Antibacterial Activity of Garlic Extract Against Human Pathogenic Bacteria 2329 6887 1000253 PDF

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Wolde et al., J Pharmacovigil 2018, 6:1

Journal of Pharmacovigilance

DOI: 10.4172/2329-6887.1000253
ISSN: 2329-6887 ce

Research Article
Research Article Open

Anti-Bacterial Activity of Garlic Extract against Human Pathogenic Bacteria

Wolde T1*, Kuma H1, Trueha K2 and Yabeker A2
Department of Biology, College of Natural and Computational Sciences, Wolkite University, PO Box 1020, Wolkite, Ethiopia
Department of Statistics, College of Natural and Computational Sciences, Wolkite University, PO Box 1020, Wolkite, Ethiopia

In many developing countries a large proportion of the population relies on traditional practitioner of medicinal
plants in order to meet health care need. Garlic is one of the herbs that used by traditional practitioners for preparation
of herbals medicine. Emergence of drug resistance is obvious and global confront. Seeking for other antibiotics
which are new, natural, plant based. Garlic is classified as member of family Alliaceae. Allicin is one of the active
principal of freshly crushed garlic homogenates, have variety of antimicrobial activities. This study was conducted
to evaluate the anti-bacterial effect of garlic against standard isolates of S. aureus and E. coli kindly obtained from
EHNRI. Four different solvents having different polarity were used to extract the bioactive compound from garlic. The
Antibacterial activity of the crude extracts of garlic was evaluated against Standard isolates of S. aureus and E. coli
by an agar diffusion method. The trial was done in triplicates. A Factorial Design with three factors was used. The
treatment means were compared by a Student’s t- test with least significant difference (LSD) at 5% (P=0.05) and the
data analysis was performed using mini tab statistical software package. In this experiment the non-polar chloroform
had higher inhibition zone. The highest yield potential was obtained from water followed by ethanol, chloroform and
petroleum ether respectively. E. coli were so susceptible than S. aureus to the extracts. Garlic could be used as
effective antibacterial agent for human pathogenic bacteria.

Keywords: Herbal Antibiotics E. coli; S. aureus; Garlic; Normal flora matters. This plant is multiplied by vegetative reproduction rather than
by sexual reproduction (seed). Individual garlic cloves are planted and
Introduction they each produce a bulb in which the cloves all have the same genetic
makeup as the original clove [10]. Because, it is commercial, nutritional
Garlic (Allium sativum) has traditional dietetic and medicinal
and medicinal values garlic is produced world widely. According to
uses as an anti-infective agent [1]. In vitro confirmation of the
the United Nation food and agricultural organization (FAO) state the
antimicrobial action of fresh and freeze-dried garlic extracts against
world garlic producing country, in 2010. Which produce 1856 MMT
human pathogenic bacteria [2], fungi [3], and viruses [4] supports
(Million Metric Tons) of garlic. According for over 77% of world
these applications. Garlic is a hardy perennial member of onion family.
output (22, 23MMT approximately) followed by India, South Korea,
Studies explain that it may be originally native to Asia, but has long
Egypt, Russia, Myanmar, Ethiopia, USA, Bangladesh, and Ukraine
been naturalized to Europe northern Africa, Mexico and all over the
respectively (FAO, 2010).
world [5]. Garlic is classified as member of family alliaceae [6]. Some
of the earliest references to this medicinal and culinary plats are found Naturally occurring plants have played an important role in the
on Sumerian clay tablets from 2600-2100 BC [5]. The name “Allium discovery of new therapeutic agents. The therapeutic uses include
sativum” is derived from the Celtic word “all”, meaning burning or beneficial effects on the cardiovascular system, antibiotics, anticancer,
stinging, and the Latin “sativum” meaning planted or cultivated. anti-inflammatory, and hypoglycemic and hormone-like effects [11].
This medicinal plant is mainly used as condiments and for stopping But improper perception and use of herbal remedies result in adverse
in different cooking [7]. The use of higher plants and their extracts to condition on our health. According to Georgiana V and her collogues,
treat infections is an ancient practice in traditional medicine. Many the understanding of consumer and physician on the toxicities,
plants have been used because of their antimicrobial treats, which are contradiction and drug interaction as well as side effects of herbal
chiefly synthesis during secondary metabolism of the plants. The herbal remedies is poor. Due to this, several cardio vascular conditions,
medicine may be in the form of powders, liquid or mixtures which CNS bleeding, mouth ulcer, dermatitis is observable [12]. Adverse
may be row or boiled, ointments linings and incision [8]. Traditional reactions attend because of improper use of garlic, including gastro
medicine is the sum total of knowledge skills and practices based on the intestinal upset, platelet dysfunction that produces post-operative
theories, beliefs and experiences indigenous to different cultural that bleeding and spontaneous epidural hematoma. And garlic allergy
are used to maintain health, as well as to prevent, diagnose, improve or manifest as rhinitis, asthma, anaphylaxis contact dermatitis and
treat physical and mental illness, (Thomas et al.). In many developing
countries, a large proportion of the population relies on traditional
practitioners and their armamentarium of medicinal plants in order to *Corresponding author: Tesfaye Wolde, Department of Biology, College of
Natural and Computational Sciences, Wolkite University, PO Box 1020, Wolkite,
meet health care needs. Garlic (Allium sativum) is one of those plants
Ethiopia, Tel: +251921219546; E-mail: [email protected]
that were seriously investigated over several years and used for century
Received: January 20, 2018; Accepted February 26, 2018; Published March 05,
to light infectious disease [9] brown in Gebresalama and Mehratu 2018
Citation: Wolde T, Kuma H, Trueha K, Yabeker A (2018) Anti-Bacterial Activity of Garlic
According to Wayne and his colleagues, the growth of garlic requires Extract against Human Pathogenic Bacteria. J Pharmacovigil 6: 253. doi:10.4172/2329-
on even, consistent supply of water. Too much water causes wet feel
and many cause bulb rots to occurs according to the rain fail garlic may Copyright: © 2018 Wolde T, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under
the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted
need extra moisture is in spring and early summer. Garlic grows best use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and
on friable (crumby), loamy soil that are fertile and have some organic source are credited.

J Pharmacovigil, an open access journal

ISSN: 2329-6887 Volume 6 • Issue 1 • 1000253
Citation: Wolde T, Kuma H, Trueha K, Yabeker A (2018) Anti-Bacterial Activity of Garlic Extract against Human Pathogenic Bacteria. J Pharmacovigil
6: 253. doi:10.4172/2329-6887.1000253

Page 2 of 5

pemphigus. Garlic ingredient diallyl disulfide, allicin, and allylpropyl bacteria. After this step, all plates had been put aside (at 25oC for about
disulfied are causative of allergies with diallyl disulfide being strongest 15 mins). After that, all cultured plates were placed in the incubator
sensitizer [13]. The chemical burns reported are as result of prolonged at 36°C for 16-18 hrs; the area of inhibition has been examined and
placement of garlic. Generally training of practitioners who provide measured in millimeters (mm). The organisms under the experiment
herbal medicine and forming national pharmacovigilance centers (or were assessed, as well, for their susceptibility toward two antimicrobials
equivalent institutions) that analyses the causes and advert events of including: cloxacillin and clindamycin again by disc diffusion method.
improper uses of herbal is crucial in preventing side effect [14]. Those The cultures of test organisms were reactivated by culturing in sterile
issues were bases for this experimental study. The present study was nutrient broth for 16 hrs at 37°C. After incubation and turbidity
aimed for the fortitude of the antibacterial activity of garlic extracts on comparison with McFarland standard, sterile cotton swabs were used
both Gram negative and Gram positive standard bacterial strains and to transfer the bacterial cultures aseptically and swabbed over MHA
compares their effect with the effect of some antibiotics. petri dishes. A sterilized forceps was used to fix the antibiotic disc
aseptically over the cultured petri dishes. Then, the petri dishes were
Materials and Methods placed in the incubator at 37°C for 20-22 hours and subsequently all
This experimental study has been conducted at Wolkite University diameters of inhibition zones were determined.
Wolkite, SNNPR, Ethiopia.
The fresh garlic (Allium sativum) collected from local market was Statistical analysis
peeled. Then the peeled garlic was washed with distilled water in order Factorial experimental design with three factors is used to analyze
to remove dust and clay. Four 250 g of washed garlic were measured the data. Factorial experimental is an experiment whose design consists
for crush. of two or more factors. A factorial experiment can be analyzed using
ANOVA. It is relatively easy to estimate the main effect for a factor. In
Preparation of plant extract
full complement of all possible factor combinations we can estimate all
The washed and prepared garlic were treated with solvents. The the main and interaction effects. We can write the model as given below
four 250 g were treated with distilled water, ethanol, chloroform,
and petroleum ether separately. After it all were treated, they were Y=β0+β1X1+β2X2+β3X3+β12X1X2+β13X1X3+β23X2X3+β123X
transferred to 1000 ml flask by using gauze and plastic funnel, and 1X2X3+ϵ
then put on the dual shaker in order to dissolve each solution. Then But we are interested only on the main effects.
transferred to four different watching glasses then they were put into
an oven adjusted at 40-60oC temperature; in order to evaporate the Y=β0+β1X1+β2X2+β3X3
solvent from extract and to obtain powder form of the extract. After
Tukey Pair wise comparison method is used to compare the
24 hrs, powdered forms of petroleum ether and chloroform extracts
difference between factors. It considers all possible pair wise differences
have been transferred in to capable test tube. While after 72 hr the
of means at the same time. It also applies simultaneously to the set of all
ethanol and aqueous extracts were collected into different capable test
pair – wise comparisons.
tube. And the dried form was stored in refrigerator at 4oC until used for
additional assay. The standard bacterial strain of Staphylococcus aureus µi − µ j Where µi is the mean if the ith factor and µ j is the mean
and Escherichia coli from Biology laboratory of Wolkite University of j factor

was activated on selective media mannitol salt agar and XLD agar
respectively. Results and Discussion
Garlic extracts have high range of anti-bacterial against both gram
Production of discs (disks of the extracts) negative and gram positive bacteria. The garlic extracts were also
By using what man filter paper No. 1, Discs of 5 mm in diameter effective against anti-biotic resistant bacteria and their toxic product.
were produced by using of a paper borer. After that, the prepared This effect is because of garlic compounds. Especially, the allicin affect
disks were put in suitable containers. Then, the discs were subjected the growth of bacteria by inhibiting there DNA and proteins synthesis
to autoclave in order to sterilize the disks (adjusting the conditions of partially and also by inhibiting RNA synthesis as primary target. The
autoclave to be 121oC for 15 mins) and left to become cold. Later on, inhibitory effect of garlic against the growth of S. aureus and E. coli and
the discs were allowed to suck up the extract filtrate and maintained the yield potential of each of solvents are showed as follow in Tables
for later assay. The produced discs (each one) have the ability to absorb 1-3 respectively.
about 0.01 ml [15].
S. aureus E. coli
Antimicrobial susceptibility test by Kirby-Bauer method Solvent Extract in Zone of Extract in Zone of
mg inhibition mg inhibition
The antibiotics susceptibility procedure for the standard bacterial
strains had been done through using a method that depends on the ether
    50 10
ability of disc to permit the diffusion of antibiotics through Kirby-
50 13 50 12
Bauer method [15]. Mueller Hinton agar (MHA) have been inoculated; Aqueous
100 17 100 20
each alone, by the test bacterial isolates -107 CFU (compared with
50 12 50 12
McFarland turbidity standard), then the bacterial suspension was Ethanol
100 17 100 14
uniformly distributed all the area of the plate. Then, sterilized discs
50 14 50 24
(measuring six milliliters in diameter) were put under sterilized Chloroform
conditions in various extracts (for about 1 min), then fixed on Mueller 100 26 100 31

Hinton plates (petri dishes) inoculated previously by suspension of the Table 1: Inhibition zone of garlic extracts against S. aureus and E. coli.

J Pharmacovigil, an open access journal

ISSN: 2329-6887 Volume 6 • Issue 1 • 1000253
Citation: Wolde T, Kuma H, Trueha K, Yabeker A (2018) Anti-Bacterial Activity of Garlic Extract against Human Pathogenic Bacteria. J Pharmacovigil
6: 253. doi:10.4172/2329-6887.1000253

Page 3 of 5

Solvent type Yield in % Source DF Seq SS Adj SS Adj MS F P

Aqueous 22.24 Solvent 2 228.17 228.17 114.08 10.8 0.01
Ethanol 1.86 concentration 1 120.33 120.33 120.33 11.4 0.01
Chloroform 1.13 Bacteria 1 16.33 16.33 16.33 1.55 0.25
Petroleum ether 0.33 Error 7 73.83 73.83 10.55  -  -
Table 2: Yield potential of solvents of garlic extracts. Total 11 438.67 0  -  -  -
Table 4: Analysis of Variance.
Factor Type Levels Values
Solvent fixed 3 Aqueous Chloroform Ethanol SE of Adjusted
Solvent Level Difference T-Value
concentration fixed 2 50 100 Difference P-Value
Chloroform 8.25 2.296 3.5925 0.0211
Bacteria fixed 2 E. coli S. aureus
Ethanol -1.75 2.296 -0.762 0.7364
Table 3: General Linear Model: efficacy of the extracts versus Solvent, concentration.
Table 5A: Tukey Pair-wise Comparisons among levels of solvent.
The yield potential is the ability of solvents to extract the high
amount of bioactive compound from the plant. As the rules, like Solvent
SE of
T-Value Adjusted P-Value
dissolve like, the type of solvent affect the amount of extract can be Level Difference
obtained. So, the polar solvents extract the polar compounds. Similarly, Ethanol -10 2.296 -4.354 0.0082
the non-polar solvents extract the non-polar compounds. This also Table 5B: Solvent=Chloroform subtracted from.
used to determine the higher compound content of the plant is either
polar or non-polar. In the experiment an equal amount 150 g of garlic Solvent
Difference SE of Difference T-Value Adjusted P-Value
treated with an equal amount of ethanol and chloroform extract 2.8 g
100 6.333 1.875 3.378 0.0118
and 1.7 g respectively.
Table 5C: Tukey Pairwise Comparisons among levels of concentration.
As the non-polarity of solvent increases the amount of bioactive
compound can be obtained will decrease. Thus, 600 ml of chloroform zone than that of chloroform. The susceptibility of bacterial strains
and Petroleum ether extract 1.7 g and 0.5 g from 150 g of garlic depend on their structural composition, particularly S. aureus contain
respectively. Likely as degree of polarity increased from low polar to only 2% lipid. So that lipid content of the membranes will have an effect
high polar the amount of compound can be obtained will increased; on the permeability of hydrophobic and volatile bioactive substances
this is evident that an equal 600 ml distilled water extract 33.3 g while, in garlic. Hence this phenomenon may favor the destruction of the
the same amount of ethanol extract 2.8 g of compound. So, we can cell wall and genetic material of S. aureus [5] than that of E. coli. The
generalize that the polarity of solvent can have effect on the amount of extract with higher viscosity inhibits less, because those chemical have
compound that can be obtained. And also garlic have high amount of lower diffusion rate to inhibit more bacteria population. That is why
polar bioactive than non-polar one. an equal amount of 50 mg of chloroform and aqueous show 12 mm
and 24 mm zone of inhibition against E. coli, while 100 mg of ethanol
The yield product were calculated by subtracting the amount of
and chloroform shows that it inhibit 17 mm and 26 mm of zone of
the garlic after extraction by the amount before extraction in gram and
inhibition against S. aureus respectively. In the MIC against S. aureus
times by hundred.
is 50 mg of ethanol extract which have an inhibition zone of 12 mm
Yield product=amount before extraction in gram / Amount after in diameter, this is because the easy penetration of garlic molecules
extraction in gram × 100 through the lipid membrane present S. aureus. In the case of E. Coli
the MIC is 50 mg of petroleum ether that have inhibition zone of 10
From the result it can understood that the independent variables
mm. This is due to E. coli is a gram negative bacterium and it have
solvent and concentration have a significant contribution to determine
an outer membrane that can make it less susceptible to antimicrobials
the efficacy of the extracts (Table 4). The bacterial strains have nothing
than gram positive bacteria S. aureus [17].
to do with the efficiency of the extracts. The Gram positive and gram
negative bacteria were found to be sensitive for all the extracts, which is Even though different researchers show that liquid polar solvent
in contrast to the findings of other workers (Figure 1) [9]. As revealed have more inhibition action especially ethanol and water, in this
from (Table 5a-c) aqueous extract is the most effective one in terms experiment the non-polar chloroform had higher inhibition zone. This
of stopping the growth of bacterial growth. The second most efficient is because of the non-polar extracts have higher diffusion rates and
solvent to extract so successful extract was chloroform against both low viscosity [18-28]. Based on the result we recommend garlic can be
strains and concentrations. Chloroform had been better solvent than used for both as food flavoring and health caring herb. Because garlic
ethanol and there is significant statistical difference among these two has high rang of effect on controlling cancer, cardiovascular problems,
solvents. bacterial, viral, and fungal infection. So, it can be used in health caring
The susceptibility of bacteria to antibiotic chemical is expressed in system. Taking garlic as daily with small amount approximately
MIC or high zone of inhibition [16]. The result shows both standard not more than 50 mg has bacterial infection control especially for
strains of bacteria S. aureus and E. coli were highly susceptible to gastrointestinal problems. But what we underline is that using higher
different amount of powder garlic extracts. Unlike other solvents amount of garlic daily will result another unexpected adverse condition
chloroform extracts have shown higher inhibition zone against both on our health. Additionally other to be considered is that using garlic
S. aureus and E. coli. This was because of their low viscosities which with alcohol will not affect us. And also taking garlic with alcohol and
have reciprocal relationship with the rates of diffusion. Thus, the water will have benefit because the higher amount of compound can
molecule of chloroform extracts of garlic inhibits the bacterial growth. be obtained. Using garlic extract for skin infection and teeth is not
Comparatively the aqueous and ethanol extracts have lower inhibition recommended because it produces skin allergy (dermatitis) and teeth

J Pharmacovigil, an open access journal

ISSN: 2329-6887 Volume 6 • Issue 1 • 1000253
Citation: Wolde T, Kuma H, Trueha K, Yabeker A (2018) Anti-Bacterial Activity of Garlic Extract against Human Pathogenic Bacteria. J Pharmacovigil
6: 253. doi:10.4172/2329-6887.1000253

Page 4 of 5

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J Pharmacovigil, an open access journal

ISSN: 2329-6887 Volume 6 • Issue 1 • 1000253

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