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Vibration Control in Urban Drill

and Blast Tunneling

ITAtech Activity Group


N° ISBN: 978-2-9701013–7-6 ITAtech Report n°8 / April 2016

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ITAtech Report n°8 - Vibration Control in Urban Drill and Blast Tunneling - N°ISBN: 978-2-9701013–7-6 / APRIL 2016
Layout : Longrine – Avignon – France –
The International Tunnelling and Underground Space Association/Association Internationale des Tunnels et de l’Espace Souterrain (ITA/AITES) publishes this report to, in accordance with its
statutes, facilitate the exchange of information, in order: to encourage planning of the subsurface for the benefit of the public, environment and sustainable development to promote advances
in planning, design, construction, maintenance and safety of tunnels and underground space, by bringing together information thereon and by studying questions related thereto. This report
has been prepared by professionals with expertise within the actual subjects. The opinions and statements are based on sources believed to be reliable and in good faith. However, ITA/AITES
accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever with regard to the material published in this report. This material is: information of a general nature only which is not intended to address the specific
circumstances of any particular individual or entity; not necessarily comprehensive, complete, accurate or up to date; This material is not professional or legal advice (if you need specific advice,
you should always consult a suitably qualified professional).

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Vibration Control in Urban Drill
and Blast Tunneling

ITAtech Activity Group


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>> Author list

Main authors Company

Kevin Kaltenegger Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria
Juha Kukkonen Sandvik Mining and Construction Oy
Olli Weman University of Applied Sciences Technology, Lappeenranta, Finland

ITAtech members :
Timo Laitinen Sandvik Mining and Construction Oy (Project Sponsor)
Johan Jonsson Atlas Copco AB
Oliver Schneider Amberg Technologies AG

Other contributors
Donald Jonson Nitro Consult AB
Ilkka Vähäaho City of Helsinki
Jari Honkanen Finnrock Oy
Juha Kukkonen Sandvik Mining and Construction OySika
Mark Ganster Austin Powder Intl.

Tarcisio B. Celestino VP ITA Executive Council
Robert Galler Montanuniversität Leoben Austria, Vice-Animateur ITA WG19
Ilkka Vähäaho City of Helsinki

4 Vibration Control in Urban Drill and Blast Tunneling

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>> Table of contents

1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................6
2 Blast vibrations.............................................................................................................................7
2.1 Effects of vibrations......................................................................................................................7

2.2 Measurement methods...................................................................................................................7

3 Blasting vibration norms and regulations in Europe..................................................8

3.1 Austria. ............................................................................................................................................8

3.2 Bosnia and Herzegovina.................................................................................................................8

3.3 Bulgaria...........................................................................................................................................9

3.4 Croatia.............................................................................................................................................9
3.5 Finland. ............................................................................................................................................9

3.6 France..............................................................................................................................................9

3.7 Germany.........................................................................................................................................1 0

3.8 Greece............................................................................................................................................ 11

3.9 Hungary......................................................................................................................................... 11

3.10 Iceland. ........................................................................................................................................ 11

3.11 Italy...............................................................................................................................................1 2

3.12 Norway.........................................................................................................................................1 2

3.13 Portugal......................................................................................................................................1 3

3.14 Romania........................................................................................................................................1 3

3.15 Russia. ..........................................................................................................................................1 3

3.16 Serbia. ..........................................................................................................................................1 3

3.17 Slovenia........................................................................................................................................1 3

3.18 Spain..............................................................................................................................................1 4

3.19 Sweden.........................................................................................................................................1 5

3.20 Switzerland.................................................................................................................................1 6

3.21 Turkey. .........................................................................................................................................16

4 Vibration control.......................................................................................................................1 7
4.1 Delay design...................................................................................................................................1 7

4.2 Drilling accuracy.........................................................................................................................1 7

4.3 Explosive........................................................................................................................................1 8

4.4 Vibration isolation........................................................................................................................18

5 Summary...........................................................................................................................................19
6 Sources............................................................................................................................................20
7 List of tables..................................................................................................................................21
8 List of figures...............................................................................................................................22


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1 >> Introduction

Blasting is an integral part of the excavation process in underground construction and civil engineering.
Due to the high energy content of explosives it is an inexpensive and highly effective method for rock
breaking. As explosives have continually been developing due to a high level of research, they have
also become remarkably safer. However, it would be careless to ignore the negative side-effects of
blasting operations. Due to urbanization, blasting operations are executed more often in populous
areas. For this reason it is important to perform the blasting works so that the possible effects on
the environment and people nearby are minimized. One of the inevitable negative side-effects of
excavation with blasting is blasting-induced vibrations.
The aim of this paper is to discuss the general aspects of blast vibrations and it should give an
overview of the blast vibration regulations and legislations in Europe. Furthermore, this paper should
also outline modern methods which can be used to efficiently reduce blast vibrations. The first
method which is discussed, is improving the delay design by using non-electric detonators. With
these detonators, it is possible to set up an efficient system of detonators with a large number of
delay times. The paper also treats the importance of the drilling accuracy and choosing the right
explosive type. The last method which is shown is the vibration isolation of sensitive equipment. This
method is easy to implement and very useful in urban drill and blast tunneling.

6 Vibration Control in Urban Drill and Blast Tunneling

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2 >> Blast vibration

Blasting-induced vibrations depend on risk analysis is conducted in order to avoid be stressed, so that the possible cracking
many factors. Some of these factors can damage to the existing structures so that can be acknowledged. These analyses are
be influenced, some are given. One of the the contractor has limits and can define the a vital proof if the property owner begins to
factors that can be influenced is the charge maximum instantaneous charge in different suspect cracking in the walls. If these cracks
per ignition time. The most obvious way to places. Risk analysis is usually conducted are observed in the pre-blast inspection, the
perform this is to decrease the amount of using a vibration and blasting consultant or proof is undisputed. When the limits are set,
explosives in holes or to shorten the hole, someone with considerable experience and the contractor can calculate the project. As
i.e. the round length. Decreasing the charge knowledge. the PPV (peak particle velocity) allowed is
weight is not always as straightforward When tunnel quality is considered, blast set for each structure, the contractor can
as one could imagine. When the amount vibrations cannot be ignored. Tunnel quality calculate the maximum charge per delay.
of explosives is reduced, it is important is often evaluated based on waterproofness, The requirements for specialists cannot be
to avoid under-loading situations, i.e. the cracking zone and the shape of the strictly defined, but process knowledge and
drilling pattern design and placement of the excavated profile. When tunneling with the experience are important properties, which
holes play an important role in such cases. drill and blast method, small charge rates should be considered when choosing the
Modern detonators, on the other hand, prevent micro cracks in rock. On the other specialist.
make it possible to set up a nearly infinite hand, if a high degree of charging is used Most European states have their own
number of ignition times. both in the contour holes and in the aid row, standards for measurement equipment. In
In addition there are factors which cannot most likely the tunnel profile will suffer and general, the equipment has to measure and
be influenced, such as the distance from more micro cracking could potentially result record the velocity of the vibrations and the
the blast area to the sensitive objects e.g. in an increased amount of water flowing into frequency. Additional requirements, which,
infrastructure, buildings, foundations etc. the tunnel. for example, record the acceleration of the
Usually the blasting location is fixed and Due to the nature of drill and blast excavation, vibrations, can also exist. The accelerations
is not possible to change. Typically, also especially when excavating under urban can be necessary for the evaluation of the
the foundation material or soil is fixed. The areas, people nearby might have some possible effects on persons and sensitive
design of the structure and the overall concerns regarding the excavation. It is very equipment. The best place to set up the
importance of it, such as cultural values, rare that blasting-induced vibrations cause sensors is either the foundation of the
need to be taken into account as well. any physical harm to surrounding structures structure or a place near the foundation. In
Different structures tolerate vibrations in or people but more often the “harm” is some cases, the measurement should also
different ways. For example, an industrial instead psychological. This should always be set up at the top of structures.
building of reinforced concrete can bear more be taken into account when excavating If the excavation is done under sensitive
vibrations than a listed monument. Naturally under populated areas. Careful planning places, such as hospitals or laboratories
there are differences in human behavior too. and communication with people play an equipped with sensitive equipment, the
Psychological factors need to be considered extremely important role. specialists carry out a specific analysis for
since people react to vibrations differently. each piece of equipment and define the
limits for particle velocity and acceleration.
2.2 Measurement methods In addition, the equipment manufacturers
2.1 Effects of vibrations
of sensitive equipment often set limits of
When designing a tunnel project, the their own. Even though these limits are very
In some cases blast vibrations can cause environment and the existing structures low, they could be used as a basis for the
damage to structures. These can be divided have to be thoroughly examined. If the analysis.
into minor or significant damage. There are tunneling is done in an urban environment,
various studies which investigate blasting the existing structures have to be inspected
vibrations and the tolerance that structures and documented before blasting. The
and people have for it. An international inspection is usually conducted by structure
survey shows that particle velocity (mm/s) and/or vibration specialists and they map,
is the best and most practical description for instance, the existing cracks on the walls
for defining potential damage to structures. and the type of foundation of the building.
But also the effects of the frequency of the This process is called a pre-blast inspection.
vibrations are not negligible, especially if the Afterwards specialists calculate and set the
frequency of the vibrations is equal to the maximum values for the particle velocity so
natural frequency of the structure, which that the structures are safe. The specialist can
could cause resonance and, in further create a schematic presentation of the house
consequence, damage. In most cases, and an analysis of zones which are likely to
when tunneling in an urban environment, a


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3 >> Blasting vibration norms and regulations in europe

3.1 Austria
Basis for the Consideration of Consideration
evaluation the construction of the soil
The standard ÖNORM S 9010, published
in 1982, dealt with the effects of whole- minor
body vibrations on persons. It was experience - -
replaced by the international standard vibration vibration
ISO 2631 in 2005. The latest ISO 2631 Classes -
measurement measurement in the foundation
standard entitled “Mechanical vibration
vibration measurement in the velocity of velocity of
and shock – Evaluation of human stress/strain
foundation and in the area of the propagation propagation
exposure to whole-body vibration” highest vibrations in the construction in the soil
was published by the International
Table 1: new evaluation steps ÖNORM S 9020:2015
Organization for Standardization in
2003. Two parts were taken and issued
by the Austrian Standards Institute, the class description Examples Factor EF
ÖNORM ISO 2631-1 and the ÖNORM
ISO 2631-2. Part one deals with the tunnels
general requirements for the assessment 0 Very low sensitivity machine foundations 15
of the effects of mechanical vibrations bridges

on persons. It defines methods for the 1 Low sensitivity

buried parking garages
measurement and main factors for the industrial buildings
admissibility of vibrations. The second cavities without lining
part is about the effects on buildings with 2 Average sensitivity residential buildings 3.5
schools, hospitals, churches
regard to the harassment of persons.
medium voltage cables
The Austrian standard ÖNORM S 9020 3 Increased sensitivity
buildings made of aerated concrete
entitled “Building vibrations; blasting
Particularly high high voltage cables
vibrations and comparable immissions 4
sensitivity listed monuments
of impulse shape” was published in 1986
by the Austrian Standard Institute. The Table 2 : new building classes. Adapted from: ÖNORM S 9020:2015
target of this standard is the protection
of buildings from damage that could be
caused by blast vibrations. Distance 15 m–50 m:
In December 2015, the Austrian D =7.85×L1,085 (1) In addition to this, blast vibration limits in
Institute for Standardization published D=15.8×L1,085 (2) Austria are also regulated by law, but the
a new standard. It is named ÖNORM scope of this regulation is only on mining
Distance more than 50 m:
S 9020:2015 “Vibration protection for and quarrying works. The limits are based
buried and surface facilities”. It concerns D=17.2×L0,625 (3) on the German standard DIN 4150. These
all types of vibrations and not only blast values can be found in the Appendix of the
vibrations. Regarding blast vibrations, the If the expected vibrations exceed 2.5 mm/s
or if the distance is too small, the second ordinance “Bergbau-Sprengverordnung”
main changes are the new building classes and these values must not be exceeded.
and the new evaluation procedures. step has to be applied. The limit for the
velocity of the vibrations (vRW in mm/s) can The limits are shown in Table 8 in chapter 3.7
Table 1 shows the new procedures.
be calculated using equation (5) below. For
In the standard, minor vibrations are this evaluation, the new building classes 3.2 Bosnia and Herzegovina
defined as vibrations with a velocity of less are used. An overview of the new classes,
than 2.5 mm/s. The minimum distance (D Bosnia and Herzegovina have adapted
including examples, can be seen in Table 2.
in m) for minor blast vibrations can be the international standard ISO 4866. The
The factor AF considers the influence of the
calculated with equation (1) and equation Institute for Standardization of Bosnia and
frequency of the vibrations. In case of blast
(2) for homogenous, and equation (3) Herzegovina published the standard in 2014
vibrations AF = 1.0.
and equation (4) for non-homogenous with the number BAS ISO 4886. It deals with
geological conditions. The crucial factor the effects of vibrations on structures.
is the maximum charge per ignition time
(L in kg).
with vB = 9 mm/s (5)

8 Vibration Control in Urban Drill and Blast Tunneling

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3 >> Blasting vibration norms and regulations in europe

3.3 Bulgaria PPV limits (mm/s)

In Bulgaria the international standard ISO compact sand, gravel,

distance soft clay shear hard clay, silt, solid
moraine, broken
2631 was adapted and published by the (m) resistance <25 kN/m loose sand
or loose rock
Bulgarian Institute for Standardization in
2004. This standard with the number ISO 1 9 18 35 140
2631-1, deals with the effects of vibrations on 5 9 18 35 85
persons. Bulgaria does not have a standard 10 9 18 35 70
that evaluates the effects on structures.
20 8 15 28 55

30 7 14 25 45
3.4 Croatia
50 6 12 21 38
The Croatian Standards Institute (HZN) 100 5 10 17 28
has adopted the full German standard DIN
4150 and published it in 2011. The Croatian 200 4 9 14 22

standards are named HRN DIN 4150-1, 500 3 7 11 15

HRN DIN 4150-2 and HRN DIN 4150-3. 1000 3 6 9 12
They are translated into Croatian but are
2000 3 5 7 9
equal to the German standard. Article 111
of the Croatian legislation NN RH 55/96 Table 3 : PPV limits for different ground materials. Adapted from: RIL 253-2010
deals with safety distances during blast
operations. It decrees that the seismic safety
distance is determined by the corresponding
Croatian standard. Building type Building type
Structure coefficient Fk aa- coefficient Fk
competence class a-competence class
3.5 Finland
The vibration guideline values are defined in Heavy structures, bridges, piers etc 2.00 1.75
RIL 253-2010. The guideline value is set for Industrial structures and storages of reinforced
PPV allowed (mm/s). According to RIL 253- concrete, steel or wood, shotcreted rock caverns 1.50 1.25
or nonresidential structures in common
2010, the guideline value affects all directions
of the shock wave. A qualified consultant Structures laid on pile foundations made of
reinforced concrete elements, offices, residential
may use higher building coefficient factors. 1.20 1.00
and other buildings of steel and wood, cables
The consultants are defined by FISE (Quality and wires
of Professionals in Building Sector) to be
Massive walls of brick, lightweight block,
AA- or A-class vibration specialists. The industrial, office and residential buildings with
PPV limits are defined in Table 3 and can be reinforced concrete frame, glasswall-steelframe 1.00 0.85
increased or decreased with the factor Fk, buildings and brick-covered wooden frame buil-
dings, non-shotcreted rock caverns
which is defined in Table 4.
Buildings with lightweight block, limestones
3.6 France and brick or other easily damaged material, old
0.65 0.55
buildings sensitive to vibration and oscillation like
The situation in France is that there are two churches and structures with high arches
recommendations for the limitation of blast
vibration immissions. The first one was published Table 4 : example of Finnish structural coefficient factor. Adapted from: RIL 253-2010
by the A.F.T.E.S. (Association Française des
Tunnels et de l’Espace Souterrain). The second
recommendation is provided by the Ministry of
the Environment. Both of them deal with the
effects of blast vibrations on buildings.
The publication of A.F.T.E.S. was presented
in 1974 in the journal “Tunnels et Espace
Souterrain”. It defines three building classes:
• type A: buildings with low mechanical quality
• type B: buildings with average mechanical
• type C: buildings with high mechanical quality


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3 >> Blasting vibration norms and regulations in europe

The frequency-dependent limits for the maximum velocity of vibrations (mm/s)

velocity of the blast vibrations for each
velocity of propagation
building class are shown in Figure 1: of longitudinal waves (m/s)
building type


1500 2.5 7.5 25

3000 5 15 50

4500 7.5 22.5 75

Table 5 : soil depending limits A.F.T.E.S. Source: Borges V., José E., 2004

maximum velocity of vibrations (mm/s)

types of construction
4-8 Hz 8-30 Hz 30-100 Hz
Figure 1: limits A.F.T.E.S.
Source: Borges V., José E., 2004 Resistant construction 8 12 15

Sensitive construction 6 9 12
If there is information about the soil, the
Very sensitive construction 4 6 9
A.F.T.E.S. recommends that the values
should be adapted. The crucial property is Table 6: limits Ministry of the Environment. Source: Borges V., José E., 2004
the velocity of propagation of longitudinal
waves. The customized values are shown
the principles for predetermination of are the short-term vibrations, which are
in table 5.
vibrations and measurement methods, included in chapter 5 of the DIN 4150-
The recommendation of the Ministry of part two evaluates the effects of vibrations 3. The velocity and the frequency of the
the Environment was published in 1986 on persons and the third part the effects vibrations have to be measured. The
and expanded in 1993. It also subdivides on buildings. evaluation of the vibrations is based on
into three building classes. There are the maximum of the three individual
For the evaluation of the effects of
resistant, sensitive and very sensitive components (|v i|max with i=x,y and z).
vibrations on persons, according to part
buildings. The vibration limits depend Table 8 presents the guideline values of
two of DIN 4150, the maximum value
on the frequency. The Ministry of the the velocity of the vibrations according
of the velocity (vmax in mm/s) and the
Environment sets three frequency bands to DIN 4150-3. If these values are not
frequency of the vibration (f in Hz) have
in its recommendation. In Table 6 are the exceeded, no damages can be expected.
to be recorded. With these values KB can
maximum values for each construction
be calculated using equation (6).
type and frequency band shown.
In 1994, the Ministry of the Environment
adopted a decree for quarrying and raw
material processing with the number reference
values (Ao)
NOR: ENVP9430348A. In this decree the with f 0=5.6 Hz (6)
building area
vibrations on adjacent buildings caused day night
by blast operations, must not exceed 10 Industrial area 6 0.6
mm/s. But the scope of this decree only
This KB value multiplied with the factor cF Commercial area 6 0.4
covers quarrying works.
results in the value KB F max. If KB F max < A o, Industrial area
then the requirements of the DIN 4150-2 Commercial area 5 0.3
3.7 Germany have been complied with. The factor cF
for blast vibrations with resonance is 0.8 Central area
One of the most comprehensive and 0.6 without resonance. The reference Residential area 3 0.2
norms, DIN 4150 “Erschütterungen im values A o are shown in table 7. Special areas
Bauwesen”, is published by the German 3 0.15
(hospitals, health clinic, etc.)
Standard Institute Deutsches Institut Part three of the German standard
für Normung. This standard is divided concerns the effects on structures. The Table 7: AO reference values. Adapted from: DIN 4150-2
1999, p. 7
into three parts. The first part explains crucial vibration types for blast operations

10 Vibration Control in Urban Drill and Blast Tunneling

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3 >> Blasting vibration norms and regulations in europe

Guideline values for velocity, vi in mm/s 3.8 Greece

vibration at the foundation Vibration at
type of
at a frequency of horizontal plane In Greece the RMQW “Regulations
structure of highest floor Concerning Mining and Quarrying Work”
50 Hz - 100 at all frequencies is treated as the national norm. In it, the
1 Hz - 10 Hz 10 Hz - 50 Hz
Hz *
limit for the velocity of blast vibrations is 50
Buildings used for mm/s. In some projects in Greece, the RSR
commercial purposes,
industrial buildings, and
20 20-40 40-50 40 specification is applied, which refers to public
buildings of similar design construction projects. The RSR sets the
Dwellings and buildings
limits for the vibrations at 20 mm/s and 35
of similar design and/or 5 5-15 15-20 15 mm/s. The smaller value is for foundations
occupancy on soft material and the higher value is
Structures that, because for foundations on hard bedrock. These
of their particular sensitivity specifications are not very modern, as a
to vibration, cannot be result of which many projects in and around
classified under lines 1 and 3 3-8 8-10 8
2 and are of great intrinsic Athens apply the German standard DIN
value (e.g. listed buildings 4150. As a result, a process is underway to
under preservation order) include the German standard in the RMQW
* at frequencies above 100 Hz, the values given in this column may be used as minimum values (Baliktsis, 2000).
Table 8 : vi guideline values. Source: DIN 4150-3 1999, p. 4
3.9 Hungary
acceleration (mm/s²)
no. building type For the effects of vibrations on buildings,
Ao Am Amax the Hungarian Standards Institution (MSZT”)
1 Sensitive areas (e.g. operating room) 3.6 3 100 published a standard, the MSZ 13018. The
day 12 10 200
limits for the vibrations, which are listed in
2 this standard, are based on the German
building night 6 5 100 standard DIN 4150-3.
3 Cultural and religious facilities, nursery, etc. 12 10 200 The protection of persons from vibrations is
4 Cultural, educational, administrative and office buildings, etc. 24 20 300 included in decree 27/2008 KvVV-EüM which
5 Commercial buildings, sports centers, public buildings, etc. 36 30 600
was released in 2008. This decree sets the
limits for the acceleration of the vibration in
Table 9: acceleration limits. Adapted from: 27/2008 (XII. 3.) KvVV-EüM buildings. In case of blast vibrations, the limit
for the vibration is 1.5 times Amax, which is
shown in Table 9.
Structure PPV (mm/s)

Construction of reinforced concrete which is founded on solid rock. 150 3.10 Iceland
Buildings that stand on concrete foundations of hard consolidated rock types. Concrete
130 In Iceland, there are not many tunneling or
floors and walls.
Construction on hard rock (usually the maximum velocity allowed by the government
underground projects in urban areas. The
70 projects usually concern energy and road
and insurance companies in the event of explosions)
Construction including hard rock. Repeated explosions in towns where more than state
projects. The Icelandic standardization in
50 determining vibration limits is simpler than
buildings prevail.
Construction on soft rock. Repeated explosions. 30
those of other Scandinavian countries. In
Table 10, Icelandic PPV allowed values are
Construction on soft base (sand and clay). Repeated explosions. 20 presented.
For avoiding discomfort to people (at a frequency of 10Hz). 15

For avoiding discomfort to people (at a frequency of 25Hz). 5

Table 10 : PPV limits Iceland. Source:



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3 >> Blasting vibration norms and regulations in europe

3.11 Italy maximum acceleration

Occurrence of the vibrations (m/s²)
The Italian Standard Institute, Ente Nazionale
z-axis x- and y-axis
Italiano di Unificazione, has published two
standards that deal with the effects of vibrations. Critical area
5.0 × 10-3 3.6 × 10-3
(operating rooms, laboratories, etc.)
The standard UNI 9916 deals with the effects
on buildings and UNI 9614 deals with the habitation at night 7.0 × 10-3 5.0 × 10-3
effects on persons. habitation in daytime 0.30 0.22
UNI 9916 “Criteria for the measurement of offices and factories 0.64 0.46
vibrations and the assessment of their effects
on buildings” sets no limits for the velocity of Table 11 : acceleration limits. Source: UNI 9614 1990, p. 10
vibrations to prevent damage to buildings. It is a
guideline for measurement and data processing
methods, such as for the evaluation of vibration
phenomena. Type of building Building factor Fb

For the evaluation of the effects of vibrations on

Heavy structures, such as bridges, piers, etc. 1.7
persons, the Italian Standard Institute published
the standard UNI 9614 “Vibration measurement Industrial and commercial buildings 1.2
in buildings and annoyance evaluation”, which Normal buildings, residential etc. 1.0
deals with the effects of vibrations on persons.
Special buildings, such as long span arches, marble staircases etc. 0.7
Significant factors in terms of annoyance of
persons are the acceleration and the vibration Table 12 : defining building factor Fb. Source: Norwegian standard collection, p.7
direction. The standard defines three directions
in relation to a person.
Directions of the acceleration according to
UNI 9614:
Type of structure Structure factor Fm
• z-axis: through tailbone and head
• x-axis: through back and chest Reinforced concrete, steel and wood 1.2
• y-axis: through the two shoulders
Plain concrete, brick, concrete hollow blocks, lightweight-aggregate concrete 1.0
In the case of short time vibrations, defined
Autoclaved aerated concrete etc. 0.8
as impulsive vibrations in the standard, the
maximum measured value of acceleration is
Table 13 : definition of structure factor Fm. Source: Norwegian standard collection, p.7
crucial. This value has to be frequency weighted
and multiplied with the factor 0.71. This results
in the effective acceleration. The limits for
the impulsive vibrations also depend on the
area where they occur. Table 11 provides an Building condition
Building condition
overview of the limits. factor Ft

Normal 1.0
3.12 Norway
Fragile 0.8
Norwegian vibration guideline values are defined
in the Norwegian standard collection. The new Table 14 : defining building condition factor Ft. Source: Norwegian standard collection, p.7
standard is NS8141-1:2012+A1:2013. The
limits of vibrations are calculated using equation
(7). The factors for the calculation are defined
in Table 12, Table 13, Table 14 and Table 15,
which can be found below. Type of work Work factor Fv

with v0 = 35 mm/s (7) Construction 1.0

Mining and quarry 0.7

Table 15 : definition of blasting time factor, Fv. Source: Norwegian standard collection, p.8

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3 >> Blasting vibration norms and regulations in europe

3.13 Portugal Limits of the velocity of vibrations (mm/s)

velocity of propagation of longitudinal waves

The Portuguese standard NP-2074 was
published by the Portuguese standards type
≤ 1000 m/s 1000 - 2000 m/s ≥ 2000 m/s
institute and it deals with the effects of blast γ = 1.0 γ = 0.7 γ = 1.0 γ = 0.7 γ = 1.0 γ = 0.7
vibrations and similar types of immissions.
The limits for the velocity of vibrations construction
2.50 1.75 5.00 3.50 10.00 7.00
depend on three factors. The first factor is
the property of the soil. It is described by construction
5.00 3.50 10.00 7.00 20.00 14.00
the velocity of propagation of longitudinal
waves. The second factor is the type of 15.00 10.50 30.00 21.00 60.00 42.00
construction and the third factor depends on
the number of blast operations a day. If there Table 16 : velocity of vibrations limits. Adapted from: Bernado P., Dinis da Gama, 2006
are more than 3 per day, the permitted limits
are decreased by 30% (=> γ=0.7). These
permitted limits are shown in Table 16 below. 3.16 Serbia 3.17 Slovenia
For the evaluation of the effects of vibrations
on persons, the Institute for Standardization In 2003, the Republic of Slovenia published
3.14 Romania of Serbia, (ISS) has adapted the first part an official journal, which includes the safety
of the international standard ISO 2631. It distances for buildings, depending on the
In Romania, the situation is that there only exists was published with the number SRPS ISO explosive quantity. If the explosive charge per
a standard for traffic and machinery-induced 2631-1 in 2012. In 2014, the ISS published ignition time is higher than these limits, vibration
vibrations, the two-part standard SR 12025. a translated version. In Serbia there is no measurement has to be set up. For this
The first part, SR 12025/1-94 “Vibration effects standard for the evaluation of the effects on measurement and evaluation of the vibrations,
produced by road traffic on buildings or building structures. the Slovenian journal requires the use of a
parts (Measurement methods)”, concerns standard of the latest state of technology. Table
measurement methods. The second part, SR 17 presents the limits for the charge per ignition
12025/2-94, contains the limits of vibrations for time depending on the distance.
buildings and for occupants.

Distance Charge Distance Charge Distance Charge Distance Charge

3.15 Russia m kg m kg m kg m kg

15 0.95 60 3.9 250 38 700 200

Since 2008, Russia has had in place a valid
standard, GOST R 52892 “Vibration and shock. 16 1 61 4 257 40 800 245
Vibration of buildings. Measurement of vibration 20 1.25 70 5 295 50 905 300
and evaluation of its effects on structure”. It was
25 1.5 80 6.2 300 51 1000 350
published by the Russian Standard Institute
(GOST). 30 1.8 100 8.8 380 75 1080 400

The standard concerns principles for the 34 2 108 10 400 81 1250 500
evaluation of vibrations, damage risks and 40 2.4 150 17 455 100 1500 670
the influencing factors, and it recommends
43 2.5 167 20 500 116 1600 750
measurement and data analysis methods. For
the assessment of the measured values, the 50 2.9 200 27 585 150 1900 1000
Russian standard refers to several European 52 3 215 30 600 155 2000 1060
standards and the OSM standard of the United
States in Appendix B. The mentioned European Table 17 : safety distances Slovenia. Source: Uradni List No. 111 2003, p. 15213
standards are the German DIN 4150, the British
BS 7385-2 and the Norwegian NS 8141.


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3 >> Blasting vibration norms and regulations in europe

3.18 Spain

The Spanish Association for Standardization

Building type of
and Certification (AENOR) published a Group buildings
standard for the effects of blast vibrations in
1993, the UNE 22381 “Control of vibrations I Buildings and industrial buildings with metal structures or reinforced concrete
made by blasting”. In the Spanish standard Residential buildings, shopping centers, offices and Buildings and structures of archaeologi-
three building groups are defined, which are cal, architectural or historic value, which do not show particular sensitivity to vibrations
shown in Table 18 below. III Structures of archaeological, architectural or historic value, which may be sensitive to vibrations
The Spanish standard defines, in addition to Table 18 : Building types. Source UNE 22381 1993, p. 2
the building groups, three frequency bands.
The frequency-dependent limits for the blast frequency (Hz)
vibrations, according to UNE 22381 are Building
2-15 15-75 >75
shown in Table 19. Group
The maximum velocity (v in mm/s) for velocity (mm/s) displacement (mm) velocity (mm/s)

the frequency band 15 Hz–75 Hz can be I 20 0.212 100

calculated from the displacement (d in mm) II 9 0.095 45
(8) III 4 0.042 20
and the frequency (f in Hz) with equation (8
Table 19 : Building types. Source UNE 22381 1993, p. 2
To find out whether a vibration control or
even a preliminary study is necessary, the
standard recommends a method with the
“corrected charge”. This value depends on
the explosive charge per ignition, the building
group and the soil, which is subdivided into
three classes:
• hard bedrock: velocity of propagation of
longitudinal waves >4000 m/s
• medium rock: velocity of propagation of
longitudinal waves 2000-4000 m/s
• soft rock: velocity of propagation of
longitudinal waves <2000 m/s
The ratio of the “corrected charge” and the
distance show whether further actions have
to be taken. In the first case the ratio is so
small that there are no effects, but if the ratio
exceeds the limits, further steps have to be
taken. The next steps are vibration control
and a preliminary study. The calculation of
the “corrected charge” and the necessary
assessment method are shown in Figure 2:
Figure 2 : selection of the assessment method. Source: UNE 22381 1993, p. 8

14 Vibration Control in Urban Drill and Blast Tunneling

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3 >> Blasting vibration norms and regulations in europe

For the evaluation of the effects of vibrations

on persons, the Spanish Association for Substrata Substratum Vertical PPV, v0, mm/s
Standardization and Certification has
Loosely layered moraine, sand gravel, clay Clay 18
adopted the international standard ISO
2631. The first part, UNE ISO 2631-1, is Compactly layered moraine, schist, soft limestone Moraine 35
about general requirements and the second Granite, gneiss, hard limestone, quartzitic sandstone, diabase Rock 70
part, UNE ISO 2631-2, deals with the effects
in buildings with regard to the harassment Table 20 : Guideline limits for vertical PPV (v0) in different substrata. Source: Jonson D., 2012

of persons.
In the Royal Decree 863/1985, the minimum Building
distances from the blasting area to buildings Class Building factor,
have been examined. This distance depends Fb

on the type of the buildings. If this distance 1 Heavy constructions such as bridges, quays, defense installations, etc. 1.70
is not maintainable, the authority may require 2 Industrial and office buildings consisting mainly of prefabricated elements 1.20
the application of UNE 22381. The scope of
3 Normal residential buildings 1.00
this Royal Decree only extends to mining
and quarrying works. 4
Especially sensitive buildings and buildings with high vaults or constructions with large
Guideline values for especially sensitive heritage buildings, installations or environments
5 Fb ≤ 0.5
3.19 Sweden identified in the investigation shall be determined separately. (per special investigation.)

Swedish vibration guideline values are Table 21 : Vibration sensitivity factors for different buildings. Source: Jonson D., 2012
defined in SS4604866: Vibration and shock
– guidance levels for blasting included
vibrations in buildings and other structures. Material
This value is PPV (mm/s) and it concerns Class material factor,
the vertical direction. It is calculated using
equation (9) below. The factors for the 1 Reinforced concrete, steel, wood 1.20
calculation, with the exception of Fd, are 2 Plain concrete, brick, concrete hollow blocks, lightweight-aggregate concrete 1.00
defined in Table 20, Table 21, Table 22 and
3 Autoclaved aerated concrete, plaster, lath- and-plaster, stucco, render, etc. 0.75
in Table 23. The factor Fd, which depends
on the distance (d in m), can be calculated 4 Sand-lime brick, tiled oven with sensitive joints 0.65
using equations (10), (11), (12), and (13). Table 22 : defining material factor. Source: Jonson D., 2012


distance from 0 to 10 meters (10) Class Blasting-work duration factor, Ft

Fd=1.56×d-0.19 for clay (11) For the construction of tunnels, rock chambers,
road cuttings, foundations etc.
for moraine (12) For permanent works such as rock quarries and mines 1.0 – 0.75

Fd=2.57×d-0.42 for rock (13) Table 23 : blasting duration factors. Source: Jonson D., 2012


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3 >> Blasting vibration norms and regulations in europe

3.20 Switzerland
Class sensitivity Examples
The Swiss standard SN 640312 “Shock-
1 Very low sensitivity Bridges, tunnels in hard rock, crane and machinery foundations, etc.
Vibration Effects on Structures” was
developed by the “Swiss Association of Road 2 Low sensitivity
Industrial and commercial buildings, tunnels in soft ground,
and Traffic Professionals” and published by gas and water pipes, etc.

the Swiss Association of Standardization. 3 Average sensitivity Residential buildings, offices, schools, hospitals, sensitive cables, etc.
The standard concerns all types of Timber-framed buildings, historical buildings, listed buildings,
4 Increased sensitivity
vibrations, also including blast vibrations. To newly built buildings of class 3, etc.
evaluate the effects of these vibrations, four
Table 24 : building classes. Adapted from: SN 640312 2013
sensitivity classes of buildings are defined.
Table 24 presents an overview of the classes
with examples.
reference values for the velocity of the vibration mm/s
Table 25 shows the frequency-dependent
Class exposition Frequency
reference values for the individual sensitivity
classes, according to SN 640312. If these < 30 Hz 30 Hz - 60 Hz > 60 Hz
reference values are respected, no damage occasionally
can be expected. frequently
1 up to 3 times the values of class 3
3.21 Turkey occasionally

2 frequently up to 2 times the values of class 3

In Turkey the blast vibration limits are regulated
by law. The regulation, with the number permanently
27601, “Regulation Regarding Evaluation occasionally 15 20 30
and Management of Environmental Noise”
3 frequently 6 8 12
was finalized in 2010. Before this regulation
had been published, the German DIN 4150 permanently 3 4 6
was applied for most projects. occasionally
The frequency-dependent limits for the 4 frequently 0.5 to 1 times the values of class 3
velocity of the vibrations are shown in Table
26 below. The values between the given
frequency band can be interpolated. Table 25 : velocity of vibrations reference values. Adapted from: SN 640312 2013

Frequency maximum velocity of

Hz vibrations mm/s

1 5

4-10 19

30-100 50

Table 26 : velocity of vibration limits Turkey. Source:

Turkish Environmental Regulation No. 27601 2010

16 Vibration Control in Urban Drill and Blast Tunneling

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4 >> Vibration control

Limits for blasting-induced vibrations

are important but naturally it is even
more important to obey the limits during
excavation. Modern blasting methods
and technologies enable efficient blast
vibration control. Modern technology and
experienced and skilled people allow the
excavation to be carried out efficiently and
economically while taking the surrounding
environment into account as well. Hereinafter
are listed some best practices to optimize
blasting operations which should serve the
purpose of reducing the blasting-generated

4.1 Delay design

An important factor for reducing blast

vibrations, which is also considered in many
standards, is the charge per ignition time.
When setting up a high number of ignition
delays, it is possible to optimize the amount
of explosives initiating at the same time. One
alternative is to use electronic detonators,
which can be programmed and fired in
millisecond steps. The main disadvantage of
these detonators is the high cost.
More commonly non-electric detonators are
Figure 3 : Initiation design. Source: Ganster M., 2011
used. Due to the restricted variation of delay
times, in many cases the face has to be
divided further into sectors. In each sector
every charge or hole has an individual delay 4.2 Drilling accuracy
time and additionally an extra delay provided
by the surface delay detonator used for The length of a round is usually limited combination of several factors which have
each sector. The surface delays are used by the drilling accuracy, but additionally to be considered. It is necessary to adjust
as a “group detonator” to give an additional another aspect needs to be considered. An the machine to reduce these errors. Factors
delay time for each individual non-electric inaccurately drilled borehole could cause which influence accuracy are, for example,
detonator. The challenge is to design the additional blast vibrations. If the distance the bending of the booms or the mechanical
sequence of initiation carefully and to charge (or spacing) between the holes is not as it tolerances of the machine. Another point is
the whole face. was designed, the energy of the explosives the navigation and placement of the machine.
This non-electric sector initiation method can is not correctly utilized for breaking the rock There are different types of navigation
be simplified with a special type of detonator, as planned but causes extra vibrations systems, which are more or less accurate.
which is used in open pit mining. Each of or other immissions such as noise. When Also mistakes made by the surveyor or the
the detonators has a high delay time and an trying to reduce vibrations in a critical area, operator have to be taken into consideration.
additional surface delay. The surface delay one alternative is to increase the accuracy With state of the art drilling machines and
should be 42 ms, 100 ms or 200 ms and the of drilling by using more developed drilling navigation systems it is possible to drill the
delay of the detonators itself 9000 ms. In case technology or, for example, reducing the round very accurately and with a high level
of 100 ms surface and 9000 ms detonator round length. of repeatability. The data collection and
delay, there are 90 ignition steps available. An important element for the execution of analysis features available nowadays enable
Figure 3 shows an example of a simplified the drill pattern design is the drilling machine. the drilling and blasting designer to fine tune
non-electric sector initiation design: The accuracy of the drilling machine is a the process efficiently and to optimize the
whole excavation process.


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4 >> Vibration control

4.3 Explosive Types Transportation and storage of emulsion

matrix is more practical because it is
What is important when choosing explosives considered to be an oxidative substance
in tunneling is to optimize the blasting energy before sensitizing is completed, Honkanen
so that the blast itself is effective taking rock et al. (2011).
conditions into account but also so that The explosive type can also influence the
the remaining rock mass stays as intact as occurring vibrations. One reason is the under
possible. When a tunneling site is located loading of blast holes. A space between
in an urban area, the effects of vibration, the borehole wall and the explosive has a
storage of explosives and blast timing are negative effect on vibrations. Bulk explosives,
often strictly limited. The most common for example site mixed or site sensitized
explosives used in tunneling in urban areas emulsions are one option to minimize the
are cartridge products (pipe charges) and risk of this. On the other hand, the use of
emulsion. These explosives are suitable bulk explosives creates a risk of the existing
for sensitive environments because of their joints in the rock mass being filled. In this
precise degree of charging. case, the borehole is overloaded, which also
Use of cartridge products ensures a precise causes additional vibrations.
degree of charging and they are easy to use.
The charger fills blasting holes with different
explosives, depending on the quality of rock, 4.4 Vibration isolation
tunnel conditions and the blasting plan.
Especially pipe charges are simple and fast For the protection of sensitive equipment or
to use and available in different dimensions. for not exceeding the vibration limits given
However, choosing cartridge products as by the equipment manufacturers, it can be
explosives in tunneling requires facilities to isolated from the vibrations. To isolate the
store the explosives at the tunneling site, equipment, elastic material can be placed
which may be problematic because of laws under it. The success of this isolation
and restrictions concerning excavation in depends on several factors, for example the
urban areas. frequency of the vibrations and the mass of
the equipment.
Emulsion explosives are becoming more
common at tunneling sites. Emulsion
consists of an emulsion matrix and sensitizing
additives. The emulsion matrix is produced
at a production plant and transported to
the tunneling site. The emulsion matrix and
additives are mixed at the tunneling site
with appropriate a charging vehicle and it
achieves its exploding capability normally
approximately 15 minutes after it has been
pumped into blast holes. The emulsion
charging vehicle can be altered from truck
or charging platform. With an automation
unit it is possible to save different charging
grades to ensure different powder factors
for different types of blast holes. Charging
with an emulsion is therefore easy, also
ergonomically, time efficient and it allows the
charger to charge the whole tunnel face with
only one product.

18 Vibration Control in Urban Drill and Blast Tunneling

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5 >> Summary

Tunnel and underground excavation using the drilling and blasting method always influences the
surrounding environment. When excavating rock by blasting, some negative side effects such as
vibrations always exist. The geology, rock properties and rock mass properties vary a great deal and
all of these need to be carefully taken into account when excavation with drilling and blasting is used.
The legislation and norms for blasting-induced vibrations vary country by country but many
similarities can be found. An international survey shows that the particle velocity (mm/s) is the best
and most practical description for defining potential damage to structures. Due to this, in most
countries, the norms give the limit values for velocity. Performing a risk analysis prior to excavation is
a good practice for defining sensitive structures and objects near the excavation and for defining the
maximum degree of charging values or maximum charge per delay values.
With the help of modern technology, developed excavation methods and careful planning, tunneling
and underground excavation can be carried out in urban areas and extremely close to sensitive
structures or equipment. When the amount of the explosives is optimized and the boreholes correctly
placed, the energy of the explosives can be utilized as planned, i.e. to break the rock mass and not
to cause excessive vibrations.


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6 >> Sources

• Norsk Standard NS8141- •M

 SZ 13018:1991-05, Effects of vibrations
1:2012+A1:2013 Vibration and shock, on buildings.
guideline limit values for construction •N
 P 2074:1983-03, Avaliação da influência
work, open-pit and pit mining and traffic em construções de vibrações provocadas
Part 1: Effects of vibration and air blast por explosões ou solicitações similares.
from blasting on construction works,
 NORM S 9020: 2015-12, Vibration
including tunnels and rock cavern.
protection for buried and surface facilities.
• Arpaz, E., et al. Assessment of Blast-
 NORM S 9020:1986-08,
Induced Ground Vibrations in Kangal Coal
Mine Of EÜA.
Sprengerschütterungen und vergleichbare
• Bacci, D., et al. 2003. Principais normas impulsförmige Immissionen.
e recomendações existentes para o
 N 640312:2013-12, Erschütterungen
controle de vibrações provocadas pelo
- Erschütterungseinwirkungen auf
uso de explosivos em áreas urbanas –
Parte I. 2003.
 R 12025/2:1994, Building acoustics.
• Baliktsis, Elias. 2000. Blast vibration
Vibration effects on buildings or building
control using sequential blasting
parts (Permissible limits).
techniques at a railway tunneling project.
2000. •U
 NE 22381:1993-04, Control de
vibraciones producidas por voladuras.
•—. 2000. Construction blasting in the City
of 2004 Olympic Games. [book auth.] •U
 NI 9614:1990-03, Misura delle vibrazioni
Roger Holmberg. Explosives & Blasting negli edifici e criteri di valutazione del
Techniques. 2000. disturbo.
• Borges, V. and Jose, E. 2004. Monitoreo,  NI 9916:2014-01, Criteri di misura e
Estudio y Analisis de Vibraciones valutazione degli effetti delle vibrazioni
Asociadas a el uso de voladuras com sugli edifici.
Explosivos en los Trabajos de Ejecucion •V
 rkljan, D. et al. 2005. Safe seismic zone
del Tunel Carrizalito de la Linea del Metor determination during construction pit
los Teques. 2004. excavation for a university library in Split,
• DIN 4150-1:2001-06, Erschütterungen Croatia. 2005.
im Bauwesen - Teil 1: Vorermittlung von  uento, Aimo and Hakulinen, Matti. 2010.
Schwingungsgrößen. RIL 253-2010, Vibrations caused by
• DIN 4150-2:1999-06, Erschütterungen construction work. 2010.
im Bauwesen - Teil 2: Einwirkungen auf
Menschen in Gebäuden.
• DIN 4150-3:1999-02, Erschütterungen
im Bauwesen - Teil 3: Einwirkungen auf
bauliche Anlage.
• Ganster, Mark. 2011. Die nichtelektrische
Sektorzündung im vereinfachten Einsatz.
Sprenginfo. 33, 2011, 1.
• GOST R 52892:2007-01, Vibration
and shock. Vibration of buildings.
Measurement of vibration and evaluation
of its effects on structure.
• Jonson, Donald. 2012. Controlling shock
waves and vibrations during large and
intensive blasting operations under
Stockholm city. Tunnelling in rock by
drilling and blasting. 2012.

20 Vibration Control in Urban Drill and Blast Tunneling

21391-ITATECH-REPORT-8-Drill-blast.indd 20 20/04/16 10:15

7 >> List of table

Table 1: new evaluation steps ÖNORM S 9020:2015 8

Table 2: new building classes. Adapted from: ÖNORM S 9020:2015 8
Table 3: PPV limits for different ground materials. Adapted from: RIL 253-2010 9
Table 4: example of Finnish structural coefficient factor. Adapted from: RIL 253-2010 9
Table 5: soil depending limits A.F.T.E.S. Source: Borges V., José E., 2004 10
Table 6: limits Ministry of the Environment. Source: Borges V., José E., 2004 10
Table 7: AO reference values. Adapted from: DIN 4150-2 1999, p. 7 10
Table 8: vi guideline values. Source: DIN 4150-3 1999, p. 4 11
Table 9: acceleration limits. Adapted from: 27/2008 (XII. 3.) KvVV-EüM 11
Table 10: P
 PV limits Iceland.
Source: PPV limits Iceland.
cument&Highlight=0,684%2F1999 12
Table 11: acceleration limits. Source: UNI 9614 1990, p. 10 12
Table 12: defining building factor Fb. Source: Norwegian standard collection, p.7 12
Table 13: definition of structure factor Fm. Source: Norwegian standard collection, p.7 12
Table 14: defining building condition factor Ft. Source: Norwegian standard collection, p.7 12
Table 15: definition of blasting time factor, Fv. Source: Norwegian standard collection, p.8 12
Table 16: velocity of vibrations limits. Adapted from: Bernado P., Dinis da Gama, 2006 13
Table 17: safety distances Slovenia. Source: Uradni List No. 111 2003, p. 15213 13
Table 18: Building types. Source UNE 22381 1993, p. 2 14
Table 19: velocity of vibrations limits. Source: UNE 22381 1993, p. 6 14
Table 20: Guideline limits for vertical PPV (v0) in different substrata. Source: Jonson D., 2012 15
Table 21: Vibration sensitivity factors for different buildings. Source: Jonson D., 2012 15
Table 22: defining material factor. Source: Jonson D., 2012 15
Table 23: blasting duration factors. Source: Jonson D., 2012 15
Table 24: building classes. Adapted from: SN 640312 2013 16
Table 25: velocity of vibrations reference values. Adapted from: SN 640312 2013 16
Table 26: v elocity of vibration limits Turkey. Source:
Turkish environmental Regulation No. 27601 2010 16


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8 >> List of figures

Figure 1: limits A.F.T.E.S. Source: Borges V., José E., Monitoreo, estudio
y analisis de vibraciones 2004, p. 36 10
Figure 2: selection of the assessment method. Source: UNE 22381 1993, p. 8 14
Figure 3: Figure 3: Initiation design. Source: Ganster, Mark. 2011.
Die nichtelektrische Sektorzündung im vereinfachten Einsatz. Sprenginfo. 33, 2011, 1. 17

22 Vibration Control in Urban Drill and Blast Tunneling

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