Drum Brakes

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08 - Brakes

08b - Drum Brakes

Magnetic Drum Brakes- Spring Set DC electrically Released Drum Brakes 02 - 03

Thruster Drum Brakes- Spring Set 3 Phase Thruster Released Drum Brakes 04 - 05
DC Solenoid Magnetic Drum Brakes- Electro-Mechanical DC Solenoid Drum Brake Type 'K' 06
3 Phase Magnetic AC Drum Brakes 07

Magnetic Drum Brakes- Spring Set DC electrically Released Drum Brakes
Industry Type
General Industrial Code, Prefix: GDA
Steel Industry Standard, Prefix: SDA
High Integrity Nuclear, Prefix: HDA

Metric as DIN standard code: DL
Imperial as A.I.S.E. standard code: SMAA
Also non-standard drum sizes and base fixings
Magnetic DC Voltage Drum Brake
Spring applied / Electrically Released

Fabricated steel mechanism
Ductile iron brake shoes
Major pivots non-ferrous bushed
All pins ground stainless steel (lubricators optional)
Friction linings high temperature non asbestos

DC tractive type with encapsulated coil
GDA500 General Duty DC
Magnet Drum Brakes

Special Options
Self adjusting mechanism (compensating for wear)
Mechanical release lever Brake Selection
Limit switches to monitor release/ set or wear The brake size must be chosen to give required
Hydraulic override by remote pedal braking torque and to dissipate the energy during
Special materials and finishes as required including high stopping without over heating the disc. Brake
integrity specifications torque is often related to drive motor torque by
Separate enclosed control units for DC or AC supplies an arbitrary service factor typically 75% -100%
full load torque for crane travel and similar inertial
loads which tend to be self stopping or 150% -
Applications 200% for crane hoists and other overhauling
loads. If a precise stop time or distance is
Mechanical handling equipment, cranes, winches, elevators,
specified, then the brake torque must be
lifts, also rolling mills, mixers etc.

Motor FL torque is given by:

kW x 9550 Nm or HPx5250 Lbft
Design and selection assistance available rpm rpm

www.elsar.com [email protected] Tel: +972-3-6438490 Fax: +972-3-6438574
industries/ elevanja
Magnetic Disk Brakes - Spring Set DC Magnet Released Disc Brakes
Typical Data
Drum Diameter Magnet Max. torque Weight
mm in Nm Lbft kg
100 4 DA100 32 24 11
160 6 DA160 80 59 28
200 8 DA200 213 157 46
250 10 DA250 362 267 64
315 - DA315 565 - 100
- 13 DAH315 850 626 100
400 16 DA400 1487 1097 246
500 - DA500 1900 - 264
- 19 DAH500 3670 2620 370
630 23 DA630 5885 4000 620
- 30 DA30

Magnetic Actuator Coil Forcing (Shunt Wound Voltage Operated)

Short stroke DC tractive type, all fabricated steel Brake release and set times can be reduced by using an
construction economy circuit. This separate brake control unit will
initially apply full voltage to release the brake magnet,
Resin encapsulated coil with Class F insulation
after a set time period the circuit will drop voltage to only
Optional replaceable coil arrangement
hold off the brake. Control units are enclosed ventilated
100% continuously rated up to 40?C
drip proof IP22 for DC supplies or totally enclosed IP55
Airgap dust and drip protected by neoprene qaiter
with rectifier for 1 or 3 phase AC supplies.
Terminal Box IP55 standard enclosure

Series Wound DC Magnets (Current Operated,

Characteristics usually inline with motor drive)

All DC magnets tend to inherently show reponse due to For use with crane rated DC series hoist motors to release
build up and decay of the magnetic field. The actual times the brake at 40% motor full load current and hold off at
are dependent on brake magnet size and vary with 10% current.
excitation voltage, coil temperature and spring loading
(torque). The magnet stroke which increases as the brake
linings wear will also influence set and release times.

Thruster Drum Brakes- Spring Set 3 Phase Thruster Released Drum Brakes
Industry Type
General Industrial Code, Prefix: GDL
Steel Industry Standard, Prefix: SDL
High Integrity Nuclear, Prefix: HDL

Metric as DIN standard code: DL
Imperial as A.I.S.E. standard code: SMLA
Also non-standard drum sizes and base fixings

Fabricated steel mechanism
Major pivots non-ferrous bushed
All pins ground stainless steel
Friction linings high temperature non asbestos

Standard Eltma Elhy EB series IP56 enclosed

Special Options
Self adjusting mechanism
Mechanical release lever
Limit switches to monitor release/ set or wear Brake Selection
Hydraulic override by remote pedal
Electronic modulated torque by remote pedal The brake size must be chosen to give required
Reverse brake mechanism thruster to apply braking torque and to dissipate the energy during
Soft stop, or soft set stopping without over heating the disc. Brake
Special materials and finishes as required, including high torque is often related to drive motor torque by
integrity requirements. an arbitrary service factor typically 75% -100%
full load torque for crane travel and similar inertial
loads which tend to be self stopping or 150% -
Applications 200% for crane hoists and other overhauling
loads. If a precise stop time or distance is
Mechanical handling equipment, cranes, winches, stacker specified, then the brake torque must be
reclaimers, ski lifts, and conveyers etc. calculated.

Motor FL torque is given by:

kW x 9550 Nm or HPx5250 Lbft
Design and selection assistance available rpm rpm

www.elsar.com [email protected] Tel: +972-3-6438490 Fax: +972-3-6438574
industries/ elevanja
Thruster Drum Brakes- Spring Set 3 Phase Thruster Released Drum Brakes
Typical Data
Drum Diameter Basic Torque Range Weight
DL SMLA Thrusters
mm in Nm Lbft kg
160 6 EB120 - 220 79 - 131 58 - 96 29
200 8 EB 120 - 300 127 - 344 94 - 254 33
250 10 EB 220 - 50 285 - 680 210 - 500 39
315 13 EB 300 - 80 505 - 1235 375 - 911 80
400 16 EB 50 - 125 1080 - 2860 797 - 2110 112
500 19 EB 80 - 150 3380 - 6000 2494 - 4428 181
630 23 EB 125 - 250 3700 - 7150 2730 - 5276 281
710 - EB 250 - 3000 7750 - 10700 5720 - 7896 388
30 EB 250 - 3000 8320 - 11480 6140 - 8475 400

Thruster Data
Standard EB Series:

Fluid; transformer oil BS148 typical Shell diala 'B'

Approximate operating times: brake release 0.1 seconds
Brake set 0.25 -0.5 seconds depending on size and
brake spring load.
High temperature viton seals

Optional features:

High temperature viton seals.

Internal preset hydraulic delay valve(s)
Dust protecting hood
Internal return c-spring
Converter unit to operate from DC supply 220-440V
Explosion proof design EExd Group I and II

Alternative Thrusters:

Eldro/Elhy/Elco to din 15430.

DC Custom
Thrusters Also type KT/TKF can be supplied.
Flame proof available

DC Solenoid Magnetic Drum Brakes
Electro-Mechanical DC Solenoid Drum Brake Type 'K'
Brakes For Passenger Lift Duty Further Possibilities

Introducing the JOHNSON ELEVANJA type 'K' D.C Some sizes available with DOUBLE ACTION
Magnetic Drum Brake for new applications or easy mechanism, in accordance with BS. 5655 1 (EN81)
retrofit. 'K' has been manufactured for many years Euronorm 81
and is now updated to include steel fabricated and DA Range for higher torque's/duties to 24" diameter
ductile iron components. DM Range with flame proof magnet for hazardous
Standard Features
Simple Adjustment
D.C. magnet for quiet operation and quick engagement
Stainless steel pins in self lubricating bearings Characteristics of DC Magnetic Drum
Non-asbestos linings Brakes
Low height of Center Dimensions inch and metric Din
15435 All DC magnets tend to inherently show reponse due
to build up and decay of the magnetic field. The actual
Optional Extras times are dependent on brake magnet size and vary
with excitation voltage, coil temperature and spring
Detachable manual release lever
loading (torque). The magnet stroke which increases
Inbuilt rectifier for A.C supplies to 440V
as the brake linings wear will also influence set and
Choice of enclosures dust and weatherproof IP55 or lP65
release times.
Non-listed drum sizes
Adapter plate to conform to height of center/ fixing of
existing brakes
Cast iron drums, flexible or rigid couplings to suit

Type "KX" DC Solenoid Magnetic Drum Brake Spring Type "KP" DC Solenoid Magnetic Drum Brake Spring
applied / Electrically Released applied / Electrically Released

Brake Model Drum Actuator Torque Weight

DIA. Size Max.
"D" Drum Actuator Torque Weight
Brake Model DIA. Size Max.
in lb-ft lb "D"
KXP0603-DT1 6 DT1 50 88 mm Nm kg
KX08035-DT2 8 DT2 120 105 FK0402-DT0 100 DT-0 24 6.4
KX08035-DT3 8 DT3 168 125 BKP0603-DT1 150 DT-1 98 26
KXP0904-DT2 9 DT2 130 145 BKP0804-DT2 200 DT-2 163 29
KXP0904-DT3 9 DT3 180 163 BKP0804-DT3 200 DT-3 325 36
KX1004-DT2 10 DT2 145 145 BKP1004-DT2 250 DT-2 197 43
KX1004-DT3 10 DT3 200 163 BKP1004-DT3 250 DT-3 393 50
KXP1205-DT3 12 DT3 250 220 DKP12043-DT3 315 DT-3 488 70
KXP1205-DT4 12 DT4 440 265 DKP12043-DT4 315 DT-4 600 88
KXP1506-DT4 15 DT4 585 520 DKP1506-DT4 400 DT-4 850 172
KXP1506-DT5 15 DT5 880 520 DKP1506-DT5 400 DT-5 1200 180

www.elsar.com [email protected] Tel: +972-3-6438490 Fax: +972-3-6438574
industries/ elevanja
3 Phase Magnetic AC Drum Brakes
Brake Size
This must be selected to give required braking
torque and also be suitable to dissipate heat
generated during braking operations without over

Brake Torque
This is often negated to drive motor torque by an
arbitrary service factor, typically 100% full load
torque for crane travel and similar inertial loads
Type "DM" 3 Phase AC Solenoid Magnetic Drum
which tend to be self-stopping or 150% for crane
Brake Spring applied / Electrically Released
hoist and other overhauling loads.

Continuous Rating DM Metric Brake Model Data

Coils operate at class 'B' temperature while Brake Model Drum Magnet Torque Torque Weight
DIA. Size cont. int.
contiguously energized. "D"
mm Nm Nm kg
DM160-AM01-9 160 AM01-9 44 59 32
Intermittent Rating DM200-AM2-12 200 AM2-12 88 147 34
DM200-AM3-12 200 AM3-12 147 255 47
Short time rated for up to 120 operations per hour DM250-AM2-12 250 AM2-12 108 182 41
max. 5 min. in 15 min. (33% on). DM250-AM3-12 250 AM3-12 186 323 44
DM315-AM3-12 315 AM3-12 226 402 90
DM315-AM4-12 315 AM4-18 432 677 110
Flameproof Magnet (Hazardous Locations) DM315-AM5-12 315 AM5-18 608 - 119
DM400-AM4-18 400 AM4-18 520 863 219
Some magnet sizes available with flameproof
DM400-AM5-18 400 AM5-18 795 1285 220
enclosures (Type AF) to BS229 for Group I,II, & III.
DM500-AM4-18 500 AM4-18 579 1069 245
Allow +40% weight for AF type, please contact us.
DM500-AM5-18 500 AM5-18 863 1609 266
DM500-AM7-22 500 AM7-22 2160 3630 416

Line Current
To calculate line current use the following equation: DM Imperial Brake Model Data
Drum Magnet Torque Torque Weight
LC = KVA / (0.00173 x LV) Brake Model DIA. Size cont. int.
Where LV = line voltage
mm Nm Nm kg
(see coil table)
DM6-AM01-9 6 AM01-9 33 43 71
DM8-AM2-12 8 AM2-12 65 108 93
DM8-AM3-12 8 AM3-12 108 188 101
DM10-AM2-12 10 AM2-12 80 134 112
Coil Table
DM10-AM3-12 10 AM3-12 137 238 123
Size Rating Rating Rating Rating DM12-AM3-12 12 AM3-12 166 296 198
int. int. cont. cont.
start run start run DM12-AM4-12 12 AM4-18 318 500 243
AM01 4.7 0.30 3.8 0.35 DM12-AM5-12 12 AM5-18 448 - 262
AM02 7.3 0.55 6.3 0.25 DM16-AM4-18 15 AM4-18 383 637 483
AM03 11.8 0.65 8.3 0.30 DM16-AM5-18 15 AM5-18 586 948 485
AM04 23.5 0.70 17.4 0.50 DM20-AM4-18 20 AM4-18 427 789 540
AM05 30.0 0.55 27.0 0.60 DM20-AM5-18 20 AM5-18 637 1187 586
AM07 67.0 1.20 47.0 0.80 DM20-AM7-22 20 AM7-22 1591 2679 917

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