Effects of Estrogen On Hyperglycemia and Liver Dys
Effects of Estrogen On Hyperglycemia and Liver Dys
Effects of Estrogen On Hyperglycemia and Liver Dys
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Original Article
Effects of estrogen on hyperglycemia and liver dysfunction
in diabetic male rats
Marwa A Ahmed1, Khaled M A Hassanein2
1Department of Physiology Faculty of Medicine, Assiut University, Assiut 71526, Egypt; 2Department of Pathology and
Clinical Pathology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Assiut University, Assiut 71526, Egypt
Received July 7, 2012; accepted August 28, 2012; Epub September 20, 2012; Published September 30, 2012
Abstract: Objective: To study the possible beneficial effect of estrogen (17β-estradiol E2) on hyperglycemia, oxidative
stress and liver dysfunctions in STZ-induced diabetic rats. A total of 40 albino male rats were randomly divided into
four groups: a control group (I), a diabetic group (II), a group given 17β estradiol (E2) for 15 days (III), and a diabetic
group given E2 for 30 days (IV). Diabetes was induced in the rats by 65 mg/kg streptozosin (STZ) via an intraperito-
neal (i.p.) injection. E2 was given in a dose of 500ug/kg/day by oral gavage. Results: E2 administration significantly
lowered plasma glucose levels, increased plasma insulin levels, and improved glucose tolerance of groups III and IV.
In addition, E2 enhanced glutathione peroxidase (GPX) and reduced lipid peroxidation in the hepatic tissues (as com-
pared to diabetic rats). E2 caused significant decrease of plasmatic phosphatase alkaline (PAL), lactate dehydro-
genase (LDH), aspartate and lactate transaminases (AST and ALT) activities of group III and IV compared to group II.
Moreover, E2 restored the histological structure of the liver and pancreas of treated groups and increased the insulin
receptors expression in the liver of groups III and IV compared to diabetic rats. Notably, these beneficial effects of E2
on diabetic rats were more prominent in group IV compared to those of group III. Conclusion: E2 has a beneficial ef-
fect on hyperglycemia, oxidative stress and ameliorates the liver dysfunction in diabetic rats and these effects may be
mediated through stimulating β-cell proliferation in pancreas and increased the insulin receptor expression in the
liver tissues.
Diabetes mellitus is a chronic metabolic disor- Several studies have shown that treatment with
der that continues to present a major worldwide estrogen reduces diabetic complications [5],
health problem. It is characterized by absolute and normalizes the endothelial function in dia-
or relative deficiencies in insulin secretion and/ betes [6].
or insulin action associated with chronic hyper-
glycemia and disturbances of carbohydrate, Eestrogen receptors are present in islets of
lipid, and protein metabolism. As a conse- Langerhans [7] and the effects of 17 β -
quence of the metabolic derangements in dia- estradiol in some physiological aspects of the
betes, various complications including macro- islet of Langerhans have been known for a long
and micro-antioxidant dysfunctions develop [1]. time [8]. In spite of this, the mechanism of ac-
tion employed by 17β-estradiol is still largely
In diabetes, several features including an in- unknown [9].
crease in lipid peroxidation, alteration of the
glutathione redox state and a decrease in the Aim of the work
content of antioxidant enzymes appear [2]. The
antioxidant properties of steroid hormones have The first aim of the present work was to study
been shown in different cells and tissues. A the effect of E2 in a diabetic rat model, to gain a
number of studies have suggested that estro- better understanding of the potential protective
gens have a profound modulating effect on sys- effect of exogenous estrogens on hyperglyce-
Estrogen and diabetes
mia, hepatic lipid peroxidation, enzymatic anti- Insulin ELISA Kit (Crystal Chem, Inc., Downers
oxidants, and histological changes of liver and Grove, IL).
pancreas in STZ-induced diabetes. And the sec-
ond aim is to discover their possible mechanism Test of oral glucose tolerance
(s) of actions.
A glucose solution (2 g/kg) was orally adminis-
Materials and methods tered to 4- hour-fasted rats, and blood samples
were taken at 0 (before glucose loading), 30,
Forty adult male white albino rats weighting 200 60, 90 and 120 minutes after glucose loading.
-220 gm provided by the Institutional Animal The serum glucose levels were measured be-
Care and Faculty of Medicine, University of As- fore loading and 30, 60, 90 and 120 minutes
siut were included in the experiment. The ex- after loading. The serum insulin levels were also
perimental protocol was approved the Ethical measured at 10 min after glucose loading to
Committee of by Faculty of Medicine, Assiut examine early insulin secretion.
University, Egypt. The experiment was per-
formed after a stabilization period in the labora- At the end of the experiment, all rats were
tory for several days. All rats were housed in a euthanized by decapitation. After decapitation
room with controlled temperature (22°C ± 2° of the rats, blood samples were collected from
C), humidity (50% ± 5%), and a 12-hour light/ retro-orbital vein in the heparin-containing tubes
dark cycle and were fed on chow and water ad and were immediately centrifuged. The plasma
libitum. was separated and stored at -20°C until ana-
lyzed for basal glucose and insulin levels of all
Grouping and diabetes induction studied groups [12].
The rats were divided into four groups consist- Biochemical measurements
ing of 10 rats each. Group I: normal control rats.
Group II: diabetic rats. Groups III: diabetic rats In plasma samples of all studied groups, the
were treated daily with 17β- estradiol activity of phosphatase alkaline (PAL), lactate
(Steraloids, Inc., Newport, RI) 500ug/kg/day by dehydrogenase (LDH), aspartate and lactate
oral gavage dissolved in 1% methylcellulose transaminases (AST and ALT) were measured
[10] for 15 days. Group IV: diabetic rats were using commercial kits from Sigma Munich
treated with E2 for 30 days. (Munich, Germany) and Boehringer-Mannheim
(Mannheim, Germany).
Diabetes was induced in overnight fasted rats
(16 h) by intraperitoneal injection (i.p.) of a sin- Livers from all groups were homogenized in a
gle dose of STZ "Sigma Chemical Co., St. Louis, phosphate buffer (1gm/2ml). In the liver ho-
MO" 65mg/kg dissolved in 10 mM citrate buffer mogenates of all studied groups, the lipid per-
(pH 4.5) .Then, after 4-5 days of STZ injection, oxidation was measured by the quantification of
rats were screened for blood glucose levels. thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS)
Rats with a serum postprandial glucose level of determined by the method of Buege and Aust
180-300 mg/dl were considered as mildly dia- [13]. The activity of superoxide dismutase in the
betic and were included in the experiment [11]. liver was assayed by the spectrophotometric
method of Marklund and Marklund [14]. The
Plasma glucose and insulin levels activities of glutathione peroxidase and catalase
were measured by the modified method of
During the experiments, the body weight, the Pagila and Valentine [15], and Aebi [16], re-
plasma glucose and insulin levels of each ani- spectively. The level of total protein was deter-
mal were measured everyday for all groups. mined by the method of Lowry et al [17].
Table 1. Plasma glucose, insulin levels and food intake in all studied groups
Group I Group II Group III Group IV
Glucose (mg/dl) 83.3±8.79 230.6±18.26*** 112.5±1.6** ## 93±8.88* +++
Figure 2. Glucose tolerance curve in control, diabetic and treated groups with E2 for 15 and 30 days. Glucose toler-
ance test was performed to all groups. Glucose (2 g/kg B.W.) was administered orally after 4-hour fasting, and blood
samples were taken via the tail vein before and 30, 60, 90 and 120 min after glucose load. (A): Plasma glucose lev-
els (mg/dL) and (B) Plasma insulin levels (ng/mL) were measured at the indicated time points. The results are ex-
pressed as mean ± SD. Analysis of variance followed by the significance t- test was used to determine the statistical
significance. ***p<0.001, **p<0.01, *p<0.05 as compared to control group. NS: non significant as compared to
group I& III, +++p<0.001, ++p<0.01 as compared to group II. #p<0.05 as compared to group IV.
Figure 3. Effect of 17 β- estradiol (E2) on the hepatic GPx (A) activity and TBARS Levels (B). ***p<0.001, **p<0.01,
*p<0.05, NS: non significant as compared to group I. +++p<0.001, +p<0.05 as compared to group II. ##p<0.01,
#p<0.05 as compared to group IV.
loading was determined. Plasma insulin levels significantly increased the GPX activity levels
of each group during the oral glucose tolerance toward the normal levels of group I, as there
test were calculated as percent increase based were no significant differences between their
on the initial concentration levels of 1.95ng/ml levels.
for the control group, 0.76 ng/ml for group II,
and 1.67 ng/ml for the group III group and 1.8 The mean TBARS levels of group II were signifi-
ng/ml for the group IV (Figure 2B). The level of cantly higher than those of group I, III, IV
insulin was increased by 400% at 30 min in (p<0.001). The mean TBARS levels of group III
control animals, while there was no clear in- were significantly higher than those of group I
crease of insulin level in diabetic mice (group II). and IV (p<0.01). However these levels of group
In contrast, the level of insulin in E2-treated ani- IV were not significantly different from those of
mals (group III) was increased by 224.1% group I (Figure 3B).
Effect of E2 treatment on plasmatic LDH, GGT,
The glucose tolerance test reveals that while PAL, AST and ALT activities
the STZ-induced diabetic rats almost completely
lose the ability to secrete insulin in response to In addition, the effect of E2 treatment on plasma
glucose loading, treatment with E2 for 15 and levels of AST, ALT, LDH and PAL activities in all
30 days restores some of the ability to secrete studied groups were studied. The activities of
insulin. AST, ALT, LDH and ALP significantly increased in
diabetic rats compared to controls, group III and
Effect on hepatic TBARS and GPx levels IV (p<0.001 respectively). Although the activi-
ties of AST, ALT and LDH, of group III were sig-
Figure 3A showed the effect of E2 treatment on nificantly higher than those of group I and IV
the hepatic glutathione peroxidase (GPX) activ- (p<0.01). They were nearly normal in group IV
ity. The levels of GPx activities of group II were after E2 treatment for 30 days as there were no
significantly decreased compared to group I, III significant difference between the mean plasma
and IV (p<0.001, p<0.05 and p<0.001 respec- levels of these activities of group IV and group I
tively). E2 treatment for 15 days for group III (Figure 4A, B and C).
significantly increases the level of mean GPx
activity but it was still lower than those of group As shown in (Figure 4D), the mean plasma lev-
I and IV (p<0.05). els of PAL activities of group II were significantly
increased than those of group I, III and IV
However E2 treatment for 30 days for group IV (p<0.001). Although the mean levels of PAL
Figure 4. Effect of 17 β- estradiol (E2) treatment on plasma levels of AST (A), ALT(B), LDH(C) and PAL (D) activities in
all groups. The activities of AST, ALT, LDH and ALP significantly increased in diabetic rats compared to controls, group
III and IV (p<0.001 respectively). These activities decreased significantly after E2 treatment. Data represent mean ±
S.D. (n=10). ***p<0.001, **p<0.01, NS: non significant as compared to group I. +++p<0.001, +p<0.05 as compared
to group II. ##p<0.001, #p<0.05 as compared to group IV.
activities in group III were higher than those of eration of the beta cells were noticed (Figure
group I and IV (p<0.01),while the levels of group 5G).
IV were not significantly different from those of
group I. Examination of the liver of STZ-induced diabetic
rats revealed vaculation of the hepatocytes
Histopathological results (Figure 6B), focal and diffuse Kupffer cell prolif-
eration (Figure 6C), coagulative necrosis of the
The histopathological examination of HE-stained liver cells with monouclear infiltration (Figure
sections of the pancreas of STZ-induced dia- 6D), when compared with control liver (Figure
betic rats showed vascular and parenchymal 6A). After 15 days, the liver showed vaculation
changes. The vascular changes were in the form of the hepatocytes and proliferation of the
of congestion, edema and thrombosis (Figure Kupffer cells (Figure 6E). After 30 days of treat-
5B and C). Fibrosis in the interstitiam with infil- ment, the liver underwent regeneration and
tration of mononuclear cells such as lympho- Kupffer cell proliferation were also seen (Figure
cytes was seen (Figure 5D). The parenchymal 6F).
changes were observed in the pancreatic islets
in STZ-induced diabetic rats where cells were Immunohistochemistry
destroyed and underwent shrinkage (Figure 4E),
when compared with islets of control animals Immunohistochemical results of insulin receptor
(Figure 5A). After 15 days of treatment the islets in the liver revealed positive insulin reaction in
retuned to its normal appearance except some the control rats and moderate expression of
lymphocytic infiltration were seen (Figure 5F). insulin receptors after 15 days of treatment.
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Address correspondence to: Dr. Marwa A Ahmed, ously diabetic BB/Wor dp rats: response to
Associate Professor of Physiology, Faculty of Medi- glucose, glipizide and arginine. Endocrinology
cine, Assiut University, Assiut 71526, Egypt. Tel: 1991; 128: 2671-2677.
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tion. Methods Enzymol 1984; 105: 302-310.
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