GU-513 - PDO - Guidelines For Alarm Management and Rationalization, Dec 2009
GU-513 - PDO - Guidelines For Alarm Management and Rationalization, Dec 2009
GU-513 - PDO - Guidelines For Alarm Management and Rationalization, Dec 2009
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Revision: 2.0
Petroleum Development Oman LLC Effective: Dec-09
i Document Authorisation
Authorised For Issue – December 2009
Document Authorisation
ii Revision History
The following is a brief summary of the 4 most recent revisions to this document. Details of all
revisions prior to these are held on file by the issuing department.
i Document Authorisation........................................................................................................ 3
ii Revision History.................................................................................................................... 4
iii Related Business Processes................................................................................................4
iv Related Corporate Management Frame Work (CMF) Documents........................................4
Summary...................................................................................................................................... 7
1 Introduction........................................................................................................................... 8
1.1 Background..................................................................................................................... 8
1.2 Scope and objectives...................................................................................................... 8
1.3 Operational Excellence.................................................................................................... 9
1.4 Alarm Response analysis.............................................................................................. 10
1.5 Distribution, intended use and regulatory considerations..............................................12
2 Definitions and Meanings.................................................................................................... 13
2.1 General definitions........................................................................................................ 13
2.2 Specific definitions Include definitions for each alarm type...........................................13
3 ALARM RATIONALISATION REVIEW...............................................................................14
3.1 General Requirements.................................................................................................. 14
3.2 Recommended Measures............................................................................................. 14
3.3 Alarm Management and Rationalisation Review Process.............................................16
3.4 Steps for Alarm Management and Rationalisation study...............................................16
3.4.1 Preparatory works................................................................................................... 16
3.4.2 Timing..................................................................................................................... 16
3.4.3 Required Documents.............................................................................................. 17
3.4.4 Team Composition.................................................................................................. 17
3.4.5 AMR Facilitator....................................................................................................... 17
3.4.6 AMR Secretary....................................................................................................... 18
3.4.7 Master alarm database and report..........................................................................18
4 ALARM PRIORITISATION GUIDELINES...........................................................................20
4.1 Assigning of Activities and Alarm Priorities...................................................................20
4.2 Guidelines for Normal Distribution of Alarms among Priority Level...............................22
5 ALARM SUPPRESSION – IMPLEMENTATION GUIDELINES..........................................23
5.1 Static alarm suppression............................................................................................... 23
5.2 Dynamic Alarm Suppression......................................................................................... 24
5.3 Dynamic mode dependent alarm settings.....................................................................26
6 OPERATOR’S HELP MENU............................................................................................... 29
7 ALARM MANAGEMENT PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT...........................................30
7.1 The number of configured alarms per panel operator...................................................30
7.2 The average alarm rate per PANEL operator................................................................31
7.3 Indication of frequent alarms......................................................................................... 31
This document is created to provide a guide for the execution of Alarm Rationalisation Review
of PDO facilities, in order to provide operator with meaningful alarms, i.e. an adequate set of
warning facilities during normal and upset operation whilst minimising, as far as is reasonably
Standing alarms
Nuisance alarms
Repeating alarms
Alarms floods
Bad PV alarms
System Alarms
It thus:
1. Gives a brief overview on the Alarm Rationalisation review process and alarm
prioritisation guidelines.
2. Contains specific PDO data which are necessary to ensure a fit-for-purpose and
consistent approach to all alarm rationalisation review process.
3. Outlines the endorsement process of the recommendations and the close-out
4. Guides users to a safe, cost effective and consistent design and implementation of
alarms in an instrumentation system (FCS, DCS, IPS panels (if any), F&G Panels,
Local panels etc.
5. Gives a brief overview of the overall Alarm Management Process for new facilities and
existing facilities.
This document shall always be used in conjunction with the Shell DEP Alarm
Management, June’2007
1 Introduction
1.1 Background
It has been widely recognised that lack of a clear philosophy for “Alarm Management”
on process plants controlled by a Distributed control system (DCS) or a Fieldbus based
control system (FCS) often results in there being too many alarms, leading to problems
Standing alarms;
Nuisance alarms;
Bad PV alarms;
Frequently repeating alarms;
Alarm floods;
System alarms
The operator’s inability to prioritise remedial actions.
Alarms, if not rationalised and managed can seriously impair the operator’s ability to
manage the process. Alarms floods during upset conditions can cause a minor event to
escalate into a more serious incident. This is contrary to the design intent, which should
seek to assist the operator to control the plant, avoid upsets and mitigate the
consequences of undesirable events.
The guidelines on setting alarm priorities are generally based on the actions the
operator needs to perform upon the alarm. Practical experience has shown that
establishing the alarm priority based on an assessment of risk and the consequence
when the alarm is not actioned upon requires disproportional efforts in relation to the
results. Moreover this risk-based approach often does not offer acceptable or reliable
Setting the priorities of alarms is meant to help the operator to prioritise his actions.
However if the alarm rate is low, prioritisation is not required. If the alarm rate is high,
the operational situation is already deteriorated to such an extent that the operator no
longer uses the alarm system to assess the situation and to prioritise his actions.
Hence just setting different alarm priorities have little practical relevance.
It is therefore felt that instead of spending efforts on setting alarm priorities, attention
should be focussed on the ability of the alarm system to provide meaningful alarms
under most or all the operating conditions including upset and trip conditions.
A “best practice” alarm system provides meaningful alarms under operating conditions
including upset and trip conditions.
The Operator role varies considerably within PDO plants. There are 3 types of operator
roles that have major impacts on alarm management:
1. Plants run with an Operator staffing the panel (manned, for 8 hrs minimum).
2. Plants run with Operators routinely making trips to wells etc. that may be 30
minutes drive or more from the panel. In this case, it is clear that no alarm
should require quick action – unless the alarm is used to avoid automatic
shutdowns where the Operator happens to be present when the alarm occurs.
3. There is also a Central Control Room (CCR) where Operators remotely monitor
all PDO plants. It is clear that this case means that CCR Operators are
effectively covering far more alarms than is reasonable – but they cannot act
on many of them anyway due to their remote location. It may be appropriate to
consider displaying only the higher-priority alarms at this location (e.g. Urgent
and High as per Table 4.1).
This document defines the generic Alarm Guidelines for all PDO sites and will need to
be augmented by other documents that cover system-specific considerations.
The guidelines provided in this document are based on established industry best
practices and, in particular, the EEMUA 191 guidance. That guidance is primarily
oriented to situations as per the first case above – where there is an Operator present
at the panel
Handling trips
Handling the alarms
process upsets
In Figure 1.1 the 'normal' shows the current state of affairs. A disproportional fraction of
the time is spent on handling alarms. The fraction of time spent on correcting process
upsets is even less than in the 'good' situation as the upset condition generates a lot of
meaningless alarms that still need to be handled.
In a much-improved situation, the operator spends 50% of his time on pro-active
activities. Ideally this percentage is even 80% as shown in the 'excellent' column.
The 'good' and 'excellent' are shown as targets to base the design of the alarm system
The alarm management methodology described in this paragraph aims at bridging the
gap between the current state of affairs in most operating units and the good/excellent
Of course apart from managing alarms properly, base layer control and IPF's should be
optimised as well to allow the targets to be achieved.
Normal condition
Alarm condition
For the numbers above in the table, an upset situation will probably be ignored.
However it is important not only to avoid unnecessary alarms during normal steady
state conditions but also under upset conditions. It is also important for the operator to
be able to access relevant plant information quickly and effectively, in order to speed up
the process of responding to an alarm, and thus improves the effectiveness of his
corrective actions as shown in Figure 1-2. The design of the operator control interface
and the rapid and comprehensive availability of current and trended information are
important facets of alarm system design.
The configuration of an alarm system is therefore a balancing act between giving the
operator an extensive set of warning facilities for normal operation and the need to
avoid information overload under upset conditions.
3.4.2 Timing
The Alarm rationalisation review should be undertaken during detailed engineering
phase of a project after IPF actions are closed-out, for existing installations, at any time
when it is felt or demonstrated from actual events that:
Consequence of No Action
Briefly note what is expected to happen if the alarm sounds and the operator
takes no action at appropriate time. For pre alarms the consequence of no
action should be the same as the IPF safe failure for the corresponding trip tag.
Type of Activity
Select from Table 4-1 the appropriate type of activity, e.g. "Emergency, Plant
shutdown, Normal Process Upset etc." The type of activity should be based on
urgency of the required action.
The activity types are defined from the possible potential consequences so as
to mean the preventive or corrective measures required.
Most likely Required Operator Action
A brief description of what the operator is most likely (80% of the case)
required to do upon hearing the alarm. In some instances plant operators will
be unable to do anything upon hearing an alarm. In these instances the word
"Nothing" should be entered. In that case the alarm should be an "operational
message only".
Less likely required Operator Action
A brief description of what the operator is less likely (20% of the case) to do
when the most likely action is not appropriate.
Note: The list of types of activities may be extended or altered to suit local
conditions and procedures.
Review if “Most likely and less likely” is required or it should be “required
operator action” only.
Refer Appendix 6 for Master Alarm Database format to be used during the
Alarm Rationlization exercise.
After the Alarm Rationalization exercise, an alarm study report shall be made.
Refer Appendix 2 for Alarm Rationalization Study report and close out
report requirements. Any action items generated during the review exercise
shall be logged and should be closed out during the course of the project.
Refer Appendix 3 for the Alarm Rationalization work process. A copy of the
final Alarm Rationalization results (Master Alarm Database-as in Appendix
6) is maintained by functional control and automation project support
leader. On completion of the Alarm Rationalization exercise the pdf file of
close-out report and the back-up of the Master Alarm Database shall be
sent to functional control and automation project support leader.
Table 4.1: Assigning of activities & alarm priorities based on urgency of operator
Activity Type Priority
Gas release
Immediate Urgent
Major rupture
Plant shutdown
Equipment trip/shutdown
Stand by in operation
Operational messages
Static suppression
& 011PIA-011
for section …. 012FRCA-123
011PIA-014 H
etc. etc.
Delay on timer
y seconds
Note:- Delay Before Alarm On Check
1) The actual trigger alarm shall not be suppressed.
2) This scheme does not show all logic required to obtain fully functional dynamic alarm suppression.
A timer will be started when the first of the group's trigger alarms is received. Once the
timer has expired any new alarm in the group will sound the buzzer but existing alarms
will remain suppressed. In case the new alarm is a trigger, it will restart the timer,
reinstating a further (30 min) period of dynamic suppression. The operator can choose
to manually suppress the alarm group, by means of static alarm suppression, at this
time if appropriate. It shall be realised however that the grouping for static alarm
suppression is not necessarily the same as the grouping for dynamic alarm
The performance of the alarm suppression logic shall be such that it suppresses
subsequent alarms within 4 seconds after the trigger. This is the time for the trip
system to respond to a trip condition, final elements to reach their safe position and the
process response to generate the next alarm. The available 4 seconds includes signal
transmission via gateways and various nodes on the control system network. For
alarms that come faster after a trigger, part of the suppression logic may have to be
implemented in the IPS using the 'first-up' signal as the trigger.
The process graphics will show the actual alarm condition for all suppressed alarms.
Where triggers are Trip initiators, the trigger shall be disabled when the MOS is
switched ON. Likewise the dynamic alarm check shall be disabled for the point as well.
In case an alarm in a group is not generated while it is expected to come on as a
consequence of a trip, a common fault alarm is raised to the operator. This is a
common alarm for the group, not the one related to each suppressed alarm. In case the
operator wishes to know which alarm did not come on, the alarm suppression graphic
will have to be checked.
Note: Note that this fault alarm is also available when the dynamic alarm suppression is
not enabled.
When defining dynamic alarm suppression groups, the following data shall be recorded:
Dynamic alarm Group name and description
regeneration mode. A crude distiller may have different alarm settings depending on the
crude being processed.
With dynamic mode dependant alarm settings, the alarm settings of analogue or digital
points are changed based on the detected mode of operation. The mode switching is
detected from a set of process parameters and may also involve a manual switch.
Upon a detected mode change, the new set of alarm settings is automatically
downloaded into the FCS/DCS point. These new settings will be applicable until the
next mode change is detected or the dynamic mode dependant alarm setting enable
switch is disabled. When disabled the default set of settings is downloaded into the
FCS/DCS point automatically See Figure 5-3.
Enable dynamic
& Xfer
Mode A conditions
Mode B conditions
& Xfer
Mode C conditions
& Xfer
For each Mode, a reference tag name of the group and Group name shall be
recorded and maintained to provide documentation and support system
administration. The group name and description should give a reference to the
system (e.g. furnace) having the different operating modes.
Various Modes names and description
For each Mode, a reference tag name of the mode and operating mode name
shall be recorded and maintained to provide documentation and support
system administration.
Permissives and Comments
For each Mode, a boolean statement shall be developed complete with the
(FCS/DCS) tags and conditions (signals) that have to be 'true' or 'false' to
detect the mode switch. This includes the condition (alarm, H alarm, LL alarm
etc.). Conditions may include timers to limit the time a particular mode may be
"Mode dependant alarm setting " Group with default settings
This is a list with Instrument Tags (and attribute such as L, HH etc.) to be
manipulated including the default settings.
Alarm settings for each defined mode
This is a list of alarm settings for each instrument tag defined in the dynamic
alarm settings group. A detailed alarm setting list should be prepared for each
dynamic mode of operation defined in the list identifying the various operating
Comments may be added for each instrument tag to clarify particular issues for
future reference.
The lists "Various Modes", "Mode dependant alarm setting Group", "Alarm settings for
each defined mode" and "Comments" are best combined in tabular form where
instrument tags are listed vertically in the first column and the default and mode
dependant settings are listed in subsequent columns.
7.7 Benchmarking
The performance of the completed alarm management system needs to be bench
marked. For new projects this is best done as part of the integrated FAT, by defining
typical alarm scenarios (simulation) and test if the alarm system will lead to information
overload of the operator during normal, process upset and trip conditions. If the
information leads to an overload situation as measured against benchmarks, the
system needs to be refined and tested again.
The performance may be evaluated under actual field conditions if Operations report
that the performance is still not satisfactory with changes implemented accordingly until
desired improvements have been obtained. After the system is commissioned and fully
operational, the alarm summary shall be evaluated and the findings summarised and
compared against the benchmark values in table 7-5.
The performance of an alarm management system can be summarised and
benchmarked in the Table 7-5.
Table 7-5: Score chart for alarm management systems
Performance Indicator Score description Score
Number of configured >> 3000 0
alarms per panel
3000< Qty <1000 0.5
< 1000 1
7.8 Improvement
If the alarm system requires improvement on one or more areas (performance
indicators as listed in Table 7-4) the proposed changes should first be evaluated for
This is completed by capturing the alarm scenarios followed by evaluating the effect of
the proposed changes on the performance of the alarm system. E.g. when alarm
suppression techniques are proposed to reduce the number of alarms following a trip,
one should evaluate which alarms will be suppressed from the actual alarms presented
to the operator following a number of trips (alarm scenarios) and to what extent this
results in a significant improvement.
existing Existing
DCS Establish bad actors
or new plant
Alarm system
Basis of design
For each bad actor For each alarm
no yes
no yes
KPIs OK? Finished
New facilties:
For new facilities, the alarm system design is part of the engineering effort. In this case
the aim is to realise an alarm system that performs satisfactorily from the initial start-up
onwards. If this is not (yet) the case, the alarm system is further treated as an existing
alarm system.
Page 34 GU-513 - Guidelines for Alarm Management And Printed 12/11/20
The controlled version of this CMF Document resides online in Livelink®. Printed copies are UNCONTROLLED.
Revision: 2.0
Petroleum Development Oman LLC Effective: Dec-09
For a new facility the alarm system design process first defines the alarm philosophies
and generic configurations. This again results in templates that include the handling of
fire & gas alarms, diagnostic alarms, alarms related to manual trips and common
For new facility, all configured alarms shall either be assigned to one of the pre-defined
alarm categories (templates) or analysed individually. Individual analysis is potentially a
time-consuming exercise, hence the maximum use of templates.
For each configured alarm that does not fall into one of the predefined categories
(templates), the review mainly establishes the priority (including whether the alarm is
really required) and the optimum parameters such as setting, dead band and signal
filtering. If required to achieve an acceptable performance, any required alarm
suppression techniques are identified. Additionally the opportunity is taken to record the
purpose of the alarm, the consequence of no action and the possible operator
Following the realisation and commissioning of the alarm system, the performance of
the alarm system is measured. If performance is satisfactory, the review process is
completed. If performance is not acceptable the further improvement effort follows the
same process as for an existing plant.
Two phases
The alarm study (or alarm review process) is split into two phases. The first phase of
the alarm study is intended to establish whether an alarm is really necessary or
appropriate, or whether the risk associated with the hazardous situation becomes
ALARP with an alarm.
If there are doubts whether the risk is ALARP, the IPF method or HEMP method should
be applied.
The first phase also establishes expected operator response times, process safety time
and the severity of consequences if the alarm is not responded to. By means of Figure
10, the alarm priority is derived from the process safety time and the severity of the
The second phase of the alarm study establishes the required operator actions,
suppression requirements and other relevant parameters.
Existing facilities:
For existing facilities, the alarm rationalisation and alarm system re-design aims to
restore the performance of an existing alarm system to satisfactory levels. Quick gains
are important and a more pragmatic approach is needed, seeking to maximise the
benefits from the effort applied.
For an existing facility, the HAZOP study may not be complete or may be absent
altogether. The alarm setting documentation may be incomplete and settings may have
developed over time to levels that are ill advised. Therefore, for existing facilities, the
alarm settings/ limits shall be confirmed and re-defined, based on an understanding of
the process and equipment constraints, process dynamics, operator response times
For existing facility the alarm rationalisation and alarm system re-design initially
concentrates on bad actors that make a disproportionate contribution to the poor
performance of the alarm system.
However, before the bad actors are analysed, alarm philosophies and generic
configurations need to be agreed upon. This process produces templates for F&G
alarms, diagnostic alarms (alarms that indicate possible malfunctioning of instruments
or equipment that may not immediately result in a process upset), alarms related to
manual trips and common alarms. These templates (generic configurations) allow these
alarms to be applied in a consistent manner throughout the alarm listing without further
detailed analysis..
For each bad acting alarm, the alarm work process mainly establishes the priority
(including if the alarm is really required) and the optimum parameters such as setting,
dead band and signal filtering. If required to achieve an acceptable performance, any
required alarm suppression techniques are identified. Additionally, the opportunity is
taken to record the purpose of the alarm, the consequence of no action and the
possible operator responses.
The bad actor analysis is repeated until either the alarm system performance (KPIs) is
acceptable or no obvious bad actors are left. In the latter case the improvement effort
follows the same process as for a new plant.
In this document, reference is made to the following main publications.
NOTE Unless specifically designated by date, the latest edition of each publication
shall be used, together with any amendments/supplements/revisions thereto.
Document name Document No. PDO ref. No (if
Human – Machine interface in a control room DEP32.00.00.11-PDO SP1192
Measurement Validation and Comparison MF 94-0495
Classification and implementation of DEP32.80.10.10-GEN,
instrumented protective functions Oct.2001
Instrument engineering procedures DEP32.31.00.10
Instruments for measurement and control DEP32.31.00.32
Instrumented Protective systems DEP32.80.10.30
Fire, Gas & Smoke detection system DEP32.30.20.11
Generic standard on “Functional safety of IEC 61508
Electric/ Electronic Programmable (E/E/PES)
safety related systems”
Specific standard for the Petrochemical IEC 61511
industry on “Functional safety of Electric/
Electronic Programmable (E/E/PES) safety
related systems”
EEMUAEngineering Equipment & Materials 191
Users Association
1.0 Introduction
2. Cause & Effect Diagram.
3. Alarm Rationalisation database
4. Action Point Close out
5. Variance Logs
Refer Appendix 1
AMR INFORMATION PACKAGE Contractor / Consultant
for Typical AMR info pack
Make alarm
Review and
classify alarms
Evaluate the
Complete Work Shop? Change Request
Project Engineer
Upload Final Report at Live
Final Completion
Appendix 5 – Abbreviations