BirdWatching March Issue
BirdWatching March Issue
BirdWatching March Issue
April 2020
a better
18 hotspots
along the
heroes for hawks
ID TIPS: Florida’s
specialty birds
Where Beauty Soars
to New Heights
Located on two migratory
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Great Egret David Moynahan
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Harrier taken by our readers.
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How resting birds can help you find hawks.
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Read our three-part series on While brushfires were Researchers traveled recently
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in whole or in part without permission from the publisher. Printed in the U.S.A.
how birdwatching changed in raging in Australia, to one of the few remaining
the 2010s. conservationists expressed old-growth forests in Mexico
considerable concern for to begin tracking the !
the continent’s birds. Thick-billed Parrot. Reflective Glass Kills Birds. Do Your
Part to Prevent Window Collisions.
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Over the last two decades, Wallacea region, an archipela- Grasshopper-Warbler, where to look for undiscov-
about five or six new bird go at the interface between the Taliabu Myzomela, and ered birds. He explains that
species on average have been Oriental and Australian Taliabu Leaf-Warbler, as well the ocean depth around
described each year. In biogeographical realms, as three subspecies: Taliabu Taliabu and Peleng (up to 120
January, however, a research named after Sir Alfred Snowy-browed Flycatcher, meters) isolated the islands
team from the National Wallace, who was the most Taliabu Island Thrush and geographically. “And coupled
University of Singapore famous historical collector Sula Mountain Leaftoiler. with the fact that these islands
(NUS) and the Indonesia exploring the area. • On Peleng, two new had been largely neglected by
Institute of Sciences (LIPI) During six weeks of species, Peleng Fantail and historic collectors such as
made a quantum leap in the fieldwork from November Peleng Leaf-Warbler, and a Alfred Russel Wallace made
discovery of cryptic avian 2013 to January 2014, the new subspecies, Banggai us suspect that they may
diversity by uncovering five researchers led by Frank Mountain Leaftoiler, were harbor a number of undiscov-
species and five subspecies Rheindt, an associate discovered. ered endemic species that are
new to science. professor from the Depart- • On Togian, a new unique to these islands and
The team found the birds ment of Biological Sciences at subspecies, Togian Jungle-Fly- not shared with anywhere else
in three small island groups NUS, discovered 10 new, catcher, was found. in the world,” he said.
off the island of Sulawesi, long-overlooked avian forms: Rheindt used the science To view photos of the
Indonesia. The islands are • On Taliabu, they found of bathymetry, the science of newly discovered birds, visit
situated in Indonesia’s three new species: Taliabu sea-level depth, in deciding
w w w. B i rd Wa t c h i n g D a i l y. c o m 5
Until recently, birds have
flown through relatively empty
Dawn Grafe/FWS/ABC
skies, particularly above treetop
level at heights up to 500 feet —
where they now may encounter
wind turbine rotors. The rotors of
each turbine can cover an area of PREDATOR: A feral cat guards the remains of a Gila Woodpecker that it killed.
up to 400 feet in diameter. It may
look to us as if they are turning
slowly, but, in fact, the tips of the
It’s time to treat cats like we treat dogs
blades may be moving at nearly Cats. It’s the four-letter word of bird these lessons firsthand, sometimes painfully,
200 miles per hour. Of course, conservation. through my own cats. One of my childhood
birds collide with stationary For over a century, ornithologists have cats, for example, was killed by a car.
objects as well, including wind been sounding the alarm about cats and their Today, I’m proud to keep my cat, Amelia
turbine and energy transmission impacts on the environment. Whether owned, Bedelia, safely contained. I’ve chosen to
infrastructure. stray, or feral, roaming domestic cats hunt and protect her and local wildlife by keeping her
Birds’ visual systems process kill the wild creatures that we value. To date, indoors. When she does venture outdoors,
and interpret field- and depth-of- at least 40 bird species have been driven to she is on a leash or in an enclosure and
view differently than we do, and extinction in the wild due, at least always supervised. I’m also proud
the accuracy and resolution of in part, to cats. that American Bird Conservancy’s
their forward vision is frequently Cats’ predatory instinct means Cats Indoors program is helping
we must be responsible about how others to make the same
we manage our pets. Learning this responsible choice.
lesson, however, can take time. Only decades ago, domestic
Growing up in suburban Ohio, I dogs frequently ran wild, whether
long believed that preventing a cat owned or not. Thanks to education
Rudmer Zwerver/Shutterstock
harmful invasive species. (In the United people. Hopefully, many more will follow.
Julie Craves is an ecologist and the States alone, cats are estimated to kill 2.4 — Grant Sizemore, director of invasive
retired director of the Rouge River billion birds each year.) And I experienced species programs
Bird Observatory in Dearborn,
American Bird Conservancy is a 501(c)(3), not-for-profit organization whose mission is to conserve native birds and their habitats
Michigan. Read her blog at
throughout the Americas. You can learn more about its Cats Indoors Program at
6 B i r d Wa t c h i n g
Takahashi Photography/Shutterstock
A study published in electron microscopes and in a way that produces
January in the journal compared them with the iridescence.
Evolution explains why feathers of other brightly The researchers also found
hummingbird feathers are so colored birds, like that the different traits that
iridescent; that is, why they green-headed Mallards, to make hummingbird feathers Broad-tailed
shimmer in the light and shift look for differences in their special — like melanosome
as you look at the birds from make-up. shape and the thickness of the like a soap bubble,” says
different angles. The key difference, the feather lining — are traits co-author Matthew Shawkey
Other birds like ducks and researchers say, are structures that evolved separately, allow- of Belgium's University of
grackles have iridescent called melanosomes in ing hummingbirds to mix Ghent. “If you just look at a
feathers, of course, but hummingbird feathers. and match a wider variety of little bit of soap, it’s going to
hummingbirds take the trait Ducks have log-shaped traits. It’s kind of like how be colorless. But if you
to another level. Chad melanosomes without any air you can make more outfit structure it the right way, if
Eliason, a postdoctoral inside, but hummingbirds’ combinations with three you spread it out really thin to
researcher at the Field melanosomes are pancake- shirts and three pairs of pants form the shell of a bubble, you
Museum in Chicago, and an shaped and contain lots of than you can with three get those shimmering
international team of tiny air bubbles. The flattened dresses. All in all, humming- rainbow colors around the
colleagues conducted the larg- shape and air bubbles of bird feathers are super edges. It works the same way
est-ever optical study of hummingbird melanosomes complex, and that’s what with melanosomes: with the
hummingbird feathers. They create a more complex set of makes them so much more right structure, you can turn
examined the feathers of 35 surfaces. When light glints off colorful than other birds. something colorless into
species with transmission those surfaces, it bounces off “A good analogy would be something really colorful.”
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w w w. B i rd Wa t c h i n g D a i l y. c o m 7
(continued from page 6)
diminished in flight. Similarly,
A small owl and a well-known flycatcher to watch for this spring
the sound of wind turbines may
be hard to detect or discern as Northern Saw-whet Owl
a hazard warning to birds.
These factors, among others,
mean that birds apparently do
not or cannot perceive wind
turbines as dangerous, at least
in time to evade the broad reach
of the blades.
Wind turbine blades can be
deadly both day and night.
During the day, larger birds such
as raptors are often within the
rotor-swept area. When soaring,
they are less able to maneuver April 2009-19 January 2009-19
away from the blades, and if
they are foraging, they may be The Northern Saw-whet Owl is most commonly seen by North American birders during the
looking down at the ground for non-breeding season and migration, when individuals can be found roosting in conifer stands and
prey and not see the blades at clumps of ornamental cedars in parks, gardens, and even backyards. Much has been learned about
all. At night, migrating songbirds the ecology and movements of this species during recent decades thanks to the efforts of owl
typically fly above the height of banders across North America. In April, as the map at left shows, Northern Saw-whet Owl occurs
many current turbine rotors, across much of the western United States and Canada and from the Great Lakes east to New
making the birds most at risk England. Owls that spend the winter south of breeding areas move toward nesting regions at this
during taking off and landing. time. The January map shows that in winter, some owls remain resident across the breeding range,
However, modern turbines are while others move into the middle tier of the United States (and occasionally to the southern states).
taller to maximize energy Listen for the species’ diagnostic “song,” a monotonous series of whistles on a single pitch.
production; regardless,
nocturnal migrants may
Olive-sided Flycatcher
descend to a lower flight altitude
under some weather conditions.
The most effective method of
reducing bird (and bat) mortality
at wind farms is siting them
carefully. The threat can be
reduced by placing them in
areas away from migratory or
breeding areas, or places where
birds are apt to congregate. One
focal area of the American Bird
Conservancy is wind energy.
You can learn more about
April 2009-19 January 2009-19
threats and potential solutions at The song of the male Olive-sided Flycatcher — an emphatic quick, THREE BEERS! — makes the
wind-energy-and-birds. species one of the most well-known birds of northern forests. Visually similar to the wood-pewees,
but larger with a heftier bill, and with sometimes-hidden white tufts near the rump, individuals
often perch prominently on tall perches. During the non-breeding season, in January, the species
Readers from New can be found in Central and South America, where the birds winter at middle elevations on
Jersey, New York, and mountain slopes, preferring forest edges with snags, much like they do during the breeding season.
Pennsylvania have all In April, the flycatcher moves up the Pacific Coast, from California to Canada, and a few birds have
sent me questions over already reached Alaska. It’s also beginning to pass through the southern, central, and eastern states
the past few months toward Canadian forests.
regarding the lack of
birds at their feeders. eBird is the real-time online checklist operated by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology and Audubon. “On the Move” is written by
eBird’s Garrett MacDonald, Chris Wood, Marshall Iliff, and Brian Sullivan. Submit your sightings at
(continued on page 10)
8 B i r d Wa t c h i n g
Secret life of birds
w w w. B i rd Wa t c h i n g D a i l y. c o m 9
(continued from page 8)
Jim Beers
and temperature, or conditions
in the past one or few growing
seasons. Longer-term circum- FIRST IN FLORIDA: On January 7, birders saw this FIRST IN DELAWARE: This Western Tanager was
stances such as local or regional Common Murre near an oceanside park south of seen in late December and early January at Bombay
habitat changes can also influ- Daytona Beach. Hook National Wildlife Refuge.
ence natural food sources.
More immediate causes
of feeder abandonment are
related to the threat of predators.
Cooper’s and Sharp-shinned
Hawks typically have neighbor-
hood-sized territories and are
often attracted to aggregations
of birds at feeders. The pres-
ence of an outdoor cat will also
drive birds away from a feeding
The populations of many bird
Liron Gertsman
Heidi Hughes
Suzy Whittey
Send a question
Send your question to ask@
last October, this Tropical Kingbird hung around Bunting, an Old World songbird, was at Cape or visit
Rock Meadow Conservation Area near Boston. Disappointment State Park in early December.
and look for “Contact us.”
10 B i rd Wa t c h i n g
PRIME 8X42mm
Less than $150 Category
birderatlarge BY PETE DUNNE
America’s bird population has seen a species to the literal edge, but, as far as call from a homeowner in North Cape
3 billion-bird decline came as a shock we know, not a single prairie breeder May, advising that flying saucers were
to many and should serve as a wakeup was lost, and many bird species now killing birds over her home. Intrigued, I
call to all. But it does not signal the end thrive in our agricultural heartland. visited her at her postage stamp property
of the world. It merely serves as a The natural world is resilient and and was presented with a box full of
reminder that nature responds to adaptive; indeed, many bird species are evidence, 30 or so migrating songbirds,
12 B i rd Wa t c h i n g • M a rc h /A pr i l 2 0 2 0
including Ovenbirds, Northern mobilization of compassion and promote land and bird protection.
Waterthrush, Veeries, Red-eyed Vireos, concerted action to ensure that birds And most of all, do not lose hope.
and several warbler species — all will always have a place in this world of Climate change is real, but it is only the
collected from the street in front of her our making. latest insult our species has perpetrated
small yard, and most significantly I don’t have a name for this upon the planet. Nature will always find
beneath the utility wires lining the street. movement, but I can suggest ways that a way. She always has.
The night before had been marked by you can join it. First, screen your And Forster’s Terns continue to be
a very large movement of nocturnal windows and patio doors. Plant native seen in New York Harbor.
migrants. So widespread was this vegetation. Keep your damn cat indoors.
movement that 10 miles east, in Lobby local officials and utility Pete Dunne is the author or co-author of many
Wildwood Crest, I had, that very companies to bury overhead lines. Give books about birds.
morning, found two dead Red-eyed your support to organizations that
Vireos in front of our motel’s plate-
glass door. Two birds on the east
side of the peninsula, 30 birds on
the west. The carnage across the
Cape May peninsula that single
September night must have been
astronomical. Of course, Cape
May, a celebrated migrant trap, is
not representative of all suburban
environments, but the 12-mile-
long peninsula is nevertheless a
major migratory corridor for many
northern breeders, a corridor now
crisscrossed by hundreds of miles
of utility lines and barricaded with
acres of plate-glass windows.
I don’t know how many birds
met their demise that one night in
late September, but I’d guess
hundreds of thousands at the very
least, and when the additional
attrition levied by roaming cats
and speeding cars is added in, my
gut tells me 1 to 2 million birds
may have died that night. Multiply
this carnage by 50 years of coastal
development. Is it any wonder bird
populations are faltering?
But contrary to the North
Cape May resident’s assertion,
the problem with declining
numbers is not linked to
extraterrestrial beings but to us
and our manipulation of the
planet. That is the bad news. But
it is also the good news. If we are
the problem, then we must
necessarily be the solution.
It was faltering bird
populations that led to the
Conservation Movement, and the
specter of a spring bereft of
birdsong (a Silent Spring) that
spawned the Environmental
Movement. Perhaps the conjoined
voices of 3 billion lost birds are
now calling out for a third
w w w. B i rd Wa t c h i n g D a i l y. c o m 13
pair of Red-tailed Hawks
watch over their territory
from atop a statue of
George Washington in
Eakins Oval in Philadelphia.
Christian Hunold
14 B i rd Wa t c h i n g • M a rc h /A pr i l 2 0 2 0
hen Carolyn Sutton first never had much interest in social media
heard about the Red-tailed before, is leading online chats and
Hawks nesting on a window tweetstorms and is one of 2,600 members
ledge of a Philadelphia science museum worldwide of the Franklin Hawkaholics
back in 2009, she wasn’t really a bird- Facebook page, all devoted to the Red-tail
watcher. But after a peek at the Franklin family. She has also spent nearly every
Institute’s webcam, she said, “I became early morning for the past decade
immediately addicted.” observing the generations of birds that
More than 10 years later, Sutton, who began on the museum windowsill.
w w w. B i rd Wa t c h i n g D a i l y. c o m 15
Hosanna DeForest,
Carolyn Sutton, and
Christian Hunold stand
with their cameras at the
ready on Eakins Oval. The
Philadelphia Museum of
Art is in the background.
few men, most with cameras over their the hawks on the museum ledge for Sutton and Micah went up to the Frank-
shoulders. “They weren’t birders, for the several years. Her circle of online lin Institute executive boardroom,
16 B i rd Wa t c h i n g • M a rc h /A pr i l 2 0 2 0
female hawk that
first nested in the
area, known as
Mom, balances atop
a birdlike sculpture
on the Philadelphia
Museum of Art.
18 B i rd Wa t c h i n g • M a rc h /A pr i l 2 0 2 0
and “it seems like every conceivable Catholic,” brought up going to church. nest will be somewhere in this area,” and
Red-tail niche in the city is now “Now, watching the birds, that’s church perhaps they can get the city to install a
occupied,” Hunold said. to me. Being out in nature is the most new nest cam once they settle in.
Hawks, no doubt, lived in the city healing thing for me,” she said. “The So, each morning, a hopeful group-
since Ben Franklin’s time. The raptors’ hawks have also made me look text message flits between Sutton,
presence grew in the 1970s, as industry up more.” DeForrest, Hunold, and others on watch
and its pollution declined, and urban She accompanies Sutton whenever that day: “Anything?”
environments like Philadelphia’s possible on loops around the hawks’
became more habitable for animals. territory. They watch the relationship Alan Jaffe is a former editor and writer at
Now, the city (like many other North grow between T4 and F2. the Philadelphia Inquirer. In past issues,
American urban areas) is a year-round “We’re just keeping an eye on where he has profiled birding hotspots in
source of food and shelter for Red-tails. they go,” Sutton said. “We figure their Philadelphia and Cape May, New Jersey.
“The difference between a
quasi-natural habitat — a golf
course or a park — and your street
is not a distinction that animals
make,” Hunold said. On a cold
winter night with strong north-
east winds, the hawks may still be
seen huddling on the façade of the
Franklin Institute, where it may
be 10 degrees warmer. “The fact
that it’s a building and not a tree I
don’t think is something that
would occur to them,” he said.
Hunold became fascinated by the
hawk watchers, who found a
window into the world of urban
wildlife. They may have been AUGUST 5–9, 2020
aware of pigeons and squirrels, Registration Opens April 1
“things you might see casually,
without trying.” But the majestic, Celebrating 10 years of finding
compelling sight of hawks, their
diurnal activity, and their mating life birds in Southeast Arizona!
and nesting behaviors were easy to
relate to, he said. “They are a
Featured speakers
viewer-friendly species” that is Alvaro Jaramillo and
comfortable around people, and Tom Stephenson
they don’t mind swooping down
for prey a few feet from an
observer. “You don’t need a lot of birding, wildlife, and
field training to go watch the cultural field trips;
hawks.” photography and bird-ID
Hunold is amazed that not workshops; free nature
everyone notices the raptors. presentations, vendors,
Crowds can surge past a lamppost and activities
where a hawk is perched without
ever looking up. Even when he has 230 bird species
a camera pointed at one, “some- seen in 2019!
body will come up and ask me
what I’m doing. And they’re like,
‘What hawk?’ Sometimes I have to PR ES E N TE D BY
w w w. B i rd Wa t c h i n g D a i l y. c o m 19
Chip Clouse of Front Range Birding, CO commented: Full Size Birding & Nature Binoculars
“With their ‘No-Fault’ warranty, quality binoculars
that still have rubber-covered metal eyecups instead
of the ubiquitous plastic ones at practically every
price point from $100 to $800, and the very best
customizable spotting scopes under $1000, Opticron
is a brand to reckon with in the US market.”
In the November/December
2019 issue of BirdWatch-
ing, Pete Dunne wrote the
intriguing article “My Take on Listing ”
(pages 14-15). I did not realize that none
artificial. Pete said, “I like birding, but I
dislike bookkeeping.” I agree with that,
too. My very old records, at worst, don’t
exist, or, at best, are haphazard. A few
thousand lifers found before 2002
kept other types of lists. From most to
least frequent, the results were: yard
list (48%), state list (32%), year list
(32%), county list (25%), and other
(15%). “Other” included species seen
other than Roger Tory Peterson may would have to be reconstructed to eBird while in airports, bicycling, sitting,
have been responsible for kicking off standards only with great pain. I’ve and watching movies. You may object
the idea of a life list, at least in this declined to put in the time. that the last category is not legitimate!
hemisphere, in the second edition of How common is Pete’s view? How But as we say, “Hey, it’s your list.”
A Field Guide to the Birds (1947). I have many birders view listing as not Birders responding to my survey
that field guide. “My Life List” begins interesting or not even necessary? As a demonstrated that list keeping was only
on page xxi with Common Loon, for part of my Ph.D. research on birders somewhat related to how many days per
which I had provided a “sanctifying and their bird conservation actions, I month they went birding, the actual
checkmark” in 1958. surveyed 5,502 birders from every state size of their life list, or the number of
I keep a life list, probably because I in the U.S. (If you responded to the bird feeders they maintained. Further,
believed early on that’s one of the things request shared by BirdWatching, over 61% said that they did not enjoy
real birders do. Why would I doubt thanks again!) To gauge level of competing with other birders, and over
RTP? A life list is the only type of list I interest, one of the questions I asked 85% said they were happy for another
keep. For me, it’s what I see on planet was about what types of bird lists person when they saw a bird that the
Earth in my lifetime that is interesting. birders kept. The results surprised me. respondent did not see. The picture I get
Other spatial and temporal boundaries Only 62% of respondents reported is that there are a lot of different types
don’t matter because they are all keeping a life list. I also asked if they of birders out there, and they are less
22 B i rd Wa t c h i n g • M a rc h /A pr i l 2 0 2 0
LIFE CHANGERS: Beautiful birds
such as Eastern Meadowlark
(left) and Western Tanager
(right) can hook a person on
birding in moments.
nerdy, less competitive, and more dimensions of space and one of time self-appointed Inspector of the Great
altruistic than the conventional wisdom — gleaming in the sun like a structure in Basin in Idaho, I can attest that there is
would have us believe. 2001: A Space Odyssey. A part of the plenty of white space and white time
So, what should we think about beauty is that it’s not symmetrical. There where I live. I now have one more reason
lists? Should non-listers start listing? are high points and low points, times to go into an Idaho wilderness area in
Should listers relax and let the birds and places loaded with bird observations November, when the wind is blowing,
flow? I think we should do both, and and other times and places with nothing. the sun is obscured, and there is not
I’ll use eBird as an example. In my Cornell’s Ken Rosenberg calls the latter much to see. I can put another piece into
survey, I presented one more option “white space” and “white time.” As a the lattice, and I can go back in March
about lists, and that was, “I use eBird to and make it stronger still. In both
track various lists.” Nearly 48% of seasons, I’m guaranteed not to run into
birders selected this option. another birder and probably not even
I love eBird for many reasons. For another human. At some points, I don’t
one, it’s made me a better birder
because I now go birding every time of
Birders are even see a single bird in 15 minutes of
“counting.” But remember, in science,
the year, not just when species are
singing their mostly unmistakable
less nerdy, less nothing is something; 0 is a number.
w w w. B i rd Wa t c h i n g D a i l y. c o m 23
important to record sightings
of the birds we see, such as
Lazuli Bunting (left) and
Lewis's Woodpecker (right),
but also to appreciate their
stunning plumage and
fascinating behaviors.
dreaming.) By turning every bird into including the Cornell Lab of Ornitholo- FINDING JOY
data, I was not giving myself time for gy, birthplace of eBird, have created a My own right brain has lit up countless
feeling, pondering, wondering, and series of cutting-edge bird conservation times — surely all birders can say the
dreaming. This realization was a plans founded in science. But we have same. But the first time I saw that lit
coming home because I am a hiker and not yet swayed governments or society at right brain in another human was
explorer first and a birder second. large with data. Funding programs during an ornithology course at the Uni-
What to do? First, I thought, I’ll just languish and even face elimination in versity of Wisconsin in 1972. We’d gone
not eBird sometimes when I’m out in the state and federal agencies. through a typical spring semester of
country. Right. No way that was going to A recent report estimates that 47 evolution, stuffed birds, behavior,
work. I always have my binoculars, I million Americans watch birds to some ecology, and data. On our first spring
always look at birds, and the lattice degree. eBird is a stunning addition to field trip, we were walking through a
needs attention. My workable solution our ability to make the scientific prairie as the instructor pointed out
ended up being very simple. I eBird part argument for bird conservation, to various species. Before long, he set the
of the time, and I rBird the rest. This answer the questions “what species, spotting scope up on an Eastern
works beautifully on out-and-back where, and when?” But we badly need to Meadowlark perched on top of a mullein
trails. I stop the count at the end of the engage both sides of those 47 million and facing the rising sun. Students took
trek out and free up my right brain for brains. We also need to answer “why?” turns looking at the bird, most com-
the trip back. While at a campsite, I menting about how pretty it was. Then,
eBird for a while and then rBird for a one young woman stepped up and
while. In big loops or while just wander- literally yelled, “OH MY GOD!!!” I’m
ing through the boondocks, for me it’s guessing that changed her life.
data first and then no data. And
sometimes, vice versa. eBird lets us One other story illustrates the
downside of over-emphasizing the left
The thing is, we need data for some
purposes, and we need poetry for others. contribute to brain. I was birding with two friends
on the Venezuelan-Brazilian border in
We need logical arguments to convince
something besides the Amazon. The biggest, most
Danita Delmont/Shutterstock
some people, and we need beauty to complex mixed flock I’ve ever seen (to
this day) blew in upon us. It had more
sway others. I’ve been part of Partners in
Flight (a network of 150-plus organiza-
tions focused on landbird conservation)
our own enjoyment than 100 individuals of many species
— of antthings, several flycatchers,
since its birth in 1990. Partners, and lists. several furnariids, and several mystery
24 B i rd Wa t c h i n g • M a rc h /A pr i l 2 0 2 0
birds. In just a few minutes, it was gone. Two of us had
experience with mixed flocks in the tropics, but the
third had none.
After the flock had moved on, leaving only a few dry
leaf clusters twisting in the breeze, my inexperienced
friend sat down on a log, put his head in his hands, and
said, “I couldn’t identify anything.” He was seriously
bummed. I realized then that the joy of this epic biologi-
cal phenomenon, on par with any you like on the planet,
had been lost because he thought the experience should
be judged by the species identified and tallied, not by
seeing, hearing, and feeling the extraordinary living wave
that had crashed over us.
When I teach beginning bird classes, I always start by
saying that you don’t have to be able to identify birds to
enjoy them. I show pictures of a Western Tanager,
Mountain Bluebird, Lazuli Bunting, Lewis’s Woodpecker,
Calliope Hummingbird, and a dozen other gems from the
Gem State. I start with beauty, and I don’t talk about lists
at all. My hope is that every person in the room will start
with their right brains, move to their left, and end with a
balance. Data and beauty both have a place. Birds need us
to use both sides of our brains.
w w w. B i rd Wa t c h i n g D a i l y. c o m 25
BIRDS GALORE: Roseate Spoonbills,
White Ibises, and a Great Egret roam
the grassy coastline on Galveston
Island, Texas.
An insider’s guide to 18 astounding birding
Ivan Kuzmin/Shutterstock
26 B i rd Wa t c h i n g • M a rc h /A pr i l 2 0 2 0
or many years, birders have 150 species, including two dozen tropics. They return in spring following
traveled the highways and back varieties either of sandpipers or warblers. the trade winds, largely over the Western
roads to birdwatch the Upper At certain times of the year, select groups Gulf, especially the Upper Texas Coast.
Texas Coast (UTC) from the of birds may be expected at specific This makes the isolated patches of forest
Louisiana state line to the locations, such as rails at Anahuac along the coast magnets for a large,
southwest end of the Brazosport National Wildlife Refuge in early spring diverse group of arriving songbirds.
complex of wildlife refuges. The area or migrant raptors at Smith Point in Shorebirds also make this flight,
covers roughly 100 miles of isolated early October. although some fly straight down the
forests called hammocks, cheniers, or Other localities in the United States Great Plains states, Central America,
mottes, plus coastal sand- or mudflats, teem with warblers in May, but the and well into South America before
inland freshwater marshes often in combination of all songbird species, retracing their steps in spring. The flats
national wildlife refuges, rice fields, and shorebirds, raptors, clouds of wintering and rice fields often have thousands of
open pastures and fields attracting waterfowl, and coastal waterbirds make sandpipers and plovers, especially in
myriads of grassland birds. the UTC a hard place for birders to avoid. spring, and their occurrence isn’t as tied
The wide variety of habitats yields a The Lone Star State is aided by a to the weather as songbirds.
bounty of birds normally exceeding 100 “loop migration” process in which As if this potpourri isn’t enough to
species in a day. During migration, songbirds fly south in the fall through make a bird field card catch fire, slightly
especially in April, daily lists can exceed eastern states, such as Florida to the inland are other habitats with birds
w w w. B i rd Wa t c h i n g D a i l y. c o m 27
CANADA WARBLER: The songbird
Prairie Warblers.
with a distinctive black necklace
Returning to Highway 73, watch
migrates through the Upper Texas
carefully for flooded rice fields with
Coast in spring.
shorebirds. Most migrant species are
possible, but world-class ones like superb
Hudsonian Godwit, rare Buff-breasted
Sandpiper, lovely Wilson’s Phalarope,
scarce Baird’s Sandpiper, and indefatiga-
ble American Golden-Plover leave us all
shaking our collective heads in awe.
At the tiny town of Winnie, head
west on I-10 and take exits onto service
roads that lead to more rice fields, where
you’ll find more flocks of shorebirds.
Alternatively, go south on Route 124 and
drive the farm roads headed west, across
agricultural areas. The more you
explore, the more rice fields and birds
you’ll find.
When you drive south on 124, one
road you shouldn’t miss is the first farm
road to the west, 1985. All along this
highway, drive slower than usual and
watch the ditches for rails and bitterns
and the fields for geese in winter, Upland
Sandpiper in early spring, and rare
hawks in fall. Rarities like Say’s Phoebe
often turn up, flocks of Dickcissel roll
scarce or absent along the coast. Brazos Wren, King Rail, Gull-billed Tern, Least past in mid-spring with hundreds of
Bend State Park in northern Brazoria Bittern, and other great species. birds, Krider’s Red-tailed Hawks are
County, for example, offers excellent Do not even think about trying to common in winter, Glossy Ibis mix with
swamp and hardwood habitat and drive the beach to High Island, as White-faced, and bitterns, rails, and
attracts large numbers of wrens, tits, patches of Beaumont mud will sink your gallinules sneak through the ditches.
bitterns, owls, woodpeckers, and Anahuac NWR was decimated by
songbirds that do not breed near the Hurricane Ike in 2008, but it has
coast. improved steadily since and has easily
What follows are the highlights of become the finest wetlands on the
the region’s 18 best birding sites. he isolated Upper Texas Coast. Shoveler Pond is an
Beginning at the eastern point of the outstanding drive for waterfowl (cool
UTC, drive down Hwy. 73 to State Hwy.
87, where you turn right, heading
patches of season) and conspicuous birds like
Marsh Wren, Boat-tailed Grackle, Least
southwest along the coast. One of the
finest birding sites in Texas appears in
forest along the Bittern (warm season), King Rails in late
spring when they’re emboldened, and
about 10 minutes on the right: Sabine
Woods, owned and expertly operated by
coast are magnets fantastic photo ops. A straight road to
the south goes through saltmarsh and
the Texas Audubon Society, has fine birdy ditches and is great for Seaside
trails, benches to rest upon, including at for a large, diverse Sparrows singing in spring and summer.
a lovely drip pond, and surrounding The Anahuac refuge is one of the few
field habitat for buntings, sparrows, group of arriving really good birding areas on the UTC
grosbeaks, and other songbirds. after the spring migration because
Farther west is Sea Rim State Park, songbirds. Orchard Oriole, Boat-tailed Grackle,
which has a variety of aquatic habitats. Red-winged Blackbird, Purple Galli-
On the beach are many gulls and all nule, Least Bittern, Fulvous and
eight terns in spring, plus a smattering Black-bellied Whistling-Ducks,
of sandpipers and plovers. You may vehicle down to the housing. Retrace Black-crowned Night-Heron, White-
drive on the beach with care, and the your steps, watching for Bobolinks, faced and Glossy Ibis and beautiful,
charadriiform photography is outstand- bearing in mind that this area offers the buffy Cattle Egret all nest there. This is
ing. Don’t miss the long, thin boardwalk best chance for other eastern species, also a well-run refuge working hand-in-
with birds like Nelson’s Sparrow, Marsh such as Cape May, Blackpoll, Palm, and hand with the public.
28 B i rd Wa t c h i n g • M a rc h /A pr i l 2 0 2 0
73 Port Arthur
10 10 Winnie McFaddin
Houston Anahuac National
Wildlife Refuge Wildlife 87
FM 1985
Sea Rim
Smith Point State Park
Hawk Watch
45 High Island
o n Bolivar Sabine
t Texas
s Peninsula Rollover Pass Woods
San Bernard l ve ay Point
a B Crystal Beach National
National G
Wildlife Dos Vacas Bolivar Flats Wildlife
Refuge Muertas Refuge
Brazoria Bird Santuary y Corp Woods Nature Sancuary
s t B Galveston
Wildlife e
Refuge Laffite’s Cove Nature Preserve
Justin Hurst Galveston Island State Park
Management Stevenson Woods Gulf of Mexico
36 Area S an Lui s Pass
Leaving Anahuac, you may make a past anytime. Bob tries his best to alert friendly. High Island will always be a
fall visit to the Smith Point Hawk Watch the public to good sightings, though it is special place, but the numbers of
tower by turning left on 1785 and soon not really his job. Clear days are good for mosquitoes and people drive many
following the road as it curves left to the birds and better for photography, and birders to other sanctuaries, many of
south, becoming 562. In about 15 late-season cool fronts may turn up rare which are free.
minutes, just before you plunge into northern raptors, like Golden Eagle. Down 124 to the coast, follow 87 west
Galveston Bay, a paved road on the left Back up 562 and across 1785 to 124, on the Bolivar Peninsula toward the
leads to the tower. It is operated wonder- famed High Island is just a few miles Bolivar Ferry that takes vehicles to
fully by Gulf Coast Bird Observatory. south. Along the way, the freshwater Galveston. Along the way, the north
The migration of hawks runs from ditches may have Purple Gallinule, Boat- (right) side of Rollover Pass can be
August through November, peaking in tailed Grackle, Least Bittern, and excellent for shorebirds, and the south
early October. August is slow, with occasional rarities. For the impressive outlet has recorded jaegers and scoters.
both kites, both accipiters, Wood Stork, Roseate Spoonbill rookery, follow the Farther down the peninsula, driving the
some swallows, and some circum-Gulf signs; it is adjacent to Smith Oaks beach is much birdier than taking the
migrants by the 20th. The action Sanctuary. Try the north edge of the highway through Crystal Beach.
gradually builds in September, and by sanctuary for warblers toward the end of Through the years, this stretch of beach
the 20th, numbers of Broad-wings the day, just as they jump off, continuing has turned up rarities, such as Little
alone can be exciting. Hawk counter the long flight home. Houston Audubon Gull, especially in winter.
Bob Baez has been on the tower for operates the sanctuaries on High Island At the west end bollards, which can
several autumns and is quite generous and charges $8 for a day pass or $30 for a be accessed off 87 by taking Rettilon
with his observations and flawless bird patch that gives you an unlimited Road, you may walk Bolivar Flats
identifications. number of admissions for a year. without fear of vehicles. It is a great area
Mornings are far better than The other famous area is Boy Scout for plovers, sandpipers, gulls, and terns,
afternoons, when the sun is awfully high Woods, but it has suffered the loss of and the calm is often interrupted by
and at a bad angle. Accipiters fly earlier many trees to tropical storms, and it’s Peregrines or other birds migrating past.
than other hawks, but definitely be set often more people than birds. At the When you’re done, take the ferry to
up by 9 a.m. or earlier. The kettles of south end of town, on the other side of Galveston. It’s excellent for frigatebirds
Broadies appear between 9 and 10, and 124, Texas Audubon has a sanctuary, in the warm season, and the landings
falcons, kites, and other raptors may go and the nice boardwalks are user have had occasional rare birds.
w w w. B i rd Wa t c h i n g D a i l y. c o m 29
Galveston has several new birding off to the right and park outside of Dos around the large wetland is excellent for
sites; the first is Corp Woods Nature Vacas Muertas Bird Sanctuary. This bitterns and many other waterbirds, and
Sanctuary across from the Coast Guard 6-acre forest has scrubby areas for there’s also a boardwalk off to the right
Station on Fort Point Road. It has fewer Prairie and Palm Warblers, frequent through the woods for songbirds. Walk
mosquitoes than most coastal wood- interesting flyovers, and a few out the south end, turn right, and it’s a
lands, snakes are scarce, mulberries fire-breathing rattlers and cottonmouth. hundred yards out to the ponds. In
attract many birds, and wooded decks There are trails, benches at the drip, and wintertime, the ponds have loads of
open to the water. It is mostly a spring or a pond overview deck. ducks and geese and huge numbers of
fall site for migrant songbirds. The end of the island at San Luis Pass many waterbirds in the air. Watch from
Drive west through Galveston on has turned up many great birds through the deck and get great photos.
Stewart Road, which opens up to fields the years, from jaegers to longspurs. Go back the way you came, but
and spotty wetlands. Turn right into Getting out there is the toughest part, as continue across Hwy. 36 and it becomes
the Pirate’s Beach subdivision and first the beach access road sometimes looks 2004. Find your way to Brazoria NWR
try the half-moon drive for aquatic like the Great Lakes. Driving parallel to however you choose. Like so many
species. You’ll soon see ample parking the bridge is another strategy, and there wildlife refuges, this was created for
for the boardwalk into Laffite’s Cove is also a road along the bay shore. Most wintering waterfowl, but plenty of other
Nature Preserve. The wetland along the of the bad sand is on the gulf (south) avian groups are here. Shorebirding can
way can be excellent for freshwater side, which really isn’t the best birding be excellent in spring, raptors accompa-
sandpipers during migration and area, and dry sand generally isn’t ny the ducks and geese in winter, and
waterfowl in winter. passable from mid-May to late August. any season has plenty of birds to watch
The forest itself is the finest on and photograph.
Galveston, owing partly to the hard Considering the migrant traps in
work of Mort Voller and his small army spring and fall, the hawk migration
of habitat enhancers. The woods are tower, and clouds of waterbirds in
thick enough to house deep-forest uring winter, the Upper Texas Coast has a
species, such as Canada and Mourning great deal to offer. Our April birding
Warblers and all five Empidonax
flycatchers. The water drip is outstand-
migration, festival, Galveston FeatherFest, has won-
derful field trips led by excellent birders,
ing for photographers, and a quiet walk
through the paradise can be extremely
especially and the Crane Festival in December is a
lovely day for many wintering species.
productive. When leaving, walk out the
north end and watch the edge of the
in April, daily lists Gulf Coast Bird Observatory has several
excellent attractions in fall, and the
forest as you make your way around to Galveston Ornithological Society has
the parking lot. Warblers stage here in can exceed 150 great spring activities for small numbers
late afternoon. of birders.
Just to the west is Galveston Island species.
State Park, where volunteers have Jim Stevenson began birding over 60 years
restored the acreage for grassland ago as the son of ornithologist Henry
species, such as Le Conte’s Sparrow. Stevenson of Florida State. In 1995, Jim
Though perhaps a wee bit invasive, Over the bridge, the drive down to moved to Galveston, where he founded
mulberries and friends grow on the Surfside is good for spotting birds and directs the Galveston Ornithological
north side, often luring migrant birds of anywhere. During migration, Quintana Society and guides birders.
many groups. Grosbeaks, buntings, Neotropical Bird Sanctuary, owned and
tanagers, and orioles feed in the operated by Gulf Coast Bird Observato-
mulberries especially and are often tame ry, can be excellent — and is especially Learn more
enough to photograph — especially good for photography and turning up Galveston FeatherFest
from the car. rare birds. Record what you see and leave
Stevenson Woods is the next woodlot a modest donation for GCBO, which
west. It has a 24-year yard list of 322 does so much for birds and birders. Galveston Ornithological
species, the highest ever in America. On the way back from Quintana, take Society
The owner (yours truly) may be Hwy. 36 north, where you’ll soon see
e-mailed at [email protected] many species of waterbirds, but stay safe
Gulf Coast Bird Observatory
and is happy to help visiting birders find off the road. Birds are on both sides, so
what they’re looking for. The property is you may wish to go up one side and
located on the bay side of Indian Beach, down the other, both off the road. Once Houston Audubon Society
at 3903 Shaman Drive. Do not enter the you head north, turn left onto 2611 and
property without permission! left again at 2918. That takes you to a dirt
Five minutes farther west, right as road on the right to San Bernard NWR. Texas Audubon
you approach Sea Isle, take Seabird Road Once there, the loop road on the left
30 B i rd Wa t c h i n g • M a rc h /A pr i l 2 0 2 0
HANDSOME: A gray breast and rich
cinnamon-colored belly distinguish Say’s
Phoebe, a flycatcher whose range extends
from northern Alaska to central Mexico.
32 B i rd Wa t c h i n g • M a rc h /A pr i l 2 0 2 0
Often overlooked, the little-studied
Say’s Phoebe brings the wild close
to home in western North America
w w w. B i rd Wa t c h i n g D a i l y. c o m 33
YOUNGSTERS: A trio of Say’s
Phoebe fledglings sits on a
ledge. The breeding season
runs from May through July.
these types of habitats. northern populations of the species zoologist on an exploration of the Rocky
migrate south to winter in the south- Mountains in 1819 and 1820, Say was the
HARDY HUNTER western United States, along the Pacific first to scientifically describe the coyote
As I watched my Say’s Phoebe sally out Coast, and in Mexico, overlapping with and swift fox, reptiles such as the
34 B i rd Wa t c h i n g • M a rc h /A pr i l 2 0 2 0
western ribbon snake and the collared
Phoebe preens its feathers
lizard, and numerous birds, including
from atop a perch.
the Say’s Phoebe, Western Kingbird,
Rock Wren, Orange-crowned Warbler,
Lark Sparrow, and Lazuli Bunting.
Coaxing my chilled muscles into
motion again to complete my run, I
wondered whether Say’s Phoebes would
ever use a ledge I had placed for them
under the eaves of my house several
years earlier. The species typically nests
in holes and crevices, as well as on
protected ledges and other horizontal
surfaces. Natural nests may be found on
cliffs, rimrock, and steep creek banks.
The birds also build their nests in
barns, sheds, and machinery —
wherever a protective overhang provides
them with shelter. Their willingness to
use human structures to support their
nests has allowed the phoebes to expand
into areas where natural nest sites are
unavailable. And their confiding
behavior brings their nesting activities
into close proximity to those who are
fortunate enough to host them.
Say’s Phoebes also use nests that have
been constructed by other species,
including Barn Swallows, American insect prey indiscriminately to swallow look-alike mate, which had returned
Robins, and Black Phoebes. They even and phoebe nestlings. Eventually, two from her winter home sometime after he
will use Cliff Swallow nests — enclosed, nestling swallows and two nestling did, started to bring grasses and weed
globular structures made of mud — if the phoebes successfully left the nest. This stems to the ledge to build a nest. Say’s
nests have been broken, so that they form unusual case of interspecific nesting Phoebe nests can include pebbles (for
a shelf. Because available nest sites are (two species nesting together) likely the base), dry grasses, weeds, bits of
scarce, Say’s Phoebes often will reuse nest occurred because suitable nest sites were wood, moss, plant fibers, dry sage
sites from year to year and even within a scarce, and both species found the blooms, spider webs, and cocoons, and
season if they lay a second clutch. juncture of two steel girders that they are often lined with wool, hair,
In New Mexico, a pair initially used supported a roof to be an ideal — if not fibers, and occasionally feathers.
an old Barn Swallow nest to raise its first entirely available — site. As I emerged from the side door of
brood. Swallows subsequently claimed my garage one early May morning, I was
the nest once the phoebe nestlings had A NEST IN MY YARD as surprised to find a phoebe lying in
fledged. But after the swallows had laid Despite its availability, the ledge under her nest as the bird was to see me.
an egg, the phoebes returned and tried to my eaves had never been used by Fortunately, she didn’t flush, and I
commandeer the nest to lay a second phoebes or swallows. But, over the quickly backed away, determined to use
clutch. They were only partially ensuing weeks after my run, a male the main garage vehicle door from now
successful in claiming the site, and soon phoebe became a regular visitor to my on to minimize any disturbance I might
the nest included a mixed clutch of yard, broadcasting his sweet, clear call cause her. After the birds incubated
phoebe and swallow eggs. The females of from my rooftop and a nearby mountain their eggs for about two weeks, I began
both species began incubating, though ash sapling. He disappeared during to see the male bringing tiny food items
the female swallow had to sneak onto the several big snowstorms that buffeted the — perhaps flies or ants — to the nest. To
nest in the presence of the larger and area in April, and I wondered how he my delight, I could watch him from my
more aggressive phoebe. Once the three could possibly survive the harsh home-office window hunting from the
phoebe and two swallow eggs hatched, conditions. But invariably, whenever the mountain ash sapling, a favorite perch.
Double Brow Imagery/Shutterstock
however, the swallows became increas- weather broke, I was treated again to the He frequently snatched airborne prey,
ingly aggressive, mobbing the phoebes sweet morning pit-tseew calls inter- though he also dropped to the ground,
whenever they came to the nest to feed spersed with a burrier pureet. And, to on occasion, to pick up food items, then
their young. my delight, just over a month after I either returned to his perch or flew up to
Nevertheless, the phoebes persisted, heard the first Say’s Phoebe of the the ledge, which was just out of my view,
and adults of both species delivered season calling on my run, the male’s to feed his nestlings.
w w w. B i rd Wa t c h i n g D a i l y. c o m 35
The female spent most of her time bird that so frequently nested close to
brooding the young after they had Black Phoebe
people managed to be so unobtrusive
hatched to keep the featherless nestlings and so little known. Despite the Say’s
warm while the male brought food. But Phoebe’s extensive breeding range and
within a few days, the tiny phoebes had its willingness to nest in close proximity
grown enough and developed enough to people, many aspects of its biology are
feathering to thermoregulate — or keep still poorly understood. For example, a
themselves warm — during the female’s definitive reference on the life histories
brief absences, and she began to help of birds that breed in the U.S. and
the male in gathering insects for the Canada, Birds of North America Online,
hungry brood. Both males and females states that there is “no information” on Close relatives
care for the young, and they do so the phoebe’s parental behavior during The Say’s Phoebe shares its
assiduously. At a Colorado nest site, for incubation and little is known about Sayornis genus with two slightly
example, phoebes delivered food to parental care during the rest of the smaller phoebes: the much-
their 4-day-old nestlings at about breeding cycle. The general lack of loved, drably dressed Eastern
five-minute intervals. As their nestlings attention paid to this widespread western Phoebe, which inhabits deciduous
grew, my phoebes brought larger and species by scientists should inspire those forests in eastern and central
larger prey to the nest, including bees, of us who watch birds to report our North America and often builds
wasps, and flies, as well as beetles, observations about this subtle songster. its nest over doorways, and the
crickets, and grasshoppers. aptly named, diminutively dapper
Hidden in my garage or watching NUMBERS FAIRLY STABLE Black Phoebe, which is typically
from afar so as not to disturb the parent Existing biological data on Say’s Phoebe found close to waterways in the
phoebes, I eagerly tried to determine the population trends suggest that the Southwest and along the Pacific
size of their brood by counting beaks. I species declined significantly between Coast. The Black Phoebe’s range
was finally able to see that my ambitious 1966 and 1991. Subsequently, though, extends southward through
pair were raising five young nestlings, many phoebe populations appear to Central America and western
which, after two weeks, threatened to have stabilized and even increased, and South America to as far as
spill over the small ledge that supported the bird’s status is not currently of northwestern Argentina.
their rather untidy nest. Say’s Phoebe’s significant concern to conservationists.
Part of the large bird family
typically lay clutches of four or five eggs. Nevertheless, phoebes are subject to
known as the tyrant flycatchers,
The young looked similar to their many types of mortality, some of which which occur only in North and
parents but had two buff-colored bars on are preventable from a human stand- South America and number over
each wing and yellow gapes that gave point. For example, adult phoebes and 400 species, the insect-eating
them a wide-mouthed look. Say’s their young are killed by domestic and phoebes build open-cup nests —
Phoebe nestlings usually leave the nest feral cats, as well as other predators. often on human structures — and
when they are 17 to 21 days old. In addition to succumbing to are frequently seen raising and
It seemed closer to three weeks before inclement weather and being displaced lowering their tails while perched.
my youngsters finally took their hesitant by habitat destruction, the birds may Like other flycatchers, phoebes
first flights, though I couldn’t be sure of perish as a result of collisions with wind lack the sophisticated vocal
their age since I didn’t know exactly turbines, vehicles, windows, and other abilities of other songbirds, and
when they had hatched. Over the next human structures. Surprisingly, given their repetitive songs consist of
few days, I delighted in spotting the how much I relished my phoebes’ two to three simple notes.
vociferous yellow-gaped youngsters in proximity and breeding activities, the
my yard. They particularly liked to perch birds are not always welcomed in our
on a large privacy fence and in a small developed landscapes. In a Texas study, Sophie A. H. Osborn is a wildlife biologist
cluster of aspens. Soon, though, they almost half of the eggs that were lost and a natural history writer. She has
were making flights over to my neigh- prior to hatching were destroyed by worked on the conservation of more than
bor’s horse shelter and then, regrettably, I people. After leaving Wyoming, I found a dozen bird species in the United States,
stopped seeing them as they traveled my thoughts often returned to Say’s Central America, and South America. She
farther afield. As summer days waned, I Phoebes each spring, and I hoped that has written for Birder’s Guide, Wyoming
thought often about their fates and the new owners of my house enjoyed the Wildlife, and Sojourns magazines, and
wondered whether they had survived to return of the elegant, unobtrusive birds. her first book, Condors in Canyon
embark on their long migration flights. If they welcomed the phoebes as I did, Country, won the 2007 National Outdoor
Agami Photo Agency/Shutterstock
My phoebes, or perhaps another pair not only would they share their home Book Award in the Nature and Environ-
that similarly keyed into an available nest with a beneficial and benign insectivore, ment category, among other national and
site, returned to the ledge the following but they also might discover an regional awards. In past issues of
year, and I was treated to another spring often-overlooked bird that subtly and BirdWatching, she has written about
of phoebe watching before I moved to sweetly connects us to the vanishingly birding in Honduras and about her spark
Montana. Throughout, I marveled that a wild world beyond our front doors. bird, the Hooded Merganser.
36 B i rd Wa t c h i n g • M a rc h /A pr i l 2 0 2 0
Portable Oxygen For The Way
You Want to Live
2.8 LBS!
Actual size:
L 5.91" x W 2.68" x H 7.2"
© 2020 Inogen, Inc. All rights reserved. MKT-P0055
Underparts white
with blackish streaks
Relatively short,
spiky tail feathers
“Cape Sable” Seaside Sparrow, adult April in Everglades National Park, Florida
38 B i rd Wa t c h i n g • M a rc h /A pr i l 2 0 2 0
distinctive birdlife of the West Indies.
Gray Kingbird is a classic Caribbean bird.
Populations in Florida, the Bahamas,
Cuba, and Jamaica are mostly migratory,
wintering in northern South America, but
elsewhere in the Caribbean, the species is
a permanent resident. In Florida, it’s
mainly present from the end of March to
early October, and it’s strongly coastal,
seldom seen more than a few miles inland.
In addition to Florida, a few pairs of
Gray Kingbirds breed in coastal Mississip-
pi, Alabama, and Georgia. Wanderers
have appeared much farther afield,
mainly in summer or fall, in many eastern
states and provinces, and even once in
British Columbia.
Another Caribbean specialty is
Black-whiskered Vireo. It breeds almost
throughout the West Indies and on some
peripheral islands, but it doesn’t nest on Gray Kingbird, adult May in Miami-Dade County, Florida
the mainland anywhere except very
locally in Florida. Spring records in
Like other members of the kingbird genus Tyrannus, mask. Whitish edgings on the wing coverts and flight
Florida may begin by early March, but the Gray Kingbird is a medium-large flycatcher living feathers are usually prominent, but they can be
the species becomes common in coastal in relatively open situations. Compared to Eastern obscure on adults in worn summer plumage. The
mangroves from April through July, Kingbird, the only other white-bellied kingbird found Loggerhead Kingbird, a rare vagrant to southern
easily located by the males’ loud, regularly in Florida, the Gray Kingbird has a noticeably Florida from the Caribbean, has darker upperparts
emphatic songs. larger bill, notched tail with no white at the tip, and and a blackish crown, so that its blackish mask shows
One of the most elusive Florida birds is paler upperparts, setting off a strong blackish face no contrast; it usually has pale tips to the tail feathers.
the enigmatic Mangrove Cuckoo. It was
long thought to be mainly a summer
resident, but we now know that many stay
all year and simply become harder to find
when they fall silent in winter. Closely tied
to coastal mangroves in its limited Florida
range, this cuckoo has a wider habitat
selection elsewhere. It’s widespread in the
Caribbean and on both coasts of Mexico
and Central America, where it’s often
found in dry, scrubby forest miles from
the coast.
A final unique point of Florida birding
is the presence of many established
exotics. Most of these (like Red-whiskered
Bulbul, Spot-breasted Oriole, and various
parrots) live mainly in urban areas, but
the Gray-headed Swamphen — native to
southern Asia and recently established in
Florida — is rapidly spreading through
marshes of the interior of the state.
Concerned scientists are studying this
Black-whiskered Vireo, adult May in Monroe County, Florida
newcomer to see whether it will have a
negative impact on native species.
Apparently a close relative of the Red-eyed Vireo of bit more drab and brownish, and the dark stripes
North America and the Yellow-green Vireo of the through the eye and above the eyebrow are not quite
Kenn Kaufman ( has American tropics, the Black-whiskered Vireo as contrastingly blackish. The eyebrow itself usually
written several books on birds and nature. Brian E. replaces those two as a breeder in the Caribbean looks dull, not bright white as on the Red-eyed Vireo.
Small ( is a nature region. Visually, it’s quite similar to the Red-eyed The black whisker mark commemorated in the name
photographer whose photos illustrate many books. Vireo, differing in subtle ways. It averages very is a good field mark if it can be seen, but sometimes
slightly larger, with a larger bill. Its overall color is a it’s faint.
w w w. B i rd Wa t c h i n g D a i l y. c o m 39
A legacy of conservation
40 B i rd Wa t c h i n g • M a rc h /A pr i l 2 0 2 0
attractingbirds BY LAURA ERICKSON
w w w. B i rd Wa t c h i n g D a i l y. c o m 41
Olympus Visionary Jay Dickman captures King Penguins on the island of South Georgia, east of South America’s southern tip.
Green Valley
Moderate elevation gains on a rocky trail with
Continental Rd.
creek crossings sometimes flowing or with
To Tucson Wh
it standing pools.
Common residents: Gambel’s Quail, Golden
19 Eagle, Cooper’s Hawk, Greater Roadrunner,
FR62 Broad-billed Hummingbird, Ladder-backed
Woodpecker, Northern Beardless-Tyrannulet,
Canyon Rd.
AT A GLANCE ray roberts lake state park
amazingbirds BY ELDON GREIJ
Roger Tory
Peterson reads our
first issue with an
Evening Grosbeak
on the cover.
The 200th issue and explain to him was neatly laid out.
Peterson, a very responsible person, was
uncharacteristically late. I was
Our founding editor recalls the early days of Birder’s World anxiously watching the clock. I had
been told the end of our meeting was a
hard deadline because he had to leave.
When Editor Matt Mendenhall November 3, 1980. Why then? No idea. Shortly, a woman arrived, smiling,
called to let me know that another I had trouble falling asleep and started and said Roger would be right up. She
milestone was coming up for pondering my future and things I said, “Sorry he’s late.” She continued
BirdWatching, I was immediately might want to do. All of a sudden, the that Roger got to the building on time,
interested. “It’s the 200th issue,” he need for a high-quality magazine for but the first-floor “bird lobby” was
said, “and the 34th year.” I thought birdwatchers was clear in my mind. filled with three busloads of
back to an earlier milestone when The next day was spent flipping elementary students. “It’s not possible
former Editor Chuck Hagner called through magazines, selecting elements for Roger to pass through a room of
me in 2011 to remind me that 2012 that would create the perfect birding youngsters and birds and not stop,”
would be the 25th anniversary of the magazine. Then came the challenge of she explained. “He’s been asking and
magazine, which started as Birder's building a dummy issue, complete answering questions all this time.”
World in 1987 with 13,667 subscribers. with articles, repeating departments, We had a great but somewhat
That was huge. And it’s still going. special features, and advertising. shortened meeting. He felt bad for
The memories of the concept and Some years earlier, I had met Roger being late and invited me to his studio
launch began to flow as I relived that Tory Peterson, the genius behind in Connecticut for two days to further
exciting and somewhat hectic time. modern field guides, who published discuss the magazine and how he might
My idea to start a birding magazine the first one in 1934 and is widely contribute. Did I hear that right? Did he
Russ Kinne
didn't develop slowly over time but as known as the “Father of say “how he might contribute?” He did.
a bolt of lightning during the night of Birdwatching.” It was a wonderful Talk about exciting.
46 B i rd Wa t c h i n g • M a rc h /A pr i l 2 0 2 0
MORE THAN A NUMBER the sidebar for examples.
To mark the occasion of the 200th Wetlands and grasslands are two of For the birds
issue, Matt asked me if the number 200 the most critical habitats for bird
had any special meaning for me as a survival. Both face intense competition A sampling of conservation groups
from development and agriculture. worth supporting:
birder. It did. Early in the magazine’s
development, Pete Dunne of New Anytime you’re looking at a natural American Bird Conservancy
Jersey Audubon developed his idea for habitat that looks great for birds, you
a “World Series of Birding.” He can be assured that someone else is
Bird Canada
envisioned a 24-hour — midnight to looking at the same property for some
midnight — highly competitive kind of development. Usually, the BirdsCaribbean
birding contest restricted to New developer is willing to pay more than
Center for Biological Diversity
Jersey and centered at Cape May Point one wanting to preserve it. That’s why
State Park during mid-May. Such an we need to work together.
event could lead to the magical number Birdwatching is an exciting pastime Earth Justice
of 200 different bird species counted in and hobby for millions of North Fundación ProAves
a single day. Americans and our brothers and sisters
International Bird Rescue
Birders wanting to participate would around the world. Once we thought
form teams and find a sponsor who birdwatching was enjoying a free
would pay a fee and help with costs. resource. It's becoming less free every International Crane Foundation
Team members would obtain pledges day. Actually, it was never free, but we
from friends and fans for each species didn't realize it. Now we know. Please National Audubon Society
counted. Given the goal of 200 bird help. And thanks to everyone who
species, a pledge of 20 cents per species subscribes to this magazine and reads
National Wildlife Federation
could yield $40, and $1 per species its online offerings; it has been an
could bring in $200. There was also the amazing ride.
possibility of larger donations from Nature Conservancy
corporate sponsors. All funds raised Sierra Club
would support bird conservation. Eldon Greij is professor emeritus at Hope College,
located in Holland, Michigan, where he taught Wild Ones
At the first World Series of Birding,
in 1984, Pete fielded an all-star team: ornithology and ecology for many years. World Migratory Bird Day
himself, Roger Tory Peterson, David He is the founder of Birder’s World magazine. You
Sibley, the late, great Pete Bacinski, and can find an archive of his “Amazing Birds” State, provincial, or local bird
author Bill Boyle, and they promptly columns on our website at www.BirdWatching clubs, Audubon chapters, and bird
set the contest’s standard, recording observatories.
201 species, including a way-out-of-
range Fork-tailed Flycatcher. In the
36 years since then, only handfuls
of teams have surpassed their total.
Since 1984, Pete’s brainchild has COPPER RIVER DELTA SHOREBIRD FESTIVAL
Celebrating Years
raised about $9 million for bird
conversation. So, yeah, the number
200 means something special to us
birders. Thanks, Pete.
Birdwatchers going forward face a
Cordova, Alaska MAY 7 - 10, 2020
very difficult task. Conservation Get the Early Bird Discount!
efforts continue to lag behind what’s
needed. You probably know that a
recent study shows more than a
25 percent loss of birds (totaling
over 3 billion individuals) over a
wide range of species during the
past 50 years. The need to get more
people involved with bird
conservation has never been greater.
One remedy is to support the
World Series. (This year it’s on
May 9.) Another is to join a good
bird conservation organization. See
w w w. B i rd Wa t c h i n g D a i l y. c o m 47
White Feathers: The Nesting Lives of Tree Birds in Minnesota: Revised and Expanded Edition,
Swallows, by Bernd Heinrich, Houghton Mifflin by Robert B. Janssen, University of Minnesota Press,
Harcourt, 2020, hardcover, 256 pages, $27. 2020, paperback, 624 pages, $34.95.
Nature’s Best Hope: A New Approach to Conserva- Pacific Flyway: Waterbird Migration from the
tion That Starts in Your Yard, by Douglas W. Tallamy, Arctic to Tierra del Fuego, by Audrey DeLella
Timber Press, 2020, hardcover, 256 pages, $29.95. Benedict, Geoffrey A. Hammerson, and Robert W. Butler,
Sasquatch Books, 2020, paperback, 176 pages, $24.95.
Douglas Tallamy, the
author of the acclaimed This lovely
Bringing Nature Home, book focus-
is back with a new book es on the
that may prove to be remarkable
just as important as his migration
first. In short, the book of shore-
encourages everyone to birds,
plant more native seabirds,
plants to address the and
ongoing declines in waterfowl
wildlife populations. along the
Nature’s Best Hope Pacific Flyway, made vivid through more than 120
shows how homeown- images from internationally acclaimed
ers everywhere can turn their yards into conserva- photographers. Through words and pictures, it
tion corridors that provide habitats for birds and argues that the champion migrants are “winged
other animals. Tallamy answers frequently asked messengers” and that humans should heed the
questions about native plants, and he recognizes proverbial cry that the birds of our oceans and
the key role of insects in our world. shores are making about our world.
48 B i rd Wa t c h i n g • M a rc h /A pr i l 2 0 2 0
What It’s Like to be a Bird, by David Allen Sibley,
Knopf, 2020, hardcover, 240 pages, $35.
w w w. B i rd Wa t c h i n g D a i l y. c o m 49
yourview Birding experiences and photographs submitted by readers readers!
Getting serious
50 B i rd Wa t c h i n g • M a rc h /A pr i l 2 0 2 0
A CHILLING STARE: Norm Cline spotted this
Northern Harrier hunting the tall grass of
reclaimed strip-mined land in southwest Indiana.
He shot the photo with Nikon D850 and a 500mm
f5.6 Nikkor lens.
w w w. B i rd Wa t c h i n g D a i l y. c o m 51
Outdoor Adventures | Louisiana Cuisine | Premier Shopping
DAPPER: Kim Nagy took this portrait of
a Blue-naped Chlorophonia in December in
the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta
a trail for bird watchers that’s mountains in Colombia. She used a Canon
really something to tweet about 7D Mark ll and a 100-400mm lens.
W W W. N E X T D O O R N O L A .CO M
w w w. B i rd Wa t c h i n g D a i l y. c o m 53
Little Egret strides through a
flock of African Skimmers.
Robin Welsh of Fort Collins,
Colorado, took the shot with a
Sony RX 10 IV camera from a
boat in the Kazinga Channel in
Uganda last year.
THROUGH: Dennis Lane found
this Eurasian Wigeon, a life
bird for him, at a golf course in
Silver City, New Mexico. He
used a Canon 7D Mark ll and
a 100-400mm lens.
54 B i rd Wa t c h i n g • M a rc h /A pr i l 2 0 2 0
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idtoolkit ART AND TEXT BY DAVID ALLEN SIBLEY Look for our next issue
On sale April 21
Reading glances
Follow a bird’s gaze to find raptors
Predatory birds like hawks are are watching. Any flock of birds in an a few seconds at a time, and especially
always scarce — much less numerous open setting — geese, ducks, gulls, if other birds in the flock are looking in
than their prey species — and they shorebirds, doves — will be watching the same direction, it’s time to turn in
often move through an area quickly the sky, and their vision differs from that direction yourself and look for a
and stealthily. To us, spotting a raptor ours. Where we see a single point of distant hawk in the sky.
is fun, but to birds like doves and detail straight in front of us, all of these If the birds suddenly become tense
sparrows, it is a matter of life or death. species see a narrow horizontal band of — with body feathers compressed,
They will almost always find a bird of detail in each eye, more or less along head down and forward, and holding
prey before we do, so if we can learn to the horizon. Their peripheral vision very still — it means they feel they are
recognize the signs that they’ve spotted covers the sky over them, but if they in imminent danger, and a hawk is
one, it can help us see more raptors. want to get a detailed look at probably very close. Check for a hawk
Anyone who has a bird feeder will something in the sky, they have to tilt in flight and then scan nearby trees to
learn the sounds of a raptor attack: the their head and look up with one eye. see if one has perched there. In this
bustling “conversation” of birds at the This motion is very common, you’ll way, and many others, being attuned
feeder suddenly switches to a flurry of see birds do it at least every minute or to bird behavior can help you find
wings and a few urgent-sounding calls two. Usually their attention has been more birds.
from chickadees and finches, then attracted by something insignificant
silence. It’s time to scan for an — a bumblebee, a dandelion seed, a David Allen Sibley is the author of The Sibley
accipiter. More distant hawks can be harmless bird like a robin flying by. In Guide to Birds, Second Edition, Sibley’s Birding
revealed by the glances of birds such as those cases, they quickly settle back to Basics, and field guides to the birds of eastern
doves or waterfowl. a resting position. and western North America. In our last issue,
Be alert to the things that are If you see a bird repeatedly tilting its he offered tips for birding in the tropics.
attracting the attention of the birds you head and holding its gaze on the sky for
56 B i rd Wa t c h i n g • M a rc h /A pr i l 2 0 2 0
Magnifying the
passion for nature.
ZEISS Victory Harpia
Enjoy this photo gallery of species that you can
see at the locations featured in this issue’s
“Hotspots Near You.”
Scott’s Oriole can be seen
at our Arizona hotspot.
Maria Jeffs/Shutterstock
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher
Broad-billed Hummingbird
florida canyon
coronado national forest, arizona
Bewick’s Wren
Ladder-backed Woodpecker
Canyon Towhee
Gerald A. DeBoer/Shutterstock; Jeff Huth/Shutterstock; Frank McClintock/Shutterstock; Danita Delmont/Shutterstock; Agami Photo Agency/Shutterstock; Gerald A. DeBoer/Shutterstock
ray roberts lake state park
Eivor Kuchta/Shutterstock; Karel Bock; Shutterstock; Jason C Brubacher/Shutterstock; Cavan-Images/Shutterstock; Mark Schocken/Shutterstock; Warren Price Photography/Shutterstock-
valley view, texas