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Contractor Mix Design Guidelines: Oregon Department of Transportation

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January 2005

These guidelines outline the procedures to be used in developing, testing and submitting asphalt
concrete mix designs for ODOT contracts and for projects with other agencies that use the Oregon
Standard Specifications for Construction 2002. According to these specifications the contractor is
responsible for developing the mix designs for all Hot Mixed Asphalt Concrete (HMAC) and
Emulsified Asphalt Concrete (EAC). Stone Matrix Asphalt mix designs will be developed by ODOT.

The actual test procedures used to develop a mix design are available in a separate document
described in Section 1 & 2 of these guidelines.

If you have any questions about the information contained in these guidelines or any corrections to
suggest, contact Dick Dominick, Senior Mix Design Technician at (503)-986-3071 or Bruce Patterson,
Pavement Materials Engineer at (503)-986-3052.

Bruce Patterson, P.E.

ODOT Pavement Materials Engineer
January 2005


SECTION 1 Scope page 4

SECTION 2 Applicable Documents page 5

SECTION 3 Dense Graded Mix Designs page 7

SECTION 4 Performance Testing page 8

SECTION 5 Reporting Dense Graded Mix Designs page 9

SECTION 6 Mix Design Materials Submittal page 12

SECTION 7 Open Graded Mix Designs page 13

SECTION 8 Open Graded Mix Design Materials Submittal page 13

SECTION 9 Review of Contractor Mix Designs page 14

SECTION 10 Existing Mix Design Guidelines (Transfers) page 16



1.1 The Oregon Standard Specifications for Asphalt Concrete 00744.13, 00745.13(a) and 00735.13
require the Contractor to develop the mix designs for HMAC and Emulsified Asphalt Concrete
(EAC). For projects under an ODOT contract, the proposed mix design is submitted to the
ODOT Project Manager. The ODOT Project Manager forwards the mix design to the Pavement
Materials Engineer to conduct a review of the design. The only exception is that SMA (Stone
Matrix Asphalt) mix designs will be developed by ODOT.

1.2 This document establishes the procedures for developing and submitting a new HMAC or EAC
mixture design. It also describes procedures for submitting existing mix designs for use on a
new contract. The guidelines cover Dense-Graded virgin and RAP mixtures and Open-Graded
virgin mixtures. The design procedure for Dense-Graded Superpave mixes; Open-Graded
HMAC and EAC, along with a few other procedures are in the ODOT “Supplemental Test
Procedures for HMAC and EAC”. See Section 2.0 “Applicable Documents” for a list of required
procedures and their location.

1.3 Mix designs are reviewed by ODOT as described in Section 9 and if the design meets all
requirements a Mix Design Review Report signed by the Pavement Materials Engineer is issued
with a unique ODOT number. No report will be issued for designs that are incomplete or those
not meeting specification requirements. However, the CMDT will be notified of the problem.
ODOT may delay issuing a mix design review report until it has confirmed that the produced
aggregate for the project meets the specifications. In most cases, aggregate product
compliance testing must have been performed within the last twelve months on produced HMAC
aggregate to meet these requirements. If the aggregate used to develop the mix design is
determined to be unrepresentative of the aggregate produced for construction, all or part of the
mix design may be rejected.

1.4 Existing mix designs developed or reviewed by ODOT for a project will be considered for
transfer to other contracts with the written concurrence of the Pavement Materials Engineer.
See Section 10 for the transfer policy.


Refer to the ODOT Manual of Field Test Procedures for the following test procedures. There may be
modifications or special instructions relative to the AASHTO procedure.

AASHTO T84: Specific Gravity and Absorption of Fine Aggregate

AASHTO T85: Specific Gravity and Absorption of Coarse Aggregate

AASHTO T166: Bulk Specific Gravity of Compacted Bituminous Mixtures using SSD

AASHTO T209: Theoretical Maximum Specific Gravity and Density of Bituminous Mixtures

AASHTO T283: Resistance of Compacted Bituminous Mixture to Moisture-Induced Damage

ODOT TM 323: Determination of Calibration Factors for Determining the Asphalt Binder Content
of Hot Mix Asphalt by the Ignition Method

Refer to AASHTO books for the following:

AASHTO T312: Preparing and Determining the Density of Hot-Mix Asphalt Specimens by Means
of the Superpave Gyratory Compactor

AASHTO T269: Percent Air Voids in Compacted Dense and Open Bituminous Paving Mixtures

AASHTO R30: Mixture Conditioning of Hot-Mix Asphalt

The following mix design procedures are in a separate document called “Supplemental Procedures for
HMAC and EAC”. This document is available from the ODOT Construction Section and is also found on
the ODOT website at http://www.odot.state.or.us/tsconstruction/.

ODOT TM 303: Resistance to Deformation of Bituminous Mixtures by Means of Hveem


ODOT TM 313: Compressive Strength of Emulsified Asphalt Mixtures

ODOT TM 316: Adding Anti-Strip Additives or Lime to Mix Design Samples

ODOT TM 318: Selection of Asphalt Content in Open-Graded Bituminous Mixtures by the

Draindown Procedure

ODOT TM 330: Superpave Volumetric Design for Dense Graded HMAC

OTHER ODOT TEST PROCEDURES (Contact the ODOT Pavement Materials Engineer for a

ODOT TM 320 (Draft): Rut Resistance measured by the Asphalt Pavement Analyzer


ODOT Special Provisions (SP00745) require that all Level 2, 3 and 4 mix designs be developed by
the Superpave mix design procedure described in ODOT TM 330. For other agencies the Standard
00745 specifications allow Marshall mix designs for some mix levels.

3.1 Level 3 wearing course and all Level 4 mix designs require performance tests as described in
Section 4 of these guidelines. Results of the Hveem Stability test must be submitted with the
mix design. If required, the APA rut test results must be submitted within 30 days of submitting
the mix design.

3.2 If the Ignition Oven is selected for measuring the asphalt content on the project, fabricate and
deliver a set of calibration samples for each mix design to the ODOT Region Quality
Assurance Coordinator, a set to the ODOT Central Lab, and a set to the lab that will do the
quality control testing. Follow the procedures and documentation in the current ODOT TM 323
when preparing calibration samples. This test procedure is in the ODOT Manual of Field Test

3.3 Refer to Section 5 for information about submitting dense-graded mix designs to ODOT.
Section 6 provides information about submitting mix design material to ODOT when requested.


4.1 Test each Level 3 dense graded wearing course (under Spec. Section 00745 only) and all
Level 4 dense graded mixes for Hveem stability according to ODOT TM 303-02 and Asphalt
Pavement Analyzer rut resistance according to ODOT TM 320 (Draft).

ODOT TM 303 is found in the document “Supplemental Test Procedures for HMAC and EAC”.
This document is available from the ODOT Construction Section and is also found on the ODOT
website at http://www.odot.state.or.us/tsconstruction/.


4.2 Hveem stability testing must be performed or closely supervised by a Certified Hveem Stability
technician. Test duplicate samples at a minimum of three asphalt contents. The criteria for
stability values for dense graded mix designs are listed below:

Minimum S value Level 3 35 @ JMF 32 @ at 0.5% above JMF asphalt

Level 4 37 @ JMF 34 @ at 0.5% above JMF asphalt

The criteria for S values after second compaction are the same.


4.3 For each dense graded Level 3 wearing course mix design and each dense graded Level 4 mix
design submitted for review, perform Asphalt Pavement Analyzer testing. Test laboratory batched
samples of each JMF in an Asphalt Pavement Analyzer according to ODOT TM 320. Submit test
results in the format required by ODOT TM 320 to the Engineer within 30 days of submitting the
mix design for review. Identify each mix with a unique identification number, such as ODOT Lab
Number or Suppliers Mix Number. The test samples must be received at the testing facility before
the mix design will be issued to the project. Currently, test results are for information only.


5.1 Submit the mixture design report, in the required format (example on page 11) to the ODOT
Construction Section and the Project Manager. Include copies of the laboratory testing
worksheets for mixture Gmb, Gmm, TSR, Hveem stability, and individual aggregate bulk specific

5.2 Aggregate – include in the report the following aggregate information.

5.2.1 Provide the source number, Gsb, and Gsa for each aggregate component.

5.2.2 Show the gradation data for each aggregate or RAP and the blend as a percent passing to
the nearest 1% for the 1” (25 mm), ¾” (19 mm), ½” (12.5 mm), 3/8” (9.5), No. 4 (4.75 mm),
No. 8 (2.36 mm), No. 30 (0.600 mm) sieves and the nearest 0.1% for the No. 200 (0.075
mm) sieve.

5.2.3 Provide the percent of each aggregate , lime and/or RAP in each trial blend.

5.2.4 Verify that each aggregate product has current passing Product Compliance test results.

5.3 Asphalt – Provide the source, grade, and specific gravity at 77°/77° F (25°/25° C).

5.3.1 Provide the design asphalt content expressed to the nearest 0.1%.

5.3.2 Provide the percentage of asphalt cement in RAP to the nearest 0.1%.

5.3.3 Provide the mixing and compaction temperature ranges in degrees Celsius (or Fahrenheit).

5.4 Mixture – Provide all data used to determine the design aggregate structure and the design
asphalt content, including the sample heights at N-initial and N-design gyrations.

5.4.1 Provide Gmb, Gmm, and volumetric data for samples fabricated for each trial aggregate
blend. (stage 1) Briefly describe why the selected trial blend was chosen as the JMF

5.4.2 Provide volumetric data normalized to 4.0% Va for samples fabricated for each trial
aggregate blend (stage 1).

5.4.3 Provide Gmb, actual and calculated Gmm’s, and volumetric data for all samples fabricated
at the selected aggregate blend used to determine the design asphalt content. (stage 2)

5.4.4 Verify and note in the report, that the APA rut test samples have been delivered to the test
facility, if APA testing is required.

5.4.5 Provide a summary of the results of the mix design testing in the following format:


6.1 Mix designs may be verified according to Section 9. If requested, for each JMF submitted,
furnish representative samples (split from the materials used for the mixture design) and a
completed Form 4000 for design verification to the Department’s Materials Laboratory in Salem as

Material Amount

Aggregate 2 – 50 pound aggregate samples from each

aggregate stockpile (untreated)

Asphalt Cement 6 – quarts in 1 quart metal containers

Lime (If required) 1 - 2 lb. sample

Antistripping Additive (If used) 1 – 1 pint sample in a non-metal container

RAP (Recycled a/c pavement) 2 – 50 pound RAP samples

6.2 If the contract requires that a mix design be developed by ODOT, furnish representative samples to
the Department’s Material’s Laboratory in Salem as follows:

Material Amount

New Coarse Aggregate 16 – 50 lb. (1 bag)*

New Fine Aggregate 16 – 50 lb. (1 bag)*

RAP (if used) 4 – 50 lb. (1 bag) One bag from each

of four locations (200 lbs. total)

Hydrated lime (if used) 1 -- 2 lb.

Asphalt cement 18 -- quarts in 1 quart metal containers

Antistripping additive (if used) 1 -- pint in a non-metal container

• If coarse or fine aggregate is in multiple stockpiles, divide the submittal evenly between stockpiles.

6.3 For Stone Matrix Asphalt (SMA) furnish all materials noted in 6.2 and 20 lbs. of mineral filler and
2 lbs. of fiber.


7.1 The Open-Graded Mix Design procedures are found in the document “SUPPLEMENTAL TEST
PROCEDURES FOR HMAC AND EAC”. Protocol and procedures for ½” (12.5 mm) and ¾” (19
mm) Open-Graded hot mixes, and ¾” (19 mm) Asphalt Treated Permeable Base (ATPB) are
described in ODOT TM 318. The protocol and procedures for Emulsified Asphalt Concrete (EAC)
cold mix are described in ODOT TM 313.

This document is available from the ODOT Construction Section and is also found on the ODOT
website at http://www.odot.state.or.us/tsconstruction/.

7.1.1 Submit a one quart emulsion sample to the ODOT Central Lab prior to submitting an EAC mix
design. It is helpful to submit this sample as soon as it is received from the supplier.


7.2 Mix Design Report: For Open-Graded HMAC use the same report format as used for dense-
graded mixes (page11) and provide the information required by ODOT TM 318. For EAC
mixes provide the information required by ODOT TM 313 in a convenient format. Note that for
Open-Graded HMAC mix designs a Tensile Strength Ratio test result from a surrogate dense
graded mix is required. See the test method for details.


8.1 The ODOT Central Lab may verify mix designs according to Section 8. If requested, for each
JMF submitted, furnish representative samples (split from the materials used for the mixture
design) and a completed Form 4000 for design verification to the Department’s Materials
Laboratory in Salem as follows:

Material Amount

Aggregate 2 – 50 lb. samples from each stockpile

Asphalt Cement 4 – quarts in 1 quart containers
Lime (if required) 1 – 2 lb. sample
Antistripping Additive (if required) 1 - pint in a non-metal container


9.1 General

By specification ODOT retains the right to review all bituminous mix designs proposed for use
on the State Transportation System. ODOT recognizes that the risk associated with each
paving application varies. Therefore, the extent of each mix design review will be in
accordance with these potential risks.

9.2 Dense Graded Mix Design Review

All dense graded mix designs will be reviewed for accuracy, completeness, reasonableness,
compliance with specifications and compliance with the mix design guidelines. ODOT retains
the right to perform one or more tests on submitted material to verify the design. These tests
may include one or more of the following tests.

• Aggregate gradation
• Aggregate specific gravity
• Maximum specific gravity of mix
• Bulk specific gravity of mix
• Tensile Strength Ratio
• Hveem stability

The type of tests performed, if any, will be determined by a risk assessment based on
aggregate source, CMDT experience, and use of the mix. If there are significant differences
between ODOT test results and contractor test results, the mix design may be returned to the
CMDT for reevaluation and testing.

9.3 Open Graded Mix Design Review

The standard process for reviewing open graded mix designs will include the following:

• Review of the mix design documents and calculations

The review process may include the following split sample testing:

• Fine and coarse aggregate Gsb

• Geometric Gmb, Va, VMA, and VFA @ 4.5, 5.5, and 6.5% asphalt
• Draindown and Gmm at 4.5, 5.5, and 6.5% asphalt

9.4 Allowable Differences

The test results reported in a Contractor developed mix design will be considered acceptable
when ODOT Central Laboratory test results from split samples submitted by the Contractor fall
within the following allowable differences:

Test Procedure Allowable Difference (±)

AASHTO T-84 Bulk Specific Gravity (dry) 0.066
AASHTO T-85 Bulk Specific Gravity (dry) 0.038
AASHTO T-166 Bulk Specific Gravity 0.030
AASHTO T-209 Specific Gravity 0.019
AASHTO T-283 Tensile Strength Ratio 10 units
ODOT Draindown 5%
NCAT Draindown 0.05%
ODOT Film Coating 5%
Batched Sample Weights (oven dried) 1%

9.4.1 If results do not fall within the allowable differences, the Pavement Materials Engineer will work
with the CMDT to determine the cause of the difference.

A dense graded mix design used on a previous or current ODOT project may be proposed in writing
for use on a new project. Acceptance of the mix design will be based on meeting the following
requirements and is subject to final approval by the ODOT Pavement Materials Engineer.

10.1 All existing mix designs must meet the following to be considered for transfer:

• The proposed mix design is of the type and level required for the new project.

• The mix design was developed according to Superpave mix design procedures at the appropriate
gyration level.

• Aggregate to be used for mix on the new project is from the same source and other materials are
substantially the same as used in the original project. If the original mix design is more than one
year old, provide current aggregate specific gravities. Specific gravity running averages are
preferred over single test results.

• Aggregate has passed product compliance testing as required by the ODOT “Manual of Field Test

• The mix design met Mix Design Verification requirements within the past 12 months (dense
graded mixes only)

• There were no pertinent restrictions placed on transferring the mix design when it was originally

• Adjustments made to asphalt content or gradation during Mix Design Verification testing are
reflected in the proposed design.

• Materials placed under the original mix design are not currently under investigation for mix related
premature distress

10.2 Level 3 wearing course mixes and all Level 4 mix designs must also meet the following:

• Original mix design met minimum Hveem stability requirements when tested according to ODOT
TM 303 by a certified technician.

10.3 Mix Designs with changes to asphalt only

• Existing mix designs with changes only to the asphalt grade or source will be considered for
transfer but will require additional testing as follows:

• If the asphalt supplier has changed from the original design, a new Tensile Strength Ratio (TSR)
test with the new asphalt must be performed and must meet criteria

• If the asphalt grade has changed, a new TSR test and a new APA test must be performed. If an
APA test with the new asphalt grade has been performed within the past 5 years a new APA test
is not required.

10.4 Submitting the Request to Use an Existing Mix Design

• Submit a request to use an existing mix design in writing to the ODOT Project Manager with the
following information:

• Identity of the mix design by ODOT Number

• Note any adjustments made to the asphalt content or gradation of the original design based on
previous MDV testing

• Confirm the source and grade of asphalt to be used on the new project.

• Provide summary of recent MDV test data


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