B A Sawale - Smart Energy 1 PDF
B A Sawale - Smart Energy 1 PDF
B A Sawale - Smart Energy 1 PDF
B A Sawale
B A Sawale
IS 16444- Aug 2015
-Standard is based on
IS 16444, Part2
Transformer Operated ac Static watt-hour and VArhr Smart Meter class 0.2s, 0.5s
and 1.0s- Specifications .
• IS 16444- Part 1 refers to : IS 13779 , IS 15884 and IS 15959 part 1 and part2
It applies to
• Direct connected meters consisting of measuring element, TOD register,
display, load switch & built-in type/ plug-in bidirectional communication
• Suitable for Indoor/ outdoor type
• Forward (import) ; and Forward ( Import) & reverse (Export)
It applies to
• Transformer operated meters consisting of measuring element, TOD
register, display & built-in type/ plug-in bidirectional communication
• Suitable for Indoor
• Forward (import) ; and Forward ( Import) & reverse (Export)
General Requirement ,
Metering and Metrology requirements, IS 13779
Climatic requirement
Electrical Requirement
EMI/ EMC IS 15884
Load Switch
Power consumption of voltage circuit 5 W, 15 VA in idle condition
6w, 18 VA with IHD, additional 7 W during communication.
General Requirement ,
Metering and Metrology requirements, IS 14697
Climatic requirement
Electrical Requirement
EMI/ EMC IS 14697
•IEC62053 Part 21: Static meters for a.c. active energy (classes 1 and 2) : ( CD2)
•IEC 62053 Part 22: Static meters for a.c. active energy (classes 0,1 S, 0,2 S and 0,5 S): ( CD2)
•IEC62053 Part 23: Static meters for a.c. (classes 2 reactive energy and 3): ( CD2)
•IEC62053Part 24: Static meters for fundamental component a.c. reactive energy (classes 0,5 S, 1 S
and 1) ( CD2)
IEC 62052part 31: Product safety requirements and tests : ( amendment under preparation)
Proposed activities of standardization –BIS ET13