Path Webcam
Path Webcam
Path Webcam
speed, accuracy and reliability. In addition, vision based specular effect of metal surface. Fortunately, the light
systems have been implemented in the industrial sector all intensity is controllable since we have indoor application.
over the world [3].There are hundreds and thousands of Since we are dealing with real time application, the
different applications and many more are being developed computer hardware to be used should be fast enough to
or improved day by day [4]. calculate the routine task. The time consumes of accepted
or rejected decision depends on the computer speed.
As described above However, automated inspection Generally, the faster the computer, the less time required
system covers the full range of technical difficulty in to process the data.
computer vision [5]. Real time visual inspection is not a
simply image processing problem but the system combines Finally, the part status is used to trigger the handling
of many aspects as stated in earlier. mechanism to separate accepted part from defected part
over production line or vice versa. This scenario is
The other problem of applying automated inspection commonly used for developing AVI system in
system is the cost. The commercial one starts from USD manufacturing environment.
30,000 up to USD 200,000 or even more [6]. In addition,
companies who have installed them are unwilling to In addition, if there is a defective part, then the report can
release details of their system or the cost savings because be transmitted to DSS to be analyzed. The visual
they want to maintain a competitive advantage over their inspection system should be integrated within other
rival [7]. manufacturing process to perform total quality control and
reduce cost of producing defective product. Figure 1
The aim of this design is how to apply machine vision- shows the typical networking system which is using
based for press part inspection system. The design wireless networking for Computer Integrated
includes image acquisition, image processing software, Manufacturing (CIM).
handling equipment and simulation of line production in
the manufacturing environment. The requirements of
visual inspection for press part sorting is can measure the
dimension of press part.
As stated earlier, the purpose of visual inspection system
is to perform quality assurance by separating accepted part
from rejected product. To do this, a careful planning
should be taken in the design stage. The orientation is
based of the object to observe. The system should cover
the following aspects to perform total quality control [8].
1. Adaptive lighting control. Fig. 1 Visual inspection networking system.
2. Flexible software development approach to
accommodate changes in the future. The DSS is aim to decide proper action if there is
3. Networking system for communication between defective product detected. DSS will analyze the
Decision Support System (DSS), Computer Aided manufacturing process which causes the fail product. The
Design (CAD), Computer Aided Manufacturing wrong process could be from CAD, CAM or the CAPP.
(CAM), and Computer Aided Process Planning The CAD is aim to perform design analysis, test and
(CAPP) in manufacturing environment. evaluate the prototype, and production drawings. The
CAM and CAPP is aim to select the proper material,
However, our main focus in this paper is the requirement process and equipment for fabricate the product. All over
for the computer vision. The system consists of digital the system is integrated into a CIM which is aim to control
image acquisition, computer, image processing routines, the entire production process. CIM provides the data
and handling mechanism. storage, sensing state and modifying the manufacturing
Firstly, the choice of image acquisition devices is based on process.
minimum requirement of pixel accuracy. For instead, low We also have been developing the production line
resolution web camera can be using because it is very simulation for testing the inspection system. The system is
cheap. The disadvantage is the high noise but can be divided into hardware and software subsystem. The
smoothed in image processing routine. The result of image hardware subsystem as shown below consists of conveyor,
captured from the camera is significantly relies on lighting lighting system, web camera, fuzzy logic controller, and
condition. We must avoid direct illumination to reduce sorter. The lighting system is using dark field illumination
172 IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, VOL.8 No.10, October 2008
which is controlled by dimmer. The camera has resolution 1. Acquisition – This step is aim capture and
480 x 640 pixels. The conveyor has maximum speed up to transmits the image from the scene to computer
10 meters per minute. The hardware controlled is host.
AT89S52 microcontroller based. The handling equipment 2. Noise reduction – This step suppress noise
consists of plate metal mounted into stepper motor. introduce by acquisition process
3. Edge detection – This step detects sharply changes
in image.
3. Theoretical Review 4. Feature analysis – This step is aim to extract
feature descriptors about dimension of part
Camera records the particular scene and converts it into specification and compares feature descriptor from
2D image. The feature information of the image is previous step and its standard requirement. Then,
convenient to be expressed in pixel coordinates. In this the part is claimed whether accepted or rejected.
coordinate system, the image is treated as a grid of discrete
elements, ordered from top to bottom and left to right, as 3.1 Acquisition
illustrated by figure 2.
Notice that the image quality is significantly influence by
the illumination. Fortunately, the lighting can be set fixed
for industrial inspection. Under illumination, part surface
will reflect some amount of intensity from the light source.
Then some part of reflectance light will be recorded by
Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS)
sensor cell and converted into electric signal.
Unfortunately, each optical sensor will introduce statistical
nature which attaches noise in image and creates
discrepancies of interpretation. CMOS-based camera has
10 times of pattern noise than CCD [9]. However, we can
Fig. 2 The pixel coordinate system. suppress the noise in by using filtering technique.
For pixel coordinates, the first component r (the row) 3.2 Noise Reduction
increases downward, while the second component c (the
column) increases to the right. Pixel coordinates are After image acquisition process, the image is converted
integer values and range between 1 and the length of the into grayscale from RGB mode. This is necessary since we
row or column. do not need the color information. We assume that the
noise can be a modeled as additive and random. In this
The main aspect in the computer vision for inspection is step, we use Wiener filter to estimates the local mean (µ)
the image processing processes. The routines is aim to and variance (σ2) around each pixel and described as
extract the feature descriptors which characterize the part. follow [10].
There are two features to be extracted of our part sample,
which are diameter and length. The following flow chart
will show the algorithm of the visual inspection, which are
n1 , n2 ∈ η
a ( n1 , n2 ) (1)
Fig. 5 Circle.
Circle Part
No Name Shape Parameter
1 Feature A Circle Diameter A
2 Feature B Circle Diameter B
Fig. 7 Waterfall model of the software lifecycle.
4.2 Experimental Setup The results of image processing algorithm described in the
following section.
The complete design of the intelligent real time inspection
system is shown in figure 9. The system is divided into Filtering
hardware and software frameworks [13]. The hardware
framework is the production line simulation which The results of images part after applied wiener filtering are
consists of conveyor, press parts, CMOS web-camera, shown in figure 10.
lighting system, fuzzy logic controller, and handling
equipment or sorter. Assume that conveyor has direction
from the left to the right. While part is moving over
conveyor, camera will capture image part and transfer it
into computer via USB port. The image then processed
and analyzed by the software. If the inspection result
reports that the quality doesn’t fits its requirement and
standard, then the fuzzy logic controller will receive (a)
warning signal from computer and trigger the handling
equipment will dissociate the part from the production line.
(b) (c)
Fig. 10 Wiener filtering result.
Edge Detection
Now, we have better image from noise reduction step.
This step is aim to detect edge or sharply changes of
brightness in image.
Sobel Operator
The edge detected by Sobel operator is shown in figure 11.
(b) (c)
Fig. 12 Threshold 0.11, 0.10, 0.10 respectively for (a), (b), and (c).
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[7] Pham, D.T. and Alcock, R.J., Smart Inspection System,
requirements then the part will be accepted. Otherwise, Academic Press, California, 2003, pp. 6.
handling equipment will dissociate part from production [8] Polling, C., Designing a Machine Vision System, spie’s
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[13] Akbar, H. and Prabuwono, A. S., The Design and
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controller and handling equipment. The results show that
the dimension can be calculated using image processing Habibullah Akbar received the
algorithm which measures the length, width, edge, and B.Sc. in Physics from Institut
diameter of press part. Teknologi Bandung in 2006. He is a
master student and a research
The results show the potential of the system to be assistant at Faculty of ICT,
implemented in metal-based industry. It is shown that the Technical University of Malaysia
above algorithm can be used to perform real time visual Melaka. His research interests
inspection system. The routine consists of digital image include computer vision, robotics,
acquisition, noise reduction, edge detection, and feature instrumentation, electronics, and
extraction. However, future work is necessarily needed to material physics.
inspect another parameter of press part such as
Anton Satria Prabuwono received
straightness, flatness, roundness, angle, profile, and weight the B.Eng. in Electrical Engineering
for part with more complex shape. from National Institute of Technology
Yogyakarta in 1995 and B.Sc. in
Computer Science from Padjadjaran
University Bandung in 2000. He
earned his Ph.D. in Industrial
Computing from Universiti
The authors would like to thank The Ministry of Higher Kebangsaan Malaysia in 2006. He is
Education Malaysia for the financial support under a senior lecturer at Faculty of ICT,
Fundamental Research Grant Scheme Technical University of Malaysia Melaka. He has over 6 years
No. FRGS/2007/FTMK (5) – F0052. industrial experiences in Bumi Kaya Steel, Samsung Electronics,
and Coca-Cola Bottling. His research interests include industrial
automation, robotics, and machine vision.