WMV130A1 - Type 90

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Military Vehicles Forecast

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Type 90 - Archived 4/2008

10 Year Unit Production Forecast
2007 - 2016

The Mitsubishi Type 90 ranks among the world’s best fourth-
generation main battle tanks
 Japanese law precludes export sales of the Type 90, negating any NO PRODUCTION FORECAST
export potential or direct impact on the international market
 Forecast reflects dormant Type 90 production line, following 2005 0
completion of 300-unit production run exclusively for JGSDF 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
procurement Years

Description. A main battle tank. Total Produced. Through 2005, the contractor
produced a total of six prototype and 300 production
Sponsor. The Japan Defense Agency (JDA), through
Type 90 tanks.
the Japan Ground Self-Defense Force (JGSDF),
sponsored the development and procurement of the Application. Armored mobile weapons systems,
Type 90 tank. The Technical Research and optimized for high-speed offensive and breakthrough
Development Institute (Setagaya-Ku, Tokyo) managed operations, as well as for defensive fire support. The
the Type 90 development program. Type 90 is the primary offensive weapon for the Japan
Ground Self-Defense Force (JGSDF).
Licensees. None
Price Range. Its very-low and uneconomical
Status. Development through serial production. The
production rate makes the Type 90 the most expensive
production line reportedly fell dormant in 2005.
tank in the world. In 2005 U.S. dollars, the Type 90
carried a unit price of at least $9.728 million.

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd http://www.mhi.co.jp, 16-5 Konan 2-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 108-8215 Japan,
Tel: + 81 3 6716 3111, Fax: + 81 3 6716 5800, Prime

Fuji Electric Systems Co Ltd http://www.fesys.co.jp, Gate City Ohsaki, East Tower 11-2, Osaki 1-chome,
Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo, 141-0032 Japan, Tel: + 81 3 5435 7114, Fax: + 81
(Commander’s Dual-Axis Stabilized Sight)
Fujitsu Ltd http://www.fujitsu.com, Shiodome City Center, 1-5-2 Higashi-Shimbashi, Tokyo,
105-7123 Japan, Tel: + 81 3 6252 2220, Fax: + 81 3 6252 2783 (Thermal Sensor)

20 07 April 2007
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Type 90

Japan Steel Works http://www.jsw.co.jp, Hibaya Mitsui Bldg, 1-2, Yuraku-cho, 1-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo,
100-8456 Japan, Tel: + 81 3501 6136, Fax: + 81 3595 4624 (120mm Rh 120/44 Main
Kyocera Corp http://global.kyocera.com, 6 Takeda Tobadono-cho, Fushimi-ku, Kyoto, 612-8501 Japan,
Tel: + 81 75 604 3500, Fax: + 81 75 604 3501, Email: [email protected] (Type 90 Armor
Mitsubishi Electric Corp http://global.mitsubishielectric.com, Tokyo Bldg, 2-7-3, Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo,
100-8310 Japan, Tel: + 81 3 3218 2111, Fax: + 81 3 3218 2185 (Type 90 Vehicle
Electrical System)
Nikon Instruments Inc http://www.nikonusa.com, 1300 Walt Whitman Rd, Melville, NY 11747-3064 United
States, Tel: + 1 (631) 547-8500, Fax: + 1 (631) 547-0306,
Email: [email protected] (Gunner’s Primary Sight)
Nippon Electric Glass Co Ltd http://www.neg.co.jp, 7-1 Seiran, 2-chome, Otsu, 520-8639 Japan,
Tel: + 81 77 537 1700, Fax: + 81 77 534 4967 (Type 90 Optical Components)
Nohmi Bosai Ltd http://www.nohmi.co.jp, 7-3 Kudan-Manami, 4-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 102-8277
Japan, Tel: + 81 3 3265 0231, Fax: + 81 3 3265 5348, Email: [email protected]
(Kidde-Graviner Fire Detection/Supression System)

Comprehensive information on Contractors can be found in Forecast International’s “International Contractors” series. For a detailed description,
go to www.forecastinternational.com (see Products & Samples/Governments & Industries) or call + 1 (203) 426-0800.
Contractors are invited to submit updated information to Editor, International Contractors, Forecast International, 22 Commerce Road, Newtown,
CT 06470, USA; [email protected]

Technical Data
Design Features. The Type 90 represents state-of- Armor. The armor suite of the Type 90 remains
the-art main battle tank design, comparable to the best classified. Research indicates that the armor consists of
tanks available worldwide. mixed composite/ceramic materials in multiple, possibly
spaced, layers. The Type 90 armor suite may also
Crew. Three: commander, gunner, and driver.
feature depleted uranium (DU) armor mesh integrated
with the hull and turret castings.

Dimensions. The following data reflect the production-standard Type 90 tank.

SI units U.S. units
Length 9.76 m 32.02 ft
Width 3.43 m 11.25 ft
Height 3.05 m 10.01 ft
Combat weight 49.97 tonnes 55.08 tons
Fuel capacity 1,100 liters 292.55 gal

Performance. The maximum speed and range data reflect use on a paved road.
SI units U.S. units
Maximum speed 70 kmph 43.47 mph
Maximum range 405 km 251.5 statute mi
Step 1.02 m 3.35 ft
Trench 2.71 m 8.89 ft
Slope 40% 40%
Gradient 60% 60%
Fording 2.1 m 6.89 ft

Engine. Mitsubishi 10ZG 10-cylinder, liquid-cooled, The Type 90 boasts a power-to-weight ratio superior to
two-cycle supercharged diesel engine. This 21.5-liter that of other fourth-generation main battle tanks – such
(1,312-cubic in) powerplant generates 1,118.6 kilowatts as the Challenger 2, the Leopard 2, and the M1 Abrams.
(1,500 hp), with a power-to-weight ratio of
22.39 kilowatts per tonne (27.23 hp/ton).

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Type 90

The supercharged engine employs a Roots blower and (.308 Winchester) Model 74 machine gun. Three
two exhaust-driven superchargers with an intercooler. electrically operated smoke grenade launchers mount on
The fuel system is electronically controlled. The three each side of the turret.
engine-cooling radiators feature three cooling fans,
Fire Control. The Type 90 employs an advanced fire
driven by variable-speed hydraulic drives.
control suite, featuring a neodymium yttrium-aluminum
Gearbox. An unidentified hydro-mechanical automatic garnet laser rangefinder, thermal imaging equipment,
unit with four forward and two reverse gear ratios. The laser warning devices, and extensive night vision
mechanism features an automatic lock-up clutch and devices. The gunner’s Nikon primary sight features an
oil-cooled disc brakes. The tank also features a integral neodymium yttrium-aluminum garnet laser
hydrostatically controlled, regenerative differential rangefinder and a Fujitsu thermal sensor. The sight is
steering system. stabilized in azimuth. The Type 90 has fire-on-the-move
Suspension and Running Gear. An advanced,
integrated hybrid suspension system with six dual-tired After acquisition, the gunner and commander can track
alloy roadwheels and three track return rollers on each targets manually, or by using the automatic target
side. The drive sprocket mounts to the rear. The first, tracking system. This advanced feature receives data
second, fourth, and sixth roadwheel stations mount from the thermal imaging module, stores target data,
hydro-pneumatic shock damper units; the center two and displays the thermal image at the gunner’s and
roadwheel stations mount torsion bars. The suspension commander’s stations. The gunner’s station also
system allows the tank to pitch six degrees forward or features a backup, coaxially mounted telescope. The
backward, assisting elevation and depression of the commander’s station features a Fuji dual-axis stabilized
main armament. The track is a cast-steel, single-pad, sight, which allows a 180° traverse capability, and
double-pin pattern. enables target acquisition and handoff to the gunner –
giving the Type 90 a hunter-killer capability.
Main Armament. The Rheinmetall 120mm Rh 120/44 State-of-the-Art Fire Control
smoothbore tank gun. Japan Steel Works produces this
ordnance under license from Rheinmetall Defence The heart of the Type 90 fire control system is the
(formerly Rheinmetall DeTec). This ordnance features a digital computer, which incorporates at least seven
muzzle reference system, fume extractor, and thermal sensor inputs and the automatic tracking data from the
sleeve. Elevation (15°), depression (-12°), and turret thermal imaging module. The Type 90 fire control
traverse are electrically powered with a manual backup. system is among the most advanced operational systems
in the world. Unconfirmed reports suggest the system
Mitsubishi designed and produces a bustle-mounted, may incorporate an automatic target recognition and/or
electrically operated automatic loading system for the target queuing capability. The tank also features a
Type 90. This device reportedly holds 16 rounds of laser-warning system, integrated with the smoke- and
120mm ammunition. After firing, the main armament infrared-grenade launcher. In addition to an audio
automatically returns to the index (0°) position for signal, the laser warning system includes a directional
reloading. A manually operated backup system supports display at the commander’s station.
the automatic loading system.
Secondary Armament. One 12.7x99mm (.50 caliber)
M2HB heavy machine gun mounted on the turret roof;
one coaxially mounted 7.62x51mm NATO

Variants. Mitsubishi has thus far developed two variants of the basic Type 90:
Designation Description
Type 90 ARV Armored Recovery Vehicle. Features a new superstructure, as well as a hydraulically
operated crane, dozer blade, winch, and related equipment. Entered low-rate production in
1991; between five and 26 are currently in service.

Type 91 AVLB Armored Vehicle-Launched Bridge. Mounts a military load class 60 scissors-type bridge.
The Type 91 AVLB is still in development; one prototype may exist.

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Type 90

Modernization and Retrofit Overview. Only two magnetic vehicle signature duplicator, mounted forward
significant upgrade programs are currently available for of the tank’s roller equipment.
the Type 90 tank.
The Type 90 tank can also integrate a hydraulically
Auxiliary Power Unit. Evidence indicates that the operated dozer blade and a deep-water fording kit.
Japan Defense Agency is planning to retrofit an
Potential Main Armament Retrofit. By the end of the
under-armor APU to existing Type 90 tanks. This
forecast period, the Forecast International Weapons
integration work involves the Sundstrand Power
Group expects the JGSDF may retrofit the Type 90 tank
Systems Titan engine, for which Mitsubishi Heavy
with the Rheinmetall 120mm Rh 120/55 smoothbore
Industries already has licensed-production rights (for the
tank gun, thereby keeping the Type 90 on the cutting
UH-60 Blackhawk application).
edge of main battle tank technology.
Type 90 Mineclearing Tank. This retrofit involves a
standard Type 90 tank, mounting the Type 92
mineclearing roller system. This system features a

Program Review
Background. Research began in 1976 for a new tank The turret is somewhat similar to that of the Leopard 2,
to replace the Type 74; the Japan Defense Agency first except for the Mitsubishi automatic loading system in
authorized developmental funding in 1977. Following the turret bustle. The commander sits to the right of the
development and testing of components, delivery of the main gun; the gunner sits to the left. Both stations have
first-stage prototypes (designated TK-X, then ST-C) roof hatches. The commander’s station features a
occurred in 1983. Problems with the indigenously roof-mounted sight and vision blocks for 180°
designed 120mm tank gun prompted the JDA to adopt observation. The gunner’s station features a
the Rheinmetall 120mm Rh 120/44 for all subsequent roof-mounted combined day and thermal sight with an
models. integral laser rangefinder. Either the gunner or the
commander can aim the main armament; the
Between 1987 and 1989, the JDA accepted six
commander has an overriding control.
second-stage prototypes for operational testing. Prior to
completion of the operational testing phase (in early The Type 90 features a Kidde-Graviner engine and
1991), the JDA initiated procurement of the first crew-compartment fire detection/suppression system
30 tanks (standardized and designated Type 90) in 1990. (supplied through licensee Nohmi Bossai). The tank
also features a nuclear, biological, and chemical (NBC)
One of Today’s Best protective suite and the roof-mounted SIMRAD laser
In terms of survivability, battlefield mobility, and fire warning device.
control, the Type 90 represents a significant
Member of the Rh 120 Fraternity
enhancement over the Type 74 main battle tank. Indeed,
the Type 90 is competitive with the best main battle The first two Type 90 prototypes mounted an
tanks in the world. indigenous 120mm smoothbore main armament,
developed in 1979 from the Rh 120 concept. Concurrent
Description. In general appearance, the Type 90
with the development of this ordnance, Japan developed
resembles a more compact version of the Krauss-Maffei
a new Armor Piercing Fin Stabilized Discarding Sabot
Wegmann Leopard 2 main battle tank. To what extent
(APFSDS) round with a titanium-alloy penetrator, a
this similarity indicates German-Japanese cooperation
High Explosive Anti-Tank-Fin Stabilized (HEAT-FS)
remains open to debate.
round, and a Target Practice-Tracer (TP-T) round. Even
Conventional Layout after rejecting the indigenous ordnance design in
mid-1985, the JGSDF continues to employ these
The Type 90 exhibits a conventional internal layout. indigenous munitions with the license-produced
The driver’s station – located in the left-forward hull – Rh 120/44 ordnance.
features a single-piece hatch cover and three periscopes;
the center periscope is interchangeable with a passive Mitsubishi integrated the Rh 120/44 ordnance with its
night-driving instrument. indigenous automatic loader, recoil system, and gun
mount in the Type 90 tank application.

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Type 90

Significant News
Japan Could Revise Constitution – Faced with threats from North Korea, Japan may want to launch
pre-emptive military action. Such a move, however, would require a change in Japan’s Constitution.
The ruling Liberal Democratic Party wants to pass legislation this year calling for a national referendum to revise its
pacifistic constitution. Japan’s Constitution was written by the U.S. after World War II and renounces war, stating
that military forces “will never be maintained.” Prime Minister Shinzo Abe favors changing the document during
this year’s regular parliamentary session, which starts next week. The document was last amended in 1947. That
amendment allowed Japan to create the Self-Defense Forces.
The LDP also called for solving such North Korean issues as its nuclear weapon and missile programs, and the
abductions of Japanese citizens. (Bloomberg, 1/07)
Japan’s Constitution Does Not Bar Nuclear Weapons, Says Government – The Japanese believe that
the country’s constitution allows it to possess nuclear weapons, so long as the number of weapons is kept to a
minimum level necessary for self-defense. The government also announced that it has no intention of beginning a
nuclear weapons program. ‘‘From a purely legal standpoint, even Article Nine of the constitution does not bar our
country from possessing minimum capabilities necessary for self-defence,’’ said a statement written in response to a
question posed by an independent lawmaker. ‘‘Even with nuclear weapons, we’ve understood that possessing them
would not necessarily violate the constitution as long as it is kept within such limits,’’ it said.
The statement essentially repeated a position that the government has made clear in past parliamentary debate, but it
comes at a time when the Japanese people are increasingly concerned over North Korea’s program to build nuclear
weapons and the missiles to carry them. The government is currently bound under the nuclear Non-Proliferation
Treaty not to receive or manufacture nuclear weapons, but controversy over debate on nuclear arms erupted last
month when Shoichi Nakagawa, the policy chief of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party, said Japan needs to discuss
if it should acquire nuclear weapons following North Korea’s nuclear test.
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has said repeatedly that Japan would not move toward building nuclear weapons, noting
that his government would not even discuss the topic. (Indian Government News, 11/06)
Major Change in Japanese Defense Organization – The Japanese Defense Agency will be upgraded to the
Japanese Ministry of Defense under the terms of a bill passed in the Japanese Lower House. The bill means that the
armed forces will be represented by a Cabinet-level minister, who will have the power to call for a Cabinet meeting
and present budget requests directly to the Finance Ministry. At the moment, the Japanese Defense Agency is an
affiliate of the Cabinet Office and lacks such representation.
The bill was passed by the ruling coalition of the Liberal Democratic Party, the New Komeito party, and the main
opposition Democratic Party of Japan, and was opposed by the Social Democratic Party and the Japanese
Communist Party. The proposed legislation will pass the Upper House during the current Diet session. (Xinhuanet,
Market Intelligence Service Subscribers: For additional news, go to the online E-Market Alert page located in the Intelligence Center at
www.forecastinternational.com and click on the links to the products you subscribe to.

The Japan Defense Agency, through the Japan Ground Self-Defense Force (JGSDF), funded the development and
procurement of the Type 90 main battle tank.

Contracts/Orders & Options

Other than the initial JPY36.3 billion production contract for 30 Type 90 tanks, the Japan Defense Agency has not
released any contractual information.

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Type 90

Month Year Major Development
1976 Development begun
1982-1984 Production of first-stage prototypes (with indigenous ordnance)
1985 JDA adopts Rh 120/44 ordnance
1986-1988 Production of second-generation prototypes
Sep 1987 JDA unveils Type 90 main battle tank
1989-1990 Operational testing
Jul 1991 Serial production begun
2005 Contractor completes final year of JGSDF serial production run
2007 Production dormant; available for modernization and retrofit work

Worldwide Distribution/Inventories
Export Potential. None. Japanese law precludes export sales of military hardware.
Country. Japan (6 prototypes and 300 production tanks).

Forecast Rationale
In 2005, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries reportedly While the NDPO stressed new force projection
completed the serial production run of 300 Type 90 requirements and the need for Japan to more closely
main battle tanks, exclusively for Japan Ground cooperate with its allies, the document also called for
Self-Defense Force (JGSDF) procurement. The reducing the active JGSDF main battle tank inventory
production line is now dormant. by one-third, to about 600 tanks.
Modernization and retrofit programs are ongoing. By By the time the Koizumi administration issued the
the end of the forecast period, the Forecast International NDPO, however, the final 19 Type 90 tanks were
Weapons Group expects that the JGSDF may retrofit the already in the pipeline for delivery in 2005.
Type 90 tank with the Rheinmetall 120mm Rh 120/55 Consequently, the Type 90 probably survived the cuts
smoothbore tank gun, thereby keeping the Type 90 on unscathed, as the existing JGSDF inventory of 710
the cutting edge of main battle tank technology. The Type 74 tanks will absorb the brunt of the reductions.
Type 90 will remain the primary offensive weapon of
the JGSDF throughout the forecast period. Maintaining the Current Fleet
Our ten-year production outlook reflects the fact that the
State-of-the-Art, and Unavailable
Type 90 main battle tank production line is now
As Japanese law precludes any export sales of military dormant. Given the ongoing JGSDF force reductions
hardware, there is no export potential for this tank. mandated by the recent NDPO, the likelihood of new
However, this legal limitation might actually be a JGSDF procurement is virtually nil at this point. As
blessing in disguise for the contractor; the Japanese law prohibits the export of war materiel, such
astronomically high unit price of the Type 90 would as main battle tanks, the absence of new JGSDF
easily price the Type 90 out of the international market. procurement effectively ends the Type 90 program, in
terms of new production.
Dodging the Budget Bullet
Nevertheless, ongoing modernization and retrofit work,
In December 2004, the Japanese government issued a as well as the production of spare and repair parts, will
new National Defense Program Outline (NDPO) in an maintain some level of program activity throughout the
attempt to adapt the missions of the Japan Self-Defense forecast period.
Forces (JSDF) to the post-Cold War threat environment.

Ten-Year Outlook

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Type 90

High Confidence Good Confidence Speculative

Level Level
Vehicle (Engine) thru 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 07-16
TYPE 90/TYPE 90A (a) M-12ZG 306 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total Production 306 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

(a) Production for JGSDF procurement only. The through-2005 production total includes six prototypes; production for service deliveries began in 1991.

JGSDF Type 90 Main Battle Tank

Source: EnemyForces.com

20 07 April 2007

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