My Farm, My Plan - Planning For My Future
My Farm, My Plan - Planning For My Future
My Farm, My Plan - Planning For My Future
Contact Details:
Teagasc Head Office
Head Office, Oak Park, Carlow
Tel: +353 (0) 59 9170200
Fax: +353 (0) 59 9182097
Email: [email protected]
My Farm, My Plan
June 2014
Appendices 25
Benefits of completing a plan for my farm
Cash – I know that I will have enough cash to keep farm, family and
repayments met while putting my plan in place
Planning for success
There are two essential steps in the planning process. The first step is the
“thinking process” behind what you are intending to do. In this workbook
this is referred to as the farm plan. The second step is the “financial
process” where all your financial details are analysed for your farm and
family circumstances to examine if your proposed farm plan is actually viable.
This is referred to as the financial plan.
1. Why am I farming?
2. What am I thinking of doing?
3. How is this going to deliver on my reasons for farming?
1. Where am I now?
2. What are the main issues I must focus on?
3. What do I have to do to get there?
4. When will I make these changes?
5. How will my plan affect my working day?
Following completion of the farm plan, you and your adviser can then prepare
a financial plan (annual cash flow, Profit and Loss and Balance Sheet) to fully
examine the financial viability of your proposals.
Stage 1: Thinking about where you are going
There are three steps in completing Stage 1 of the farm plan.
1. Why am I farming?
Most farmers know what they do…many know how to do it…but very few are
clear on why they do what they do. It all starts with clarity…you have to know
why you do what you do. Your inspiration comes from the clarity of why.
Once you know why you do what you do, you can decide on the actions you
will take to achieve your desired future position (the ‘how’). The ‘what’ is the
result of those actions.
Too many people start with the ‘what’, then the ‘how’ and leave the ‘why’ until
last or ignore it altogether. Without clarity, there will be no motivation for
Some reasons for answering the ‘why’ may include: maintaining or increasing
income, to match input price inflation, for retirement, to cope with milk or beef
price volatility, for farm transfer / succession, for expansion, to employ labour,
for family life, for lifestyle, etc
Use the first part of this worksheet to record your vision statement (your
‘why’). Involve you family at this stage, which could include your parents,
your spouse and relevant children where applicable.
Farmers are continually changing. Everybody has their own idea or vision of
where they are going. It could involve changing enterprises, renting extra land,
increasing or reducing stock numbers, retiring from farming, employing labour,
building new facilities, re-organising farm finances, setting up a new farm,
increasing farm stocking rate or a combination of any of these changes.
Whatever your situation, your plan must take into account your current
position, your desired future position and how you are going to get there.
Focus on the outcome you want, not on what may happen due to external
influences or your current position. Don’t confine yourself or limit your thinking
to where you are now. Similarly, don’t make changes on impulse; you must
have sound reason for what you are going to do.
Complete the second part of the worksheet by outlining what you are thinking
of doing in the next 5 to 7 years.
Having completed the first two parts of the worksheet, you should check that
what you are thinking of doing will enable you to meet your vision (will your
planned changes allow you to meet your ‘why’?).
Why am I farming? What am I thinking of doing?
Why am I farming?
What am I thinking of doing? What are my plans for the next 5 – 7 years?
Stage 2: Thinking about what I have to do
There are five steps in completing Stage 2 of the farm plan.
1. Where am I now?
Before setting out on a journey, you must know where you are leaving from.
Similarly with a farm plan, you must start by clearly understanding where you
are now (your starting point). Every farm has its own unique characteristics,
which vary from financial efficiency, physical resources, capital resources,
labour and family circumstances. Your plan must take these into account.
Current stock: What are current stock numbers? What animals can be sold
to help finance your plan? Increasing breeding herd size requires suitable
replacements being available. How many have you?
Land: How much of your farm was soil sampled? What about soil type? Does
drainage work need to be carried out? What is your current farm stocking
rate? How secure is your land base? What is your cropping rotation & crop
mix? What options have you looked at to increase land area?
Current equipment and facilities: What is the current position with slurry
storage, winter accommodation, handling facilities and milking facilities? What
about your grazing infrastructure (water, fencing and roads)? What equipment
and machinery is on farm and when should it be replaced or upgraded?
Labour and farm information: In addition to yourself who is doing the work
on your farm? Your farm plan must be based on solid information coming from
you farm. What information do you use?
Financial: Use Teagasc eProfit Monitor to get the cost of producing a unit of
output on your farm. This could be per kg of beef or lamb produced / per litre
of milk / ton of grain. Your profit monitor will also tell you the profit per hectare
from each enterprise.
What savings are available for investing in your plan and how much would you
be prepared to use for any planned farm investment? What is the current level
of repayments per annum and when will these finish? Debt per breeding
animal or livestock unit is a measure that can indicate if you can afford to
borrow more money for further development.
In general, at low costs of production farms can carry higher levels of debt per
production unit whereas at high costs of production there is little scope to
carry additional debt per cow or livestock unit. Use Appendix 6 to help
calculate total farm debt.
Do I enjoy what you are currently doing? If you find it difficult to answer this
question then you should carefully consider what you are planning.
Where am I now?
Breeding stock numbers (cows, sucklers, ewes)
Output milk, beef, sheep (kg milk solids, kg beef, etc)
No. of replacements (0-1) (1-2)
No. of cattle (0-1) (1-2)
No. of replacement ewe lambs
No. of animals (and value) to sell to finance plan
Land – owned (ha)
Leased land and length of lease(s) Ha yrs
Conacre land (< 5 years) and length farmed Ha yrs
Share farmed land and length of agreement Ha yrs
Whole farm stocking rate (LU/ha) LU/Ha
Milking platform - dairy (ha) & stocking rate Ha LU/Ha
What is current total cost of production per unit?
How much cash is available for future investment?
What is current and future level of direct payment?
Current farm repayments per year and finish date?
What is current debt per hectare?
1. What are the main issues I must focus on?
Once you have fully evaluated your current situation, it is useful to look at the
strengths (S), weaknesses (W), opportunities (O) and threats (T) for your farm
as it is currently operating. You can complete the SWOT analysis for yourself
(personal), your business (farm) or a combination of both. Completing this
exercise honestly will help you to build on your strengths, take advantage of
opportunities, correct your weaknesses and avoid threats.
Fill in the next worksheet. If you would like somebody else’s view, ask a
family member, friend, or fellow discussion group member to fill it in for
Threats What are the big external threats/ trends that could harm
your current farming system?
How could these affect your plan?
How could your weaknesses expose you to these harmful
Your focus areas should be more than just the elements of good technical
farming i.e. grassland management, breeding, nutrient management, stock
management. Technical competence will not be enough in the future. Think
of the other skills which you will need in the future e.g. negotiation, cash flow
budgeting, forecasting, networking, managing labour/ contractors. Ask
yourself if you need to focus on some of these areas.
Complete a SWOT analysis for your farm
What are the four key areas that you need to focus on in your plan?
What are the major changes you have implemented on the farm in the
last 5/10 years?
2. What will I have to do and how much will it cost?
Every plan will require changes to be made to your farming system. Some
changes are operational e.g. calving date; and others are physical e.g. a new
shed. Some have a direct, immediate cash cost e.g. buildings; others affect
cash flow throughout the years. Both must be part of your farm plan.
Usually it is the big developments that spring to mind, like a milking parlour,
new shed, land purchase, employing labour, when you think about the cost of
your plan. These are significant investments and should be costed (with
quotes) in advance. To assist you with some of the physical costs use
Appendix 1 as a guide.
But there are also other costs that a plan needs to take into account. These
may not be as large but can have a large impact on cash flow if not taken into
account when looking at the overall plan.
Complete the worksheet on the opposite page. Specify the cost of each action
and whether it is an estimate or actual quote. The easy way is to use
estimates but you will be in more control of your plan if you have quotes for
your development. Some items may need to be financed by borrowings;
indicate which ones.
Dairy: Many dairy farmers are planning to increase cows numbers on the
milking platform. If this is part of your plan you must take into account the
ability of your milking platform to feed these cows and that there are sufficient
outside blocks (owned or leased) which will provide adequate winter forage
for the herd and rear all replacements. The ability of the milking platform and
the outside block to produce adequate grass may be constrained by soil P, K
or pH levels and the requirement for drainage and/ or reseeding. If this is the
case these issues must be addressed in your farm plan. The cost of such
improvements should be treated as a capital cost and budgeted accordingly.
What will I have to do to get there?
Contingency (10-20%)
Total Cost
I have already identified where I want to go and what I have to do to get there.
Another major decision is the timing of when these changes will take place.
An action plan will answer the “What / When” questions relating to your
proposal. Completing this worksheet will allow you to set out a schedule or
timeframe for the implementation of your plan.
Include all issues that you costed in the previous worksheet and any other
changes to your farm that are relevant to your plan.
Any change from your current farming system should be included, regardless
of whether they are a cost or not. Some changes may be operational, but you
need to write them down to get a full picture of how you will implement your
plan. An example in this category would be the plan to reseed a proportion of
the farm every year over the period of the plan or to spread P, K or lime on a
proportion of the farm on an annual basis.
Note: For larger and more complex projects, it is advisable to complete a full
project management plan in addition to your financial plan.
See Teagasc Dairy Levy Series No. 15 at
Action Plan
4. How will these changes affect my daily workload when my plan is
When your work life and personal life are out of balance, your stress level is
likely to soar. Achieving a satisfactory work/ life balance can be challenging
for self-employed farmers as the boundaries between work and home can
become blurred. If you spend most of your life farming, your home life will
lose out. The situation is similar with part time farming. A balance between
job, family and farming must be found, if your new farming plan is going to
make this balance unstable – think about it again.
Answer the questions in the worksheet. If you do not answer yes to all
questions you may be under pressure and unable to take control of the
proposed changes in your plan. You need to reassess what you are currently
doing. Talk to your Teagasc Adviser or another professional or bring it up at
discussion group to get ideas and support in making the changes necessary.
Am I satisfied with my current work/ life balance?
Stage 3: Extra costs, extra revenues and extra risks
Only a full financial plan will show projected cash flow and profit each year for
your proposal using the data you have supplied. Such a financial plan would
take into account stock sales and purchases, all cash in and all cash out
including loan repayments, drawings and taxation. It also allows for different
scenarios to be evaluated e.g. impact of changing milk price.
Having completed your partial budget, you have to examine the net position
and decide whether your plan is worthwhile. You also need to look at the
risks to your plan.
2. Where own cash (savings) are used in the plan, there is a cost by
foregoing the interest this money would make if invested elsewhere.
5. Additional variable costs if additional cows are milked. Use your farm’s
variable costs per cow/ewe/livestock unit from Profit Monitor or
guideline figures in Appendix 4.
7. Loss of other stock sales. For example, if cattle are displaced, this will
be an annual loss of revenue from cattle sales each year.
What extra costs (or reduced revenue) will be incurred?
Extra borrowings
Own cash (savings) used interest
_______hd x €________/hd
_________tonnes X €______tonne
2. What extra revenue (or reduced costs) will be generated?
Where do you see the additional money coming from when your plan is
complete? It could be extra production from existing stock, less spending
(efficiency), increased output from the extra cows or reduced labour (less
wages paid).
There may be other savings which are more difficult to quantify. For example,
your proposed plan may involve building a new milking parlour or new beef
shed. Its major benefit may be to reduce the length of the working day, which
is not a direct cash benefit. Similarly other investments may apply to the whole
farm rather than just the changes in your proposed plan.
1. Extra milk receipts sold from existing herd. Longer lactations, a more
mature herd, better genetics, investment in grassland (lime, P, K,
reseeding) may all contribute to increased production from the existing
herd. An extra 100 litres delivered would generate €30 extra receipts
per cow where milk price in your plan is 30 cent per litre
2. Additional cows will produce extra milk. Put a value on this milk based
on your current milk solids and predicted milk price. As a guideline use
a base price of 28 cent per litre (2014) for 3.3% protein and 3.6%
butterfat. For each 0.1% rise in protein and butterfat (combined),
increase milk price by one cent per litre. Heifers will yield 75% the
volume of mature cows, so if additional cows are heifers initially, there
will be increased pressure on cash flow (reduced milk receipts) until the
herd matures.
3. Extra livestock sales, increase in calf sales, weanlings, cattle sales and
sheep sales are included here where they are part of the plan.
What extra revenue (or reduced costs) will be generated?
Labour saved
3. Is it worthwhile?
In addition to the projected cash position identified you need to take into
• taxation;
• labour and workload;
• changes in stock numbers;
• net worth changes; and
• when loan repayments will finish.
• Time availability for your proposal
While a partial budget can give you an indication of the financial viability
of your proposal, it is strongly recommended that you complete a full
financial plan for your proposal. This will take into account such items as
taxation, inventory changes, net worth changes and loan repayment
schedules and more fully evaluate your proposal as well as showing the
peaks and troughs of cash flow over a six-year period.
You should contact your Teagasc Adviser/ private consultant to get a full
financial plan (annual cash flow, Profit and Loss and Balance Sheet for six
years) prepared to fully examine the financial viability of your proposed plan.
Alternatively you could purchase financial planning software yourself and
complete your own financial plan. It is likely that your bank/ financial institution
will request such a document if you are seeking finance for your plans.
Is it worthwhile?
Is it worthwhile?
4. What could go wrong?
With opportunity comes risk. In general, the bigger the opportunity, the bigger
the risk. Risks are personal to the individual farmer – what is risky for one
farmer is not for another farmer. Planning helps to manage risk so that it is
set at a reasonable level. Farmers need to identify the risks they are carrying.
You have to consider the impact of volatility in product prices (milk, beef and
lamb) and input prices over the planning period. What impact will a 3 cent per
litre drop in milk price have on your bottom line? Or a 10% change in
beef/sheep price?
Contributing factors: These are farm factors which can increase the impact
that an overall risk will have on your farm business. For example, you may
consider wet weather as a significant risk to your farm enterprise, but
contributing factors could include poor roadways, heavy soils, low silage
reserves. Minimising these contributing factors is key to reducing the impact of
the risk.
What could go wrong?
Stage 4: Developing a full financial plan
After completing your farm plan, the next step is the financial plan. This is
where all your financial data is used to calculate cash flow for six years based
on your farm plan. It takes into account variable and fixed costs, inventory
changes, total repayments, family living expenses and taxation. If your
proposed plan cannot meet all the cash outflows then you must go back to re-
think your farm plan to see where it can be changed and improved.
You now have completed the ‘thinking process’ and have a farm plan for your
idea. It is up to you now to take the next steps towards making your plan a
Good luck!
My Farm, My Plan
Six year
Profit financial
Monitor plan
The following is an example of the annual financial plan for a seven year
period from the Teagasc Farm Business Planner. You will have a full
understanding of the financial data in this financial plan by having completed
this workbook in advance
Cash flow
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
The following table gives guideline costs per hectare on the annual cost of
improving soil fertility. For example, one hectare with soil index of 1 for P and
K would require €100/ha (€60 + €40) of additional P/K fertiliser for 3-5 years of
the plan to raise the fertility level. This additional cost is above the normal P &
K requirements needed for current farm stocking rate.
Guideline € per hectare cost for meeting soil fertility and lime requirements
Annual € cost per ha of building soil fertility to Index 3
P K Years
Current Soil Index 1 €40 €60 3-5
2 €20 €30 2-3
Failure to build up soil fertility where stocking rates are increasing will result in
Appendix 3
Interest Rate
Appendix 4
These guideline costs are an indication of the variable costs you can expect to
incur or save when exiting or starting a new enterprise. Your own costs, for
example from a profit monitor, are the most accurate, so use these as
guidelines only
Appendix 5
Increasing farm stocking rate without making provision to grow additional feed
(reseeding, soil fertility, Nitrogen, drainage) will either substantially increase feed
costs or reduce animal performance and output. The following table shows the
additional feed cost per dairy cow (5,500 litres) at different stocking rates for
three grass growth levels where no additional feed is made on the farm.
For example, take a farm that has an average grass growth potential of 11t/ha
and is currently stocked at two livestock units per ha. If this farm plans to
increase stocking rate from 2.0 to 2.5 LU/ha, without making provision to grow
the extra feed, then the extra feed cost per cow is €129 (€32 + €97). For a 40
ha farm (100 cows) this is equivalent to €12,900 of additional feed that must
be purchased.
*For every additional 500 litres above 5,500, add a further €90 cost per cow.
Appendix 6
Appendix 7
Why am I farming?
Complete a SWOT analysis for your farm
What are the four key areas that you need to focus on in your plan?
How will focussing on these areas allow you to meet your why?
Action Plan
Am I satisfied with your current work/ life balance?
What can go wrong?
Contact Details:
Teagasc Head Office
Head Office, Oak Park, Carlow
Tel: +353 (0) 59 9170200
Fax: +353 (0) 59 9182097
Email: [email protected]
My Farm, My Plan
June 2014