Azabou2007 PDF
Azabou2007 PDF
Azabou2007 PDF
In the present study, heavy-metal tolerance and precipitation by a mixed culture of sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) were evaluated.
These bacteria have been enriched during a previous study from a sewage sludge using phosphogypsum as sulfate source. Taking into
account that both sulfate and zinc are naturally occurring in phosphogypsum, zinc tolerance of SRB was tested in synthetic media con-
taining 20 mM sulfate and zinc chloride at concentrations ranging from 0 to 200 mg L1. Zinc tolerance was determined by bacterial
growth susceptibility and zinc removal monitoring. Bacterial growth and sulfate reduction were possible between 10 and 150 mg L1
of initial zinc concentration. Zinc concentrations more than 150 mg L1 were lethal to SRB. Zinc was removed effectively by SRB to
less than 5% from medium containing 150 mg L1 initial zinc concentrations or less. Energy-dispersive X-ray analysis showed that pre-
cipitation of zinc occurred in the form of sulfide. The results presented in this paper have shown that this mixed culture might be of use
for bioremediation of sulfate and heavy-metals containing wastewaters.
Ó 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0892-6875/$ - see front matter Ó 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
174 S. Azabou et al. / Minerals Engineering 20 (2007) 173–178
(Eqs. (1) and (2)) since the solubility of most toxic metal sul- 2.2. Medium culture preparation
fides is generally very low (Gadd and White, 1993).
þ SRB The culture medium was prepared oxygen free according
4H2 þ SO2
4 þ H ! HS þ 4H2 O ð1Þ to Hungate (1969), but modified for use with syringes
Me2þ þ HS ! MeSð#Þ þ Hþ ðMe2þ the metal cationÞ (Macy et al., 1972; Miller and Wollin, 1974). The basal
medium contained (per liter of deionized water): 0.3 g
KH2PO4, 0.3 g K2HPO4, 1 g NH4Cl, 0.1 g CaCl2 Æ 2H2O,
Thus, SRB play an important role in both natural (White 0.2 g MgCl2 Æ 6H2O, 0.1 g KCl, 1 g yeast extract (Difco
et al., 1997) and engineered (Jong and Parry, 2003; Laboratories), 1.5 mL trace element solution (Widdel and
Tuppurainen et al., 2002) bioremediation of toxic wastes. Pfennig, 1981), and 1 mg resazurin. The pH was adjusted
Nevertheless, selection of the most efficient and the most to 6.8 with 10 M KOH solution, the medium boiled under
heavy-metal resistant SRB requires their long exposure to a stream of O2-free N2 gas and cooled to room tempera-
toxic wastes containing heavy-metal ions. Phosphogypsum ture. 50 mL of aliquots were dispensed into serum bottles
is produced during the process of phosphoric acid produc- under N2 and subsequently sterilized by autoclaving at
tion when Ca3(PO4)2 ore (apatite) is reacted with H2SO4. 120 °C for 20 min. Prior to use, 1 mL 5% (w/v) NaHCO3
Phosphogypsum is composed mainly of CaSO4 (calcium was injected from sterile stock solutions into the pre-steril-
sulfate) and contains impurities such as Al, P, F, Si, Fe, ized basal medium.
Mg as well as many trace elements, including the rare earth
elements and naturally occurring radioactive materials 2.3. Experimental cultures
(Taha and Seals, 1991; Rutherford et al., 1994). This by-
product was shown, during a previous study, to be an Experimental cultures were carried out over 10 days to
attractive substrate for the enrichment of SRB by using it investigate the zinc removal kinetics by the consortium of
as a sulfate source (Azabou et al., 2005). The mixed culture SRB in the presence of different initial zinc concentrations.
of SRB, exposed to phosphogypsum for six months, was Zinc was chosen since it is present at high amount in phos-
used during the present work in order to evaluate the abil- phogypsum (50–100 mg kg1). Moreover, zinc is a good
ity of SRB for both heavy-metal tolerance and removal. and safe representative of metals (Krishnan et al., 1993).
For this purpose, a heavy-metal-contaminated model solu- Indeed, zinc gives stable precipitates with low solubility
tion was prepared containing sodium sulfate as a sulfate when reacting with sulfide and is less toxic to handle in
source and different zinc chloride concentrations as the comparison with other heavy-metals such as cadmium or
heavy-metal contaminant. lead. Experimental cultures were grown with 20 mM
sodium lactate as carbon source and 20 mM sodium sulfate
2. Material and methods in 120 mL crimp-top vials with butyl rubber stoppers. A
mixed culture of SRB, previously enriched on phosphogyp-
2.1. Origin of the SRB mixed culture sum as a sulfate source (Azabou et al., 2005), was used to
inoculate 50 mL medium culture. All cultivations were car-
The mixed culture of SRB used in this study was from ried out under identical conditions except that appropriate
an enrichment culture which was previously developed on volumes of ZnCl2 were added to the culture medium from
phosphogypsum as a sulfate source (Azabou et al., 2005). anaerobic stock solutions to yield the required concentra-
The mixed culture of SRB was enriched from a sludge tion: 10, 50, 100, 150 or 200 mg L1. ZnCl2 anaerobic stock
obtained from a wastewater treatment plant (Mahres, solutions were prepared from analytical grade chemicals in
Tunisia). The enrichment culture was developed as follow: ultrapure water.
Serum bottles were prepared containing 50 mL basal med- Na2S was omitted from both control culture (culture
ium and supplemented with 10 g L1 phosphogypsum and without adding zinc) and zinc-containing cultures to avoid
20 mM of organic acids mixture. The cultures were seeded premature precipitation of the added zinc.
with 10% sludge and incubated at 30 °C. Throughout the
incubation period, microscopic examination of the cultures 2.4. Analytical methods
and sulfide production were also routinely performed. Cul-
ture which presented high sulfide production concomitant Sulfate was measured according to the turbidimetric
with high microbial density was used for the inoculation method (APHA, AWWA, APCF, 1995) with slight modifi-
of fresh medium containing 10 g L1 phosphogypsum. cation. Dissolved sulfide was measured according to
After 10 days of incubation (corresponding to steady pro- Cord-Ruwisch (1985). Bacterial growth was monitored by
duction rate of sulfide), a fresh medium was inoculated measuring optical densities at 580 nm using a Shimadzu
from this culture and the procedure was repeated three UV-110-01 spectrophotometer. Zinc concentrations were
more times. Ten days were chosen since this was the time measured using an atomic absorption analyzer, a Perkin–
required for the SRB to reach stationary growth as Elmer 1101 B, with a hollow cathode lamp. The lamp
observed by the leveling of the sulfate concentration and current was 8 mA. Absorption wave length was 213.9 nm.
the steady production rate of sulfide. Eighty percent air/20% (v/v) acetylene was used as
S. Azabou et al. / Minerals Engineering 20 (2007) 173–178 175
oxidizing fuel flame at a flow rate of 5 L min1. Qualitative growth was observed. We can also notice that the higher
and quantitative analysis of precipitates were realized by the initial concentration of ZnCl2, the higher was the inhi-
EDS (energy-dispersive spectroscopy), using an instrument bition of the growth.
consisting of a scanning electron microscope BS300 and The amounts of sulfate reduced during the 10 days batch
X-ray microanalyzer EDAX 9100/60 (Philips). Precipitates experiments with different initial zinc concentrations are
were obtained by filtering the culture through Whatman shown in Fig. 3. It can be seen that the rate of sulfate
filter paper number 42 and washed with ultrapure water. reduction was less than that for culture without zinc. The
The filter paper with precipitate was dried in an oven for sulfate reduction rate decreases with increasing initial con-
2 h at 60 °C. Small sections of the filter paper were thin centrations of zinc. Moreover changes in optical density at
coated by carbon and then used for EDS analysis (Jalali 580 nm showed that SRB growth was inhibited by increas-
and Balwin, 2000). ing initial zinc concentrations. It should be noted that no
for both tolerance and removal of heavy-metal in response
to increasing zinc concentrations. Blank assays were per- 0.1
formed in order to determine the role of SRB among the
microorganisms forming in the mixed culture for the 0.05
removal of zinc ions. Two vials each containing 50 mg L1
ZnCl2 were studied for zinc removal in the presence and in 0
0 10 25 50 100 150 200
the absence of sulfate. Results showed that zinc removal -1
Initial zinc concentration (mgL )
was possible only in the presence of sulfate which suggests
Fig. 2. Optical density in the supernatant after 10 days growth of SRB
that sulfides produced from sulfate reduction by means of versus initial zinc concentrations.
SRB are responsible for zinc removal (Fig. 1). After inocu-
lating the vials with SRB enriched on phosphogypsum as a
sulfate source, some interesting observations were noted. A
Residual sulfate (mgL )
sulfate reduction was observed at 200 mg L1 of zinc. This 10.6 mg L1. However, at the end of the experiment, the
confirms the results obtained for bacterial growth at this final concentrations reached in both of the vials with and
concentration. without SRB cells were very similar.
Sulfide production versus initial zinc concentration is Qualitative EDS analyses of the precipitate were per-
illustrated in Fig. 4. The sulfide formation rate was par- formed at the end of the run. The mineral content of the
tially inhibited with increasing initial zinc concentrations. precipitate was confirmed as zinc sulfide (ZnS) by the
The amount of sulfide produced, in the absence of zinc, EDS spectrum shown in Fig. 7. Table 1 illustrates that both
was generally in good agreement with sulfate consumed.
The S2 2
produced =Sconsumed ratio is equal to 0.75 in control con-
taining zinc. However for batch experiments containing 60
Sulfide concentration (mM)
0 10 25 50 100 150 200
Initial zinc concentration (mgL )
60 Table 1
The EDS quantitative spectra of ZnS precipitated by the action of the
40 SRB on soluble Zn
Element Composition (%)
C 3.51
0 O 20.16
10 25 50 100 150 200 Zn 31.63
Initial zinc concentration (mgL ) P 4.03
S 38.9
Fig. 5. Removal of zinc in the supernatant after 10 days growth of SRB
Ca 1.78
versus initial zinc concentrations.
S. Azabou et al. / Minerals Engineering 20 (2007) 173–178 177
zinc and sulfur were found to be present at almost equal and by EDS analysis of the precipitate. On the basis of the
proportions (31.63% and 38.90% respectively), in the EDS analysis the most abundant compound in the precipi-
precipitates. tate from the batch experiments at the end of the run was
zinc sulfide, ZnS. In addition to precipitation with sulfide,
4. Discussion zinc might also have been removed through sorption on
the biomass. Indeed, the presence of SRB cells was shown
The metabolic properties of SRB enable them to play an to facilitate metal precipitation. This result was in agree-
important role in the bioremediation of harmful pollutants. ment with other author’s observations who demonstrate
A number of studies have been carried out regarding that in addition to providing sulfide for metal sulfur forma-
heavy-metal resistance in SRB (Hard et al., 1999; White tion, SRB have an additional, important role in facilitating
and Gadd, 2000). Selection of the most efficient and the metal precipitation. It has been suggested that the bacteria
most heavy-metal resistant SRB requires their long expo- themselves may directly accelerate metal sulfide precipita-
sure to toxic wastes containing heavy-metal ions. Phospho- tion and facilitate settling of the solids by binding the metal
gypsum, a residue of the phosphoric acid production from in their cell walls (Jalali and Balwin, 2000) and extracellular
apatite, seems to be an alternative possibility for enrich- polymeric substances (EPS) (Beech and Cheung, 1995).
ment of heavy-metal resistant SRB. Apart from the These EPS comprise a mixture of polysaccharides, muco-
amount of phosphogypsum produced each year (thousands polysaccharides and proteins which varies in composition
of tons), phosphogypsum presents an environmental prob- between species and culture conditions (Zinkevich et al.,
lem because of its acidic nature and the presence of several 1996) and can take up soluble metals.
heavy-metals and trace elements such as cadmium, nickel
and zinc. In a previous study, we have demonstrated that 5. Conclusion
phosphogypsum is a good source of sulfate for SRB culti-
vation except when the culture medium was supplemented In view of the results obtained in the present work, it can
with an external carbon source (Azabou et al., 2005). Dur- be concluded that the mixed culture of SRB was able to
ing this study, a mixed culture of SRB showed growth in grow and thus to reduce sulfate when the medium culture
the presence of zinc at initial zinc concentrations ranging contains initial zinc concentrations ranging between 10
from 10 to 150 mg L1. An initial zinc concentration of and 150 mg L1. Zinc was removed effectively by SRB to
200 mg L1 was shown to be lethal for SRB. SRB growth, less than 5% from medium containing 150 mg L1 initial
monitored by optical density at 580 nm and measurement zinc concentrations or less. The mechanism of zinc
of the sulfate reduction rate, was inhibited by increasing removal, observed in the present study, is a precipitation
initial zinc concentrations. The rate of sulfide formation with sulfide as it was confirmed by the simultaneous reduc-
was found to decrease as the initial zinc concentration tion in sulfate and removal of zinc and by EDS analysis of
was increased. The S2 2
produced =Sreduced ratio in the presence the precipitate.
of zinc ranged from 0.5 to 0.3 where this ratio was in good
agreement with the control assay (0.75). The low values of Acknowledgements
the S2 2
produced =Sconsumed could be explained by the fact that
some of the biogenic sulfide was used in precipitating zinc This work was supported by a grant from ‘‘Contracts
ions to form insoluble zinc sulfide (ZnS) and can not be Programmes MRSTCD’’ Tunisia. We thank Pr. Zouheir
measured as soluble sulfide. Fakhfakh from the Faculty of Science of Sfax for technical
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