Legit Ways To Make Money With Your Android Phone

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Make money with your smart

MAKE MONEY FROM GOOGLE ADMOB.........................1

What is google admob……………………………………………….....................…..2

How does Admob works…………………………………………………….…...…..2-3
How much does Admob pays per click………………………………………..…......4

Admob payment proof…………………………………………….................……..5-9

How to get started and make money from Google


Steps by steps on how to create your google Admob account…………...




What is ClipClaps………………..………………………………………….……16-17

How Does ClipClaps works…………………………………………………...……..18.

How to get started……………….………………………………….…….…….…19-21

Basic ways on how to make money with ClipClaps…………....……22-25

Payment proof of ClipClaps App……………………………………..….…..….26-27


Lots of people find it difficult to make money online

because they’re not surrounded by the right people
to put them through, but I just want you guys to
know that It’s now becoming so easy to make money
online at the comfort of your home, Thanks to
Google Admob


Google Admob is a platform incorporated by Google

LLC, it was established 14 years ago ,Admob is a
mobile advertising company founded and
incorporated by Omar Hamoui on April 10, 2006,
when he was still in school.

The company has its headquarter in Mountain View

California. It was acquired by Google for $750 million
in November 2009. Admob is currently being
managed and run by Google Inc. and it is now used
together with Google AdSense.

Admob is also trusted by many advertisers because

of their higher inventory security.

How does Admob works

There are millions of Advertisers who pays

Google to advertise their businesses, Google
use your App or website as a medium for

advertising and pays you on every 21st of every

Each app owners will be given a certain portion

of the advertisement given to Google by those
brands. These advertisement will be given to
you as *ad units*

Google pays you for clicking ads on your

mobile app, Admob is used on Android and IOS
apps, it allows app developers to monetize
their apps by displaying in-app ads from

*What do I mean by ad units?*

Ad units.. (short form for adverts units.. ) are

a set of alpha numeric codes.

These codes will be given to you in the process

of creating your Admob account

These ad units will be inserted into your app

….once it’s in your app It generates a portion
of the advertisement given to Google by those

brands so whenever someone using your app
clicks on that advertisement your Admob
account will be credited automatically

I believe you must have downloaded some Apps

from play store while going through this app you see
annoying ads popping up and down.

Any Ads you Mistakenly click, Automatically You have

credited the owner of the app in his Admob account
without you knowing you did so.

How much does Admob pay per click

Now that you are interested in making money
from Google Admob, an important thing you
should know is the amount of Admob pays per
click so that you can calculate the feasibility
and profitability of this business idea.

In the US and UK, cost per click varies from 1

US dollar to $5 USD depending on the adverts
you clicked, if you convert that to Naira, it will
give you like N385 to N1910 per click.

As you can see, this is a cool promising
business, so keep reading to learn how you can
make money from Google Admob

Admob payment proof

For those that are still doubting about this
business, I’ll like to show you some payment
proof of our earnings,

I and those that I helped to create their own

app have been making a lot of money at the
comfort of our home

We don’t just depends on parents anymore,

whether you are a student, a full time worker,
a part-time worker, or you are a retirees, then
you can also be making a lot of money from
Google Admob to increase your monthly

When I first started to make money from this

google Admob, I was in my final year in federal
polytechnic Ado Ekiti, things hard for me a lot,
at that moment, no money, so I began to
search everywhere searchable on the internet

just to make some few bucks for a living,
fortunately enough I know how to develop
games and apps, that saves me a lot

So I now get to know that I can use google

Admob to monetize my apps, that’s when I
started making a monthly income, more than
some of the government workers just by using
my app for like 3 hrs a day.

The pictures below shows some of the proof,

that google Admob is really paying, don’t just
stand there and be doubting, you can also be
making this kind money at the comfort of your
home anytime you want.

How to Get started and make money
from Google Admob
 Firstly you need a Google Admob account, sign
up for an account by clicking 👉 Here 👈 wait
don’t click yet, continue reading to know how
you can create the account and what to noticed
and copy.
 Secondly, you will need an android mobile app
to implement your Admob ads code on it, if you
don’t know how to create an android mobile
app, you don’t have to panic, I’ll personally help
you to create an android mobile app for just
Five thousand Naira (5000) only, it’s Negotiable
though, you just need to message me directly
on WhatsApp 👈👈👈 click, I’ll be the one to code
and create the app for you.
 I normally charge more than that before, but I
don’t just want to be the only one enjoying the
Admob earnings alone, that’s why I’m slashing
the price to 5000 naira.
 After having your Admob account ready, I will
help you to implement your Admob ads ID to
the app, I’ll also be sharing a tutorial video and
Documents with you on how to earn a lot from

the google Admob using the mobile app I’ll help
you create.

Step by Step on how to create your

Google Admob account*

 Step 1..Click this link

 Step 2… Sign up with a valid Gmail acct
 Step 3: for those in Nigeria, choose Nigeria as
your country, choose Lagos as time zone ,
choose Nigerian Naira as mode of payment, but
for those outside Nigeria choose your own
country and time zone
 Step 4: mark all field yes in the next page
 Step 5..you will be asked if your app has been
uploaded on play store.. Click NO
 Step 6: Enter app information (name of the app)
(give it any name of your choice that you will
not forget)and click on Android, note you have
to copy the App ID.
 Step 7:. Click on create ad unit

 You will find three(3) ad unit *(banner,
interstitial and reward)*
 Step 8..click on banner and input ad unit
name(name it *banner1*) after that click create
ad unit, you will find two(2) alpha numeric
codes, leave the first(1st) code and copy out the
*second(2nd) code*.
 After you have created Banner, Create
interstitial 1 by following the same procedure

 Note naming of each banner code should

be in this order ( banner1 and interstitial 1
for easy identification)
 Step 9: after creating 1 banner ad unit
and 1 interstitial, copy out the both banner
and interstitial codes. Save the codes on
your note pad or memo or paste it to me
on WhatsApp .
Please don’t create anything for reward .
Only banner1 and interstitial 1 . That’s all,
Click on *Done*.
 Open on the options or the menu

 Step 10. Scroll to payment and fill in your
current address. (please make Sure your
address is very correct)
 Search on Google for the postal code of your
area or local government own, and fill up the
information correctly

This is how your code will be arranged after you

might have finished your Registration the below code
will be used to build your app, note this code is for
example, you have to copy out your own code

Banner1: ca-app-pub-

Interstitial 1 ca-app-pub-

App ID ca-app-pub-

Note that app ID has this ~ instead of this /

If you are interested in making money from

this google Admob and you don’t have a app or
you have already created your Admob account

and app is delaying you, then you should
message me directly on WhatsApp

Click the link above 👆👆 to message me. And

you will get your app in the blink of an eye

Don’t hesitate to message me

Or you can message me on WhatsApp with this

below number

WhatsApp number : 09036378744.

Now that you have known the best easy way to

make money online with your smart phone,

There is also a app on the play store that you

can download to make money, it’s not as
google Admob though, but it’s also one of the
highest best money making app on the
internet right now.

So without wasting so much of our time let

dive deeply into my recommend app to make
money online.


ClipClaps is a legit free app for Android phones
and iOS devices and can be found at the app

store or android play store. … This is an
entertaining app that helps you earn extra
income while having fun on your mobile
device. You’ll have a lot of entertainment
watching the funniest videos while you earn

The app is created by Grand Channel

Entertainment Limited. ClipClaps values your
time. Fill your day with laughter with their viral
videos, and stay entertained with their in-app
games. All of this WITHOUT AD interruptions
that we all know and hate. And the cherry-on-
top? YOU GET PAID!!!

This is an entertaining app that helps you earn

extra income while having fun on your mobile
device. You’ll have a lot of entertainment
watching the funniest videos while you earn

If you also have some funny videos on your

phone, you can also upload it, the more claps
you get the more money you earn. You’ll be

laughing all the day, before you know it, you
have already earn big.

The Clipclaps app also has news events that

will keep you up to date on what is happening
around you. Just don’t rely on the news in this
app, Go turn on your TV or look for a better
and reliable website that the news can be

But what keeps people coming back and

spending hours are the trending videos (which
is really funny) that keep them laughing and
entertained. We can tell that they are funny
because we are watching the videos and it is a
stress reliever. The more you watch, the more
scratches and rewards you’ll earn. You can lose
track of time watching the videos which is
uploaded every day.

– They pay you for your time.


– Videos that will make you laugh, tears
– They have surprises and REWARDS for
you every single day!
– Exciting daily activities!
– In-app games that will get you

 Lose track of time because the app is so

 You will just be Laughing all day hahaha

This app is available for Android devices and

iOS devices and will need to be downloaded
from the App Store or Play store.

You’ll need to be 18 years of age or older to

download and install this app on your mobile
device (not necessary though).

You can register through your email, phone, or

Facebook signup options.

Once your account has been set up the rest is
easy. You just start to watch all the latest
trending videos. Upon scrolling you will earn
rewards and these rewards can be coins or in
cash. You can also convert coins into cash.

You’ll earn Clipclaps coins during the time you

watch the videos.

Furthermore, the app gives you different

bonuses while watching videos. You can earn
reward boxes and once you will open them
your account will have coins or cash

Follow Steps for you to get started now:

1. click here or Search ‘CLIPCLAPS on

 Note. After you have click on the link it
will take you to where you can
download the app, you’ll see a code
(6957215694) that you will have to
copy, copy it and write it somewhere,

because you are going to need it if you
want to redeem your first dollar

3. Sign Up using Facebook or Mobile

4. After you Signed up Click “REWARDS”
at the bottom.
5. After that click Rewards and then Click
“REDEEM” at the top right side.

6. Add this code 6957215694 in the
REDEEM BOX so you can receive $1
7. You can Easily Withdraw the $1
immediately to your account

No Redeem Code, No 1$, remember to enter

this on the redeem box 6957215694

Here are the basic ways on how to earn

money with ClipClaps:

 Watch videos
 Vote videos if funny or not
 Upload videos
 Refer
 Lucky Spin
 Coin Cat
 Brainaire
 Poker
 Aquarium
 Scratch Cards
 Referrals

 Uploading Viral Videos

How do you upload videos that can go viral on

ClipClaps and earn lots of coins? You copy.
Where would you copy?

 Imgur – imgur is a great source of short

funny videos and it is easy to download
them using your phone.
 Facebook – if you will use Facebook to
download funny videos, you’ll need a
Facebook video downloader app.
 Once you have downloaded your videos,
upload them to ClipClaps. Upload as much
as possible to get more chances of your
video going viral.

Coin Cat

This game is very simple. You just merge cats

to get higher level cats. You just need to grind

your way to the highest level cats in the game.
Get the bonus cat coins, watch the ads, etc.
This is also the part where Clipclaps shows its


If you’re just starting out with the aquarium

game, you have to get the aquarium expansion
upgrades immediately so that you’ll have more
fish in the tank. Then purchase the fish
upgrades next. You’ll always get the Luxury
Gold Fish outright. Don’t sell this fish. Just take
care of it. For all the other fish, I found out
that you’ll get more gold if you sell them after
3 days of letting them grow. Don’t forget too
feed them every now and then.


This is an integral part of most apps that pay.

In order to get referrals, you will have to tap
into the power of social media, mainly
Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. I mainly use

Facebook as a place to get referrals. And of
course, on reddit or Quora. And speaking of
referrals, here’s my Clipclaps referral link in
case you haven’t downloaded the app yet ->

click on this link, and enter 6957215694 in

the redeem box to claim your first $1.

And if you still have any questions concerning

this, you can message me directly on
WhatsApp here

Here are some payment proof of
ClipClaps app

I hope that this proof shows to you guys that
this business are really paying, I’ve earn and

received money from this 2 businesses, they
are legit, don’t delay to get started now.

In conclusion :
Both Google Admob and ClipClaps App are
really legit and paying

I’ve received and be making a lot of money

from the two of them.

Google Admob is my number 1 priority

because as at the moment of writing this
Document, my earnings is now closing to $100
per day.

And I’m earning and entertaining myself with

the ClipClaps app
Watching a lot of funny videos, uploading some
of the funny videos on my phone and making
money at the same time.

If you still have some questions concerning the

Google Admob and ClipClaps, you just have to
message me on WhatsApp

Happy earnings.


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