Solutions: Presbyterian Ladies College
Solutions: Presbyterian Ladies College
Solutions: Presbyterian Ladies College
Question/Answer Booklet
Section Two:
In words ______________________________________
Special items: drawing instruments, templates, notes on two unfolded sheets of A4 paper,
and up to three calculators approved for use in the WACE examinations
Section Two:
11 11 100 98 65
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3. You must be careful to confine your response to the specific question asked and to follow
any instructions that are specified to a particular question.
4. Spare pages are included at the end of this booklet. They can be used for planning your
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5. Show all your working clearly. Your working should be in sufficient detail to allow your
answers to be checked readily and for marks to be awarded for reasoning. Incorrect
answers given without supporting reasoning cannot be allocated any marks. For any
question or part question worth more than two marks, valid working or justification is
required to receive full marks. If you repeat any question, ensure that you cancel the
answer you do not wish to have marked.
Question 8 (6 marks)
The number of telephone calls each day to a particular number during weekdays are shown in
the table below.
Daily calls
Week Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
1 21 18 26 22 18 A
2 21 17 24 21 17 20
3 22 19 27 23 B 22
21 18 26 22 18
A 21
22 19 27 23 B
22 B 19
(b) Determine the seasonal index for Wednesday, correct to two decimal places. (3 marks)
26 24 27
1.238 1.2 1.227
21 20 22
3.665 3 1.221
(c) Deseasonalise the number of calls on Wednesday of Week 3, giving your answer correct
to one decimal place. (1 mark)
(a) Two other students sat the tests, one scoring 43 in the practical and 23 in the theory, and
the other scoring 30 in the practical and 11 in the theory. Add these points to the graph.
(2 marks)
(b) State the highest score recorded for the theory test. (1 mark)
(c) How many students scored a mark greater than 45 in the practical test? (1 mark)
7 students
The equation of the least squares line for the 20 data points is y 0.54 x 1.05 , where x is the
theory mark and y is the practical mark. The correlation coefficient is 0.82.
(e) Calculate the coefficient of determination and interpret the value of the coefficient in this
context. (2 marks)
(f) Predict the theory mark, to the nearest whole number, of a student who scored
(g) Which, if any, of the predictions made in (e) do you consider to be unreliable? Explain your
(2 marks)
Question 10 (8 marks)
The value of an investment n months after an initial amount of $ A is deposited into a savings
bank can be calculated by the recursive rule
Tn 1 100
n 1 , T0 A , where R is the monthly interest rate as a percentage.
(a) An initial amount of $1000 is deposited with a savings bank offering an interest rate of
0.4% per month.
(ii) What is the value of the investment after one year, to the nearest cent? (2 marks)
T12 1049.0702
Value is $1049.07
(iii) How much interest has accumulated over the first year? (1 mark)
(b) Consider the recursive rule Tn 1.0025Tn 1 , T0 3450 , used to calculate the value of
another investment after n months.
$3 450
(iii) How much interest would accumulate over the first year of this investment?
(2 marks)
T12 3554.94
Question 11 (8 marks)
A plant grew from a seed to a height of 120 cm in its first year. The growth of the plant in
subsequent years is expected to be 60% of its growth in the previous year.
(a) Determine
(i) the growth of the plant during the second year. (1 mark)
120 .6 72 cm
120 72 192 cm
The growth of the plant during the nth year can be given by Tn 1 0.6Tn , T1 120 .
Year 1 2 3 4 5
Growth (cm) 120 72 43.2 25.9 15.6
(c) Plot the annual growth of the plant on the axes below for the first five years. (2 marks)
(d) In which year is the growth of the tree first less than 1 cm? (1 mark)
The growth of the tree each year is rapidly decreasing as time goes
on, and so the height will eventually reach a maximum. (300 cm).
Question 12 (8 marks)
An electrical supply has to be made to the 14 buildings on a new industrial site. The cost of
establishing a direct electrical supply between various buildings is shown on the graph below,
where the number on each edge represents the cost for that link, in thousands of dollars.
(a) Clearly indicate the minimal spanning tree on the graph above. (3 marks)
(b) Determine the minimum cost of establishing the electrical supply to the 14 buildings.
(2 marks)
23 25 26 25 27 126
26 25 19 70
25 24 27 23 22 121
Total 317
(c) If the cost of the link between C and G could be decreased by $3 000, explain what effect,
if any, this would have on the solution in part (b). Justify your answer. (3 marks)
Year Quarter Time (t) Profit ($000’s)
2010 1 1 48 1.34
2010 2 2 37 1.03
2010 3 3 26 A
2010 4 4 32 B
2011 1 5 44 1.34
2011 2 6 C 1.07
2011 3 7 22 0.67
2011 4 8 30 0.92
2012 1 9 36 1.40
2012 2 10 25 0.97
2012 3 11 15 0.58
2012 4 12 27 1.05
2013 1 13 33 1.36
2013 2 14 25 1.03
2013 3 15 16 0.66
2013 4 16 23 0.95
(a) Determine the seasonal indices A and B in the table above, rounding your answers to two
decimal places. (3 marks)
( 48 37 26 32) 4 35.75
(b) Given that the 4-point centred moving average associated with Quarter 4 of 2011 is 30,
determine the value of C in the table above.
(2 marks)
C 25
22 30 38
2 2 30
C 35
The seasonal index for the third quarter is 0.66 and for the fourth quarter is 0.95.
(c) Calculate the seasonal index for the first quarter of the year. (1 mark)
(d) Calculate the deseasonalised profit for the fourth quarter of 2012. (2 marks)
27 0.95 28.421
(e) The equation of the least-squares regression line fitted to the deseasonalised profit figures
(𝑝 in 000's) against time (𝑡) is p 38.36 1.0127t . Forecast the expected profit in Quarter
3, 2014 if trends in the above data continue. (3 marks)
t 19
m 38.36 1.0127(19)
The table below shows the same data for 1989 to 2010.
(ii) the least squares regression model, giving coefficients rounded to four decimal
places. (2 marks)
y 0.3603 x 734.2298
(b) Describe how your answers in (a) would be affected if all the data shown in the graph was
used rather than that displayed in the table. (2 marks)
(c) Use the regression model from (a) to calculate the residual for 2010 and plot this point on
the residual graph below. Show all your working. (3 marks)
yˆ 0.3603(2010) 734.2298
y yˆ 11 10
(d) Use the residual plot above to comment on the appropriateness of fitting a linear model to
the data in the table. (2 marks)
Question 15 (8 marks)
The maximum numbers of shipping containers that can be moved between various points in a
distribution network each day are shown in the weighted digraph below.
35 B F
25 18
A 30
30 54
33 10
20 E
(a) State the source and the sink of this digraph. (1 mark)
Source = A
Sink = H
(b) What is the maximum number of containers that can be transported from the source to the
sink each day? Show systematic working to allow your solution to be checked. (4 marks)
ABFH = 18
ABGH = 17
ADGH = 30
ACEH = 13
(c) One day, a shortage of drivers meant that the number of containers which could be sent
from A to D was halved. What effect, if any, would this have on the maximum number of
containers that can be transported each day? Justify your answer.
(3 marks)
Lose 15 from ADGH.
Question 16 (8 marks)
A young person has borrowed $7 500 to purchase a car and is making repayments of $660 at the
end of each month on the loan, with interest charged monthly.
The spreadsheet below shows the balance and interest of the loan for the first three months.
(a) Use information from the table to show that the annual interest rate on the loan is 8.4%
per annum. (2 marks)
(b) Determine the balance at the start of month 4, and the interest for this month. (2 marks)
(c) Write a recursive rule to determine the balance at the start of each month. (2 marks)
(d) The loan is fully repaid by the end of month 12. Determine, to the nearest dollar,
582.68 $583
(ii) the total amount of interest paid over the twelve months. (1 mark)
(a) How do the data points for August support the use of a four-point centred moving average
to smooth the entire data set? (1 mark)
The data points for August tend to be the lows for each year,
suggesting that there is a cycle of four quarters to the data.
(b) Calculate the four-point centred moving average for August 2001. (2 marks)
630.4 649.2
625.0 622.3 625.7
2 2 628.2
The seasonal indices for three quarters are shown in the table below.
The following table shows the deseasonalised values of the number of people, P.
Qtr F M A N F M A N F M A N F M A N
T 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
P 630 623 636 614 649 640 617 625 626 646 646 652 650 646 657 665
(d) Show how the deseasonalised value of 657 for P in August 2004 was calculated. (1 mark)
(e) Use the table of deseasonalised values to determine the equation of the least-squares
regression line that can be used to predict P from time T . (2 marks)
P 2.265T 619.625
(f) Forecast the expected number of people employed in the accommodation and food
services industry in Australia in August 2006 to the nearest 1 000, and comment on the
reliability of your forecast. (3 marks)
P 2.265(23) 619.625
Question 18 (9 marks)
An annuity paying a monthly sum of $1 500 is set up with an initial sum of $400 000 and interest
of 5.4% per annum compounded monthly.
(a) The balance of the loan at the start of month n is given by the recurrence relation
An1 rAn d , A1 400000 . State the values of r and d. (2 marks)
d 1500
(b) Determine the value of the annuity after twelve months and comment on what this figure
indicates. (2 marks)
$403 690.45
(c) Determine, to the nearest dollar, the monthly sum that should be withdrawn from the
annuity if
(d) If the interest rate of 5.4% was halved after one year, calculate the total interest accrued
by the annuity over the first two years. (3 marks)
End of questions