Staff Development Programme

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Staff development

Introduction-The staff’s level of knowledge and their capabilities are a major

factor in determining the number of staff required to carry out unit goals. Staff
development is a cost-effective method of increasing productivity.

Meaning- Staff development is the process directed towards the personal &
professional growth of the nurses and other personnel while they are employed by a
health care agency. Personal and Professional Development (CPPD) is the new name
for the Staff Development.

Definition: Staff development includes all training and education undertaken by an

employer to improve the occupational and personal knowledge, skills, and attitudes of
employment. A process consisting of orientation, in-service education and continuing
education for the people of promoting the development of personnel within any
employment setting, consistent with the goals and responsibilities of the employment.
( ANA)

Need for staff development

 Advancement in the field of science like medical science and technology.

 Social change and scientific advancement.
 To provide the opportunity for nurses to continually acquire and implement
the knowledge, skills, attitudes, ideals and valued essentials for the
maintenance of high quality of nursing care.
 Fast growing organizations.
 To motivate employees and to promote employee loyalty.
 Need to increase the productivity and quality of the work.
 Fast changing technologies
 To move ahead or keep up with change.
 To change or correct long-held attitudes of employee
 Being necessary to fill gap in the past performance
 To add or improve skills needed in the short term .
 As part of an individual's long-term career growth.

1. Assist each employee (nurse) to improve performance in his/her position.

2. Assist each employee (nurse) to acquire personal and professional abilities

that maximize the possibility of career advancement.


 To orient the personnel to care objectives, job duties, personnel policies, and
agency regulations.
 To ensure satisfactory job performance by personnel.  To ensure safe and
effective patient care by nurses.
 To increase employee productivity.
 Help nurses to close the gap between present abilities and the scientific basis
for nursing practice that is broadening through research.
 Help employees cope with new practice role.
 To help employees cope with new practice role.

Staff development Programmes

Definition-Staff development programmes are designed to motivate learners, train

and educate them in order to improve their knowledge, skills and attitudes.

Steps of staff development programmes
 Assess the educational needs of all staff members.
 Set priority.
 Develop general objectives for the staff development programmes.
 Determine the resources needed to reach the desired objectives.
 Develop a master calendar for an entire year.
 Develop and maintain staff development record system.
 Establish files on major educational topics.
 Regularly evaluate the staff development program.
 Public libraries.
 Other nursing homes.
 Association and health inter service agency .
 Schools and universities.
 Ones own staff.
 Audiovisual program in addition to many books and computers, research
activities and speakers to community groups.

Types of Staff Development Programmes

1. Induction Training
2. Job Orientation
3. In service education
4. Continuing education
5. Training for special function.

Induction training
It is a brief, standardized indoctrination to an agency’s philosophy, purpose,
policies and regulations given to each worker during her or his first 2 or 3
days of employment in order to ensure his or her identification with agency’s
philosophy, goals and norms.

Need of induction training -Increased retention of newly hire

employees, Improved employee morale and Increased productivity.

Steps in induction training

 Tour of faculties.
 Introduction to the other employees, superiors and subordinates.
 Description of organizational functions.
 Departmental visit.
 Orientation to philosophy goals and objectives.
 Administration policies and procedures.
Job Orientation

Meaning -The process of creating awareness with an individual of his/her

roles, responsibilities and relationships in the new work situation.


1. A new employee to his or her job setting so that he / she is aware of his/ her
job responsibility and expectation.
2. Present employee to the job responsibilities of his/ her expanded/ enriched
3. The old employees to the policy changes.

Types of orientation

1. General orientation
2. Specific orientation


1. Provides essential ,relevant and necessary information.

2. Help employee to gain confidence.
3. Lessen the time for the employee to learn about new situations related to
his/her job setting.
4. Helps the new employee to develop a sense of belonging.
5. Eliminates:
 Learning by trail and error.
 Passing of in correct information by Employees and peers
 Reduces misinterpretation.
 Mistakes and confusion
 Apprehension.

In service education –It is a planned learning experience provided by the

employing agency for employees.
Concept of in- service education

 Closely identified with services.

 Help a person’s to improve performance effectively .
 Planned education activities .
 Provided in a job setting .


 Social changes and scientific advancement.

 Changes and advancement in the field of service.
 Increased the demand of nursing services.
 Consumer demand quality care .
 Rapid changes in medical and nursing practice create a need for in
service education. Increase number of the people seeking health
care as the population enlarges makes it necessary for the nurses to
function at her highest potential as quickly as possible.
 As health care delivery system become more complex, the need for
continues skill training also increased.

Continuing education

Definition -Continuing education is all the learning activities that occur after an
individual has completed his basic education .

Need for continuing education

 To ensure safe and effective nursing care as nurses need to keep abreast with
interst, knowledge and technical advances.
 To meet the needs of population.
 For career advancement.
 To acquire special skills.
 Due to shortage of nurses(because their movement to abroad,more hospital
and training college)more knowledgeable person is required.
Training for specific function

Definition- This is concerned with developing expert technical or manual skills,

communication and helps the personnel to perform their functions effectively.
Objectives 1. To help the nursing personnel to perform correct methods and
procedures with understanding. 2. Establishing standards and quality of nursing
services. 3. Procedure to skill nurses to skilled nurses.

Types of skills   

 Supervisory skill .
  Communication skill
 Affective skill
  Teaching skills .
  Cognitive skill
  Psychomotor skill.

Standards of staff development programmes

Standard 1-Organization and Administration

The nursing service department and the nursing staff development unit
philosphy, purpose and goals address the staff Development needs
of nursing personnel.

Standard 2-Human resources

Qualified administrative, educational and support personnel are

provided to meet the learning and developmental needs by
nursing services personnel.
Standard 3- Learner

Nursing staff development educators assist nursing personnel in

identifying their learning needs and planning learning activities to
meet those needs.

Standard 4-Program planning

Provide the unit systematically, plan and evaluate the overall

nursing staff development program in response to health care
Standard 5- Educational design
Educational offering and learning experience are designed
through the use of educational process and incorporate adult
education and learning principles.
Standards 6- Material resources and facilities

Material sources and facilities are adequate to achieve the goals

and implement the functions of the overall nursing staff
development unit.
Standard 7- Records and reports

The nursing staff development unit establishes and maintains a

record keeping and report system.
Standard 8- Evaluation

Evaluation is an integral ongoing and systematic process, which

includes measuring the impact on the learning.

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