Far more prevalent than invasive aspergillosis, allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis
(ABPA) is a disease entity at the allergic spectrum of the Aspergillus disorders. Allergic aspergillosis is a
complex pulmonary disorder caused by immunological reactions mounted against A. fumigatus colonizing
the airways of patients with asthma and cystic fibrosis (CF).[3] The prevalence of ABPA in asthma in
referral centers and secondary care cohorts is believed to be about 13% and 0.7-3.5%, respectively;[4,5]
while the prevalence of ABPA in CF has been estimated at around 9%.[6] The global burden of ABPA
complicating asthma has been estimated to be about 5 million cases,[4] with about 1.4 million cases in
syndrome caused by fungi other than A. fumigatus.[8] The prevalence of ABPM is far less when compared
to ABPA. The interest in allergic aspergillosis springs from the fact that the condition is exquisitely
sensitive to treatment with glucocorticoids. In fact, early diagnosis and treatment can prevent the
progression of bronchiectasis. However, if the condition is not recognized timely and/or treated
adequately, it progresses implacably resulting in end-stage lung disease. ABPA was first described by
Hinson et al. in three subjects in 1952.[9] Even after six decades, it is poorly recognized and inadequately
treated. In fact, there are reports of patients presenting very late in the course, with pulmonary
The International Society for Human and Animal Mycology (ISHAM) has formed an ABPA
working group to resolve the controversies related to the pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment of this
disorder. In 2013, the working group had proposed new criteria for diagnosis and staging of ABPA
complicating asthma, and had also suggested a protocol for therapy.[11] Further, the group had made a call
to evaluate new diagnostic tests and validate the existing investigations (and their cutoff values) in the
diagnosis of ABPA. More than three years have elapsed since the working group report was published. In
this review, we summarize the current concepts in the diagnosis and management of this enigmatic
The pathogenesis of ABPA largely remains speculative (Figure 1).[12] Although the conidia of
A.fumigatus are ubiquitous, they are immunologically inert due to the presence of surface hydrophobin
(Rod A hydrophobin).[13,14] In patients with asthma and CF, defective clearance of conidia in the airways
allows them to germinate into hyphae. In those destined to develop ABPA, there is persistence of
A.fumigatus probably due to several defects in innate and adaptive immunity.[15] During fungal growth
and metabolism, several proteins are released that can both activate and damage the airway epithelium.[16-
19] The innate immune cells (airway epithelium, dendritic cells, macrophages and others) recognize the
glycosaminogalactan and others) through pattern recognition receptors (such as toll like receptors,
nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain [NOD]-like receptors, C-type lectin receptors, and others) or a
complement receptor 3 (CR-3) pathway.[20,21] Subsequently, there is release of chemokines and cytokines
that orchestrate adaptive immune response mediated by T-helper cells.[22] Normally, a Th1 CD4+ T cell
response against Aspergillus leads to clearance of Aspergillus secondary to macrophage and neutrophil-
mediated phagocytosis.[23] However, the immune response in ABPA is a Th2 CD4+ T cell response
mediated by the binding of chemokine [C-C motif] ligand 17 (CCL17) and CCL22 to the C-C chemokine
receptor type 4 (CCR4) located on Th2 cells.[24-26] The activation of pattern recognition receptors also
primes group 2 innate lymphoid cells towards Th2 differentiation.[27] The Th2 response triggers release of
Th2 chemokines and cytokines (CCL17, 1L-4, IL-5, IL-9, IL-13 and others). Instead of clearing the
fungi,[28] the aberrant immune response causes profound inflammatory reaction with mast cell
degranulation, influx of large number of inflammatory cells (neutrophils and eosinophils)[29] and IgE
(total and A.fumigatus specific) synthesis.[30] This causes the characteristic pathological findings of ABPA
Exacerbations of ABPA are believed to result from a hyperactive immune response to transient
The clinical presentation of ABPA is with recurrent episodes of wheezing (and poorly controlled
asthma), fleeting pulmonary opacities and bronchiectasis. Patients can also manifest fever, malaise,
fatigue, weight loss and hemoptysis.[31] Expectoration of brownish mucus plugs is another characteristic
complaint, although seen only in 31-69% of the patients.[32-34] However, patients can be surprisingly
asymptomatic, especially when ABPA develops on a background of asthma. In a study involving 155
patients with ABPA complicating asthma, almost 19% of the patients were categorized as having well
controlled asthma (with the use of inhaled corticosteroids and long-acting β2 agonists). The development
of ABPA in CF is associated with deterioration of lung function, higher rates of microbial colonization,
pneumothorax, hemoptysis and poor nutritional status.[35-37] The diagnosis of ABPA in CF may be
perplexing as CF-lung disease and ABPA share many clinical characteristics including wheezing, fleeting
pulmonary opacities, bronchiectasis and mucus plugging.[38] All the aforementioned points suggest that
symptoms and even radiology alone are poor guides to diagnosing ABPA, and it underscores the need for
The diagnosis of ABPA is based on a composite criteria incorporating clinical, radiological and
immunological findings.
Aspergillus skin test: Skin test against Aspergillus is a surrogate marker for the diagnosis of allergic
antigens represent the presence of IgE antibodies specific to A. fumigatus.[39,40] The type 3 and type 4 skin
reactions do not offer any added information and are not recommended. Skin testing can be performed by
injecting the Aspergillus extract (commercial or in-house),[5] either intradermally,[2,11,41] or as a prick test
(injected in epidermis). Intradermal tests are more sensitive compared to skin prick tests.[5] The
Aspergillus skin test has several limitations including requirement of a standardized antigen and proper
performance by trained personnel, both of which are subject to tremendous variability.[5] Also, there is a
potential risk of anaphylactic reactions to the injected antigen and consequent requirement of the
availability of resuscitation facilities. Further, the patient needs to be observed for an hour to observe the
type 1 reaction.[3] Due to these reasons, the test may not be acceptable to several patients as well as
physicians. Moreover, in a recent study, intradermal skin test using an in-house antigen extract offered a
sensitivity ranging between 88 and 94%. Thus, Aspergillus skin test as screening tool can inherently miss
A. fumigatus-specific IgE: Elevated IgE antibodies against A.fumigatus are considered to be a hallmark of
ABPA.[41] There is however a controversy regarding the cutoff value in the diagnosis of ABPA. Patterson
et al. suggested a value more than twice the pooled serum samples from asthma controls.[42] However, this
proposed method would require generation of specific cutoffs for each geographical region, which may be
impractical on a larger scale. The ISHAM working group proposed a cutoff value >0.35 kUA/L
(performed using fluorescent enzyme immunoassay on the Phadia platform), for the diagnosis of
Aspergillus sensitization and ABPA, based on expert opinion and consensus.[11] Subsequently, in a study
involving 372 asthmatic patients, A.fumigatus-specific IgE >0.35 kUA/L was found to have a sensitivity
and specificity of 100% and 66.2%, respectively in the diagnosis of ABPA.[41] Thus, with a sensitivity of
100%, A. fumigatus IgE <0.35 kUA/L is a good ‘rule-out’ test and should be used as a screening test for
ABPA. Although a good screening test, A. fumigatus-specific IgE has limited utility during followup. In a
recent study, it was found that the trend of A.fumigatus-specific IgE following treatment was
unpredictable.[43] The serum total IgE declined by a median of 52% whereas A.fumigatus-specific IgE
increased (instead of an expected decline) in half the individuals after treatment. During exacerbation,
while the IgE levels increased in all patients, A.fumigatus-specific IgE increased in only 38%, making it
Total IgE: The serum total IgE is a useful investigation both in the initial diagnostic workup as well as
during followup. A normal IgE level excludes ABPA as the cause of the patient’s current symptoms. The
cut-off value for total IgE is controversial and ranges from 417-1000 IU/mL.[11,42,44,45] Currently, three
cut-offs for total IgE have been proposed, >417 IU/mL (1000 ng/mL) by the Patterson group,[42,44] >500
IU/mL (CF consensus criteria)[45] and a value >1000 IU/mL (2400 ng/mL) by the ISHAM group.[11]
Unfortunately, due to wide variation of IgE values in normal human subjects, in those with atopy and in
ABPA, it may be difficult to suggest a single value that reliably discriminates ABPA from those
without.[46] In a latent-class analysis, a cut-off value of 1000 IU/mL was shown to have a sensitivity and
specificity of 92% and 40%, respectively in the diagnosis of ABPA.[41] In the same study, a total IgE
value >417 IU/mL significantly reduced the specificity to 24%.[41] Thus, a cutoff >1000 IU/mL is
currently recommended for the diagnosis of ABPA. During followup, the serum IgE levels start declining
but do not reach the normal value.[47,48] The lowest value attained after treatment (corresponding to the
clinical and radiological improvement) is taken as the ‘new’ baseline for an individual. An increasing
level (>50% of the ‘new’ baseline) of total IgE along with worsening respiratory symptoms and
Total eosinophil count: The eosinophil count is raised in ABPA and ABPA falls into the category of a
peripheral blood is a non-specific finding observed in a myriad of disorders. Further, the magnitude of
pulmonary eosinophilia is far greater than peripheral blood eosinophilia in ABPA, with little correlation
between the two.[49,50] Thus, the total peripheral blood eosinophil count is a poor screening test for ABPA.
In one study, almost 60% of patients with ABPA presented with peripheral blood eosinophil count <1000
cells/µL, and almost 25% of the patients had counts <500 cells/ µL.[42,51] The ISHAM working group
suggests a peripheral blood eosinophil count of >500 cells/ µL as a cut-off in the diagnosis of ABPA.[11]
IgG antibodies against A. fumigatus: Detection of IgG antibodies against A. fumigatus is a useful
investigation in the diagnosis of ABPA.[52,53] The A. fumigatus-specific IgG antibodies have traditionally
been detected using the double diffusion technique of Ouchterlony (Aspergillus precipitins).[52-54] This
was replaced by counterimmunoelectrophoresis, but this method is also time consuming and is limited by
its qualitative results and poor sensitivity.[55] Direct detection of IgG using commercially available
enzyme immunoassays have been shown to be more sensitive than the traditional methods.[3,11,41,56] In a
recent study, the sensitivity of Aspergillus precipitins was only 27% compared to 89% for A. fumigatus-
specific IgG.[57] At a cutoff of 27 mgA/L, the sensitivity and specificity of A.fumigatus-specific IgG was
found to be 89% and 100%, respectively in the diagnosis of ABPA, making it a good ‘rule-in’ test.[57]
Chest radiograph: Chest radiograph is normal in almost 50% of patients with ABPA,[58] and thus has
limited value as a screening tool. However, it is a useful investigation in diagnosis of ABPA.[59] For
example, the presence of fleeting opacities or finger-in-glove opacities in patient with asthma are highly
indicative of ABPA. It is also a useful investigation during followup as it obviates the need for repeated
shadows, tramline shadows and gloved-finger shadows represent active disease, and these clear up
following treatment.[60] Tooth-paste and gloved-finger opacities represent mucus impaction.[61] Permanent
changes are reflected by ring-shadows and tram-lines, and these suggest the presence of bronchiectasis.
High resolution computed tomography (HRCT) of thorax: HRCT of thorax is the preferred radiologic
investigation in ABPA as it allows better assessment of the distribution of bronchiectasis and detects other
abnormalities such as centrilobular nodules that are not apparent on the chest radiograph,[15,58,61,62].
Bronchiectasis and mucoid impaction are the classic findings in ABPA, however there are a plethora of
other findings that can manifest on CT in ABPA.[61,63,64] Patients of ABPA with no abnormality on HRCT
chest are labelled as serologic ABPA (ABPA-S). Central bronchiectasis has been considered a hallmark
of ABPA (Figure 2). However, central bronchiectasis has poor discriminatory value in the diagnosis of
ABPA,[65] probably because the bronchiectasis extends to the periphery in about 26-39% of the
cases.[58,60,61] Mucoid impaction of the airways is a common finding in ABPA. Although mucoid
impaction is generally hypodense, high-attenuation mucus (defined as mucus visually denser than
paraspinal skeletal muscle) is a pathognomonic feature of ABPA (Figure 2). Hyperattenuating mucoid
impaction has a specificity of 100% (sensitivity 19-32%), thus making it a good ‘rule-in’ test.[66,67] The
presence of high attenuation mucus has been shown to be associated with initial immunologic severity
observed. Some patients with ABPA develop progressive upper lobe fibrosis, which could suggest the
Magnetic resonance imaging: Although HRCT of the thorax is the modality of choice for imaging in
ABPA, MRI may be used in situations where exposure to radiation may not be safe (pregnancy, children).
In a recent report, Garg et al. utilized MRI thorax to demonstrate hyperintense lesions in the lungs that
corresponded to bronchiectasis with impacted mucus.[68] On T2 turbo spin, nodules with hypointense foci
corresponding to areas of HAM on HRCT could be identified. Although more evidence is needed, it
seems possible that MRI can be used as a replacement for CT in the diagnosis of ABPA.
Lung function testing: Spirometry helps in the demonstration of airflow obstruction; however, a normal
spirometry does not exclude the diagnosis of either asthma or ABPA.[69] Hence, it should not be used in
the decision-making, either for screening or treatment.[70] However, spirometry helps in the assessment of
the severity of impairment of lung function, and is thus a useful tool during followup to monitor
improvement. Bronchial provocation testing with Aspergillus antigens can cause severe bronchospasm,
Sputum cultures for A. fumigatus: The presence of A.fumigatus in sputum samples is not necessarily
diagnostic of ABPA because the fungus can also be encountered in other pulmonary disorders due to its
omnipresence.[72] The yield of sputum cultures for A.fumigatus is about 40-60%.[32,42,71] Recently, a better
technique for processing sputum samples has been described, which increases the yield of cultures.[73]
Interestingly, the vast majority of ABPA patients have been found to have detectable A.fumigatus in their
sputum by nucleic acid amplification despite negative cultures.[74] The role of sputum culture (if an isolate
can be obtained) mainly lies in testing the susceptibility (phenotypic and/or molecular testing) of the
component in making a diagnosis of ABPA.[11] However, most of the current methods utilize crude
antigens to detect these antibodies. These crude antigens are believed to lack reproducibility, may cross
react with other antigens and yield false positive results.[75,76] Recent technological advances have enabled
cloning of several proteins of A. fumigatus.[76] A number of recombinant proteins namely Asp f1, Asp f2,
Asp f3, Asp f4, Asp f6 have been evaluated in ABPA and are now available commercially for use in the
clinical setting. The results of some studies evaluating these recombinant antigens in the serodiagnosis of
ABPA indicate that IgE antibodies against Asp f1 and f3 are seen in both Aspergillus sensitization and
ABPA while Asp f4 and Asp f6 are seen specifically in ABPA.[75,77-79] However, other studies indicate
overlap of IgE responses against these recombinant proteins in patients with ABPA, patients with
Aspergillus-sensitized asthma and healthy controls.[80-82] Moreover, in a recent study the sensitivity of
A.fumigatus- specific IgE was 100% compared to only 36-68% for Asp f1, Asp f2, Asp f3, Asp f4, Asp
f6.[83] Thus, more data are required before recombinant antigens could be routinely used in differentiating
Engineered allergens: Several fungal proteins are cross-reactive allergic proteins (so called pan-allergens).
These proteins belong to the same protein family and are highly conserved molecules with similar
functions present in widely different species.[84,85] They are also responsible for cross-reactivity between
crude fungal extracts. For instance, the Alternaria alternata manganese-dependent superoxide dismutase
cross reacts with Asp f6.[86] One way to alter this cross reactivity is by means of engineered allergens.
The immune reactivity of an antigen can be modified by either changing the conformation or
deleting the linear epitopes. Use of a specific allergen with enhanced IgE binding epitope may enhance
the diagnostic accuracy of a particular antigen. In an experimental study to delineate the structure-
function relationship of Asp f3, the authors demonstrated seven linear IgE binding regions. They further
demonstrated strong binding of IgE from patients with ABPA patients to Asp f3 and one mutant, Asp f31-
150. The authors concluded that a better understanding of primary and secondary structure of an allergen
may have implications in immunodiagnosis and immunotherapy.[87] In another study, two epitopes were
identified that are involved in T cell activation and are essential for the binding of IgE from patients with
ABPA.[88] The use of genetically engineered antigens seems promising but needs further testing in clinical
Galactomannan detection: Galactomannan is a polysaccharide component of the Aspergillus cell wall, and
is released during growth of the fungus. Measurement of serum galactomannan has been approved for the
diagnosis of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis, in combination with other clinical findings.[89,90] In a recent
study, 120 patients (70 ABPA, 50 asthma) were investigated for the utility of serum galactomannan in
differentiating asthma from ABPA.[91] The sensitivity of serum galactomannan in patients with ABPA
was 25.7%, while the specificity was 82%, making it a poor test in the diagnostic evaluation of ABPA.[91]
In another study comprised of five patients with ABPA, BAL galactomannan index at a cut-off of ≥1.0
was also found to have poor sensitivity.[92] Thus, serum and BAL galactomannan estimation has limited
Thymus and activation regulated chemokine (TARC): ABPA is characterised by a profound Th2 immune
associated with overexpression of the chemokines TARC (CCL17), CCL22 and macrophage-derived
chemokine (MDC).[3,11,93] In one study, patients with ABPA were not only found to have significantly
higher levels of TARC at baseline but the TARC levels were also shown to increase during exacerbation
of ABPA.[94] In another study, the levels of TARC were shown to be significantly higher in CF-related
ABPA, and offered a diagnostic accuracy of 93%.[95] However, in a different study, the plasma TARC
levels did not differ between patients with CF, ABPA, fungal sensitization.[96] Also, no study has
evaluated the usefulness of TARC levels in ABPA complicating asthma. Thus, more data are required
Basophil activation test (BAT): Basophil activation test (BAT) measures the upregulation of CD203c on
the basophil surface after stimulation with the specific allergen to which a patient is sensitized.[96] CD203c
is a type II transmembrane ectoenzyme that is expressed on basophil surface and plays an important role
in type II immune responses.[96] CD203c can be rapidly measured by means of flow cytometry and has
been proposed as a diagnostic tool in patients with atopic disease, including peanut, drug, and wasp
venom allergy.[97,98] In a proof of concept study, blood basophils were demonstrated to elicit
hyperresponsiveness to A. fumigatus allergen stimulation in patients with CF-related ABPA and could
reliably differentiate patients with ABPA and those with fungal colonization or CF controls.[96] This was
confirmed in a subsequent long-term followup studies.[99,100] Also, in a recent study, serum CD203c levels
correlated inversely with lung functions and directly with serum Aspergillus-specific IgE levels.[101] Thus,
BAT seems promising in the diagnosis of CF-related ABPA. However, more data is needed in ABPA-
complicating asthma.
The Patterson criteria (eight major, three minor) have been the most widely used benchmark for
the diagnosis of ABPA.[42] However, there were several limitations of these criteria. There was lack of
consensus on the number of major and minor criteria required for the diagnosis. Also, there was no
uniformity for the cutoff values of various immunological tests. Moreover, these criteria provided equal
weightage to the individual components. Over the years, several groups have proposed different criteria
for the diagnosis of ABPA in asthma and CF.[37,44,102-108] The ISHAM working group suggested more
practical criteria for ABPA (Table 1).[11] Based on these criteria, a diagnosis of ABPA can be made in the
presence of a predisposing condition, when both the obligatory criteria are met along with at least two of
the three additional criteria. After publication of these criteria, more evidence has surfaced from studies
on individual components of the criteria. Therefore, we propose some changes in these criteria (Table 1).
Though asthma and CF are the most common conditions predisposing to the development of
ABPA, the disease can also manifest, though uncommonly in patients with COPD and post-tuberculosis
fibrocavitary disease.[106,109] Thus, these two conditions can be included as the predisposing conditions. In
a recent study, we have observed that A.fumigatus-specific IgG is far more sensitive than Aspergillus
precipitins (89% vs. 27%) measured by double-diffusion method, in patients with ABPA.[57] Therefore,
we propose that the presence of precipitating antibodies may be removed from the criteria in diagnosis of
ABPA, and can be replaced by A. fumigatus-specific IgG (>27 mgA/L) as one of the additional criteria for
(sensitivity 19-32%) and thus should be considered as a radiological criteria separate from other findings.
The ISHAM criteria requires the presence of either positive type 1 Aspergillus skin test or elevated
serum IgE levels against A. fumigatus (>0.35 kUA/L) as one of the obligatory criteria for the diagnosis of
ABPA. Apart from the limitations of Aspergillus skin testing mentioned above, the sensitivity of
Aspergillus skin test is 88-94% while that of A. fumigatus-specific IgE is 100%.[41] Further, good
automated and standardized systems for the measurement of serum A. fumigatus specific IgE are now
widely available. Therefore, we propose that A. fumigatus-specific IgE should replace Aspergillus skin
test, and the latter test be used only if the former is not available.
There is no single reference standard in the diagnosis of ABPA and a combination of several
investigations are required for its diagnosis. Although the ISHAM criteria are evidence-based and can be
easily applied, a diagnostic score can further capture the results of all the investigations in a single value
making it even more objective. Thus, we propose a new scoring system for the diagnosis of ABPA (Table
2), based on the results of our previous studies,[33,41,43,48,57,67,70,110] with appropriate weightage given to the
individual diagnostic tests. For calculating the total score, the immunologic and radiologic scores need to
be calculated. HRCT of the chest is preferred over chest radiograph as it is less observer-dependent than
the chest radiograph. In this scheme, no radiologic abnormality is assigned a score of 0, and in the
presence of a total score ≥9, a diagnosis of ABPA-S can be made. With radiologic scores of 2, 3 (or 4),
and 5, the ABPA can be radiologically classified as ABPA with chronic pleuropulmonary fibrosis
(ABPA-CPF), ABPA with bronchiectasis (ABPA-B), and ABPA with high attenuation mucus (ABPA-
HAM), respectively.[11,67]
definitions for each stage. The ISHAM ABPA working group now classifies ABPA into seven stages
objectively (Table 3). The sequentially numbered stages do not imply that the disease progresses serially
from one stage to the other. Most patients are diagnosed when they present for the first time in the acute
stage (stage 1), where the patient is symptomatic either with symptoms of ABPA or has uncontrolled
asthma. The thoracic imaging may (stage 1a) or may not (stage 1b) reveal mucoid impaction. It would be
ideal, if patients are diagnosed in the asymptomatic stage (stage 0), by appropriate screening in all
asthmatic patients, so that the damage to the lungs may be either be prevented or curbed with treatment.
Stages 2-5 are defined in patients undergoing treatment. Response is defined by a fall in the serum total
IgE by at least 25% (generally assessed after eight weeks of treatment), associated with an improvement
in clinical and/or radiological manifestations (stage 2). With successful treatment, IgE falls progressively,
and the nadir is established as a ‘new’ baseline. Exacerbation is defined by clinical and/or radiologic
worsening along with an increase in the total IgE levels by at least 50% from the established ‘new’
baseline (stage 3). Remission (stage 4) is defined only in patients who are off treatment with oral steroids
(or azoles) and continue to maintain clinical, immunologic (IgE at or below baseline or <50% increase
from baseline), and radiologic stability for at least six months. In patients who need prolonged
glucocorticoid treatment to maintain clinical stability, differentiation is needed between patients requiring
glucocorticoids for controlling asthma (stage 5b, glucocorticoid-dependent asthma) or activity of ABPA
(stage 5a, treatment-dependent ABPA), as discerned from IgE levels and thoracic imaging. A small
proportion of patients with ABPA may also manifest advanced disease with extensive bronchiectasis with
A practical approach to the diagnosis of ABPA is shown in Figure 3. All asthmatic patients should
undergo screening for ABPA with A.fumigatus-specific IgE.[112] If the value is <0.35 kUA/L, then the
patient does not have ABPA. Investigations for sensitization to other fungi are required only if there are
unexplained pulmonary opacities or if the asthma is uncontrolled despite standard therapy. In those with
A. fumigatus-specific IgE >0.35 kUA/L, the next step is to obtain a total IgE. If the total IgE level is <500
IU/mL, then ABPA is excluded in the vast majority. However, if the total IgE is >500 IU/mL, then other
investigations including A.fumigatus-specific IgG, peripheral blood eosinophil count and HRCT of the
thorax are required both to confirm the diagnosis and to determine the radiological stage and extent of the
No single test for ABPA provides the optimal combination of sensitivity and specificity, however
a combination of A. fumigatus-specific IgE, total IgE and total eosinophil count of >1.91 kUA/L, >2347
IU/mL and >507 cells/µL, respectively had a sensitivity and specificity of 70% and 100%,
respectively.[110] Further, in the presence of A. fumigatus-specific IgG >27 mgA/L or in those with high-
attenuation mucus, ABPA may be diagnosed even if the total serum IgE levels is <1000 IU/mL, due to the
The principles in the treatment of ABPA include the use of anti-inflammatory agents (principally
glucocorticoids) to suppress the immune hyperreactivity and the use of anti-fungal agents to attenuate (or
eliminate) the fungal burden in the airways thereby limiting the stimulus responsible for the immune
hyperresponsiveness (Figure 1).[114,115] The natural history of ABPA is characterized by repeated episodes
of exacerbations. Hence, most patients require prolonged therapy. The goals of treatment include: (a)
reduction of pulmonary inflammation; (b) control of asthma; (c) treatment of acute stage of ABPA; (d)
prevent exacerbations of ABPA; and, (e) mitigate the onset or progression to bronchiectasis (a marker of
end-stage lung disease) and chronic pulmonary aspergillosis. Importantly, all the treatment goals should
be met with minimal or no adverse reactions related to treatment. Finally, it is of utmost importance to
identify and exclude any potential environmental source responsible for exposure to A. fumigatus as this
4.1 Glucocorticoids
Oral glucocorticoids: Oral glucocorticoids are the most effective agents in the management of ABPA
(Table 4). They suppress all inflammatory responses triggered by antigens of A. fumigatus in the airways
(Figure 1). Glucocorticoids mediate their effects through intracellular glucocorticoid receptor; the binding
subsequent translocation into the cell nucleus. Thereafter, most of the anti-inflammatory effects of
receptor binds to the nuclear chromatin by interacting with DNA-bound transcription factors, particularly
nuclear factor (NF)-κB and activator protein-1. Glucocorticoids have been shown to regulate up to 20% of
Several observational studies over the last three decades have conclusively proven the efficacy of
glucocorticoids in ABPA.[3,111] However, there is no clear agreement on the dosing protocols of oral
glucocorticoids in ABPA.[70,118] The most widely used regime is the low-dose regime in which
prednisolone is administered at a dose of 0.5 mg/kg/day for two weeks followed by 0.5 mg/kg/day on
alternate days for eight weeks, then taper by 5 mg every two weeks to complete a total steroid duration of
3-5 months.[118] At our center, we had been using the high-dose (medium dose according to the
standardized nomenclature for glucocorticoid dosages[119]) where prednisolone is given at a dose of 0.75
mg/kg/day for six weeks followed by 0.5 mg/kg/day for six weeks, then taper by 5 mg every six weeks
and discontinue by 8-10 months.[33,70] There was some indication that the use of high-dose glucocorticoids
Recently, we have reported the results of a large randomized trial evaluating the two
asthma were randomized to receive either high-dose (n=44) or low-dose (n=48) glucocorticoids. Almost,
three-fourths of the patients had bronchiectasis on CT chest. Overall, 42 (45.7%) patients experienced an
exacerbation and 12 of the 42 patients were classified as glucocorticoid-dependent ABPA. The number of
subjects with exacerbation after one year of treatment and glucocorticoid-dependent ABPA after two
years of treatment were similar in the two groups. The improvement in lung function and the time to first
exacerbation after stopping treatment was similar in the two groups. The occurrence of adverse reactions
to glucocorticoids was significantly higher in the high-dose arm. The results of this study suggest that
low-dose glucocorticoids are as effective as high-dose and are associated with lesser side effects.
However, the proportion of subjects with a response after six weeks was higher in the high-dose
group.[121] Thus, a small proportion of patients treated with low-dose glucocorticoids may not have an
adequate response during initial treatment. Hence, the initial treatment needs to be closely monitored and
failure to respond to low doses of glucocorticoids should necessitate institution of higher doses.
Importantly, this study evaluated only patients with ABPA complicating asthma and the results may not
The use of glucocorticoids is associated with a plethora of side effects including weight gain,
osteopenia, acne, skin atrophy, diabetes mellitus, glaucoma, cataracts, avascular necrosis of bone,
infection, hypertension and growth retardation in children. Thus glucocorticoids should be judiciously
Inhaled glucocorticoids: Inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) achieve high concentrations in the tracheobronchial
tree and are associated with significantly fewer side-effects compared to oral glucocorticoids. ICS have
been investigated as a treatment modality in ABPA. A double-blind multicenter placebo controlled trial in
32 patients of ABPA found no benefit of using low doses of ICS (400 µg of beclomethasone per day) over
placebo.[122] Subsequently, several case-reports and small case series have evaluated the efficiency of ICS
in ABPA.[123-126] Unfortunately, these studies have several limitations apart from the small sample size.
These studies utilized different doses of ICS, and most patients were also continued on oral
glucocorticoids while receiving ICS. Further, patients received oral steroids during clinical and/or
radiological worsening. This makes it difficult to interpret whether the beneficial effects were solely due
to ICS. In another study involving 21 patients with ABPA-S, patients were initially treated with a
asthma. In fact, after six months of treatment with ICS, the median IgE levels increased by 99%. Patients
then received treatment with oral glucocorticoids following which there was complete resolution of
asthma symptoms and IgE levels fell by a median of 53% after six weeks of treatment.[127] Thus, it seems
that high doses of ICS alone have little role in the management of ABPA. Inhaled steroids alone should
not be used for controlling the immunological activity of ABPA but they can be used for the control of
Intravenous pulse doses of glucocorticoids: Intravenous pulse doses of glucocorticoids (15 mg/kg of
methylprednisolone, maximum 1 gm) have been used in pediatric patients with ABPA as a steroid-sparing
modality to abrogate the side-effects of daily therapy with glucocorticoids.[128] Whether pulse therapy is
superior to daily therapy with glucocorticoids in adults, requires more research. The other situation where
pulse doses of methylprednisolone are employed is refractory ABPA exacerbations. Although most
patients with ABPA respond to standard doses (0.5 mg/kg of prednisolone) of glucocorticoids during
exacerbations, occasional patients do not respond to oral glucocorticoid therapy.[129] This is usually seen
in patients on long-term steroid use, which may be associated with downregulation of steroid receptors
thus leading to a steroid resistance state.[130] The use of pulse doses of methylprednisolone may
potentially overcome the steroid-resistant effect by its non-genomic effects that are independent of the
glucocorticoid receptor.[131]
Although glucocorticoids are highly efficacious in the management of ABPA, the therapeutic
benefits of glucocorticoids are partly offset by their side effects. Antifungal agents by decreasing the
fungal burden reduce the antigenic stimulus for the ongoing inflammatory activity. Thus, antifungal drugs
can act as steroid-sparing agents. The use of antifungal agents in ABPA dates back to 1967 when nystatin
inhalation was shown to be useful in its treatment.[132] Subsequently, ketoconazole was tried however due
to its limited efficacy and significant toxicity, its use did not gain acceptance.[133,134] Later, a randomized
trial evaluating the use of nebulized natamycin also found the drug ineffective in the management of
ABPA.[135] The currently available triazoles have far lesser side-effects and seem to be an attractive option
Itraconazole: The most widely used triazole in the management of ABPA is itraconazole. Azoles act by
inhibiting the enzyme 14-α-sterol-demethylase, which impairs the biosynthesis of ergosterol, an essential
component of the fungal cytoplasmic membrane. Further, it leads to the accumulation of 14-α-
methylsterols, which disrupt the close packing of acyl chains of phospholipids, thereby impairing the
functions of certain membrane-bound enzyme systems, and inhibiting the fungal growth. In general,
triazoles are considered to be fungistatic. In ABPA, the fungal burden in the airways is far lower
compared to that in invasive disorders, thus itraconazole seems to have the desired effect. Several
observational studies have reported the beneficial effects of itraconazole in patients with ABPA both in
asthma and CF.[35,136-141] However, these studies are limited by their small sample size, and long-term
Two randomized trials have evaluated the effectiveness of itraconazole in ABPA complicating
receive either oral itraconazole (400 mg/day) or placebo for 16 weeks (followed by 200 mg/day for 16
weeks in all patients during the open phase). While the difference between the two groups was significant
in terms of the overall composite response criteria (reduction in glucocorticoid dose by ≥50%; and,
decrease in serum total IgE value by ≥25%; and, at least one of the following [increase in exercise
capacity by ≥25%, improvement in pulmonary function test values by ≥25%, resolution of pulmonary
infiltrates]), the study failed to reach statistical significance when each outcome was examined
separately.[142] The other study included 29 ‘clinically stable’ ABPA patients randomized to receive
itraconazole (400 mg/day orally) or placebo. There was significant decline in sputum inflammatory
markers and serum IgE levels. Although the study was not designed to evaluate exacerbations, the authors
noted a decrease in the number of exacerbations warranting glucocorticoid usage.[143] Pooled analysis
showed that itraconazole could significantly decrease IgE levels by ≥25% compared to placebo but did
not significantly improve the lung function.[144] Neither study reported outcomes more than eight months
with regards to ABPA exacerbation, thus the long-term benefits of azole therapy remain unknown.
Itraconazole has poor bioavailability and interactions with several drugs hence therapeutic drug
monitoring is generally advised. However, there is no robust evidence on direct correlation between drug
levels and efficacy. In fact, the dose of itraconazole has never been standardized in the treatment of
ABPA, and lower doses (200 mg/day) have also been found to be clinically efficacious.[138,139,141,142]
Clinicians managing ABPA should be aware of the interaction between glucocorticoids and itraconazole.
Itraconazole by inhibiting cytochrome P450 dependent CYP3A4, inhibits the metabolism of several
glucocorticoids most notably oral methylprednisolone and inhaled budesonide. This inhibition can lead to
Newer azoles: Few studies have evaluated the newer azoles (voriconazole, posaconazole) for their
efficacy in ABPA.[147-149] In the largest of these studies, Chishimba et al. retrospectively analyzed the
efficacy and safety of voriconazole (300-600 mg/day) or posaconazole (800 mg/day) in 20 patients with
ABPA.[149] Overall, clinical improvement with voriconazole or posaconazole therapy was seen in about
70-75%. There was reduction in the requirement of oral glucocorticoids, improvement in asthma control
Nebulized amphotericin B: Amphotericin B acts by binding to ergosterol in fungal cell membrane, which
leads to formation of pores that increase membrane permeability and cell death. Inhalation of
amphotericin achieves concentrations in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid well above the minimal
inhibitory concentration of A. fumigatus (0.5 mg/L) while the serum concentration of amphotericin is
negligible.[150] Thus, there is clinical efficacy without the occurrence of adverse events with nebulized
therapy, in contrast to systemic treatment with amphotericin B. Several case reports and small case studies
have reported on the efficacy of nebulized amphotericin B in ABPA both in asthma and CF.[151-160]
Chishimba et al. evaluated the use of nebulized amphotericin B in 10 ABPA patients either failing azole
therapy or those experiencing side-effects with the use of azoles. The study found that nebulized
amphotericin B was effective in only two patients.[159] Thus, the efficacy of nebulized amphotericin B in
the management of ABPA exacerbations seems to be limited. However, they may be considered when
other alternative options have been exhausted. The dosing schedule of different preparations of
glucocorticoids and then maintain the response/remission with nebulized amphotericin. In a recent pilot
study, we tested this approach in 21 patients with recurrent exacerbations (≥2) of asthmatic ABPA and in
the response stage (stage 2). Patients were randomized to receive either nebulized amphotericin B
(deoxycholate preparation; 10 mg b.i.d. thrice a week) plus nebulized budesonide (n=12) or nebulized
budesonide alone (n=9). While the time to first exacerbation was similar in the two groups, the number of
patients experiencing ABPA exacerbations were significantly lower in the amphotericin arm compare to
the control arm (1/12 [8.3%] vs. 6/9 [66.7%]; p=0.016). Thus, nebulized amphotericin B seems to be an
attractive option in the prevention of ABPA exacerbations. However, larger trials are required to confirm
these findings. The use of conventional preparation of amphotericin B has been associated with the
occurrence of bronchospasm due to alteration in the pulmonary surfactant activity by the deoxycholate
component. The lipid formulations of amphotericin have longer pulmonary retention and no effects on
lung surfactant. Hence, future trials should preferably use lipid preparations rather than conventional
amphotericin B.
Anti-IgE therapy: Omalizumab is a humanized monoclonal antibody against IgE. It binds to free serum
IgE and prevents the binding of IgE to high-affinity FcεRI receptor on the surface of mast cells and
basophils. Omalizumab is a preferred therapy for moderate or severe allergic asthma that is uncontrolled
on step 4 treatment according to the Global Initiative against Asthma guidelines.[161] The use of
omalizumab has been shown to be associated with reduction in the frequency of exacerbations and the
The goal of treatment with omalizumab is to decrease the serum total IgE to less than 21 IU/mL.
In order to achieve this goal, a dose of 0.016 mg/kg/IU [IgE/mL] of omalizumab is required.[163] An upper
limit of IgE of 700 IU/mL and a maximum dose of omalizumab 750 mg monthly has been specified by
the manufacturer. In ABPA, the total IgE is significantly elevated (in tens of thousands) and the dose
industry-sponsored study, a 600 mg daily dose of subcutaneous omalizumab was used, in addition to
itraconazole and glucocorticoids. The study was prematurely terminated due to significant dropout rate of
On the other hand, several case reports and case series suggest that the routine doses of
omalizumab used in asthma may be sufficient in the treatment of ABPA despite the high IgE.[164-172]
Recently, Voskamp et al. have reported the results of a randomized, placebo-controlled cross-over trial of
omalizumab in ABPA complicating asthma.[173] Thirteen patients with chronic ABPA were randomized to
four-month treatment with subcutaneous omalizumab (750 mg monthly) or placebo followed by a three-
month washout period. The use of omalizumab was associated with a significant reduction in
exacerbations during the active treatment phase. Moreover, omalizumab treatment was associated with
reduction in exhaled nitric oxide levels, reduction in basophil sensitivity to A. fumigatus and decrease in
basophil FcεRI and surface-bound IgE levels.[173] The results of this study suggest that omalizumab may
Therapeutic bronchoscopy: One recent study employed therapeutic bronchial lavage to clear mucus plugs
in all patients with ABPA who had either bronchiectasis or HAM.[174] The authors noted significant
decline in IgE in the therapeutic bronchoscopy group however there was no difference in the exacerbation
rate.[174] We do not advocate therapeutic bronchoscopy routinely however it can be considered in patients
who have large airway collapse (up to segmental bronchi) that persists despite 3-4 weeks of oral
glucocorticoid therapy. The removal of mucus plugs not only causes significant improvement in
symptoms and lung function but also prevents damage of lung segments distal to the collapse.[175]
Supportive therapies include nebulized hypertonic saline (7%, 3-5 mL) to reduce the viscosity of
the sputum.[176] The use of hypertonic saline may lead to bronchospasm and the first dose should be given
under supervision and preceded by inhaled salbutamol. Its use is not recommended in patients with FEV1
<1L; this precludes its use in patients where it is needed most. Long-term azithromycin has been
advocated in patients with bronchiectasis.[11] Two recent trials evaluating long-term azithromycin found
that its use reduced the rate of pulmonary exacerbations requiring antibiotics in adults with non-CF
bronchiectasis over 6-12 months.[177,178] However, the improvement in exacerbations must be balanced
against the risk of experiencing drug-related side effects and the potential risk of acquiring antibiotic
resistance. Pneumococcal and influenza vaccination are generally recommended although there are no
studies specifically in ABPA patients. A recent study noted poor response to 23-valent polysaccharide
pneumococcal vaccine in ABPA patients compared to healthy adults.[179] Thus, an alternative vaccination
strategy (both polysaccharide and 13-valent conjugate vaccine) or delay of vaccination until the ABPA
activity is better controlled (and the patient is off glucocorticoids), may result in a superior response.
Domiciliary oxygen therapy is required in patients with chronic type 2 respiratory failure with PaO2 <55
transplantation is the only option for patients with end-stage lung disease. Interestingly, ABPA can recur
in the donor lungs,[181] and there is a report of successful treatment of ABPA in post-transplant setting
The treatment protocol followed at our Chest Clinic for the management of ABPA is shown in
Figure 4. Patients without bronchiectasis may be followed up without initiating any specific therapy for
ABPA provided the asthma is well controlled with inhaled medications. However, patients with
bronchiectasis or fleeting pulmonary opacities (suggesting end-organ damage), even if asymptomatic,
generally require treatment. Patients in stage 1 (acute stage) should receive treatment with low doses of
glucocorticoids. An attractive proposition would to be use azole monotherapy as this would altogether
avoid the adverse effects related to glucocorticoids. Two randomized trials are evaluating the role of
itraconazole and voriconazole monotherapy in acute stage ABPA (clinical trials.gov: NCT01321827,
NCT01621321). Hopefully, the results of these trials should clarify the role of triazole monotherapy in
ABPA. In the clinic, we have observed that ABPA patients with extensive mucoid impaction, widespread
bronchiectasis and uncontrolled asthma generally require treatment with oral glucocorticoids. Whether
antifungal agents in combination with glucocorticoids are superior to glucocorticoids alone in acute stage
ABPA (stage 1) is also not known, and is the focus of another ongoing randomized trial (clinical
trials.gov: NCT02440009). Thus, more studies are required to define the patient characteristics of ABPA
Patients should be closely monitored, initially every eight weeks with serum IgE levels, chest
radiograph and lung function test (Table 4). The aim of therapy in ABPA is not normalization of IgE
levels but a decline in IgE of about 25%, that is generally associated with clinical, spirometric and
radiological improvement (stage 2).[48,182] As mentioned before, serial measurements of total IgE need to
be performed for every individual patient during therapy to determine the ‘new’ baseline value. About 45-
50% of patients experience an exacerbation (stage 3),[33,48,70,121] and in these patients, a combination of
glucocorticoids and itraconazole is recommended. The duration of azole therapy remains unclear, and
currently they are generally administered as recurrent 16-24 week courses or as long-term therapy. There
is a potential risk of induction of triazole resistance with long-term therapy.[74] Importantly, resistance to
one azole can lead to cross-resistance to other azoles and this point should also be kept in mind during
long-term therapy.[183]
In those with recurrent exacerbations or treatment-dependent ABPA (stage 5), one should consider
prolonged therapy with any of the following namely oral itraconazole, low-dose glucocorticoids, monthly
pulses of methyl prednisolone, nebulized amphotericin B or omalizumab. A large number of patients with
ABPA require long-term therapy, and they should be advised about side-effects of therapy especially that
of glucocorticoids. High doses of inhaled steroids should not be used as a single agent in the management
of ABPA. The combination of inhaled steroids, especially budesonide and itraconazole in some patients
can lead to cushingoid effects (lesser with fluticasone in the authors’ experience) and long-term failure of
hypothalamo-pituitary axis, if the dose of inhaled steroids is not significantly reduced.[184-188] Newer
azoles (voriconazole or posaconazole) should be used only in those patients who experience poor
response with itraconazole or encounter adverse effects with the use of itraconazole.
The treatment protocol of ABPA in CF is not very different from that of ABPA in asthma. As
patients with CF often have coexisting malabsorption, treatment is more complex as oral medications
especially itraconazole capsules are poorly absorbed. Although, voriconazole has better bioavailability, its
use is often associated with photosensitivity, especially in the Caucasian population, with risk of skin
Children: The treatment protocol in children is similar to that in adults. However, due to concerns
regarding growth retardation with the use of glucocorticoids, it is advisable that glucocorticoid treatment
be given at the lowest possible dose for the shortest possible duration. Thereafter, remission is maintained
with use of either antifungal azoles, nebulized amphotericin or omalizumab. In those patients where
glucocorticoids are required, monthly pulse doses of methylprednisolone along with daily itraconazole
can be considered.
Pregnancy and lactation: The treatment of choice in pregnancy is glucocorticoids. In two separate studies,
the use of itraconazole during first trimester was not associated with increased risk of major congenital
anomalies,[189,190] however the rates of miscarriage were higher in the itraconazole-exposed group.[190]
Newer azoles are contraindicated in pregnancy except in life-threatening maternal disease without any
therapeutic alternative. Nebulized amphotericin B can be safely used during pregnancy.[191] Similarly, the
use of omalizumab has not been associated with any congenital abnormalities, prematurity or low birth
weight.[192] We generally avoid the use of itraconazole or omalizumab during the entire period of
pregnancy and lactation. We prefer the use of glucocorticoids and in those with contraindications to
In conclusion, the pathogenesis of ABPA, despite being one of the most prevalent of the
Aspergillus disorders, remains unclear. It is known that ABPA is an exaggerated Th2 response against
products of A. fumigatus colonizing the airways of patients with asthma and cystic fibrosis. Currently, the
best modality for screening susceptible patients for ABPA is the A. fumigatus-specific IgE. The ISHAM
working group criteria are the most cost-effective and practical method for the diagnosis of ABPA.
Further refinements in the criteria, as suggested by our group would improve the sensitivity and
specificity of these criteria. A practical scoring system suggested in this article could further aid in quick
diagnosis and differential diagnosis of the allergic Aspergillus disorders. Glucocorticoids are the
cornerstone of therapy. Unfortunately, a large number of patients experience recurrent exacerbations due
to intense pulmonary inflammation associated with this disorder. Thus, treatment should judiciously
include the use of anti-inflammatory agents to suppress the immune hyperresponsiveness and anti-fungal
agents to attenuate the fungal burden in the airways. There is a dire need for newer, less toxic and more
Despite six decades of research, the understanding of ABPA remains vague. In the developing
countries, patients are still misdiagnosed as pulmonary tuberculosis.[43] The proposed modifications to the
diagnostic criteria laid down by the International Society for Human and Animal Mycology ABPA
working group will ensure accurate diagnosis of patients with ABPA. However, ABPA can remain
surprisingly silent and this underscores the need for routinely screening asthmatic patients for ABPA.
Unfortunately, there is no single confirmatory test for the diagnosis of ABPA. Thus, a stepwise
algorithmic approach is the most cost effective method in its diagnosis. The most sensitive investigation
in the diagnosis of ABPA is A. fumigatus specific IgE while the most specific investigations are A.
fumigatus specific IgG and demonstration of high-attenuation mucus on computed tomography of the
chest. Thus, the best tool for screening asthmatic patients for allergic fungal airway disease is fungal
specific IgE. Although total IgE is also raised in all patients with allergic aspergillosis, it is a non-specific
marker of allergy and will be raised in several other disorders. Thus, screening with total IgE would lead
to a higher false-positive results (‘more noise, less signal’). Antifungal agents are widely used in the
treatment of ABPA, and have even been recommended as the first line treatment by several authorities.
However, glucocorticoids are the treatment of choice and antifungal agents are indicated for the
maintenance of remission is those with recurrent exacerbations. Unfortunately, ABPA can be a lifelong
illness in a large number of patients, and thus any therapy should be carefully chosen weighing the risk-
benefit ratio.[193]
Although there is some recent data on the pathogenesis of this entity,[194,195] there is a dire need
more studies evaluating this aspect. The occurrence of ABPA in only a proportion of patients with asthma
suggests strong host susceptibility, and there is an urgent need for whole-genome sequencing studies from
different centers. Although several advances have been made in the diagnosis of ABPA, there is a
necessity for evaluating TARC and BAT in ABPA, especially in ABPA complicating asthma. Also, more
data from different centers is required to confirm the utility of recombinant proteins in the diagnosis.
There are several unmet needs in the treatment of ABPA. Newer approaches are required to improve the
treatment outcomes of these patients. Recently, vitamin D deficiency has been shown to be more
prevalent in CF patients with ABPA than those without ABPA,[196] Also, vitamin D supplementation at a
dose of 4000 IU/day for six months in patients with CF and ABPA was associated with reduced
A.fumigatus induced IL-13 responses from peripheral CD4+ T cells.[197] Similar data, both on the
prevalence of vitamin D deficiency and that of vitamin D supplementation, are also required in patients
with ABPA complicating asthma. Lately, trials of monoclonal antibodies against IL-5 (mepolizumab,
reslizumab) have been shown to be beneficial in patients with asthma and evidence of eosinophilic
inflammation (raised blood or sputum eosinophil count).[198-201] These biological agents should also be
• ABPA should be suspected in all patients with asthma and CF regardless of the severity or the
level of control.
• All patients with asthma should routinely be screened for ABPA using A. fumigatus-specific IgE
• Glucocorticoids should be used as the first-line of therapy in ABPA, and itraconazole reserved in
Declaration of Interest
The authors have no relevant affiliations or financial involvement with any organization or entity with a
financial interest in or financial conflict with the subject matter or materials discussed in the manuscript.
This includes employment, consultancies, honoraria, stock ownership or options, expert testimony, grants
or patents received or pending, or royalties.
Figure 1: Pathogenesis of allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA). The conidia of Aspergillus
fumigatus are immunologically inert, however in patients with asthma and cystic fibrosis, they germinate
into hyphae. The innate immune cells (airway epithelium, dendritic cells, macrophages and others)
glycosaminogalactan) through pattern recognition receptors (such as toll like receptors, nucleotide-
binding oligomerization domain [NOD]-like receptors and C-type lectin receptors). In normal individuals,
the response against Aspergillus is a Th1 CD4+ T cell response leading to macrophage and neutrophil-
mediated phagocytosis. However, the immune response in ABPA is a Th2 CD4+ T cell response due to
release of chemokines and cytokines (binding of CCL17, CCL22 to CCR4 located on Th2 cells) by innate
immune cells. In those destined to develop ABPA, there is persistence of A. fumigatus with profound Th2
response leading to release of Th2 chemokines and cytokines (CCL17, IL-4, IL-5, IL-9, IL-13 and others).
The exuberant immune response causes profound inflammatory reaction with mast cell degranulation,
influx of large number of inflammatory cells (neutrophils and eosinophils) and IgE (total and A. fumigatus
specific) synthesis. The targets of various therapeutic agents used in the management of ABPA is also
Figure 2: Computed tomography of the chest in a patient with allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis.
Mediastinal sections reveal high attenuation mucus i.e. mucus visually denser than skeletal muscle (bold
arrows, panel A). Lung window sections also shows bronchiectasis (arrow heads, panel B)
Figure 3: Protocol for the diagnosis of ABPA (ABPA) followed at the authors’ institute (ABPA-B: ABPA
with bronchiectasis; ABPA-HAM: ABPA with high attenuation mucus: ABPA-S: serologic ABPA; kUA-
Figure 4: Algorithm for the management of allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA)
Table 1. Comparison of the ABPA Working Group criteria (2013) and the newly proposed criteria
ABPA working group criteria Newly proposed criteria
A. Predisposing conditions A. Predisposing conditions
Bronchial asthma, cystic fibrosis Bronchial asthma, cystic fibrosis, chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease, post-tuberculous fibrocavitary
B. Essential criteria (both must be met) B. Essential criteria (both must be met)
i. Serum Aspergillus fumigatus-specific IgE i. Serum Aspergillus fumigatus-specific IgE levels
levels >0.35 kUA/L or positive type I >0.35 kUA/L‡
Aspergillus skin test
ii. Elevated serum total IgE levels >1000 IU/mL* ii. Elevated serum total IgE levels >1000 IU/mL*
Additional criteria (at least two of three) Additional criteria (at least two of three)
i. Presence of precipitating (or IgG) antibodies i. Serum Aspergillus fumigatus-specific IgG levels
against A.fumigatus in serum >27 mgA/L
ii. Thoracic imaging findings consistent with ii. Thoracic imaging findings consistent with
iii. Peripheral blood eosinophil count >500 iii. Peripheral blood eosinophil count >500 cells/µL
cells/µL (may be historical) (may be historical)
kUA: kilounit of antibody; mgA: milligram of antibody
*An IgE value <1000 IU/mL may be acceptable, if all other criteria are met (especially if the serum
Aspergillus fumigatus-specific IgG levels >27 mgA/L)
†Features on HRCT chest and/or chest radiograph consistent with ABPA include transient abnormalities
(i.e. nodules, consolidation, mucoid impaction, hyperattenuating mucus, fleeting opacities,
toothpaste/gloved finger opacities, tram-track opacities) or permanent (i.e. parallel lines, ring shadows,
bronchiectasis and pleuropulmonary fibrosis).
‡A positive type I Aspergillus skin test may be considered as a criterion in the place of serum Aspergillus
fumigatus-specific IgE levels only if the latter test is not available
Table 2. Proposed scoring system for the diagnosis of allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA)
Immunological score Value/findings Score
A. fumigatus-specific IgE <0.35 kUA/L -7
0.35-1.9 kUA/L +1
>1.9 kUA/L +3
Total IgE <417 IU/mL -3
417-1000 IU/mL +1
1000-2300 IU/mL +2
>2300 IU/mL +3
Peripheral blood eosinophil count <500 cells/µL 0
500-1000 cells/µL +3
>1000 cells/µL +4
A. fumigatus-specific IgG <27 mgA/L 0
>27 mgA/L +4
Radiological score
HRCT chest* Normal 0
≥2 features of fibrosis +2
Bronchiectasis involving <3 lobes +3
Bronchiectasis involving ≥3 lobes +4
Extensive mucoid impaction +4
Hyperattenuating mucus +5
Total score 8 with radiologic score 0 ABPA at risk
Total score ≥9 with radiologic score of 0 ABPA-S (serological ABPA)
Total score ≥9 with radiologic score of 2 ABPA-CPF (ABPA with chronic
pleuropulmonary fibrosis)
Total score ≥9 with radiologic score of 3 or 4 ABPA-B (ABPA with bronchiectasis)
Total score ≥9 with radiologic score of 5 ABPA-HAM (ABPA with high attenuation
*The maximum score is taken.
HRCT-high resolution computed tomography, kUA-kilounit of antibody, mgA-milligrams of antibody
Table 3. Clinical staging of allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA) in patients with asthma
Stage Definition Features
0 Asymptomatic • No previous diagnosis of ABPA
• Controlled asthma (according to GINA/EPR-3 guidelines)
• Fulfilling the diagnostic criteria of ABPA (Table 1)
1 Acute • No previous diagnosis of ABPA
• Uncontrolled asthma/symptoms consistent with ABPA
• Meeting the diagnostic criteria of ABPA
1a With mucoid Mucoid impaction observed on chest imaging or bronchoscopy
1b Without mucoid Absence of mucoid impaction on chest imaging or bronchoscopy
2 Response • Clinical and/or radiological improvement AND
• Decline in IgE by ≥25% of baseline at 8 weeks
3 Exacerbation • Clinical and/or radiological worsening AND
• Increase in IgE by ≥50% from the baseline established during
4 Remission • Sustained clinico-radiological improvement AND
• IgE levels persisting at or below baseline (or increase by <50%) for
≥6 months off treatment
5a Treatment-dependent • ≥2 exacerbations within 6 months of stopping therapy OR
ABPA • Worsening of clinical and/or radiological condition, along with
immunological worsening (rise in IgE levels) on tapering oral
5b Glucocorticoid- Systemic glucocorticoids required for control of asthma while the
dependent asthma ABPA activity is controlled (as indicated by IgE levels and thoracic
6 Advanced ABPA • Extensive bronchiectasis due to ABPA on chest imaging AND
• Complications (cor pulmonale and/or chronic type II respiratory
EPR-3: third expert panel report; GINA: global initiative against asthma
Table 4. Doses of various drugs used in the management of allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis
Oral glucocorticoids
Prednisolone (or equivalent) 0.5 mg/kg/day for two weeks, then on alternate days for eight
weeks. Then taper by 5 mg every two weeks and discontinue
Patients need to be closely followed as 13% of patients may not respond and may require
escalation of steroid dose
Oral azoles
Oral itraconazole 200 mg twice a day, for at least 24 weeks.
Oral voriconazole 200 mg twice a day, for at least 24 weeks.
Nebulized amphotericin B
Amphotericin B deoxycholate
Daily: 5-40 mg twice daily
Intermittent: 20 mg (10 mg twice daily) thrice weekly
Liposomal amphotericin B
Intermittent: 25 mg twice weekly
Amphotericin B lipid complex
Intermittent: 50 mg twice weekly
Pulse methylprednisolone
15 mg/kg/day (maximum 1 gm) intravenous infusion for three consecutive days
375 mg subcutaneous injection every two weeks for 4-6 months
Inhaled corticosteroids
Single agent inhaled corticosteroid therapy should not be used for controlling immunological
activity of ABPA. However, they are useful agents in the management of asthma
Follow-up and monitoring
• Patients are followed up with monitoring of clinical symptoms (cough, dyspnea), chest
radiograph and total IgE levels, every eight weeks
• Monitor for adverse effects of treatment
• Satisfactory response to therapy is suggested when there is clinical and/or radiological
improvement with at least 25% decline in IgE levels
• Monitor IgE frequently to establish the ‘new’ baseline level for an individual patient
• Clinical and/or radiological worsening along with 50% increase in IgE levels suggests an
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