Salk Vaccine Cover-Up Resonates Today

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Salk vaccine cover-up resonates


[back] Ratner
[back] Salk IPV vaccines

September 13th, 2005

Oak Park, Illinois

Originally printed in: Oak Leaves on Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Barbara Mullarkey’s July 6 letter was a contribution toward an understanding of the hidden problems of the
1965 Salk polio vaccine program.

When he brought home a small, cardboard box that year, containing nine vials of the new Salk vaccine,
Herbert Ratner, M.D., director of the Oak Park Health Department, did not know that they were
contaminated with cancer-causing Simian Virus 40 (SV40) from the green monkey liver tissue on which the
vaccine had been grown. No one, at that time, yet knew of the monkey virus.

His concern in 1955 was rather than from his analysis of epidemiological data he had become aware that the
supposedly killed virus Salk vaccine contained dangerous live polio virus which, in various places around the
country including Illinois, was causing polio in vaccinated children, and that this information was not reported
by the press.

Dr. Ratner’s purpose in bringing the vials to his home was to get inconvertible proof that the Salk vaccine
contained live polio virus. He and two other local physicians, Dr. Gregory White and Dr. John Kelly, planned
to administer the vaccine to themselves at intervals to determine if their antibodies were rising in response to
live virus in the vaccine. Dr. Ratner and his two fellow physicians had to call off the experiment as too risky,
however, when preliminary tests they did on themselves showed that Dr. Ratner himself lacked antibodies to
the most deadly strain of the polio virus.

At that time, Dr. Ratner was editor of The Bulletin of the American Association of Public Health Physicians.
So, although he had not been able to go through with his experiment to demonstrate that there was live polio
virus in the Salk vaccine, he was able to publish a critique in the November and December issues of The
Bulletin, setting forth the epidemiological evidence that the Salk vaccine had been causing the disease it was
intended to prevent.

The then heads of the government health agencies chose not to respond to Dr. Ratner’s critique; they instead
chose to simply ignore it. And soon after his critique appeared, the president of one of the drug companies,
which manufactured the vaccine, succeeded in getting Dr. Ratner removed from the editorship by threatening
a member of the association’s executive committee with the loss of his job, if the committee did not get rid of

In 1960, Dr. Ratner learned that a government researcher, Dr. Bernice Eddy, had discovered evidence of a
cancer-causing agent in the Salk vaccine. The agent was soon identified as a monkey virus. Eddy’s superiors
ordered her to remain silent about her discovery. When, about that same time, he learned that eight children
in Niles had contracted leukemia within several years of having received the 1955 Salk vaccine. Dr. Ratner
understood the importance of continuing to hold on to the vials of 1955 vaccine in his refrigerator.

Although they knew by 1960 that there was a cancer-causing monkey virus in the Salk vaccine, the
government health agencies allowed the contaminated vaccine to stay on the shelves of pharmacies for
another year and a half until a vaccine, believed to be free of the viral contaminant, could be developed. Then
they quietly replaced the old stock with the newer version of the Salk vaccine. Neither the nation’s physicians

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Salk vaccine cover-up resonates

nor the public were told there was a problem with the older vaccine.

In an effort to verify that there was monkey virus in his 1955 Salk vaccine, Dr. Ratner had given vials of his
old vaccine to researchers at two separate institutions before finally giving vials to molecular pathologist and
soon-to-be-Oak Parker, Dr. Michele Carbone in 1997. Dr.Carbone discovered that there were not one but
two strains of SV40 in the 1955 vaccine.

The government cover-ups of problems with the Salk vaccine in 1955 and 1960 make a cautionary tale of
what can happen in a democratic society when monetary interests and face-saving win out over standard
scientific caution and concern for public safety. “The crass manipulation of the public by establishment
professionals in 1955,” Dr. Ratner wrote, “was a turning point in the history of modern medicine.”

What happened at that time is relevant to present day collusion between government health agencies and the
pharmaceutical industry and to the laxity of our present laws which allow physicians in the pay of drug
companies to serve, despite obvious conflicts of interest, on government committees which evaluate vaccines
and other pharmaceuticals.

Helen Ratner Dietz

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