Jen Widerstrom'S Get Fit in A Flash Total-Body Workout How It Works

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For each exercise, do as many reps as possible in 30 seconds. Complete Sequences 1, 2, and 3 in a row,
doing 3 rounds of each. Rest for 30 seconds after each sequence. Then do 90 seconds of cardio bursts
(running or jogging in place, side shuffles, jumping jacks, jumping rope, etc.)


Do each move for 30 seconds, complete 3 rounds. Finish with 90 seconds of your choice of cardio bursts.

 Stand with feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Grasp a moderately heavy dumbbell in
left hand. Pushing hips back, tap floor with weight.
 Stand up pushing powerfully through both feet; at top of movement transfer weight to your
right hand (not shown).
 Bend knees, pushing hips back as you tap floor again. Continue, alternating sides for 30 seconds.


 Stand with feet hip-distance apart, holding dumbbells in each hand. Keep core engaged and
knees soft.
 Raise right arm out to right side to shoulder height and left arm forward, creating an L shape
with your arms.
 Lower to start, then switch so left arm is out to side and right arm is forward. Continue for 30

Sequence 1: LUNGE ROW

 Stagger legs so left foot is forward and right foot is back, holding dumbbells at sides. Lift right
heel, keeping weight over ball of foot.
 Hinging forward from waist, bend left knee, lowering weights toward floor on both sides of shin
(not shown).
 Pull elbows back past ribs, keeping arms close to body and head in line with spine. Lower
weights and return to starting position. Continue for 30 seconds; switch sides.


Do each move for 30 seconds, complete 3 rounds. Finish with 90 seconds of your choice of cardio bursts.

 Stand with feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, with a dumbbell on the floor between
your feet. Looking out a few feet in front of you, squat down only as far as it takes to grasp the
handle of the dumbbell with palm facing body.

Sequence 2: Side step with curl

 Stand with feet shoulder-width apart over center of a resistance band, holding handles with
elbows bent 90 degrees, palms up.
 Step left foot out to left side, keeping arms in place with palms up.
 Step back to start and do a biceps curl with both arms.
 Return to start and repeat, stepping right leg out. Continue for 30 seconds, alternating side
 Forcefully stand up, pushing off balls of both feet and generating as much power as you can in
your lower back and glutes; bring elbow up and out to side and straighten arm, lifting the weight
up and above your head.
 Reverse the movement, bringing dumbbell down on same path you brought it up until it’s back
on the floor. Continue for 30 seconds, then switch arms and repeat.


 Stand with feet about hip-distance apart, holding band in front of you on the band (not
handles). Using moderate tension, extend both arms out to sides in a T position.
 Keeping band under control, bend right elbow 90 degrees, bringing hand in front of body. Hold 1
count, then extend back to sides. Repeat on left side. Continue for 30 seconds

Sequence 3: pushup hold

 Do each move for 30 seconds, complete 3 rounds. Finish with 90 seconds of your choice of
cardio bursts.
 Begin in a full-pushup position, hands 6 to 8 inches outside shoulders, forming a straight line
from head to heels.
 Bend elbows 90 degrees, keeping abs engaged and head in line with spine. Hold here for 30

Sequence 3: KNEE STRIKE

 Lie faceup with arms extended overhead and legs extended on floor. Hold a medicine ball
between your hands.
 Keeping elbows out to sides and light pressure on the ball, lift ball over body and left knee over
hip, striking ball to knee.
 Return to starting position and repeat on opposite side. Continue for 30 seconds, alternating

Sequence 3: BOX JUMP

 Stand a few inches behind a box or bench, feet shoulder distance apart.
 Bend knees, swinging arms behind you, and jump up on top of bench, swinging arms forward
and landing softly with knees slightly bent.
 Step back to start and repeat for 30 seconds. To modify, do squat jumps without the box or

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