LEIPOLE Cabinet Climate Control-Filter Fans

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Reliability & Innovation LEIFGLE ELECTRIC & ELECTRONIC ™ Cabinet Climate Control www.leipole.net Our company, Leipole was established in June 2001 as a manufacturer that producing plastic parts of electrical products for ABB, Siemens, and Schneider. Years later, Leipole was engaged in the design and sale of Terminal blocks, which provide interconnection of electrical systems. In 2004, we registered LEIPOLE brand to distribute terminal blocks, fan filters, transformers and panel accessories all over the world. As reputation grows by high quality and customer service from feedbacks of end users, Leipole become a well-know brand in its industrial field Leipole believes QUALITY is critical. We committed ISO9001 from paper to real work in each position in the company. From supplier audits and incoming material inspection to quality control and final packing, we take each step very carefully to assure our product quality, We have widely located our distribution offices in 34 cities in China and 10 cities or countries worldwide such as Singapore, Ho Chi Minh, Kuala Lumpur, Hong Kong Johannesburg, Istanbul, Dubai, Ecuador, Sao Paulo, Poland and Denmark. Our talented, committed and globally-connected team of associates collaborate with our clients, and with each other, to understand and respond to our customers’ needs. Our warranty policy is the better proof of our commitment to make things every day better. ‘SHANGHAI LEIPOLD ELECTRIC CO., LTD. LEIPOLE SOUTHEAST ASIA PTE. LTD. Telephone: +86-21-6915-7636 Telephone: +65 6265 0208 E-mail fo: [email protected] E-mail fo: [email protected] Address: 1569 SIYI ROAD, Address: 81 TAGORE LANE, TAG.A #03-12 SHANGHAI CHINA SINGAPORE 787502 Hitp://www.lelpele.net _S' Qvatitication : cTl eB IPUNARIATEUERS BA. Cobinet Climate Control \eroLEcecer | Nowsensor | seesfan ne Mer | FBP Sevis an one Mer FSS ere fon an fer tr i = ve a ese vonase étsfes ton and iter | FRL6svies Fan and ter | 77 Sexes Fon and Fler | FBR seis fn and iter 68 Ths. 137-143 144-150 151-185 156-161 Cabinet Top Ventilator LCLI06~LCL170 Leipole Cooler 118 / wwwleipole.net Motel Soins soe! SASL Leipole Cooler ™ is a low cost, reliable way 10 coo! and purge electronic control panels. The compact Leipole Cooler can be installed in minutes through a standard electrical knockout. Itis designed to cool dusi-tight, oibight, splash resistant, indoor/outdoor enclosures. It transfers the air from compressor and generates cold cir into the cabinet which cool down the temperature inside. * Provides clean, cold oir to sensitive electronics * No moving paris, don’ t need maintenance * Easy fo install through a standard electrical knockout * Durable aluminum construction with stainless steel vortex tube rnty Conon = Pe Hot Atom Verto Tube corpse ntsc ad “a wen ena chow ae vet Yereconaey | owns \cnoe woe ee a rvs oe |G —— roe [ae [| ERE rons = a tore nn 3 ee cea) REA rer [| ae tee | rs [ws | aie ‘ciel va] nee [| 0 | term | ma i a \ ON WE KANN We \\ Ay —— THE INOVATION OF FAN FILTERS The most simplest way to change the filter mat When the fan filter install on the cabinet, the traditional way to change the filter mat is very complicated and may take users a few hours. Now the solution is simple, for the LEIPOLE FK99 series, users only need to slide the button to open the cover, change the filter and close it ‘The whole process only need to take a few seconds. (UL ® Normally open 120 1 www.leipole.net Patent; 21 20193 0051068.9 Now you can moniter the airflow ‘The indicator on the filter shows whether the fan is blowing or out of work. It protects electronic ‘components is working under safty climate, Users can choose either normally open or normally close fans Under their requirement. Slide to open the cover aes ies SS S) — HUNN ee WINN — Yes a | NX —— | X — mae feeadiier | Recedees, | cite |Eecadtie | eto retomance Reet | Rootes | peer, |faaeine | Rea | fem —— eu aa — techeetetar me“ EOESSE ND sre ROS aos [ RON ENE] oan voce roa en SETA —— soe rT mise) ee a ee eeremeaera a SAT cao oa & er i ry Sea ee | Operaing lemperatxe ange 1b 10 +55 ce Sree OTS a Specie! velage secs can cathe Inquy of he Company wwwleipole.net / 121 a von von Fans ond fiers ext iter Fans and fiters FX 9923... a q u Technical data [Mecooraar mentor emt annie | Mess enoiore robo SYancoafon | Rote vote 7H Arto re bhving “Aiton in ome es sail on | Rote eurent fowor | nt vee) Serco te | opmsinaeonot eae fs moor: mero 1221 www.leipole.net FX 9925.300 save = Patent: 21 2018 3 0051068.9 Fons and fiters F9923.280-120.NO Drawing Fe 9923... wevvez0 20001] AepmaBINS 202802] ROPNBOM —_AOIBOIS FepPAQIOENE 2025054 | 26-1205 Fae 1208 [ 15/50/40 24(De) 105/170 "ARIF 007 ‘Atomaticaly shied pole motor 2c Motor 017/010 T e205 03 wna vans 3s 8159 ‘7Dot0 hows ot 256 / «9600 Moun a lob to +65 ‘x9P28. 5009S SOOEMC 2025,020/2028.055 Speci votlege needs con colt guy fhe Compeny Aas useve P54 SSS } [9H Potent; 71.2018 3 0051068.9 ALTOS Fans and filer: F995... muon & fans and ites |e iter | wrasre oxawing Ferformance 9928 200. FR 9925900 FABRIS ZNO-162NO FL I925. reap. pm es I i 5 F Tecnica data MoaalGrerrumbor | reason soma | wepasins —_mb.002|—_wasmaa 200 Norah eon noe PASI NO. 205 24 | ROSIN 053.05 | ORBAN 3808 Model ENGIOrder number FKPYAS.2Q04MC _2023.056 | Songer fon revo renwacxsiaw feiedvatoge Vii) _——a0ysoso—~—«dS~SCS*«ssO =; Aw: te ling zor Ae tiw Wn p0 e eo ston ‘nsaratetysiesed6 moar oc we feted cunt (a core) asia ous owen) ma “ons u ie ve eb “eis Sova ite os owt 250 14770 or 15 coer eopeove ae sob i0 st favor oor OPS MOIES.OO ENE. 203 33/20 8? temeris Sect otoge nes concatenate Company wwwleipole.net / 123 GY YUsN os NY i! - 1241 www.leipole.net Fons and fiters FX 9926.200-0... Potent; 21 2018 3 0051068.9 ALTOS PALO Fans and titers Drawing Performance FX 99262500... 9926. FK 9926-0. se ote —T 2 Technical data ‘NodeVOrder number Model EMCIOrdr number Standor fon Roted votlage (V He Artiow, tee bowing ‘Aco wth export es ‘Fon Roted curent (A) Power Noe evel (a8) sowie ito Opertig emperor ftedOrdor ruber 97262500 202504) FRAPZENIED 2025002 99262000 EMC _2025.060 26-3208-250 26-308 230780160 15/80/60 1280 myn DERPFOASCOTONGFO/m2HK972690710/1000R7A Bec copactonco 02020 oso Pd 40138 “70 7000 revs 25% / 48.000 hours a SOT otto 455% "e9P04 00/9726 00EMC 2025 040/2025.059 Special votoge needs con cat the nquy ofthe Company wwwleipole.net / 125 —— THE INOVATION OF FAN FILTERS Features This is ultr-thin type of fan filter with gasket on the back which can reach up to IPSS. It is easily install on the cabinet by snap the whole filter onto the pre-cutted hole. The user can also very change the filter mat when it needed, Design This curved-shape surface is an unique design which is to meet clients needs. It is important to have this new series to fil up the completed range of fan fier. Slide to open the cover B= / Ba BS Bs By Bs aS Wie 126 / wwwleipole.net Retordent Rating Pratng save i i a i te ul . \ Technical dete wos! x9921.290 ear2i.ni5 xo921.024 rer number 024001 | 2on4c03 ‘Stand fen 26-908-230 Faego8t15 Rotod votage (¥/ #2) 20/50/60 Aico, Hoe Blowing 2oresmein Alrow Wim expen tos 1992120018718 ‘slo Fon ‘Autoraticoly sit pole moter Carry Roted eument (A) 0077006 erze10 8 Power iw) wns was a Note eve (a8) sw ‘Operating temperate range Sot 19 +556 et toe rearaisoo _ 2024,004 Remars Special votage neecs con cal the inguy oe Coren wwwleipole.net / 127 oc uisave auras Forsonditen | Forsonaiion | Ea ier Drevin Peformence Rom Reon Reogt2 co Roe. rea § 3 q a Teetica act rr rar rama arn rer rurbe ae ry or stondsten faeia20 | aeosnng ae s24 fated votgo eH "2000 560 Dac) tow Heveg ‘sri stow ninevprtean errr eaten ‘e912 308/500 aren ‘rc le oe nr oC Tedcuret 0 amie aio a Foner ine mm as abort a comctatoneoahe ot “at onsst ter rerasto iso — ‘pac eae rea cmneal a ett me ona 128 1 www.leipole.net ni Raing Pretng as save Technical data x0928.230 Fe9723.18 ea723.024 72024009 2024010 2024011 Faei70s200 | FREIMOSNNS RE T208-26 220/80/60 50160 24100) 10571200975 ‘pererza007 am! _ara9233088/98 9 ‘Autometeat shots polo motor De wotor ‘oiza10 o2wo2s 08 one vans as 6150 aed xerza200 2024012 Speci! vologe needs con col the gut of te Compony wwwleipole.net / 129 Mote aes save Fons and fillors Fans ond fitors Bit fitor Drawing Performance F« 8925. F« 8925.230 FX 8925.200 FK 8925. FK 8925. Technical data ‘Mosel a725.290, Fe8725.118 rxavaso24 Stonderd fan F2E-1505-290 F2E-1508-118 Fe-loscxsiaw Roted vetiage (¥/H2) 00/80/60 15750760 2aI0e) Atfiow toe bowing 23072650 rark8925300170/205m/% ‘Ae fow with export iter _2eK8925. 300200122007 ‘il Fon Aviomaticaly shot pole motor DC Motor Roted curent (A) 025 0 owe Power) a 3 2 ove evel a) a ‘Opera fompertiro vanes 1010 +55 emerts ‘Special volage needs can cl neinaty of» Company 130 www.leipole.net Fons and fiters 8926. ii Fons and filers esi fiter 74 8926-230, F« 8926.300 Sot m Techical doe Node! reasz0 esas. xterra e247 24018 Sond fon 2608200 262608118 fetes vage ¥/ 50/50/60 isis ‘ton: foe Beir s00/5sonm Atom win expert Ros ‘eoearssonasaone yn Alon fcr capactonce fetes even A) ones canes Fowor 77 an Note tev ata Open toneiize oes 0b 19 s55b fa er e760 724017 forart Speci vooge reed an cat ein of he Comper wwwleipole.net / 131 mmm FK5S Series FON O00 fit, Features Design This is ult-thin type of fan filter with gasket on the FKS5 series comply with the colour RAL7032 and ‘back which can teach up to IPSS. I is easly instal RAL7035.The rang of filters are from 150mm to (on the cabinet by snap the whole filter onto the 325mm, The oir flow fs bigger than normal which pre-cutted hole. The user can also very change up to S60m?/h the filer mat when it needed. Ninn 132 www.eipole.net Centtcaton CEE UL ROHS Fans and fiters F552. ‘Avoloble color Cree number Standare fon fated votage (Ve) ‘Aiton, tee blowing [rflow With exoor Bos sal Fon Rates eurent (A) Power i) Note eve (28) perting ampere onge bat ther Remons \ NNN \ \ \ \\\\ NN \\ Avoiabie cole RAL7035 RAL7082 © Fans and titer: eatfiter Drawing Fe 5522.200 F« $522,300 Fx 5822... [ Sate om, ‘ 8 1 ess22. 200 resso2.15 xssan004 RaLosayRatross | RAL?OS2IRAL7O3S —_—RALTOSZ/RAL7OBS zor oo12011 016 | 2011,002/2017.017 | _2017.008/2011.018 25-1208-230 261205115 2606-24 30/50/60 5/50/40 ‘2a(o0) 5/66 1852250045801 a2 0048/50 ‘Automat shield pole mater De Meter or2r010 o2wo28 os ne vans as 43150 IOC 19856 'XS522.300 RAL7OS2(201|004)/RAL7035(20 1.019) ‘Special velloge eee can cal heiney oe Company wwwleipole.net / 133 Ceattieation atest Retexden! Roting ‘Pratng CEG UL ROHS 288 seve P54 ‘Available cols: RA17035 Rs ¢ es ee rename | seneramen [come | oe. reso - 8. Tee a aa = ase —| — nen | — mae | mee ee eet neue wenenern . sean aa aa i ETSTSEE erzaso 2028 eso = Power [W) ene janis 3s aa i = = suet 134 / www.leipole.net Centicaton CEG UL ROHS Fons and fiters Fx 5825.. Technical date Model ‘volte color (orter numer Starcard ton fotos voltage v/s) -Acfow, ee bowing -Aefow With exert ter ‘sol Fon fotos cument (A) Power () oe eve (o8) Operating temperate ronge it ter =f Fxss25.200 RAL7OBR/RAL7OSS £26-1508-230 2730/80/60 Reterdent Rating wave ‘Avaliable colors: 8417035 it ther FX 5525.300 Fess25.115, RAL7OS2/RAL7OSS 2011 01072011025 26150515 vs7s0/40 230/265m7h 19685525 200.170/2050"7 :6%S325.10200/ ‘Automat sid pole motor 025 080 IOC to +856 RAL7O32 © ssns.c04 eALroszinai7oss 2011 011/2011.026 FP-loncxst-8W 2 De Metae XS525.900_RAL7O3@(2011,012)/RAL7095{2011.0027) ‘Specie vlloge needs can cal eine ole Company wwwleipole.net / 135 (0 Ceattieation CEG UL ROHS Fans ond fiters FK 5526... Techical dio | Avaiable colors |r? Stns fon | Rated voltage (v / He) ‘Aron 8 owing Aiflow With exper os ssl fon | ated cuenta) Foot | nt tv Oven receive oes bar 136 / www.leipole.net Matediot Retox ing ‘Pratng a8 seve P54 ‘Avolable cole : RAL7O3S TAs Fane one men ct mer orening meaeneas0 Resse | FRSSDE ne. 2580 es18 ravonrnarose rairovarearss zona 8 con aA a9 rassuc-230 rasauc-15 sans vis srs exes. presauosorn tec copcince cans eas ea em aa wo ssf "43524500 ®AL7052(201015}/RAL7085(201 1.030) Specie! votege need con col he nquty fhe Compeny M66 SiS 1 TEES Features Design The biggest advantage of FK66 series is easy to into FK66 series comply with the colour RAL7032 and. ‘economic, and popular shape for customer to use. The RAL7035. The rang of filters are from 117mm to. {iter mats ore easily to change only need to snap out the 323mm. The air flow is up to S60m'sh. cover. wwwleipole.net / 137 138 / www.leipole.net sore cone en Catieation Ea UL ROHS Fans and filers 6621 Technical date ol ‘vote color ‘oraer numer Stongerd fon Rotod votoge [V/He) Atom, tee Blowing ‘row wth expo fiers -siolFon Fotos cument (A) ower (W) Novo leve! (ob) Operting lemperotie range bat tor romans dent Reng save Pa ‘Avolable colors: RAL7035 RaL70a2 > Fons one fiters Batter FX 6621.230 FX 6621.300 462.200 rxes21.N5 x6eat.c24 RALTOS2/RAL7035 ——_—RALTOS2/RAL7OSS —|_-RALTOSBIRAL7O38 ~701200572012.086 | 2012.006/2012087 | 2012007/2012.038 | 26925-230 FEISS F292 230/80/60 115750760 2a) 2orasm im sk 3005/18 ‘Aviomateaty shold pot moter Demeter 07/006 e210 ons ns nas “ sa OC to +55 ‘Rez 300 RAL7032{2012.008|/RAL7095(2012.097) Speci vile needs con cot the nguty the Comony Caniication tern Rating ee UL RoHS ABs wave Avcobie cole: RALTORS Raves? > Fans one titers Fons and fiter: at ter Drawing F662... FX 622.230 F« 6622.300 Fe 6822... .chnical dota rata 200 eur s essa Tiros | _WALERARALIODS _RALEDRRAOS roramnrrz00 | ~mrzovor0v2eai | soz a0 204 rae-30 Presa raetnos24 | Rates vane 7H 20/50/80 nisiso10 2410C eto Be svn Aton Win eer to pci ms satfon Aone rot oc ner | ote cuvent (a) 21010 awa ox row) wna mas as | tea an ceeaivgoneouvarree 10 tose “omer Tea 8 ATO 0 RATED ers toes vlog ree con atte ayo Corary wwwleipole.net / 139 1401 www.leipole.net Ceatiteation cE UL ROHS Fans and fiters F623... ‘Avoliabie cots: RAL7085 Technical date Model ‘Avolble color (order numer Stoncard fen fated votage (Vs) eto, tee blowing -Axfow With exert iter ‘xo Fon ates eunent (A) Power (¥) Noe eve (68) operating tamperohie range cat ter RALIOR © Fons one fiters at iter FX 6623.230 F& 6623.300 Fe4s29.200 rxee2a. nis euna.caa RAL7OB2/RAL7OSS | RALTOSRIRAL7038 —_~RAL7OSD/RAL7O38, ~gorzoiay2012.004 | a0izor4z0iz.04s | _2012.015/2012.046 26-1208-290 F26-1205-115 26 1205.24 2730/80/60 5750/40 24100) 05/1207 R448 300712 a6. 20085/9 ‘Automenicty sid pole mato De Netor 12010 e208 030 wna vans 3s 15 loco +s5e 2.076)/RAL7095(2012.47) “Spocie veltoge needs can cl hein! he Company a CE UL ROHS ‘vote ln | cx nose Sinaia ton “ted vations v4 Ao 8 Dove [etlow With expen tore ssl Fon “Kote eurent (A) rower) | nt ve Ovectng ereccise ree ba er ABs wvave ‘Avolabie colors: RAL7O3S RALIOR2 © Fans and filers at iter Drawing FX 625.230 Fx 6625.300 F« 6625... ge FKa625.220 ree405.115, xesns.024 RAL7OSR/RAL7035 | —RALPOSZ/RAL7OSS _—RALZOSZ/RAL70BS zorvi7na20« | aol201eA0I200 | _2012019/2012050, F2e-1620-200 FRE 1628-115 FP-100Cx-S-8" 7230/50/60 15/50/60, 241001 230/265 wek6428 3001702080 e525 30200250 ‘Autoratcoly sels pole moter Oc moter 026/020 oso on as 40135 oe 5/52 IOC 19 +550 Fxee25. 200 RAL7O22(20120204/RAL7095(2012.051) ‘Special volloge nee can cal he nay 0! he Compony wwwleipole.net / 141 Ee UL ROHS Fans ond fiters FK 6626... at iter Drawing FX 626.230 FK 6626.300 F« 6626.. Techalcaldcte | Available colors | exer mbar Snr fon “fotos votogs (8) Aton oe Bing Ease Airflow With exoer iors sl fon | rotea curent (a) Fowot | Not ove) Opecing onowotse ge “bat es kerr 1421 www.leipole.net x4426.220 FKes26.N5 RAL7OS2/RAL7OS5 RAL7OS2/RAL7OS worn0a1/2012052 ‘aoi.022/2012059, F26-2408-280, F2e2608-115, 7230/50/60 15/50/40 001540975 eF26 290840/39008/h 2AFR6626 OOS Boctte capacitonce amos oaioas “si? am apse 10C 10455 "44424500 RAL7052(2012.025)/RAL7O85(2012.05) Speci votoge needs con col the nquty af the Compeny Toa Fes centieaton Mote‘! ocd Rating ee UL ROHS ABs wvave Features ‘Avaliable color: Order number This design can be ited with toe fans with the sizeof 12Dmme"120mm which have more power. RaL7a3s zoi20ss ALTOS? © zor2006 Performance FK6627. titer oniy Drawing F« 6627.30 F« 6827-300 N | FK 6628 Exit Filter ony Centitcarion Matoret Retardent Rating IPraing UL RoHS Aas wave va FK6628 Economic ype of FK56 series. Thi tter con be Utea wth the fons below: The fier mate s used to prevent cust particles 10 micrors or mer, Patcing: 2 pex/pack a [non TE mea ae ee a a Salty DET FET LT | stondera aeine200 | raetaonae0 | seranoneen | tated coro (i) eianie | ans os Power (wi) we ws rl FK6628.300 wwwleipole.net / 143 fm FKL66 SCTCS FON O00 Ft aaa y v / . TDS <= \ AN \ ws ¥ Features Design This is the most common type for the users. The shape is _FKL46 series comply with the colour RAL7032 and. the same as FK6é series but with gasket on the back —_—_-RAL7035.The rang of filters are from 117mm to. which improve the protection class to IPSS according to the €N60529/10:91. 323mm. The oir flow is bigger than nermel which vp to 1350m*7h, 1441 www.leipole.net soft cote CEE UL ROHS ‘Avalabie cols: RA17035 poo fFemeramen | fomensen | cater | rowng rus Rittiiom | Rou { i é “ | i t reas rs a Ara xo eS Siraton or remeiis | rsases etd 7 as rw 206) co ‘tse ‘Aeow wth exo fers ‘iol Fon ‘otec cunent (A) Power (W) ose evel (8) Operating tamper ronge ‘eit ter Roments ‘wsR46421 300357187 ‘Astomsicaty shield pole mater De weror oorem | amo ons | nna nas 2 a8 oc toss R621 300, RAL7OS5(2013 004)/RAL7O32(2019.025) Speci! vtloge raed con cal the haut fhe Compeny wwwleipole.net / 145 Cee UL RoHS ‘usave Pe Avotianie colors: RAL7OOS raimse © farsandtites | fansondiiies | Setter rowing RL. rr esta. FL 882.900 i 62. | Hi ; E — Techical date [mesa masza230 rauans ura Aloe ct TAvasinatrna——ALONNRALTOR__RALOREALTONE | exer nar rolaonsroi9nae | 20/9eosnora0a7 | 2019607918008 Sta fon rrn0sz30 raea0s8 rasos04 eer “fotos votoos (8) 20/5040 vsis010 206) FRLaezD ‘Aro Bovina stem ctu sots | Ni aoy whee ‘ata oaainen chr ‘arate poe cr ache | ates eurent a) e210 20028 0x0 Powor [W) iene I BAS 35 | noe ve i ors neta anowctveoree woe ts |e ter Ta 0 RATER 9058 RATOALEIS temare Seca vty ned con col ena te Corny 146 J www.leipole.net 0 se Cencaton CEG UL ROHS Technical date Avoloble color (Order number Stangars ten Rated volage V/e) eto, tee Blowing efow With exon tor ‘sol Fon ates eument (A) Power (¥) Nose love (68) pertng tomperotueronge at ter ote! Protme Available colts: RAL7035 RAL7082 © Fans and fiters titer Drawing FKL 668.230 FKL 6623.30 FKL 6623. eueé23.220 re14629.115 rrussna.c24 RAW70BS/RAL702 | -RALJOSS/RAL7OS2 —|—_~RALTOSS/RAL7ON2 26-1208-290 2612051 Fae 1208 za0isoreo | —«118/50/40 aloe) 105/120 yeH44628. 3007178205 a4 3085/0 ‘Automatica sid pole motor De Netor 12010 02028 030 | wna l vans as 6150 0 10 +550 'RLG628200_RAL7085(2019.012)/RAL7082{201 9.039) “Specie volege needs can cal hein! he Company wwwleipole.net / 147 CEG UL ROHS Fans and fiter: FKL 6625... Technical date Mode! ‘Avoigble color Corser number Standars fon Rated votage (v/a) ‘Aitlow, tee blowing [Artlow With exoort Bors al Fon Rates eurent (A) Power i) Note eve (28) pertng mperotie rng ca ter Remors 148 / www.leipole.net CLIO a8 S| \ \ S j j 4 ie Fans and titer: FKL 6625.230 Avaiadie eat titer FKL 6625.200 P54 ‘colon: RAL7005 RAL?082 © Drawing FKL 6623... eu4é2s.220 Fx14625.15 reussns.c24 RaLossyeatros2 | RAL?OSS/RAL7OS2 _—RALTORS/RAL7OB2 zorsou2019019 | a0r9oasmapiao1e | —a013036/2019018 26-1620-280 Fae 1628-115, FP-10acxsi8W 2730/80/60 5/50/40 2aI00) 230/265 ‘se44425500:170/208m/ 2665 9020/2500 ‘Automatica shield poe moter De Meter 026020 ose ous a. 0s 96 ais IOC to +850 "L625. 300 RAL7O35(2015.057)/9AL7O32{2015.016) ‘pocial velloge eee can cal heinguy oe Company Cee UL ROHS Fons and fiters FKL 6626. Technical date oc! ‘Avoible color ‘order number sStonderd ton Roted votoge IV / He) Aetow, tee blowng ‘Ae tow wth expo ers ‘siolFon fotos cunent (A) ower (W) Note leve! (cb) operat temper ronge ft thor Ass ‘Avaiabi colon: RAL7035 PALO © Fans and fiters FKL 666.230 rowing, FKL 6626.. R16626.230 eL6426.115, RALrOSs/RAL7092 RALTOSS/RAL7ON2 F2e 2408-280 F2E-2400-115, "20/50/60 15/50/60 500/560 FR 6426 2003601890 a 626 MM/S ect eopactance 0297038 osioas os am 2188 10 10 +85 R626. RAL7095(z019.040)7RAL7092{2019.019) Specie volage needs can cal ine inaty of he Company wwwleipole.net / 149 —sehe- cote 1501 www.leipole.net CEG UL RoHS IE \¢ | Fans one fiters FKL 6626.. Technical date Mose! Avoicbie coon ‘Oxcor number foted votlage (V/ He) Alto, tee Blowing -Aetow vith export ier ‘io Fon ‘oted current (A) Power (w) ote ove! a) paring tompertue ance it ter rote save ee ‘Avoloble colo: RAL7OSS ALOR © Fans and fiters eerfiter Drawing FKL 6626.230-D FKL 6626.300 FKL 6626... reuss24.2200 reu6826.116. ALrOss/RAL7052 aairossyeaizose F2e-s208-230 F2e-s208-115 230750760 15/50/60, 1048/1 sé ie0m ‘FRL6426 30076978907 4.4424 500910) bcc eapectonce owas owzias rows “air 70 OC 16 +556 FRL6626. 990 RAL7035(2019.040)/RAL7032(2012.019) ‘Special vatege rec con cat the neu o he Company mms FK77 Series FON O00 Fit, \ \ il Features This is ultr-thin type of fan filter with gasket on the back which can reach up to IP43. It is easily install on the cabinet by snap the whole fiter onto the pre-cutted hole. ‘he user can also very change the filter mat when It needed. Design FK77 series comply with the colour RAL7032 and. RAL7O35.1he rang of filters are from 150mm to 325mm. The air flow is bigger than normel which vp to 1050m7/h, wwwleipole.net / 151 FK7721 pte, 152 www.leipole.net Ceattieation Cec UL RoHS as Fons an fitor: F721, Techrice! data Mode! ‘Avatabie coles (order number Rojod vatoge (v/ 2) Artow, eo blowing Nesow witnexzent tere ii Fen Rote cument (A) Power tw) Note eve (a8) pertng temperetue range at or Reman Avaliable colon: ALTOS RALOR2 © Fons and fiters et iter Drawing «721.230 F7721,300 7721 a8 Se © 1 r : § 2 a tt 1 ' 1 7721-220, rerrai.118 er7a}.024 RALrOsa/RAL7035 | RALTOBZ/RAL7OSS | RAL7OB2/RAL70B5 woraoowaor4o16 | fol4ooamov4o17 | —A01400572014078 r2e-008-290 rae-a08-i n02s4H 230750760 O10 24100) 20725min 19817721 30015718007 ‘Autometeaty shots polo motor DC Motor 08/007 ons oat iit ft 4s oes T0€ 10 +55 67721200 RAL7O90(2014004)/RAL7095/2914017) Specie votlage rect can cal he inauty of he Company CED UL ROHS Avoloble colo: RAL7O5 RALIOR © Fons and fiters Fons and fitors et fitor Drawing F772. FK7722.230 FK7722.300 F772, Technical date os rerma200 romans erro Avotoble colon RALTORIRAL7OSS_|_-RALONRIRAL7OGS _—_—RAL7ONRIRALIORS order number or4cos/an140%0 | _01A006/RO14021 | _2014007/2014072 Stondoraton 1208-200 106-115 26120524 FGISTTED Ried votogn (4) 50/5160 15/80/60 2400) RIT Ar tow, te Bowing 5/64 ‘A ow Wi epost ter eee 2 scalFon ‘Automatica soit ot motor De motor g fotea cont [A orzo oan oso ~ Power (W) wna qanis as | Note ev! 8) ‘2150 5, | Geetha enperaverenge “TOC 14556 a ees! | it ter ran RAL7092(2014.00e/RAL7E95(2014.025) i= Remarks: Specio! vollage needs can call the inquiry of the Company wwwleipole.net / 153 Performance °K 7725. — sete soe 1541 www.leipole.net Centication (CEG UL ROHS Techricel data Mode! ‘votabie colors (order number Rotod votage (v/ 2) Atow, tee blowing [Ne tow with exert ter al Fon Rote cument (A) Power tu) Note eve (a8) pering temportue range at fee Reman as Avatoble cols: RALTOSS PALO © Fons and iter: at fiter brewing F«7725:290 FK7725.300 RTM Re g ? re772s.220 rerr2s.118, x7735.024 RaLrosa/RAL70as | RAL7OR2/RAL7OS5 | RAL7OS2/RAL70B5 woiaoos/ioi4oz | aor4o10m=014G25 | —014011/2014026 F2e-1628-200 FP-108X-SL8 30/80/60 24100) 23072657 19647725 300170720500/ 24807728 300 2007230 ‘Avot shots poo motor DC Note 026/020 oso or iss ors u asst 10€ 10 +55 '57795.200 RAL7O092(20\4.012)/RAL7O95/2914027) Special volage reeds can cal he nay of he Company Centtcaton CED UL ROHS Rating wave ‘Avaliable cots: RAL7035 PALO © Fons and fiters Fons and fiters it iter Drawing F7726. FK7726.280 FK7726.200 F726... Technical date | voxel ‘nvotabe col | Orcer number Stanger fon | fotos viene Iv Ae tow, tee biowng ‘Ke fow wth exporters ‘st Fon |e cum owe | ove peng orowtueronve | or rome.nis RALTOSRIRALTONS 2014 014/2014.029 FI26-250,A 15/50/60 726.220 RALTOSRIRALTORS 2014013/2014.0%8 FI26-250,A 1230/50/60 10207105007" 1547726280: 880m7 24807726 230820680907 pectic capactance enzo rssrieo 088 err 10¢ 10 +55 "17726300 RAL7OS2|20\4.015)/RALTO95/20\4 030) ‘Special volage need can cal he inasty of he Company wwwleipole.net / 155 mae FB98 Series fON ON fitC, 4 He Features Design This is @ new generation of vitra-thin filter Ventilator. Users can only purchase exit filters to match with different size of fans which give them ‘more varity of options to choose. F898 series comply with the colour RAL7032 ond. RAL7035. The rang of filters are from 148mm to 820mm. The ir low is up to 1020m3/n, 156 / www.leipole.net FB9803 Performance 8 9803... Centtcaton Moterio RelerdentRatiog ‘ete cee UL RoHS Aas wave Avalobe colo: RAL7035 Dimensions Ravrosa Technical date Model/Stander tan 99808/1205-230 F89803/1208-280 FBPEOS/120S-115 | FB9803/1208-15, Avolole color AL7ORD/RALTORS | RAL7ORD/RAL7ORS | RAL7OGQNRAL7ORS | RALTOBNRAL7ORS Orde: number 2016.0062016037 | 2016007016088 | 1400801603 | 2016009201640 ota votlage VF) 23050160, 5780760 -Aéfow, tee blowing 105712074 Mita eatin, ars9037/62m8 ow wih expo 2eR980385/980° ‘Rialto ‘Alomaticaly shield poe moter ‘ted curent (A) o12.10 28078 Power (W) wi ens Nose level 8) 150 ‘Opera temperohie range OE 10 #55 sit ter Fx9802_RAL7032(2016 001 /RAL7095(2016 022) remarks Specie vologe neecs can cal he inauiy of he Comeany wwwleipole.net / 157 158 / www.leipole.net centicaion Cea UL RoHS Mates sent Rating usave ve54 Dimensions ‘Avcloble colo: RAL7OSS Rave © Technical date ‘Model/Stondaré fon Avloble color Order number Roted votoge (¥/ e) Alri, Blowing ‘Air tow With expat Ber Roted curent (A) Power) Noise love (8) pering tempera ranes st fier Remarks Fa9e04/1208-290 | Fa9e04/1s0s-290 |FB9e04/1205-115 | FB9804/1505.115 Fa7e04/1208-280 F89804/1808-290 FBPBD4/I 208-115 FaP804/1508-115, BALTOSD/RALIORS | RALTOZIRALIOSS | PALPOSRIRALTORE | RALTORAIRALTONS Beigel vaoleoe |oleolsvasieoes |aolealsaaleets | BOIS ISO 2530/50/60 15/50/60. 20/126m%m ‘ne 900671182mm 2896068598089 Aviomaticoly sek polo motor 0.20.10 025 024/023 a ano se 91s * 0 38 20 s OE to +550 Fa4 RAL7O32|2014 002)/RAL7OR5(2016 099) Speci! vllage need con calle inguty of he Compeny FB9805 Centcation Cee UL ROHS Relerdent Rating as wave Dimensions Technical date ‘alot color oer numer fotesvotoge |v /He) Av fow free bowing Performance Ae Fow With expo ers fotos coment (A) Powe (W) Nose level 8) opera lemperoie gs ait ster aft as | Model/stondera ton ‘Avoloble colo: RALTOSS RaW7Os2 © E 99605/1505-115, 787605/1508-115, Fs ¥99e0s/2208-220, 09 805/2208-115 99005) 1508230 737808/1508-250 AL703D RAL7ORS | RALOSD/RAL7ORS | RALTORNRAL7ORS | RALTOBZRAL7ERS roveoisra01608 ieieon/aniss Pove.czorao160st | 201422016052 Bisouaraieoss 2016.07/2016054 23050160 15980760 90/2200 _s9808:70/205r 2892052107285 ‘Automatica shield poo moter 025038 04s os 0s aso “ou 6 “es 516s DE 10 +85 Fomois Specie volage need: can cal the inaiy ofthe Company FR9E0S_RAL7032(2016 03)/8AL7095(2016.034) wwwleipole.net / 159 FB9806 po a a a a 2 { kansas eas eae act t se 160 www.leipole.net CEG UL ROHS Dimensions Technica! data ModelStondors tan Avoiable color Order number Roted votoge (¥/ 2) ‘iow, tes Bowing ‘Ne tow with expert ter izle Rote cument (A) ewer (m) Note eve (a8) pein lemperciuernge at for Remar a8 seve P54 ‘Aveloble colo: RAL7O3S RaL7os2 © Fn9006/2508-230 | F7606/1505-115 | Fa9604/2808-115 230 Fa9eas/is08-15 ALTaRRIRAL705 | RAL7OR/RAL7ORS | RAL7OR/RALTORE ‘zoiecaaao14s | ov4.c2ere0i60s7 | 0160272014058 | 2016022016060 Biessfaoisoss pisomraoieast 230/80"60 nsysoreo 960710200 e904 85/2057 2199806218/29008/n ‘Aioraticaly std pole meter o2so2s o2siozs 028 owayoss oasiass 050 sess s5ia8 wo a3 468 8 TSH a2 FR9ED6_RAL70B2(2016.004)/RAL7ORS(2016.095) Special vologe needs con cal the nquty af the Company Centication Materia Relordent Rating wave P58 Cee UL ROHS ‘Avaloble color: RAL72S RAL7O82 © Dimensions Technical date Mone! Fave07 Order number RAL7092|20\6.005)/RALTO85|2014.004) etloctive wing oom ‘Maximum wind speod 20m/sec Dist removal 208 Pressure Loss Ronge 67-20 nicH.H40 Indoor 10%aste vse ot the fon can be Insoec £2£-1208-230 three fans, £25-1208-220 tree sts of fans, whieh characterees by he instalation af aniembly, goed lana, widely appieabie. Do nol use pneumalie lake eins one otnr igh forque apparaivs. wwwleipole.net / 161, Introduction of foreign advanced technology. our company research and development on top of the cabinet exhaust fan, this product is 0 potent product, Using the exhaust fan on top Iso prerequisite: the ambient temperature is lower than the requited temperature within the cabinet. Features Powerful centrifugal exnous! fan on top of the main fo he ciseherge of heat loos for moximum efficiency. Can avoid using Cceniitugal fon blower exhaust oxsinary magnetic shielding properties of ine {formation of the cyclone vortex, but also reduce the fiction between a and noise. Fk series of air inlet ventilation using nt moisture and dust Design Centritugel exhoust fon on top of unigue, ‘beautiful, good function, the srueture it more reosoneble, do not foke up interior space, through its uniave design so thot it ‘can bes! apply the requirements of the ‘market tedey. Power cure FRE. Second generation rae 220-230-08 26728:210.08 Fist generotion F2E190-230-05 rae 2z0-200.05 26725230008, Sy Top cobine! opening Fo Mode! |oxserrumber Faeis0-200-05 | 2917001 Faeza020008 | 2017-002 ae72523008 | 2017.008, ‘Model [eecernumber FaEi902900° | 2017004 raez202900° | 2017.008 Technical dato an fe 100285, 128 ‘sorass) 125 ‘srora95) 125 oe |G | mm | 3 [ex [ei] eit 575/890 375/818 358308 100158 78 10 100 ‘575/800 375/818 358/308, 100 | 158 7810 100 575/800 375/315|355/308 100 | 158 78-10 100 2268 904 195/78 15 | 7 2268 904 1957815 | 7 768 v4 195/78 15 | 7 Jer mevonoose | remo2woue | rns a0our feted votoge _0ys7e0 |Atow fe Hong Eo aeoretm a7 fi tow Tez vag ‘wen ‘iin ot te ‘sinn oer snr |r ci capactonce feted cant (A eawose aan ears |p ans 370 vawate oe tv (8) eu om rw | cow enbwotire rae toto see io one emorks The number of ent Mo szo occering othe space cumstances 1621 www.leipole.net Introduction of foreign advanced technology, our company research ‘and development on top of the cabinet exhaust fan, this product is 0 patent product. Internal Using the exhaust tan on top is @ prerequisite: the ambient temperature is ower than the required temperctre within tne cabinet. Feowres Powertl centiftugal exnaust fon on top of ‘the main tothe discharge of heat load for moximum efficiency. Can avoid using Centitugal fon blower exhaust ordinary ‘magnetic shielding properties of the {formation of the cycione vortex. But also reduce the tition between a¥ ond noise, FK series of cit inlet ventilation using cascade, 10 prevent moisiore ond dust ‘tom entering Design | Centitugal exhoust fon on top of uniaue, beautiful, good function, the structure is ‘more reasonable, do not fake up interior space, through is unique design so that it ‘can best opply the requirements of the ‘marke! today. Centicaton a F2E new generation of Cabinet top ventilator Patent No. 147456 2e190250.05° FRE 20-23008" FRE 225 23009" Technical data mode! ‘Order number Roted voltage (v Hi) Air ow. toe biowing ‘ie tow ‘with ext ters sie Fon fated eunent (A) ower 1m) Noize lve! (a8) ‘Operating emperatue noe © ° . F s too) 1072s | 9s or 1 1072S |S or Faeie0-ze0-psP | F2e220-290-05P | _F2E226-200-DsP 790/50160 SToNez0m/5 840/700m% 120071340m 7m 626 300 "K626 200 6626300 4587196007 28/5200 360)1072m/% ect capectonce sans 590 1299200 eee or rare 0 0 55 0b we The rune of ciel, sue according othe specie cteumstonces wwwleipole.net / 163 Equipments Show room| Plastic injection Electical puke V 18.01

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