Final Exam AP
Final Exam AP
Final Exam AP
2. A/THR engagement is confirmed when "A/THR" is displayed in ______ in the right column of the FMA.
a) Green
b) Blue
c) White
5.If the thrust levers are set in the idle detent, is Alpha floor protection still available?
a) Yes Thrust lever position is disregarded.
b) Yes, as long as "A/THR" appears in Column five.
c) No, because the IDLE detent is out of the A/THR active range.
6. Is there any mechanical linkage between the thrust levers and the engines?
a) There is a fibre optic backup.
b) There is a mechanical linkage in case the ECU fails.
c) No, it is electrically powered and hydraulically actuated.
d) No, it is totally electrical.
7. Each FADEC is a dual channel (A&B) computer providing full engine management.
a) True.
b) False.
14. On an autoland approach, with both autopilots on, which FMGC is master?
a) FMGC 1
b) FMGC 2
c) Both
15. TOGA thrust is provided regardless of throttle position when _______ engages the autothrottle
a) Alpha Max
b) Alpha Prot
c) Alpha Floor
16.The autopilot will disconnect if the side stick takeover push button is depressed.
a) True.
b) True.
19.The wheel height at which the approach path has been visually assessed as satisfactory to
continue the approach to a landing is known as the
a) decision height
b) intercept height
c) alert height